How to make plumbing in the country. Summer water supply in the country: features of the use of wells and wells

  • 17.06.2019

Inveterate summer residents and adherents of summer country life are well aware of the problems associated with the lack of water supply. But water is constantly needed by plants for irrigation, animals, owners for hygienic and culinary purposes. How you want to just open the tap and get it in the required volume, even in country conditions. Do you agree?

We offer a thorough analysis of the methods, valuable advice on the choice of source, laying of ground and underground pipelines. The basis for the information provided is normative documentation and advice from experienced professionals. The information is supported by selections of photos and videos.

Dacha system irrigation in practice turns out to be a vague and indefinite concept. For some, this is a couple of galvanized buckets and several hours a day spent on difficult "walks" to the well and back, for others - a long flexible hose, constantly clinging and bending, for others - a complex system of pipes leading from a well or pond to all corners garden plot.

We will consider the most optimal options, excluding large physical exercise and reducing financial expenses during their construction to a minimum.

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Of course, a seasonal water supply system can also have additional functions, such as supplying water to a garage to wash a car, or providing an outdoor shower. However, they are possible only when a competent project is drawn up and there are no complaints about the gasket. summer plumbing, otherwise, instead of convenient functionality, you will get many reasons for repair.

Do not forget that the summer modification differs from the winter one in some aspects of installation and maintenance:

  • deep trenches are not needed for laying pipes, but grooves up to 0.7-0.8 m deep are enough;
  • during the warm period there is no need to insulate the pipeline;
  • for permanent systems, it is necessary to think over a drain system (for collapsible communications, drain occurs spontaneously during dismantling);
  • temporary collapsible pipelines are connected in series, more serious, stationary - using a collector.

The difference also applies to the choice of pumping equipment. For example, a submersible or surface pump is enough to supply water to the garden from a well throughout the summer period. For a permanent system that operates year-round, a powerful pumping station is required, equipped with a water heater and a storage tank.

The main purpose of the external branch of the summer water supply is to water lawns, flower beds, beds, shrubs and trees; it functions temporarily and is used exclusively during the summer period (for some regions from early spring to late autumn)

The choice of irrigation system largely depends on the duration of the warm period. Suppose, for the harsh north, where summer lasts 3 or even 2 months, a collapsible scheme is quite enough.

And for the southern regions, where planting begins already in early spring, it is better to build a solid, strong, reliable stationary water supply.

One of the options for supplying water to a garden plot is the Al-ko Jet 3000 surface pump (capacity - 3100 l / h, power - 650 W). Suitable for pumping clean water from a well or well

Choice of water source

The performance, length of the structure and other operational capabilities of the irrigation system largely depend on the water source to which it will be connected.

Here is the list options for watering:

  • (relevant both for new, newly developed sites, and for old, perennial properties);
  • a natural body of water (for example, a pond originally located on the territory of a garden plot);
  • centralized highway (necessary for water supply of modern cottage settlements).

An excellent addition to the formation of the stock will be a storage tank for, the filling of which depends on the vagaries of the weather, and a VOC storage well, in which purified wastewater separated from insoluble sediment is accumulated.

Most often, in addition to the main source, there is a backup, for example, a large plastic tank located at a height of 1-1.5 m. If the power is suddenly turned off and the pump stops, watering is carried out from the tank.

The old metal barrels have been replaced by convenient plastic containers designed to collect rainwater from the roof. Built-in faucet and connected pump make watering more comfortable

Storage containers are different: metal and plastic, large and small, purchased and home-made. If the area is small, and the tank is voluminous, there is enough liquid for several waterings.

A pipeline operating in the summer can be connected to any of the listed sources, but with a few reservations. Suppose a collapsible design is suitable for working with a plastic container, and it is better to build a permanent system to connect to a well.

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Types of water pipes for irrigation

Before drafting a summer water supply for irrigation, you should find out which scheme is more suitable: collapsible or stationary. Two specified systems have the same purpose, but differ in the nuances of installation / dismantling (collapsible) and design features.

Collapsible scheme: pros and cons

home distinguishing feature collapsible design - the need for annual installation and dismantling. In the spring, the parts must be assembled, in the fall they must be disassembled, then all pipes, tubes, hoses and fittings should be cleaned, washed, dried and put in a dry room.

The assembly is made of plastic pipes connected by fittings, flexible hoses and tips for easy watering; Pressure adjustment is done with taps.

A temporary collapsible water supply system is assembled and disassembled according to the principle of a children's designer: it is necessary to take parts that are suitable in size and combine them into a structure that ensures the movement of water from the source to the place of irrigation.

Ease of installation and budget cost made the system popular: a lot of ready-made offers from various manufacturers appeared in supermarkets.

Elements of the irrigation system are most often sold separately, but the sales assistant can finished project pick up the necessary parts - from pipes and fittings to the pump. There are also full-fledged kits designed for drip irrigation, a fairly new technology, but already having regular fans.

The device of the drip irrigation system in the greenhouse: the source of water is a storage metal container (barrel) installed at a height of 1 m, as needed, flexible hoses are connected by means of a tap

Drip irrigation occurs through regulated water supply through flexible hoses with small holes located near the root system of plants. The advantage is the dosed supply and water savings, in which the plants receive the required amount of moisture.

The advantages of any collapsible type are:

  • quick assembly and dismantling;
  • assembly that does not require special knowledge;
  • prompt repair;
  • budget cost.

There is also a drawback - the need for assembly / disassembly. Many people do not like the presence of hoses on the surface. They interfere with movement and spoil appearance area, but if you think about a neat, camouflaged placement of flexible hoses (along the paths, along the edges of lawns or beds), the problem will be solved.

A photo selection will acquaint you with the specifics of assembling an independent system from HDPE pipes:

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Arrangement of a permanent system

For the construction of a permanent summer water supply, trenches are dug, by which it resembles communications that operate throughout the year.

Unlike the winter system, the pipes of the summer modification are not tied to the level of freezing and therefore are located at a shallow depth - about half a meter, a maximum of 0.8 m. lie.

Structural elements consist of plastic, metal-plastic, rubber or silicone; regardless of the material, the walls of the pipes and fittings must be thick and strong enough to withstand the pressure of water and soil

An obligatory detail is a drain valve, which is necessary for the procedure for draining water at the end of the season. It is installed at a convenient point in a sloped pipeline so that water can flow out on its own. The procedure is carried out before the onset of cold weather, without waiting for negative temperatures, otherwise the water will freeze right in the pipes and damage them.

In addition to the pipeline located underground, water taps are needed, brought out. They are mounted at points located in close proximity to irrigation zones - in the garden, in the garden, near flower beds and lawns, as well as at the garage.

Flexible hoses with convenient spray nozzles are attached to the taps for more efficient irrigation or spraying of plants.

Installation of a water tap on a vertically located plastic pipe embedded in an underground main - a design suitable for planting on open field, and for the greenhouse

Advantages of permanent plumbing:

  • communications do not interfere with the movement of people and vehicles;
  • pipes are protected by a layer of soil from damage associated with external influences;
  • in the spring it is not necessary to carry out installation, and at the end of the season - dismantling;
  • preparation for conservation is simple - draining water from pipes.

The disadvantages are the higher cost and additional excavation work. If a depressurization occurs, it is impossible to quickly determine the emergency area.

In assembling a system from rigid polymer pipes its features:

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Brief overview of materials and required devices

The summer water supply system consists of the following elements:

For comparison, during the construction of a winter one, pressure control devices are needed (, pressure gauge,), automatic protection, water heater.

There are many options for automated systems that allow you to regulate and control drip or greenhouse irrigation.

Temporary plumbing assembly instructions

For the device of a seasonal "temporary hut" you will need a set of pipes and fittings that are suitable in diameter, and a pump for forced water supply. To correctly calculate the amount Supplies, draw up a drawing in the form of a sketch, on which you need to indicate the length of all highways and the junction.

Scheme of drip irrigation, which provides irrigation of the greenhouse, beds in the open field and garden plants. The object for the water supply is a storage tank installed on props, so the use of a pump is possible, but not necessary

To equip drip irrigation, it is enough to purchase a ready-made kit, equipped with instructions.

To assemble according to your own scheme, proceed according to the following plan:

  • lay out the pipes according to the drawing, determine the locations of the water points;
  • if there are enough elements, connect them with fittings;
  • attach additional parts (watering nozzles);
  • connect the system to a pre-installed pump;
  • test the plumbing.

With the pump turned on, check the force of pressure at all points and the tightness of communications. To prevent hoses and pipes from getting under your feet, try to think over the scheme so that they do not cross places of active traffic and the road for vehicular traffic.

If you constantly use surface plumbing, use various ideas to make it easier to install. For example, during construction garden path lay under its base in several places transverse pipes with a diameter of 50-100 mm. For the winter, they can be closed with plugs, and in the summer they will serve as a kind of installation tunnels. water pipes and hoses.

And you can read more about choosing flexible hoses for irrigation.

Installation of a stationary system with a pump

The main part of the permanent irrigation water supply system is placed in the ground, so the selection of parts and installation must be carried out with great care. We offer a universal scheme for laying highways, suitable for simple and branched networks.

#one. Drawing up a project taking into account the features of the landscape

Planning, taking into account all the nuances of the subsequent assembly, is half the battle, so even before buying the necessary materials, draw up a diagram with the designation of important objects (water source, irrigation points, all buildings, paths, beds and plantings).

An approximate diagram of a summer water supply system: 1 - storage tanks for rainwater; 2 - storage tank in the garden; 3 - raised tank for drip irrigation in the greenhouse; I - II - tie-in nodes in the main line

Think about how best to position the trenches relative to paths, buildings, watering zones. Count on a shallow depth - 0.3-0.4 m, but for potentially dangerous places it needs to be increased to 0.7-0.8 m.

Do not forget about the tie-in drain tap - it is traditionally mounted next to the water intake, respectively, the slope of the pipes should also occur towards the source.

The more taps, the less often you have to move the flexible hose. Mentally divide the garden (flower garden, lawn, garden) into small areas and plan the installation of hydrants with a device for attaching a hose or sprinkler.

An approximate list of materials and tools that will be required to assemble the irrigation system:

  • pipes with a set of tees, elbows and fittings;
  • flexible hoses;
  • cutter and soldering iron for plastic pipes (hacksaw for metal - for metal);
  • ball valve ½;
  • pump for installation in a well.

The availability of various parts and their quantity depends on the requirements of a particular project.

#2. Earthworks - trenching

To dig a shallow trench, the only tool you need is a shovel. Buckets or a wheelbarrow for the removal of soil are not needed, as it is necessary for backfilling.

The complexity of the event depends entirely on the quality and composition of the soil and vegetation layer. Soil with a high content of sand, even with numerous plant roots, is easy to dig, removing PRS with the inclusion of clay components is much more difficult.

earthworks on suburban area: preparation of trenches for the installation of water pipes. Each turn of the trench - plus one compression elbow for connecting pipe segments

On the way of laying communications, there may be buildings that will have to be bypassed along the perimeter (for example, a barn or a pool). Small country objects can be overcome by slightly deepening the trench. Suppose communications laid under a flower bed at a depth of 0.7 m will not interfere with digging and caring for plants.

It should be remembered that each turn of the pipeline will reduce the efficiency of the system and increase the load on the pumping equipment. Therefore, when developing a scheme for laying a pipeline system, it is necessary, if possible, to choose paths with a minimum number of turns, and preferably with their complete absence.

#3. Piping Assembly Options

Earlier when used metal pipes, had to deal with steel parts, the cutting and assembly of which was more laborious. Currently using plastic pipes, which are interconnected in two ways - by welding or fittings.

The first technology is a little more complicated, but the result is more reliable. Prepare before welding polypropylene pipes- cut into pieces of the required length. For the central line, a pipe with a diameter of 20-25 mm is suitable, for branches - 10-20 mm, so cutting can be done with scissors or a roller cutter.

For welding, you need a special welding machine - and a compact control unit. As a result of heating, the pipes are soldered with fittings, forming a monolithic hermetic structure.

The process of connecting a polypropylene pipe and a connecting corner by welding. For reliability, it is necessary to withstand all stages: heating up to desired temperature, fixation and cooling

Before the beginning welding work carefully read the instructions and remember the rules for using the welding machine. For example, pipes cannot be cooled cold water or compressed air.

Having assembled a pipe structure, backfill it is not necessary to produce - first, it is connected to the pumping equipment and the operation is checked.

#4. Pump connection and testing

As a rule, at the time of construction of the irrigation system, the pump is already installed. If not, then you must select a model suitable for a particular source (for example, a well) and install it according to the instructions.

The submersible pump is lowered into the water and fixed at some distance from the bottom, the surface pump is installed next to the well, covering it with a protective casing.

Watering "directly": a flexible hose with a watering can is connected to a submersible pump that pumps water from a well. The scheme is also relevant for a pond or storage tank

Responsible moment - testing. After connecting all the elements in single system turn on the pump and check the tightness of the water supply. Pay attention to the quality of watering - is there enough pressure at the most remote points. If everything suits you, you can backfill, lightly tamping the soil, and start using the summer system.

Maintenance concerns mainly the operation of the pump. The pipeline only needs preparation for winter storage. To do this, open the tap and drain the water.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To understand what a summer irrigation system looks like and learn more about how to install it, check out these helpful and informative videos.

Option for arranging a country water supply with a connection to a well:

Many townspeople enjoy spending time in their summer cottages, not only in the summer months, but also on winter weekends. So that life in a country house does not differ in comfort from the city, it is necessary to equip your site with all possible communication systems. The most important thing for a summer residence is an uninterrupted supply of water. Indeed, without this liquid it is impossible to grow plants, and living itself cannot be considered comfortable. This article will discuss how to organize water supply in the country with your own hands.

Choice of water source

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the water supply system, it is worth deciding on the source of water. If the village has a central water supply, then the most the best option will connect to it. But such communications are not available in all dacha cooperatives. Therefore, it is worth considering other options, namely:

  • well;
  • open source;
  • special tank;
  • well.

Each of them has its positive and negative sides. The most traditional way of extracting water in countryside can be considered a well. In fact, this is a simple deep pit, the bottom of which reaches the aquifer. To get water from a well, it is enough to lower a bucket there or equip a pumping station (hose and pump).

But this method has its drawbacks. Firstly, if there is no well in the summer cottage, then it must be dug. Such work is quite laborious and costly. Secondly, the quality of water from the well is not always the right level. Of course, it is quite acceptable to use such a source for watering the garden, but it is not quite suitable for drinking (it is necessary to additionally use cleaning and filtration systems).

Another source of water can be an open reservoir. If your cottage is located on the banks of a river or lake, then simply lower the hose there and connect it to pumping station. Such a source is great for watering, but it is not suitable for drinking and cooking. In addition, you must obtain permission to use water from a river or lake for irrigation.

You can place a tank on the site. It will collect water from drainage system or septic. Such a source is perfect for watering the garden and garden, but not for drinking. In addition, the collected water may not always be enough even for technical needs, so it is necessary to bring it in by cars.

Note! The most optimal and convenient way to provide a summer cottage and a house with water is a well. It is this method that is most often found in country houses. The water from the well is quite clean, and if it is properly drilled, then there will be enough water for all needs.

Of course, this method is not without its drawbacks. The fact is that for the organization of water supply from a well, quite high costs. First, the help of geologists is required. It is necessary to accurately determine the location and depth of the aquifer. Of course, costs can be reduced if your neighbors have already set up such a system. You can just find out all the parameters from them. Secondly, you are unlikely to be able to drill the well yourself. Here you can not do without special equipment. In addition, the pipes themselves for the well can be quite expensive. But still, this method is considered the most reliable and popular.

Plumbing system for summer and winter

For many summer residents, names such as summer and winter plumbing are familiar. Everyone knows perfectly well that each season has its own needs for water. In the summer, the need for liquid increases significantly, because plants need it.

Summer water supply can be made stationary or collapsible, it all depends on the desire of the summer resident. In the first case, it is better to use metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes. With their help, a network of pipes is created in the country house, through which water enters the right places. Such communications can be buried in shallow trenches so that the pipes do not interfere with movement around the site.

Note! If there is no desire to lay a large number of pipes, then you can create a collapsible summer water supply. Ordinary hoses are perfect for these purposes, which are connected to water distribution points. In this case, when the cold season sets in, the hoses are simply removed to the garage or shed.

If you live in a summer cottage and in winter (or visit your Vacation home on weekends), then you need to equip the winter plumbing. But such a system would require a lot of effort. First, you need to carefully consider the location of the pipes. It is worth considering the installation of access points to the water supply both in the house itself and on the site. Secondly, it is important to choose the right material and all equipment. In addition, you need to think about ways to insulate communications, otherwise the pipes will simply freeze.

Preparatory stage

If you decide to equip your country house or the entire site with a stationary water supply system, then the first step is to think over the very layout of communications. First, the owner must decide on the source of water. As noted above, a well can be considered the best option.

After that everything is considered necessary equipment. If you use the water supply only for watering, then you only need a pump. If you will use the system for domestic needs, then it is necessary to provide a system for filtering and purifying water, as well as devices for automatic start and shutdown of the pumping station.

Next, a drawing of the location of all devices and pipe laying is drawn up. The location of the water supply points to the premises and on the site itself is being considered. Also, at the stage of drawing up the scheme, it is necessary to clearly define the materials used and work out a plan for the upcoming work.

If we talk about materials, then, as a rule, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes are used for laying water pipes. Their cross section will depend on individual characteristics plumbing. Here it is worth considering the pump power, water pressure, length of communications and other factors.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of pump. The choice will depend on the source of water and your financial capabilities. For example, if you take water from a well, you will need submersible pump. For a well, you need to choose a deep unit. The best, but also the most expensive option, can be considered the purchase of a pumping station. Such a unit is already equipped with all necessary devices automation and water treatment.

Work on the arrangement of the water supply system in the country

When the scheme is drawn up and everything is prepared necessary materials and devices, you can begin to work on the creation of a water supply system. The first step is to mark the laying of pipes and equipment installation sites.

Then trenches are dug for laying communications. Here it is important to maintain the depth correctly, it should be below the freezing level of the soil (if you are going to use the water supply in winter period).

Do not forget about the place for laying the armored cable from which the pump will be powered. It can be laid in the same trench with pipes or make a separate line. If the water source is located near the house, then it is better to make an air line.

Note! Connection of pumping equipment must be carried out using a separate machine, the power of which meets the requirements of the equipment operating instructions.

Next is the installation and connection of the pump. Everything will depend on the chosen source of water. In each case, the installation of pumping equipment, and, accordingly, the procedure for connecting it, will be different.

After installing the pumping equipment, the water pipes are connected. Then the tightness and performance of the entire system is checked. After that, you can fill up the trenches.

About warming

If you are going to use the water supply system in the winter, then you should think about the insulation of communications and all equipment. Without such additional protection, the plumbing will not function.

In order to receive water during the winter period, the following rules must be observed during installation:

  • The depth of pipe laying should be below the freezing level of the soil. This indicator can be obtained from construction companies or obtained information in special directories.
  • Conduct pipe insulation. For these purposes, you can use various materials. The main thing is that they easily endure the impact. aggressive environments and did not rot. Quite often, mineral or glass wool is used as a heater. Recently, a new way to protect pipes from freezing has appeared - this is polystyrene foam shell. Such material tightly fits the pipes, is easy to install and does not rot. You can also use a heating cable, but this method will require additional costs during operation.
  • In addition to pipes, it is imperative to insulate the equipment used, as well as the water source. If a wooden well is used as such, then additional thermal insulation is not needed. But concrete structures must be insulated. As a rule, a pit is dug around the source of water to a depth below the freezing level of the soil. Then it is filled with thermal insulation material.

If the whole system is done correctly and the insulation is done, then the plumbing will work smoothly. But, nevertheless, during abnormal cold weather it is better to take advice from specialists. During this period, it is better to leave the tap open. A small trickle of water will create movement in the pipes, which will prevent the water from freezing.

An independent water supply system will allow you to forget about the main inconvenience of country life - the lack or lack of water. But it is quite simple to arrange water supply in a country house from a well, especially since a water intake for one land plot does not have to have a large debit. After all, I would like to receive water on own site, truth?

After reviewing the information presented for consideration, you will be able to independently make an autonomous water supply system. It will reliably deliver water to places convenient for use. Those who wish to increase the level of country comfort with our help will easily cope with the arrangement of the system.

We described in detail the equipment required for assembly and installation, analyzed the principle of operation and the purpose of each device. In the article presented by us, the technology for carrying out work with step-by-step detailing is described in detail. Valuable information and recommendations are supplemented with photo collections, diagrams and video reviews.

The well is a working of a circular section, drilled without human access to the bottom. The diameter of such a working is always much smaller than its depth. Two types of wells are used for water intake.

Filter or "wells on the sand"

The depth of such workings does not exceed 35 m. Filtering on a closely lying aquifer, which is located in sandy soils.

Such a well is a casing string assembled from pipes with a diameter of 127 to 133 mm. It is usually equipped with a braided mesh filter, but there may be other options. Filter wells are distinguished by a small debit, most often it does not exceed one cubic meter of water per hour.

Artesian or "wells on limestone"

Deep structures that are drilled into an aquifer common in fractured limestone. It is about 20-130 m deep. Unlike sand wells, artesian wells have a higher debit. It can reach up to 100 cubic meters of water per hour.

Drilling wells in limestone is quite difficult, and the casing string is quite long. The drilling procedure lasts four or more days.

The figure shows a diagram of an artesian well, which is characterized by a large debit of water and a long service life.

Accordingly, the cost of labor and materials is significantly higher. The advantage of artesian wells is their long service life. They do not need a filter, since the host rock does not contain fine clay and sand particles.

Thus, well silting does not occur, therefore it can last much longer than a filter one, five decades or even more.

Choosing a pump for pumping water

The pump is a kind of "heart" of the system. The uninterrupted operation of the future water supply system depends on the correctness of its selection. On sale you can find several types of pumps of the submersible and surface category.

Deep and surface aggregates

The latter are called so because the pump itself is removed from the pumped liquid. The body of the unit is located on land, and water is taken through a hose lowered into the well.

Experts identify several criteria that must be taken into account when choosing a mechanism.

The total depth of the working and the water level in it

Key characteristics when choosing a pump. The technical documentation must indicate the optimal depth for which the device is intended to work.

If this requirement is not observed, the device will not work efficiently and may quickly fail. In the passport of the well, both its depth and water level must be indicated. They can only be compared with the characteristics of the pump.

If there is no such data, you can use a very simple method to measure the depth of the structure. We take a long dry rope, tie a weight to its end and lower it into the well. We lower the rope down until the weight touches the bottom. We take out the rope. We measure the dry part - this will be the distance from the top to the water level. The wet part is the height of the water column.

Approximate debit of a water intake source

This is the name of the mass of water that can be obtained from a well in a certain period of time. In the passport, drillers indicate this value, but if not, we make approximate calculations.

We completely pump out water from the well and measure the time for which we did it. Then we measure the time during which the well is filled with water. We divide the second result by the first and get an approximate debit, which will be enough to select a pump.

How to determine the flow rate of a well and choose a pump, the video will demonstrate:

Estimated water requirement

Different pumps can supply water at a rate of 20 to 200 liters per minute. In order not to overpay for a more powerful model, it is important to correctly calculate your own water needs.

On average, it is believed that one person needs about 200 liters of water per day, so for a family of three to four people, a pump with a capacity of 30 to 50 liters per minute is needed.

Some prefer to take a device with a “reserve” of power, which will inevitably affect its cost. If it is planned that the pump will work not only for domestic needs, but also for irrigation, an increase in its power should be calculated.

It will depend on the size of the plot, but on average about 2000 liters per day should be enough. Thus, it is necessary to increase the demand for water by 40-50 l/min.

Pumps have different performance, in order to choose the right model, it is important to correctly determine the daily need for water

The pressure required for the operation of the devices

The pump passport must indicate the pressure. To calculate the required pressure, we add another 30 to the depth of our well expressed in meters. So we get the height of the water column.

We increase the result by another 10% and get the desired value. Comparing it with the data of the pump, we select the model. If there is no exact match, we “move” upwards.

The diameter of the pump must exactly match the diameter of the drilled well, otherwise problems with the installation and operation of the device cannot be avoided

Drilled well diameter

Another important value that determines the power of the pump. Like others, you can take it in the well passport or measure it yourself. In this case, it must be taken into account that the diameter of the well must be expressed in inches, where an inch is 2.54 cm.

The vast majority of pumps are designed to work in 4-inch wells. For 3-inch, most likely, you will have to order a pump in the catalog.

Equipment for autonomous water supply

Now you can carefully lower the pump into the well. We do this carefully, without jerking, and do not forget to fix the electrical cable that feeds the pump to the water pipe every meter and a half.

The wire must lie freely, without tension. After the pump touches the bottom, raise it to a height of one to three meters and fix it. Now we put the top part of the head in place.

Connect to the plumbing and electrical cable all equipment located in the caisson: water purification system, shut-off valves, automation, etc. In the course of work, we strictly follow all the recommendations of the manufacturer of the devices. After connecting, we once again check the reliability and tightness of the connections of the water supply pipeline and the electrical safety of the newly assembled system.

cap for casing pipe designed to seal the structure and protect it from dirt, debris, foreign objects

Stage # 4: installation and connection of the accumulator

The volume of the accumulator can be very different: from 10 to 200 liters. Depending on it, the place where the equipment will be installed is selected. It can be either a caisson or a basement of a house.

When choosing an installation site, it is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to provide free access to the device for subsequent maintenance, repair or possible replacement of a failed container.

During the installation of the accumulator, it is necessary to install check valve, preventing the flow of water from the plumbing system to the tank. It is placed in the direction of fluid flow. A drain valve is also installed, designed for emergency draining of water from the tank. To reduce the level of vibration from a working device, we mount it using a special rubber seal.

Filters are an indispensable element of arranging a water supply system. They make well water suitable for domestic use and drinking.

We connect the water supply pipe to the accumulator. We assemble a starter that will power the pumping equipment. We connect a sensor to the accumulator, which will control the pressure in the compartments of the tank, and through it we power the starter. Connect the accumulator to internal system water supply, directly or through a collector.

Step #5: Perform a test run of the system

After the installation and connection of all elements of the system have been carried out, you can proceed to its trial run. First, we activate the pump and, if necessary, debug its operation.

Then we fill the storage tank with water and check the accuracy of the automatic start and shutdown systems of the pump. Then we carefully inspect the entire pipeline.

We need to identify possible leaky areas. If they are present, we repair work. In addition, we check the operation of all plumbing fixtures connected to the water supply.

We also pay attention to the performance of the system: the water pressure must be normal even with all the taps open. If the test run was successful and the system works without failures, we dig in a trench that brings water supply from the well to the house.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Practically proven options for the construction of autonomous water supply are presented in the video:

Collecting water supply from a well on your own is a rather difficult task. It is important to choose the right equipment for the type of well, correctly install it and connect it.

In the absence of experience in such work, it is worth entrusting them to specialists who will quickly and correctly equip the system. The owner will only have to enjoy the comfort in his home, equipped with autonomous system water supply.

We are waiting for your stories about the hand-made plumbing device at their summer cottage. You can leave them or comments in the block below. Please comment, ask questions, share information and knowledge.

What is the best way to make plumbing in the country with your own hands? Is it possible to ensure a constant supply of water on the site if it is supplied by the garden cooperative according to the schedule? How to avoid defrosting pipes in winter?

Let's try to answer this list of questions.


To begin with, let's formulate what we have to achieve.

  1. Water must be brought into the house and diluted around the site for irrigation.

Tip: with its small area, it is more practical not to mount stationary sprayers for irrigation, but to connect a reinforced hose with a manual sprayer to a fitting located approximately in the middle of the site.

  1. For a constant supply of water, we have to mount a storage tank. Since pressure is needed for irrigation and normal operation of taps, the container is placed in the attic of the house, at the top of the slope, or simply on a metal stand at least 2 meters high.
  2. In addition, we have to solve the problem of wintering the water supply. Since in winter most climatic zones country, water is not supplied to garden partnerships, and the air temperature drops far below its freezing point, it is desirable to provide for the possibility of completely draining the pipes.

Material selection

What material will we choose to build a country water supply with our own hands?


We immediately weed out steel pipes - both without anti-corrosion coating and galvanized.


  • Black steel in wet ground is clearly not going to last happily ever after. Rust will eat pipes in 5-7 years.
  • Galvanizing is one and a half times more expensive than already expensive steel pipes. In addition, assembling a steel water pipe by welding or threading is an extremely time-consuming process.

What remains?

Metal-plastic, polypropylene, pressure pipes made of PVC and polyethylene.

Our obvious choice is the last of the listed materials.

Do you need arguments in his favor?

You are welcome.

  1. Polyethylene is flexible and elastic. Do-it-yourself water supply scheme in the country house often includes curved sections; laying them with a flexible pipe is not difficult.
  2. Last but not least, elasticity is maintained when negative temperatures . If at the end of the season water remains in some section of the water supply, its freezing will not lead to ruptures in the pipe: the polyethylene will stretch, and after the ice melts it will return to its original size.


Polyethylene pipes are mounted using butt welding, electrofusion and compression fittings. For us, the latter method is preferable.


  • For butt welding and connecting electric couplings, electricity is needed, which is far from being available everywhere.

In response to possible objections: yes, buying or renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will solve this problem.
However, is it worth creating problems for yourself and then heroically solving them?
Isn't it easier to immediately opt for a more affordable solution?

  • The price of compression fittings is slightly higher than that of butt welding fittings and is noticeably lower than that of electrofusion fittings.
  • The compression fitting, unlike alternatives, makes the connection collapsible. Thus, it allows extra effort clean the section of the water supply or change its configuration.

The size

What diameter should I stop at? For the water supply of a house with a good margin, the throughput of a pipe with an inner diameter of 12-15 mm is enough. If it is planned to simultaneously water the area with several stationary sprayers, the cross section can be increased by a step - up to 20 mm: this will increase the throughput by 1.8 times.

If, in parallel with the watering of the plot over the entire area, it is supposed to use a washbasin or an outdoor shower, the inner diameter increases by another step - up to 25 mm. In this way, we will avoid loss of pressure.

When choosing a size, do not forget that pipes and fittings are marked not with an internal, but with an external diameter. The internal section is linked to the wall thickness, which, in turn, is determined by the operating pressure. Here are some values ​​of these parameters for a pipe made of polyethylene PE 63.

Average outside diameter, mm Wall thickness, mm at working pressure, MPa
0,25 0,4 0,6 1
16 2,0
20 2,0
25 2,0 2,3
32 2,0 3,0
40 2,0 2,3 3,7
50 2,0 2,9 4,6
63 2,0 2,5 3,6 5,8
75 2,0 2,9 4,3 6,8

How to use this table? The instruction is extremely simple: to get inner diameter subtract twice the wall thickness for the given working pressure from the outer value.

Resetting water for the winter

It is more than easy to organize the possibility of dumping water supply. It is enough to find its lowest point and provide a relief valve in it. If the water supply system has sections with a counterslope, discharges are placed at the lowest point of each such section.

Nuance: if you just open the vent, most of the water will hang in the pipes.
To reset, you will have to open all watering and water taps.

storage capacity

The water supply schedule in garden partnerships is far from comfortable - from twice a day to a couple of times a week. storage capacitysimplest way provide yourself with water around the clock.

What can act as a drive? The optimal choice is plastic container for water. To be precise, polyethylene, already familiar to us, is used for its manufacture: the combination of strength and elasticity is in demand not only for the pipeline.


The containers are available in white (translucent), blue and black.

E Is there any practical difference between them?

  • Semi-transparent plastic is immediately swept aside. It transmits the sun's rays of the visible and ultraviolet spectrum; therefore, the water in the storage tank will quickly begin to bloom.
  • Black color is preferred in regions with cool summers. It will more actively collect thermal radiation; even when the air temperature is slightly above zero, the water in the tank will heat up to a temperature that is comfortable for showering and washing dishes.
  • Blue color will suit for any temperature regime.


How to calculate the volume of the tank? For the calculation, you need to estimate the average daily water consumption. Sanitary norm per person is about 200 liters per day; the need for watering is completely determined by the climate, the moisture-loving nature of the planted and the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour dacha.

Here is the average water consumption for some consumers.

Installation and connection

As already mentioned, the method of installing the tank is determined by the design of the country house and the relief of the site.

Do not install a large storage light wooden overlap.
If country houses from block containers with a frame made of corrugated pipe or a channel with a cross section of 100 mm or more can withstand a load of a ton or more, then wooden beams not strong enough for that.

How to organize the connection of the tank? The water outlet in most cases is already present at the bottom of the tank. It is completed with a ball valve in case of repair of valves in the internal water supply.

To draw water in a fully automatic mode, a filling valve from the toilet bowl is mounted in the upper part. The hole for it is drilled with a conventional wood drill and widened with a cutter; a pair of rubber gaskets are used for sealing.

A couple of nuances are associated with the installation of the filler valve.

  1. A coarse filter should be installed in front of the valve. It will not allow debris that has flown through the pipes to clog the valve or jam it in the open position.

  1. The valve itself is better to take a domestic sample, brass, with a wire rocker. It is distinguished not only by durability, but also by the ability to work with water with minimal overpressure and even gravity. For imported products, at least 3-5 meters of pressure are needed.
  2. 0

H the need for plumbing in the country or personal plot obvious. Here we will consider how to make plumbing in the country / garden with your own hands, and taking into account the operation at different times of the year.



For plumbing, you can use plastic pipes with soldered joints or special plastic fittings. For soldering, a special electric soldering iron is used. It is not very expensive, about 2000 rubles, and in addition, specialized stores selling pipes and accessories for and often provide rental services for such soldering irons. To lay the pipeline, a soldering iron will be needed for no more than one day. A soldering iron is not needed to connect fittings; such connections can be assembled, as they say, “with bare hands”.

For an ordinary dacha, pipes with a diameter of twenty, in extreme cases, twenty-five millimeters, are quite enough.

Do-it-yourself summer plumbing

First, consider the device of the water supply system, which is supposed to be operated only in the summer period of the year, that is, the summer water supply system in the country house, garden, garden plot. Such a water supply system serves mainly for watering plants, connecting a summer shower, and current household needs. V winter time its operation is not intended. Summer water supply can be both permanent and collapsible.

The most common summer water supply in the country is pipes (hoses) lying directly on the ground. You can make such a water supply from ordinary silicone or rubber hoses, which are connected to each other by adapters. Connecting adapters are commercially available, they are made of plastic (see photo) or galvanized steel (the latter are better, but more expensive). On sale there are also special latches. On the one hand, they have “ruffs” on which a hose is put on, and on the other side it is a convenient spring-loaded connector, such latches are connected and disconnected in one movement and provide a reliable joint. As you can see, there is no difficulty, the only thing when buying hoses is to buy thick-walled rubber reinforced with nylon fibers. Such a hose is more expensive than plastic, but it will last fifteen years, at least.

For a permanent summer water supply scheme in the country, do-it-yourself pipes are laid in the ground, bringing only water taps to the surface. The depth of the pipes is not great, it is enough just to cover them with earth a little so as not to stumble and, of course, to protect them from theft in the absence of the owners.