Turkish Carnation - Growing from seed when planting. Turkish carnation Turkish carnation cultivation from seeds

  • 17.06.2019

Turkish carnation is very popular with gardeners. This unusually bright flower is famous for its duration of flowering and unpretentiousness. Turkish carnation refers to ornamental plants, which means that she needs special care.

Growing Turkish Cloves From Seeds Through Seedlings

Turkish carnation is grown from seeds using a seedling method. Growing Turkish cloves is a fairly hassle-free activity that even a novice gardener can handle. The main thing in this is right choice soil and planting sites. It is these factors that affect the full development and flowering of Turkish carnations.

Did you know? Each flower has four bracts with a shaggy border around the edges, resembling a beard. Because of this feature, the plant has acquired another name - "bearded carnation".

When to plant seedlings

Growing Turkish cloves through seedlings depends on weather conditions. If you plan to plant seeds for seedlings, then it is best to do this in March-April. If you plan to plant seeds immediately in open ground, then best time will be the end of spring - the beginning of summer. It is best to wait until the weather is not hot, when the sun is just beginning to bake, because the Turkish carnation does not like the heat. Evening hours are the best time for planting seedlings. Growing is best done in light partial shade.

Soil mixture for seedlings

You can easily prepare the soil mixture for seedlings without any problems. To do this, you will need the following components:

  • 2 parts of peat;
  • 2 parts of sod land;
  • 1 part river sand
It is recommended to freeze or steam the soil immediately before planting.

To steam, put a bucket of water on the fire, and place a grate over the bucket with wrapped in fabric bag soil. Steam the soil for one and a half hours. Let it cool down and it's ready.

Also, do not forget to lay a layer of drainage (sand or small gravel) and make holes in the bottom of the container.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

How to sow Turkish cloves? Sowing seeds of Turkish cloves is not much different from sowing seeds of other plants. Take a container with prepared soil and deepen the clove seeds into it. Do not plant too deep, the maximum depth should be one centimeter. Usually the seeds are planted in rows, at a distance of 15 cm from each other. If you don't have that much space, then you can group the rows closer together, but in this case, do not fill them with water. The distance between seeds should be at least 1.5 cm. After sowing, pack the soil over the seeds and lightly spray it with non-cold water. Cover the seedlings with a piece of any non-woven material.

The seeds of the plant can survive the winter, so they can be planted even in autumn. But if the question of when to sow Turkish cloves for seedlings is acute, you can save the plants in indoor pots and in early spring transplant them into open ground.

Important! The first shoots appear after 10 days if sowing is carried out in the spring. At autumn sowing the first sprouts will appear only next spring.

Dive of carnation seedlings

Dive seedlings of Turkish carnation can be carried out 20 days after planting the seeds. You can leave some sprouts in the container, but remember that the distance between them should be at least 7 cm. The picking of Turkish carnation seedlings should be done in the evening or on an overcast day, with little sunlight. After picking seedlings, it must be re-covered nonwoven fabric.

Important! Some varieties of Turkish carnation are capable of re-blooming in the autumn.

Planting seedlings of Turkish carnations in a permanent place

It is extremely important that the distance between the seedlings is 20-30 cm, since they will lack nutrients if they are planted densely. Unfortunately, it will be possible to admire the splendor of blooming Turkish carnations only on next year, since in the first season the forcing of the plant bush takes place. For the winter, young carnation bushes can be covered with spruce branches (lower branches of evergreen trees, such as fir trees or pines). At good conditions Turkish carnation blooms in June of the following year.

The best time to plant seedlings in open ground

Planting seedlings on a permanent place of the future flower garden is best done in the second half of summer. Experienced gardeners recommend doing this in July-August, because during this period the plant receives the most nutrients for future growth.

Did you know? The Russian name "carnation" comes from the Polish word "carnation", which the Poles, in turn, borrowed from German language. And the thing is that the Germans called carnation flowers that way for their similarity with the smell of clove spices (dried buds of a clove tree).

Landing site selection and preparation

Experienced gardeners, before growing Turkish cloves, begin to carefully prepare the site for planting. Turkish carnation prefers open sunny areas, but can also grow in partial shade. To grow Turkish cloves, you need a plot with fertile soil. If the planting site consists of loamy or sandy soil, then it must be treated with fertilizers. Fertilizers are applied before planting and when digging the soil. To do this, you can use humus, compost, ash or any mineral fertilizers. You should not dig the future bed too deep, 25-30 cm is enough. Next, the soil needs to be leveled and moistened. Cover the prepared area with a thick cloth for two weeks, and then proceed to planting.

Seedling planting scheme

Before planting a Turkish carnation, you need to choose a planting pattern. Use the classic Turkish carnation pattern: 20 × 30-35. This scheme allows the plant to take root well before the onset of cold weather, and when warming, the carnation will grow quite magnificently, but at the same time evenly.

Important! For novice gardeners, it is especially important to follow the correct planting pattern, as neglect can lead to the death of the plant.

How to care for a Turkish carnation

As already mentioned, Turkish carnation needs proper cultivation and care. A young plant is very sensitive to temperature fluctuations, especially in winter. Turkish cloves are endangered in early spring, as temperature fluctuations are not uncommon at this time. During the day, the plant heats up in the sun, and at night it cools and freezes. To prevent the death of the carnation during this period, it must be covered with spruce branches. You can remove the spruce branches at the end of the frost.

After the carnation has faded, it is necessary to cut its stems and re-fertilize the soil. This will allow the plant to grow new stems or even bloom again in a month.

Watering, weeding and loosening the soil

Turkish cloves, like other types of cloves, do not tolerate waterlogging of the soil and stagnant water. Watering cloves should be done 1-2 times a week. In dry summers, the amount of watering can be increased. Carnations need to be watered under the root, because drops of water on the flowers can lead to their fading and withering in the sun.

Weeding and loosening the soil must be combined with the removal of weeds, because they prevent the plant from fully developing. Only needs regular weeding young plant carnations. An adult carnation is able to restrain the growth of weeds, covering the soil with a dense carpet.

Did you know? In Germany and England, the carnation has long been considered a symbol of love and purity, references to this can often be found in numerous legends.

When and how to feed

For full growth and development, the Turkish carnation needs top dressing. As a rule, top dressing is carried out in 3 stages:

  • First feed. It should be carried out in the spring, during the active growth of shoots. It is recommended to use any nitrogen-containing fertilizers (one tablespoon of Agricola Forward diluted in 10 liters of warm water).
  • Second feed. It is carried out at the moment when the buds are laid. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used (one tablespoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate, diluted in 10 liters of water).
  • Third feed. It is carried out after flowering (one tablespoon of "Agricola for flowering plants diluted in 10 liters of water).

Secrets of long flowering

In order for the Turkish carnation to please the eye with bright and abundant flowering three basic rules must be followed - water in time, carefully weed and properly feed the plant.

Reading: 5 minutes

Some peoples considered Turkish carnation flowers sacred, others - a symbol of motherly love.

The plant is still considered relevant and takes pride of place in the ranking of amateurs and experts in floriculture. This article will discuss how to grow this bright flower on your site.

Description and features of the plant

The plant got its name because its aroma resembles the smell of a clove tree. There are many varieties of this flower, differing in color and size. Characteristic flowers - a lot of dots and inclusions on them. The peduncle consists of several flowers combined into a kind of cap.

Beautiful flowers in the flower bed.

There are two main types of an unusually attractive flower:

  1. undersized- reaches a height of up to 20 centimeters.
  2. Tall- reaches a height of up to 80 centimeters.

Plants come in various shades, simple and double type. The plant is considered perennial, however, experienced flower growers advise growing it for two years, replacing old bushes with new ones.

The flower has earned the love of plant growers for the following qualities:

  • cold tolerance;
  • unpretentiousness to growth conditions;
  • simplicity and ease of care;
  • not demanding for frequent watering;
  • the possibility of growing in the garden, on the balcony and windowsill;
  • ability to reproduce by self-seeding.

Preparatory work

The main method of reproduction of this plant is sowing from seeds. Sowing in an open garden space or growing seedlings is allowed.

When to plant: optimal timing

Sowing the seed into the ground can be done in May, April is suitable for sowing seedlings.

Seed treatment before planting

As mentioned earlier, Turkish cloves are completely unpretentious plant, which can dissipate and take root on its own. Nevertheless, to grow strong good seedlings, it is worth preparing the seeds for planting.

After planting seedlings in open ground.

Seeds should be kept in a warm solution with the addition of drugs that prevent diseases and stimulate growth, then rinse them with running water, dry slightly and proceed with the direct sowing procedure.

Soil preparation and containers

For sowing, you can use ordinary medium-sized plastic containers. In advance, it is worth preparing the land for sowing. You can, of course, buy a ready-made substrate in the store, however, experienced growers advise preparing the ground yourself. For this you need to mix peat, sod land and sand.

Advice! It is advisable to use river sand to prepare the soil for planting.

Prepared land must be steamed or frozen to get rid of all pests and microbes. Steamed or frozen land should stand for about a week to restore the necessary balance. Before direct sowing, the prepared soil is placed in a prepared container, compacted a little and slightly moistened from a sprinkler.

How to sow?

The process of sowing Turkish cloves is as follows - the seeds are placed in a small groove made in the soil, and lightly sprinkled with earth. After that, it is necessary to create a greenhouse effect for the crops by placing the containers in a bag or covering them with a layer of film.

Turkish clove seeds.

Then the containers are sent to a room with moderate lighting and a temperature of about 18°C. Crops should be moistened periodically. As soon as the seedlings begin to come out and the surface of the ground, the film is removed.

Important! Seedlings do not like direct bright sunlight and excess moisture, so these influences should be avoided as much as possible.

Home care

Seedlings of the described flower do not cause difficulties in care, everything for fast and proper growth should follow the following rules:

  • a room is suitable for seedlings, the temperature in which does not exceed 18 ° C;
  • seedlings love partial shade, it is advisable to observe this condition when growing;
  • as soon as the loops of seedlings appear (this happens about 10 days after sowing), it is worth transferring the seedlings to a cooler room (14 ° C);
  • if necessary, it is worth providing seedlings with additional lighting;
  • as soon as 5 true leaves appeared on the plant, it is worth pinching;
  • young seedlings need to be hardened, but do it very carefully, avoiding exposure to drafts and frosts.

Feeding and watering

Plants do not like abundant and frequent watering; plants flooded with water can get sick or die. Water the seedlings carefully, try not to splash water on the leaves. The optimal number of waterings per week is two(additional watering can be carried out when the soil around the future flower dries out). Watering small seedlings is best done from a sprayer, grown plants can be watered with a watering can.

Carnation seedlings in cassettes.

Turkish carnation plants do not need frequent feeding, however, it is still sometimes necessary to produce it. The fertilization process is carried out both with the help of solutions prepared independently, and with the help of purchased preparations. On average, it is worth carrying out the feeding procedure three times per season.

Sapling dive

You can dive plants into individual pots as soon as young seedlings have acquired a pair of true leaves. This usually happens about 20 days after sowing. Plan and rules of action when picking:

  1. Prepare pots with earth, while moistening it. For these purposes, the same land as used for sowing is suitable.
  2. Delicate seedlings are carefully separated from the total mass of plants and planted in a deepening of the earth in a pot.
  3. After transplantation, create a greenhouse effect for transplanted seedlings for a while.

Advice! Diving is best done in the evening or on cloudy days.

Disembarkation to a permanent place

For a permanent place of growth of carnations, a medium-lit area with fertile soil is suitable. Transplantation can be done as soon as it is warm outside, and the seedlings gain enough strength. This is usually done in late May - early June.

Burgundy carnation inflorescences.

Reference! The plant will please with a lush color in the second year of life, this point should be taken into account when choosing a planting site.

Preparing bushes for wintering

Despite the fact that the plant is considered cold-resistant, it needs to be warmed for the winter. To do this, you need to cover the plant with spruce (or other coniferous plant) branches or other breathable material. In the spring, as soon as the frosts pass and the snow begins to melt, you must immediately remove the protection from the plant.

Diseases and pests

Even such an unpretentious plant is sometimes attacked by pests, for example, aphids or mites, which can be fought with the help of store-bought preparations or infusion of potato tops. There are no diseases characteristic only for this plant.

Flower in landscape design

Such a flower looks organically in any part of the garden, is able to decorate any flower bed. Flower growers use this plant to create an alpine slide, creating intricate and original patterns with the help of plants.

Useful video

Turkish carnation flowers are deservedly considered a universal type of flower. They have great appearance, easy to care for, unpretentious to growing conditions. With the help of them you can decorate even a small modest area. Through abundance colors, you can create a spectacular flower bed from carnations alone.

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The system of protection of fruit and berry plantations is based on the use of pesticides. However, if in the protection of pome orchards pesticides can be used during almost the entire growing season, taking into account the waiting period for each preparation, then in the protection of berry crops they can be used only before the phase of the beginning of flowering and after harvesting. In this regard, the question arises which drugs should be used during this period to suppress pests and pathogens.

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People began to grow crocuses 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses - one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom in late March and early April.

Shchi from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, fragrant and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup is tastier than freshly cooked.

Blueberries are a rare promising berry crop in gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. The taste of blueberries resembles a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of varieties of tomatoes, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. He sometimes confuses even experienced gardeners! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself”. The main thing is to understand the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have much time and energy to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of room nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleuses today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provence herbs is a "supplier" of delicious pieces of fish pulp for light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The mushrooms are lightly fried olive oil and then watered apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. Garlic sharpness of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of salmon and pieces of mushrooms.

In most of our gardens you can find bright, multi-colored, patterned plentifully blooming flower- Turkish cloves (Dianthus barbatus). Its neat variegated bushes look especially impressive on lawn compositions in combination with ornamental grass or other types of Turkish carnation itself.

Did you know? Turkish cloves are not only beautiful in appearance, but also have an alluring, subtle, spicy smell.
Turkish carnation has the following description: it is a decorative biennial or perennial flower with densely flowering spherical inflorescences of various shades. Petals are delicate, simple or double. The color of the petals is the most diverse - there are monochromatic species, and there are combinations of 3-4 shades. The color of the inflorescences is white, pink-white, raspberry-red, white-dark pink, white-gray-pink, white-purple, raspberry-white, red-burgundy, purple-white, burgundy-black, etc.

Important! In full force, the Turkish carnation blooms only in the second year after planting. In the first year, the plant takes root and grows basal foliage. The leaves are narrow long lanceolate, with a characteristic green-blue tint. The stem is erect, strong, with fine knotting. In height, the Turkish carnation is undersized - up to 14-15 cm in height, and tall - 45-55 cm and even up to 65-70 cm in height.

flower description

Dianthus barbatus is a species of the clove family and loves temperate climate. Unlike Chinese carnation(Dianthus chinensis) Turkish - a frequent inhabitant of flower beds, front gardens of garden plots.

She, like her Chinese relative, in the first year of life forms only bushes with rosettes of leaves. From the second, it begins to simultaneously throw out flower stalks and additional rosettes of leaves. This allows her to bloom in all its glory up to 4 years. However, flower growers, summer residents, residents of private houses often grow these cultural garden varieties like biennials.

Small flowers form umbrellas with lush fragrant bright inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter. They are located on each stalk. The flowers have 4 bracts with a beard-like shaggy border around the edges. They gave her the name "bearded".

Turkish carnation has a huge variety of colors of single and double flowers. They can be red, crimson, burgundy, pink, white or variegated with different shades, patterns in the form of borders, spots, strokes. Inflorescences with a very delicate aroma resemble large caps on stems with leaves that can also be painted in different colors. Probably, this bright color scheme of the petals is also associated with the ornament on Turkish carpets…

Seedling cultivation

When growing Turkish cloves from seeds, sowing is carried out in March or in the first decade of April. In order to get strong healthy seedlings, seed must be placed in a previously disinfected substrate. Disinfection is usually carried out using a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. The substrate itself must be fertile, often made up of leaf humus and sand.

So, growing Turkish cloves in seedlings.

  • Rinse the seed container hot water, lay out a drainage layer at the bottom, and a moistened substrate on top.
  • We sow the seeds, laying them to a depth of about 1 cm. At the same time, the distance between them should be 2-3 cm.
  • We cover the container with loose paper and keep it at a temperature of +16..18°C. Moisten the substrate periodically.
  • When shoots appear, we transfer the container to a well-lit place and lower the temperature by a couple of degrees.

    Note! If the air temperature is high, then the seedlings can stretch out a lot!

  • As soon as a couple of true leaves appear on the seedlings, we dive them into separate peat cups. We use the same soil mixture.

A couple of weeks before transplanting cloves into open ground, it is necessary to begin the hardening procedure. Every day we take out young plants on Fresh air, increasing the exposure time daily. After two weeks, the seedlings should completely get used to the new environment. It is desirable that by this time they spend the night with an open window.

Sowing in open ground

To begin with, it is worth figuring out when to plant Turkish cloves in open ground. They do this in the third or fourth decade of May, when the threat of night frosts has passed, and the soil and air have warmed up sufficiently.

On a note! Sowing seeds in open ground can also be done in the fall - in October, but remember that the seed in this case, like the soil, must certainly be dry. After sowing, the site is insulated with sawdust or peat. In the spring, the mulch layer is removed.

Sow seeds preferably in a sunny area. The most preferred are places with sandy or loamy soil. A couple of weeks before sowing, the bed is dug up to a depth of about 20 cm and a mixture of compost and wood ash is added - for each square meter about 7 kg of organic matter and 250 g of ash. In parallel, you can fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants - about a tablespoon per square meter. We cover the prepared area with polyethylene and leave for 10-15 days.

We proceed directly to the planting of Turkish carnations:

  • We make shallow grooves in the soil, leaving a distance of 15 cm between them. Spill them well with water.
  • We put seeds in each groove. Do not forget to leave between them 2-3 cm.
  • Sprinkle the substrate on top and slightly compact the soil. From above, we cover the crops with woven material.
  • When the first shoots appear, remove the cover.

Cultivation and care

Which Turkish carnation needs care during the growing process so that the plant blooms luxuriantly and brightly? Growing a Turkish carnation is not difficult even for the most inexperienced flower growers. First of all, caring for Turkish cloves consists in regular weeding. The bushes of this plant are very tender, and weed grass can easily drown them out. Simultaneously with weeding, the soil around the roots should be loosened to ensure oxygen access to them.


This flower does not like too much watering. It is enough to water the bushes in dry weather twice a week. Watering should be done early in the morning or in the evening. Only 12-15 liters of water should be spent per square of the site - this amount of moisture is quite enough for a flower. No need to be zealous with watering, as the roots of the carnation are subject to various rots. When watering, do not water the plants from above. Watering should be done only under the root of the scattered jet.

top dressing

How to grow luxury flowering bushes perennial Turkish cloves? They need to be fertilized properly. Although some flower growers believe that this plant does not need top dressing at all, Turkish cloves must be fertilized. You can feed the flowers with organic matter or complex mineral fertilizers. The first dressing is applied under the bushes when they reach a height of about 12 cm. The second time it is necessary to fertilize the plants during the formation of buds. Garden perennial carnation also needs autumn top dressing. If the carnation lacks nutrients, it will not bloom well. Turkish carnation in cultivation is not the most capricious flower, and if you follow agricultural technology, then this plant will surely please you with abundant and colorful flowering.

plant after flowering

After flowering, caring for the plant is very simple. The bushes just need to be cut off. Cut the bushes almost flush with the ground. After pruning, the plants are watered, weeded, loosened the ground around them. In a month, the bushes will give new shoots, which can even bloom by autumn.

Preparing for winter

This plant is cold hardy. But, despite the resistance of the carnation to the cold, it is still worth covering for the winter. You can cover the bushes with spruce branches, cover with peat mixture. In the spring, when the snow melts, the bushes should not be opened immediately, since in the spring there is a great threat of severe frosts. When the plant grows in spring, the covering material is removed, and the young shoots are shaded. This plant does not tolerate excess moisture very well, so in winter, if too much snow falls, it is better to remove it. So in the spring there will be no excessively wet soil in a flower bed with Turkish cloves.

Sowing in protected ground, in a greenhouse

  • Choose a well-lit place for seed germination, maintaining the temperature there at least 13 degrees.
  • To accelerate growth, cover the bed with glass or film.
  • Sprouts appear together, about 2-3 weeks after sowing.
  • When the seedlings grow up, do not forget to thin them out or plant them in another bed.
  • Before transferring the seedlings to the garden, feed them with nitrogen fertilizer - it is used as an anti-stress drug.
  • Carnations can be planted in a flower bed at a distance of 25 cm from each other when the weather is warm.

If you grow seedlings and thus prolong the growing season, you can not cut the flowers, and enjoy flowering this year.

Reproduction by layering

The variety you like can be propagated by layering:

Reproduction by cuttings

They are cut from a stem taken from a plant of the second year of life, planted in loose, moist soil, creating a light shade. After about 3 weeks, the seedlings will begin to grow - this can be determined by the appearance of new leaves. They are transplanted in August. They will bloom next year. If you carry out this operation in a greenhouse or greenhouse, then the cuttings will take root much faster. This method is used if you want to keep your favorite variety.

Turkish carnation is capable of self-seeding. Of course, there will be much fewer plants, but they will still delight you with magnificent flowering.

Turkish carnation in combination with other plants

An important rule for the placement of perennials in the open field is to make such combinations of flowers in the flower bed that would not conflict with each other in terms of cultivation and care. A light-loving carnation will be comfortable surrounded by the same admirers of the sun's rays, like herself. In addition, it is desirable that neighboring perennial crops have the same requirements for the type of soil, irrigation, and fertilizer.

Therefore, the combination of cloves in landscape design with these neighbors:

  • alpine aster;
  • Carpathian bell;
  • rudbeckia.

Turkish carnation in landscape design

The carnation of the Turkish variety becomes a spectacular border. This feature can be applied in landscape design for the design of flower beds, garden paths, lawns. Low-growing varieties are also suitable for growing on alpine hills. Medium-sized varieties of carnations will harmoniously fit into colorful mixborders.

It is very profitable to make rabatka from plantings of Turkish cloves - this lush plant spreads out with a thick umbrella and hides the soil well under it. Such a flower bed can contain both varieties of the same flower petals, as well as a combination of burgundy, red, pink, purple, white varieties.

To use Turkish carnation in landscape design, it is not necessary to propagate the flower only in open ground. These perennials grow and develop wonderfully in pots and decorative urns that adorn the terraces or porches of your country house.

If you dreamed of stealing your flower garden in an elegant and unpretentious flower- your choice should fall on the Turkish carnation perennial. Growing a plant is not difficult, and the flowers will please their appearance for a long time without frequent transplants.

Diseases and pests

The flower must be looked after, and be sure to fight pests and diseases. This plant is very vulnerable, and it has quite a lot of pests. In early spring, breaking leaves can damage rodents. To prevent mice from nibbling leaves, you should place mousetraps or scatter poisoned grain. In summer, a dangerous pest, the root-knot nematode, very often attacks the plant. If you notice deformed foliage, dull color of leaves, swollen petioles, then the root-knot nematode has begun its “work”. The only way to save carnation plantings from this pest is to destroy diseased plants and disinfect the soil.

All parts of the plant can be affected by a dangerous fungal disease fusarium. Signs of this disease are wilting of stems, dying off of parts of plants. Fusarium bushes can become infected with organic fertilizers, for example, through manure. This disease is not treatable, and flower growers sometimes have to destroy entire flower beds. As a preventive measure, the appearance of fusarium should be disinfected three times a summer in the soil in a flower bed with a weak solution of manganese. Very often, flowers suffer from rust. If you notice swollen yellowish pads on the leaves, then the plants are affected by rust. You can get rid of rust by treating the soil with hom. Carnations are constantly attacked by insect pests.

One of the most dangerous pests is the mountain elephant. The insect gnaws holes in the leaves of plants. Another carnation can attack spider mite who drinks the juice from the foliage. The best ecological way to get rid of these pests is onion skins. 100 g of dry husks are brewed in 5 liters of boiling water and insisted for three days. Plants are sprayed with infusion three times with an interval of five days. The unpretentious oriental beauty takes pride of place in our gardens and city flower beds. Beginners and already experienced flower growers are happy to grow this flower, which can be the main decoration of any summer garden. The main qualities for which the oriental beauty is so highly valued is a huge palette of the brightest colors and rich color of inflorescences.

  1. Properly selected conditions will help them reproduce by self-seeding.
  2. They are cold hardy.
  3. strong seedlings and nice flowers from seeds can be grown not only in open ground, but also in balcony flowerpots.
  4. Unpretentious.
  5. Virtually no need for moisture.
  6. Undemanding.

Reproduction by seeds

Soil preparation is a crucial moment on which the rate of emergence of sprouts depends. It is necessary to take care of the land for seeds about a week or a half before sowing, for which it must be dug up and covered with plastic wrap. After a day, you can remove the polyethylene and start sowing seeds.

The optimal time for planting is chosen depending on the climatic features of your region - it can be the last month of spring or the first days of summer. It is better to choose a non-hot day for this business, but if one is not expected during the specified period, then sow the seeds in the morning or evening. Growing Turkish cloves from seeds should be carried out in partial shade, especially if it will grow constantly in this place.

Landing Features

There are several rules for planting Turkish carnations, which should be followed in order to obtain high-quality seedlings and magnificent plants in the future. Here they are:

  • between two adjacent bushes should be at least 3 cm;
  • between rows of at least 15 cm;
  • planting depth - 1 cm.

Before planting seeds in the soil, it should be slightly moistened with warm water. It can be water at room temperature. When the seeds are in the ground, cover it all with any non-woven material that can be purchased at any specialized store. After waiting only 10 days, you can see the first shoots, which are reflected in the photo of the Turkish carnation.

You can dive seedlings on the 20th day after planting the seeds. When leaving some sprouts in a container, keep in mind the recommended distance between them, which is 6-7 cm. For transplanting seedlings, it is best to choose the evening when the sun is not so warm, or on an overcast day. After picking, we cover all the seedlings again with non-woven material.

In the first year, the Turkish carnation only throws out leaves, so you should not torment yourself or look for errors in the planting process. Flowers on the plant will appear only in the second season. Around the middle of August, the seedlings should be transplanted to “their” place, that is, where it will grow constantly, leaving 15 cm between neighboring bushes. If you cannot transplant the plant at the recommended time, then you can postpone this business until the beginning of autumn.

Growing seedlings

Turkish cloves can be grown at home on a window, and no special conditions are required. Prepared land (the process is described above) must be treated with diluted potassium permanganate.

Planting seeds is best done in March, but if difficulties arise, it can be transferred to the first days of April. The flower will not particularly suffer from these manipulations, and the cultivation of Turkish carnations from seeds will proceed without any changes.


Growing any plant requires regular watering, and our beauty is no exception. In dry weather, water should be brought to the plant at least 2 times a week. You also need to know how to water a flower. Irrigation features can be seen in the photo of Turkish cloves. Do not forget that only the root system needs moisture, but it will only harm the leaves and inflorescences, attracting all kinds of diseases.

With heavy rains, the soil becomes excessively moist, which contributes to the appearance of putrefactive processes. It is worth examining not only the root system, but also the vegetative part. Water may remain in the rosettes of leaves, and a dangerous disease can appear from it - root rot.

Timely treatment of the plant with special preparations and regular loosening of the soil will help prevent the appearance of root rot and other diseases. If you have chosen chemicals to fight diseases, then you should carefully read the enclosed instructions, since it is in it that the manufacturer indicates the optimal amount of additional substances and the recommended amount of solution per square meter. m. area.

top dressing

If the soil in your area is not too rich in minerals, you should help the plant by feeding it with an organic solution or special fertilizers. You should start no earlier than the Turkish carnation grows by 10 cm.

The process of fertilizing has its own characteristics, which we will discuss further. The first recharge should be in the spring, because at this time the Turkish carnations, planting and caring for which took so long, are only gaining strength after a long rest.

The next dose of fertilizer will be needed by the plant during the setting of flower buds, because at this time additional forces will not interfere with the flower. The last time the Turkish carnation is fed during the flowering period. To feed the soil, you can use superphosphate, potassium sulfate or special fertilizers from stores.

Preparing for winter

Turkish cloves are cold hardy, but not worth the risk. Cover the plant with spruce branches to protect it from frost. For the same purposes, you can take any moisture-permeable fabric.

In regions with severe winters, care should be taken to provide additional protection for Turkish cloves by covering the root system with peat, which should be covered with a layer of at least 10 cm. With the arrival of spring and heat, do not rush to remove the protective layer, because under it the plant is still “sleeping”, and a sharp change temperatures can harm it.