Heating by the sun with your own hands. Solar heating systems for a private house: is there any benefit

  • 23.06.2020

The energy of the sun, which gives us light, electricity, heat, is rapidly gaining more and more frontiers. No one will be surprised by various solar-powered devices and devices, home helium power plants, various lamps, street garlands, traffic lights powered by sunlight.

And of course, the logical direction of using solar energy was to use it for heating, heating water not only in a single private house, but also in large houses, in public buildings.

Of course, solar systems are not able to provide round-the-clock operation for heating water. But they are able to replace traditional fossil energy sources - oil, gas, coal - during daylight hours. Since solar heating does not require the consumption of raw materials, there are no harmful emissions into the atmosphere, no environmental pollution.

Therefore, the use of solar energy for heating residential buildings, hot water supply will become increasingly important every year against the background of the expected increase in prices for oil, gas, coal.

Solar heating system

In the simplest case, a solar heating system consists of one or more solar collectors connected in a closed circuit with heating fittings - batteries or pipes laid in the floor. In this case, the batteries or floor pipes must be above the collectors.

Then the water heated in the collectors, according to the laws of convection, will rise to the heating sections, and the cold water will descend to the collectors. Batteries or pipes hidden in the floor heat up and thus, without any additional devices, the room is heated.

The simplest scheme of solar heating

But this is precisely the simplest scheme that explains the principle of building a system. In reality, solar heating at home involves the installation of a much more complex system. Before buying solar water heaters or making them yourself, you need to determine what area you need to heat, which home heating system is most suitable for these purposes.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that none of the helium systems will be able to provide round-the-clock operation. To heat the premises at night, it will be necessary to use traditional means of heating, working on one of the fossil energy carriers.

Typical scheme of solar heating and hot water supply

For a small house with one or two rooms, an air heating system from solar collectors can be used. In such installations, air is used as a heat carrier, which, heated in the collector system, enters the heated room through air ducts. Cooled air from this room enters the collector.

Scheme of solar air heating

As for solar heating systems with a liquid heat carrier, in principle they are all built in the same way. The difference lies in the type of collectors used to heat the coolant.

The standard kit consists of manifolds, a storage tank with two heat exchangers (one connected to the manifolds, the other to an additional heater). The storage tank must be provided with good thermal insulation. The circulation of the coolant and water in the heating system is maintained by the pumping group.

flat collector heating system

The design of a flat collector is so simple that it can be freely made by hand. This device is a box, inside of which an adsorber, pipes with a heat carrier, and thermal insulation are placed. For its manufacture does not require any special materials. All components are quite affordable. These are boards, fiberboard, wooden bars, roofing iron, foam plastic, copper pipes, tempered glass, sealing materials, heat-resistant black paint.

So well put together homemade device able to heat the coolant in stagnation mode up to 150°C. As a rule, water is poured into the system with the addition of antifreeze in such a proportion that this solution does not freeze in winter at night when the solar collector is not working.

Industrial flat collector

The collector or collector batteries are installed in such a way as to provide maximum illumination of them by the sun. As a rule, this is the south side of the roof of the house. The heat carrier circulating in the circuit of the device is supplied by a pump to the heat exchanger located at the bottom of the storage tank. Continuously circulating in this system, the coolant heats the water in the boiler up to 50°C - 60°C, which is quite enough to heat the living quarters.

Flat solar collectors on the roof of a hotel and a private house

To ensure a continuous supply of heat to residential premises at night, a backup water heating system is installed that runs on traditional energy sources - gas, electricity, coal, wood. The coolant circulating in the backup system enters the heat exchanger located above the main one.

This ensures the heating of water in the boiler and a continuous heating cycle. If the backup heating system, working on coal and wood, can only be started manually, then gas and electrical system can be switched on automatically, under the control of a special control unit.

Heating system with vacuum manifold

This system differs from the previous one only in the design of the collector. In this device, vacuum tubes are used to heat the coolant. In essence, these vacuum tubes are a modified Dewar.

A double glass tube in which air is evacuated from the interstitial space. This ensures reliable thermal insulation of the inner tube. The inner tube contains an adsorber and a copper pipe, the upper end of which has a slightly larger diameter than the pipe itself, and is sealed. The pipe is first filled with a low-boiling liquid.

Under the influence of solar radiation, the tube heats up, the liquid in it begins to boil, the vapor rises into the tip. There he gives up his heat, returns to the liquid state and flows down according to the laws of convection. This process continues continuously, while heating the tip to 250°C -280°C. Fifteen to twenty such tubes are mounted in a single structure - a collector. The tips are inserted into the pipe through which the coolant circulates. The heat carrier is heated up to 60°С - 80°С and fed into the boiler heat exchanger.

Diagram of a vacuum tube

The vacuum manifold itself is installed obliquely to ensure free circulation of liquid in copper tubes. With the exception of the collector, this heating system is no different from a flat-plate collector system.

Vacuum collectors on the roof of the house

Heating system with parabolic trough mirror

Such a device is the most bulky and difficult to operate design. This is a long (several meters) mirror, curved into a parabola. You can make such a mirror yourself by bending, for example, a sheet of plywood and pasting it on the inside with aluminum foil.

Such a parabolic-cylindrical mirror is mounted on a stable frame. A long pipe is installed at the focus of the mirror, through which the coolant circulates. If the focus of the mirror is correctly determined and the pipe is installed in this focus, the temperature along the heating line of the pipe can reach 250°C - 300°C. But this is subject to correct installation and orientation of the mirror to the sun.

Parabolic cylindrical mirror collector

The last condition is very important, since if the mirror is not properly oriented, the heating power is lost, and the temperature on the pipe drops significantly. To prevent this from happening, the installation with a parabolic trough mirror must be equipped with a tracking device with an actuator.

The tracking device will track the position of the sun and orient the mirror in the vertical and horizontal planes accordingly. This greatly complicates and, consequently, increases the cost of the design.

If, in addition to solar collectors, a set of solar panels is also installed to supply the house with electricity, then as a result, you can get an absolutely autonomous energy supply for the house, which does not depend on the general power supply networks.

Vacuum collectors and helium photovoltaic cells

The sun will supply the house with electricity and heat, and at night the electricity accumulated during daylight hours will heat the water in the backup heating system. The control unit will monitor the timely switching on and off of the necessary devices, regulate the temperature inside the premises. And it's not a distant future. This is already working.

In most regions of Russia, huge amounts are spent on heating residential buildings. This forces homeowners to look for additional opportunities in this area. The energy of solar radiation is environmentally friendly and free heat. Applying modern technologies, you can use solar energy for space heating in the regions of central and southern Russia.

Possibilities of modern technologies

The surface of the earth receives a different amount of solar energy, it all depends on the location of the territory relative to the equator and the season. For example, in the Arctic, the sun is much less than in the equatorial part. In addition, solar radiation is more intense in summer than in winter period. When calculating the average values, experts determined that in one hour square meter Earth's surface receives about 160 watts of solar energy. Modern systems They are characterized by high productivity, which made it possible to use the energy of solar radiation almost anywhere.

To obtain maximum efficiency when using solar energy, two methods are used:

  • Direct heating of thermal collectors. Direct sunlight heats the thermal collectors, which in turn transfer heat to the liquid in the heating circuit and the hot water supply system. Thermal collectors can be open and closed type may be flat or spherical. The thermal energy received from the collectors can be used to heat the working medium in the water supply system and the coolant in the heating system.
  • The use of solar panels. In this case, solar energy is converted into electricity, which is subsequently transmitted to the consumer through a special system.

The development of solutions for the collection, accumulation and use of solar energy is progressing quite rapidly. However, there are many positives and negatives in this area.

Advantages and disadvantages of using solar collectors and batteries

The main advantage in using solar heating systems is the general availability. In second place is the absence of emissions. Solar energy is considered the most environmentally friendly and natural form of energy.

In addition, the operation of solar panels and collectors is quiet, and the location on the roof of the building saves usable space.

The main inconvenience in the use of solar energy for the home, consumers experience from intermittent lighting. For example, at night there is no possibility of collecting energy, and in winter time when required a large number of warm, daylight hours are short.

In addition, it is necessary to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the panels so as not to reduce the coefficient useful action. It should also be noted that depreciation of equipment, work circulation pump and control electronics requires constant costs.

Solar collectors of open type

The design of open solar collectors is made in the form of a system of tubes, unprotected from external influences. Inside this system, a coolant circulates, which is heated directly from the sun's rays. The tubes are fixed on the carrier panel in the form of a snake or with parallel stacking of rows and exit to the branch pipe. The tubes can be filled with water, gas, air or antifreeze.

The simple design and lack of insulation makes open collectors affordable for almost all consumers. In addition, home craftsmen have the opportunity to make solar heating of a private house with their own hands.

The lack of insulation on the tubes of the system does not allow to store the received solar energy, therefore, such systems have a very low efficiency. Their main use is for heating water in pools and showers in the summer. Most often collectors open type are used by residents of warm and sunny regions, where the temperature of the air and heated water does not have significant differences. The highest efficiency of work was noted in sunny weather in the absence of wind.

Solar collectors of tubular type

To assemble a tubular solar collector, separate tubes filled with water, gas or steam are used. This design is one of the types of open solar systems, but with a more coolant, more protected from the negative effects of external factors. This includes vacuum installations, arranged according to the principle of a thermos.

In a tubular solar collector, the tubes are arranged in parallel with individual connections to common system. This allows you to replace a failed tube with a new element without compromising the operation of the entire structure. In addition, the system can be assembled directly on the roof of the building, which greatly simplifies the installation process.

The main advantage of a tubular solar collector is the cylindrical shape of the main elements. Thanks to this, solar energy is collected throughout the daylight hours, and this does not require the installation of additional devices that monitor the movement of the sun.

Depending on the design features solar collectors are divided into two types: feather and coaxial.

Tubes of coaxial type have some resemblance to a conventional thermos. Their design consists of two flasks with air pumped out between them. The surface inside the first flask is coated with a highly selective substance that is able to absorb solar energy to the maximum. It is this layer that serves as a kind of conductor of thermal energy to the internal heat exchanger, consisting of aluminum plates. However, this stage is characterized by a large number of unwanted heat losses.

Feather-type tubes are made of glass and have a cylindrical shape; a feather absorber is located inside the glass cylinder. The absence of air inside the tube significantly increases the thermal insulation characteristics. The amount of heat transferred from the absorber is practically not reduced, therefore, the efficiency of such collectors is much higher.

Heat transfer is carried out by a direct-flow system and by means of a thermotube.

A thermotube is a sealed container, inside which an evaporating liquid is poured, which is most often water under low pressure. Heated from the inner walls of the container or feather absorber, the liquid boils, and its vapors rise up. After the transfer of thermal energy to the coolant of the heating system or hot water supply, the vapor condenses into a liquid, which flows down the walls.

The direct-flow system is a U-shaped tube with a coolant circulating inside.

A cold coolant is located in one half of the tube, and a heated liquid is discharged through the second part. When the temperature rises, the coolant expands, and it enters the storage tank to ensure natural circulation.

The main condition for the location of the thermotube and direct-flow system is the creation of a certain angle of inclination, which should not be less than 20 degrees.

Direct-flow systems are characterized by the greatest efficiency, since the coolant is directly heated in them.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating systems

Like any system, tubular solar collectors have their pros and cons. The advantages of the system include the following:

  • Minor heat loss.
  • Possibility of use at rather low air temperature, up to -30 degrees.
  • High efficiency throughout the daylight hours.
  • High performance performance in regions with cold and temperate climates.
  • Low windage, which is explained by the fact that tubular systems pass through themselves the main amount of air masses.
  • The ability to heat the coolant to a high temperature.
  • Long service life.

Of the shortcomings of the system, the following attracts special attention:

  • The system is not capable of clearing snow, ice and frost on its own.
  • High price level.

As for the high cost, it should be noted here that tubular collectors pay off in a fairly short time.

Closed flat solar collectors

The design of the flat collector is aluminum frame with a special absorbent layer and a transparent coating. It also includes piping and insulation.

The absorbent layer is blackened copper sheet with excellent thermal conductivity, ideal for building solar systems. The absorber absorbs the energy of solar radiation and transfers it to the coolant, which circulates through the adjacent pipeline.

The outer part of the panel is protected by a transparent coating, for the manufacture of which tempered glass is used, resistant to mechanical damage. This allows you to create reliable protection from the city. The bandwidth of such glass is 0.4-1.8 microns, which is sufficient for maximum solar radiation. Inner side the panel has a good heat-insulating layer.

Closed flat panels have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Simple construction.
  • High efficiency when used in warm regions.
  • The presence of a device for changing the angle of the panel, allowing you to choose the optimal location of the structure.
  • Self-cleaning of frost and snow.
  • Acceptable cost.
  • Long service life, high-quality products can last up to half a century.

If the use of the system was included in the design of the building, then in this case, you can get a big benefit.

Of the shortcomings, attention is drawn to the following:

  • High heat loss.
  • Quite a large mass of the structure.
  • High windage of inclined panels.
  • Low performance with temperature changes up to 40 degrees.

Scope of flat closed panels for heating a house with solar panels is wide enough:

  • In summer, the systems fully meet the needs for hot water.
  • Between heating seasons they are able to replace gas heating appliances and electric heaters.

Comparative characteristics of some types of solar collectors

The main characteristic of any solar collector is its performance. Depending on the design features and the temperature difference, the efficiency of the system is determined. it should be taken into account that the cost of flat-plate collectors is much lower than that of tubular systems.

When choosing a solar collector, you should carefully study the parameters on which the efficiency of solar water heating and the power of the structure depend.

Solar collectors have a number of rather important characteristics:

  • The ratio of the total and absorbed energy of solar radiation can be determined from the adsorption coefficient.
  • The ratio of the amount of transferred heat and absorbed energy is determined by the emission factor.
  • The ratio of the total and aperture area.
  • Efficiency.

The aperture area should be understood as the working area of ​​the collector. Flat-type systems are characterized by the maximum values ​​of this indicator. The aperture area corresponds to the area of ​​the absorbent layer.

Ways to connect to the heating system

One of the disadvantages of solar collectors is the impossibility of a constant supply of energy. Therefore, when connecting, it is important to choose a system that is capable of operating in a limited mode.

In the regions of central Russia, solar collectors are used as an additional source of heat, as they do not guarantee a constant flow of energy. Connecting solar collectors and batteries to a functioning heating and hot water supply system has some differences that must be taken into account.

Connection of heat collectors

The connection scheme is determined by the direct purpose of the structure, most often two options are used:

  • For heating water in the summer.
  • For heating the coolant in winter in heating and hot water systems.

The first option is distinguished by its simplicity, its operation is based on the natural movement of the coolant. Therefore, such a scheme for the use of solar energy for a private house can be used without a circulation pump. The principle of operation is as follows: when heated by sunlight, the water in the collector expands and enters the storage tank. A cold liquid is sucked in to replace the outgoing water.

However, it should be borne in mind that for greater efficiency of the system with natural circulation, it is necessary to create a certain angle of inclination. In addition, it is important to place storage tank for more high level than a solar collector.

To maintain a high temperature of the coolant, the storage tank requires additional thermal insulation.

The most efficient operation of a solar collector requires the use of more complex scheme connections.

A non-freezing coolant is poured into the system and a circulation pump is inserted. To control its operation, a controller is installed and temperature sensors. The first sensor shows the temperature of the water in the storage tank, the second sensor is installed on the pipe supplying the hot coolant from the solar collector. Such a scheme works according to the following principle: when the water in the tank is heated above the specified parameters, the circulation pump is turned off, and the movement of the coolant stops. When the temperature drops to the control values, the controller turns on the heating boiler.

How solar panels are connected

The solar collector connection scheme, in which the energy of solar radiation is accumulated, cannot be used to connect solar panels. In this case, you will have to additionally install an expensive battery pack. Therefore, another option must be used.

Energy from the solar panels is transferred to the charge controller, which is designed to constantly supply energy to the batteries and stabilize the voltage. When electricity is supplied to the inverter, the direct current is converted into alternating single-phase current 220 V.

Getting a universal type of energy for heating a house from the sun makes solar panels more profitable, but do not forget about the lower efficiency of this system. It should also be noted that the solar collector cannot store energy, as solar panels do.

Power calculation

To profitably use solar collectors, it is important to consider the following recommendations from manufacturers:

  • The system should provide hot water only by 70%.
  • No more than 30% of energy can enter the heating system from solar collectors.

Only in this case it is possible to achieve savings in heating and hot water supply costs by almost 40%.

When calculating the power of the collector for heating a house with solar energy, one should also take into account the location of the system, the angle of the panels and the average annual temperature in the region.

The development of new technologies in alternative energy has prompted people to think about their application in Everyday life. Recently, the use of solar energy has been growing in popularity.

Abroad, this heating method has long supplanted the traditional one. Especially now the cost of heat supply to houses is increasing. And heating from the sun does not require payment every month. A solar battery for a summer residence is a productive way to reduce costs in the summer.

Living in an apartment, many people think about installing such a system in country house. After all, it will require investments only at the initial stage. The service life can reach a quarter of a century. A payback this method will be achieved within three years.

Solar energy used for heating can be converted by two types of equipment:

  • batteries - produce electricity, which then goes to the electrical equipment;
  • collectors - in them the heat carrier (liquid) is heated, which gives off its heat.

The solar collector for heating can be connected to an existing heat supply system. You can also heat water with this device.

Advantages and disadvantages

The heat supply provided by light has the following positive qualities:

  • fuel costs are reduced;
  • source inexhaustibility;
  • ecological purity of energy;
  • ease of use;
  • independence from world problems;
  • free use;
  • the possibility of installing additional devices;
  • noiselessness of work;
  • long service life.

But solar heating has a number of disadvantages:

  • high costs during installation and installation;
  • the need for placement on the south side of the house;
  • important is the territorial location of the object where solar panels for the house will be installed;
  • durable roof surface due to heavy weight;
  • in winter, the effectiveness of work decreases;
  • accurate calculation is required during installation;
  • compatibility with other heating methods to guarantee a constant supply of heat.

Battery device

Installations are best placed on the south side of the house so that the beam flow is maximum. The batteries on the roof should be placed at an angle that corresponds to 30°.

Heating with solar panels involves the appearance of voltage under the influence of light. The voltage is then applied to other objects. They are equipped with a battery that stores energy and then releases it in cloudy weather.

Batteries consist of:

  • an outer transparent panel inside which water or air moves;
  • a black metal platform that absorbs rays;
  • storage tank containing heated water or gas.

The solar heating system includes the main components:

  • ordinary converter;
  • DC to AC converter;
  • sensor for adjusting the charge level;
  • battery;
  • power selection mechanism.

Solar panels on the roof are mainly used to generate electricity. Therefore, this method is combined with the electric method of supplying heat in the house, as well as where there are underfloor heating. When choosing to heat your home with powerful models, you can still get power for heating water.

Collector device

Solar collectors for heating involve the conversion of thermal energy. The heat carrier under the influence of light heats up and further gives off heat. The efficiency of the heat received from solar collectors depends on the amount of luminous flux, and affects the heating.

Types of collectors:

  • antifreeze is used as a coolant;
  • air is used as a heat carrier.

If a heat transfer fluid is used, then a distinction is made between flat and tubular collectors.

Flat collectors consist of:

  • absorber - absorbs light rays;
  • transparent layer;
  • surface with heat insulation.

Flat-plate collectors are equipped with serpentine tubes. The tubes have two holes - inlet and outlet. Connection from one or two branch pipes is possible.

Tubular collectors, like flat ones, contain tubes through which the coolant moves. Tubular collectors are supplied with two categories of tubes. The first category is coxal. Their design consists of a tube placed in another tube. And the ends of both are soldered. There is a vacuum between the walls. The second category is feather, consisting of one tube. It contains an adsorber feather bar.

Air collectors involve air transfer of heat. The air flow can be adjusted according to the room temperature and the heating level of the collector. The air from the collector has a direct opportunity to enter the room or ventilation system. Air collectors are suitable for heating a garage or summer house. They are usually wall mounted.

Selecting the type of heating

How to choose a solar battery for the home - this question is of interest to many who wish to purchase this type of heat supply for their home. For southern regions, it is better to choose a flat type of collector, since under such conditions the installation efficiency will be higher.

Territories where a cold climate prevails, it is better to use a tubular solar collector for heating a house. These heaters can be selected according to the substance in the thermal channel, which will suit the climate of the area.

Air collectors serve as auxiliary solar equipment for heating. They are well heated by the sun, but in cloudy weather there are problems. Solar systems of this type perfectly absorb energy in winter, when the rays are still reflected from the snow. Thus, it is possible to choose solar panels taking into account the purposes of application and climatic conditions.

solar systems battery-powered heating systems are most often used when interacting with other types of heating devices powered by electricity. Solar panels can be combined with electric batteries and get additional electricity for summer cottages. Although solar systems for heating in this case will require a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

This equipment can be placed on the roof. At the same time, the installation of solar panels on the roof requires either its alteration, or the replacement of any part with heater plates. You can select heaters that look similar to roofing material. Another of the selectable solar panels can be completely replaced by a small roof.

Installation of solar panels includes the main stages:

  • the panel is installed on the roof of the house;
  • a controller is placed on some wall (for low-voltage devices);
  • battery installation;
  • connection of the inverter (for high-voltage devices).

Solar systems for heating the house must be installed with the help of special qualified services.

The solar heating system in winter can be cleared of snow with a special brush.

There are many opinions about the fact that solar heaters take too long to pay off and have low efficiency. Despite this, there are more and more people who use solar panels for home heating, complete with other sources. After all, many seek to save money thanks to solar systems in such an unstable economic situation. A heater in the country, powered by solar panels, reduces many costs.

In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to green energy and there are several reasons for this, this is the struggle for the ecology of the world around us, and the decrease in world reserves of traditional fuels such as coal, oil and gas. In addition, having a plant operating on renewable energy sources (solar, wind, water and earth energy), you can create a completely independent system, the operation of which will not depend on energy supply organizations.

solar heating private house it is one of the ways to use the energy of the sun, which by converting into special devices transferred to the coolant circulating in the heating system.

Device types

To convert solar energy into thermal energy, special technical devices called collectors are used. Depending on the design, they can be divided into two types, these are:

  1. Flat-plate collectors - this design is based on a flat box, closed on the outside with glass, in which tubes are placed through which the coolant circulates. A heater is laid between the tubes, and an absorber is laid under the glass, a material that has the ability to accumulate thermal energy. The collector is connected to the external network through branch pipes mounted at the inlet and outlet of the stacked pipes.
  2. Vacuum collectors - the basis of this group of devices is the use of vacuum tubes, which are mounted on a special frame and with their upper part placed in the coolant layer. The vacuum tube consists of two tubes, one of which is copper, placed in a larger glass tube. A highly absorbent material is placed in the interior of the glass tube. Air is evacuated from the glass tube, thereby creating a vacuum, which improves the characteristics of the device for the accumulation and transfer of heat.

There is another type of solar collectors, these are flat air devices. In this design, air is used as a coolant, but due to the low efficiency of such models and inefficiency, such collectors are practically not used for heating houses.

How to choose the best

To make right choice and at the same time not to make a mistake with the choice of the type of solar collector and its brand, you need to follow the selection criteria, which for such devices are:

  • The possibility of using a solar system in the region of the proposed installation of equipment;
  • The power and performance of the device - must correspond to the required values ​​\u200b\u200band usage indicators;
  • The amount of heat loss - determine the efficiency of a particular model and the required number of collectors capable of providing a heated object with thermal energy;
  • Possibility of installation in one place or another of the proposed installation (geometric dimensions and weight);
  • Workmanship and assembly reliability (manufacturer's brand);
  • Terms of operation and availability of a warranty period;
  • Device cost.

Following the above criteria and having studied the reviews for a specific model and a company that produces similar products, you can choose the best way offered on the relevant market.

What to look out for

When choosing a solar collector, in addition to the criteria given above, you need to pay attention to a number of points, taking into account which you can avoid inconvenience during the further operation of the device.

It should be remembered that:

Pros and cons

Like any technical device, solar collectors have their own advantages and disadvantages, which determine the ability to use such products in certain operating conditions.

The benefits of using it include:

  • Environmental safety for both the environment and humans.
  • Renewability and inexhaustible resource of used energy.
  • Possibility to create completely autonomous system heating and hot water from external sources energy.
  • Long terms of operation.
  • Possibility of modernization of an autonomous system and its integration, if necessary, into a centralized heating system (from external energy supply sources).
  • Optimization of the heating system of a single object in accordance with the specified parameters.
  • High cost of equipment and implementation installation work, determine the need for significant financial costs on the initial stage use.
  • The efficiency of work depends on weather conditions, the region and landscape of the location, the design of the building elements on which the collectors are installed (the shape of the roof, walls or free-standing elements).

Average prices

At the moment, a fairly large number of companies from different countries peace. The cost of models depends on the type of collector, its specifications and the company that produces it. Average prices for the most popular models are:

  1. Products of Vaillant company (Germany):
    • Models "auroTHERM plus VFK 135/2VD" and "VFK 135/2D" are a flat solar collector with an area of ​​2.51 m 2 . The cost is - from 60,000.00 rubles.
    • The model "auroTHERM exclusiv VTK 570-1140" is a vacuum manifold with an area of ​​1.0 m 2 - the cost is from 73,000.00 rubles, and an area of ​​2.0 m 2 - from 145,000.00 rubles.
  2. Solar collectors of the company "ARISTON" (Italy):
  • Model "KAIROS CF 2.0 ARISTON", flat collector, area 2.0 m 2 . The cost is from 37,000.00 rubles.
  • The model "KAIROS VT 15B ARISTON" is a vacuum model, costing from 86,000.00 rubles.
  1. Products of the FPC company (China):
  • Model "FPC-1200d" - flat type, area 2.01 m 2. The cost is from 25000.00 rubles.
  • Model "ES 20R-5" - vacuum type, costing from 36,000.00 rubles.
  1. Production of the YaSolar company (Russia):
  • Model, article 2900152 - a flat solar collector with an area of ​​2.0 m 2. The cost is - from 21000.00 rubles.
  • Model "VU-10" vacuum type, costing from 23,000.00 rubles.

Where can I buy

A solar collector is a product that can only be purchased in specialized organizations and companies that either produce such devices or are focused specifically on the sale of equipment operating on alternative sources energy.

The most correct way to purchase is to find a dealer of the manufacturer of a particular model of the device, and then conclude an appropriate sales contract with him. If there are no dealers of companies producing solar collectors in the region where the potential buyer lives, then you can find an organization that specializes in this group of goods. These two purchase options are the most optimal, because. specialists of such companies can assist in choosing a model, suggest how to perform installation.

If the above methods of acquisition cannot be carried out, then you can turn to the Internet, where a fairly large number of companies operating in this particular area of ​​\u200b\u200benergy are represented. The advantage of this method of acquisition will be the lower cost of products, but negative moment- there will be no advice and tips on choosing a model and its installation, you will have to decide everything yourself.

Are the costs justified?

The cost of the equipment included in the set of solar installations is quite high, therefore, before deciding to purchase such products, it is always necessary to calculate the cost of the required set and the financial return that can be obtained from the use of such installations.

The set of equipment that will provide autonomous heating of the house, in addition to the collector, includes a number of technical devices, which is also reflected in the total cost of the entire set of equipment.

So to create a heating system based on a solar collector, you will need:

  1. Collector.
  2. Tank accumulator heat.
  3. Expansion tank.
  4. Circulation pump.
  5. Pipes and valves.

Of all the equipment listed, the most expensive unit is the collector itself, therefore, in order to determine whether the installation costs of such a system are justified, it is necessary to decide what is the prerogative in this matter, because the cost of gas or solid fuel boilers , comparable to the cost of a solar collector.

In this regard, the decision on the feasibility of installing just this type of heating, and, accordingly, the cost of equipment, are the criteria for choosing such systems, as well as the pros and cons of their operation, which were described above.

Is it true that solar heating is 20 times cheaper than typical gas heating?

How many times solar heating is cheaper than gas heating can be calculated by each user individually, because everything depends on many factors, such as the presence of low and high pressure gas lines, the type of gas, if any, and of course the factors that determine the possibility use of solar installations.

An undoubted advantage, in comparison with gas boilers, will be the fact that when using solar collectors, after initial costs for the purchase and installation of equipment, in the future, thermal energy is generated free of charge, in the required volumes.

In addition, the use of solar energy is an environmentally friendly and safe production, eliminating many of the negative consequences that can occur when using gas equipment.

How to make your own air solar heating

Anyone can make their own heating system based on a solar collector, as long as there is a desire, the ability to work with hand tool and free time.

Since the main element, as already written earlier, in such a heating system is a solar collector, therefore, its manufacture will be discussed.

The easiest way to make a flat type model, for this you will need:

  1. Material for the manufacture of the frame (lumber, metal profile or dense plastic).
  2. Copper tube.
  3. Insulation - mineral wool or other (polystyrene or analogues).
  4. Absorber - metal foil.
  5. Durable glass, which serves as an element that protects the insulation from the effects of precipitation and other negative influences.

The design of a flat solar collector is as follows:

From lumber (board, plywood, etc.) or metal profile(aluminum, ferrous metal), the frame of the collector and its body are made. A heater (thermal insulation) is laid on the lower surface, on which a copper tube is mounted. Fittings must be provided at the ends of the tube or threaded connection, to include the collector in the heating system. On the sides, insulation is also laid. The joints of the body elements are sealed in order to eliminate heat loss. An absorber is laid on top of the tubes, covered with a layer of transparent thermal insulation and glass (collector cover). Pipes with coolant are connected to the fittings, the device is ready for operation.

Features of solar heating

The sun is an inexhaustible source of energy, but not in all regions it shines the same, somewhere the number of sunny days is less than when there is bad weather outside, somewhere the strength of the sun's rays is not great (northern regions). In this regard, I would like to note that, having the opportunity to use traditional heating methods, you should not completely abandon them, it is better to consider options for the combined use of both systems.

When installing a fully autonomous system based on the use of solar collectors, it is necessary to provide a significant margin of power, which will help to avoid problems with heating the house.

Ways to connect to the heating system

There are only two ways to connect solar installations to the heating system, which depend on how such a system acts, is it the main source of thermal energy or a spare, complementary traditional system heating.

Depending on this, the connection is made as follows:

In this heating system, make-up cold water, which is a coolant, is carried out from external sources of water supply. The accumulator of thermal energy is a storage tank, from which heated water is supplied to the heating and hot water supply system of consumers.

In a combined heating system, the collector serves additional source obtaining thermal energy, the main one is a heating boiler operating on a certain type of fuel. In certain schemes, depending on the presence of external distribution networks, the boiler may be absent, in which case the coolant from external heating networks enters directly into the buffer tank.

Recently, non-traditional methods of space heating have become more and more relevant. People are trying to find a more efficient and cheaper way to heat their homes. One such method is the use of solar energy.

Solar heating for home

Today, special collectors are used to transform solar energy into thermal energy. Our article will tell you how with the help of such devices you can heat your home.

Solar system and its advantages

Heating homes with solar collectors will significantly reduce the costs that were previously spent on the traditional way of heating a house with batteries. Solar systems consisting of such batteries have a lot of advantages:

  • solar energy is free. Of course, you will have to spend money on creating a system and connecting it to the house. But the savings will be noticeable immediately upon the onset of cold weather;
  • this system is environmentally friendly and does not harm the environment;
  • she saves Natural resources such as coal and natural gas;
  • is an effective solution energy problem for the home;
  • solar collector is able to provide efficient heating at home in mixed use with other systems;
  • long service life;
  • the system is autonomous, which allows you to get rid of dependence on the part of utilities. Especially autonomous heating is relevant for private houses;
  • safe operation;
  • the opportunity to do it yourself;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • the ability to select a collector by parameters.

Solar collectors

It is worth thinking about installing a solar system for your home with your own hands if there are a sufficient number of sunny days in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence throughout the year.
To get all the benefits listed above from heating your home or summer cottage with solar collectors, you should know:

  • the presence of high-quality insulation of domestic premises;
  • you can combine heating with solar energy with other heating options: gas and electric;
  • for regions with low insolation (solar flux), it is necessary to correctly calculate what area the collector should have;
  • be sure to follow the rules of installation. Otherwise, the system will not function correctly;

Note! Collectors should be installed at an angle equal to geographical latitude of this area. In this position, they have maximum efficiency.

Correct manifold installation

  • solar panels should be placed on the south side, since the maximum intensity of insolation will be observed in the middle of the day;
  • installed batteries should not be shaded by neighboring buildings or trees.

If the home heating system with the help of solar collectors was organized by hand, then in winter the angle of inclination of their surface will need to be slightly increased. But in this case, in the summer, the efficiency of the batteries will decrease somewhat. However, against the background of an overabundance of lighting, this fact will remain invisible.

Variety of installations

Before you start creating a solar heating system for your dacha and home with your own hands, you need to find out what kind of batteries exist at all. Today's solar collectors are of the following types:

  • vacuum. In the design of such a battery, there is a vacuum between the shell of the unit and the heating body. With this device, you can heat water up to 300 degrees. The downside here is the inability to carry out self-cleaning of snow and frost;

vacuum manifold

  • flat. Externally, such a collector looks like a transparent outer panel. Tubes are placed inside this type of solar battery, and the back is equipped with a heat insulator. There is more heat loss here, but the design is easy to assemble with your own hands. In addition, it can be independently cleaned of frozen snow and ice. Heats water up to 200°C. The disadvantages include the presence of a large load on the clamps of the device when strong wind, since the battery has a poorly streamlined shape;

flat collector

  • air. Air acts as a heat carrier here. Such batteries can be easily made with your own hands. But the main disadvantage here is the inability to use the device for heating water, as well as the low efficiency of the device;

Air manifold

  • tubular. This type of unit consists of four tubes filled with base coolant. Its circulation is carried out due to the temperature difference between the battery and its lower zone. Such devices are characterized by a large surface plane;

Tubular manifold

  • mobile system used to heat the house with solar energy. These are specially designed installations that can turn with the movement of the sun. To date, there are various models capable of turning its various parts.

Mobile solar panels

Despite the different structure, the principle of operation of solar collectors will be almost identical.

The principle of operation of devices

Heating a house with homemade solar panels is based on the simplest laws of physics. According to one of them, a liquid that has a higher density will naturally displace a less dense one. This principle operation is used for heating systems operating on the natural circulation of the main heat carrier.

The principle of operation of the solar collector

The heating of the heat carrier has the following form:

  • the coolant in the tubes is heated by the sun's rays;
  • the heat thus obtained is stored in a heat accumulator.

Most often, the role of the heat carrier is water heated by the rays of the sun. The water is in a vertical coil. When heated, the water in such a device rises up. Then it enters the container. Fluid will be drawn from it.
For effective work solar panels need to achieve the process of natural circulation of liquid. In a situation where the coolant has cooled down, it must return to the collector to undergo a repeated heating cycle.
In order for the process of heating water not to stop, additional devices are needed - pumps.

Options for self-assembly of the heating system

To date, there are several ways to assemble a solar heater with your own hands. Consider the most popular assembly methods.
First option. Here you need a galvanized container for water. It should have a volume of approximately 100-200 liters. The technology for creating a solar battery has the following algorithm:

  • we place the container on the roof. It should be mounted on the south side of the roof;
  • roof surface to be covered sheet metal with a shiny surface;
  • we put pipes on top of it;
  • we connect them to a barrel and a container for heated water.

Option solar homemade collector

With the help of such a battery, 100 liters of water can be heated by 60 degrees. This installation has a high efficiency. But in winter, such a unit will not be effective.
Second build option. To create this type of collector, you will need:

  • steel boxes;
  • several flat steel radiators;
  • glass;
  • metal-plastic elements - fittings and pipes.

The assembly of the system in this case occurs as follows:

  • steel boxes are mounted on the roof;
  • radiators are placed there;
  • cover them with glass on top. This will reduce the heating time of the water;
  • pipes must be laid with a downward slope;
  • be sure to ensure that the top of the device is located below the storage tank;
  • installed in the attic plastic barrel with water. Suitable volume - 160 l;
  • it must be connected to the radiator and water supply using metal-plastic devices - fittings and tubes. The water tube itself must be connected slightly above its middle of the tank;
  • drain valves are placed at the bottom of the radiator. With their help, water is drained during the cold time of the day.

Plastic barrel option

Third option. It is used to heat a large enough room. It has an efficiency of 45-55%. To create a heating system of this type, you will need the following materials:

  • any thermal insulation material;
  • wooden frame with plywood bottom;
  • black metal mesh;
  • deflector;
  • transparent polycarbonate sheet;
  • multiple fans

The assembly of the structure is carried out as follows:

  • drill round holes in the frame. They are cut for air intake;
  • to remove hot air, we make rectangular holes at the top of the frame;
  • on its bottom we put heat-insulating material. A metal black mesh will act as a heat accumulator;
  • fans built into round holes;
  • then we mount the support strips for the deflector. After that, install the deflector itself. It will form an air flow;
  • put a transparent sheet on top.