Overlappings between floors in a private house: types and construction technology. Types of floors

  • 13.06.2019

There are several various kinds floors: attic, basement, attic and interfloor. During their construction, it is necessary to ensure that they comply with a number of important technical parameters:

  • had a certain bearing capacity, which must correspond to operational loads;
  • have sufficient rigidity, without deflection under load;
  • to the necessary extent protected from extraneous sounds, and kept warm in the room.
  • comply with fire safety requirements.

Depending on the engineering design of the building, the load to which it is subjected, as well as its purpose, one or another type of overlap is selected. For interfloor and basement floors, the load rate is considered to be 2100 N / m2, and for attic floors it is taken within 1050 N / m2. The calculation takes into account the possible load on the floor with furniture, equipment and residents of the house. Plus, the constant component of the load is the self-weight of the floor.

Quite often, during the construction of attic or two-storey houses, in the interfloor ceilings it is necessary to place plumbing communications. In such cases, vinyl or metal sleeves are mounted in the floors. Sleeves are selected with a little more inside diameter than laid pipes. For better heat and sound insulation, the resulting space is filled with special insulating materials, such as tarred tow.

Overlappings are also distinguished by the type of material used - slab (reinforced concrete) or beams.

Beam ceilings

This type of flooring is most often used in private construction, due to the simplicity of their construction and good thermal insulation. The basis for wooden floors are beams, which in turn rest on the load-bearing walls of the house. The cross section of the beams is selected depending on the width of the span and the frequency of laying the beams themselves.

The material for the load-bearing beams are hardwood and coniferous wood. They are dried for 3-4 months, and make sure that they do not have cracks and rot.

On the internal walls at home, the beams are joined at the ends and connected with clamps, brackets or metal plates. It is also permissible to use boards with a thickness of 50 mm for this purpose.

When mounting the floor beams, the extreme ones are laid first, and then the intermediate ones, this method of laying is called "lighthouse". It is important to monitor the horizontal laying, and check it with a spirit level or level. It is unacceptable to use ordinary chips for leveling beams; for these purposes, only tarred boards of various thicknesses are used (ordinary chips are pressed through).

between stone or brick wall and the extreme beams must leave a gap of about 5 cm, which is subsequently closed with a rail. A roofing felt or a strip of roofing felt can be placed between the wall and the beam.

According to fire safety requirements, there must be a distance of at least 40 cm between the chimney and the beams. If the design of the house does not allow this, then the beams that lie closer to the chimney are cut into the crossbar, and it is advisable to place them with a thicker end towards it.

Finishing beam ends

Particular attention is required to seal the ends of the beams. In brick walls, beams are laid in niches 17-20 cm deep, on the bottom of which a board treated with bitumen is placed. The ends of the beams are cut at an angle of 60-80 degrees, treated with an antiseptic, tarred, wrapped with roofing material and laid in such a way that there is a gap of 3-5 cm between the back wall of the nest and the beam. This space is filled with mineral wool and smeared with a solution of a mixture of cement and limestone .

If the bearing wall of the building has a thickness of 2.5 bricks, then such a depth of the niche allows you to organize an air gap, so that the ends of the beams can not be processed. The bottom of the nest is leveled with concrete, coated with bitumen and laid only in two layers. A layer of tarred felt is placed on the back wall of the nest, and pressed with a 2.5 cm board treated with antiseptics. It is necessary to leave a gap of 4 cm between the beam and the back wall of the niche.

In the case of a carrier brick wall two bricks thick, the back wall of the niche is covered with tarred felt, in two layers, and then pressed with a three-walled box made of tarred wood.

Rigidity of the beam structure

To ensure the necessary rigidity, every second beam must be strengthened. This is done using steel anchors that are installed in the masonry. One end of the anchor does not reach the outer surface of the load-bearing wall by 12 cm, and the other end protrudes 20 cm inside the room. Such anchors are attached to wooden beams using steel overlays, with a section of 50x6 mm and nails (5-6 mm).

Installation of basement ceilings

When installing basement ceilings, cranial bars with a section of 5x5 cm are attached to the beams, from the side edge, and black floors are laid on them.

Installation of interfloor ceilings

Interfloor floors are erected in a similar way. Cranial bars with a section of 4x4 or 5x6 cm are attached to the beams, to which, after fixing the vapor barrier, the ceiling material of the lower floor is attached. Then, heat and soundproofing material, such as mineral wool, slag or expanded clay, is placed inside the ceiling and then covered with another layer of vapor barrier.

Depending on the frequency of laying floor beams, the floor is mounted differently. If the beams are often laid, then boards (25-40 mm) or OSB boards are immediately placed on top of them. If the beams are rarely laid, then the first thing they do is lay logs with a more frequent step and only then lay the floor.

Installation of attic floors

Installation of attic ceilings occurs approximately according to the same scheme, only if they are erected between heated rooms, such ceilings do not require mandatory insulation. If sound insulation is necessary, you can use the same mineral wool, expanded clay, dry sand, after laying them on both sides with a layer of vapor barrier.

Installation of attic floors

Beams used for attic floors must comply with certain rules. In particular, the thickness of the beam must be at least 1/24 of the length of the beam itself. As in other cases, first a layer of vapor barrier is made, then insulation is laid, it is covered with another layer of vapor barrier and covered with thin, unplaned boards or panels (for example, OSB).

Mineral wool, shavings, sawdust can serve as a heater. To improve fire resistance in the case of combustible thermal insulation, another layer of dry earth or fine slag is laid. However, in modern construction more often used fire-resistant, non-rotting slabs of mineral wool. Their advantages also include a very small weight.

When erecting brick, stone, cinder-concrete and concrete buildings, they usually use reinforced concrete floors. Durability, strength and fire resistance are the main advantages of such ceilings, but you have to pay for this with their large mass. Therefore, they are often erected only as basements.

There are two types of reinforced concrete floors:

  1. Prefabricated floors- are welded or knitted. The welded frame is made of straight rods, which are fastened together by welding. The knitted frame technology is somewhat more complicated - pre-bent rods are fastened with soft wire, the thickness of which varies between 0.8-2 mm.
  2. Monolithic floors. In addition to their direct purpose, they also perform the additional function of distributing the load between the floor and load-bearing walls. Depending on the form of the overlap, there are beam, slab.

Monolithic floors

The frame of rods in monolithic ceilings is usually located at the bottom of the slab. It is placed so that it is located 3-5 centimeters from the formwork. This arrangement allows the concrete to fill the free space well. Such an overlap is laid on a load-bearing wall, while the wall must be at least 10 centimeters thick. The maximum span of such slabs does not exceed 3 m.

With a longer span, beam ceilings are used. To do this, reinforced concrete beams are mounted on the wall with a distance between them of at least 130 cm. Then they are connected to the floor reinforcement. It should be noted that the thickness of the support must be at least 22 cm.

Prefabricated floors

Prefabricated ceilings are simple in design, and also very reliable. They allow you to reduce construction time and reduce the use of wood, so they are more preferable than other ceilings. The only negative can be considered the need to use forklifts.

To date, two types of slabs are produced: solid and hollow. Hollow slabs have the best heat and sound insulation properties. Less concrete is used in their manufacture, which significantly reduces their weight, and this results in less load on the load-bearing walls.

Thermal insulation of floors

The problem of heat leakage from the dwelling is solved by using heat-insulating materials. The main sources of heat loss can be cold air penetrating into the room from the underground or from the basement. Due to the resulting temperature difference, the insulation can become wet; to prevent this process, it is necessary to use a layer of glassine or modern vapor barrier materials.

Among other things, the coating should have low heat absorption. The higher the heat absorption (thermal conductivity), the colder the floor. An example is marble, cement or concrete, which have a higher value than wood. It is for this reason that in residential premises it is preferable to use wooden planks, linoleums, parquets or tiles made of polymeric materials.

Overlapping is a horizontal load-bearing structure separating one floor from another. The ceiling serves as a bearing base for the floor of the floor. It takes all the loads from people, furniture, equipment, everything else that we are used to in our Everyday life and transfers these loads to load-bearing walls or through crossbars to columns. The ceiling of any house must withstand a payload (excluding the own weight of the ceiling) of at least 150 kg / m2 (Table 8.3 of SNiP "Loads and Impacts"). It should be noted that the overlap public buildings differ in bearing capacity from residential floors, since the first ones are designed for a load of 400 kg / m2. This should be taken into account when placing heavy items not typical for habitation, such as safes. The above figures indicate the maximum load that 1 square meter of flooring can take. The flooring can be wooden (with a floor along the logs) and reinforced concrete (from prefabricated floor slabs or monolithic).

The device of wooden floors allows you to make a more flexible layout. Wooden floor beams are laid out on the load-bearing walls of the cottage with a step of 0.6 ... 1.5 m. The height of the beam section should be sufficient to ensure minimum deflection values ​​and be more than 1/24 of the beam span. First, beams closest to the end walls are installed. At the same time, an indent from the wall of at least 50 mm is observed. After mounting the outer beams, the remaining space is filled with intermediate beams. It should be remembered that all points of contact wooden structures with stone and steel materials must be insulated with roofing felt, roofing felt or other materials of similar properties. On top of the floor beams, wooden flooring is arranged, usually from boards 35 ... 45 mm thick, or thick plywood or OSB boards can be used.
The main advantages of a wooden floor are:

  • Light weight compared to reinforced concrete.
  • Quick and easy installation and replacement.
  • The cost of the device of such an overlap is lower compared to the reinforced concrete version.

The disadvantages of such an overlap include:

  • Easy flammability and combustibility of the material, which requires periodic processing of wooden structures flame retardants(flame retardants).
  • Great flexibility of wooden floors.
  • Wooden structures need air circulation.
  • Less durability compared to reinforced concrete.
  • The low resistance of wooden structures to fungi and mold, and therefore the treatment with antibacterial compounds is necessary.
  • The maximum possible span for overlapping with one simple (non-composite in length) beam is 6 m.

Reinforced concrete floor

The ceiling must be rigid, durable and fireproof, and also have certain soundproofing properties. All of the above requirements are met by floors constructed from multi-hollow precast concrete slabs. Hollow-core reinforced concrete floor slabs are produced in certain standard sizes and allowable loads. The marking of floor slabs PK 63-15-8At means that this slab has a length (L) of 6.3 m, a width (B) of 1.5 m and a load capacity of 800 kg/m2. Usually, hollow-core floor slabs have a height (H) of 220 mm, therefore, with a brick height ratio of 300 mm (3 rows of thickened bricks or four ordinary ones), another 80 mm remain for the floor.

Installation of floor slabs is carried out on a surface leveled in the horizon with a cement-sand mortar. The thickness of such a mortar joint should not exceed 20 mm (according to " Regulatory requirements to the quality of construction and installation work. Reference manual", clause 5.3, as well as clause 3.21 of SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Bearing and enclosing structures"). The arranged mortar joint should not differ in elevations by more than 15 mm at the lower and upper points within the floor Installation of floor slabs starts from the end walls.The planes of the floor slabs installed next to each other should not differ by more than 5 ... 10 mm, depending on the length to be covered ("Regulatory requirements for the quality of construction and installation work. Reference manual", p 5.3) The length of support of floor slabs on the walls is usually 10 to 15 cm (according to the recommendations of the series of floor slabs used). heat-insulating material so that a "cold bridge" does not form (the place where the greatest loss of thermal energy accumulated in the house occurs). The appearance of such a "cold bridge" is possible due to the fact that the slab, resting on 10 ... part of the wall to fall into the void of the slab.

The disadvantages of floor slabs include perhaps a higher cost compared to wooden ones, which is associated with a higher cost of raw materials, manufacturing (a factory is required), delivery (a slab truck is required), and installation (a crane is required), as well as a large storage area.

During the construction of private low-rise houses made of wood, concrete blocks or bricks, wooden floors are most often erected between floors. These designs, compared with alternative concrete slabs, have a number of advantages. Wooden floors do not overload the walls; during installation, they do not require the involvement of lifting equipment. In addition, they have high strength, durability and reasonable price. Installation of such ceilings is quite simple, so many home craftsmen perform it on their own.

floor structure

The basis of the wooden floor is the beams that are held on the load-bearing walls and serve as a kind of "foundation" for the rest of the structural elements. Since the beams during the operation of the floor will bear the entire load, special attention should be paid to their proper calculation.

For beams, massive or glued beams, logs, and sometimes boards (single or fastened in thickness with nails or staples) are usually used. For floors, it is desirable to use beams made of coniferous species (pine, larch), which are characterized by high bending strength. Hardwood beams work much worse in bending and can deform under load.

Draft boards (OSB, plywood) are fixed to the floor beams on both sides, on top of which the front cover is sewn. Sometimes the floor of the second floor is laid on logs, which are fixed on the beams.

It is worth remembering that the wooden floor from the side of the first floor will be the ceiling, and from the side of the second floor (attic, attic) - the floor. Therefore, the upper part of the ceiling is sheathed with floor materials: grooved board, laminate, linoleum, carpet, etc. The lower part (ceiling) - clapboard, drywall, plastic panels, etc.

Due to the presence of beams, space is formed between the draft boards. It is used to give the overlap additional properties. Depending on the purpose of the second floor, heat-insulating or sound-proofing materials are laid between the floor beams, protected from moisture by waterproofing or vapor barrier.

In the event that the second floor is a non-residential attic that will not be heated, thermal insulation must be laid in the floor structure. For example, basalt wool (Rockwool, Parock), glass wool (Isover, Ursa), polystyrene, etc. A vapor barrier film (glassine, polyethylene and polypropylene films) is laid under the heat-insulating layer (from the side of the first heated floor).

If EPPS, which does not absorb water vapor, was used as thermal insulation, the vapor barrier film from the “pie” can be excluded. A layer of waterproofing film is laid on top of heat-insulating or sound-proofing materials that absorb and can deteriorate from moisture. In the event that during the finishing the possibility of atmospheric moisture entering the attic was excluded, the insulation can not be protected by waterproofing.

If the second floor is planned as a heated and living space, then the “pie” of the floor does not need additional thermal insulation. However, in order to reduce the impact of noise that will occur when people move along the floor, a soundproof layer is laid between the beams (usually the usual heat-insulating materials are used).

For example, basalt wool (Rockwool, Parock), glass wool (Isover, Ursa), polystyrene foam, ZIPS sound-absorbing panels, soundproof membranes (Tecsound), etc. When using materials that can absorb water vapor (basalt wool, glass wool), a vapor barrier film is laid between the ground floor and the sound insulator, and waterproofing is placed over the sound insulator.

Fastening beams to the wall

Floor beams can be connected to walls in several ways.

in brick or log houses the ends of the beams lead into grooves ("nests"). If beams or logs are used, then the depth of the beams in the walls should be at least 150 mm, if the boards - at least 100 mm.

Parts of the beams in contact with the walls of the "nest" are waterproofed by wrapping them with two layers of roofing material. The ends of the beams are cut at 60 ° and left uninsulated to allow free "breathing" of the wood.

When inserting into a "nest", between the beam and the wall (on all sides), ventilation gaps of 30-50 mm are left, which are filled with thermal insulation (tow, mineral wool). The beam is supported on the base of the groove through an antiseptic and waterproofed wooden plank 30-40 mm thick. Sides the groove can be covered with rubble or covered with cement mortar by 4-6 cm. Every fifth beam is additionally fastened to the wall with an anchor.

In wooden houses, beams are buried in the grooves of the walls by at least 70 mm. To prevent the appearance of squeaks, a waterproofing material is laid between the walls of the groove and the beam. In some cases, beams are cut into walls, making dovetail joints, etc.

Also, the beams can be fixed on the wall using metal supports - steel corners, clamps, brackets. They are connected to walls and beams with self-tapping screws or screws. This fastening option is the fastest and most technologically advanced, but less reliable than when beams are inserted into the grooves of the walls.

Calculation of floor beams

When planning the construction of the floor, first you need to calculate the design of its base, that is, the length of the beams, their number, the optimal section and the spacing. This will determine how safe your floor will be and what load it can withstand during operation.

Beam length

The length of the beams depends on the width of the span, as well as on the method of fastening the beams. If the beams are fixed on metal supports, their length will be equal to the width of the span. When embedded in the grooves of the walls, the length of the beams is calculated by summing up the span and the depth of inserting the two ends of the beam into the grooves.

Beam spacing

The distance between the axes of the beams is kept within 0.6-1 m.

Number of beams

The calculation of the number of beams is carried out as follows: they plan to place the extreme beams at a distance of at least 50 mm from the walls. The remaining beams are placed evenly in the span space, in accordance with the selected interval (pitch).

Beam section

Beams can have a rectangular, square, round, I-section. But the classic option is still a rectangle. Frequently used parameters: height - 140-240 mm, width - 50-160 mm.

The choice of the beam section depends on its planned load, the span width (on the short side of the room) and the spacing of the beams (step).

The load of the beam is calculated by summing the load of its own weight (for interfloor floors - 190-220 kg / m 2) with the temporary (operational) load (200 kg / m 2). Usually, for operating floors, the load is assumed to be 350-400 kg / m 2. For non-operated attic floors, you can take a smaller load, up to 200 kg / m 2. Special calculation is necessary if significant concentrated loads are expected (for example, from a massive bath, pool, boiler, etc.).

Beams are laid along a short span, the maximum width of which is 6 m. On a larger span, sagging of the beam is inevitable, which will lead to deformation of the structure. However, in this situation there is a way out. To support the beams on a wide span, columns and supports are installed.

The cross section of the beam directly depends on the width of the span. The larger the span, the more powerful (and durable) the beam must be chosen for overlapping. The ideal span for overlapping with beams is up to 4 m. If the spans are wider (up to 6 m), then non-standard beams with an increased cross section must be used. The height of such beams should be at least 1/20-1/25 of the span. For example, with a span of 5 m, beams with a height of 200-225 mm should be used with a thickness of 80-150 mm.

Of course, it is not necessary to independently perform beam calculations. You can use ready-made tables and diagrams that indicate the dependence of the dimensions of the beams on the perceived load and the width of the span.

After performing the calculations, you can proceed to the overlap device. Consider the whole technological process, starting with fixing the beams on the walls and ending with the finishing sheathing.

Wood flooring technology

Stage #1. Installation of floor beams

Most often, beams are installed with their introduction into the grooves of the walls. This option is possible when the installation of the floor is carried out at the stage of building a house.

The installation process in this case is as follows:

1. Beams are covered with antiseptics and flame retardants. This is necessary to reduce the tendency of wooden structures to rot and ensure fire safety.

2. The ends of the beams are cut at an angle of 60 °, they are crumbled bituminous mastic and wrapped with roofing felt in 2 layers (for waterproofing). In this case, the end should remain open, for the free exit of water vapor through it.

3. Installation begins with the installation of two extreme beams, which are placed at a distance of 50 mm from the walls (minimum).

The bars are inserted into the "nests" by 100-150 mm, leaving a ventilation gap between the wood and the walls of at least 30-50 mm.

4. To control the horizontalness of the beams, a long board is installed along their upper plane on the edge, and on top of it - bubble level. To align the beams in level, wooden dies of different thicknesses are used, which are placed in the lower part of the groove on the wall. Dies must first be treated with bituminous mastic and dried.

5. To eliminate the creak of the beam and block the access of cold air, the gap is filled mineral insulation or tow.

6. On the laid control board lay out the rest, intermediate, beams. The technology for inserting them into the sockets of the walls is the same as for the installation of the extreme beams.

7. Every fifth beam is additionally fixed to the wall with an anchor.

When the house is already built, it is easier to install floor beams using metal supports. In this case, the installation process is as follows:

1. Beams are impregnated with flame retardants and antiseptics.

2. On the walls, at the same level, in accordance with the calculated step of the beams, fix the supports (corners, clamps, brackets). Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws or screws, screwing them into the holes of the supports.

3. Beams are laid on supports and fixed with self-tapping screws.

Stage #2. Attachment of cranial bars (if necessary)

If it is more convenient to lay the “pie” of the floor structure from above, that is, from the side of the second floor, cranial bars with a section of 50x50 mm are stuffed along the edges of the beams on both sides. The bottom of the bars should be flush with the surface of the beams. The cranial bars are necessary in order to lay the rolling boards on them, which are the rough basis for the ceiling.

You can do without cranial bars if you hem the boards from the bottom, from the side of the first floor. In this case, they can be fastened directly to the beams using self-tapping screws (nails are not suitable, as they are difficult to drive vertically into the ceiling).

Stage #3. Fastening boards for the rough base of the ceiling

When mounting from the side of the second floor, roll-up boards are fixed to the cranial bars with nails or self-tapping screws (it is possible to use OSB, plywood).

When fastening the roll from the side of the first floor, the boards are fixed on the beams from below with the help of self-tapping screws. If necessary, lay a thick layer of insulation or soundproof material between the beams; the option of filing boards from below is preferable. The fact is that the cranial bars “eat up” part of the inter-beam space, and without their use, the thickness of the ceiling can be completely laid with insulating material.

Stage #4. Vapor barrier installation (if necessary)

The vapor barrier is laid in the floor structure in front of the insulation (which can also act as a sound insulator), if there is a risk of steam entering it or condensation. This happens if the overlap is arranged between floors, the first of which is heated, and the second is not. For example, an unheated attic or attic is being built above the first residential floor. Also, steam can penetrate into the floor insulation from damp rooms on the ground floor, for example, from the kitchen, bathroom, pool, etc.

The vapor barrier film is laid on top of the floor beams. The canvases are overlapped, leading the edges of the previous canvas to the next by 10 cm. The joints are glued with construction tape.

Stage #5. Thermal or sound insulation device

Between the beams, slab or roll heat or sound insulators are laid on top. Cracks and voids must be avoided, materials must fit snugly against the beams. For the same reason, it is undesirable to use trimmings that have to be joined together.

To reduce the occurrence of impact noise in the ceiling (with a residential upper floor), sound insulator strips with a minimum thickness of 5.5 mm are laid on the upper surface of the beams.

Stage #6. Laying waterproofing film

A waterproofing film is laid on top of the heat or sound insulating layer. It serves to prevent the penetration of moisture from the upper floor into the insulating material. If the upper floor is non-residential, that is, no one will wash the floors there and the penetration of atmospheric moisture will also be excluded, the waterproofing film can not be used.

The waterproofing film is laid in sheets, overlapping by 10 cm. The joints are glued with adhesive tape to prevent moisture from penetrating into the structure.

Stage #7. Fixing boards (plywood, OSB) for the subfloor

A draft base for the floor of the second floor is sewn along the beams from above. You can use ordinary boards, OSB or thick plywood. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws or nails.

Stage #8. Sheathing of the ceiling from below and from above with finishing coatings

On top of the draft base from the bottom and top of the floor, you can lay any suitable materials. On the upper side of the ceiling, that is, on the floor of the second floor, coatings of laminate, parquet, carpet, linoleum, etc. are arranged. When arranging the floor non-residential attic, draft boards can be left without sheathing.

On the lower surface of the ceiling, which serves as the ceiling for the first floor, ceiling materials are sewn: wooden lining, plastic panels, drywall constructions, etc.

Operation of floors

If beams with a large margin of safety were used in the structure, laid with a small step, then such an overlap will not need to be repaired for a long time. But still, you need to check the beams for strength regularly!

If the beams are damaged by insects or as a result of waterlogging, they are strengthened. To do this, the weakened beam is removed, replaced with a new one, or reinforced with durable boards.

In this article, we will consider the main types of floors and the materials from which these floors are constructed. So what are overlays? Ceilings are a structure that separates adjacent rooms in height, that is, it forms floors and separates them from attics and basements.

Basic requirements for floors

  • Ceilings must have sufficient strength to withstand the load both from its own weight and useful (furniture, equipment, people in the room, etc.).The value of the payload per 1 m2 of flooring is set depending on the purpose of the room and the nature of its equipment. For attic floors, the payload should be no more than 105 kg / m2, and for basement and interfloor floors - 210 kg / m2.
  • The ceiling must be rigid, that is, under the action of loads, it must not deflect (permissible value from 1/200 for attic floors to 1/250 of the span for interfloor floors).
  • When installing the ceiling, a sufficient degree of its sound insulation should be provided, the value of which is established by the norms or special recommendations for the design of buildings for one purpose or another. To do this, it is necessary to carefully close the gaps at the joints of the material, in order to avoid the passage of sound from neighboring rooms located above or below.
  • Ceilings separating rooms with a temperature difference of 10 degrees (for example, separating a cold basement from the first floor or an attic from the first floor) must meet the requirements of thermal protection, that is, it is necessary to increase the thermal insulation layer.
  • No floor structure, especially wood, can withstand prolonged exposure to fire, but each material has its own fire resistance value. Fire resistance limit of reinforced concrete floors - 60 min; wooden floors with backfill and lower plastered surface - 45 min; wooden floors protected with plaster, about 15 minutes; there are even fewer wooden floors not protected by fireproof materials.

Types of floors at home

  • interfloor (separating residential floors, including the attic),
  • basement (separating the basement from the residential floor),
  • basement (separating the residential floor from the cold underground),
  • attic (separating the residential floor from the unheated attic).

In my own way constructive solution the bearing part of the floors can be divided into:

  • beam, standing from the bearing part (beams) and filling;
  • beamless, made of homogeneous elements (flooring slabs or flooring panels).

Types of floors for the house

Beam ceilings

In beam ceilings, the supporting base is made up of beams located at the same distance from each other, on which filling elements are laid that perform enclosing functions. Beams can be wooden, reinforced concrete or metal.

Ceilings from wooden beams

In private housing construction, wooden beam ceilings are most popular, usually used in wooden and frame houses.

For wooden beams there is a limitation on the width of the span (room). They can be used for:

  • interfloor ceilings - with a span width of 5 meters;
  • for attic floors (with an unused attic room) with a span width of up to 6 meters. Metal beams can be used for any span width.

Wooden flooring is made of wooden beams of coniferous and hardwood. On the upper side of the beams, a flooring is made, which at the same time is the floor. The design of the beam ceiling consists of the beams themselves, the roll, the floor and the insulation.

With a rectangular plan of the house, it is advisable to block the span in the direction along the short wall.

Scheme of laying floor slabs along a short wall

So that the beams do not bend under the weight of the floor, they must be laid at a certain distance (see table). The cross section of the beam is determined based on the load attributable to it.

For example: You need to build a ceiling with a size of 3.0 * 4.0 m. Wooden beams (section 6x20) are laid along a wall equal to 3.0 meters. If the floor is interfloor, the beams are laid at a distance of 1.25 m from each other, if the attic floor is 1.85 m. loads.

The thickness of the floor boards also affects the distance between the beams. If they are 28 mm thick or less, the distance between the beams should not exceed 50 cm.

Advantages of a wooden floor:

  • The main advantage is that the wooden floor is quickly and easily mounted in any (even difficult) place, without using any special means, that is, you can do without a crane and other equipment. Wood flooring is light and relatively inexpensive.

Disadvantages of wood flooring:

  • The main disadvantage of wooden floors is the increased flammability, sometimes the possibility of decay and infection with bark beetle.

Technology of installation of wooden floors:

Beam installation: Before installing the beam, it must be treated with an antiseptic solution. If the beams are supported by stone or concrete wall, then its ends must be wrapped with two layers of roofing material. The beam is brought into the nest prepared during the construction of the wall. When inserted into the nest, the beam should not reach the back wall by 2-3 cm. The end of the beam is made beveled.

Beam installation scheme

(1 - beam, 2 - roofing material, 3 - insulation, 4 - solution).

The free space remaining in the nest is filled with insulation, you can fill it with mounting foam.

Roll setting: Bars (section 4x4 or 5x5), which are called cranial, are nailed to the side faces of the beams.

Scheme of rolling wooden shields

(1 - wooden beam, 2 - cranial bar, 3 - roll-up shield, 4 - vapor barrier, 5 - insulation, 6 - clean floor finish, 7 - ceiling finish).

These bars are attached to the reel of wooden shields. The reel is made from boards from longitudinal boards or boards from transverse boards. The reel plates must be tightly pressed against each other. They are attached to the cranial bar with self-tapping screws. The roll serves as a preparation for attaching a "clean" ceiling.

Insulation pad: An integral part of a wooden beam ceiling is insulation, which in the interfloor ceiling performs, first of all, the role of sound insulation, and in the attic floor also the function of thermal insulation. First of all, you need to decide what material to use. Mineral wool, foam plastic, slag, perlite, expanded clay, as well as dry sand, sawdust, shavings, straw, tree foliage can serve as a material for insulation. Mineral wool - the material is light, easy to use, unlike polystyrene "breathes", has sufficient heat and sound insulation, in general, in most cases, wool is suitable for both insulation of interfloor and attic floors. Expanded clay (fraction 5-10 mm) - the material is heavier than mineral wool, which makes the structure heavier (the weight of 1 m2 of expanded clay is from 270-360 kg).

After fixing the roll, a layer of thermal insulation is placed on top of it. First, a layer of roofing paper, glassine or vapor barrier film is laid between the beams, bending it about 5 cm onto the beams and proceed to thermal insulation. The thickness of any insulation for interfloor floors should be at least 100 mm, and for attic floors, that is, between a cold and heated room - 200-250 mm.

Cost and consumption of materials: Timber consumption for traditional wooden floors is approximately 0.1 m3 per 1 m2 of floor at a depth of 400 cm. And the cost of the boards will cost you about $ 200 per cubic meter. The cost per 1 square meter of flooring on wooden beams is from $ 70 and more.

Ceilings on metal beams

Compared to wooden ones, they are quite reliable and more durable, and also have a smaller thickness (save space), but such floors are rarely erected. Lightweight concrete inserts, lightweight reinforced concrete slabs, wooden shields or wooden rolling can be used to fill the openings between the beams. The mass of 1 m2 of such an overlap often exceeds 400 kg.


  • A metal beam can cover large spans (4-6 meters or more).
  • The metal beam is non-combustible and resistant to biological influences (rot, etc.).

But overlappings on metal beams are not without drawbacks:

  • in places of high humidity, corrosion forms on the metal.
  • In addition, such ceilings have reduced heat and sound insulation qualities. To mitigate this shortcoming, the ends of the metal beams are wrapped with felt. In such ceilings, the supporting element is a rolled profile: I-beam, channel, corners.

Rolled profile

Prefabricated reinforced concrete hollow slabs 9 cm thick are laid between the beams. A layer of slag and reinforced concrete screed 8-10 cm thick is applied over the reinforced concrete slabs. Steel consumption is high - 25-30 kg / m2, depending on the steel grade from which the beams are made.

Scheme of the design of a precast concrete floor slab on metal beams

1 - "clean" floor; 2 - boardwalk; 3 - beam; 4 - prefabricated reinforced concrete slab; 5 - waterproofing; 6 - plaster mesh; 7 - plaster.

Material cost: Price steel profile ranges from 7 to 18 USD/rm. The cost of lightweight reinforced concrete slabs - from $ 110 per piece. For 1 square meter of flooring on metal beams, you will spend from $ 100 and more.

Ceilings from reinforced concrete beams

Arranged on spans from 3 m to 7.5 meters. The work is complicated by the need to use lifting equipment. The weight of such beams is 175 - 400 kg.


  • With the help of reinforced concrete beams, it is possible to cover larger spans than with the use of wooden ones.


  • For installation of ceilings on reinforced concrete beams, it is necessary to use lifting equipment.

Mounting: Reinforced concrete beams are laid at a distance of 600-1000 mm. The filling of the inter-beam space is arranged in the form of lightweight concrete slabs or hollow lightweight concrete blocks (with plank or parquet floors, slabs are used, and with linoleum or parquet floors, concrete base- hollow blocks).

Scheme of the design of a floor slab from a lightweight concrete slab on reinforced concrete beams

(1 - reinforced concrete beam, 2 - light concrete slab, 3 - cement strainer and substrate, 4 - parquet, laminate)

Scheme of the design of a floor slab from hollow blocks on reinforced concrete beams

(1 - reinforced concrete beam, 2 - hollow blocks, 3 - cement screed, 4 - linoleum)

The seams between the beams and slabs are filled with cement mortar and rubbed. Attic floors must be insulated, interfloor soundproofing, basement floors are also insulated.

Floor slabs from hollow blocks on reinforced concrete beams

Cost: For one linear meter of a beam, you will have to pay from $ 25. The price for one lightweight concrete block is from $1.5. As a result, you will spend from 65 dollars per 1 square meter of reinforced concrete beams.

Beamless floors

They are homogeneous elements (slabs or panels) laid close to each other or a solid monolithic slab, which simultaneously serve as load-bearing and enclosing structures. Depending on the implementation technology, beamless ceilings can be prefabricated, monolithic or precast-monolithic.

Precast concrete floors

The most popular, especially in brick houses. For the installation of reinforced concrete floors, two types of panels are used: solid (they are produced mainly from lightweight concrete) and multi-hollow. The latter have round holes, a kind of "stiffening ribs". Panels are selected depending on the width of the overlapped span and bearing capacity.


  • Reinforced concrete slabs have high strength and are designed for a payload of over 200 kg/m2.
  • Unlike wood, concrete is not afraid of moisture and does not require any maintenance.


  • When installing the ceiling of reinforced concrete slabs, lifting equipment is required.
  • Buy ready-made boards right size not always possible, as they are made in standard sizes at the factory.

Beamless floor scheme for the house

Mounting: Floor slabs are laid on a layer cement mortar grade 100. The support of the plates on the walls (wall more than 250 mm thick) must be at least 100 mm. The seams between the slabs must be cleaned of debris and carefully filled with cement mortar.

Approximate cost of the material: The cost of one floor slab is from $110. For 1 square meter of reinforced concrete slabs, you will spend at least 35-40 dollars.

Monolithic reinforced concrete floors

They can be of various shapes. Monolithic reinforced concrete floors are a solid monolithic slab 8-12 cm thick made of concrete grade 200, based on load-bearing walls. The weight of a square meter of a monolithic ceiling with a thickness of 200 mm is 480-500 kg.

Photo of reinforcement of a monolithic reinforced concrete floor

Installation of monolithic ceilings is carried out in four stages:

  • Installation of steel load-bearing beams in prepared places;
  • Suspended wooden formwork unedged board(suspended from steel beams);

Hanging wooden formwork from unedged boards

  • At laying reinforcement (diameter 6-12 mm);
  • Concreting of the floor slab with M200 concrete.

Advantages of a monolith:

  • Absence of expensive loading and unloading operations and higher quality of the concrete surface that does not require grouting, as well as the possibility of implementing complex architectural and planning solutions.

The disadvantages of monolithic floors include the need to install wooden formwork over almost the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future floor. However, this does not mean that the formwork must be set all at once. Overlapping can be done in separate spans, transferring the formwork as the concrete sets.

Mounting: Before proceeding with the installation of the ceiling, it is necessary to build a formwork (it is bought ready-made or rented), which consists of telescopic racks, tripods, uniforks, beams, flooring and plywood. Formwork made of wooden and aluminum beams allows for the formwork of ceilings of any configuration - rectangular, cantilevered and even round. Sheets of plywood are superimposed on the upper wooden part of the beam, forming a formwork for pouring concrete. Next, install and fasten the reinforcing cage. The ends of steel rods 60-80 cm long are bent and tied with wire with reinforcement. Then, over the entire floor area, concreting is carried out to a height of 10-30 cm. Complete adhesion of concrete occurs after 28 days.

Formwork for monolithic slab floors made of wooden flooring and plywood

Installation of a reinforcing cage in the formwork for the installation of a monolithic reinforced concrete slab

Approximate material cost: The cost of slab formwork, with wooden and aluminum beams, is from $40. The approximate consumption of reinforcement per floor is 75-100 kg / m3 of concrete. The cost of 1 ton of rebar is $650. The cost of 1 cubic meter of finished concrete is from $130. As a result, the price for 1 square meter of a monolithic floor will cost you from $ 45 and more (excluding the cost of formwork).

Prefabricated monolithic ceiling

More modern solution on the device of overlappings. The bottom line is that the space between the floor beams is filled with hollow blocks, after which the entire structure is poured from above with a layer of concrete.

Prefabricated monolithic ceiling for the house


  • Mounting without application lifting mechanisms, improvement of heat-insulating properties, the possibility of arranging complex-shaped ceilings, reducing construction time.


  • The disadvantages include that the prefabricated monolithic structure has a laborious (manual) laying process, which is not advisable when building a house of 2-3 floors.

Mounting: During installation, the beams of the prefabricated monolithic floor are laid on the walls with a step of 600 mm. The weight running meter beams do not exceed 19 kg. This allows, in most cases, the installation of beams without the use of a crane. Hollow blocks are manually laid on the beams. The weight expanded clay concrete block- 14 kg, polystyrene concrete - 5.5 kg. As a result, the own weight of one square meter of the original floor structures is 140 kg for expanded clay concrete blocks and 80 kg for polystyrene concrete blocks.

The floor structure prepared in this way performs the function of a fixed formwork, on which a layer of monolithic concrete of class B15 (M200) is laid.

Before pouring concrete, it is necessary to reinforce the structure with a reinforcing mesh with cells measuring 100x100 mm from wire with a diameter of 5-6 mm.

The weight of one square meter of finished flooring is 370-390 kg for expanded clay concrete blocks and 290-300 kg for polystyrene concrete blocks.

Expanded clay concrete block for prefabricated monolithic floor

Approximate cost: The cost of prefabricated-monolithic floor structures (beams and blocks) will cost you 40-50 dollars / m2. The cost of structures of the finished floor (beams + blocks + mesh + concrete) - 70-75 dollars / m2.

Heat and sound insulation of floors:

The thermal protection of the ceiling must be such that the temperature on the floor surface is close to the temperature of the indoor air and does not fall below it by more than 2 ° C. To avoid dampness between heated and unheated rooms, to protect the insulation layer from moisture, a layer of glassine should be placed above the thermal insulation.

Scheme of laying heat and sound insulating materials in the ceiling

(1 - wooden beam, 2 - cranial bar, 3 - rolling, 4 - insulation layer, 5 - vapor barrier film or glassine, 6 - boards)

In addition to good thermal protection, ceilings must also provide sufficient sound insulation of the premises. In accordance with current regulations (RF data), the insulation index Rw must be equal to or greater than 49 dB.

For hollow core reinforced concrete slabs with a thickness of 220 mm, the insulation index is Rw = 52 dB.

For wooden floors (insulation layer 280 mm + one layer of drywall 12 mm), the sound insulation index is 47 dB.

Now a little about heaters. Ready-made mineral wool slabs proved to be good as thermal insulation. In addition to the well-known insulation with ready-made mineral wool slabs, there are alternative options that are performed on site. For example: It is possible to pour slag or ordinary sawdust. By the way, they are 4 times lighter than slag and at the same time provide 3 times better thermal insulation with the same layer thickness. So, at a winter temperature of -20 ° C, the backfill from slag should be 16 cm thick, shavings - 7, and from sawdust - only 5 cm.

Sawdust concrete slabs for the same purpose can be made independently. To do this, you can take 1 volume part of sawdust, 1.5 parts of lime mortar or 4 parts of clay, 0.3 parts of cement and from 2 to 2.5 parts of water. The finished slabs are dried in the shade, laid on a roofing material, the seams are sealed with clay or lime mortar. Square meter such a plate weighs about 5-6 kg with a thickness of 10 cm.

What flooring to choose for your home. It all depends on the type of house, as well as on the installation technology and the price of this floor. As a conclusion to this article, I will give a table in which you can compare different types overlays and choose the most suitable for yourself.

Attention: In this article the prices are presented for the period of 2008. Be careful!

They must be reliable, resistant to fire, with good soundproofing and heat-insulating properties. The strength and durability of the structure itself, as well as the comfort and safety of residents, depend on how well the choice was made and how high-quality the installation of the floor is. How do some types of these structures differ from others, which interfloor floors are better for a cottage, how to calculate the load, how to properly install - this week's topic.


FORUMHOUSE experts explain the difference between hollow-core slabs and slabs made using formless molding, how to properly lay floor slabs in houses and avoid installation errors.

Wooden beams, anti-frost additives and screeds. This review contains everything that the construction of building floors in the autumn-winter season needs.

The possibility of unsupported overlapping of large areas greatly expands the architectural possibilities when designing a building. This allows you to "play" with the volume of rooms, install indoors panoramic windows floor to ceiling length, mount complex structures on site and build large halls. FORUMHOUSE experts talk about the need for calculation and the nuances self-manufacturing wooden structures.

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Concreting at sub-zero temperatures. It is often argued about whether it is worth doing special work such as laying the foundation and monolithic work in winter. The expert talks about the pros and cons of winter construction of a cottage, the use of additives different quality and prices and about what time of the year it is more economically profitable to build a cottage.

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Do-it-yourself aerated concrete house at no extra cost. Overlappings. For four years, Dmitry Kalinsky built a cottage of aerated concrete blocks with his own hands near Moscow. In this story, he shares personal experience laying of concrete blocks, installation of formwork, installation of lintels and armored belts, as well as self installation windows in the building.

Forum topic:

The purpose of this topic is to refer to it when you need help: Anatolevich shares his experience and photo report on the construction of an “ideal” monolithic structure with spans between high load-bearing walls weighing up to 4.5 m. FORUMHOUSE participants give their assessment of this work.

. Sergio1974 began to make an attic floor in his house, in connection with which the question arose - where would it be good and correct to place the hydrovapor barrier: laying in strips between the logs, laying a solid canvas, practically “wrapping” the beam in insulation, or attaching the insulation to the logs and closing with a fine finish. Which of the construction options has the most rights to use, their advantages and disadvantages are discussed by members of the forum in this thread.

Many projects have a bay window with an open balcony above it. The floor structure (thermal and waterproofing, drainage, junction with the main wall, etc.) for a self-builder is a real minefield, it is easy to make mistakes, especially with reliable hydro and thermal insulation. "Sappers call back!" - called topikstarter navigator, and knowledgeable members of the forum expressed their opinion.

Between the slabs of the first floor there was a span for the entire width of the house. At azid the question arose - on what to rest the floor slabs above the stairs: I don’t want to put a wall there so as not to block the free approach to the stairs. Is it possible to solve this problem - read the topic.

There are always a lot of questions and doubts that complicate the choice of interfloor overlap. You can set and resolve any of them here together with advanced users and FORUMHOUSE experts.