How to properly deflate and inflate an air mattress without a pump. An outrageously simple way to inflate a mattress if there are not enough lungs

  • 12.06.2019

The first air mattresses appeared in 1940. They were made from a special fabric impregnated with vulcanized rubber. Currently, inflatable furniture is very popular. After all, it is convenient to use it in suburban trains and hiking trips. Often it is used as a full-fledged sleeping place in the country. The air mattress does not take up much space, is easy to clean and does not require complex maintenance.


Dear models have a built-in electric pump. But this configuration is not provided for all models. Therefore, mattress owners have to use a low pressure foot or hand pump. Car compressor not suitable for this process. High pressure can cause the mattress to burst. As soon as the product acquires the desired relief, the process can be stopped.

Security measures

The mattress must be brought into a heated room with a temperature above 15 degrees. It must be placed on a flat surface away from heat sources. There should be no sharp objects on the floor. It is better to protect the bottom of the product from possible damage with a tarpaulin or foil. On the inflatable mattress must not be exposed to direct sunlight. Do not stand on the product. When the temperature rises, it is better to release some air. The air mattress cannot be wrinkled and bent.

How to inflate an air mattress without a pump

If the pump is not at hand, you can use other methods to inflate the mattress. How to inflate a mattress without a pump? The most obvious way is to use your lungs. But it will take a lot of time and a few strong guys. You can use the exhaust pipe of the car. But exhaust gases are not very useful and can damage the surface of the mattress.

A vacuum cleaner

How to inflate a mattress without a pump? The mattress can be inflated and deflated using a vacuum cleaner. Everything is simple here. A thin nozzle from the device is attached to the mattress hole, the vacuum cleaner turns on and inflates the mattress. Do not inflate the product more than 85 percent of its volume.

hair dryer

The main thing is that the hair dryer fits the valve of the air mattress. You need to turn on the " cold air" and inflate the product. Hot air can damage the air mattress. This method is effective, but takes some time.

Garbage bag

This method is convenient to use in nature or in the country. It needs a large, dense package. It is filled with air and connected to the mattress inlet valve. Next, you need to lie on the bag, distilling air from it into an inflatable product. The procedure will have to be repeated several times.

inflatable cushioned furniture, especially mattresses, is in stable demand. Expensive air mattresses, as a rule, are equipped with a pump (built-in or a separate item). In other cases, the device must be purchased separately. What if the pump is out of order, lost or forgotten, and the product must certainly be pumped up? This situation can take you by surprise, especially if the well-being of a night's rest - yours, guests or relatives - depends on its outcome. How to inflate a mattress without a pump? In fact, this is a solvable problem. Do not panic and despair. Consider how you can get out of the situation!

Where to start

So, how to pump up a mattress without a pump? The first thing that usually comes to mind is using the power of your own lungs. It is quite possible to pump up a small model without involving additional equipment or devices.

Reference! Two adult men will inflate a mattress this way in about 20 minutes. When changing, do not forget to disinfect the valve opening!

However, it should be understood that for one person this is a rather complicated process. Untrained lungs and heart can fail. The result is dizziness and an increase in blood pressure. In addition, only with the help of the lungs it is unlikely that it will be possible to pump the product to the optimal degree of density.

Vacuum cleaner to help

With the help of an ordinary household vacuum cleaner, you can quickly pump up even a large double mattress. But not any vacuum cleaner model is suitable for such a case, but only those that have a reverse function. Some models provide the ability to connect a hose to the outlet. In this case, all that is required is to connect the thin nozzle of the vacuum cleaner to the mattress valve, after which the vacuum cleaner can be turned on. Even if the valve and nozzle of the vacuum cleaner have different diameters and some of the air coming out of the vacuum cleaner will “leave”, this will not prevent you from achieving the desired result.

Note! If the design of the valve does not provide protection against unplanned blowing off, after turning off the vacuum cleaner, close the hole with a plug or cap as soon as possible.

Use a hair dryer

If you're not sure you can inflate your mattress with your lungs and don't have a back-fed vacuum cleaner, try using a hair dryer. The power of the electric appliance is quite enough to pump up a mattress of any size. As with a vacuum cleaner, choose the narrowest nozzle that matches the diameter of the valve as accurately as possible. For a better "docking" use tape or electrical tape. With its help, you can fix the hair dryer and minimize the loss of air supplied.

big package

Quite an original, but working option for pumping up a mattress. It is best to use a strong (and without fail, undamaged) plastic bag. This procedure can be carried out only with the participation of two people. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the valve on the mattress.
  2. Fill the bag with air and quickly close it.
  3. We adjust the bag under the valve and firmly fix it on the “neck”.
  4. Pumped air from the bag into the mattress.

The action should be continued until the desired result is achieved.

How not to inflate a mattress

If you went to nature and only there realized that the pump was out of order or the device was left at home, do not rush to pump the product with exhaust gases. At first glance, this might seem like a great idea. If you pump the product in this way only once, nothing "fatal" will happen. But regular pumping of the mattress with exhaust gases can result in the destruction of the inflatable product.

The fact is that carcinogens have a detrimental effect on the structure of the material from which mattresses are made. In addition, during pumping, the person in charge of the process will inevitably inhale some of the carcinogens, which can be very harmful to health.

Summing up

How to quickly inflate a mattress without a pump at home? The answer is obvious - with a hair dryer or a vacuum cleaner. If you need to do this in nature, you can use a large, durable bag.

And yes, as practice shows, “our” person will not be confused in a situation where you need to pump up a mattress outside the box!

Inflating air mattress with built-in pump. We will need the mattress itself, an electric pump and the nearest outlet.

We bring the product into a heated room with an air temperature of at least 15 degrees. The mattress does not tolerate cold and close proximity to heat sources.

Laying the mattress on flat surface, there should be no sharp objects on it so as not to pierce the product. Protect the bottom of the mattress strong foil or tarpaulin.

The product must not be exposed to direct sunlight. If an increase in ambient temperature is expected, the air should be released slightly. Do not pump the product to avoid damaging it. We make sure that the mattress does not wrinkle and does not bend.

Inflating is carried out until the mattress becomes embossed. So its seams will not be damaged, and when falling asleep and lying on it, the owner of the mattress will experience maximum comfort.

From time to time, the air pressure is checked, if several people are sleeping or lying on it, then perhaps the mattress should be “lowered” a little. To deflate it, simply open the valve.

How to inflate an air mattress without using a pump

The mattress does not always include a built-in pump. Can be used alternative ways inflation, such as a foot or hand pump. Do not pump the mattress with a compressor from a car or other devices with high pressure. Do not inflate the product more than 85% volume.

If there is no pump, then you can inflate the mattress with a hairdryer, vacuum cleaner and even a bag

Methods and improvised means

We use a vacuum cleaner

We take a vacuum cleaner, connect the thin nozzle of the device to the outlet and connect it to the mattress hole. We turn on the device and wait until the mattress is inflated to the desired stiffness.

Inflating the mattress with a hair dryer

This is done quite simply. We turn on the hair dryer, turn on the “cold air” mode and start pumping. This method is longer than inflating with a built-in or conventional pump, but also effective. The main thing is not to inflate the product with hot air, which can damage the product.

Inflating the mattress with a large trash bag

This method of inflating is very convenient in nature, in the country or in cases where you accidentally forgot the usual nozzle at home.

We take a dense bag for garbage with a large volume. It must not be damaged. We open the inlet valve on our mattress, fill the bag with air, adjust both necks in diameter. We lie down with the body on the bag, distilling the air from the bag into the mattress. We continue such manipulations until the mattress is completely inflated.

How not to do?

What if there was nothing at hand? You could use your lung power to inflate the mattress with your mouth. Such manipulations are easier for a man to perform, but if there are a couple of strong guys nearby, then together it will take 15–20 minutes. It is better to abandon this method and save your lungs.

Summer is finally here: the season of burnt backs, midday naps on the beach and overnight stays at friends' cottages. All these different, but equally summer activities have one common element - an air mattress. It is much more pleasant to do all of the above with him. But the mattress still needs to be inflated, for which many of us do not have the patience or lung capacity. Relax: here's to disgrace an easy way to fill a mattress with air without any effort at all.

So, your beloved relatives suddenly came to you, your friends called you for a sortie, and the children want to go to the beach. The mattress has already been removed from the far drawer, but there is no pump in the house. What to do? Either blush and test the vessels in your cheeks, or follow garbage bag. After all, it is he who will save the situation from failure, and the guests from the prospect of sleeping on the floor.

Take the bag, unfold it and take in as much air as possible. The easiest way to do this is in the video below.

Pinch the “throat” of the bag tightly so that the air does not escape.

Bring the air bag directly to the valve so that the latter is inside.

Press firmly on the bag to force all the air out of it, filling the mattress. Repeat the whole procedure several times until you completely inflate the mattress with the “pump” bag. Just remember to close the valve between sets.

The whole process of inflating the mattress with air from the bag is captured on video. It looks funny, so your friends will definitely be amused. But it works!

Well, if all the preparation of the mattress takes place at home, then you can do without dancing with a tambourine or a garbage bag. Just blow this thing up hair dryer with cold air blowing function and sleep peacefully.

And with this summer life hack, another one goes well:

Intex air mattresses enjoy well-deserved popularity among buyers. They are compact, easy to use and reliable. Such a mattress can be taken with you to the sea during your summer vacation or used in the country for rest and sleep. They do not require any special care during operation and storage, and are easy to clean thanks to a high-quality coating.

Having made a bargain, you need to think about how to inflate an Intex mattress. The easiest way to do this is to use a pump. If during operation there will be constant access to the mains or the car - electric pump the best solution, otherwise you will need a foot model. You need to inflate the mattress with smooth movements, attaching the pumping tube to the valve, constantly monitoring its elasticity in order to prevent excessive inflation.

To avoid unpleasant moments, you need to know how to check the mattress. The first thing to check is the air valve. The easiest way is to use a washcloth to apply a soap solution to a closed valve. inflated mattress. If it does not fit snugly, after a few minutes, soap bubbles will form at the air passages. To fully ensure the reliability of the mattress, it is recommended to leave it inflated for 10 - 12 hours, the air loss during this time should not exceed 10%.

How to inflate a mattress without a pump? While at home, this problem can be solved with a vacuum cleaner, using it as a compressor. By attaching the mattress with a special nozzle to the outlet of the vacuum cleaner, you can fill it with air in a matter of minutes. Unfortunately, being in nature, it will not be possible to use the mentioned method, and yet you should not try to inflate the Intex mattress with your mouth, because it is not a ball or a balloon.

Since it is best to clean the mattress when it is inflated, it should be washed with soapy water, dried, and only then let out the air. In cases where the mattress stays in the open sun for a long time, the manufacturer recommends pumping it up a little less. As the air heats up, it increases in volume, which can lead to too much internal pressure and, as a result, damage to the mattress.

Even if it happened to harm durable matter, there is no need to rush to throw it away. Knowing how to seal the seam of an air mattress makes it very easy to repair. For repair use a special polyurethane adhesive for rubber. The place around the cut is degreased with gasoline, alcohol or acetone, then a thin layer of glue is applied and a rubberized patch is pressed. In case of damage on the velor side, the pile is first cleaned sandpaper. For reliability, a sealed mattress is best placed under pressure for 24 hours and be sure to check before use. During operation, the Intex mattress must be periodically pumped up to the optimal volume, and in order to prolong the lines of its service, follow the instructions and prevent too much inflation.