How to make water distribution in the area. How to make summer water supply in the country with your own hands

  • 16.06.2019

Buying a dacha usually comes with a lot of extra hassle. One of them is the solution of the issue of water supply of the site. Water is required both for personal use and for watering the garden plot. In most cases, there is no centralized water supply in new holiday villages, and the newly minted owners need to choose the method of an underground water source - a well or an artesian well.

On the basis of the hydraulic structure, a water supply system is installed, which can provide both seasonal and year-round needs of the inhabitants of the cottage in fresh water.

Installing a water supply system in a country house based on your own well is the best way to supply water.

The first stage of work includes drilling a well, strengthening it and laying a pipeline.

Most owners prefer to turn to the services of companies for the development of soil to the aquifer - drilling wells on a turnkey basis. Experts need to determine the depth ground water and calculate the approximate flow rate (available volume of water) of the source.

The expediency of building a full-fledged water supply system at home depends on it. In some areas, water from underground is only enough to irrigate the site, but usually the flow rate of the well allows a family of 2-3 people to live in the country.

Depending on the mode of water use, you can choose one of two types of water supply: seasonal (collapsible) and off-season (capital).

Seasonal plumbing

The first type is a simplified version that is used to irrigate the site. It is mounted on the basis of the system plastic pipes and hoses connected to each other along the perimeter of the garden plot. In the autumn at the end field work the water is drained, and the plumbing is dismantled before the onset of heat.

Capital plumbing system

Installed for year-round use. Often - on the same principle as the usual water supply of a private house.

Huge number of benefits polyethylene pipes(PND) allow you to use them for the implementation of projects for the improvement of private houses and summer cottages. Since they are distinguished by enviable strength, ductility and unpretentiousness, their use is resorted to when creating water supply lines. Therefore, we will talk about how you can create a water pipe from HDPE pipes with your own hands.

Materials for plumbing

HDPE pipes are products with a complex structure, which are an excellent alternative to analogues from other materials. Having been popular for many years, polyethylene materials fully justify their use and cost.

However, HDPE collectors remain the most popular for arranging water supply for domestic or technical needs in household plots, summer cottages and private houses.

Thanks to such systems, users receive water from a well (from a well) in a country house, which is later used for irrigation, irrigation, filling a summer shower tank, etc. In most cases, for this purpose, consumers purchase PE 100 collectors (from high-quality raw materials) and PE 80 (raw material one class below). Since the operating temperature range of products varies between + 40- + 15⁰, they are ideal for cold water supply.

Collectors with an inner diameter of 16 to 25 mm are best suited for laying such systems.

These materials have a considerable number of advantages, including:

  1. Reliability.
  2. Long service life.
  3. Easy installation.

For laying the water supply line, a HDPE pipe of different diameters can be used. Do-it-yourself installation of a water supply system in a house or apartment when using polyethylene manifolds is simplified due to special fasteners (fittings, couplings). Sometimes brass bushings and couplings are used as connecting elements. Polyethylene pipes can also be installed using compression fittings.

Pipe laying methods

There are two ways in which you can equip the water supply and provide yourself with communications:

HDPE pipes for water pipes in summer cottages are chosen because their assembly is available to anyone without the use of expensive equipment. The main thing is that the communication scheme should be carefully thought out in advance, and the details for its implementation should be interconnected.

Water supply connection scheme in a private house (2 options).

The process of arranging the system in stages

First of all, in order to supply water, it is necessary to measure the length of the future water supply from the source (from the well in the country house) to the point of its entry into the building or other object. This will allow you to understand what the length of the entire highway will be. You will also need manifolds for the main line (⌀40 mm) and branchings, branch communications (⌀ 20 or 25 mm), as well as fasteners (fittings, couplings, clamps).

After making the calculations, it will be necessary to decide on the option for arranging the system and prepare the right tools.

Usually, in order to connect HDPE pipes with do-it-yourself fittings in the country, you will need:

  • pipe cutter or hacksaw;
  • cone-shaped knife (for stripping sections);
  • wrench.

Having prepared everything necessary materials, immediately cut the pipes to the desired length and be sure to clean their ends. Then turn off the water. After - start assembling the plumbing. The process starts by connecting the fitting to a part of the main supply system (connecting HDPE pipes to metal pipes can be done by soldering the HDPE fitting and the metal part).

Plastic compression fittings.

On the line, nodes and branchings are mounted using collapsible fasteners. First, the ends of the pipe sections are inserted into the fitting. Following this, union nuts, collets, o-rings are put on. The assembly of the assembly is completed by tightening the nut manually or with an adjustable wrench until it stops.

By installing a water supply system from HDPE pipes with fittings, you will receive a system with split-type assemblies. And in order to equip a one-piece type pipeline, you can use another installation method, such as welding HDPE pipes.

With your own hands, such a project can be implemented using butt or electrofusion welding. Thus, a stationary water supply system with monolithic and sealed units is mounted.

Collectors with an internal diameter of ⌀ 50 mm or more are preferably butt-joined using a special apparatus for HDPE materials (it melts the ends of the pipes, which are spliced ​​and form a single structure). The second connection option is practiced for collectors with a smaller inside diameter or in cases where it is planned to perform several nodes on the water supply line.

In any of the cases, no matter which assembly method you choose, only compliance with all installation rules will ensure the reliability and durability of the operated communications.

Below is an informative video on how to choose the right polyethylene pipe:

Rules for the selection and sequence of installation of HDPE pipes for water supply in the country

Thinking about arranging a water supply system in the country, many homeowners prefer to lay it using HDPE pipes. And this is understandable, because such products have many advantages:

  • resistant to abrasion, unlike PVC products;
  • easy to install and dismantle;
  • are not afraid of corrosion and are not covered with deposits from the inside;
  • they are light in weight, which facilitates their transportation and installation;
  • the cost of their installation and installation is low.

What to look for when choosing?

For drinking water, you should purchase HDPE pipes designed for cold water supply. Their diameter should not exceed 6 cm, and the thickness should be 4.5 mm.

It is worth making sure that the working pressure of the products is at least 1 MPa. Their use will make it possible to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant taste of metal. It almost inevitably occurs when water is obtained from steel pipelines.

If there is a need for arranging hot water supply, you need to remember that at + 800 ° C HDPE loses its properties, and at a higher temperature it begins to melt. Therefore, the brand of products must be at least PE80.

It is advisable to use PE100 or PE100+.

HDPE pipes intended for hot water, are distinguished by an additional PE-RT marking. Products PN20 withstand temperatures up to 110°C. In principle, they are optimal for country conditions. In everyday life, more is not required.

Tools and materials for organizing water supply

Before calculating the amount of materials that will be required for the plumbing, you need to draw up a plan, which will indicate the location of the cottage relative to the water source, the number of pipeline connection points, etc.

The standard set of everything necessary for work is as follows:

  • HDPE pipes. Their number will depend on the plan-scheme. It is allowed to use products of different diameters. For the main wiring, a diameter of 4 cm is suitable, and in the places of water supply it can be 2.5-3.2 cm.
  • Fitting connections from polyethylene - tees, angular, and also direct.
  • Tools needed to cut material: a circular saw or a hacksaw for metal, a cone-shaped miter knife.
  • Devices required to connect the pipe with other elements of the water supply: valves, taps, showers, installations intended for irrigation. These include adapters required diameters.
  • A tool that may be required for digging water pipes into the ground.

If a multi-year seasonal pipeline is being built, you need to purchase drainage trays made of plastic and covering grids.

Laying steps

After purchasing the required amount Supplies you can proceed with the installation of a water supply system from HDPE pipes in the country with your own hands:

Methods for connecting parts using welded devices

To fasten HDPE pipes together, you can use electrofusion or butt welding. The electrocoupling, as a rule, is used when laying a water pipe of small diameter and long length, as well as when installing the system in cramped conditions.

But most often they use a butt joint with a heated welding machine. As a result, the individual elements are firmly and securely fixed.

When working with equipment of this kind, certain rules must be observed:

  • the surface to be treated must first be cleaned, degreased and dried;
  • work can be performed at a temperature of at least +5 0C;
  • to improve the quality of the weld for pipes with a diameter of more than 5 cm, it is desirable to chamfer at an angle of 450.

Connection using flanges and fittings

When the pipes are large enough, but it is not possible to use welding, as well as when connecting control and shut-off valves, flanges should be used. This work is done as follows:

  • the edges of the pipes with a pipe cutter are cut at a right angle, focusing on a pre-made marking;
  • work surfaces are cleaned of dirt with soap;
  • the fitting connection is partially disassembled by unscrewing the union nut by 3-4 turns, the pipe is inserted into it until the markup is applied, after which the nut is tightened.

An example of the correct connection of HDPE pipes with fittings for installing a water supply system in a country house is shown in the video:

Hydraulic test

To make sure that the installed HDPE plumbing system has no flaws, a hydraulic test must be performed. It is done like this:

  • the water supply is filled with water without pressure for 2 hours;
  • create pressure and maintain it for half an hour;
  • perform a thorough inspection of the pipeline.

Flush the system before putting it into operation clean water. It can be used for drinking only after it meets all existing hygiene standards. To do this, it is recommended to do a fluid analysis.

It is not too difficult to build a country pipeline. If you carefully follow the conditions and rules of installation and constantly monitor the condition of all connections during operation, the water supply network will function successfully for a long time without requiring repairs. This will allow you to live in the country with comfort throughout the warm season.

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HDPE pipes for water supply in the country: how to do the installation yourself

The water supply system is an integral part of any suburban area. Its functions are to ensure the watering of plants and the supply of summer residents with water for drinking or hygiene purposes.

In the manufacture of plumbing, important aspects are the choice of material and the method of installation.

This article will discuss the features of installing HDPE pipes for country water supply.

Advantages and features of HDPE pipes

Low pressure polyethylene (HDPE) is a practical and cheap material from which products are made for the manufacture of the most various systems, including pipes and fittings for water supply. In addition to low cost, they are characterized by ease of installation and changes to the circuit. For him, there is no need to purchase a special tool and have special knowledge.

Other advantages of this material:

  • durability, reaching, subject to the rules of operation, several decades;
  • resistance to chemical and biological influences;
  • maintaining the integrity of the structure at low temperatures, including when freezing inside the water.

When designing and installing do-it-yourself water pipes in the country from HDPE pipes, one should take into account their low mechanical strength and low upper operating temperature limit.

Classification of HDPE pipes

These products are distinguished by the following features:

  • the type of medium being transported (water pipelines are marked with a blue line, and gas pipelines are marked with a yellow line);
  • diameter (40 mm is recommended for the main line, and 20 mm or 25 mm is enough for branch branches);
  • the upper limit of the pressure of the transported medium (less than 2.5 atm. are marked with the index L; less than 4 atm. - SL; less than 8 atm. - C; more than 8 atm. - T);
  • the density of the material (indicated by the index 63, 80 or 100, the value of which is directly proportional to the density).

The higher the density, the heavier running meter pipe, and the thinner its wall with equivalent mechanical strength.

The principle of designing a country water supply

Before you make a water supply system in the country, you should decide which zones of it should be supplied with water - they will have valves that ensure the regulation of its pressure. The mandatory water supply zone will be the house. And zones for organizing irrigation should be selected based on the convenience of connecting and moving hoses. Sprinklers can also be used - their location also needs to be carefully considered so that their area of ​​\u200b\u200bcovers the required areas.

Irrigation system

The easiest way is to determine the spatial arrangement of pipes for country water supply using a graphical method. To do this, you need to draw a site plan on a scale indicating the house and beds. The location of the water taps must take into account the length of the available hoses. At the same time, the more such points there are, the more convenient and faster watering will be.

It is recommended that the water supply control valve be located not only at the point of its selection, but also immediately after the outlet to the house and before the first outlet to the garden. In this case, upon occurrence emergencies it will be possible to cut off the faulty section and repair it, without a complete cessation of water supply.

In addition to planning the water supply in a horizontal plane, it will also be necessary to determine the lowest point of its location on the site. A tap to the drain valve must be placed at this point. Although it is not mandatory for HDPE pipes, it is better to provide it for the convenience of repair and maintenance.

The drawn pipe layout diagram will allow you to calculate their total length and the number and type of fittings - angles, tees, couplings, etc.

The location of the country water supply relative to the ground

Open mounting

There are two options:

open - the pipeline is located on the surface of the earth;

buried - the pipeline is laid in a dug trench and covered with soil.

The advantage of the first method is the speed of installation and ease of repair and maintenance. However, such outdoor pipeline can be damaged by negligence and is only suitable for summer cottages. Another advantage of open installation is the possibility of repeated dismantling and installation (performed both for the winter season and in order to prevent theft).

Recessed installation

The second way provides protection of the pipeline from mechanical damage and ultraviolet component of the solar spectrum, as well as the possibility of operation in winter period(with sufficient depth and thermal insulation). But the installation and subsequent maintenance of a buried water supply system are characterized by increased complexity.

Features of the installation of HDPE pipes

Compression fittings used for do-it-yourself installation of a water supply system in a country house from a HDPE pipe are fixed without the use of special tools. The procedure for this is approximately the following:

  • a piece of pipe of the required length is cut off;
  • a chamfer is formed on the formed ends;
  • the fitting is completely disassembled and on the end of the pipe, on which it must be fixed, the clamping nut and collet are first put on, then the stop and sealing rings;
  • the end prepared in this way is inserted into the fitting body, and the clamping nut is tightened by hand until it stops.

Connection of HDPE pipes

At the junction of HDPE pipes with metal elements (valves) equipped with threads, appropriate adapter fittings are used.

Additional components of the winter plumbing

To prevent freezing of water in pipes for country water supply when negative temperature(in the winter season, during frosts), a combination of:

  • thermal insulation (for example, cylindrical products made of polyethylene foam);
  • heating cable (laid in close proximity to the pipeline and connected to a grounded power source).

The article discusses the basic rules for designing and installing do-it-yourself water pipes in the country from HDPE pipes. But in each case, there are various situations that require the use of alternative or non-standard solutions. If you have ever encountered similar nuances yourself or heard about them from experts, then write about them in the comments to this article. We and our readers will be happy to learn about them.

How to properly install HDPE pipes for plumbing in the country

Laying water pipes outside the city is a rather problematic task. First: you need to choose a fairly good and inexpensive material. Secondly: the segment connections must be of very good quality, in order to be sure that long time If they don't, they won't leak. Thirdly: the installation as a whole should not be too complicated so that it can be easily carried out on your own. Most suitable option for this case, we will consider further.

Proper installation of HDPE pipes for water supply in the country in the house

Before proceeding with the installation, a sketch of a plan for the placement of all elements must be made: places of passage, places of turns, branches, and so on. Only after that you can proceed with the installation of HDPE pipes for water supply in the country house in the house itself. Work is carried out according to the following rules:

  • Indoors, segments with a large diameter are rarely used, more often it does not exceed 32 mm. This is necessary in order to be able to provide a certain level of water supply pressure.
  • To connect elements with such a small diameter, the most suitable way is to screw them into compression fittings.
  • In favor of choosing just such an option is also their collapsible design. In which case it is quite easy to replace the damaged area.
corrugated HDPE pipes compound

The work itself will take place in the following order:

1. We measure from a solid element a segment of the length we need and make a mark with a marker.

2. At the marked place, glue a piece of masking tape around the segment so that its edges exactly match each other.

3. If there are no problems with finances, we use the purchased pipe cutter. If you are reluctant to spend extra money, then we use a regular hacksaw. Exactly along the edge of the adhesive tape, we make a cut and remove the adhesive tape.

The importance of a full-fledged water supply in the country can hardly be overestimated. Without a constant water supply, maintaining the site becomes an extremely time-consuming task, and ordinary dishwashing turns into a real test, not to mention the use of modern household appliances requiring connection to the water supply and.

That is why almost every owner of a summer cottage wants to equip a full-fledged water supply. It is quite possible to cope with the solution of this problem with your own hands. This is, firstly, an invaluable experience, and secondly, a great opportunity to save money by refusing the services of third-party masters.

It is better if the planning of the water supply will be carried out even at the stage of drafting the project of the summer cottage and the house. A full-fledged project includes a number of drawings and documents, including:

For you need to highlight small room on the first floor of the house. A room of 3-4 m 2 will be enough. It is more convenient when the water inlet node and the necessary technical devices located in the same room - this gives the owner the opportunity to fully control the process of water supply.

A typical private water supply system includes the following equipment:

  • pipeline. Products made of polypropylene, metal-plastic and metal are suitable;
  • set of taps and fittings;

  • pump;

  • manometer;

  • expansion tank;

  • pressure switch;

  • electrical support with full automatic protection;
  • cleaning filters to eliminate suspended particles and different kind contaminants from the composition of water;

  • Installed as needed. In most cases, the accumulative model is more convenient.

Choice of source of water supply

In the process of designing a country water supply, you need to choose the optimal source of water. Check out the available options and choose the one that best suits your case.

The most simple and convenient option. It is important that the pressure in the system is sufficient to deliver water to the building. Otherwise, you will need to additionally buy a pump or consider other methods of water supply.

Water will be supplied to the building through a system of pipes and fittings.

In this case, for the installation of a water pipe, you usually do not need to buy any additional devices - you just need to dig a trench, lay the elements of the water pipe and crash into the central highway.

If there is no access to the central highway, consider the following options.

The method is suitable for areas with a depth of an underground aquifer of at least 8-10 m.

A shaft for a well is equipped with the efforts of 2-3 people - alone it is too long and difficult.

The main advantage of the considered option lies in the extreme simplicity of the system - it will be possible to care for and repair it on your own. The maintenance of such a well in a normal state does not require tangible costs.

The main disadvantage is the severely limited water supply. Not every individual well will be able to provide as much water as is necessary to meet all the needs of the family.

Before giving preference to this option, calculate the amount of water you need and establish how much water the well can produce.

The arrangement of a water supply system based on a mine well requires the use of a surface pump. The equipment is relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain.

Surface pump for country water supply from a well


If the underground aquifer lies deeper than 8-10 m, a well will have to be drilled. Pleasure is not cheap - drillers charge quite substantial money for their work.

But, having spent money once on arranging a well, you will provide your dacha with clean water in required volumes. If you want to save money, you can try to negotiate with your neighbors and make one well for several houses.

To equip the water supply system in this case, you will need a special borehole or. Such equipment is much more expensive than its surface counterparts, but in terms of the efficiency of providing clean water, it has no equal.

Summer and winter plumbing

Previously, you most likely heard such definitions as summer and winter plumbing systems. Study the main properties of these options, it is quite possible that even the simplest summer option will be able to satisfy your needs. Otherwise, you can immediately proceed to the study of the following sections of the manual on the arrangement of a full-fledged water supply.

Summer option

The features of such a water supply system are clear from its name - the operation of such a system is possible only in the warm period. There are stationary and collapsible modifications of the system.

Collapsible summer plumbing has a very simple design: it is enough to connect the hoses to a pump of suitable parameters and lay them on the soil surface so that they do not interfere with normal movement around the summer cottage.

Silicone and rubber hoses are suitable for arranging the system. The connection is made using special adapters. Also in specialized stores are available more modern products for connecting hoses - latches. One side of such a latch is equipped with a spring-loaded connector, and on the other side there is a “ruff”. With the help of such latches, hoses are connected quickly, reliably and simply.

Most often, such a collapsible system is used for irrigation. It is pointless to organize on its basis a full-fledged water supply to solve domestic needs.

The laying of a stationary summer water supply is carried out underground. Flexible hoses are not suitable for arranging such a system. The best way- plastic pipes.

Pipes of stationary seasonal water supply are laid at a meter depth. After the end of the season, water must be pumped out of the pipes, otherwise, with the advent of cold weather, it will freeze and ruin the pipeline.

In view of this, the pipes must be laid with a slope towards the drain valve. Directly the valve is mounted near the water source.

Winter option

Such water supply can be used throughout the year.

Pipes made of polyethylene and polypropylene are suitable for arranging the system. The former are sold at a lower price and are mounted without the use of special tools. The latter are somewhat more expensive and require the use of a pipe soldering iron during installation. However, in the end, you will spend more money than for additional products used during installation polypropylene pipes.

Water pipes are laid with a slight slope towards the source of water supply. The pipeline should run 200-250 mm below the freezing point of the soil.

There is also an option with pipe laying at a depth of 300 mm. In this case, additional insulation of the pipeline is mandatory. Foamed polyethylene perfectly copes with the functions of thermal insulation. There are special products of a cylindrical shape. It is enough to simply put such rounded polypropylene on the pipe and as a result the product will be reliably protected from cold and other adverse effects.

Not only winter water pipes, but also a source of water need additional insulation.

For example, a well is insulated for the winter and covered with snow. These measures will be enough to ensure the protection of the structure from the cold.

superficial pump equipment if used, it is equipped with a caisson. The caisson is a pit with additional insulation, equipped next to a water supply source equipped with a pump.

The installation of automatic pumping stations can only be carried out in a room where the air temperature does not drop to negative levels even in the most severe frosts.

The sewer system also needs to be insulated. In the absence of it, the drains will freeze and disrupt the operation of the drainage system.

Drafting a project

Start by designing the system. First of all, decide on the equipment. Specify the location of water intake points, calculate the required number of fittings, select the optimal material and type water pipes.

Plastic pipes are used most often. These are durable and reliable products that fully cope with all the tasks assigned to them. At the same time, plastic pipes do not rust, which allows them to be sewn into walls, unlike metal counterparts.

Compose detailed diagram future plumbing. Indicate all dimensions on the drawing. So you can calculate the optimal footage and determine the required number of components. At the same time, it is recommended to buy components with a 10-15 percent margin.

Also, you must decide whether you will choose and buy everything yourself. necessary equipment, or immediately buy a ready-made water intake station. At this point, be guided by your personal preferences.

Installation of plumbing system components

First step

Dig a trench from the water source to the point where the pipe enters the building.

Second step

Deep-type equipment is lowered into the water supply source. Surface pumps are mounted next to the well or well. The pump is installed in a heated room or in a caisson.

Third step

Connect the water pipe to installed pump. Attach the free end of the connected pipe to the five-pin fitting.

Fourth step

Connect the storage tank, pressure gauge, and pressure switch to the free outlets of the fitting. The volume of the storage tank can reach 400-500 liters and even more. Thanks to this device, optimal will be provided. In addition, in storage tank you can store water in case of unforeseen situations.

Fifth step

Connect the pipe to the remaining free fitting outlet, and then run the line along the previously leveled bottom of the dug trench straight into the house. Also, along the bottom of the pit, you need to lay a protected cable to connect the pump and accumulator.

It is important that the socket intended for switching on the units mentioned above is properly grounded.

sixth step

Install a shut-off valve in front of the pipe entry point into the building. It will allow you to shut off the water supply if necessary.

seventh step

After making sure that the external pipeline is working correctly, fill in the hole and proceed with the installation of the internal wiring.

Regardless of the chosen source of water supply, it is strongly recommended that the water supply system be equipped with cleaning devices.

Perform internal wiring in accordance with the previously prepared diagram. At this point, focus on your preferences. Do everything so that in the future it is convenient for you to use the connected water supply.

In conclusion, you will have to equip the water intake points by connecting faucets, appliances, etc.

Providing hot water

If you need to provide hot water, you can complete your plumbing system with a water heater. There are accumulative and flowing varieties of such equipment. In summer cottages, it is most convenient to use storage tanks.

The installation of the water heater is carried out according to the standard scheme for such equipment.

Now you know in what order the installation of the plumbing system is carried out and what needs to be taken into account for the successful implementation of all related activities. Do everything in accordance with the provisions of the above guide, and your plumbing will work properly for many years.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself plumbing in a country house

Plumbing in the country, even if it is a summer, temporary option, performs many important functions. This is watering the garden and the garden, street needs, outdoor showers, bath water supply, even at home, if the design is made in the capital version. In order for the system to please and work smoothly, it is necessary to pay attention to all its components. Especially important right choice pipes - different materials serve different purposes. For example, the functions and creation of a water supply system in a country house made of HDPE is fundamentally different from the temporary version of rubber hoses.

Before taking care of country water supply, you need to decide on the option of plumbing. In a city apartment, everything is very clear: water is needed in the bathroom, bathroom, and kitchen. As for the option for giving, before choosing materials for work, you need to decide why you need it?

The simplest option is a summer collapsible design for irrigation, garden needs, and a shower outside. Its peculiarity is that the pipes are laid on the surface of the soil, and for the winter they are disassembled and cleaned in a warm place. Therefore, the materials for its creation can be almost any. The option of a stationary summer water supply also does not involve the use of particularly resistant materials. Pipes in this case are located in trenches underground, but for the winter the water is drained from them, which means that they cannot freeze and crack.

Ownership country house gives unlimited opportunities for the manifestation of creativity, imagination. Many choose...

It is a completely different matter - capital, permanent water supply. It is manufactured in accordance with all the rules, with laying pipes underground in frost-resistant insulation. Such a system is suitable for year-round operation. Therefore, especially strong pipes are used here, which are not afraid of frost, temperature changes, boiling water from the inside. In addition, they must be durable, because every two or three years, digging up the ground and changing the water supply is not the best thing. great pleasure and also very expensive.

For the construction, it is very important to choose the right pipes and insulating materials for them, because the service life will depend on this. Each material has its pros and cons to consider.

Having decided on which system and for what purposes you need, you can choose pipes for plumbing in the country.

What pipes are

At the end of the last century, there was no doubt about the choice of water pipes. All because there was no choice: metal pipes- the only option on the market of the past. Now, mostly plastic pipes are used. But plastic is a very conditional concept. Options polymer materials many, and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

However, metal pipes should not be written off, they are still used, albeit not as common as various plastic options. Generally speaking, you can create a water supply system in the country with your own hands from the following materials:

  • rubber hoses;
  • black steel;
  • galvanized steel;
  • metal-plastic;
  • polypropylene;
  • HDPE (low pressure polyethylene);
  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride).

The choice of material depends on how the water supply is supposed to be used. Therefore, it is impossible to say which material is better and which is worse.

For the summer collapsible version, light, easy-to-install, well-understood tubes are suitable. For capital, those are required that are resistant to corrosion, withstand temperature extremes, pressure and other influences well.

Types of pipes

All materials have their own advantages and disadvantages. Next, let's take a closer look at how different pipes differ, how they it is better, and the worse their "competitors".


Rubber hoses are a variant of a country water supply, if it is a summer collapsible design. Rubber is a flexible material, so such tubes can easily be on the ground without interfering with any work and moving around the site. Irrigation plumbing, that is, one that is used exclusively for irrigation personal plot, just well made of rubber, due to its flexibility, maneuverability and ease of installation.

black steel

Black steel is a high strength material. However, at present it is not very popular due to the fact that it is difficult to install and prone to corrosion. The first problems with such pipes may appear in five years. But pipes made of black steel are not afraid of almost any mechanical impact. They are durable, shock-resistant, withstand high pressure, as well as its differences and temperature changes.

Galvanized steel

Unlike its predecessor, black steel, galvanized steel is resistant to corrosion, while also maintaining high mechanical strength. It would be an excellent material if it were not for the complicated installation. So, to work with metal, welding is required, as well as the creation of threads.


This option combines the advantages of metal and polymer materials. When creating such a structure, an aluminum pipe is placed between two polymer layers. Thus, it turns out that the metal is reliably protected from the inside and outside, which means that it is not subject to corrosion. And due to the metal base, the pipe is durable, resistant to any impact.

At the same time, metal-plastic pipes are represented on the market a variety of options at an affordable price, and installation is quite simple.


Polypropylene is essentially a type of plastic. The design of the summer water supply in the country from polypropylene pipes is quite durable, while being easily mounted and dismantled. In addition, this material is also suitable for a capital year-round system, since it is presented in various options:

  • for sewerage;
  • for cold water supply;
  • for hot water supply;
  • for heating.

Polypropylene plumbing is resistant to hot and cold temperatures. Therefore, this material is used not only in private households, but also for industrial needs. Such pipes are connected by soldering.

HDPE (low pressure polyethylene)

It is currently one of the most popular materials. We can say that HDPE pipes for water supply to the country house - perfect option. Judge for yourself. So, this material allows you to assemble the system without the use of additional equipment, since all fittings are already threaded, and you can tighten them by hand without much effort.

The system of HDPE pipes is very durable, can last up to 50 years. This is because this material does not rust, does not corrode, is resistant to chemical and mechanical stress. In addition, it withstands high temperatures, and when water freezes, it does not burst, but stretches. Therefore, even if you forget to drain the liquid from the HDPE pipes of the summer water supply for the winter, nothing very terrible will happen.

Various variants of such pipes are suitable for low and high pressure.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride)

PVC is another popular modern version for the manufacture of pipes. Their cost is lower than that of polyethylene. However, some qualities are also lower. Mounting of the structure is carried out using cold welding. At correct use the term of use is also 50 years.

However, such a pipeline is afraid of mechanical impact. In the presence of scratches, the strength of the entire structure suffers, so the option is completely unsuitable for summer surface plumbing. If you choose PVC for fixed structure, two points must be taken into account. First, they can only be laid in isolation. Secondly, they cannot withstand temperatures above +45 and below -15 degrees Celsius. This means that PVC plumbing is only suitable for summer stationary cold plumbing.

Fittings for plastic pipes

When creating a country water supply system from plastic pipes, it is important to choose the right not only a variation of this material, but also to select the necessary fittings for it. The most commonly used are:

  • couplings for the tightness of the joints of pipes of the same diameter;
  • adapters for connecting pipes of different diameters and connecting to the main line;
  • tee coupling for easy liquid drainage;
  • threaded coupling for combining a pipe with a long-standing plumbing system using threaded connections;
  • flange connection for connection to the water discharge manifold;
  • coupling-"saddle" for connecting a pipe of smaller diameter to the main line;
  • coupling-plug to create tightness of the end of the pipeline or to disconnect.

In addition, given the fact that HDPE pipes, for example, do not bend at a right angle, there are special connecting swivel fittings.

It is important that the strength of a water supply system made of polyethylene pipes largely depends on the correctly selected fittings and the correct installation.

There are other options for fittings. In any store, when choosing pipes, they will help you choose additional suitable elements.

Mounting Features

Having decided on the features of the water supply system, you can proceed to the preparation and installation of the selected structures.

  1. We make a plan. The scheme for arranging a country water supply should take into account all the features of the site. It is also necessary to make all the necessary measurements.
  2. We choose materials. You should choose and purchase materials only after deciding which pipes you will use and how many you need.
  3. We free the site. During installation, nothing should interfere with the process.
  4. Let's start earthworks. This item is relevant if a capital water supply is being built. If the system is shallow, trenches do not need to be dug.
  5. We install pipes. Pipes are laid in place, fastened together.
  6. We connect all systems. You can then connect the system to pumping station and check its action.

If after installation everything works according to the best scheme, you can dig trenches, not forgetting about insulation, of course.

After pleasant, but tedious country chores, I really want to wash off all the fatigue of this day under warm jets of water ....


Currently, choosing pipes to create a water supply system in the country is not a problem. The variety of materials, shapes, sizes is huge. There are pipes for literally all occasions and for different situations: to create heating, for cold and hot, for sewerage. The diameter of the pipes, their resistance to temperature and pressure are also different.

Preference is given now different options pipes made of plastic, polyethylene. They are durable, resistant to corrosion and wear. Structures made of polymer variants do not rust and, with proper, careful operation, can last for many years.

How good is a HDPE pipe for a country water supply? How to organize a permanent water supply when water is supplied according to a schedule or from your own well? What does the installation of a summer water supply system look like in a country house with HDPE pipes? Let's try to answer these questions.

Physicochemical characteristics

Let's start by studying the basic properties of low-density polyethylene (HDPE).

Hint: Alkalis and acids are supplied either in plastic containers or in glass containers with plastic stoppers.

  • The material is resilient and elastic. Not only that: elasticity is maintained at low temperatures.

  • Like all other polymers, polyethylene is an insulator.
  • Softening temperature - 80-120 degrees Celsius.
  • Adhesive properties - at an extremely low level. Simply put, other substances do not stick to polyethylene. Water doesn't wet it either.
  • The price of polyethylene is minimal among all plastics - both because of the manufacturability of production, and due to the cheapness of gaseous raw materials.

Depending on the polymerization conditions of the raw material - ethylene - there are three types of this plastic.

Note: obtaining HDPE and PSD requires a catalyst.
The presence of oxygen is sufficient to initiate the formation of VDP.

Of these materials, HDPE has the highest mechanical strength. It is he who, more often than his related polymers, is used for the production of pressure pipes.

Small diameters are also made from it, allowing you to combine segments into an arbitrarily complex pipeline without using a tool.


The study of the properties of the polymer allows us to formulate what, in fact, is so attractive for summer water supply in a country house made of HDPE pipes against the background of alternatives - steel, metal-plastic, copper or polypropylene water supply.

  1. It is much cheaper than any other material.
  2. Installation of HDPE pipes for water supply in the country does not require any tools, except for a miter knife.
  3. The elasticity of the pipes allows you to lay lashes with numerous bends.
  4. Due to the inertness to chemical and biological influences, the pipes can be laid directly into the ground - this will not affect their service life.

  1. Finally, the summer water supply from HDPE in the country does not need to be dismantled for the winter. The frost resistance of plastic and its elasticity, which remains at low temperatures, allows you not to be afraid of the formation of ice plugs. Even if the water remaining in the pipes freezes, the pipe will only stretch slightly, and after thawing it will return to its original size.

Water supply schemes

From the well

How to install a water supply system from HDPE pipes in a country house, if a well located on the site serves as a source of water for it?

The list of elements of the water supply system in this case will be as follows:

  1. Submersible pump (vortex or centrifugal). Vortex pumps are somewhat cheaper and more compact, but multistage centrifugal pumps are capable of transporting water with a large amount of impurities, while creating a head of tens of meters.
  2. check valve that prevents water from draining back into the well after stopping the pump.
  3. Hydraulic accumulator, accumulating water and creating excess pressure when the pump is turned off.
  4. Pressure sensor and relay, which turn the pump power on and off when the threshold values ​​are reached.

From the water supply of the garden partnership

An equally common scenario is when HDPE pipes for water supply in a country house are connected to a network that supplies water according to a schedule (from two times a day to once a week). It is clear that for permanent residence in the country, this schedule can hardly be called comfortable.

Is it difficult to ensure a constant supply of water in this case?

  1. The main element of the scheme is a polyethylene water tank with a volume of 200 to 2000 liters (the volume depends on the water supply schedule and on its consumption). The container is installed in the attic country house, on a welded base or on a natural elevation.
  2. A filler is used to fill the container. It is installed in a hole cut in the wall of the container and sealed with standard gaskets.
  3. The drain pipe at the bottom of the tank is used to connect the local water supply.
  4. When installed in the attic, the container can be equipped with an overflow for safety reasons. At a level just above the valve, a hole is inserted into the hole cut in its wall sewage pipe 50 mm in diameter. The outlet from the tank is made to the sewer or to the beds; the connection of the pipe and the wall is sealed with high-quality silicone sealant.


How to assemble a water pipe from HDPE in the country with your own hands?

There are a few subtleties here:

  • Ensure that the O-rings fit between the pipe and fitting. A jammed seal is a common cause of a leaky joint.
  • Do not forget to clean the surfaces to be joined from debris and dirt.
  • Do not use tightening tools. If a manually assembled fitting connection leaks, disassemble it, correct the seals and reassemble it.
  • Do not bend the pipe with a small radius. She won't crack; however, the walls will collapse, drastically reducing the capacity of the pipeline.

Attention: if instead of a miter knife you use a hacksaw to cut the pipe, do not forget to chamfer the inside and outer surfaces pipes.
The burrs will prevent you from putting on the o-rings.