Boring garden beds. Options for designing beds in the country: a few ideas for a beautiful garden Unusual beds in the country with your own hands

  • 27.06.2020

Everyone who has a cottage or household plot trying to make it beautiful. But few people manage to have land and not plant cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley: they want not only to admire the flowers, but also to enjoy their own harvest. Yours is tastier. So they shyly hide the garden somewhere behind the garden, on the edge of the plot. But in vain. A properly made and planned garden can be an ornament. There is even such a thing as garden landscaping, and maybe it is French or English. Like this. What is interesting is that it is easy to make beautiful beds with your own hands. Only for self-registration you just need to know a couple of secrets and rules.

Evenly planted leafy vegetables different varieties - it's already beautiful

decorative vegetable garden

You have probably noticed that vegetable and aromatic crops are beautiful both during flowering and during fruiting. Even potatoes bloom with cute flowers, and some flowers can envy the rich color of its tops. Beautiful multi-colored shiny peppers on a bush, red-green tomatoes, even a cucumber bed, with plants climbing along the arch, look good. There are also colorful salads, different types of cabbage, all sorts of dill parsley and other useful and fragrant herbs. The aesthetes noticed this and began to decorate the beds beautifully. There are even two different types decorative gardens.

French vegetable garden

In the classic version, these are symmetrical beds, in the center of which there is a sculptural group, a fountain, another recreation area is organized. Such gardens were made near castles, and they were also a place of rest. The strict geometry of the planned site further emphasized the magnificence of the castle. He was always the priority.

Alternating colors - the basis of the decorativeness of the French garden

IN modern version beds can be square, rectangular, in the form of a sector of a circle. All of them are separated by clear paths, border plants are planted along the edge of the beds. It is clear that you cannot stick a French garden in its pure form on your 6-10 acres, but it is very possible to do something similar.

In general, there are two types of beds - on the same level with the soil and raised. It is easier to organize a garden in one level, but raised beds are more convenient in processing. For their fencing, you can use boards, you can cut slate into strips, if desired, the fence can also be made of stone, weaved from a vine. This is someone who can or wants to aim at something. See the photo for a few examples of how to make a fence for beautiful beds.

The fence for the beds is made of limestone - sawn natural stone The fence of the boards is quick and easy, you just need to impregnate the boards with a bioprotective composition, otherwise they will turn black and be unattractive

For beds flush with the ground, plants can be used instead of borders. For example, parsley, regular or curly, lettuce different color. It is clear that the plants will gradually be cut off, but you can first plant them densely, gradually thinning out the planting. If the area allows, marigolds or calendula can be planted along the edge of the beds, only a low border, other plants that give dense greenery and grow small in height.

Curly parsley - beautiful and healthy Vegetable beds, edged with flowers - beautiful

The main focus of the French garden is in the layout and evenly planted rows. The second is in the alternation of colors. The third is in, which shade the greens.

To make everything look beautiful, it is necessary to alternate the shades of plants, and in order to imagine how everything will look, it is better to draw in color. They draw as best they can: on a computer in a program for designers or on landscape sheet. There you can also develop the layout of the beds yourself, if you draw everything on a scale. Then the ideas will need to be transferred to the site. Several options for the layout of the beds are in the photo.

Clear landings and paths are the basis of any decorative garden

And so that you don’t think that it’s impossible to create anything like this in our conditions, below are a few amateur photos from real summer cottages and household plots where French garden beds have been living for more than one year.

Even at the entrance there will be an arch ... And again, the boards, the layout is mixed - rectangular and radial

We hope that the examples of the design of the beds inspired you, and we will tell you how to make fences for them below.

English vegetable garden

It is not as symmetrical as the French one and is dominated not by a castle or a house, but by a lawn. Vegetables are interspersed with flowers and all plantings emphasize the attractiveness. The house itself is also rather a vertical bed: ivy often winds along the wall, pots and flowerpots stand, hang. All well-groomed and "savagery" does not smell.

Actually, the English garden is difficult to separate from the garden or flower garden. Here the principle of "all together" applies. But somehow they manage to combine everything, and very harmoniously.

We make beautiful beds with our own hands

How to plan a garden, you probably understand. It remains to learn how to make raised or high beds. A fence for them can be made from boards, slate, the remains of roofing iron, and other similar materials.

A little about the size. You can raise the bed to a height of 20 cm, and no one will do it above 1 meter - it is difficult and inconvenient. The width of the ridge depends on whether it can be approached from one side or from two. Estimate at what distance from the edge it will be convenient for you to process plants. Sit down and try to reach out with your hands, given that in this position you will have to linger for a while. This will be the optimal width for you. The length of the beds often depends on the site or on the area that you plan to allocate for this crop.

Having decided on the dimensions, you can calculate how much material is needed. When deciding how to fence the garden, conduct an inspection in the barn. Perhaps some materials remained from the construction, and you can make a fence out of them. If materials of one type are not enough, you can make a few from one, a few from another. To make everything look beautiful (we are making a beautiful garden), make different fences through one. It will also add zest to your garden.

Non-standard approach: unusual shape and / or materials

People make beautiful beds with their own hands in unexpected places and from unexpected materials. Many people know that the curbs are made of stone, but concrete is used to fasten them. And this is long and tedious. But if you make a fence out of a metal mesh, and pour stones inside, you get an original fence. It is called "gabion" and has recently become quite popular. So that the earth does not spill out, inner part nets (from the side of bulk soil) are closed.

You can make a beautiful garden bed from branches. Ordinary, rough. The main thing is not to forget to treat them with bioprotection so that they do not become a source of diseases for plants.

A fence made of branches - there are almost no costs, except for time

Even from plastic pipes you can make a vertical bed. The stand is also assembled, by the way, from PVC pipes but smaller diameter. Holes were made in the pipes into which plants were planted. Only a couple of meters of space is occupied, and the garden is decent.

You won't believe it, but a garden can be planted .... on the wall of the house. Just long narrow boxes are mounted on the wall one under the other. There is enough illumination for everyone, it is convenient to take care of, it takes almost no space at all.

A sloping site is always a little more difficult than a flat one. But how much non-standard ideas can be implemented. For example, such a bed for greenery or aromatic herbs.

Are you thinking about what to make paths between the beds? Do you have old carpeting? Cut into strips and put in the garden. When watering, the water passes, then does not evaporate, weeds do not grow. Beauty in the garden at no cost - it's possible ...

And some more interesting beds for aromatic herbs or greens.

Do-it-yourself vertical bed ... Different types of lettuce - beautiful, healthy, tasty Beautiful beds with your own hands can be made even from an old wheel. A collection of aromatic herbs has been planted here - this is a fragrant garden bed, but you can also make a similar spicy one - with spicy plants

“Smart” garden beds for the most advanced gardeners will help make life easier for a gardener, increase the productivity of crops and turn worries about the harvest into relaxation. Lazy-bed technology keeps seedlings from falling apart and allows the harvest to meet your expectations.

Do you want your garden to become your pride? Read our article on how to do it.

With the right approach, the garden can become not just a place for growing vegetables, but also turn into a stylish object. landscape design. Experts in this field have developed many recommendations in this regard.

How to arrange beautiful beds for the lazy, high and smart beds - this is what a gardener needs to know.

  • When planning a garden, pay attention to the fertility and illumination of the place for the beds.
  • Prioritize the quality of the beds, not their quantity. A few neat beds will look much better than an extensive garden overgrown with weeds.
  • To save space, use multi-level structures.
  • Framing the sides will help improve the yield and give the beds an aesthetic appearance. Stone, paving stones, colored slate, plastic fences are perfect for this purpose.
  • The optimal width of the paths between the beds is 70 cm.
  • In order for the plants not to obscure each other, place them from north to south on a flat area, on an area with a slope - perpendicular to it. At the same time, the southern slope is preferable for vegetable crops, and the northern slope is preferable for garden crops.
  • Don't limit yourself to rectangular shapes. The beds can be made in an arcuate manner or in the form of various geometric shapes, arranged in groups or create a single composition.

Summer residents grow many crops that have similar growing characteristics or, conversely, contradict each other.

Materials for beds

By zoning the site with the help of beds, incompatible plant species can be separated or those that are characterized by the same care system can be combined.

The principles of lazy beds

The basic principle of the new approach to garden care is that you can dig and weed the earth only during preparation and planting, otherwise it will dry out quickly and will not be able to provide moisture to the crops. Only surface loosening is allowed.

The lazy bed is a completely new approach to gardening that will allow seedlings to grow on their own and yield several times more.

You need to start preparing the beds in advance. Collect straw, sawdust or cones, cover the surface with them so that it is difficult for weeds to germinate in this area. This procedure is called soil mulching. It is thanks to her that the beds will no longer have to be weeded.

The rule says that it is impossible to dig and weed the earth, except for its preparation and planting itself.

Progressive summer residents have long appreciated the charm of an automatic irrigation system that saves their time without harming the crop. With the push of a button, you can start watering and your garden beds will stay lush and green without a hitch. special efforts from your side.

Even if constant weeding can remove weeds and fluff up the earth, sooner or later it will dry out and will not be able to provide sufficient moisture for crops.

DIY lazy garden

Homemade fences are an easy way to build the foundation for a garden bed.

  1. Determine the desired height of the sides.
  2. Connect the boards with a screwdriver, remove the clamps.
  3. Turn the bed over, set in place. Make sure that the illumination here is sufficient for the germination of seedlings.
  4. bury corner bars 12-15 cm into the ground.
  5. Adjust the sides with building level. This is necessary for correct operation irrigation systems.
  6. From the inside, install plastic tubes so that the walls do not collapse from the weather.
  7. Level the area, cover it with a mole net.
  8. Backfill the soil.
  9. Fix the irrigation system.
  10. Plant seedlings.
  11. Install an awning if necessary.

In this approach, the very preparation for a future planting is very important - it is advisable to do this since the fall.

high beds

Poor climate and low yields will be forgotten problems for you thanks to the high design of the beds. Their creation is quite laborious, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Although this is a very time-consuming process at first - building the frame itself and watering the beds, but it is she who will allow you to forget about the bad climate and low yields.

The advantages of such beds.

  • Good warming of the soil due to the proximity of the sun. They can be planted as early as April.
  • The lower mesh will protect the crop from moles and rodents.
  • A frame with a width of about 1.5 m will ensure the convenience of watering, since it will be possible to approach it from both sides.
  • By dividing it into two parts, you can easily organize a greenhouse with your own hands.
  • Harvest in high beds appears earlier than normal.

A high bed is always under the rays of the sun, which contributes to the warming of the earth layer, so it can be planted as early as April without fear of freezing.

However, one drawback of this design can be identified - the need for frequent watering due to the fact that moisture quickly goes down.

The most popular materials for making high beds are:

  • Aluminum barrels;
  • Stone;
  • Brick;
  • Logs.

It is worth noting that it is high beds that give the earliest harvest, first of salads, and then of fastidious vegetables.

They are made in the form of combs or trapeziums. They are created for one season, since under the snow in winter they noticeably settle. Used mainly for melons - cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini. Sometimes potatoes are planted in them.

Smart beds

The main principle in smart beds remains the same as in the lazy, but the emphasis is on fertilizer. The quantity of the crop and how carefully it will be necessary to care for it directly depends on their quality.

Smart beds only need to be dug once. They do not need weeding - the mulch will not allow weeds to sprout.

The soil in them is compost, consisting of straw, leaves and sawdust containing nutrients. A thin layer of soil is laid on top of it, and in a couple of weeks the bed can be planted.

Warm beds

The principle of building warm beds is based on multi-layering and the location of fresh manure in their lower layers. In winter, the main processes are launched, and by spring it begins to decompose. As it rots, the manure gives off heat, and the bed is ready for planting early.

Many gardeners have repeatedly made sure that high-quality fertilizer gives big harvest, which does not require much effort from its owner.

This method is suitable for radishes, cucumbers and other crops with shallow roots.

Warm bed with your own hands

Having previously sampled the soil by 40-50 cm, we lay the layers in the following sequence.

Such a bed uses not ordinary soil as soil, but compost, which is based on straw, leaves and sawdust, which as a result gives even more useful substances for future plants.

  1. large wood
  2. small wood
  3. Earth
  4. Organics - waste
  5. Earth again
  6. Organics - waste
  7. Sprinkle EM-Bokashi, spill EM-A
  8. Humus
  9. Mulch (5-8 cm)

The term of operation of such beds is 6-8 years.

Unusual solutions

The garden does not have to be boring at all, because here you can easily find a place for the manifestation of imagination and originality.

Hanging beds

You can create unusual beds that will give the garden an original look and save the space of the site, you can do it yourself . You can make them from bags or plastic pipes cut in half. Plant strawberries, herbs or small vegetable crops.

Your site will be filled with meaning and you can give it personality.

Another advantage of this design is that you can plant seedlings in them in advance, and take them outside when it gets warmer.

vertical beds

Another way to save space is vertical multi-tiered beds. wooden boards, boxes and plastic pipes will be an excellent material for creating such structures with your own hands.

The arrangement and shape of the beds - depending on your imagination and the convenience of bypassing them.

Beds from improvised materials

The most familiar things can be adapted to containers for planting vegetables:

  • Baskets;
  • boxes;
  • Watering cans;
  • Old chest of drawers;
  • Crockery;
  • Car tires;
  • Unnecessary boots and boots;
  • Wooden barrels;
  • bath;
  • Bike.

Framing the beds is not only the key to a good harvest.

You can even build a flowering garden from a pair of old jeans. And decorating tires, you can create the most unexpected compositions in the form of animals, flowers and heroes of your favorite cartoons.

Do-it-yourself multi-tiered garden

Make a classic square three-level garden bed do it yourself pretty simple. Pre-outline the location of its location and draw up a plan on paper, taking into account the characteristics of the planned vegetables, the number of tiers, the size and topography of the site.

Combining certain crops in one garden will create an amazing plant design.

  1. Level and mark the surface.
  2. Treat the boards with antiseptic impregnation.
  3. Mount the sides with a height of at least 15 cm, observing right angles. Remember that the next levels will be lower in height. Therefore, it is better to choose a height with a margin.
  4. Connect the boards into shields using bars with sides of 50 cm.
  5. Lay polyethylene or metal mesh on the ground, cover with drainage, then with soil, and then with compost.
  6. The second level is installed from above. It should occupy 2/3 of the lower tier. Layers are stacked similarly to the previous one.
  7. The third level is made even smaller: it occupies 1/3 of the first tier.
  8. At the final stage, paint the outer walls of the beds with wood paint.

The composition can consist not only of vegetables, but also of herbs, flowers. Some types of plants are able to provide vegetable crops with protection against pests and diseases.

The space between the beds can be filled with pebbles or separated by small paths.

A task Solution
Pick up inventory Don't skimp on tools. Cheap inventory will quickly become unusable, and you will need to buy a new one. Therefore, it is better to immediately choose high-quality things.
Organize storage
  • Wall cabinet with shelves and fixtures
  • Garden toilet converted into storage room
  • small lockers
  • Baskets for small things
  • Metal guards
Effectively combine cultures with each other Play with contrasts and shapes. Pair climbing plants with oversized zucchini and watermelons, or use the same crops but different colors.
Lay paths between beds Lay them out with pebbles concrete tiles, lawn grass or wooden saw cuts.
Treat wooden fences The most economical way: with inside use blue vitriol, outside - lime.

The most durable: terrace board.

Create spectacular design kitchen garden Choose a uniform style. Perfect for the garden: Mediterranean, Japanese, country. Choose matching borders, garden patterns, and garden figurines.

Garden decor

Decorative elements are something without which it is impossible to imagine a stylish garden. A small windmill, a figurine of a garden gnome or a figurine in the shape of an animal, like an accidentally forgotten watering can or a cartwheel - all these little things will complement the design of your site, and it will sparkle with fresh colors.

The design of the beds can be the most diverse, it all depends on the imagination.

No one forbids combining vegetables with garden plants. Flower beds, arches, trellises and "huts" entwined with curly flowers will fit perfectly here.

To diversify the appearance of plantings, you can add flowers to vegetable crops, for example, marigolds.

Uniform style

We bring to your attention the most popular solutions for garden design in the general style.

Choose plants that contrast in shape and color, do not be afraid to experiment!

Style Colors materials Peculiarities
Mediterranean Pastel shades, terracotta, ocher A natural stone, paving slabs, wood flooring, brick
  • Decentralization
  • The presence of a recreation area
  • High terraces, multi-level structures
  • climbing plants
Country Variegated natural shades Natural wood, stone, willow
  • Smooth lines
  • A large number of flowers
  • Using household items as accessories
  • Wicker designs
Japanese Green palette Small gravel, pebbles, boulders
  • Decorating with lanterns, bridges, gazebos
  • Asymmetry, irregular shapes
  • low beds
French Delicate natural colors Almost any: wood, stone, brick, slate, concrete
  • The beds of the correct geometric shape, divided into segments
  • paved paths
  • framing decorative stone or curb

A stylish garden with a unique design will be the pride of any summer resident, and smart technologies, high beds And right choice soils will help increase productivity and save effort and money spent on care.

VIDEO: Beautiful beds - a beautiful garden with your own hands!

50 design options for a vegetable garden with beds:

How to make beds from boards in the country to get not only a well-groomed neat garden, but also practical benefits? Checkout garden plantings with your own hands, the easiest way is with the help of wooden borders.

This is what homemade beds from boards look like

The beds decorated with wooden fences have many positive properties:

The disadvantage of wood is rapid deterioration, especially with constant contact with water and earth. However, if the material is treated with protective antiseptics, the service life can be extended by 10 years or more.

What wood for boards to choose

Any boards for fencing beds can be used: slab, timber, edged material, lining.

Step-by-step instructions for making beds from boards

The choice depends only on how much the buyer is willing to spend on the design of the beds.

  1. Oak and ash. High strength and durable material, with excellent rot resistance. However, they are also expensive.
  2. Larch. An excellent choice - larch has high performance strength and moisture resistance.
  3. Cedar. Coniferous wood is the best option for a wooden garden bed in the country. Good value for money and high quality.
  4. Pine. Pine boards they are inexpensive, but do not have a long service life.
  5. Acacia. Sufficiently strong acacia boards can be used for arranging beds.

Wood processing and protection

To extend the life of a wooden bed, the boards should be treated with protective compounds:

Dimensions of the beds from the boards

Everyone chooses the shape and size for the beds according to their taste and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse or plot that allows. There is general recommendations according to the size of the fence, in which the garden bed will be most effective:

  • width from 90 to 120 cm;
  • height from 15 to 50 cm.

The length of the fence can be any, however, with a large length, it is desirable to provide the bed with additional supports. The width of the beds is the most important parameter. It is best to organize the area so that there are no more than two rows of crops in the garden. Firstly, with such a planting, all seedlings will receive enough sunlight and air. Secondly, an overly wide garden bed is difficult to care for and water.
The height of the beds is chosen arbitrarily, as long as caring for it is not difficult.

Scheme with the dimensions of the beds from the boards

Depending on the type of soil and type of crops are given following tips according to the height of the fence for plants:

  1. If the soil in the country is fertile, the bed can be low 15-20 cm. If the soil is stony or unsuitable for planting, from 30 cm. Some gardeners make the height of the beds up to waist level so as not to bow down when working.
  2. The height of warm compost beds should be at least 50 cm. high beds with compost will reliably protect the roots of plants in the spring from unexpected frosts.
  3. For early ripe crops of radishes, lettuce, onions, it is better to use beds above 20 cm for their rapid ripening.
  4. If it is planned to grow potatoes in the beds, their height should be at least 40 cm.

Installation of a simple box of boards

The design of the fence for the beds is quite simple and can be easily done by hand. To work, you will need simple equipment and materials:

Instructions for making a box for beds

  • boards - 2 short of the same length and width, 2 long;
  • wooden posts made of timber, pointed on one side - 6 pieces;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • wood screws or nails;
  • shovel;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • tape measure and level.

Work order:

A wooden garden bed of a simple design is ready. You can fill it with earth and plant fruits and vegetables.

Do-it-yourself raised or raised bed

Raised beds have many advantages over traditional beds:

With all the undeniable advantages, high beds also have disadvantages:

  1. It will take, albeit elementary, but carpentry skills and knowledge to build a raised bed with your own hands.
  2. High beds dry out faster than classic ones, so if there are problems in the country with enough water for irrigation, such beds can become a problem.

For many owners of land plots, the beds are no longer only a means of obtaining food, but also an object for embodying creative ideas. From our review you will learn how to make beautiful beds in the country with your own hands, photos of the most interesting ideas are presented on the site.

Let's deal with the arrangement of beds in the country. With your own hands, you can create beautiful designs. are small areas that are visually separated from the rest of the area and are used for planting various crops. Since many plants do not get along well with each other, such zoning allows each crop to provide certain growing conditions. You can separate cultures based on compatibility or appearance of cultures to create original designs.

In the video below you can see the features of the design of landings. Such information will be especially useful for beginners.

Did you know that the comfort of plants depends on the size and configuration of the beds. This is, first of all, soil moisture and air exchange.

In addition, an important issue is how to properly arrange the beds on the site. Photos of layouts and landings can be used to create your own project.

There are some principles that need to be considered when planning the area for planting:

  • it makes sense to build raised beds on black soil so as not to acquire additional soil;

  • tall structures can be used for decorative purposes, in addition, they have little protection against some pests;

  • in regions with cold climatic conditions, warm ridges can be built;

  • if the area is lowland or clayey, then choose high structures;
  • it is more convenient to carry out weeding on landings, the height of which is from 40 to 60 cm;
  • the width should not exceed 120 cm, as this will cause difficulties in processing the site;

  • make passes between the beds of at least 30 cm. For complex structures the gap can be increased to 60 cm;
  • the best location of landings from south to north. In this case, the plants will be evenly lit by the sun;
  • you can place plants near the walls of different buildings, but on the south side. This will provide shelter from the wind.

Think over the irrigation system, if it is not possible to stretch a hose to the plantings or, then install special containers or barrels.

Make a list of crops in advance for their proper placement. Some plants require tying, while others creep along the ground.

Only after choosing the right place, arranging the irrigation system and choosing plants, you can proceed to the layout of the beds.

For your information! Some crops require special care, as well as a certain soil composition. It is important to choose the right soil substrate, as failure to comply with specific conditions will lead to a decrease in yield.

The principles of creating beds for summer cottages: different approaches

There are different approaches to designing beautiful beds in the country. This is a traditional and ecological method. The traditional one is more complex, in which the soil is subjected to serious human intervention.

Here are the main types of traditional farming:

  • digging the soil twice a year;
  • herbicide treatment;
  • a huge amount of fertilizer;
  • with such cultivation of beds in the soil, a small number of microorganisms.

These factors contribute to the rapid depletion of resources and low yields.

Now consider . It is based on the principle that the soil layer can regenerate itself. In this case, digging is performed only superficially, and weeding is carried out once every 1-2 weeks.

The ecological approach ensures self-restoration of the soil structure with the help of microorganisms, insects and plant roots. A large number of capillaries increases gas exchange processes. At the same time, the roots are saturated with nitrogen, which improves the quality of the soil layer.

Related article:

Let's find out how to make original beds. Interesting ideas in our review will help you create a variety of designs.

Features of planning beds in a summer cottage: photos and design methods

The site contains a large number of photos of beautiful beds in the country. You can make many designs with your own hands. This will help you correct layout site.

It is important to take into account the following features:

  • plant compatibility because some people can't stand the neighborhood. It is important to consider their compatibility;
  • installation of multi-level structures to provide each plant with the optimal amount of sunlight. Tall plants are recommended to be placed on the north side;
  • peculiarities. If the landings are on a slope, then during rain the soil can be washed away. In such cases, it is worth organizing special boxes for plants. In this case, the containers can be placed in the transverse direction along the slope;
  • matter crop yield indicators. This will allow you to correctly calculate the required number of beds.

Before arranging the beds, you need to decide on their shapes and sizes. The shape can be rectangular, round, square or oval. It is not necessary to observe geometric proportions. The beds can have the most unusual shapes.

Particular attention should be paid to planning if the site is small. In this case, you can try to build vertical beds in the country. Photos of some designs are presented on the site. Salvation for a small area will be that are filled with earth.

For your information! Often vertical beds are used for planting climbing crops.

How to make beds in the garden: photos of location options

You can see what the layout looks like, and options for placing plants in the photo. How to make beds in the garden depends on the characteristics of their location, design parameters and the specifics of plants.

The beds should be arranged taking into account the lighting in the morning and evening hours. For some crops, direct sunlight is detrimental. Put the location of the landings on paper. The sketch will allow you to correctly calculate the required amount of materials, as well as pick up seedlings and seeds.

Remember that the terrain must be even. If this cannot be achieved, then consider recesses in the lowlands, as well as the possibility of a terraced garden.

Looks good areas where triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal configurations are combined. Multi-tiered structures look spectacular. Don't plant too big.

If the territory is small, then the placement must be carried out taking into account multi-level, vertical and high landings. Such options are suitable for herbs, strawberries or strawberries.

For your information! If the site is located in an arid area, then planting should be done in the recesses. Areas located in the shade are suitable for growing greens.

Arrangement of beds in the country with their own hands: photos of original ideas

Now consider the principles of design that will help you to decorate the beds in the country with your own hands. See photos of some designs on the website.

First of all, consider the following parameters:

  • the optimal height of the beds varies between 40-60 cm. This option helps to ensure good watering and weeding;
  • the maximum width is 1.2 meters;
  • the passage must be at least 0.3 meters.

The width of the tracks between landings is also important. Perfectly fit into the paths half a meter wide.

For your information! Paths covered with decorative stone, gravel or pebbles look well-groomed. Wicker garden fencing works well with fine gravel. Curb tapes are also used for fencing.

How to make a beautiful garden bed using lettuce crops

Even from lettuce you can make beautiful beds in the country with your own hands. Photos of these compositions fully confirm this.

For the design of the beds, varieties such as Zabava and Assol are used. These varieties can be combined with other vegetable crops. Lettuce feels good on the same bed with radishes, carrots, cucumbers and strawberries. Choose varieties according to maturity, such as early and late ripening.

For your information! Such crops are best grown in the shade.

Arrangement of beautiful beds in the garden: photo options using cabbage

With the help of cabbage, you can decorate the original beds in the garden with your own hands. The photos on the site show some of the ideas.

Wonderful decorative compositions are obtained from varieties red cabbage. In addition, they are highly productive.

Amethyst is known for its unusual purple color. Cauliflower Cheddar is dyed orange. Cabbage is compatible with crops such as beets, dill, celery and onions.

How to make beautiful beds in the country: photos with examples of mixed crops

How areas with mixed plants look like, you can see in the photo. How beautiful it is to make beds in the garden depends on your layout, terrain features and fencing options. Common framing methods include live fences.

A variety of improvised materials are also used for fencing. Suitable, wood and stone.

How to make original designs you can see in the video:

If you decide to use mixed landings, then the following rules will come in handy:

  • crops of the same species are not planted side by side, as there will be many pests;
  • since tall plants shade undersized ones, consider the direction of planting, as well as where the sun rises and sets;
  • shade-tolerant crops include parsley, spinach, zucchini, rhubarb and sorrel;
  • light-loving plants include melon, watermelon, peas, beans and eggplant;
  • moderately photophilous are cabbage, carrots, beets, radishes and beans;
  • a highly branched root system can entangle thin roots.

For your information! Many herbs - seasonings have a positive effect on planting, as they repel harmful insects.

How to arrange a bed in the garden: photo ideas using lawn grass

The most beautiful photos of cottages with beds and lawns will help you decide on the layout of the site. With the help of a lawn, you can create natural fences for your plantings.. With the help of such a grass cover, you can create a variety of configurations on the site.

This technology has some features that you should be aware of:

  • lawn coatings spread quickly, and they also need regular. It is important to carry out weeding in a timely manner;
  • the lawn is not a protection against rodents and pests that are harmful to the crop;
  • if not, then such a frame will lose its shape over time.

The beds can be of different types. The most common is. This design improves the warming of the soil, which affects the intensity of growing vegetable crops. For such a bed, you may need a special frame.

Hill landings have a height of 80-90 cm, and a width of up to 200 cm. To protect this design, a small border is used. There are also beds according to the Mitlider method. In this case, the paths between plantings reach 90 cm, and narrow beds have a width of 45-50 cm. With this method, ease of care is ensured, since it is not necessary to dig up the entire territory.

The installation of the sides for the fence is carried out from different materials. It can be slate, or. Bars not only represent decoration but also prevent it from spreading. Boards are suitable for fencing beds, but before using them, treat them with antiseptic solutions. This will prevent rotting.

For a small area, a vertical landing orientation is suitable. In this case, you can use a stepped structure on which boxes with soil will be placed. Similar facilities are used for growing beans, peas or cucumbers. Alternatively, try arches and ladders.

Together with vegetables, you can plant flowers that will beautifully complement vegetable crops. The paths are made of gravel, tiles, stone or lawn grass.

For your information! Fences made of solid materials to some extent protect against pests. The easiest option is plastic elements. There are even products with imitation of stone or wood.


Do not want to invest in the country the old fashioned way? Then why not turn the beds into a work of art. Let's see how the landscape design of a modern garden can actually look like, how to organize beautiful beds, what exactly to plant there, and other subtleties of gardening.

Modern garden and its design

A well-designed garden can be a real decoration of the entire site. Such a garden will be able to please everyone not only good harvest but also in their appearance. In order for the site to look unusual and stylish, it is necessary to think over the design of the garden and garden, where ordinary vegetable beds will look no worse than bright flower beds.

The term landscaping refers to original design not only a garden or a recreation area on the site. There are several simple rules, with the help of which even a novice gardener will be able to plan and design the design of a modern garden.

The location of the economic, front zones and recreation areas must be provided for at the design stage of the site, when there are no outbuildings on it yet. At the same time, the area for vegetable crops must be well lit. Largely cultivated plants demanding on soil and lighting. Therefore, placing the beds in a sunny area with fertile soil can facilitate crop rotation.

If the primary task of the owners is not to manufacture a large number blanks for the winter, it is better to limit the number and size of the beds. A few neat, well-groomed, small beds will bring much more benefit to the owners of the site and their guests than a few dozen ordinary beds. When decorating decorative vegetable beds on the site, one should take into account not only the appearance of the plants planted in the neighborhood, but also their requirements for growth conditions. Slightly raised beds in the form of geometric shapes or waves are not always suitable for planting moisture-loving plants. The fact is that the moisture in such beds dries out quickly enough, which can lead to slow growth and drying of crops.

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As a rule, standard beds have a width of approximately 1-1.2 m. Farmers across Europe are of the opinion that the width of vegetable beds should not exceed 70cm. Narrow beds are easier to care for and have a neat appearance, which also results in higher yields and quality.

Examples of a modern ornamental garden

Here are some ideas for landscaping your vegetable garden and making your beds and whatever you plant there look attractive.

Framing beds

Every gardener wants his plot to have a beautiful appearance, not only during the growing season, when the beds are decorated with an abundance of greenery and flowering plants, but also when the beds are completely bare. Small brick walls framing the beds will help lift them up a little. In addition, such decor of the site always looks neat and beautiful.

Many in the decor of the site use various curves, patterns and smooth lines. For decorating beds in a similar area, you can use ready-made modules. If you show a little imagination, then you can decorate a modern garden with the help of plastic bottles, stumps of small diameter or other improvised materials. Decorated paths between the beds will also give a finished look to the site. It is better to cover the paths with a small layer of rubble or lay out saw cuts of trees.

Modern city in containers

Vegetable beds planted in containers will not only give the site an aesthetic appearance, they are mobile. If necessary, such decorative beds can be easily rearranged to another place, creating interesting compositions. To decorate a terrace or a barbecue area, decorative beds in containers with herbs or various herbs will help.

It is not necessary to buy special containers. As beds, you can use various flower pots, old dishes, large barrels, baskets. You can use everything that fantasy tells for planting, the main thing is that the selected containers are in harmony with other decor elements on the site.

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For planting in small containers, Ornamental Eggplant, Pepper or Cherry Tomato varieties are perfect. Even several varieties of plants can be planted in large containers, thereby creating interesting compositions.

Rich green lettuce leaves will look interesting in combination with chard leaves that have a burgundy red color. You can decorate such vegetable beds by planting some annual plants along with vegetable crops. It can be marigold, marigold or calendula.

Mixed flower and vegetable beds in a modern vegetable garden

The main trend of the modern garden is the creation of mixed beds. To decorate the correct flower and vegetable beds, various variegated plants are used, which form peculiar multi-level compositions. Using various plants, combining them correctly, you can create real works of art. It is better to plant such compositions in small islands. Greens are used as the lower tier, peppers and tomatoes are the middle tier plants. The background of mixed beds can be corn or sunflowers. Next to the sunflower, it is recommended to plant asparagus beans, which will wrap around stable stems, thereby creating additional decor in the beds. Such mixed flower and vegetable beds can be turned into real decorative flower beds.

Designing a modern garden in English and French styles

As a rule, a modern garden is decorated in French or English style. A feature of the French style is that all the green spaces on the site form a well-thought-out, complex pattern consisting of various geometric shapes. All the beauty of such a garden opens from the very high point Location on. For the design of beds in french style use only low-growing plants. Such plants do not grow, thereby not violating the strict geometry of the composition. Low plants are also planted along the paths that are laid out decorative brick or garden tiles.

The design of a modern garden in the English style is more natural. The choice of plants for such a site, the choice of plants is much wider. For planting in such a garden, you can use any vegetable crops, complementing them different colors and greenery. In the summer, during flowering, a well-decorated English-style garden resembles a miniature park with an abundance of flowers, the role of which is played by zucchini, ornamental cabbage and lettuce.