Water supply device for a summer residence. Country water supply from plastic pipes, and how to apply it for irrigation in the country

  • 17.06.2019

Today it is already difficult to see a person who raises water from a well by hand. Many site owners are trying to make a plumbing system. The same applies to cottages. Here, on the site, which is intended for growing vegetables and garden trees water is the most essential resource. That is why many are interested in how to conduct plumbing in the country with their own hands. This will be discussed in this article.

Stages of creation

Before you start installing the water supply at your dacha, you need to carry out some preparatory work. First, determine the source of water. Secondly, draw up a diagram of the location of all elements of the water supply.

Note! It is worth considering for how long you will need water. Winter and summer plumbing will differ both in the materials used and in their design.

And of course, do not forget about the pipes used. In this plan modern manufacturers can offer two proven options:

  • metal pipes;
  • plastic products.

More recently, apart from steel pipes there was nothing to use. But such material is not durable. The metal corrodes, and the plumbing system quickly fails. In addition, it is quite difficult to mount such communications. Another thing is plastic pipes. They are light, inexpensive and do not corrode. All this made plastic products very popular.

If you will use the water supply only in the summer and only for watering the garden, then instead of pipes you can use hoses. In this case, both the usual garden option and fire hoses are suitable. Only such a system can hardly be called a water supply system.

Where to get water

First of all, before planning your water supply in your summer cottage, it is important to determine the source of water. For these purposes, several options can be used. For example, take water from:

  • well;
  • open source;
  • central plumbing systems.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the last - the central water supply. In this case, you do not need to worry about buying a pump (of course, if the pressure in the system is sufficient). In addition, the water in the central water supply is already purified water, which means that there is no need to install filters.

But this option is not always acceptable. Firstly, not all holiday villages have a central water supply. Secondly, you have to pay for using such a system. The more water you use for irrigation or personal needs, the greater the cost.

Note! It is not always possible to use water from an open source. Not every site has rivers or lakes. In addition, permission is required to use them. Another disadvantage is the purity of the water. Of course, such a “liquid” is quite suitable for irrigation, but it is better not to use it as drinking water.

The well is the easiest option. Here the water is quite clean (but still, to use it for drinking or cooking, you need to install filters), and it is easier to get it. The downside is the well itself. It can't be found everywhere. For example, in areas where the underground aquifer is too deep (20 meters or more), digging a well will be difficult, and most likely impossible.

An artesian well can be considered the most optimal source of water. True, you will have to spend money on its creation. First, it is necessary to invite specialists who will determine where the water layer lies. Secondly, you need to buy pipes and pay drillers for the well itself. But as a result, you will have your own uninterruptible source clean water. It will be enough for you for watering, and for drinking and cooking, and for technical and domestic needs. In addition, your operating costs will only consist of electricity bills.

What is better pump or pumping station

If you figured out the source of water, then you should think about how to get it from there. In order for the water supply in the country to work as it should, it is necessary to use additional equipment. So, for pumping water from a well, you can use:

  • deep pump;
  • surface pump;
  • pumping station.

The first option is considered the most common. Downhole pumps are placed directly into the well. Such units are capable of pumping water from a depth of 10 to 150 meters.

For installation deep pump the pipe in the well must correspond to the cross section of the unit itself. This requires more drilling costs than when using, for example, a pumping station. Before lowering the pump into the well, a electrical cable, a water pipe (most often made of polymeric materials) and a cable that will hold the device itself. Then the unit is lowered into the pipe to the groundwater level.

Surface pumps are installed if the water depth is not more than 10 meters. Such units for the country water supply system are often used if the source of water is an open reservoir. It is enough to install the pump on the bank of a river or lake, lower the suction hose with a mesh into the pond, and turn it on.

Note! Unlike deep pumps, surface pumps can operate not only on electricity, but also on liquid fuel. But diesel and gasoline units are used mainly during irrigation. For the continuous operation of the water supply system, such devices are of little use due to the need to constantly add fuel to the tank.

Recently appeared on the market pumping stations. The set of such a device, in addition to the pump, includes a water tank, a suction hose and various automation.

Pumping stations differ in the presence and location of the ejector:

  • embedded. Such units are considered the most powerful. The station with a built-in ejector is capable of pumping water from a well up to 40 meters deep. The only drawback of such a device is its high noise level;
  • external. In this case, the ejector is located on the suction hose and is lowered directly into the well. Such devices can also pump water from a depth of 40 meters, and besides, they work quietly. The disadvantage of pumping stations with an external ejector is their sensitivity to small solid particles that can enter the water from the well;

No ejector. Such pumping stations are the cheapest. They can only pump water from a depth of up to 10 meters. But they are economical and silent.

Note! The advantages of pumping stations compared to simple pumps that they work autonomously. In addition, due to the presence of a tank (hydraulic accumulator), water can be used for some time after a power outage. That is why many choose pumping stations if the water supply in the country is needed not only for irrigation, but also for domestic needs.

The difference between summer plumbing and winter

Plumbing in the country is needed to achieve two goals. First of all, it is necessary for supplying water to the house for domestic needs and drinking. But, besides this, many summer residents grow vegetables, root crops and garden plants. And all living organisms need water, and in large quantities.

If your dacha serves only for growing plants, then it makes no sense to carry out winter plumbing. The summer version is much cheaper. It will require less effort from you during installation. How to make summer plumbing will depend on its varieties. Here you can try to mount two options:

  • temporary;
  • stationary.

In the first case, you just need to install the pump, connect the hoses to it, and your plumbing is ready. After the end of the irrigation season, all elements of the system are simply removed to a warm room or garage.

If you don’t want to bother with stretching and shifting hoses from place to place every time, then you can make a stationary water supply for watering plants. In this case, it is enough to lay several pipes along all plantations and equip them with shutoff valves.

In case of need for watering, you turn on the pump and open the desired valve. Water enters the beds and irrigates them. After the end of the season, simply remove the pump to a warm room and remove the remaining water from the pipes.

If the plumbing must work and winter period, then it is necessary to make great efforts to create it. This is due to the fact that all elements need insulation.

As a rule, so that the pipes do not freeze in the winter cold, they are laid to a depth below the freezing level of the soil. But in some regions, this figure can be equal to one and a half and even two meters. Not everyone can dig such deep trenches in the country.

There is another, more easy way. In this case, the depth of laying pipes will be no more than half a meter. But it’s impossible to bury a trench just like that, communications will definitely freeze. To prevent this from happening, you should use a heater. As such, you can apply;

  • slag;
  • expanded clay;
  • foam chips, etc.

The insulation you choose must have certain characteristics. First, he should not be afraid of dampness and aggressive environments. Secondly, the material must be “disliked” by various rodents and other small animals. In addition, the insulation should not be suitable for mold fungi.

Today, special casings (shells) for plumbing systems have appeared on sale. They can be of different diameters and neatly put on pipes. Such a heater is made of various polymers, has a small thickness and a low coefficient of thermal conductivity. The use of such casings greatly facilitates the installation of water supply in the country. Indeed, in this case, it is enough to deepen the pipes into the ground by only 20–30 cm.

But not only communications need insulation. Your well and pump (or pumping station) must also be protected from freezing. For these purposes, a caisson is most often used. This design is a container located above the well with a pump. The caisson is also insulated with heat-insulating materials.


An overview of the country water supply system is shown in the video:

The summer cottage has always been used for its intended purpose only in the warm season. Therefore, their owners did not bother about how to provide water small house. Water supply at the dacha was solved simply: either water was delivered in buckets from a nearby open reservoir, or a well was dug on the territory of the dacha. They drank such water, prepared dishes for eating from it, watered the garden and flower beds from watering cans.

But now the approach to country cottages has changed. Many people come here not only in summer, but also in winter. And someone, in general, moves to nature for a permanent place of residence. This means that the need for a constant and high-quality water supply to the cottage becomes the first necessity. Because without water: neither there nor here. So, let's figure out how to organize water supply suburban area(dachas). What methods and methods are offered today. And how effective are they for giving.

Plumbing options for a summer residence

First of all, it is determined from which source water will be taken for domestic needs and watering plantings in the country. In principle, there are two options: an open reservoir or a well (well). As practice shows, everything will depend on how clean the reservoir is, and how far it is located from the summer cottage. If the distance is large, then laying pipes below the freezing level of the soil or the process of their insulation will cost a pretty penny. If the water in a lake, pond or river does not meet sanitary standards, then it can only be used for watering green spaces in the country. Disinfecting and cleaning it will also be difficult and expensive.

Therefore, the option with a well in the country is optimal and the right decision. In addition, the owner of the cottage himself will be interested so that the source of water does not dry out, is clean and does not silt. That is, he will look after the well and clean it periodically. Of course, it will be difficult to dig a well and equip it. But these are one-time expenses that you have to go to.

Plumbing in the country

So, we will assume that the well has been dug in the country, it has water suitable for drinking. It is necessary to prepare for the construction of a water supply network. Let's face it, country water supply is a complete system with pipes, intakes and filters. After all, the conversation is about the water supply, which will supply the cottage with quality water all year round. It can be used for consumption and for other household needs: bathing in a bath or shower, washing dishes and linen.

The water supply of the dacha from the well begins with the preparation of a project that will display all the elements of the future system. It can be divided into two parts: external and internal.

The outer part of the water supply in the country

The external part of the country water supply includes a well, a pump installed in it, with the help of which water will rise up and into the house, piping, external outlets (taps for watering green spaces, a summer shower and a kitchen, a pool, and so on). Be sure to place the points of water outlets on the plan of the suburban area. Thus, it will be easy to calculate the required number of pipes and fittings for them. After all, the pipe wiring of a country water supply system will not be easy. As practice shows, pipes will practically streak the entire territory of the dacha.

Since the conversation was about pipes, it is necessary to choose them correctly in terms of diameter and raw material. In principle, the choice of material is small, because today it is not better than plastic pipes. As for the diameter of the pipes, it will have to be commensurate with the diameter of the outlet pipe submersible pump. But the farther from the pumping unit, the diameter of the pipes will decrease. This is due to the layout of the pipe system in the country, and, accordingly, with a decrease in water pressure in them and a decrease in its volume.

Pipes must be laid below the freezing level of the soil. If this is not possible, because there can be many reasons for a summer cottage outside the city. For example, the high level of groundwater. Then the dacha water supply pipeline will have to be insulated. You can choose any of the insulation technologies offered today, of course, it is optimal if this method is inexpensive. as one of the most simple options- this is the use of heat-insulating cylinders (shells), which are still covered with a waterproofing film on top. You can use roll insulation instead of shells mineral wool or glass wool, also covered with waterproofing.

Pump for a well in the country

Choosing the right pump for a well in the country is very important. Its main parameter is power, which determines the amount of water supplied to a country cottage. For water supply at home, this parameter will have to be calculated on the basis that one person consumes 200 liters of water per day. Depending on the number of people, you can accurately say what power pump is suitable for a country cottage. Approximately, its capacity will be equal to 40-50 l / h, if 3-4 people live in the country house. Add here the summer watering of the garden and vegetable garden, then you can safely choose a unit with a capacity of 60-80 l / h.

As for pressure, this is another important criterion choice. Everything will depend on how deep the pump is lowered into the well. 30 m is added to this figure, and the final number is increased by another 10%. And this will be the final result. Some experts also require to determine the capabilities of the well itself in the country. That is, how quickly it will fill up after each pumping of water.

If the groundwater layer does not lie very deep - not lower than 8 m, then a surface unit can be installed instead of a submersible unit. This is an ordinary water pump, the entire structure of which is installed at the top near a dug well. A pipe is lowered into the well itself, at the end of which a strainer is installed. The disadvantage of this apparatus is that there must always be water inside the pipeline entering the well. Air trapped inside will prevent water from being pumped out. And if this happens, then you will have to pour water into the system manually through a special inlet located on the pump housing. In addition, the pumping unit itself must be insulated for the winter.

The interior of the plumbing in the country

Many summer residents simply bring the outer pipe into the building, make the necessary wiring. And in this state they use water supply in the country. The simplest circuit, completely of poor quality, because the water entering the country house from the well will not meet the requirements and standards of sanitation. Firstly, it will be cloudy with sand impurities, because the filter installed on the pump inlet pipe traps only large impurities.

Therefore, it is worth taking care of the quality of the water consumed. In addition, there is always a situation when there will be little water in the well, and it simply will not flow into the cottage. That is why it is so important to properly organize the water supply system country house. Let's face it, this is the most expensive part of the country water supply, because its internal system consists of a large number of nodes and devices.

So, the dachas are part of the water supply system, we will go from the inlet pipe to consumers:

  • Coarse filter. With its help, small particles of silt and sand are retained.
  • A container (or several containers) in which water is collected. This is in case it becomes small in the well. Thus, uninterrupted operation of the water supply in the country is achieved.
  • Fine filter.

Attention! Both filters must be installed in an accessible free space so that there are no obstacles for their maintenance - replacement of filter materials.

If the water in the well contains a large number of iron, then you should take care to somehow remove this chemical element from it. The easiest option is to install an additional ion-exchange filter, since these are now sold in stores.

To create pressure in the internal water supply network in the country, you can use several options. The first is to install a collection water tank above the installation level of consumers. For example, you can mount the tank in the attic of the cottage. The second is to install a small pump specifically for the inside of the dacha water supply system. True, this option has one drawback - if the supply to the electricity supply is turned off, the pump simply will not work. We'll have to forget for a while that there is running water outside the city.

The third way is to install a hydraulic accumulator instead of a water tank. In fact, this is still the same tank or reservoir, which is divided into two halves inside with a waterproof membrane. When water from the well in the country fills the tank, it creates pressure on the membrane, pushing it to the walls of the accumulator. When the valve on the consumer (shower, sink, sink, toilet) is opened, the reverse action occurs. That is, the air in the second compartment of the tank under pressure begins to put pressure on the membrane, and it, in turn, on the water. Thus, water pressure is created in the dacha plumbing system.

By the way, hydraulic accumulators are very similar to expansion tanks for a heating system. They are distinguished by the color of the body. At expansion tank it is red, the accumulator is blue. As for the volume of the container, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is usually filled with water by 30-40%. For example, 100 liters of water should be enough for small cottage where 2-3 people live. But since the tank is not completely filled, it is better to purchase a larger one.

Installation of the external part of the water supply of the cottage

The layout of the plumbing system throughout the summer cottage (not counting from the well to the cottage) takes a lot of time and money. In addition, she has been inactive for six months, and maybe more. Therefore, such a system can save money.

  • Firstly, it is this part of the country water supply that can not be laid below the freezing level of the soil, and there is no need to carry out its insulation.
  • Secondly, it is possible to use not plastic pipes for laying, but rubberized hoses that are buried to a shallow depth - 20-30 cm.

First, a wiring diagram is determined on the territory of the dacha, according to which a mark is made on the ground. After that, trenches are dug out, and the hose is laid in them. It should be noted that manufacturers of rubberized hoses offer their products in coils 50 or 100 m long. So one coil may be enough to assemble the entire water supply system in the country without joints. At the branching points, you will have to install plastic fittings that are attached to the hoses with metal clamps. This is a reliable and tight connection that will faithfully serve the entire summer season in the country.

When the need for operation external system disappears in the country (autumn has come), it must be preserved. The easiest option is to assemble the hoses into coils, after pulling them out of the ground and disconnecting the fittings. Be sure to drain the water from the inside. And all the collected material is stored in a barn or in the basement of the cottage. In the spring, all this is installed in places, which takes a couple of hours. And now the plumbing is ready for operation.

As you can see, organize water supply in country cottage not very difficult. Of course, the event is costly, but it is worth it. After all, an uninterrupted supply of high-quality water at any time is the convenience of living in a country house in the countryside both in winter and in summer.

The problem of water supply to a summer cottage worries many summer residents, because without irrigation you can not even dream of any crop. Carrying water from the nearest pond or from a well is simply physically impossible. The most effective way out of this situation is to equip a summer water supply system in the country from polypropylene pipes. Of course, this will require some capital investment and physical effort, but the result is the ability to water the site in a very short time.

And since there is water in the well or in the well that is quite suitable for drinking, in addition, you will provide for yourself and drinking water. Consequently, summer water supply in the country can significantly make life easier for the owners of the site, create conditions for more rational use of land and even for comfortable living in the country.

Before you build a summer water supply in the country with your own hands, you need to decide on its location. The water conduit can be collapsible, laid on the surface of the soil, or permanent, located underground.


The advantage of the summer collapsible option is that it:

  • very quickly laid and easily connected to various water sources;
  • all its leaks become immediately noticeable;
  • maintenance is reduced to a minimum.

However, such a design it is recommended to disassemble and carry away from the site before the onset of cold weather. If this is not done, there is a high probability of theft of water pipes in the winter season. This forces all connections to be collapsible. Also, pipes located near the beds will be constantly at risk of damage.

Note: For collapsible surface plumbing, rubber or silicone hoses are often used.


Such a system is laid forever. You can use the laid water supply both in summer and in winter. But, if you plan to use it in the winter, you will have to bury the pipes to a sufficiently large depth, below the level of soil freezing, or additional insulation if the depth of their laying is insufficient for any reason. Since we are talking about how to make summer water supply in the country with our own hands, we will consider just such a possibility of permanent water supply.

The system is laid shallow in places of lawns, between trees. A depth of 25-30 cm will be enough. Where the pipe will pass under the beds, it should be laid much deeper to avoid damage during digging. To do this, the pipes are buried by 40-45 cm or even more. Do not worry that the pipes will break in winter. In autumn, when there is no need for irrigation, the water is drained from the pipes (for this they are laid with a slight slope or blown by a compressor). In this state, pipelines are not afraid of frost.

The photo shows an example of the location of water pipes. plastic pipes in shallow trenches

Benefits of a permanent pipeline:

  • closed summer water supply in the country from polypropylene pipes does not need to be disassembled and reassembled;
  • can be used in winter at the appropriate bookmark depth;
  • pipes will not be stolen.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the need to drain water from pipes in the fall. To do this, you need to install a drain valve located at the lowest point of the system. Labor costs for earthworks will also increase. And in case of damage, a considerable amount of earthwork will have to be performed to eliminate the defect.

Types of pipes for irrigation

Depending on which version of the conduit you decide to make, the material of the pipelines is selected.

For laying an outdoor summer water supply, you can use the following types of pipes:

  • metal-plastic;
  • polypropylene;
  • flexible hoses.

All of the listed materials, with the exception of polypropylene pipelines, are easily joined into a single structure, and then just as easily disassembled and transferred to storage. Connections are made by means of either special adapters made of plastic or galvanized steel.

Tip: If you decide to lay a surface conduit made of polypropylene pipes in the country, then try to disguise it for the winter, since it will be impossible to disassemble such a pipeline.

What to make summer water supply at a summer cottage of a permanent type:

  • Metal. Despite their reliability and strength, such pipes are gradually losing their relevance. This is due to the fact that the walls of the pipes gradually corrode, the quality of the water decreases, and the pipes leak after 5-7 years in the ground;
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Rigid pipes, which must be connected to each other for irrigation using special glue. Of the minuses, it is worth noting their intolerance to low temperatures, which requires compliance with certain rules when laying them;
  • Polyethylene pipes. They are relatively inexpensive and quite durable;
  • . The material is extremely durable, does not rot in the soil and does not corrode. For its installation, a soldering iron is used, which allows you to make very reliable connections. Polypropylene is relatively cheap, as is working with it.

It is polypropylene pipes that are the most preferred option when making do-it-yourself water supply for irrigation in the country closed type. For irrigation, pipes with a diameter of 20-25 mm are usually used, although a larger diameter can be used. The larger diameter of the pipe is especially relevant in the presence of a centralized water line, where there may be low pressure.

Organization of irrigation on the site

It is very important to determine the source of water on the site. It is good if a central water supply line is stretched along the street. You can simply connect to it after obtaining the appropriate permission. If there is no water conduit, then there are only two options left:

1. Summer. To do this, you will need to dig a well on the site, strengthen it and provide filling with water. A submersible or surface pump is used to supply water to the pipes. By the same principle, water is supplied from the well. The disadvantage of this supply is the low water temperature, which plants do not like.

2. Water supply for irrigation from the tank. Water is collected in a tank located on the site, where it reaches a temperature suitable for irrigation, and from there it is already supplied to the mounted polypropylene water supply.

Installation of polypropylene water supply

Before starting work on laying pipelines, a summer water supply scheme is drawn up in the country. It should take into account the location of shrubs, trees, beds, flower beds. This is especially important to do when conducting a permanent water supply, since changing the location of the pipes will then be very problematic. The diagram should indicate all the outlet points of the taps and the location of the lowest point with a drain valve.

Installation of summer water supply in a collapsible type cottage

Laying a surface pipeline is easy. Pipes are laid out directly on the ground, in those places where it is necessary to supply water. Pipelines are interconnected.

The device of the summer water supply in the country house underground

If a universal polypropylene pipeline is being laid, which will also be used in winter, then deep enough trenches are dug. In them, the pipes will not freeze in winter. If we are talking only about the summer operation of the water supply system, then the depth of the pipes can be much less. Enough 10-30 cm for the normal functioning of the conduit.

All trenches must be sloped to allow gravity flow of water through the pipes. This will make it easier to bleed water through the drain valve at the end of the irrigation season. Pipes passing under flower beds and beds are laid deeper. In this case, the lowest point of the system should be even lower than this level.

Polypropylene pipes are joined together by means of fittings and a special soldering iron. To bring the pipe to the surface, tees with shut-off valves or valves are used.

Tip: Before filling the trenches with earth, it is recommended to check the tightness of the water supply by running water through the pipes.

The trenches are dug in with earth, after which the water supply can be operated.

There is nothing complicated in the manufacture of summer country water supply. If everything is done carefully, such a water supply system will regularly serve its owners for decades.

It makes no sense to explain how important it is for any summer resident or gardener to make a convenient and relatively inexpensive irrigation system on their site. Metal is now expensive, so the vast majority of preference is given to country water supply from plastic pipes.

The cost of manufacturing will turn out to be cheaper than if you use steel pipes of a similar section, and it is quite possible to do the wiring of the water supply system around the site with your own hands, even without the involvement of specialists.

Features of planning a country water supply

Building a plumbing system in a summer cottage is always more difficult than if you were to make a plumbing system for a residential building or garage. The main problem is that formally you need to build three branches:

  • Plumbing with drinking water for a country house;
  • Stationary water supply system for supplying technical water to the house and to irrigation points in the beds;
  • A makeshift or portable system of pipes and hoses for connecting drip and shower irrigation of beds, shrubs and trees.

For each of the systems, you can choose your own version of plastic pipes, the most suitable for the task. In addition, the price of plastic pipes for plumbing in the country is of no small importance. For example, if you try to draw up a water supply scheme for a country house, it will become clear that in this case it will take no more than 20 m of pipes with three consumer points - for the kitchen, shower and toilet.

Such a water supply can be easily assembled with your own hands from polypropylene pipes. The whole idea of ​​​​arranging a water supply system in a country house will cost a maximum of $ 150-200, subject to connection to a centralized water supply system or to an already built well with a pump and outlet.

If you try to assemble the water supply of the irrigation system according to the same scheme, then the costs only for the purchase and assembly of plastic pipes can increase several times. For example, for a standard suburban area of ​​6 acres, the total length of the line laid in the ground is at least 100 linear meters, respectively, the price of an irrigation branch of a water supply system made of polypropylene will increase at least 2-3 times. To this scheme, it is worth adding a system of hose sprinklers and drip irrigation, for example, for a greenhouse or beds under a film.

For your information! Properly planned and built plastic plumbing is able to withstand 10-15 years of operation without major repairs and maintenance.

A country irrigation system assembled from rubber hoses and steel pipes lasts about half as much at a higher cost of construction, so there is no real alternative to using plastic.

A typical device for a country plastic water supply system is shown in the diagram. As a rule, water supply to the beds was carried out in the form of several parallel pipelines with a diameter of 20 mm, which were connected in the form of a "comb" to the main pressure line, with a cross section of 40-50 mm.

To ensure the supply of irrigation water, one pressure irrigation and one supply line is sufficient to supply the house and fill the drip irrigation tank.

Features of the selection of plastic pipes for each segment of the water supply

The conclusion suggests itself the simplest, in order to reduce costs, for each section of the country water supply, you need to use your own, most suitable brand of plastic pipes.

Four types of plastic pipes and hoses are currently used for country water supply:

  • Polypropylene;
  • Polyethylene;
  • Silicone;
  • PVC.

PVC pipes have good strength characteristics and satisfactory resistance to the sun and frost, but it is better not to use it for arranging ground water supply. In any case, PVC plastic pipes will require special polyethylene foam wrapping to protect them from accidental scratches and impacts during installation and further use.

For your information! Of the entire range of plastic pipes for country water supply systems, only metal-plastic pipes with an aluminum reinforcing layer are not used.

First of all, the price of metal-plastic pipes is several times higher than polymeric polyethylene pipelines of similar cross-section.

The metal-plastic pipeline perfectly withstands prolonged heating, high water pressure, and is able to serve in a summer cottage for several decades. But under one condition - country water supply in winter time must be completely emptied of water, and in the summer - completely filled.

Thin-walled metal-plastic pipes swell when freezing, and the connecting fittings are deformed. In the summer, standing without water leads to intense corrosion of the aluminum sublayer if you step on it with your foot or run over with a wheel. vehicle, then with a high degree of probability such a country water supply will be damaged.

Underground water supply from polyethylene pipes

Essentially, the use polyethylene pipes for arranging an irrigation water pipeline in a summer cottage is the most rational solution both from a technological and cost point of view.

Advantages and disadvantages of polyethylene pipes

First, the cost running meter a polyethylene water pipe with a diameter of 25 mm is only 30 cents, for comparison, a meter of a polypropylene pipe will cost at least $ 1.5. Even with polyethylene and polypropylene couplers costing $2.2 and $1.3 respectively, polyethylene piping is significantly less expensive than polypropylene-based plastic lines.

Moreover, polyethylene, as a rule, is sold in the form of coiled sections of 20 and 100 m. Polypropylene pipes are sold in retail ready-made pieces of 4 m and 6 m, which means that the number of couplings will be required several times more.

Secondly, polyethylene pipes have good resistance to solar ultraviolet radiation, high strength and ductility. Even at low temperatures and water frozen inside the water supply, plastic pipes do not fail.

For plumbing systems, polyethylene pipes of two grades are produced:

  • LDPE - high pressure polymer, used for small sections of water pipes where good flexibility and strength are required;
  • HDPE is a low-pressure polymer used for high-pressure conduits and mains.

For your information! Country water pipelines are built from polyethylene pipes designed to transport drinking water.

They are easily distinguished by a blue or white longitudinal stripe on a black background. Any other brands, for example, with a yellow or orange stripe, are designed to transport gas and liquid products of chemical production, so they are not even suitable for irrigation in a summer cottage. On the surface of the plastic pipe, the purpose, diameter, wall thickness and GOST, on the basis of which the plastic product is made, are necessarily indicated.

In addition to the polyethylene brand and purpose, plastic pipes are distinguished by working pressure:

  • Low pressure or L-class, the working pressure in the line is not more than 2.5 atm;
  • Medium pressure C and SL, designed for pressure from 4 to 8 atm;
  • High pressure T- class, used for water supply systems with a working pressure of more than 10 atm.

The latter are used for equipping wells and wells in a summer cottage, class L and SL are most often used for distributing water supply across the territory, provided that the terrain has a difference of no more than 10 m in height for every 100 m of horizontal length.

Do-it-yourself installation of a country water supply system

The main difference between the country water supply system and the home scheme is that the piping has to be carried out taking into account the following requirements:

  • A large length of water mains on the territory of the summer cottage;
  • For every 5-7 m of the length of the underground water supply, it is necessary to solder the outlet with a tap.

The water pipeline must be laid in the ground to a depth of at least 40-45 cm with the laying of a protective layer of slate scraps, fragments of flat stone or old asbestos-cement pipes.

For your information! The laying of a plastic pipe allows you to protect the pipe from accidental damage by a shovel, a cutting plowshare of a walk-behind tractor or a tractor.

Most summer residents are well aware of the effect of lifting plastic pipes in the ground. Over time, due to the washing off of the top layer and heaving of the soil, a light plastic pipe is gradually squeezed out to the surface, so laying the protection makes it possible to deal with the deformation of the water supply.

It is clear that water pipes can be laid simply on the surface of the soil, but in suburban areas this installation method is used extremely limitedly for two reasons. Firstly, it interferes with the processing of beds, and secondly, prefabricated structures made of polyethylene pipes are quite easy to damage by catching a tool or hitting a walk-behind tractor wheel.

One of the most important characteristics of plastic plumbing, its strength and rigidity, become the main obstacle when installing an irrigation system. Rigid material can only be bent under a large radius, so for joining and turning it is necessary to use compression couplings.

In fact, a slip coupling or fitting is two parts connected into one body with a thread. To splice two water pipes, it is enough to install the halves on the ends of the pipes, lay the seal and forcefully close the fitting. It is clear that this method of connection is not designed for radial load, therefore, if you step on the plastic coupling with your foot, it is quite possible that the fitting will have to be disassembled and spliced ​​in a new way.

In the same way, you can connect a flexible hose, build a turn of the line at a right angle, or branch into several threads of a smaller diameter.

Relatively simple is the installation of the irrigation outlet. To do this, a clamp with a coupling is installed on the pipe for the installation of a vertical outlet, after tightening the bolt fastening, it is necessary to drill a hole and screw in a tap with a nozzle for the hose.

Folk ways of splicing polyethylene pipes

If a plastic water pipe is laid on the ground surface, and the water pressure exceeds 8 atm, then a more rational solution would be to use horn welding instead of fittings, or connect the pipes with a metal drive. Both methods have been tested in practice and, according to the reviews of the owners summer cottages, provide more reliable and quality joint polyethylene pipes.

For your information! The services of a specialist in installing fittings and joining individual water pipes are often more expensive than the plastic pipes themselves.

For welding, you will first need to make a fixture in the form of two metal sockets, with an opening angle of 15-20 o. Before welding, the two ends of the plastic pipes are cut so that a mutual overlap of 40-50 mm is obtained. Usually, special scissors are used to cut polyethylene, but you can do the same job with a regular hacksaw.

The sockets are put on the ends of the pipes. One is inserted with a cone inside the pipe, the second is put on the second end over the end. Both fixtures are slowly heated with a propane torch to melt the polyethylene. After 7-10 min. the sockets are removed, and the ends of the pipes are inserted with force into each other by 40-50 mm. It turns out a strong and tight connection.

No less reliable and durable splicing of 25 mm polyethylene pipes can be done using a conventional metal pipe 150-200 mm long with threads at both ends. Inner diameter plastic pipe is 21 mm, it will not work to connect two threads of a polyethylene water pipe using a one and a half inch piece of pipe, since it outside diameter 22 mm.

After cutting the thread, the squeegee can simply be screwed inside the plastic pipe. The sharp edges of the threads cut into the plastic, enter the clutch and securely fix the drive inside the pipeline. To assemble the joint, it is enough to apply rubber adhesive-sealant to the thread, and wrap the second piece of plastic pipe. It is clear that the assembly of plastic pipes on spurs can only be performed sequentially, since one pipe segment has to be rotated relative to the other.

End welding for the assembly of plastic water pipelines in suburban areas, as it is designed for the assembly of pipelines with a wall thickness of 5 mm or more.

Polypropylene water pipes for a summer cottage

Plastic pipelines made of "food" polypropylene by most experts rightly refer to the most technologically advanced and affordable for the construction of water pipes in apartments, the private sector, country houses and cottages. Even the relatively high price of plastic pipes and accessories does not stop those who want to make good quality plumbing with their own hands.

Materials for polypropylene water supply at their summer cottage

The reason for this popularity is very simple and reliable system soldering polypropylene, with a little practice, not only long branches of pipelines, but also greenhouses, greenhouses, frames of tents and canopies can be made from a plastic pipe.

In addition to the high price of the material, polypropylene has several significant drawbacks that you should be aware of before planning the construction of a water supply system in a summer cottage:

  • If polypropylene pipes are filled with water, then freezing, as a rule, leads to the appearance of hidden cracks and destruction of the highway;
  • Under the influence of solar ultraviolet in polypropylene, the process of secondary polymerization begins. Over time, the material begins to crumble and lose strength, even if the direct rays of the sun do not fall on the pipeline.

Some brands of polypropylene pipes can be used for street water supply. As a rule, manufacturers paint plastic in black and green colors, polypropylene for indoor installation has a light gray, white or beige color.

For the main supply line of the pipeline, you can use a pipe with a size of 32x3 mm, this will be enough for distributing the water supply and organizing irrigation on 5-6 acres of a summer cottage. Branches and outlets are made with pipes 16x2 mm with the installation of taps.

Shut-off and switching valves must be given special attention. Traditionally, for plastic water pipelines, most supplier companies are encouraged to use polypropylene taps with a rubber fungus that blocks the through hole.

Similar designs are commonly used as shut-off valves in domestic plumbing. They are not suitable for country water supply, even with regular maintenance, such valves and taps quickly fail. Their main advantage is ease of installation, they can be soldered into a plastic line, like a conventional coupling.

A more rational solution would be to use conventional bronze valves, their resource is 10-15 years or more. The only inconvenience is that for the installation of such a crane, you will have to additionally purchase two metal-plastic adapters.

Methods for connecting pipes made of polypropylene at their summer cottage

Traditionally, a special soldering iron is used to assemble a water pipe from polypropylene pipes, approximately the same as in the above photo. The quality of the assembly of a plastic water pipe depends on two factors - the availability of skills in performing installation operations and the characteristics of the soldering iron itself. Do not try to collect plumbing with homemade devices, it is better to rent high-quality equipment for a couple of days, with which you can solder water pipes, as they say, for the top five.

The principle of soldering is quite simple - it heats up on the nozzles of the soldering iron coupling and the end of the pipe, after exposure, the parts are simply connected by hand with little effort.

The method is simple, but in the conditions of a summer cottage it is not so easy to apply, since it is not always possible to stretch the power supply network to the place of soldering of the water supply even with the help of a cable reel. Some parts can be soldered in a country house, but still, about 30% of soldering work with plastic pipes will have to be done practically in the beds.

If there is no electricity at the summer cottage, then plastic plumbing can be glued together with specialized glue based on dichloroethane. The glued joint has almost the same strength as the brazed version, but working with dichloroethane requires caution, since the solvent is classified as hazardous to health.

Recommendations for the arrangement of water supply at their summer cottage

The classic device of a country water supply system provides for wiring according to the following scheme. The entrance to the site is made of polyethylene with a diameter of 50-70 mm. The water supply must be insulated and laid in the ground at a depth of maximum soil freezing. An inspection well and a shut-off valve must be installed at the inlet. From the valve, water is directed through a PE pipe to a storage tank, from which part of the flow polypropylene pipe goes in country house. Most of the water flow is redirected from the tank to the underground water supply, and then to the beds.

With this construction of a country water supply, an unlimited number of consumers can be connected to the tank, for example, a greenhouse or a car wash. Moreover, even in the absence of electricity or a malfunction of the pump, watering can be easily organized by gravity, a small height difference of 1-2 m will be enough for normal watering.


It is very important that the underground water supply is connected to storage capacity compensation loop or flexible hose. Otherwise, due to heaving of the soil or thermal expansion plastic fittings soldering or gluing couplings can be deformed or even break off. At the lowest point of the plastic water supply, you will need to make a drain valve, with which, before leaving for the winter season, you can drain the remaining water and preserve the lines.

A well for water in the country is the main condition for the normal life of the site, housekeeping and the comfort of vacationers. We devoted this article to a story about how to establish water supply in a country house from a well with our own hands.

Water supply of the suburban area

System Composition

To establish high-quality water supply of a country house and personal plot, it is necessary to solve a set of problems. First of all, you should consider the configuration of the system and determine what elements it will include.

We want to present a standard system for today, which consists of several main nodes. The following table lists these nodes with a description:

Knot Compound Purpose and requirements
Water source Well, open spring or well The source must provide the volume of water of satisfactory quality necessary for farming
Water lifting equipment Submersible or surface pump, pumping station The pump must be powerful enough to lift water from the depth and deliver it to the end user, while providing the necessary pressure and performance.
External pipeline Water supply pipe to the house, water supply system for irrigation and technical needs Must ensure reliable passage of the calculated amount of water without leakage and pollution from the well to the house, as well as deliver water to the irrigation system
Storage capacity and automation Pressure tank, pressure switch with switch and pump start switch Security required pressure, protection pumping equipment from frequent starts
Filtration system Coarse filter, fine filter Filtration of water to ensure the normal operation of equipment and plumbing, purification of water for drinking
Internal piping Collector or serial piping from the gyroaccumulator to each point of water consumption, fittings and plumbing equipment Distribution of water between points of consumption within the house
heating system Electric boiler, geyser, boiler Heating water for hygiene needs, washing dishes and laundry, as well as for the needs of the heating system (optional)

When designing a water supply system, you must immediately take into account and calculate the drainage and treatment system.
Sewerage in summer cottages most often consists of discharge pipes and a septic tank system, sometimes they get by with a storage collector, which periodically cleans the sewer.

Previously, dacha cooperatives sometimes made an amelioration water supply system for plots, in which there was a pumping station and a surface pipeline that supplies water from a source to consumers. As a rule, a reservoir served as a source, and it was impossible to drink such water. In addition, the design assumed only summer use.

The scheme of water supply considered by us at the dacha from the well assumes year-round uninterrupted supply of drinking-quality water not only for irrigation and household needs, but also to ensure the life of the whole house normal for the city. It will allow you to use the bathroom, bathroom, kitchen sink, washing machine and other amenities.

A source

The most important and significant node is the source of water supply.

There may be several options here:

  • Well . The most common and traditional source outside the city, it is distinguished by convenience, independence from electricity supply and sufficiently high-quality water, however, it has a limited margin of productivity;
  • Spring. If you are a happy owner of a spring on or near the site, then you can power the supply system from it. Differs in water of high quality and degree of purification, as well as good performance and an almost inexhaustible supply;
  • Well on the sand. A shallow well or Abyssinian needle. It is similar in characteristics to a well, but less convenient and depends on the availability of electricity if there is no mechanical pump;
  • Artesian well. The highest quality source of water, the purity of which is unrivaled. Distinctive features are the high price of works and equipment, a good resource and high quality of raw materials, the need for permits and legal responsibility for the condition of the facility.

If you got a well from the previous owners of the site, you can use it. Find out from your neighbors what the quality of the water in their wells is, whether it is constantly there or disappears depending on the season and weather conditions, and then feel free to proceed with the installation of the remaining units.

The well is convenient in that you can always get water with a simple bucket on a rope, regardless of pipeline or pumping equipment breakdowns, power outages and other circumstances.

A spring on the site is such a rare success that we will not consider this option. We consider that we were unlucky, and there is no spring nearby.

A sand well is the most acceptable type of well, as it does not require a too deep shaft and can be made by hand. As a rule, the bottomhole depth of such a well is from 10 to 35 meters, sometimes it is necessary to go down to 50 meters.

If the groundwater level in your area is high, then you can make an Abyssinian source - a pipe with a needle and which is driven into the ground to the water level.

Artesian well worth big money. In addition, you will need to formalize it, having previously obtained permission from Rospotrebnadzor and the territorial Center for State Monitoring of the Subsoil Condition, since artesian water belongs to strategic reserves and is protected by the state.

For the same reason, you will be responsible for the misuse of the well and the contamination of the aquifer.

If your site is less than 60x60 m, then you can only get permission as an exception, and if it is less than 30x30 meters, then you will not see an artesian well.

Pump equipment

You will need a pump to lift water from the depth and supply it to the storage tank.

There are two types of well pumps:

  1. Submersible or deep. They are located at a depth under the water column and are able to provide its rise to a height of up to 150 meters, depending on the power;
  2. Surface. They are located on the surface and are able to raise water by a maximum of 8 meters, with an external ejector - up to 45 meters.

Deep units are considered more reliable and of high quality, however, they are more expensive. In addition, they are absolutely silent for the residents of the house, as they are located under water. The disadvantage is difficult maintenance and repair, the need for power supply to the well.

Surface pumps are relevant for shallow wells and wells located near the house. Now the most popular pumping stations are equipped with a hydraulic accumulator and automatic start / shutdown of the pump, depending on the pressure in the system. They are characterized by lower performance and noise problem, especially when installed inside the house.

System installation

It will take a lot of time and effort to independently establish water supply to the dacha from the well.

Our instructions will help you not to make mistakes and build the work correctly:

  1. First, you need to carry out earthworks and dig a trench at least 1.5 meters deep from the house to the water source. An insulated caisson should be equipped around the head of the well so that water does not rise above the freezing level;

  1. Then you should install the pump and adjust its operation, make a test run and pump the well;

  1. After installing the deep pump, the vertical pipe is led into the caisson, if the pump is surface, its outlet pipe is simply left untouched. In a trench on a sand cushion, a water supply pipe is laid, which is connected to a vertical pipe or pump outlet through an elbow or fitting;

  1. In the basement of the house, a hydraulic accumulator is installed for 60 - 200 liters, which is connected to a water supply pipe. A starter is also assembled nearby, which feeds the pump with electricity, the starter is powered through a pressure switch that controls the pressure in the accumulator tank using a pressure gauge. The hydraulic accumulator is connected to the collector internal system water supply;

  1. From the collector, pipes are routed to a water-heating boiler, bathtub, kitchen sink, toilet bowl, washstands and draw a conclusion for irrigation. From the boiler, pipes for supplying hot water to the bath, sink and washstand are carried out;

  1. They start the pump and fill it, check the operation of the automatic start-up and shutdown system, the integrity and tightness of the pipes, the operation of the plumbing and the performance of the system. With all open taps, there should be normal pressure;

  1. If the test was successful, the trench is buried, having previously sealed the place where the pipe enters the well and the house.
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