The film on the kitchen facades has peeled off - what to do? Defects of MDF film facades. Peeling off (lifting) the film Applying film on MDF

  • 16.06.2019

Greetings dear readers of this blog. As part of the repair course, I will tell you how film MDF facades are made in an industrial environment and how you can do the pasting of facades yourself.

I won’t talk too much about what is better than painted or film MDF, but I’ll immediately say that the future lies behind facades pasted over with film. The fact is that such components are an order of magnitude more accurate, durable and, importantly, cheaper to manufacture than painted MDF or enamel covered MDF.

When choosing painted MDF or film for assembling a kitchen set, remember that even high-quality enamel will swell or peel off over time, while the film coating can last for decades without the need for repair.

Self adhesive for furniture: what to buy

It is important to understand what to stick on board materials not every film is possible. If a randomly selected self-adhesive from the bazaar sticks to the furniture, then the surface is likely to be imperfectly even, and the coating will puff up in the corners and after a while will move away.

There are two solutions to the problem, namely, to buy an industrially manufactured facade that will not peel off and will look great. The second option is to buy a good film that has high adhesion to various surfaces including wood.

Such materials, for example, can be purchased at stores such as Leroy Merlin at a price of 125 to 900 rubles. per . Standard length quality coverage with a thickness of 0.3-0.5 mm in a roll is 2 meters with a width of 45 cm.

The difference in cost is due to the thickness of the material and the quality of the adhesive layer. That is, the higher the price of the film, the better.

How is the industrial cladding of furniture facades

Industrial production of MDF facades and their subsequent decoration with a film is carried out as follows:

  • In accordance with the product specification, plates with a thickness of 6 to 32 mm are cut into individual parts;

  • The cut blanks are sent to the milling shop, where the blanks are given the required configuration using special equipment;
  • The end face of the workpiece is processed manual router, after which the manufacture of the facade can be considered complete;

  • At the next stage, the part enters the glue shop, where a special hot melt adhesive is applied to the surface, which is activated at an elevated temperature;

  • The part prepared in this way enters the membrane-vacuum pressing workshop, where, with the help of special equipment, it is tightened with a hot film that comes into contact with hot-melt adhesive;

  • After the film has cooled, its excess is cut off and the product is ready for packaging.

Most of production process automated, so the products at the output are of high quality, accurate and relatively inexpensive.

So, I told you what is the instruction for the manufacture of furniture facades pasted over with vinyl film.

Unfortunately, for obvious reasons, all stages of the production process cannot be done by hand at home. However, there is a way to restore or update furniture using PVC film.

Pasting the furniture facade at home

Now I'll tell you how to glue MDF film facade on flat surface.

To carry out the planned work, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • PVC film;
  • White Spirit;
  • Soft, lint-free cloth;
  • New wide plastering trowel;
  • Sharp stationery knife;
  • sharp scissors;
  • household hair dryer.

The spatula must be really new, as a used tool may have subtle irregularities that will scratch the film when smoothed.

The forthcoming work consists of the following stages.

Despite the fact that the instructions for gluing a film on MDF are simple, the quality of the finished result will depend on how closely you follow it.

  • On the initial stage carefully wipe the surface to be decorated with a rag soaked in white spirit;

  • We measure the perimeter of the surface to be glued and, according to these measurements, cut out the self-adhesive with a margin of 1-2 cm on each side;

  • We turn the self-adhesive into a roll inside out to the top;
  • We apply the edge of the self-adhesive to the edge of the facade and separate the edge of the substrate;

  • Next, gradually unfold the roll, separating the substrate;

  • With a spatula wrapped in fabric, smooth the self-adhesive so that bubbles do not appear on it;

  • After the film is glued evenly over the entire surface, the excess self-adhesive is cut off around the entire perimeter;

  • The perimeter of the facade is heated with a household hair dryer and additionally smoothed with a spatula wrapped in fabric;
  • We use a similar method if there are bubbles on the surface of the product.

If all the points of the instructions are followed correctly, the result will be practically indistinguishable from factory-made furniture facades.

A feature of adhesive-based PVC films is their small thickness.
As a result, every speck of dust or unevenness on the pasted surface will be visible to the naked eye.
Therefore, we carefully wipe the facade with a damp cloth and check for dust under a lamp or a bright lantern.

Pasting the countertop with a film under the tree

You have already familiarized yourself with the pasting of furniture facades, now I will tell you how I finished it myself kitchen worktop. The main stages of the work done are not much different from the previous method, so I’ll just post my photos with explanations.

First, I sanded the tabletop, changing the grain size of the sandpaper in the grinder from medium to fine. The need for grinding was caused by the presence of scratches and chips both on the front surface and on the ends.

Depressions and large scratches were treated with putty, after which the workpiece was finally sanded and wiped with a cloth soaked in white spirit.

He applied self-adhesive, gradually removing the footrest and dispersing the bumps on the sides. When the main surface was pasted over, I bent the self-adhesive along the ends.

I made cuts in the corners with a sharp clerical knife and folded the bottom piece of film under the top one. I smoothed the film on the end with a rag.

The remaining folds were heated with a hair dryer and evened out with a rag already in a heated state. After complete cooling, the film is stretched and the ends look perfectly even.

For your information!
The described technology can be used not only for gluing furniture facades and countertops, but also for decorating furniture, large household appliances etc.

Basic information about film facades

Finally, I’ll still talk about what film facades are, what are their advantages and disadvantages.

Foil facades are a popular solution for making furniture, mainly for kitchens and bathrooms.

The scope of furniture made from such material is not accidental, since the MDF board covered with PVC film is resistant to excessive moisture. That is, if the kitchen does not have an extractor hood, and the bathroom does not effective system ventilation, the furniture you bought will last for many years.

Can the same be said about self-adhesive vinyl-covered furniture? Unfortunately, self-lined facades are not as reliable as factory counterparts.

Self-adhesive, no matter how well it is glued, cannot guarantee the absolute tightness of the coating. Factory facades do not have open areas gluing, and therefore humid air cannot have any effect on the MDF.

Comparing what is better film or enamel or plastic for

Most people have a special relationship with kitchen furniture. If the interior of the living room is easy to update by buying furniture in a different style and color, then a sane person will not change the kitchen set every year. It's too troublesome and costly. Most often, furniture pasted over with facade film is installed in the kitchen. It is convenient - you can choose any color or surface imitation. Film - the material is very durable and is applied in a special way when heated. Sometimes unfortunate misunderstandings occur, and for some reason the film moves away from the surface of the furniture. We will learn further what to do if the film on the facades of the kitchen has peeled off.

So, what to do if the film on the kitchen set has fallen off?

First, don't panic and don't get too upset.

Secondly, to understand the reasons in order to understand whether the restoration of film facades is possible. There may be several reasons:

  • - The craftsmen who pasted the kitchen facades did not apply glue to the entire surface. The human factor, there's nothing you can do about it. It is easy enough to miss some areas, and it is to them that the film will not stick.
  • - The craftsmen used low-quality glue. It also happens that the glue is applied correctly, but its composition leaves much to be desired. Or it is not mixed well enough when it comes to a two-component polyurethane adhesive. At first you will see bubbles on the film, and then it will completely move away from either side. By the way, the expiration date of the glue also matters. Yes, even in repair, the expiration dates of materials are of great importance. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to the deadlines so that after you do not care about the alteration of the film facades of the kitchen.
  • - The masters did not comply with the required temperature regime. Repair of film facades is usually required if the film was not warmed up well or the room was too cool. Another option - the blanks for the facades themselves were cold.
  • - You violated the rules for the operation of the facade film. Restoration of film facades is sometimes necessary if the kitchen is too humid, hot or, conversely, cold.

Plywood facades?

The second important question that the “victims” ask themselves is whether re-gluing the film will help? The repair of film kitchen facades is strongly associated with the film plywood for most of the inhabitants. If the furniture is under the manufacturer's warranty, this option is really possible. You contact the seller, he - to the manufacturer, and the issue is resolved. But what to do if the film falls off the kitchen facade, and the furniture warranty has long ended? Do you have to buy new furniture? Calm, the situation is fixable. possible! And the repainting of film facades will help here.

Here the third important question arises - is it possible to paint kitchen facades on your own? Of course you can. But keep in mind that you will have to do some serious preliminary work. For example, choose a paint with a suitable coloring composition. It's not as easy as it seems at first glance. There are many colors on the market and not all are suitable for the kitchen. For example, varnish in conditions of humidity and exposure aggressive environment(detergents) unstable. But car enamel, on the contrary, loves heat, is resistant to moisture and is generally not afraid of damage.

In order not to bother with the choice of paint, you should contact the professionals. By the way, they will suggest interesting interior solution, because in the case of painting, you can combine two or more shades. Specialists also know exactly what additional materials will be required. It is unlikely that you will find a building hair dryer or grinder at home. Professionals can carefully remove the remnants of the film that has begun to move away from the facades. They are also familiar with the nuances of facade painting. Here, for example, one of them - the facades need to be painted in one direction. There can be even more subtleties if you want to paint the furniture in several different colors.

To summarize: what to do if the film falls off the kitchen facade? There are several options.

Extreme - buy a new headset.

Prolonged - to do an independent update of the film or painting the facades. It can cost millions of nerve cells and up to tens of thousands of hard-earned money. Will you give a guarantee for your own "needlework" and will you be enough to remake an unsuccessful repair? As they say, measure seven times and then cut off.

A smart option - with more experience, relax and enjoy your vacation while the professionals work.

Peeling off of the PVC film at the edges can occur both immediately after the production of facades, and during operation under the influence of external factors (temperature, moisture) or time.

Reasons for peeling and lifting the film on MDF facades :

1. Lack of glue. When applying glue by hand, it is easy to overlook and miss one of the sides of the part, especially if the glue is transparent. To eliminate this drawback, many manufacturers use glue with the addition of dyes.

2. Poor quality adhesive for PVC film. For example, when using a two-component polyurethane adhesive, the proportion of hardener in the adhesive composition was incorrectly calculated. It is also possible when using glue with an expired shelf life. As a rule, this defect does not appear immediately, but after some time. At the same time, the PVC film effortlessly peels off the facade over the entire surface.

3. The adhesive did not activate and did not react with the PVC film due to insufficient temperature at the junction. The following factors may have an impact here:

· underheating of the PVC film itself;

· fast supply of vacuum;

· too thin adhesive layer;

· cold blanks of MDF facades;

· low air temperature in the room and the working table of the press;

· insufficient vacuum in the process of facing the MDF facade, which did not provide sufficient force for pressing the film to the adhesive layer;

· the adhesive is not suitable for this press due to its technological parameters (the activation temperature is higher than the one provided by the technology).

4. Incorrect operating conditions for MDF film facades: location near sources of heat, hot steam and moisture. When purchasing furniture with facades in PVC film, the buyer must carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations on operating conditions, maximum allowable temperatures, air humidity, resistance to household chemicals etc.


In the absence or lack of glue, use a brush to carefully apply it to the edge of the MDF facade, and then glue it in one of the following ways:

With silicone membrane

It is necessary, according to all the rules, to lay out the details of the facades on linings on the desktop and close them with a membrane. Then turn on the vacuum. After the membrane covers the facades, you should make sure of the quality of the covering (no folds, pressing over the entire surface of the film). Next, it is necessary to warm up the facades to the temperature of activation of the glue. As a rule, under the silicone membrane, the warm-up temperature should be slightly higher than during the normal veneering process. Attention! For MDF facades with a milled surface, this technique is unacceptable, as it can lead to peeling of the film in the milling cavity.

With heating appliances

It can be an ordinary household electric iron or any other heated tool, for example, using an industrial hair dryer. The tool should initially be heated to a temperature at which the film begins to “lead”, but not melt. It is best to test first on film scraps, or invisible areas of fronts in PVC film. Then, pressing the tool firmly against the non-glued edge of the facade for 1-2 seconds, perform the movement, as if stretching and wrapping the film on inner part facade. In this case, the glue at the place of the clamp should warm up, and the film itself should stretch slightly and protrude above the plane of the back side of the part. After all sections of the facade have been glued in this way, the protruding excess film can be cut off with a clerical knife.

Unstretched internal corners frame facades can be glued in the same way using a heated metal rod commensurate with the radius of the cutter used when selecting the frame opening.

Attention! You should not heat the film directly with a hair dryer, as it begins to shrink and curl. This will only make the situation worse.

Friction film bonding

The method is interesting in that it does not require any devices and devices. Through a piece of rag, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot stuck PVC film is rubbed with your thumb. In this case, friction creates pressure and temperature sufficient to activate the adhesive. The disadvantages of this technique include a high probability of exposing the edge of the edge of the MDF facade and damaging the decorative layer directly to the PVC film itself by friction.

Gluing the film with instant glue

During the operation of MDF film facades, film peeling is often observed near heating devices or sources of hot steam. In such cases, you should not delay the elimination of the defect, since over time the film may deform so much that it will no longer be possible to restore the facade. To glue pvc film you will need a quick-drying second glue, such as "SuperMoment" or similar. At the same time, it is necessary to coat the place of gluing so that the glue gets not only inside, but also partially on the film itself and on the exposed areas of the MDF, thus ensuring the strength and protection of the facade from the influence of external factors during further operation.

Padding of MDF facades

An extreme case is when the PVC film peels off over the entire surface of the MDF facade. The old film is torn off using a hair dryer, after which the facade is thoroughly cleaned of the remnants of low-quality glue. The process, despite its simplicity, is quite laborious and requires a lot of patience, since old glue quickly clogs all used grinding media. It is even possible to repeat

Lost its former attractive appearance, then it's time to update it. If purchase new kitchen is not suitable for everyone, then replacing the film on the facades will be the best option for each owner. The use of vinyl film is the most budget option, which allows you to return the former look to the facade of the kitchen or completely change it. You can replace the film yourself, but it is better to entrust this task to a professional, because very often in the process there can be difficulties that you simply cannot cope with without special skills.

The main advantage of vinyl film is that it can perfectly imitate natural wood, stone, leather and other natural materials. It only takes a couple of rolls of such a film and the kitchen will completely change its appearance. Such a replacement of the film on the facades will not hit the pocket, therefore it is an affordable option for every homeowner.

Despite the fact that the work will be carried out independently or this task will be entrusted to a professional, in any case, the following list of materials will be required:

  • Vinyl film;
  • Dense fabric for smoothing the film on the surface of the facade. A plastic spatula is also suitable;
  • Alcohol or solvent;
  • Roulette;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Ruler and pencil.

In order for the replacement of the film to bring the desired effect, the facade must first be removed and placed on a solid surface. It is not recommended to carry out work on weight, as it is terribly inconvenient and there is a big risk of ruining both expectations and the vinyl film itself. In order to complete the task in accordance with all the rules, it is necessary to know well the main stages of the procedure:

  • The door is removed and all available fittings are unscrewed. If the fittings, frankly, are outdated or worn out, then it is better to replace them with a new one. Thus, it will really be updated beyond recognition;
  • Before gluing the film on the facade, it is necessary to carefully treat its surface with water and soda. After everything needs to be wiped dry. This procedure is required to degrease the surface;
  • Cutting the vinyl film itself is very simple. Regardless of the manufacturer, markings in centimeters are offered on the reverse side of the film. It is enough just to measure the cabinet and cut out pieces of the film of the required size;
  • The film is laid on the facade face up. The protective paper is peeled off from the top of the film, and the film itself is applied to the facade and leveled with a rubber spatula, a soft cloth or just a hand. If air bubbles appear that can no longer be removed with a spatula, then they can be pierced with a pin and the film can be smoothed out again;
  • If any segment turned out to be uneven, then it is better to remove it immediately and replace it with a new one. If you do not do this right away, then the film will be very strongly fixed with the facade, and there is nothing you can do but remove it with a clerical knife.

It is easiest to work with a single-color film, then you need to make sure that it does not cover the scratches of wood or marble, depending on what material the facade is made of.

If the updated facade does not look quite impressive, then it can be diluted vinyl stickers or pattern inserts. It all depends on personal imagination and the materials used.

Rules for the operation of facades with PVC film

  • If it is necessary to replace the film on the facades, then it is best to look at expensive and high-quality options that can normally tolerate high humidity in the kitchen and exposure to high temperatures;
  • Various solvents, alkalis and other acids are not in the best way affect the condition of the film;
  • Do not use lighting devices that will be installed to the facade with a film at a distance of less than 10 centimeters. This is especially true when a conventional incandescent lamp is used in the lamp. This will lead to the fact that the film will begin to fade, wrinkle and burn through;
  • Facades with film, which are installed near ovens, must be drowned by 3 or more centimeters in relation to a gas or electric stove.

If there are also a few points that are by no means allowed with the use of facades and other furniture that is pasted over with vinyl film:

  • Do not install facades near the source great warmth and also in places where there is direct sunlight. Otherwise, the film may change its color, which will lead not only to the loss of an attractive appearance of the entire product, but also to the peeling of the film;
  • It has been laboratory proven that it is forbidden to operate facades and other furniture with glued vinyl film at temperatures below 20 degrees and above 60 degrees, relative to air humidity of 80%. Otherwise, significant damage to the material occurs;
  • After replacing the film on the facade, you must wait a few hours so that it is well fixed on the surface. After that, the facade can be returned to its place. Otherwise, cracking of the film may occur;
  • It is necessary to exclude, as far as possible, the ingress of moisture on the facade. If this happens, try to immediately remove moisture with a soft cloth.

Facade painting

It is worth noting that it is possible to restore a damaged kitchen facade not only with the help of a vinyl film, although its presence will serve as additional protection. A very popular option for updating the kitchen facade is painting it. It is worth noting that staining is useful when the facade has retained its normal state. If there's big cracks or chips, then you can’t get off with ordinary painting here. To paint the facade, you must perform the following steps:

  • The facade is removed;
  • All fittings and hinges are unscrewed;
  • The surface is well cleaned and degreased;
  • The facade is cleaned with an abrasive skin;
  • The surface of the facade is wiped with a solvent;
  • The façade is being painted. It's best to paint first. hard-to-reach places. For this, a thin brush is useful. On a flat surface, it is most convenient to use a paint roller. It is necessary to apply paint in several layers. It is worth noting that it is best to cover the facade with new paint using a car spray;
  • After finishing painting, using a stencil, you can create interesting patterns, which will only increase the aesthetic component of the updated facade. After that, you can return the facade to its place.

Separately, it is worth noting that after the paint has dried, you can stick the already familiar vinyl film on the facade. You can use both a transparent film and an already existing shade, which, when right choice will create a very beautiful effect. The film should only be applied after several hours of painting. Before this, the surface of the facade must be degreased well again so that the film can be well fixed with the surface of the facade.

Peeling off of the PVC film at the edges can occur both immediately after the production of facades, and during operation under the influence of external factors (temperature, moisture) or time.

Reasons for peeling and lifting the film on MDF facades:

1.Lack of glue. When applying glue by hand, it is easy to overlook and miss one of the sides of the part, especially if the glue is transparent. To eliminate this drawback, many manufacturers use glue with the addition of dyes.

2. Poor quality adhesive for PVC film. For example, when using a two-component polyurethane adhesive, the proportion of hardener in the adhesive composition was incorrectly calculated.

The self-adhesive film peels off.

It is also possible when using glue with an expired shelf life. As a rule, this defect does not appear immediately, but after some time. At the same time, the PVC film effortlessly peels off the facade over the entire surface.

3. The glue was not activated and did not react with the PVC film due to insufficient temperature at the junction. The following factors may have an impact here:

  • underheating of the PVC film itself;
  • fast supply of vacuum;
  • too thin adhesive layer;
  • cold blanks of MDF facades;
  • low air temperature in the room and the working table of the press;
  • insufficient vacuum in the process of facing the MDF facade, which did not provide sufficient force for pressing the film to the adhesive layer;
  • the adhesive is not suitable for this press due to its technological parameters (the activation temperature is higher than the one provided by the technology).

4. Incorrect operating conditions for MDF film facades: location near sources of heat, hot steam and moisture. When purchasing furniture with facades in PVC film, the buyer must carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations on operating conditions, maximum allowable temperatures, air humidity, resistance to household chemicals, etc.


In the absence or lack of glue, use a brush to carefully apply it to the edge of the MDF facade, and then glue it in one of the following ways:

With silicone membrane

It is necessary, according to all the rules, to lay out the details of the facades on linings on the desktop and close them with a membrane. Then turn on the vacuum. After the membrane covers the facades, you should make sure of the quality of the covering (no folds, pressing over the entire surface of the film). Next, it is necessary to warm up the facades to the temperature of activation of the glue. As a rule, under the silicone membrane, the warm-up temperature should be slightly higher than during the normal veneering process. Attention! For MDF facades with a milled surface, this technique is unacceptable, as it can lead to peeling of the film in the milling cavity.

With heating appliances

It can be an ordinary household electric iron or any other heated tool, for example, using an industrial hair dryer. The tool should initially be heated to a temperature at which the film begins to “lead”, but not melt. It is best to test first on film scraps, or invisible areas of fronts in PVC film. Then, pressing the tool tightly against the non-glued edge of the facade for 1-2 seconds, perform a movement, as if stretching and wrapping the film on the inside of the facade. In this case, the glue at the place of the clamp should warm up, and the film itself should stretch slightly and protrude above the plane of the back side of the part. After all sections of the facade have been glued in this way, the protruding excess film can be cut off with a clerical knife.

Unstretched inner corners of frame facades can be glued in the same way using a heated metal rod commensurate with the radius of the cutter used when selecting the frame opening.

Attention! You should not heat the film directly with a hair dryer, as it begins to shrink and curl. This will only make the situation worse.

Friction film bonding

The method is interesting in that it does not require any devices and devices. Through a piece of rag, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot stuck PVC film is rubbed with your thumb. In this case, friction creates pressure and temperature sufficient to activate the adhesive. The disadvantages of this technique include a high probability of exposing the edge of the edge of the MDF facade and damaging the decorative layer directly to the PVC film itself by friction.

Gluing the film with instant glue

During the operation of MDF film facades, film peeling is often observed near heating devices or sources of hot steam. In such cases, you should not delay the elimination of the defect, since over time the film may deform so much that it will no longer be possible to restore the facade. To glue the PVC film, you will need a quick-drying second glue, such as "SuperMoment" or similar. At the same time, it is necessary to coat the place of gluing so that the glue gets not only inside, but also partially on the film itself and on the exposed areas of the MDF, thus ensuring the strength and protection of the facade from the influence of external factors during further operation.

Padding of MDF facades

An extreme case is when the PVC film peels off over the entire surface of the MDF facade. The old film is torn off using a hair dryer, after which the facade is thoroughly cleaned of the remnants of low-quality glue. The process, despite its simplicity, is quite laborious and requires a lot of patience, as the old glue quickly clogs all the sanding agents used. Even repeated milling of the MDF facade is possible.

Other articles…

The film on the facade of the kitchen has peeled off than to stick

Since the beginning of the use of self-adhesive film, designers have received a flexible and powerful tool for realizing their wildest fantasies. So, such a film is completely safe for health, it is waterproof, not afraid of high temperatures. In addition, it is durable and quite cheap.

Self-adhesive film can be pasted over the bathroom, kitchen walls, as well as surfaces of other rooms. Self-adhesive film can update old furniture.

  • dishwashing detergent;
  • hand dryer;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • knife or scissors;
  • primer;
  • ruler.

Work process

  1. Prepare the surface properly: it must be smooth, clean. The surface must be degreased and cleaned of dust. For degreasing, you need to use a dishwashing detergent. If very deep stains cannot be removed with dish detergent, then an alkaline solution should be used for cleaning. Smooth surfaces(e.g. plastics, metal, glass) must be dampened slightly with water and additives before pasting detergent. Porous and rough surfaces (plywood, cork, wood, fabric, plaster, ceramic tile) must be dry. For maximum bond strength wooden surfaces that are devoid of lacquer coating, you need to prime with methyl wallpaper glue, primer or polyester glue. Cracked substrates, as well as uneven surfaces, must be leveled with putty.

    Defects of MDF film facades. Peeling off (lifting) the film

    After such an operation, the treated areas are polished sandpaper and coated with acrylic primer.

  2. Cut the film into the desired size pieces. The centimeter grid (scale) facilitates film cutting. This grid is typically applied to reverse side(paper) self-adhesive film. If you are cutting long and even pieces of film, it is better to cut with a knife, guided along the ruler. Cutting is carried out with a margin of 20-30 mm. If you want to correctly match the film pattern that is printed on front side, then you need to cut such a film, focusing on the front side.
  3. Now you can stick the pieces of film. Separate the paper from the film by about 50 mm. Apply the film to the target surface and stick the separated edge. Now you need to slowly and evenly pull the paper with one hand, freeing the rest of the self-adhesive film from it. With the other hand, smooth the film using a soft towel. It is necessary to smooth the film from the central area to the edges. So you will avoid the formation of air "pockets". If the formation of bubbles could not be avoided, then you need to pierce these bubbles with a needle and carefully squeeze out the air.
  4. Corner wrapping. To glue the rounded edges, you need to heat the film with a conventional hand-held hot air gun. After such manipulation, the film is very easily bent and glued. If you are gluing edges and even corners (for example, processing book bindings), then you need to cut the protruding corners at an angle of 45 degrees. Now these corners can be bent and glued.
  5. Drawing up several sheets of self-adhesive film. Overlap the canvases by 15 mm - overlap the canvases on top of each other. Then cut both layers of the film with a sharp knife (you can use a clerical knife). Such cutting is carried out along the line. Cut strips are removed. After that, you need to firmly press the edges of the film. The joints can be hidden with borders that are glued on top.
  6. Coating large surfaces. The film will adhere perfectly to large surfaces if they absorb moisture well enough. Cover the surface wallpaper paste. While the glue has not dried yet, you need to glue the film and fit it to the right place. Now you can press the film and smooth it with a clean, dry towel. If the film sticks to the surface very quickly, then such a surface should be sprinkled with talc or powder. These substances will slow down the bonding, and you will be able to correctly combine several pieces of film with each other.

Self-adhesive film is not endowed with sufficient wear resistance. Therefore, it must be carefully used when finishing flooring.

film peeling

Laminating (lamination) of MDF facades can significantly reduce the cost of their manufacture, since buying a laminated MDF board costs the company more than 2 times more than pasting over an uncoated board with paper.

Laminating (laminating) MDF facades is the process of covering the rough, unfinished surface of blanks of MDF parts with facing paper or film to improve the appearance inside facades or countertops. This method used if the production of MDF facades uses non-laminated MDF panels to reduce the cost of the finished product.

Laminating (laminating) MDF parts usually produced in the most efficient and in a simple way, using available funds. In this case, the best equipment for laminating MDF facades is the existing vacuum membrane press.

Using a foam rubber roller, PVA glue is applied to the surface of the product. From a roll of facing paper, a piece is cut in size 1-2 cm wider than the part itself. Facades smeared with MDF glue are laid on paper on the working surface of the press and covered with a silicone membrane.

After turning on the vacuum, excess adhesive is squeezed out, which contributes to its rapid setting. To speed up the gluing process, you can turn on the heat and maintain a temperature of 40-50 °C on the surface of the press. In this case, it should be borne in mind that excessive overheating can deform parts.

Depending on which adhesive is chosen for laminating, the laying process can take from 15 minutes to 1 hour.

After removing the parts, the excess paper or film for laminating the MDF is cut off. To do this, the blunt side of the knife is drawn along the corner of the glued edge so as to bend the paper. Then, at the place of the fold, it is cut off with a sharp knife, and the cut is lightly cleaned with an emery cloth.

If in the process of laminating (laminating) MDF facades other facing materials or adhesives, then, in order to avoid deformation or peeling of the lining, it should be remembered that the coating with PVC film will be accompanied by heating of the parts in the future.

Film MDF panels

Film MDF panels can be compared with an expensive rare car that remains stylish and in demand for a long time. They have earned their popularity due to positive qualities, time-tested, which they possess. Facades coated with PVC film are wear-resistant, durable and practical in operation. Perfectly endure the effects of moisture and other harmful factors present in everyday life.

These facades are also known for their diversity. color solutions. The film can be given any shade or color, it perfectly imitates colors natural materials, complementing it with a stylish glossy sheen. The film can also be matte, if the designer's idea requires it.

Naturally, the above advantages do not apply to all film facades. Much depends on the integrity of the manufacturer. To make high-quality film MDF panels, you need to have modern equipment and master the technology.

Production of MDF film facade:

Initially produced MDF panel, which serves as the basis of the facade. MDF - dry pressed fine chips, which is a waste from processing natural wood. After that, the plate is covered with PVC film. To fix the film, manufacturers use water-based glue. The film is mounted by vacuum pressing, which eliminates the appearance of air bubbles and provides a perfectly flat surface. Further, the workpiece is milled and processed on special equipment.

It is the equipment that plays an important role in the manufacture of facades and affects their quality. Its cost is very high, so not all manufacturers can afford to purchase it. This equipment allows you to get facades of the required shape.

The manufacturing technology of MDF panels with PVC film is quite simple and known to everyone. But without special equipment to perform efficiently this work impossible. The result of proper production is a reliable, high-quality and inexpensive film facade that imitates facades made of natural expensive materials.

Unfortunately, very often you can encounter low-quality facades. Their film coating quickly peels off or loses its original appearance. Violation of the tightness of the coating reduces the moisture resistance of the MDF panel, and it swells over time.

It would seem that with such a simple technology it is impossible to spoil the product, but the excessive savings of manufacturers often lead to this. Poor-quality film facades are obtained due to the use of low-quality raw materials or equipment.

How not to make a mistake with the choice and purchase a high-quality film facade?

After that, you need to ask what kind of film was used in production. Chinese materials are cheaper but thin. The thicker the film, the longer the product will last.

The highest quality raw materials are produced by Italy or Germany. Their film has a thickness of 0.5 millimeters.

Even with a visual inspection, you can determine the quality of the product. There must be no air bubbles on the surface of the facades. The film layer should lie evenly, without wrinkling and curvature. All ends of the product must be securely protected.