Fence in the yard economy option. Fence design for a private house - how to choose a beautiful and practical fence

  • 27.06.2020

It is difficult to imagine a private house that would not have a fence. The fence performs several functions, such as protecting the site from strangers and ennobles the territory of the site.

Also, the fence is a kind of division of the territory between neighbors. Fences located on foreground houses reflect the face of the owner.

Installing a fence is a troublesome business, because it is necessary to carry out land surveying, otherwise problems with neighbors may arise.

It should be remembered that according to the law, any protective structure must be located at least three meters from the house. It is also necessary to choose the material from which the fence will be made, its height.

Types of fences:

Modern Decoration Materials and there are different ways to install them. Fences are divided by cost, strength and visual appeal.


Wrought iron railings are attractive, expensive and provide reliable protection.

The price of such products is very expensive, due to the labor intensity of production. The disadvantages include the fact that everything is visible through the forged fence, and this is not always acceptable.

From profile sheet

These fences are distinguished by the speed of construction and not a high price. These fences look good, the color palette is diverse.

Such a fence can be built by yourself, without extra effort. The main thing when installing such a fence is the presence of cemented pillars.


A popular type of fencing, protective qualities are on top. Appearance when properly laid is excellent. Looks expensive and defiant.

A rather costly type of fencing; a lot of bricks are used in its laying. The brick for fences is used facing. There are basic color variations.


This fence is similar to brick, but looks more advanced. The reliability of such fences is good. The price category for this material is high.

Basically, stone is used in combination with other materials, such as wood, profile sheet.


Wooden fences are quickly erected, with proper preparation of the material they have good properties from external factors.

Protective functions are practically absent, because it can be broken without much difficulty. The price of such fences is not high, and is the most budgetary of its kind.

When choosing the type of fencing, you need to think about how long the fencing will be installed. If temporary fencing is required, then a regular chain-link mesh is perfect.

If you need long-term fencing for many years, you should approach the choice thoroughly, and think through all the points. Depending on the material of manufacture of the fence, the construction time will vary.

For example, if the choice fell on a brick or stone fence, then the masonry will take a long time, and a foundation may also be needed. This is due to the fact that brick is a heavy material and in the absence of a foundation, the fence may fall after a few years.

And the construction of a wooden fence requires only the presence of pillars, assembly is fast.

Choosing the material of the future fence, you should think about its color. Designers recommend that when choosing a fence, be guided by the color scheme of your home.

But there are also standard solutions in this matter. For example, red and brown colors, as well as their shades. Such options are considered win-win, and look good on any site.

Choosing a fence for your backyard is exciting, and at the same time troublesome.

The need to comply with the rules and certain methods of installing fences is inconvenient. But having a beautiful and durable fence on your site is a must.

Photo of fences for a private house

The fence, visible to everyone, unlike the inside of the house and the plot, is in every sense the face of the owner. But this is an external fence. And there are also fences and fences that divide the site into parts, enclose enclosures and chicken coops, flower beds and paths. Right choice the type of fence, the material suitable for it, its quantity and cost - a whole science. Let's figure out which fence is better to put on a summer cottage and what it can be made of.

Types of fences: which is better to put on a summer cottage

By appointment

  1. Fence enclosing the area. It should be an inaccessible barrier, at least for other people's dogs and pets. Height and material vary.
  2. A fence that encloses the area where your pets live. It is often made from a chain-link mesh that does not obstruct the view. But there are also options here.

    Enclosure for a dog.

  3. A fence enclosing different parts of the territory. For example, a utility yard from a garden, a barbecue area from an area where dogs are allowed to run. This fence, if possible, should be beautiful and should not obstruct the view.
  4. Small fences for enclosing flower beds and beds. Often placed if there are dogs on the site: so that they do not dig, do not gnaw, do not go to the toilet on your precious cucumbers. Often made from prefabricated lightweight sections that are dug in and connected to each other.

By material

  1. Brick fence. The most traditional. Doesn't need a roof on the fence. The top is made from the same brick, sometimes laid out in a special way. Pros: durable, beautiful, easy to build. Cons: very expensive, requires pouring cement foundation- the higher the brick fence, the deeper and more expensive the foundation.
  2. Fence from expanded clay blocks (cinder blocks) or foam blocks. It is placed similarly to brick. Pros: durable, even easier to build than brick, the foundation can be made from the blocks themselves, buried several rows into the pit. Cons: less beautiful than brick, quite expensive.
  3. Concrete panel fence. Pros: forever, does not require exactly any care. Cons: for installation you need a crane, for installation - deep

    side capital foundation. Ugly, looks like a fence in an industrial area.

  4. Stone fence. There are a lot of varieties: river stone, sandstone, granite, and even pebbles in a wire mesh frame. Pros: beautiful, durable. Cons: very expensive, heavy, requires a foundation.
  5. Wrought iron fence. Pros: perhaps the most beautiful; does not require a roof. Cons: perhaps the most expensive; does not protect from views; requires brick or stone pillars, which, in turn, require pouring the foundation.
  6. Metal cast fence, imitation of forging. Pros: the same, but much cheaper than the previous one. The cons are the same.
  7. Metal fence from the so-called corrugated board. Decking can be mounted on metal I-beams dug or concreted into the ground, channel bars or corners, or on brick, block or stone pillars. With a good color and processing of the roof (the so-called dropper), it does not require, but it is better to install it anyway so that nothing rusts. Pros: durable, inexpensive, lightweight, even looks good with a good frame and color. There are practically no cons.
  8. Plastic fence from boards of hardboard or any other plastic, or ready-made modules. In everything it looks like a fence made of corrugated board, but cheaper and lighter. Depending on the type of plastic, it can be opaque and translucent.
  9. Mesh metal fence. This can be a reinforcing mesh for concrete pouring (the cross section of a rod is about 8 millimeters, the cell size is about 10 centimeters), or a metal aviary flat mesh with different size cells, or the so-called elastic mesh chain-link. Pros: minimal cost and ease of installation - you can do without a foundation and capital supports. Cons: complete transparency and easy to overcome.
  10. Solid wood fence. It is mounted similarly to a fence made of corrugated board, but wooden logs are added to the options for the pillars. Pros: inexpensive, lightweight, beautiful. Cons: for protection from rain, it requires a drip and special treatment against decay and deformation.

  11. Wooden fence made of openwork boards. Similar to the previous one, but does not interfere with the view. The pros and cons are the same.
  12. Wooden fence from boards. The difference with the previous one is that the fence is assembled from individual boards, not shields. The benefits are the same. The cons are the same, but the production is a little more time consuming than the previous one.
  13. Wooden fence made of horizontal logs imitating a log house. Pros: beautiful, durable. Cons: expensive, requires pillars and foundations.
  14. A wooden fence made of poles dug into the ground (palisade), or its imitation. Pros: very stylish and nice looking. Cons: difficult to assemble, the cost is higher than that of other wooden fences.
  15. Wooden fence made of flexible rod on supports (wattle fence). Pros: incredibly stylish, cheap, easy to make, you can buy ready-made wicker shields. Cons: strictly speaking, this is generally a symbolic likeness of a fence. Although psychologically it separates the territory well.
  16. Wooden picket fence. You can buy ready-made modules from planks, you can assemble the fence yourself. Pros: very cheap, requires little wood, easy to build. Cons: low, transparent, requires processing from decay and deformation. In fact, it is protection from pets and dogs.
  17. Plastic fence made of plastic picket fence. Pros: cheap, easy to buy any profile, not subject to any decay, does not require protection from rain and snow. The disadvantages are the same as those of a wooden picket fence.
  18. Reed wicker fence. In Russia, it is practically not found. Although it is beautiful and for its material is very durable. Pros: easy to install, light, tall, opaque, fairly durable. Cons: It is very difficult to find reed shields in Russia.
  19. Fence from plastic bottles. This, of course, is quite exotic - but we love summer residents and are often found.
  20. Fences, which are combinations of all of the above options.
  21. A hedge of boxwood, arborvitae, spruce. It may well replace a full-fledged fence. In the climate near Moscow, growing it is quite problematic, but possible.

Photo gallery: options for fences for various purposes, from different materials and their combinations

Chain link fence Wall of a house made of plastic bottles Combined fence: openwork wooden shields, stone base Wicker fence - pipes, reeds Plastic shield for building a fence Palisade painted like pencils Pebble fence in a wire frame Fence from horizontal logs Picket fence Designer fence made of sawn boards The scheme of concreting supports for many types of fences The scheme of the strip foundation for many types of fences

Criterias of choice

There aren't many of them. You have bought or acquired land. The first thing any owner does, even before building a house, is to build at least a symbolic, and more often a capital and high fence to mark the territory and hide from prying eyes. It’s good if your site or house is in a village where good neighborly relations are still preserved. And if you settled in a new holiday village, where no one knows anyone yet and there are a lot of work crews of unknown origin around, then a high fence is the only guarantee of your safety. But in this case, its cost can be compared with the cost of the house itself.

The holiday village can be high level, with security and electronic security systems. Then a high fence is absolutely not needed to protect against intruders. It just serves as a screen from prying eyes.

But there is another theory: that the fence is an expression of the character of its owner. An open wattle fence is as different from a three-meter brick bastion as a gullible extrovert from a pragmatic unsociable person.

There is a third point: the attitude towards the owner that has developed over the centuries according to the height of his fence. If the fence is high and impenetrable, then either you are a good zealous owner, or you have something to hide.

A few simple rules of thumb:

In the end, it all depends on your character, preferences and taste, on how much you are willing to spend on buying and installing or building a fence, and on the functions that are required from this fence. You may well rely on the classification of fences given above.

But the very first, simple and cheap version of a country fence is a grid. She is different.

What to do: choose a mesh for fencing

The mesh as a fence is good for many reasons: low price, ease of installation - even a teenager can easily do it, permeability to the sun and air, and because of this, the mesh does not visually reduce or divide the site, although it performs its functions of dividing it . Due to its plasticity, it can be installed on the terrain of any terrain.


This familiar name comes from the name of the German engineer Karl Rabitz, who invented it. The chain-link is of three types.

Fences have two main functionalities:

  • Firstly, from the facade of your site, they give it protection from various unnecessary looks.
  • Secondly, fences provide an opportunity to feel more relaxed. Based on this, a quality fence must meet the following requirements:
  1. Possess strong and reliable properties.
  2. To ensure your safety, the fence must be high enough.
  3. The fence should look aesthetically pleasing, and if possible, it should not stand out from the general view and emphasize the beauty of your home.
  4. The owner of his house should feel protected from the fence, but not feel like in the dungeons.

Basically, houses are built for the opportunity to live with the whole family on fresh air, surrounded by nature, and not behind impenetrable concrete walls.

In this article, together with the portal, we will try to tell you about the types of fences, so that you have the opportunity to choose the option that you like.

wooden fences

A wooden fence is one of the more common, classic options for a fence. To a greater extent, the fence will be combined with a country cottage, built from logs or glued beams. Since the tree is very easy to process, therefore, if possible, you can order a fence made of wood, which in its appearance will create a general aesthetic appearance with a house made of brick or other material. A wooden fence should be made with a height that will be more preferable for you. In the same way, it is necessary to decide on its future design. If you imagine your fence as ordinary boards placed in rows, then you should familiarize yourself with all the existing options for wood fences by reading this information on the Internet, visiting various construction sites.

Fences from a bar

In this article we are talking about what types of fences are for private houses. Below we will show you a photo and video that will allow you to fully see all the options for modern fences.
A fence made of such material as rounded timber, which alternates with brick columns with decorative stone lining, is the most aesthetic and stylish structure. The beam is famous for its popularity with many owners of private buildings, and after this material was actively used for the construction of baths and other various structures, many craftsmen began to make fences from it.
The fence from a bar is a continuous protection, having no gaps and cracks. Due to its appearance, it seems that the site is enclosed by a wall. But such a wall is not only the best structure of natural wood but also has excellent breathability. Do not think that this fence will be unstable and flimsy. If the fence is made of larch boards, or any other types of wood, then we can answer you with confidence that this structure will have a rather beautiful appearance, and its cost will pleasantly surprise you. In addition, such a structure will have a long service life.

Board fence

According to the existing processing methods, the board is divided into three types:

  • edged,
  • semi-edged,
  • not cut.

A fence from boards for your own purposes can be made of any height you need. If desired, you can make the fence solid, or having small gaps.
For example, if you live in a guarded suburban village, and trust your closest neighbors, then there is no need to protect your house from prying eyes as much as possible, and when using the usual wooden board, you can make a ranch-style fence. In this case, the boards will be placed horizontally and have an equal distance from each other. This publication will answer your question, what are fences and fences. Let's get to know more various types fences.

picket fences

Such material as - a picket fence is inherently also a board. But the appearance of the picket fence is a slats of different lengths and widths. Their length is usually 70 centimeters, but you can also find longer slats (up to 190 cm) on sale. The width of the fence is 6-7 cm.
Today picket fences are very popular. You can see them in any suburban area or cottage village. The popularity of the fence, as a rule, is associated with its fairly simple installation, and personal individuality in appearance. By purchasing this material, you can make a fence out of it, which by 80% will stand out in its appearance from other fences from the same picket fence belonging to your neighbors. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to install the fence in continuous rows. This method will allow you not only to make this structure lighter, but also strong enough and stable. If in your plans to equip a solid wall that will create a certain shadow on your site, then in this case the fence must be laid out as follows - leave small gaps between the picket fences. The resulting fence will have a wonderful appearance, which, in turn, will seem light and graceful, reminiscent of beautiful lace. And a greater similarity with it can be achieved by installing tips with a variety of geometric shapes.

There is also another option - for example, a structure such as a chess fence. In this case, the fence must be laid in 2 rows with a small offset of the second row. This fence will not look like a monolithic wall, as there will be small gaps in it. But it will be simply impossible for strangers to see anything in them from the outside of the fence. The popularity of the fence became possible in our country, thanks to Western countries. In a word, a fence laid out from a picket fence can decorate your site.

Metal eurostudent

The euro picket fence is the same material as the picket fence. These are, as a rule, slats, but not made of wood, but of galvanized metal, on which a protective layer of polymers is applied. This layer protects this material from external factors of our environment - from light and moisture. And in the event that you have great confidence in hardware, then the eurostudent will serve you as the most ideal option for erecting a fence. It has excellent durability and reliability. And unlike wood, it is not a fire hazardous material. You can purchase an imported euro-made fence (for example, the country of origin is Germany), and you can also find a domestic analogue.

As a rule, the main parameters of these products will not differ from each other. The width of the European fence is 79 mm, and its height is from 1.6 to 2.8 m. The color scheme of these panels is quite diverse: you can opt for panels that have either a double-sided color or a single-sided one. The color of the panels can be different - with an imitation of wood of any shades, and you can also choose them according to the color of the siding of your house or the roof on its roof. The country manufacturer of metal fences gives a guarantee for its products for 50 years. This fact makes this material more attractive for those buyers who want to get from it not only an acceptable price, excellent quality, but also durability.

plastic fences

From this article you will learn about what fences and fences are in a private house. A fence made of plastic is the most budget option. Of course, it is not so highly valued by consumers, but unlike a wooden fence, this material is much cheaper in cost. Plastic fencing is quite resistant to temperature fluctuations. And also he is not afraid of the sun's rays and humidity. In appearance, plastic comes in a variety of shapes. In addition, there is a huge selection of colors. It is quite easy to install a PVC fence. It has excellent performance. It does not need to be periodically tinted or treated with a special compound that serves as protection against insects or moisture. Thus, if the most important priority for you when choosing a material for the fence is its cost, then this option will be the most optimal.

Fences from a professional flooring

Fencing from corrugated board, or from a profiled sheet is one of those options that will provide you with 100% privacy on your site. And all because such material will completely hide your site from unwanted views. Most of these fences can be seen in a country or private array or in suburban villages. Decking, as well as plastic, has excellent durable qualities. It does not need additional care, especially if it is treated with a composition of polymers. Such a fence will also provide you with a quiet life and the safety of suburban property during your absence. The corrugated board fence is a very smooth and flat surface. And if its height is large enough, then it will be simply impossible for strangers to enter the territory of your site.

brick fences

Brick, in essence, is that building material which has gained immense popularity among the population. Fences made of bricks, as well as those made of wood, are quite common. Such a fence can perfectly decorate any landscape. It is immediately clear that the owner of such a fence did not pursue savings, but chose the most reliable and high-quality material. Installation of a brick fence occurs by laying bricks in 2-3 rows. This method will allow you to increase sound insulation and provide additional strength to the structure. This type of work will not be an easy task for you, but rather long and laborious. But the end result will surely please you, especially if you turn to professionals in this matter for help. This, in turn, will make you spend decently. But this work is worth it.

concrete fences

A concrete fence will help your suburban area look like a fortress. Moreover, at present, this structure is by no means a simple concrete structure with existing pieces of reinforcement. Concrete fences, as a rule, consist of separate sectional sets. Each set includes: post and fence panel. They can come in all sorts of shapes and textures. Them color scheme can also be varied. A beautiful lace lattice and a small arch located at the very top of the panel gives it a beautiful appearance. And besides, this material is quite durable and is in no way inferior in quality to stone or brick. It is also inexpensive compared to them.

Chain-link fences and 3D fences

If you do not want to be the owner of a solid fence, and its transparency suits you perfectly, then you should opt for such material as chain-link mesh. This option is suitable if you need to enclose a large area with a fence. There is also 3D fences. They look like an ordinary mesh fence, but in terms of their characteristics they have greater rigidity and strength, unlike a chain-link mesh. It is impossible to exert any physical action on these fences. Indeed, they cannot be torn or cut. And all because they are made of steel rods. And their support is also made of iron.

Forged fences

Openwork fences and gates are the most elegant and expensive fencing option. If you want to see your suburban home in the form of a beautiful work of art, then you should choose this type of fence. Openwork forging creates beautiful patterns. With it, you can make a huge variety of ornaments on the fence, as well as any figures of animals, birds, plants and flowers. You can also make your family coat of arms. This building can emphasize not only your personal individuality, but will also be an excellent option in elite villages.

Fence installation

Any fence, regardless of the material from which it is made, must be correctly installed. And also it must have a strong support and a foundation that will match the selected material. Compliance with these requirements will allow you to increase the life of your fence. Remember that the heavier the weight of a given structure, the stronger its foundation must be made. Under a fence made of concrete, brick or wood, the base must be made much longer in time, unlike plastic. This work will affect the timing of its construction, as well as the price. The choice of support for the fence is interconnected with the material from which it will be made. Supports are of several types:

  • Profile posts.
  • Concrete supports.
  • Pillars made of round wooden beams.
  • Asbestos pillars.
  • brick tables.

To ensure maximum stability of pipes and poles, it is necessary to pour crushed stone into the pits made for them and pour concrete mix. Brick pillars are considered the most beautiful and aesthetic. They are used not only for the manufacture of brick fences, but also for forged, wooden fences. They are also used for eurostudent.

It is necessary not to forget that inside the core of this base there is metal or concrete, which, in turn, is lined with brick. This option is one of the most expensive. When installing supports made of concrete, it must be taken into account that this material must have modern qualities. And installation should be carried out, observing all established requirements and norms. A fence that is chosen wisely will make your home look more beautiful as well as give it its final look. And your stay in a private house will become much more comfortable and calmer.

What is a fence for? What functions does it perform? How important is the quality of the fence to you? Is it possible to install a fence with your own hands. so cheap and beautiful?

One of the main functions of the fence is the protective function and security! Remember how, without having time to purchase your country cottage area, you immediately came up with the idea that it would not hurt to fence yourself in and, thereby, secure your rights to the newly acquired land. The second thought that came to you was a picture of your site, enclosed by a beautiful fence. All sorts of fruits and vegetables, flower beds quietly grew on the site - and all this without the danger of being collected by "night guests", who often make their "ruinous" visits to poorly protected areas.

Your initial wish was very correct! You definitely need to put a strong and reliable fence around your site. Will you be building, or will you be engaged in gardening and horticulture - the fence will protect and keep your valuables from the “envying eyes” and “grabbing hands”.

Once the decision has been made, it's time to take action! But ... in the modern market there is a great variety of all kinds of fences! Some require a lot financial costs, others have certain knowledge, others - experience, fourth - a neighbor has the same ...

This question is not easy to answer! Each fence has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will now try to describe in more detail the most popular fences, so that each of the readers can make a choice for themselves.

By the way, if you, the reader, do not belong to the number of happy owners of fat wallets, then this article will help you decide and put up a fence around your site yourself! This activity is fascinating, during the installation process you will learn many new skills, learn some tricks and subtleties! Self-education is always good! Another reason to raise your self-esteem and test your self-respect! A self-made fence will be proof of your thriftiness.

First of all, fences are solid capital and lattice decorative. Some completely close everything that happens in your yard, while others allow you to see everything, but do not allow inside.

What are the fences in our time?

  • Wooden;
  • From concrete slabs, solid and decorative;
  • Plastic;
  • Brick;
  • Grid;
  • From corrugated board.

Let's take a closer look at each type of fence and how to install it yourself.

Wooden fences are very popular, they are easy to install and carry out. repair work. Let's get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of such a fence.

Advantages of a wooden fence:

Relatively inexpensive;
A wide variety of shapes and models;
Easy to install, even an amateur can handle it.


Requires constant personal care (painting);
Short-lived, service life rarely exceeds 10 years.

To install a wooden fence with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Hammer, nails;
  • Level;
  • Pegs and rope;
  • Wooden or metal posts;
  • cement mortar;
  • Wooden bars 2-2.5 m long;
  • Stafetins made of wood of the shape you like;
  • Lacquer, drying oil, paint;
  • Hinged hinges;
  • Latch or lock on the gate.

In order to purchase the material necessary for construction, you can contact any hardware store where you can choose the shape and dimensions of the blanks you like. Most suitable size future staples - 85 x 145 mm. This option is less time-consuming, but more costly in finance. If you want to save a little on, then contact the timber warehouse, where they will offer you a cheaper product that requires additional processing - a cut board. True, you will have to tinker with it a little - plan it, go through a grinder - but it will be possible to save a lot.

For columns it is desirable to use metal pipes, channel, but if this is not possible, wood treated with special mixtures will also come off to prevent rapid decay.

Whatever material you purchase, be sure to properly proliferate and dry it! The service life of your wooden fence will depend on this.

  • To get started, mark the border along which your fence will pass with the help of a peg and a rope. Pull the rope evenly around the entire perimeter of the future fence.
  • Decide where the gate will be located, its dimensions, mark the location of the columns.
  • Mark the location of your posts at a distance of 2 - 2.5 m from one another. Dig holes for posts at least 30 cm deep.

  • Install and dig in the posts, while be sure to set the posts strictly according to the level - they should stand straight and not fall to one side. If desired and possible, you can concrete the posts, so they will last much longer.
  • For each column at the top and bottom, we fasten bars with a cross section of at least 50 x 50 mm with self-tapping screws.
  • Between the posts above and below we lay the crossbars and screw them on both sides with self-tapping screws or nails.
  • The turn came to the prepared skeleton to nail the crossbars. The distance between the staples can be at least 1.5-2 cm, however, if you want to make this wooden fence solid, nail one board close to the other.
  • When your fence is already fully installed, you should start painting it. To do this, process everything again wooden elements fence with drying oil, and after it dries with varnish or paint.

For a richer color and enhanced protection against natural phenomena, paint over the fence 2-3 times. This will extend its service life.

Video: Overview of fences. Homemade wooden fences

Concrete decorative fence in the last decade has gained immense popularity. The reason for the increase in popularity was the invention of collapsible structures that are convenient for transportation and installation. Designers have improved these concrete structures and filled the markets with all sorts of models of such fences. Such fences are ideal for both industrial enterprises and the private sector (houses, summer cottages).

Advantages of a concrete fence

  • unpretentious;
  • Long service life - more than 100 years;
  • Easy and quick to assemble;
  • Affordable price;
  • Variety of models.

The disadvantages of such a fence:

  • It is difficult to carry out all the operations for assembling the fence on your own; during delivery and installation, the help of 2-3 people will definitely be required.

Types of concrete fences:

Sectional typesetting - widely used for fencing private houses, they are diverse. They are assembled from small sections that are inserted into the grooves of the posts. Everyone can choose for themselves the height of the fence and a certain model. There are openwork sections, lattice and solid. 2-3 people are enough for assembly;

Self-standing - more often used for fencing industrial facilities, they are a huge solid wall, with a large ornament. Such a fence completely hides from prying eyes everything that is on the other side of it. The peculiarity of an independent fence is that each section has its own support and does not need poles at all. The downside is that when installing and dismantling it, you can’t do without a crane.

Having decided to install just such a fence on your site, take care of airing the site. If you decide to fence yourself tightly, then the entire ecosystem of your garden may suffer from such a decision. Without regular ventilation, the soil becomes acidic, overgrown with mosses, and trees begin to rot. The situation will be saved by several lattice or openwork sections.

Marking the future fence with a rope and stakes will help you clearly define the scope of work, calculate the required number of sections, and mark the places for future posts. Each section is 200 cm long, so the distance from one post to another will be 205 cm. Mark the place for the posts with stakes, and use a rope to check how even your fence will stand.

Unloading building materials. Sections of concrete fencing have a weight of about 70 kg. The pole itself weighs 90 kg. When unloading, it will be very important for you to take this into account and take measures to facilitate the stacking process. If you lay out sections and posts along the entire working area (future fence), then you will significantly reduce both installation time and physical activity.

Installing columns. This system does not require foundation pouring. Initially, the very first pillar and the very last are installed. After that, they dig in all the subsequent ones, strictly in the intended places. If the terrain is uneven, then the height can be adjusted using the height of the posts.

Sections are installed in special grooves located on each column. The lowest layer from below can be overlaid with roofing material.

If desired, the finished sectional fence can be painted in any color, using for painting special formulations for facades.

Despite their high cost, brick fences are still very popular. A very large assortment of bricks encourages the construction of more and more new designs that emphasize the dignity of each brick.

Advantages of brick fences

  • Strength;
  • Reliability;
  • Durability;
  • Fire resistance;
  • The beauty;
  • Fundamentality.

Now it is customary to select a brick for a fence, under the brick from which the house is made - one complements the other! The fence can be solid and with forging elements, gratings - everything is at your discretion.

How to start installation?

Make a drawing of the fence (albeit a primitive one), this will help calculate the required amount of building materials. Mark on the plan with dots the places of the columns. Mark the location of the fence on the site. Using a cord and stakes, mark the places of the posts. Do not forget to also mark out a place for a future gate and gate! Carefully measure all corners, each corner must be exactly 90 degrees!

The foundation is the foundation of your fence. The more correctly you put it, the more stable and stronger your fence will be. Initially, you should dig a trench under the foundation. For a strip foundation, a trench with a depth of at least 40-50 cm is ideal. But, the higher the fence, the deeper and wider the foundation should be laid. IMPORTANT: pour the foundation all at once, otherwise the joints will crack and the structure will not be so strong.

Before pouring concrete into the trench, you should prepare a place for the foundation - lay the so-called "bed". For her, sand must first be poured into the bottom of the trench, then gravel, everything should be carefully poured with water from the hose and tamped well. After that, make the formwork, lay the reinforcement. Fill the formwork with concrete, monitor the level. We give the foundation to dry well and acquire the necessary strength. After a week, the formwork is allowed to be removed.

Brick fence. On top of the foundation, be sure to lay a layer of roofing material, it is fixed with liquid glass and cement mortar. Every 2 - 2.5 m we lay out pillars 25x25 cm. Between the pillars a plinth 50 cm high and 25 cm thick is laid, above - the usual masonry in one or half a brick. For a fence, laying in one brick will be sufficient. But if you are laying a high fence, it is best to lay it in two rows. At your discretion, lay out openwork, single-row or combined masonry. When laying, be sure to monitor the level! At the end of the masonry, do the jointing, observing its width of 5-6 mm.

Video: DIY brick fences

Chain-link fences - cheap and beautiful!

Most cheap option fence! Even a beginner can handle the installation! All installation work can be done in one day.

The advantages of such a fence:
Provides ventilation of the area;
Durability - service life up to 30 years;
Profitability - saving time, saving on labor.
The whole area is well visible;

1. Mark your site, use stakes and cord to mark the future location of the posts and grid;
2. Dig holes for the posts. The columns can be both metal and concrete, in the most simplified versions, wooden ones will do.
3. Depending on the soil, take care to strengthen the posts. If the soil is dense, reliable, it will be enough just to dig a column into it to a depth of 60-70 cm, but if there are any features, be sure to prepare holes. Pour sand to the bottom first, and then gravel, insert a column at a right angle (using a level) and fill it with a cement solution.

4. Stretch the net and attach it to the posts. The chain-link can be attached to wooden posts with nails, wire. But you need to attach the chain-link to metal and concrete with special fasteners. However, the most popular type of attachment to any poles is the same wire.

5. With the help of a reinforcing wire stretched between the cells of the grid, it is necessary to properly stretch the grid, to prevent it from sagging. It is recommended to stretch the reinforcing wire both above and below the mesh.
6. To protect the chain-link from metal corrosion, it is necessary to paint the grid cells well with any oil paint on drying oil.

Do-it-yourself fence from corrugated board - an inexpensive option

Fences made of corrugated board are also very popular. A large assortment metal profiles and a huge range of colors contributes to this. If you have building materials and the necessary tools, the work will not take much time and effort.

  • Sheets of corrugated board;
  • metal poles;
  • Cross logs (2-3 pieces for each section);
  • Screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • Level;
  • Welding machine;
  • Sand;
  • Gravel;
  • cement mortar.

Front of work:

Always and everywhere, when installing any fence, you need to mark the location of the fence itself and the posts, as well as the presence of a gate and a gate.
Under the posts, drill or dig holes 1-1.2 m deep.
Using sand, gravel and water, prepare a pillow for each post. The height of such a pillow should be about 25 cm.
Install the prepared metal posts with a section of 50x50mm into the drilled holes directly on the gravel pad. Align the posts with a level and fill their base with cement mortar.

Using self-tapping screws, attach sheets of corrugated board to the resulting frame. But the best option for attaching corrugated board to the joists will be special riveting for metal. Using them, you will protect your brand new fence from intruders.

Installation of a fence from corrugated board, quickly and inexpensively

After reading this article, I hope you have a plan for arranging your particular site and you were finally able to accept correct solution regarding the material for your future fence! Why did you need to write this article.

Fencing all around country house or cottage serves as a clear indicator of the wealth and taste of the owner. However, when choosing a fence, it is important to pay attention not only to style and design. To achieve comfort and build harmonious relations with neighbors, it is worth adhering to certain requirements and standards when installing the structure. Familiarization with implementation ideas, basic materials and the correct placement of elements will help you make the right choice.

1. Views by type of material

Most often in the private sector for the construction of fencing, the following types of materials are used:

  • boards;
  • timber;
  • fence;
  • metal European picket fence;
  • plastic;
  • corrugated board;
  • profiled sheet;
  • grid;
  • concrete.

Each type of design will be able to give the owner a feeling of comfort and security, subject to proper production and installation. Despite this, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

1.1 Variety of options from timber and boards

Wooden fences are a classic arrangement option. suburban area or cottages. The versatile material is easy to process, so the customer has a lot of ideas in creating an attractive design. The tree goes well with a brick building or a structure made of beams. Before ordering, you should carefully read all the ideas and choose the best option.

A good choice is rounded timber, complemented by brick pillars. This design can be decorated decorative stone and concrete bases. This option is able to create a stylish and aesthetic image for the home, as well as reliably protect the owner from prying eyes. A wide variety of colors allows you to choose shades that will perfectly harmonize with the facade of a cottage or country house.

IMPORTANT: The beam has excellent breathability and resistance to negative environmental factors, which significantly extends its service life.

The timber fence has no gaps and crevices, so the owner gets the impression of living behind the wall. Ease of processing contributes to the fact that the master can create a structure of any size and height, depending on the purpose of the destination and the wishes of the customer.

A board fence can have a lot of different variations and create an original design for a personal plot. Depending on the type of processing, there are three types of board:

  • unedged;
  • edged;
  • semi-edged.

Small elements of the structure allow you to adjust the height and size of the gaps. The customer can also choose the location of the boards - horizontal or vertical. The second placement option makes it possible to create a ranch-style fence. This design idea provides an attractive image for the home, but does not protect from prying eyes. If you need to build a reliable barrier, it is recommended to place the boards horizontally close to each other.

IMPORTANT: The production of a fence from boards does not require large investments, so you have the opportunity to save money.

Practical and lightweight elements lend themselves well to processing. When reconstructing a building, you can always paint the fence in any desired color, reduce its height or supplement the structure. decorative elements.

1.2 Picket fence and euro fence - practical and affordable materials

Picket fence is an economical and practical material that looks like a board, but is much better in quality. Reiki with a length of 70 to 190 centimeters and a width of 6 to 7 centimeters are widely used in the construction industry due to a number of advantages. Fence structures can be seen in any village or suburban housing complex. Most often, owners choose this particular material because of the ease of installation and the possibility of individual selection of appearance. If desired, the combined slats turn into a real work of art, which becomes the main decoration of the backyard.

Elements can be installed with gaps or continuous. A competent approach to the implementation of the project will allow you to stand out among your neighbors. For example, a picket fence can be supplemented with brick pillars or concrete base. To do this, you need to build strip foundation and strengthen the building. This will create a reliable and durable design that will serve its owner for many years.

To build a light and elegant fence, gaps are left between the slats. This choice provides optimal illumination on the site and a beautiful appearance.

The checkerboard arrangement is used by clients who do not want to see a fence resembling a monolith near the house. This option will allow you to leave small gaps, while reliably protecting the owner from prying eyes.

Eurostudent can easily replace traditional corrugated board and wood-based materials. The material is galvanized metal elements with a layer of polymer paint on the surface. A fence made of eurostudent does not require much attention to maintenance, unlike conventional metal fences. A reliable protective surface easily copes with negative environmental factors.

IMPORTANT: High-quality polymer paint does not collapse under the influence of moisture and cold, so the service life of the structure is significantly increased.

Another important advantage is the lack of vulnerability to fire. Many owners of wooden fences risk incurring unexpected expenses in the event of a fire in their neighbors. Euroshtaketnik eliminates such experiences and allows you to create a solid fence around any home. The material is extremely versatile and economical to use, so structures from it can be found everywhere.

On the market you can find good products domestic and imported manufacturers. A wide range of colours, shapes and textures ensures the purchase of a material that will be most harmoniously combined with the facade of the house and general view household plot.

The double-sided color of the euro picket fence is a great idea for fans of originality and exclusivity. From the outside, he can look very conservative and restrained. But from the side of the house, the owner uses non-standard and catchy design ideas that only close people will know about.

1.3 Fences made of metal bars and sheets

The lattice structure is a classic version of the fence, which may involve the use of metal or wood. Despite all the simplicity, experienced craftsmen can create interesting fences with decorative elements and decorations according to this idea.

Lattice fences have the following advantages:

  • profitability;
  • ease of installation;
  • a wide range of design ideas;
  • practicality;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • various material choices.

The metal profile is another option for constructing a fence with minimal cash costs. This material can be found everywhere because of the practicality of use and low cost. Despite the cheapness, professional pipes and metal profiles have a long service life and reliably protect property from encroachment. light weight material greatly simplifies the installation process, and a wide choice of colors and groove sizes opens up great opportunities for the owner to create an individual design.

IMPORTANT: In spite of high performance rigidity, the metal profile has good ductility. He is not afraid of temperature changes and corrosive processes.

The fence made of this material serves as an excellent surface for applying drawings and patterns. In general, this is a universal option for creating a fence for any home or cottage.

The noise-absorbing layer allows the owner to always feel comfortable and not disturb the neighbors. The absence of gaps allows you to feel protected and relaxed on the territory of the infield.

When fixing the structure, it is possible to install the following types of foundation:

  • monolithic;
  • tape;
  • from stone;
  • pole.

It is worth noting that the minimum distance between the pillars of the structure is three meters.

IMPORTANT: To maximize protection against corrosive processes, it is recommended to apply a primer and quality paint to the surface of the product.

1.3.1 Decking in the manufacture of fences

A green fence made of profiled sheet can often be found not only in suburban areas, but also in suburban settlements. Such a surface is popular in various construction areas, therefore it occupies a special place among the materials. When installing a fence from corrugated board, you must follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  • definition of a line around the perimeter;
  • installation of transverse racks and pillars;
  • fastening elements.

The fence of such sheets can be made quite high - 3 meters or more.

IMPORTANT: Before carrying out installation work, it is necessary to make detailed markings and prepare materials.

The special structure provides the conditions for the operation of the sound-reflecting screen. A variety of colors and shades allows you to choose an option according to your own taste and preference. Gates or other individual structural elements are easily made from sheets. Galvanized material has a long service life - the fence can be used up to 20 years.

Decking is also good if you want to create an imitation of wood or natural material. The combination of paints will help to recreate a woody pattern or an elegant marble pattern on the surface.

2. Original fences to decorate the backyard

Fencing is a clear indicator of the style and personality of the homeowner, so many clients want to get an interesting and non-standard design. For many, a fence is a great chance to express their originality, affiliation, or just fantasy.
The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a fence "Colored Pencils" will be ideal for decorating a children's corner or working area. For this you can use round pipes, boards or ordinary logs that imitate sharpened rods at the top. Even an inexperienced master can make such a design.

Do not forget about street art when designing a fence. Multi-colored graffiti and drawings look very impressive on any material.

IMPORTANT: A high-quality picture can be drawn even on a banal corrugated board, the purchase of which will not greatly affect the family budget.

By choosing this idea, you can give own fantasy complete expanse. A good artist will be able to embody the most cherished dream of the customer on the surface.

Forged fences are the standard of elegance and beauty. Skillful craftsmen are able to create a work of art from ordinary metal at first glance. A variety of ideas in this style allows you to harmoniously design a personal plot and bring a special sophistication and aristocracy to the atmosphere of the house. Such products are often made to order, respectively, meet all the wishes of the customer.

IMPORTANT: The high cost of such a fence pays off with excellent appearance, durability, reliability and originality.

Often the production of fences of this type is carried out according to the customer's own project. During the execution of the work, the client can make changes and adjustments.

Forged fences have in their structure a lot of small details that serve as the main decoration. Combinations of patterns of fauna and flora look aesthetically pleasing in any design and give the home a special naturalness.

Often decorative forged elements are combined with corrugated board or other standard material. A special combination of colors can give the design a kind of originality and expressiveness.

3. Standards for the distances of the fence

Building codes and regulations (SNIP), regulated by executive authorities, are the same for all owners country houses and dachas. When installing, you must follow all the requirements and recommendations of regulations.

Individual housing construction (IZHS) should be located from the fence, located on the border with neighboring plots, at a distance of 3 meters.

IMPORTANT: This indicator can be changed on the basis of a document confirming the consent of both owners.

A minimum distance of 4 meters is observed when placing sheds and other outbuildings in which animals live. The same distance applies to the construction of greenhouses. These requirements must be observed especially carefully if the owner uses organic fertilizers to feed crops. These rules also apply to garden non-profit partnerships (SNT).

The garage is located at least one meter from the border. These requirements also apply to other outbuildings in which pets do not live or plants are not grown.

Buildings for economic purposes are located at a distance of at least 2.5 meters from the edge of a personal plot. When building a bath, there are often problems with wastewater. In order to avoid conflicts with neighbors, it is better to build such buildings at a distance of 3 meters from the border of the fence.

IMPORTANT: To reduce the risk, experts recommend installing a separate ditch or autonomous sewer for the bath. With such systems, the distance between objects can be reduced to 2 meters.

The law regulates certain requirements for planting plants:

  • bushes - 1 meter;
  • trees of medium height - 2 meters;
  • tall trees - 4 meters.

It is worth remembering that the distance is calculated starting from the center of the trunk. Tree cutting is not required by law. In this case, the main requirement is to maintain the comfort of neighbors.

4. How high should the fence be?

The most common mistake in this area is installing too high a fence without having the appropriate permission.

If you want to install a structure that is over 2 meters high, then you need a special permit from the local architect. The same rule applies to areas that are located near the highway. In this case, the height of the structure cannot exceed 1 meter.

Officially, homeowners may install transparent fencing on property borders to avoid creating shadows on neighbors' property. Their height is 1.5 meters by law. But blind fences are allowed to be installed only from the side of the roadway.

5. How to create a fence from corrugated board at home

A fence made of corrugated board is one of the most popular options, which is loved by many not only because of the low cost, but also due to the variety of colors and textures of the sheets, as well as their easy installation.

THIS IS INTERESTING: The 3D model below shows all the components of the corrugated fence.

However, many homeowners prefer to save on the construction of fences, so they develop and implement the project on their own. To prepare for work, you need to collect the following materials:

  • sand, crushed stone and cement;
  • self-tapping screws and rivets for metal;
  • drills and drill;
  • pipes for logs and support pillars;
  • corrugated board of the required size;
  • level, primer and rope;
  • cement mortar tank;
  • welding machine.

For the construction of pillars, wood or concrete with asbestos can be used. At the first stage, it is important to carry out accurate markup. Decide on the placement of the main objects - the gate, pillars, gates and others important elements. When performing this task, it is worth remembering the standards and regulations - the pillars should be located at a distance of 3 meters from each other.

IMPORTANT: To calculate the amount required material first decide on the height.

At the second stage of the work, it is necessary to install support pillars, which can be pipes with a round or square section. The holes in these elements can be welded to prevent moisture from entering during rain. For the installation of pipes, pits up to 1.5 meters deep are created. The width of such a recess is 150 millimeters.

IMPORTANT: To speed up the task, you can use the drill.

The grounding depth of the supports must be determined based on the height of the future structure. The higher the structure, the lower the support should be lowered.
To achieve maximum reliability and durability, it is necessary to use additional methods fixing supports. To do this, gravel of the middle fraction is placed at the bottom of the pit. After installing the pillar, cement is tightly poured.

To install the log, you will need a profiled pipe. The number of elements is determined taking into account the height of the fence. Fencing up to 1.7 meters high requires the installation of two logs. Three elements will be needed when installing a two-meter fence.

When performing the task, it is also necessary to take into account the type of soil. Soft soils are vulnerable during rains and ice melt, so the pillars in them can sag.

IMPORTANT: To avoid problems, it is recommended to choose a strip foundation to increase the strength of the structure.

At the third stage of construction, the corrugated board is installed on the logs. To complete this task, you will need self-tapping screws. Sheets of material are joined together with an overlap. Experts advise using personal protective equipment when installing elements to avoid injury. When cutting the corrugated board, quite sharp corners can form, so it is better to use gloves before lifting the sheets.

This material is very practical and attractive, on sale you can find many options for colors and sizes of grooves on the surface. It is not exposed to negative environmental factors, therefore it has a long service life.