Typical instruction for an installer of external pipelines. Work instructions for the installer of external pipelines (4th category)

  • 14.06.2019

This manual for labor protection when performing work on the installation of external pipelines is available for free viewing and downloading.


1.1. To perform work on the installation of external pipelines, workers are allowed at least 18 years old who have undergone a medical examination, have no contraindications for health reasons, have the necessary theoretical and practical training, have passed introductory and primary workplace safety briefings and training according to a special program, certified qualification commission and received admission to independent work.
1.2. An employee performing work on the installation of external pipelines (hereinafter referred to as the employee) must periodically, at least once a year, undergo an examination of knowledge on labor protection when performing installation work and obtain a permit for high-risk work.
1.3. An employee, regardless of qualifications and length of service, at least once every three months, must undergo a re-instruction on labor protection; in case of violation by an employee of labor safety requirements, as well as in case of a break in work for more than 30 calendar days, he must undergo an unscheduled briefing.
1.4. An employee who has not been instructed and tested on labor protection in a timely manner is not allowed to work independently.
1.5. An employee admitted to independent work must know: the rules for laying pipelines and the installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete collectors, channels, chambers and wells. Rigging rules. Rules, norms and instructions for labor protection and fire safety. Rules for the use of primary fire extinguishing equipment. Methods of first aid in case of accidents. Rules of internal labor regulations of the organization.
1.6. An employee who has shown unsatisfactory skills and knowledge of safety rules when installing external pipelines is not allowed to work independently.
1.7. In order for an employee to be allowed to work independently with a construction and assembly gun, he must have a qualification of at least the 4th category, undergo a special training course, pass an exam by a qualification commission and receive a certificate for the right to work with a piston-type pyrotechnic tool.
1.8. An employee sent to participate in work unusual for his profession must undergo targeted training on the safe performance of upcoming work.
1.9. The employee is prohibited from using tools, fixtures and equipment, the safe handling of which he has not been trained.
1.10. In the process of performing work, an employee can be affected mainly by the following hazardous and harmful production factors:
- a load falling from a height (for example, if the strapping of the mounted structure is incorrect or the sling breaks);
— moving goods (for example, erected structures);
- the use of a construction and assembly gun;
— flying solid particles;
— falling tools, parts, assemblies, structures;
- burrs, irregularities and roughness of the surfaces of tools, parts, products;
- physical overload;
- electric current, the path of which, in the event of a short circuit, can pass through a person;
high humidity air, overalls, special footwear;
- insufficient illumination of the working area;
- unsatisfactory weather conditions.
1.11. To prevent adverse health effects of hazardous and harmful production factors the employee should use overalls, safety shoes and other means personal protection.
1.12. In order to prevent accidents, the worker should know existing restrictions according to the mass of manually moved cargo: when moving cargo over a distance of up to 25 m, each man should have no more than 50 kg.
1.13. To prevent the possibility of a fire, an employee must comply with fire safety requirements himself and prevent violations of these requirements by other employees; Smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas.
1.14. The employee is obliged to comply with labor and production discipline, internal labor regulations; it should be remembered that the use of alcoholic beverages, as a rule, leads to accidents.
1.15. If an accident occurs with any of the employees, then the victim must be given first aid, report the incident to the manager and maintain the situation of the incident, if this does not create a danger to others.
1.16. The employee, if necessary, must be able to provide first aid, use a first aid kit.
1.17. A first aid kit should be located in an accessible place.
1.18. To prevent the possibility of illness, the employee should follow the rules of personal hygiene, including washing hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating.
1.19. The employee is obliged to ensure that there are no unauthorized persons in the working area.
1.20. An employee who has committed a violation or non-compliance with the requirements of the labor protection instructions endangers both himself and those around him, therefore he can be brought to disciplinary, and, depending on the consequences, to criminal liability; if the violation is associated with causing material damage to the enterprise, then the perpetrator may be held liable in accordance with the established procedure.


2.1. Before starting work, the employee must put on overalls, safety shoes and a protective helmet.
2.2. After receiving an assignment to perform work, the employee must do the following:
2.2.1. Prepare the necessary personal protective equipment.
2.2.2. Check the work area and approaches to it for compliance with safety requirements.
2.2.3. Pick up technological equipment and the tools necessary to perform the work, check their serviceability.
2.2.4. Inspect the structural elements of the pipeline intended for installation and make sure that they do not have defects.
2.3. An employee must not start work in the following cases:
2.3.1. In case of malfunctions of technological equipment, means of protection for workers.
2.3.2. In case of untimely carrying out of the next tests of technological equipment, tools and devices.
2.3.3. In case of untimely carrying out of the next tests or the expiration of the service life of the protective equipment for workers.
2.3.4. With insufficient illumination of the working area and approaches to it.


3.1. To enter the working area, the employee must use the equipped access systems (stairs, ladders, bridges); the presence of an employee on structural elements of pipelines held by a crane is not allowed.
3.2. Cleaning of pipeline structural elements to be installed from dirt and ice should be carried out before they are lifted.
3.3. During the installation of structures, signals to the crane operator should be given only by one person, except for the “Stop” signal, which can be given by any worker who has noticed a clear danger.
3.4. Preliminary guidance of the structure to the installation site must be carried out using braces of a hemp or nylon rope.
3.5. In the process of lifting-feeding and guiding the structure to the installation site, the employee is prohibited from winding the end of the rope around his hand.
3.6. Before installing the structure in the design position, the employee is obliged to check the absence of people below directly under the place of installation of the structure; it is forbidden to find people under the mounted elements until they are installed in the design position and finally secured.
3.7. When installing pipeline structural elements in the design position, the employee must:
3.7.1. Guide the structure to the installation site without applying significant physical effort.
3.7.2. Carry out the final aiming of the structure using a crowbar.
3.8. After installing the pipeline structure in the design position, it is necessary to fix it (permanently or temporarily) in accordance with the requirements of the project.
3.9. When punching furrows, holes and openings in stone and concrete structures it is necessary to take measures against the destruction of people by fragments; safety goggles with shatterproof lenses or nets should be used to protect the eyes.
3.10. To check the coincidence of the bolt holes when connecting the flanges, the worker should use mounting keys, special crowbars or mandrels; it is forbidden to check the coincidence of the hole with the fingers.
3.11. When using a construction and assembly gun, an employee must comply with the following safety requirements:
3.11.1. When driving the dowel into a vertical plane, the gun should be held at chest level; while the head and legs should be at a distance from the wall equal to the length of the gun.
3.11.2. When driving the dowel into the floor, the worker must stand on a stable stand at least 100 mm high.
3.11.3. At the moment of firing, the axis of the pistol must be at right angles to the surface of the base, and the hand supporting the part being fired must be at least 150 mm from the point of driving the dowel.
3.11.4. Do not drive the dowel into the base, the strength of which is higher than the strength of the dowel, as well as into the base, which is fragile.
3.12. When performing work on the laying of external pipelines, the employee must:
3.12.1. Use a specially designed hook to open or close manhole covers.
3.12.2. When descending into a well or chamber, use a safety harness with a safety rope attached to it, the other end of which must be at the safety worker, to assist in climbing in case of danger.
3.12.3. When working with power tools of the first or second protection class, use personal protective equipment (for example, dielectric gloves, galoshes, rugs).
3.12.4. When working in places where vehicles can pass, use fences with a traffic sign "No access, work is underway!", A luminous red light.
3.13. When working in wells or chambers, it is forbidden to smoke, as well as to use open fire.
3.14. If there are cuts or scratches, do not work in the faecal well.
3.15. Building materials should be placed at the edge of the excavation with unreinforced walls outside the soil collapse prism at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the edge of the excavation.
3.16. When working with an electric welder during pipe welding, the worker must use specially designed goggles or a shield with a light filter to protect the eyes.
3.17. The bottom of the trench should be cleaned of collapsed soil after the pipeline is temporarily lowered onto the beds laid across the trench.
3.18. Inspection, tapping or maintenance of the pipeline, connecting or disconnecting the lines supplying air from the compressor to the pipeline, should be done only after the air supply is stopped and the pressure is reduced to atmospheric pressure.
3.19. Installation of the pipeline near electrical wires within a distance equal to the largest length of the mounted unit should be carried out with the voltage removed.


4.1. In the event of a malfunction of the crane, lifting devices or technological equipment, the employee is obliged to give the crane operator the “Stop” command and inform the work manager about this.
4.2. If an unstable position of the pipeline elements being mounted, a violation of the fastening of the trench walls, a malfunction of technological equipment or protective equipment, the employee must notify the work manager about this.
4.3. In case of detection of a rupture or damage to the pipe during its testing, the worker must immediately stop testing, relieve pressure in the system and resume testing only after troubleshooting.
4.4. In case of an accident, poisoning, sudden illness, it is necessary to immediately provide first aid to the victim, call a doctor or help deliver the victim to the doctor, and then inform the manager about the incident.
4.5. If there are signs of poisoning, go to Fresh air drink milk if possible.
4.6. If a fire or signs of burning are detected in the working area (smoke, burning smell, temperature increase, etc.), you must immediately notify the fire brigade by calling 101 or 112 and take measures to extinguish the fire using primary funds firefighting.


5.1. Upon completion of work, the employee must do the following:
5.1.1. Put technological equipment and personal protective equipment in the place provided for storage.
5.1.2. Clear the working area from waste building materials and mounted elements of the pipeline and put it in order.
5.1.3. Disconnect the power tool from the mains, assemble the tool, remove overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment and put them in the designated storage location, if necessary, hand them over for washing and cleaning.
5.2. The employee must close the hatches of wells and chambers or put fences around them and the corresponding road sign “The passage is closed, work is underway!”, And also turn on the red lamp.
5.3. All problems and malfunctions of the tools and equipment used, as well as other violations of labor protection requirements, noticed in the course of work, should be reported to your immediate supervisor.
5.4. At the end of work, the worker should wash their hands thoroughly. warm water with soap, if necessary, take a shower.

8.1. The deviation from the straightness of the welded (glued) pipeline, measured along the generatrix, should not exceed 2.0 mm at a distance of 200 mm from the weld. Deviations from the straightness of welded plastic pipelines may be eliminated by heating them with hot air.

8.2. Works on the installation of technological pipelines made of plastic pipes should be carried out in accordance with the technological instructions given in the project for the production of works (PPR).

8.3. Prior to the installation of pipelines from plastic pipes, the installer must perform the following preparatory work:

a complete set of materials and products according to the nomenclature specified in the project, and in accordance with the PPR. All materials and products must have documents certifying their quality;

preparation of covered areas for the storage of pipes, fittings, pipeline assemblies and other materials and products based on ensuring at least two-shift needs;

a complete set of welding and installation equipment, devices and tools and their adjustment;

study by line engineers and foremen (link) of PPR, working and regulatory documentation.

8.4. Prior to the installation of pipelines made of plastic pipes, all construction, electric and gas welding work, installation of process equipment and pipelines (steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, coated pipelines) must be completed, as well as work on thermal insulation of these pipelines.

In the places indicated in the project (in the walls of buildings and channels, ceilings, coatings and columns), embedded parts for the supporting structures of pipelines should be installed, and in places where pipelines pass through foundations, walls, partitions and ceilings of buildings - cases. Embedded parts and cases must comply with the working drawings of the project and be installed in the hole with a snug fit of the supporting surfaces to the building structures and followed by concrete embedment.

Cases must be made of non-combustible materials; the gap between the plastic pipe and the case is carefully sealed with asbestos or other non-combustible material.

Support structures must be installed for fittings and piping assemblies.

8.5. Pipelines should be laid in accordance with the project on separate supports, hangers or on a solid base.

8.6. The installation of supports, hangers and support structures under the pipelines must ensure the routing and slope of the pipeline specified by the project. The deviation of the position of supports and supporting structures from the design should not exceed ± 5 mm in plan (for pipelines laid indoors) and ± 10 mm (for external pipelines); the slope in both cases should not exceed +0.001. To ensure the design slope of the pipeline, it is allowed to install gaskets under the soles of the supports or on the supporting structures. The slope of the pipeline must be checked with instruments or special devices.

8.7. The structures of supports, suspensions or solid foundations must be given in the project. It is allowed to use fasteners used for metal pipelines as separate supports and hangers. However, at the points of contact polymer pipes with metal parts, they should not have sharp edges and burrs, and a gasket made of plastic material (rubber, polyethylene, felt, etc.) should be laid between the pipe and the clamp or pipe, bracket and support.

8.8. The design of a solid base should not interfere with the self-compensation of the pipeline, especially in the places of its turns. The solid base must be made of non-combustible materials.

When laying pipelines with detachable connections on free flanges at their locations in a solid base, gaps (“windows”) for their installation should be provided. The size of the gaps should ensure free movement of the flanges moving together with the pipeline in the process of compensating for thermal deformations.

8.9. Steel and lined steel reinforcement should be fixed on separate supports or building structures on clamps or brackets. Reinforcement made of plastic materials must be attached to building structures or a solid base with clamps or brackets.

8.10. It is necessary to mount compensators according to the instructions given in the project.

8.11. Movable fasteners that allow axial movement of pipelines are made using clamps or brackets made of plastic or metal.

When fastening pipelines with metal clamps and brackets, a gasket made of elastic material must be installed between the pipe and the clamp; the width of the gasket should be 10 mm greater than the width of the clamp or bracket, or the clamp and bracket should have flanges, chamfers or rounded edges to prevent damage to the pipes during the longitudinal movement of the pipeline.

8.12. Fixed fastenings of pipelines should be carried out using thrust ring plates welded (glued) to the body, made of pipe material. The pads must be installed on both sides of a fixed clamp (half-clamp) or bracket and cover at least 3/4 of the pipe diameter, except for the points of its contact with the support. In cases where the movement of the pipeline must be ensured in only one direction, the linings are installed on one side.

8.13. As a rule, vertical sections of pipelines should be fixed under a socket or flange connection, and on smooth sections of pipes - under annular plates welded or glued to the pipe from the material of the pipes being fixed.

8.14. Pipelines laid on a solid base must be fastened to it with clamps or brackets installed for horizontal sections every 1 m (for pipes D n up to 63 mm), 1.5 m (for pipes D n from 63 to 160 mm) and 2.0 m (for pipes D n over 160 mm), and for vertical and inclined sections - every 1.5 m (for pipes D n up to 63 mm) and 2.0 m (for pipes D n over 63 mm).

The length of sections of pipelines not supported by a solid base at the points of turns and their connection to apparatus, equipment, fittings and flanges should not exceed 0.5 m (for pipes D n up to 63 mm) and 1.0 m (for pipes D n over 63 mm).

8.15. During installation, straight sections of pipelines must be laid on at least two supports, and nodes and blocks must be fixed so that they cannot move and deform under the action of their own weight.

8.16. When laying pipelines underground, it is allowed to lay pipes along bends along a gentle curve in accordance with the requirements of SNiP for the production and acceptance of work during the construction of external networks and water supply, sewerage and heat supply facilities. At an ambient temperature of 20 °C for pipes with an outer diameter of up to 315 mm, the radius of curvature is recommended to be: 30 D n (for LDPE pipes), 120 D n (for HDPE pipes), 200 D n (for PP pipes) and 300 D n (for PVC pipes). The radius of curvature at the turns of HDPE pipelines with an outer diameter of more than 315 mm, laid along a gentle curve, should be taken: for type L pipes - at least 50 D n, type SL - not less than 40 D n, type C - not less than 20 D n . At an air temperature of 10 °C, the radius should be increased by 1.5 times, and at a temperature of 0 °C - by 3 times. At negative ambient temperatures, laying pipelines along a gentle curve is prohibited.

8.17. When laying pipelines without channels, earthworks must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III-8-76 for the performance of work during the construction of earthworks.

8.18. It is necessary to deliver plastic pipes from the place of storage to installation and lay them out along the trench or channel immediately before the installation work.

8.19. When laying without channels or laying in channels, pipelines with a length of 100 m or more should be mounted, as a rule, in ready-made welded (glued) sections, which are then transported and laid out along the route.

8.20. It is allowed to lay pipelines welded and glued on the crest in a trench no earlier than 24 hours after welding and gluing the last joint.

8.21. In the case of laying pipelines in a trench at an ambient temperature above 10 °C (except for PVC pipes connected by a socket on rubber rings), measures are necessary to reduce thermal stresses: laying pipelines in a “snake”, filling the pipeline with cold water before backfilling, backfilling the pipeline in the cold time of day.

8.22. PVC pipes connected by a socket on rubber rings should be installed only in trenches. In this case, the air temperature should not be lower than minus 10 °C.

When connecting pipes to a socket on rubber rings, the following procedure must be observed: cleaning the inner surface of the socket, the smooth end of the pipe and the surface of the ring, installing the rubber ring in the groove of the socket, applying a mounting mark on the smooth end of the pipe, lubricating the smooth end of the pipe to facilitate pipe installation, pushing the smooth end of the pipe into the socket up to the mounting mark.

8.23. When installing the rubber ring in the groove of the bell, it must be ensured that it fits snugly against the surface of the groove around the entire circumference.

To ensure the necessary clearance between the end face of the smooth end of one pipe and inner surface socket of another pipe on the smooth surface of the pipe must be chamfered at an angle of 15 ° to the axis of the pipe and applied with indelible paint or by another method, a mounting mark that determines the depth of insertion of the smooth end of the pipe into the socket. The length of the chamfer at the smooth end of the pipe and the depth of its insertion into the socket must comply with Table. 24.
Table 24

Outside diameter pipes, mm

Chamfer length, mm

Depth of insertion of the smooth end of the pipe, mm




























8.24. To facilitate the installation of pipes on rubber rings, it is allowed to use lubricants (liquid soap, soap solution, glycerin, etc.) that do not destroy the material of the pipe and ring. Lubrication of pipes with oils, grease and other similar lubricants prohibited. To install pipes on rubber rings, it is usually necessary to use clamping devices. Pipes with an outer diameter of up to 160 mm can be assembled manually using various levers; in this case, measures must be taken to prevent damage to the surface of the pipes.
Table 25

Outer diameter of pipes, mm

The magnitude of the force on the support, kN

The magnitude of the force on the support, kN, at the angle of rotation, deg





































































8.25. When laying PVC pipes with socket joints on rubber rings, in places of turns, branches and dead ends, support should be provided. The area of ​​​​the supports should perceive the magnitude of the forces arising from the testing of pipelines, given in table. 25.

8.26. As a rule, detachable flange connections of pipelines from plastic pipes should be assembled at a positive temperature. The tightening of the flange connection must be done by uniform transverse (crosswise) tightening of the nuts. The tightening force of the flange joint, assembled using a rubber sealing gasket, must ensure the deformation of the gasket, not exceeding 0.2-0.4 of its thickness; for gaskets made of other materials, the tightening force is selected empirically from the condition of ensuring the strength and tightness of the connection.

The protective covers provided for by the project on detachable flange joints of pipelines transporting acids and alkalis must be installed after testing the pipelines.

8.27. Thermal insulation should be installed after testing the pipeline in compliance with measures to prevent damage to it (including the installation of tarpaulin, asbestos fabric or several layers of glass fabric under bandages and wire ties).


The installation of pipelines should be carried out in accordance with the project, detailed drawings (KTD), the project for the production of works (PPR) and safety regulations. Installation of pipelines is carried out mainly with ready-made units manufactured in pipe preparation shops complete with fittings, as well as blocks of pipelines assembled at the installation site, with maximum mechanization of installation work. It is allowed to mount pipelines "in place" from individual pipes and parts only in exceptional cases.


Before starting work on the installation of pipelines, the foreman of the fitters examines the working drawings, specifications, PPR and other technical documentation for the facility being prepared for installation. Having received the installation task, the workers must familiarize themselves in detail with the technical documentation and safety regulations. At the same time, they study the layout of pipelines, plans and dimensions of the building, drawings of apparatus and equipment piping, fastening of pipelines and supporting structures, specifications for products and fittings.

Prior to the installation of pipelines, the following preparatory work must be carried out:

compliance with the project for the installation of supporting structures for pipelines, installation of embedded parts for fastening pipelines, the presence of holes for pipelines in building structures, fixing fixed supports of free-standing supporting structures and overpasses was checked. Installation and sealing of embedded structures and openings for pipelines are provided for in the construction part of the project and must be carried out by the construction organization.

taken under an act dated construction organizations buildings, building structures, overpasses, trays, trenches with checking their construction readiness for the installation of pipelines and compliance with the design of the marks to which the pipelines are linked in the installation drawings. When accepting trenches, the conformity of their dimensions and marks with the design ones, the correctness of the slope arrangement, compliance with the slopes, the quality of the bed and the condition of the fasteners should be checked. The foundations of trenches in rocky soils must be leveled with a layer of sand or gravel with a thickness of at least 20 cm;

the compliance with the drawings of the types, dimensions and arrangement of the fittings of the equipment to which the pipelines are connected, the accuracy of its installation in the axes and marks were checked. All deviations from the project must be recorded in the work log;

platforms for intermediate storage and enlargement of pipeline units were organized. Intermediate storage of pipes, parts and assemblies is carried out in open areas for each line separately and they are located so that free passage and access to them are provided for inspection, checking the marking and performing loading and unloading operations. When stored in an open area or in rooms without a wooden floor, all mounting blanks, regardless of the nature of their installation, are laid on wooden linings with a height of at least 200 mm so that it is possible to tie them when they are submitted for installation. Ready-made pipeline assemblies are recommended to be delivered to objects in containers, which creates convenience during storage, on-site movement and loading and unloading operations. Near the places of storage of blanks, it is recommended to place signs indicating the number of the node and the number of the line according to the project;

workplaces, tools, mounting devices prepared; equipment for welding stations; the necessary scaffolding recommended by the PPR has been arranged;

nodes, sections, pipes, fittings, compensators, supports, suspensions and other products are accepted for installation; their completeness, compliance with the requirements of the project and delivery conditions were checked. Industrial installation methods predetermine that units, support structures, supports and hangers with the maximum degree of factory readiness and completeness come to the installation site from pipe-producing shops. The completeness of the delivery is checked according to the specifications, packing lists and other shipping documents, and the condition is checked by external inspection. When loading, it is not allowed to dump pipe blanks and store them in bulk.

By the beginning of the installation of pipelines of sanitary systems, it is necessary to check the performance of general construction work in buildings and structures, including accepting holes and grooves for laying pipelines for installation in compliance with the dimensions given in Table. 61.

When constructing external pipelines for water supply, sewerage, gas pipelines and others, before digging trenches and pits, all underground communications must be opened. Communications are opened with the help of shovels, without the use of percussion instruments. The opening places are fenced off, at night these places are illuminated. The existing communications crossing the pipeline being laid or located parallel to it at a distance that is unacceptable according to the standards are shifted in accordance with the project. Before proceeding with the installation of external pipelines, the route passing

Table 61




Two risers


Connections to devices


main riser



Plumbing and


One water pipe


Two water pipes

One sewer line

D H57 mm


Same, ?>„ 108 mm

Two water pipes and

one sewer line

D K57 mm

Same, 108 mm

through the settlement, throughout the entire length must be fenced on both sides with inventory boards with the installation of warning signs. In places of heavy traffic of vehicles and pedestrians, red flags should be installed on the fence.

The laying of pipelines should be preceded by a breakdown of their routes, which is carried out in accordance with the project, where the binding of the pipeline axes to ceilings, walls and columns should be indicated. Axes and marks of pipelines are transferred to the place of laying and the installation sites of supports, fasteners, compensators and fittings are marked.

When laying out the route of intrashop pipelines, the axes and marks are fixed with the help of signs applied directly to the walls of the building, metal and reinforced concrete structures with a scriber or oil paint. The breakdown of rectilinear horizontal axes is carried out first of all, this is done using a steel string with a thickness of 0.2-0.5 mm or a nylon thread, along which the axes of pipelines are applied on structures with indication of vertical marks (taking into account the required slope of the pipeline). The height marks of the horizontal axes of the pipelines are found by measuring from the level of the finished floor with a plumb line and a steel tape measure. If it is not possible to measure from the floor or ceiling, marks from the existing benchmarks (signs of elevation marks set by construction organizations) are transferred to the walls and columns of buildings along the route of the future pipeline every 10 m using a level. From the transferred mark, measure the distance to the axis of the pipeline, which is determined by subtracting the mark of the benchmark from the design distance to the axis of the pipe. A square is applied to the mark of the axis of the pipeline transferred on the column and a horizontal line is drawn with bright paint. The resulting mark is transferred to the next column. If the pipeline will be laid with a slope, then the mark is transferred to the next column, taking into account the direction and slope indicated in the project. Usually, all technological pipelines are laid with a slope towards their possible complete emptying of liquid residues by gravity.

The values ​​of the minimum slope of technological pipelines for various purposes, m, per 1 m of length are as follows:

Gas pipelines and pipelines (in the direction

First, the route of the main highway is broken, and then the axis of the branches to the devices, machines, fittings or other lines. Along these axes, the installation sites for compensators, fittings, movable and fixed supports, suspensions, brackets are marked.

When laying uninsulated pipelines in channels, on high and low supports and overpasses, the distance between the walls of the pipes in the light is taken, taking into account the location of the flanges apart, mm not less than: for pipes with?> „, respectively 57 ... 108-80; 108...377-100; over 377-150.

Laying pipelines inside buildings and installations is carried out on supports along walls and columns, on suspensions to floor beams and ceilings, taking into account the free movement of handling equipment. The distance from the floor to the bottom of the pipes or the surface of their thermal insulation must be at least 2.2 m.

The distance between the outer pipeline or the surface of its thermal insulation and the wall must allow free thermal expansion, inspection and repair of the pipeline and fittings, and is assumed to be at least 100 mm in the light. Pipelines laid along the walls of buildings should not cross window and door openings. When laying along the outer walls of buildings, pipelines are located at least 0.5 m above or below window openings.

Upon completion of the laying out of the pipeline route, an act is drawn up, to which a list of axes and turns is attached.


Supports and suspensions are used to fasten horizontal and vertical pipeline lines to buildings, structures and process equipment. According to the purpose and device, the supports are divided into fixed and movable.

Fixed supports rigidly hold the pipe and do not allow it to move relative to the supports and supporting structures. Such supports perceive vertical loads from the mass of pipelines with the product and horizontal -¦ from temperature deformation of pipelines, hydraulic shocks, vibration, etc. According to the method of attachment to the pipe, fixed supports are welded and clamped. In clamp supports, special stops are welded to the pipe to prevent slipping of the pipe in the support. Fixed supports are manufactured according to the standards of design organizations and manufacturers.

Movable supports support the pipeline, but do not prevent its movement from temperature deformations. They perceive only vertical loads from the mass of the pipeline with the product. They are divided into sliding, roller, frameless and others. Movable supports are manufactured in accordance with GOST 14911-82 * and GOST 14097-77, OST 36-11-75, as well as according to the standards of design organizations and manufacturers.

Suspensions are attached to the supporting structures and ceilings of buildings using rods with bolts or welded eyes. The length of the rods is set by the project and adjusted with nuts or couplings. Pendants are made according to GOST 16127-78, OST 36-12-75.

Installation of supporting structures, supports and hangers is carried out after laying out the route of pipelines, when the axes are marked and the places for attaching fittings and compensators are determined. Supporting structures are most often attached to reinforced concrete elements of buildings - columns, crossbars, panels, welding them to embedded parts.

After fixing the supporting structures, usually, together with the nodes and blocks of pipelines, the supports and suspensions are mounted in the design position. If it is necessary to pre-fix the pipelines to be mounted on temporary supports and suspensions (in the case of installation of pipelines of complex configuration in cramped conditions, etc.), the latter must correspond in strength to the mass of the pipeline attached to them and be installed on solid structures. After installation of all pipeline units and welding of field joints, permanent supports and hangers must be placed, and temporary ones removed.

When installing supports and supporting structures under pipelines in accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84, the deviation of their position from the design in terms of the plan should not exceed ± 5 mm for pipelines laid indoors, and ± 10 mm for external pipelines, and the slope should not exceed +0.001 , unless other tolerances are specifically provided for by the project. To equalize elevations and ensure the design slope of pipelines under the soles of the supports, it is allowed to install steel gaskets and weld them to embedded parts or supporting structures.

The change in the length of the suspension rods is made due to the thread on them.

Welded joints of pipelines should be at a distance of no more than 50 mm from the supports, and in steam and hot water pipelines controlled by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor - at least 200 mm. Flange connections of pipelines are recommended to be placed, if possible, directly at the supports.

Fixed supports are welded to the supporting structures and securely fixed to the pipe using clamps with locknuts installed on the bolts. The pillow and the clamp of the support are pressed tightly against the pipe. In order to avoid shearing of the pipe in a fixed support, thrust plates are welded to the pipe, which should rest against the ends of the clamps. The stops are set so that the gap between the clamp is no more than 1.5 mm. The surface of the stops and the surface of the pipe at the installation points must be cleaned with a manual grinder before welding. Thin aluminum spacers are installed between the alloy steel pipe and the carbon steel support or clamp to protect the contact points from electrochemical corrosion.

Movable supports and their parts should be installed taking into account the thermal change in the length of each section of the pipeline, for which the supports and their parts must be displaced from the axis of the supporting surface in the direction opposite to the elongation of the pipeline. The displacement value is usually taken according to the project as equal from the base to the full thermal elongation of a given section of the pipeline. Pipe hanger rods with thermal elongation must be installed with an inclination to the side. The amount of displacement and the direction of the preliminary inclination of the rods are specified in the project.


With industrial methods of conducting work, installation of tr ^. pipelines are performed by nodes, sections and blocks. At present, the installation of aggregated blocks has become widespread, i.e. pipeline blocks are assembled together with technological equipment and install them on a common frame.

Enlargement assembly of blocks is carried out on stands and racks located in the area of ​​operation of assembly cranes. Here it is advisable to use stands 21338 (see Fig. 10) and centralizers (Fig. 46). Before assembling the blocks, temporary plugs are removed from the fittings and assemblies and the flanges and pipe ends are re-opened. After control measurements of the finished units and checking the location of the fittings at the equipment, assembly of the blocks begins. The dimensions and weight of the blocks should ensure the convenience of their transportation to the installation site and installation in the design position. Knots and blocks must remain strong during lifting, otherwise they may be deformed. If necessary, temporary structures should be installed to provide the required rigidity.

Rice. 46. ​​Pipe welding centralizer TsT-426:

1 - screw;2 - screw; 3 - cheek;4 - link; 5 - roller;6 - straightening


Straight sections are laid after installation and fixing of adjacent nodes and blocks. It is advisable to mount supports and suspensions on the units and blocks being lifted, this facilitates the subsequent alignment. When installed in the design position, units and blocks, as well as sections and individual pipes, must be laid on at least two supports and securely fixed. Temporary fastening of pipelines for the period of installation is allowed in exceptional cases. Pipelines laid through walls, ceilings or other elements of buildings must be enclosed in sleeves in accordance with the design instructions. In the absence of instructions, it is recommended to use pipe sections with an inner diameter 10-20 mm larger than the outer diameter of the pipeline section enclosed in them as sleeves. The sockets should protrude 50-100 mm on both sides of the building element intersected by the pipeline. Sections of pipelines in sleeves should not have joints. The gap between the pipeline and the sleeve is filled on both sides with asbestos or other non-combustible materials that allow the pipeline to move in the sleeve.

Lifting and installation of nodes and blocks in the design position are carried out with the help of cranes, rigging equipment and devices provided for by the PPR. Hoists, blocks and other rigging used in the installation of pipelines may be attached to the nodes of building structures that have the necessary margin of safety. In the absence of relevant instructions in the PPR, the possibility of fastening to building structures must be agreed with the design organization.

Pipe fittings are installed, as a rule, complete with nodes or blocks. When installing fittings that are not included in the units or blocks, they are preliminarily fixed on supports, after which the pipeline is attached to it.

It is expedient to carry out installation of external elevated pipelines by the enlarged blocks and sections. The dimensions and designs of blocks or sections are determined in the PPR and depend on the structures of the overpasses, the number and location of pipelines on the overpasses, their diameters, whether the installation organization has lifting mechanisms, as well as installation conditions. Enlargement assembly of blocks and sections is carried out on stationary or mobile lines. Sections are lifted onto supports or overpasses, usually with the help of two cranes, the types of which must be indicated in the PPR.

Installation of underground pipelines is carried out in the following sequence: trenches are developed; clean the bottom and walls of trenches; dig pits in places of welding and insulation of joints; arrange a foundation for the pipeline; perform the bottoms of wells and chambers; lower pipes into trenches, laying them on the base; assemble and weld closing joints; install connecting parts and fittings, knock out and sprinkle the pipeline with soil (except for joints); purge the pipeline with air; pre-test the pipeline for strength; isolate joints; fill up the pipeline. The final test of the pipeline is carried out after the completion of construction and installation works.

Centralizers are used to center the ends of pipes assembled for welding and to eliminate misalignment of edges along the perimeter of pipes. The pipe welding centralizer TsT-426 is a spherical-link plate chain assembled from links mounted on free-rotating rollers with threaded holes into which fixing screws are screwed. The right extreme link is made in the form of two lamellar hooks closing the centralizer and pins of a nut having a right-hand thread. To tighten the centralizer and joined pipes, a screw is used, located parallel to the tangent to the pipe circumference. The screw has right and left thrust threads. The rotation of the screw is recommended to be carried out using a ratchet wrench with adjustable torque with an interchangeable head with a 14 mm opening.

To center the pipes during their assembly, it is necessary to lay the centralizer so that both rows of plates are located symmetrically to the pipe joint, then the hooks are put on the trunnions of the right nut and the centralizer is tightened by turning the screw until the axes of the pipes to be joined are aligned. Where it is necessary to eliminate the offset of the edges, fixative screws are screwed into the threaded holes of the rollers. In this case, the torque must not exceed 30 Nm.

When changing the diameter of the assembled pipes, the number of links of the centralizer is changed.

Technical characteristics of the centralizer TsT-426

Outer diameter of joined pipes,


Maximum tightening torque, Nm:

Manufacturer ....... Poltava experienced

foundry and mechanical plant Minmontazh- spetsstroy of the Ukrainian SSR

Pipelines laid in trenches are recommended to be installed in sections and lashes up to 1000 m long. At the same time, ready-made coded pipes or sections 24-36 mm long are laid out at the edge of the trench, their joints are assembled and welded in a fixed position. The assembly of the lashes is carried out on the bars-beds or on the excavated soil for the convenience of their subsequent slinging when laying in a trench. Between the sunbeds, a distance of up to 35 m should be provided, the bottom of the trench should be planned taking into account the design slope. In order not to damage the insulation, the pipeline is lifted with the help of special slinging devices - towels, consisting of a steel rope and an inner protective sheath made of rubberized fabric. Laying the whip in the trench is recommended to be carried out using three cranes located along the whip at a distance of 15-40 m from each other, depending on the diameter of the pipelines.

The technology of installation of external pipelines largely depends on their purpose and type of laying, pipe material, their diameter, wall thickness, pipe length, the presence of ready-made insulation on them and its type (or lack of it), as well as on the provision of construction with installation elements (pipe sections, lashes) and other conditions.

Installation of pipelines from any type of pipes (or their sections) is associated with the need to connect them into a continuous thread. Pipelines on the route are assembled (mounted) from individual elements (pipes) of relatively short length, and therefore a large number of joints have to be sealed or welded. This slows down and increases the cost of laying pipelines. Somewhat facilitates the laying of pipelines by preliminary enlargement of pipes into links or sections of two or three or more pipes.

The laying of pipelines consists in the installation and assembly of assembly units on the route - pipes (or their sections, lashes), fittings, compensators and fittings - in the design position. At the same time, the larger the mounting unit, the fewer mounting joints and the easier it is to assemble pipelines. The nodes are completed and tested, as well as covered with a layer of insulation or painted at pipe procurement bases. Industrial technology for laying pipelines provides for centralized procurement of mounting elements and assemblies, their delivery ready-made to the route, preliminary preparation of foundations and supporting structures for laying, and precise assembly of pipelines.

The composition and sequence of work processes when laying pipelines depend on the type of pipes used (metal and non-metal), as well as on the conditions for their laying (in cramped urban or field conditions, on flat or rough terrain, with or without natural or artificial barriers, etc.).

Work during the laying of pipelines is usually carried out in several stages, performed sequentially: checking the quality of pipes; lowering pipes into a trench; centering and laying them in a given direction and slope, fixing pipes in place; sealing joints with checking their quality; testing and acceptance.

The quality control of pipes is usually carried out twice - at the manufacturing plant (according to the established methodology, sometimes with testing them on the bench) and directly on the route before they are laid in the trench. On the route, almost all incoming pipes are subject to inspection and verification of their quality. This is extremely necessary, because the use of at least a few or even one low-quality pipe during the installation of a pipeline, especially a pressure one, will lead to breaks and accidents at the place of their installation. It is very difficult to eliminate them, since it requires stopping the operation of the conduit and digging trenches. In case of accidents on water conduits made of bell-shaped cast-iron or reinforced concrete pipes, replacing a poor-quality pipe is very difficult. If in such cases it is impossible to correct the defects of a low-quality pipe in the trench, it is necessary to destroy it (which is also not easy) and remove it, and in its place to lay an “insert”, most often from a steel pipe, since it is almost impossible to lay the same socket pipe. If it is possible to correct the defect and put the pipeline into operation, then the “insert” will always be a weak point due to the rapid corrosion of the steel pipe.

On the route, incoming pipes are accepted according to the documents (certificates, passports) of manufacturers confirming their quality. However, defects may occur in pipes due to improper loading, transportation and unloading. Therefore, before laying in a trench, the pipes are carefully inspected, their actual quality is checked and they are rejected if serious and irreparable defects are found. It is not allowed to lay pipes with cracks, chipped edges and sockets, large deviations from the circumference, i.e. with ovality, and other serious defects. The surface of the rubber cuffs and rings used for pipe joints should be smooth, without cracks, bubbles, foreign inclusions and defects that reduce their operational properties.

Pipes are lowered into the trench with the help of cranes, as well as special lifting devices. Only light pipes (small diameters) are lowered manually, using soft ropes, panels, etc. It is strictly forbidden to dump pipes into the trench. Lowering pipes into a trench with gentle slopes without fastenings is relatively easy, the lowering efficiency depends only on right choice pipe laying schemes and type of erection crane. It is more difficult to lower the pipes into the trench in the presence of fasteners with transverse struts. At the same time, pipes are laid with sequential removal and installation of spacers. All this slows down and complicates the process of laying pipes, increases its labor intensity and lengthens the construction period. To speed up and secure this process, large-sized fasteners with vertical shields, horizontal girders and spacer frames are used, located every 3-3.5 m.

Pipe laying is carried out according to two schemes. In the first scheme, the process is performed by two threads. First, the pipe-layers, using a crane, lay the pipe on the bottom of the trench and continue to work on the final alignment and its temporary fixing, and then the installers, using a compressor and pneumatic hammers, caulk the pipe joints. In the second scheme, the process is performed in three streams using two taps. Moreover, one of them lowers the pipe and continues to work with a link of installers to align and temporarily fix the pipe, and the second duplicates all these processes for laying the next pipe (second stream); the third flow for caulking (sealing) of pipe joints is performed as in the first scheme. Light pipes are lowered into trenches with fasteners with the help of small-scale mechanization or manually. Pipes or sections should be lowered with strict observance of safety rules.

Pipe laying in a given direction and slope (figure below) between two adjacent wells is carried out mainly along portable (running) sights, beacon pins or with the help of a level. Running sights are used when cleaning the bottom of the trench to the design mark. When laying a pressure pipeline on the cleaned bottom of the trench, the top of the pipes is leveled (leveled), for which purpose sights without protrusions at the bottom are used, installed on the top of the pipes. Therefore, the length of such a reticle is reduced by an amount outside diameter pipes.

Laying pipes in a given direction and slope

1 - cast-off; 2 - constant sight; 3 - running sight

For laying self-flowing sewer pipes according to a given slope, a running sight is used, which has a protrusion glued at a right angle on the bottom of the heel. When laying pipes, the protrusion sight is installed vertically on the pipe tray. The pipe is considered to be laid along a given slope to the design marks if the top of the running gear and two permanent sights are in the same plane visible to the naked eye. The straightness of pipe laying is checked by plumb lines suspended on an axial wire (mooring). After installing cast-offs and half-checks, using a level, determine the marks of the shelves at the ends of the stacked area.

The line connecting the points between the centers of the permanent sights on the cast-offs has the same slope as the slope of the pipeline. This line is called the line of sight. A template with a marked axis of the pipeline is inserted into pipes of large diameters, which facilitates their laying in a given direction. To speed up the work, inventory metal portable cast-off sights are used. For more accurate observance of the design slope of the pipeline tray, a visual method of an inclined beam of a level or a laser beam (sight sight) is used. With the latter method, a laser level is used, which is installed at the beginning of the site.

Gravity-flowing pipelines along a given slope can also be laid using a level. The correctness of laying the pipeline in a given direction and slope is finally checked before filling pipes and wells by leveling the bottom of the pipe and well trays, i.e. perform executive shooting. The difference in marks between the bottom of the wells and the tray at individual points of the pipeline should not differ from the design by more than a construction tolerance. The straightness of the pipeline between the wells is checked using mirrors that reflect the beam along its axis.

Fixing the pipes in place after they have been laid is carried out either by powdering with soil, or by using wedges (for example, when laying heavy pipes of large diameters on concrete bases).

Sealing of joints is carried out when installing pressure and non-pressure pipelines from short concrete, reinforced concrete, cast iron, asbestos-cement and ceramic pipes(bell-shaped or smooth on coupling connections). The joints of pressure pipes are usually sealed with rubber rings or cuffs, and gravity pipes - with a tarred strand, asbestos-cement mixture, etc. (picture below). joints steel pipes welded, and plastic - welded or glued.

Tightness and watertightness of socket joints cast iron pipes conduits are achieved by sealing the socket gap with a hemp tarred or bituminized strand, followed by a lock made of an asbestos-cement mixture that keeps the strand from being squeezed out by hydraulic pressure. Sometimes it is used instead cement mortar and, in exceptional cases, lead. Recently, mastics have been used. When sealing joints with self-sealing rubber cuffs, no locks are required.

Joints of reinforced concrete pipes

a, b - socket; in - folded; 1 - smooth end of the pipe; 2 - asbestos cement; 3 resin strand; 4 - bell; 5 - cement mortar; 6 - rubber rings; 7 - cement mortar or asphalt mastic; 8 - grouting with cement mortar

Seal of socket joints with a strand. A hemp strand is inserted into the bell slot until the bell stops at such a depth that there is room for the lock device. Since the thickness of the bundle from the strand is somewhat greater than the width of the socket slot, it is pushed into the joint with the help of a caulk, with which the bundle is inserted into the annular gap, first by hand, and then with strong hammer blows (during hand chasing). During mechanical chasing, the tourniquet is compacted with a pneumatic tool. To create the required tightness of the joint, 2-3 bundles are usually laid in the slot, moreover, so that their overlaps do not coincide along the circumference. After sealing the joint with a strand, an asbestos-cement lock is installed, laying the asbestos-cement mixture into the gap in layers-rollers (3-4 layers each) and compacting with chasings, striking them hard with a hammer. The sealed joint is covered for 1-2 days with wet burlap, which creates favorable conditions for setting and hardening of the asbestos-cement mixture.

Mastics-sealants close up butt joints of cast-iron socket pipes when laying pressure sewer pipelines with a maximum working pressure of up to 0.5 MPa. Most often, polysulfide sealants are used from sealing and vulcanizing pastes, to which asbestos or rubber crumbs are sometimes added. Mastics-sealants are prepared at the place of work 30-60 minutes before their use. Joints are sealed using syringes with manual or pneumatic extrusion of mastic or pneumatic installations. The sealant is introduced into the socket gap using a nozzle, which is attached to the tip of the syringe or hose of the pneumatic installation.

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1 INSTRUCTIONS on labor protection during the installation of external pipelines. 1. GENERAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Workers not younger than 18 years of age, who have undergone appropriate training and have professional skills to work as assemblers, before being allowed to work independently, must pass: Mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations (examinations) for recognition as fit for work in the manner established by the Ministry of Health of Russia; Training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, briefing on labor protection, internships at the workplace and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Installers are required to comply with labor safety requirements to ensure protection from exposure to hazardous and harmful height; moving structures; Falling of upstream materials, tools; Moving machines and their working bodies; Overturning of machines, falling of their parts To protect against mechanical impacts, installers must use the following provided by employers free of charge: cotton suits with water-repellent impregnation, leather boots, combined mittens, as well as suits with insulating padding and felt boots for winter period years Installers must wear safety helmets when on site. In addition, when working at height, installers must use safety belts and safety devices, and when working in wells, safety belts and hose gas masks for respiratory protection. household premises, work areas and workplaces, installers are required to comply with the rules internal regulations accepted in this organization Admission of unauthorized persons, as well as workers in a state of intoxication to these places is prohibited In the course of daily activities, installers must: 1

2 Use in the process of work means of small-scale mechanization, as intended, in accordance with the instructions of manufacturers; Maintain order at workplaces, clean them of debris, snow, ice, prevent violations of the rules for storing materials and structures; Be attentive during work and avoid violations of labor safety requirements. Installers are obliged to immediately notify their immediate or higher supervisor of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurred at work, or about the deterioration of their health, including about the appearance of an acute occupational disease (poisoning). 2. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS BEFORE STARTING WORK Before starting work, the installer must: 2.2. Show the certificate of knowledge verification to the work manager safe methods and methods of work and be instructed at the workplace, taking into account the specifics of the work performed; Put on a helmet, overalls, special footwear of the established sample; Obtain an order to perform work from a foreman or manager After receiving the order, installers are required to: Prepare the necessary personal protective equipment, check their serviceability; Check the workplace and approaches to it for compliance with safety requirements, check with the work manager the degree of gas contamination of wells and chambers; Select technological equipment and tools necessary for the performance of work, check their compliance with labor safety requirements; Inspect the structural elements of pipelines intended for installation and make sure that they do not have defects. Installers should not start work in case of the following violations of safety requirements: Malfunctions of technological equipment, protective equipment for workers, tools specified in the instructions of manufacturers; Untimely carrying out of the next tests of technological equipment, tools and devices; Untimely carrying out of the next tests or expiration of the service life of the protective equipment for workers, established by the manufacturer; 2

3 Insufficient illumination of workplaces and approaches to them; Defects in structural elements of pipelines intended for installation; Violation of the stability of slopes of excavations where work should be carried out; Detection of loss of stability of previously installed pipelines; Lack of a gas mask or other means of protection when working in gassed wells and chambers Detected violations of safety requirements must be eliminated on their own, and if it is impossible to do this, the installers are obliged to report them to the foreman or work manager. 3. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS DURING WORK Work in places where harmful gas is possible should be carried out only at the direction of the work manager after the analysis air environment. In the presence of gases, work should be carried out only after providing workplaces with ventilation or use of respiratory protection by installers using ropes attached to their safety belts When performing work on laying external pipelines, installers must: Use a specially designed hook to open or close manhole covers; When working with power tools of the first or second protection class, use personal protective equipment (dielectric gloves, galoshes, rugs); When working in places where transport can pass, use fences with a road sign "No access, work is underway!", A luminous red lamp. when working at a height of more than 1.3 m on scaffolds, ladders or scaffolds without fences, installers are required to use safety belts, which should be fixed in the places indicated by the manager. 3

4 3.6. Remove the pot with molten lead from the fire and lower it into the trench with the help of a device designed for this purpose. People should not be near this place. Pieces of cold metal should be added to the molten mass of lead using metal tongs. At the same time, pieces of cold lead must be clean and dried. Buckets with hot mastic should be lowered into a well or trench along a vertical box using strong ropes or ropes. During the installation of the pipeline, installers must: Use specially prepared access systems and scaffolding for passage and work; When tightening nuts, use wrench corresponding to their size; Do not smoke in cells and wells, and do not use open fire near hatches; Do not allow people to be under the lowered or raised load, and when working with the winch, do not guide the cable on the drum with your hands or feet; Check the conformity of the holes in the flange connection only with the help of conical mandrels and assembly plugs; If there are cuts or scratches on the hands, do not work in the well with faecal water. When the pipeline structural elements are fed into the trench by a crane, the installers must comply with the requirements for installing and moving goods by crane, set out in the project for the production of works (PPR) or the technological map Place building materials at the edge of the recesses with unreinforced walls should be outside the prism of soil collapse at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the edge of the excavation electric welder during welding of pipes to protect the eyes, installers must use specially designed goggles or shields with tinted glasses. Installers with a slinger (rigger) certificate are allowed to sling loads. not allowed Slinging of fittings of pipelines (valves, plugs) should be carried out behind their body; slinging for individual parts (rods, flywheels) is not allowed. It is allowed to approach the load only after lowering the load to a level not higher than 0.5 m from the design position. 4

5 3.18. Unslinging of the elements of the pipeline installed in the design position should be carried out after fixing them in accordance with the project. The bottom of the trench should be cleaned of collapsed soil after the pipeline is temporarily supported on the beds laid across the trench. It is allowed to start testing the equipment only after warning the surrounding people in a timely manner and obtaining the permission of the test manager In the process of testing equipment, it is not allowed to: Remove protective guards; Open hatches, fences, clean and lubricate equipment, touch its moving parts; Check and correct electrical circuits, electrical equipment and automation devices. For the duration of pneumatic testing of pipelines located in trenches, a hazardous zone must be established, the value of which is indicated in the table. The boundaries of the danger zone must be marked with signal fences or safety signs. The presence of persons in the danger zone during the period of air injection into the pipeline and while maintaining the pipeline under pressure during the strength test is not allowed. It is not allowed to inspect, tap or service the pipeline, connect or disconnect the lines supplying air from the compressor to the pipeline, only after the air supply has been stopped and reducing the pressure to atmospheric Installation of pipelines near electrical wires within a distance equal to the largest length of the mounted unit should be carried out with the voltage removed. 4. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS In the event of a malfunction of the lifting or rigging equipment, technological equipment and scaffolding, the installers must immediately stop the operation of the lifting equipment and notify the crane operator and the person responsible for the safe performance of work on moving goods by crane. If an unstable position is detected elements of pipelines, violations of the fastening of the walls of trenches or scaffolding, the installers are obliged to inform the work manager and the foreman about this. In case of a rupture or damage to the pipe during its testing, the installers must immediately stop testing

6 relieve pressure in the system and resume testing only after the faults have been eliminated. 5. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AFTER THE WORK IS COMPLETE Upon completion of the work, the assemblers are obliged to: Place the load-handling devices used in the process of work, technological equipment in the place allotted for storage; Remove dirt, rinse and remove the tools and small parts to the places intended for their storage, neatly fold the materials and elements of building structures; Close the hatches of wells and chambers or put fences around them and the corresponding road sign "The passage is closed, work is underway!", and also turn on a red lantern to illuminate this place; Report to the work manager or foreman about all the problems that arose during the installation of pipeline structures. 6

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Instructions on labor protection during pneumatic testing of vessels (apparatus) of freon refrigeration units (approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2004) Contents 1. General requirements for labor protection


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APPROVED by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 2015 PROFESSIONAL STANDARD Slinger Contents I. General information... 1 II. Description of labor functions included

STP SSBT 02 2008 STANDARD OF THE ENTERPRISE Management bodies and officials: labor protection duties, rights and responsibilities of employees in the performance of labor protection duties in General Contracting LLC

Topics and questions for self-examination in the discipline “Special. methods for labor protection in bridge and tunnel construction» Part I General provisions Theme 1. General provisions of labor protection. Terms and Definitions. Organization

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FSAEI HPE "Kazan (Volga) Federal University" APPROVED by the Rector of KFU j. lih **"H, YSH kip sh^shyash 2013 afurov 2013 AGREED Chairman

Assembly fitter. general characteristics Professions: Locksmiths usually work in mechanical engineering, instrument making, shipbuilding or other enterprises that have production lines. Main

open joint-stock company Severstal-Metiz (Cherepovets) PRODUCTION INSTRUCTIONS for workers of the cradle located on the lift (tower) PI 0.60-2014 Cherepovets 2014 2 Open Joint Stock Company

MBUK "Debessky District House of Crafts" I N S T R U K Ts I Ya on labor protection when working at lathe on wood I O T 08-2015 debesy village, 2015 APPROVED: Director of the MBUK "Debessky District House of Crafts"

6. LABOR SAFETY LABOR PROTECTION Occupational safety is understood as a system for preserving the life and health of employees in the course of their work, including legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical,

UBO-UM-UM TU 5853-003-89632342-2009 (as amended 1) UBO-UM-0000 00.00RE 2013 Operation manual 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Requirements of this manual

I) SAIL Autonomous non-profit organization of additional vocational education "Parus" APPROVED by the Director) \ N^YPO "Parus" _Yu.A. Ledyaykin *lya205g ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM

The quality management system of the Biysk Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State Technical University them. I.I.

INSTRUCTION ON FIRE SAFETY MEASURES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR WORKS 1. General requirements 1.1. This Instruction establishes general fire safety requirements when performing


Standard instruction 10 on labor protection of the installer for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures Approved by the Federal Road Department of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on March 11, 1993 General requirements Requirements

Etc. 137 From 07/21/2016 Tickets for testing knowledge on labor protection and safety of managers and specialists (teaching staff) TICKET 1 1. General principles organization of work on labor protection.

TYPICAL TECHNOLOGICAL CHART (TTK) INSTALLATION OF STAIRS AND MARCHES 1. APPLICATION A typical technological card is developed for the installation of landings and flights of stairs. 2. ORGANIZATION

Check valve ball type 400 1. Purpose and scope Ball valve check valve designed to prevent back flow of the conveyed medium. Used for drainage systems

Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia) Regulations Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia Regulatory documents on safety, supervisory and licensing activities in the region

professional standard Crane driver (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of June 4, 2014 N 360n) 137 Registration number I. General information Loading, unloading, moving,

Open Regional Championship "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia) of the Sverdlovsk Region Technical Department INSTRUCTIONS for labor protection 44 Visual merchandising and window dressing Visual Merchandising