Bulk marble. How to make artificial marble from gypsum with your own hands

  • 14.06.2019

Oselkovy marble is an artificial material, which is also called decorative, which imitates natural marble in its texture and color. According to its composition, decorative marble consists of a gypsum mass, which is diluted with water-based adhesives, with the addition of the necessary dyes.

Decorative marble differs: by the type of pattern (colored, monophonic, multi-colored, multi-colored, ornamental), by the manufacturing technology (bulk and “under a shovel”), by the method of application (shield, spatula, simplified, template, plaster).

The use of artificial marble allows you to create the structure of natural marble and other natural stones, such as: granite, onyx, opal, jasper, malachite, lapis lazuli and others. Products made of osselkovy marble are not inferior to natural analogues, but surpass them in terms of color scheme warmth and individuality.

Manufacturing technology

Oselkovy (gypsum) marble is a lighter material than natural marble. For the manufacture of finely ground molding gypsum, without sand impurities and exclusively white. As a retarder, glue diluted in water is used some time before the gypsum is kneaded. To create the required color of marble, paints made on the basis of mineral, organic and artificial dyes are used.

In the manufacture of the material, special and construction tools are used: sieves with holes of various diameters, scoops, ladle, trowel, watering can, buckets, scraper, sherhebel, cynubel, scraper, sampler, chisel, knife, brushes and sponge.

The production process takes place in several stages, these are: preparation, sharpening, grinding and polishing.

Preparation is done in two ways.

bulk method

When preparing in this way, dry gypsum mixture poured in several layers, on a previously prepared surface (workbench). The layers vary in color, depending on the pattern and desired texture.

First, a layer of the main background color is laid, then the color of the veins, then the transition color, and again, in the same sequence. The thickness of the layer depends on the required pattern and texture, and is 5.0 - 50.0 mm. The laying scheme is shown below.

After this operation, on a shield made of wood or other material, laid on a second workbench (the so-called "wet workbench"), burlap soaked in the adhesive is placed, while its edges should hang from the workbench.

The prepared gypsum mixture, with the help of a scoop, is transferred to a “wet workbench, and placed in a plane perpendicular to the original one (laying diagram is given below).

The thickness of the gypsum to be laid must be greater than the thickness of the marble to be produced.

After laying the entire required area, the surface is leveled and covered with another layer of burlap, after which it is spilled with adhesive.

When the gypsum mixture is saturated, upper layer the burlap is removed, the excess solution is removed.

Method under the shoulder blade

This method is used when it is necessary to create a thin marble pattern, with a dominant main background. From the previously considered method, this method differs in the preparation of the gypsum mass and the method of its installation.

The work is carried out as follows - gypsum mixture different colors, kneaded separately for each color, until a doughy state, after which it is tightly laid on a workbench, in the form of strips of different colors. In this case, a pattern with veins is obtained, if it is necessary to create conglomerates, parts of other colors are pressed into the layer of the main color.


After the prepared gypsum mixture hardens, it is necessary to remove the excess parts of the resulting slab, and also to open the created pattern.

At the beginning of this operation, the required plate thickness and the necessary dimensions are determined, which are to be further processed.

To open the pattern, a scratch and a sherhebel are used - to perform a rough sharpening, and a tsinubel - for a fine sharpening.

If necessary, chisels and samplers can be used.

  • Rough grinding.

This operation is performed using pumice or "pechora", by grinding the surface of the plate being made. Existing scratches - puttied.

  • Fine grinding.

After the plate dries naturally (2 - 3 days), it is necessary to perform fine grinding. For this, a touchstone with No. 1 is used, after which the surface is washed and puttied again. After drying, grinding is performed with whetstones No. 2 and No. 3, while after each operation, puttying is again performed.

After the grinding process is completed, it should turn out smooth surface of sufficient density, without shells and other damage.

  • Polishing.

This operation is performed initially with the help of a touchstone No. 3, with a preliminary coating of the treated surface. adhesive solution. When the whetstone treatment is done, the slab is again covered with adhesive and after 24 hours, polished using #4 whetstone.

This process is repeated several times until the mirror shine processed surface.

  • Burnishing.

This operation is performed to protect artificial marble from moisture and other negative effects. The surface is treated with wax, which is diluted in gasoline or turpentine, and rubbed into the treated surface.

If you wish, if you have free time and the ability to work with a hand tool, you can make donkey marble with your own hands. This will require: gypsum, wood glue, resin, coloring pigment, mold for pouring.

Work should be performed in the following sequence:

  • In the prepared container, using a construction mixer, it is necessary to knead the gypsum using water and wood glue.
  • Melted resin is poured into the prepared mass.
  • The resulting composition is mixed and a coloring pigment is added to it.
  • The newly obtained mass is mixed until the moment when blotches and stains do not appear in it.
  • The finished mass is poured into the prepared form.
  • The resulting excess is removed.
  • Drying takes place within 10.0 hours, after which the resulting plate is removed from the mold.
  • The surface of the plate is treated with potassium silicate, which will increase the resistance of the manufactured product to moisture.
  • The slab is dried and polished with soft felt or special abrasive materials. Polishing is carried out until a mirror surface is formed.

The advantages of oselkovy marble are:

  • Good indicators on durability and operation.
  • The ability to perform various degrees of decoration when decorating objects.
  • Affordable cost.
  • The possibility of making your own hands.
  • It is a non-combustible material that does not support combustion;
  • Inert to chemicals.
  • It has a small specific gravity.
  • Possesses long terms of operation.
  • Does not require additional care during operation.
  • Has resistance to natural phenomena(sun rays, ambient temperature, etc.).

Disadvantages of stone marble:

  • The complexity of the work, requiring the skills of working with similar materials and the professionalism of the worker.
  • The strength is lower than that of natural marble.
  • When used in harsh conditions (stair flights, etc.), products made from this material are subject to abrasion, can be scratched and split.
  • With prolonged exposure to moisture, it is subject to destruction.

Use and repair of artificial marble products

Due to its merits, oselkovy marble has become a worthy replacement for natural stone in interior decoration, exterior cladding, creation of architectural elements and structures, as well as in landscape design.

During operation, it happens that the installed products or mounted finishing elements lose their appearance or partially damaged. In this case, it is necessary to perform restoration work, which, depending on the degree of damage, is carried out as follows:

  • In the absence of gloss, it is necessary to clean the restored surface from dirt and dust, and then perform grinding and polishing of the surface, as in the manufacture of the restored surface.
  • In the presence of small scratches and cracks - it is necessary to embroider the existing damage and putty. To do this, the required pigment is selected, corresponding to the pigment of the surface to be restored, and an astringent composition based on gypsum is prepared. Damaged areas are puttied and polished. Places subject to restoration should not stand out against the general background of the object being repaired; for this, grinding and polishing must be performed over the entire area of ​​​​the slab.
  • In case of significant damage - if possible, then it is necessary to cut off the damaged area, and instead make and install a new one. Measures for finishing new elements are carried out in the same way as in the manufacture of artificial marble.

Finishing various surfaces with natural stone due to the high price of such material is not available to everyone. In addition, it is quite difficult to do stone processing on your own, since this requires certain experience + appropriate tools, and the services of hired craftsmen are also not cheap. Yes, and the selection of products from polymer concrete of the required shade is associated with numerous problems.

By the way, this name is often applied to various samples of artificial marble. But this is not entirely correct. Polymer concrete is a stone made on the basis of polymer resin, although it is not always used.

The optimal solution to the issue is to organize the production of cast marble with your own hands at home. Consider the main varieties of such an imitation of a natural material, which are nothing more than a hardened mixture of certain ingredients and fillers (+ various additives in the form of, dyes, additives, and so on). Undoubted advantage this method is that it becomes possible to get exactly what (in shape, color, and so on) is required, and not be content with just what is available at the outlet. Saving time, nerves and money is obvious.

The owner himself knows what he needs to make and in what quantity - a vase, a countertop, a facing tile, a sink or something else. Both the parameters of the forms and the volume of purchases of materials depend on this. But the general composition of the main fixtures and materials for the production of cast marble does not change significantly. Let's take a closer look at what we need:

  • forms;
  • half-forms.


  • filler. Often it acts in its role, although in order to reduce the cost of "production", quartz sand, crushed gravel, even mixtures for the preparation of concrete (DSP) can be used. It all depends on the dimensions of the samples (primarily on the thickness) and purpose;
  • polyester resin, alcohol-based, unsaturated (for example, PN-12); gypsum; cement or chalk (depending on the specific recipe);
  • hardener (to increase strength);
  • dyes;
  • lubricant (separating) - gelcoat;
  • colorless gel.

Everything necessary materials It is advisable to purchase in specialized stores. Sellers will help you choose the necessary components. At the very least, they often understand this better than those who trade “on the street” (in small markets and the like). It will not be possible to present a claim later, if there are any.

Making a mold

First of all, you need to decide on some points:

  • Is such a matrix needed for 1 time or is it supposed to be used multiple times? In the latter case, it is advisable to make a collapsible design;
  • strength (after all, the mixture poured into it is characterized by a certain weight, and it depends on the dimensions of the form, including its depth);
  • What should be the front surface of cast marble - smooth or corrugated? Last option may be in the manufacture of facing tiles, although this is a rare case.

The choice of materials for the matrix is ​​unlimited. The main criteria are the required strength and ease of use. It can be plaster, polyurethane, rubber goods, plastic, a wooden box (or a frame with a glass bottom).

Sometimes the matrix is ​​divided into sectors - half-forms. This is expedient in the manufacture of small (of the same type) samples from the same mixture (a kind of in-line production).

Matrix preparation

The inner surfaces are coated with grease. That is why it is called "separating" because it prevents the mixture from sticking to the mold. Although if in the future surface treatment of cast marble (polishing) is supposed, then the craftsmen also manage with a thin film of polyethylene, which is placed inside. The meaning of this stage is clear.

Additionally, to give the sample a shine, the surface is covered with a gel. Naturally, all such products must have a water-repellent property, since the composition of the mass prepared for loading contains liquid.


Preparation of a mixture for cast marble

The composition depends on the purpose of the samples. Here are some of the proven recipes.

Based on cement

Sand (quartz) - 2 hours, cement - 1 hour. Mix thoroughly and add filler (fine gravel or crushed stone, granite is better). Mix again and add, if necessary, additives (dyes, plasticizer). All components are added in portions, while constantly mixing.

Here it is necessary to give priority to pigments. You need to work with them more carefully, since you can always add them, but it is unlikely that you can remove excess dye. Readiness is judged by the uniformity of the mass and its shade (monochrome, with veins, and so on). The master must achieve the expected result.

Resin based (polymer concrete)

Option 1

Resin (polyester) + filler. The same sand (or a crumb of any colored mineral; then the dye is not needed). Resin - from 20 to 25% (depending on the required strength). Accordingly, the filler is from 80 to 75%.

Option 2

A mixture of AST-T and butacryl (in equal proportions). Filler - sand or small gravel (½ of the mass of the mixture). In this case, acrylic dyes are used.

Sometimes, as a central “body” (to save a solution), a piece of chipboard cut to size (slightly smaller than the shape) is used. It is immersed in a mass of cast marble and coated with it on all sides.

Gypsum based

1 hour lime + 4 hours gypsum. All this is rubbed and mixes well. This is one composition. Next, the second one is prepared - 1 hour of water (distilled) + 1.08 hours of sulfate lime. Then both compositions are mixed until a pasty mass is obtained. After that, it must be kneaded to remove air from the structure. Further, such a "plasticine" is given the desired shape. This is just one of the ways to make decorative plates (tablets), cast marble tiles.

Chalk based

Most often, this technique is used to make flesh-colored tiles. The components are mixed when the container is heated: chalk (42 hours) + white sand (28 hours) + cinnabar and ultramarine (1 hour each) + burnt lime (4 hours) + rosin (24 hours). The resulting homogeneous mass is loaded into the matrix.

Those who are interested in the production of a wider range of artificial marble samples will find many other recipes on the Internet. But you should not immediately prepare large volumes of mixtures for them. It is not a fact that all the share ratios given as examples are correct.

  • All technological operations must be carried out with rubberized gloves.
  • Even not every professional will be able to accurately select the required ratio of components, especially if you want to get products “in color”. So it makes sense to start exercise with small volumes. Having spent a little material on this, in the future it is possible to drastically reduce the percentage of rejection of cast marble.
  • Surface polishing is done with felt (soft) with the addition of a special agent (polish). The color of the composition is selected individually for each sample (or group).

Marble for interior decoration and external walls buildings have been used since ancient times. But that's not all available material. The price of natural marble starts from 20 thousand rubles per square meter. As a more economical replacement, it is artificial marble- from concrete and other materials. Artificial stone is 4 times cheaper than natural stone if you buy it in stores. But with certain skills, you can make it yourself.

Characteristics of artificial stone

Artificial stone is called not only marble made from concrete, but also ceramic granite. The production technology of these materials is almost identical. But they are used differently.

Porcelain stoneware is considered to be harder and more resistant to mechanical damage, therefore it is more often than marble used for coatings in areas with heavy pedestrian traffic: floors in shopping centers, supermarkets, subways, transport centers. In residential premises, walls and floors of halls and kitchens, bathrooms are faced with porcelain stoneware.

Marble is less durable, but thanks to dyes it has beautiful pattern. Its scope is countertops and bar counters, railings of fences and stairs, decorative elements, details of plumbing units, window sills and artificial columns.

Custom-made concrete marble can come in almost any shape, color, and pattern. These parameters depend solely on the imagination and solvency of the buyer.

Natural marble in many ways loses to its artificial counterpart. A countertop made of natural material will weigh 3-4 times more than a similar in shape and size - made of synthetic material.

Color palette natural stone limited, while faux marble can be dyed any color and even glow.

Manufacturing techniques

On an industrial scale, several technologies for the production of marble are used. The composition of the mixtures depends on the chosen method. The most popular are casting and gypsum methods and the manufacture of marble from concrete. Technologies for the production of artificial marble in both cases have much in common.

injection method

Casting marble is made from quartz sand or natural stone production waste - marble chips. The integrity of the mixture is given by polyester resins, and with the help of a pigment, any shade can be given to the product. Cast marble has the following characteristics:

In addition to the main components of the mixture, a number of tools, preparations and special equipment are used in the production of cast marble. These include:

  • molds for pouring;
  • anti-adhesive composition for mold processing;
  • vibrating table;
  • equipment for polishing the finished marble structure;
  • gelcoat.

Forms are treated with anti-adhesive mixtures after excavation of the frozen stone.

The composition of such preparations includes paraffin or silicone dissolved in kerosene, white spirit or gasoline.

It is necessary to choose the composition, focusing on the desired appearance of the stone.

Suitable for a matte finish silicone mixture, while the waxy release compound gives the final product a glossy finish, the surface becomes slightly greasy.

The procedure for making cast marble is as follows:

Gelcoat is a polymer resin, which is given a given shade with the help of dyes. He performs several functions: protects the surface from damage, “closes” the pores of the product and colors it. The gelcoat is applied with a brush or sprayer in several layers. After the finish coat has dried (for a gel coat, this is about 2-3 hours), the product is ready for use.

Gypsum marble

An alternative to stone made from natural chips is gypsum marble. Production according to this recipe is much cheaper. Base Blend contains the following components:

First of all, gypsum, glue and water are mixed, then resin is added, and everything is mixed with a mixer. Then added coloring ingredients:

  • black color gives aniline paint;
  • a shade of coffee can be obtained by using orange humilax (200 g) and 1 liter of technical alcohol per 50 kg of gypsum;
  • for snow-white marble, white humilax is used.

The mixture is poured into a mold and dried for 10 hours at room temperature. After complete hardening, the artificial "gypsum" marble is taken out, treated with potassium silicate, dried and polished with felt.

Gypsum marble is the lightest type of artificial stone, but also one of the most fragile. On its basis, decorative elements are usually made, on which a significant load does not refuse.

Based on concrete

For the manufacture of a single product, it is not necessary to contact third-party manufacturers. If there are a number of readily available ingredients, create fake diamond everyone can. You can make marble out of concrete with your own hands. In addition to cement, marble contains sand, plasticizer and water. This greatly reduces the cost of artificial stone compared to the casting method. Such simple components also have certain requirements.

For the production of marble from concrete, the following materials and equipment:

Production begins with careful sifting of sand. This will help get rid of excess impurities. The first to mix the basic components - cement and sand. The ratio of these components in the composition may vary depending on the scope of the final product.

  • For parts that will be subject to future a large number mechanical damage, - curbs, outer lining, paving slabs, - it is required to mix cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 3.
  • If it is planned to make a countertop, an element of ceiling or stairs, a window sill from artificial marble, then the proportions should be 1:2.
  • For decorative elements cement and sand are mixed in a ratio of 1:1.

The mixture is then diluted with water. The volume of water is calculated based on the volume of the dry mixture: the recommended proportion is 1 part of water to 2 parts of the mixture. First pour in about three quarters of the water and mix. Then a plasticizer is added to the mixture at the rate of 1–2% by weight of cement and mixed.

For the best distribution of the plasticizer, the mixture is left to stand for 10-15 minutes, and then the remaining water is poured in and mixed again.

The last ingredient is dye. One or more pigments can be added to achieve the desired shade. It is generally recommended to use the pigment in the calculation of 1% of the weight of the cement (rather than the entire mixture), but the effectiveness of the dyes is not the same, so this ratio may not give the desired result. The most popular dyes and their recommended dosages are as follows:

  • titanium oxide imparts to the mixture White color(or white stains and streaks), the recommended dosage is from 2 to 4%;
  • minium - red-orange pigment - 5%;
  • chromium oxide colors the composition in green color, is added in the amount of 3-5% by weight of cement;
  • the recommended amount for ocher is 5%, as a result, marble is painted in shades from light yellow to brown.

There are also special pigments for concrete. When determining their dosage, follow the manufacturer's instructions.

After adding the dye, the composition should not be thoroughly mixed, since marble is characterized by an uneven distribution of color.

The finished mixture is poured in parts into a mold treated with anti-adhesion preparations, paying special attention to the recesses. If the planned product is large, a part of the composition is poured into the mold, a mesh or wire is laid, and only then the rest of the liquid base is added. Usually, countertops and massive slabs, borders, and volumetric decorative elements require reinforcement. After pouring, the mold is covered with a film and left until completely hardened.

Artificial marble hardens for a long time, it will take at least 7-12 days. The finished stone is removed from the mold, if necessary, polished and covered with a final protective layer of resin (gelcoat).

Nuances of operation

With proper finishing of artificial marble of any origin, products made from it will last for years. One of the ways to increase the durability of the stone is surface staining and coating with water-acrylic varnish.

This is especially true for stone used in exterior finish, since water-acrylic varnish is not affected by sunlight.

As a result, the marble decor element will not change its color and will not be covered with unpleasant yellow spots for 10-15 years.

When installing the product, avoid overtightening the fasteners. A marble slab installed at an angle or with strong pressure on the corners may not withstand the load and burst. When facing rooms with high humidity it is necessary to monitor the condition of plumbing, to prevent the occurrence of leaks and the ingress of stone under digging.

Dropping heavy objects with sharp corners can damage the marble. Do not cut food directly on the countertop, use cutting boards.

The surface must be cleaned using only liquid cleaners. Compositions with abrasives destroy the protective coating of artificial stone, cause micro-scratches in which food debris, dust and other contaminants accumulate. Hard brushes and metal meshes should be discarded in favor of soft fabrics.

Marble is a material that has been used for many centuries in the design of interiors and exteriors of houses. Moreover, not everyone can afford such a finish. Marble is a rather rare and expensive material. Its deposits are found high in the mountains, where it is extremely difficult to raise the necessary equipment. Extraction, processing and delivery of this material significantly increase its cost. In addition, the extraction of marble entails the destruction of limited reserves.

Application the latest technologies in the construction industry has significantly expanded the range of materials and made it possible to manufacture marble from concrete, and this can be done at home with your own hands without the use of expensive equipment.

Materials that will be required for the manufacture of marble:

  • cement M400 or M500,
  • polyurethane mold,
  • plasticizer C-3,
  • water,
  • fine sand,
  • polyethylene,
  • water insoluble pigment
  • filler (fine gravel),
  • drill with mixer attachment,

Step-by-step instructions on how to make marble from concrete with your own hands:

  • Step 1. In a clean container we place cement, fine sand, gravel and pigment. It is not necessary to achieve uniform coloring of the composition. The mixture should have an uneven color - one of the main conditions. Then, in finished form, the material will have spots and veins like natural marble.
  • Step 2. Place the container on a vibrating table and remove excess air from the mixture. If there is no vibrating table, just shake it well several times.
  • Step 3. Add water and plasticizer (we first dilute the plasticizer in a small amount warm water) approximately 80% of the total volume. Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Then add the remaining plasticizer and water. Stir the mixture with a drill with a mixer.
  • Step 4. Pour the resulting solution into pre-prepared dried polyurethane molds and cover the molds with polyethylene. To increase the strength of artificial marble, reinforce it with wire - after the mixture is poured into molds, drown the wire in them. Wait for complete solidification.

Concrete marble has found wide application in landscape design, exterior decoration, in the manufacture of balustrades, columns, sidewalks, framing fountains, vases, flower girls, etc.

The undeniable advantages of concrete marble

  • The main advantage of artificial marble is its availability to the mass consumer.
  • The low weight compared to natural material makes it possible to clad walls and surfaces placed at an angle. Marble from concrete does not need additional processing. Depending on the requirements, the shape and thickness of the tile is initially set. In addition, using this material, you can recreate a relief surface without losing its impeccable smoothness. For example, the front part can be stylized as sea ripples, wood, brick.
  • The tiles are connected according to the puzzle principle, which creates all the conditions for good adhesion between the elements and ensures high reliability of the entire layer. In addition to numerous forms, artificial marble can have a variety of colors.

Starting a business in the construction industry is a great option for beginners. And if you implement a project that does not require large investments, the mini-enterprise will pay off very quickly. The main thing here is to choose the “right” niche. Right now you are looking for interesting idea? Then pay attention to the manufacture of flexible and cast marble. The technology will not seem complicated even to those who are far from the construction industry, and equipment for the production of cast and flexible marble is inexpensive.

Our business valuation:

  • Starting investments - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Market saturation is low.

Flexible and cast marble - artificial Decoration Materials, characterized by high strength, durability and resistance to negative external factors. Each type of product is manufactured using a similar technology, only the composition of the working mixture varies.

It is not difficult to open a marble production business in Russia, which brings consistently high profits, given that the competition in the domestic market is minimal. A fairly limited number of companies are engaged in the manufacture of material. Another advantage of this kind of activity will be the high demand for products among consumers - more and more often preference is given to artificial analogues of marble.

Flexible and cast marble: what is more profitable to produce

The business idea for the production of cast and flexible marble implies the production of both types of products. This will significantly increase the final profit for the entrepreneur, since it will cover a significant part of the consumer market.

With a lack of funding, an entrepreneur can start producing one specific material. But over time, when the shop reaches the break-even point, it makes sense to expand activities.

The production technology of flexible marble is somewhat simpler. This is a new material on the market, produced in the form of small, well-flexible tiles. Such products can be pasted over any surface - from walls to interior items. Flexible marble is easy to install, which will earn the recognition of consumers. By releasing it, you enlist the support of a wide range of potential buyers, and with a proper advertising campaign, you will soon reach the payback of the project.

But the production of products from cast marble can bring an entrepreneur a more impressive income, since the final product costs much more than flexible material. Decorative items, finishing materials, plumbing fixtures (bathtubs and sinks) are made from cast marble. By technical specifications it is in no way inferior to products made from natural raw materials. Can not be compared with it, in terms of strength and durability, and a flexible stone.

It is better to immediately buy equipment for the production of cast and flexible marble, having mastered 2 technologies.

Technologies for the manufacture of artificial marble

For the manufacture of cast and flexible marble, almost the same raw materials are used. Each enterprise introduces its own mixture recipe - you will not find the exact quantitative composition. Either do the calculation of the components used on your own, or involve specialists.

Let's designate the main materials necessary for the production of products:

  • The binding elements are polyester or acrylic resin.
  • Fillers - quartz sand, natural marble chips.
  • Decorating elements - colored sand, quartz or pebbles.
  • Coloring elements are artificial pigments.

To obtain a flexible material, you can purchase cheaper fillers - marble sand and quartz dust. Resin may also not be required, which significantly reduces the cost of the final product. And in order for the material to be endowed with flexibility, its base is covered special composition- polymer latex. The price of this component will not significantly affect the cost of products.

The technology for the production of cast marble is practically the same as the process for manufacturing a flexible material. The chain of action is:

  • Mixing of components according to the recipe.
  • Preparation of forms. In the manufacture of cast marble, the form is pre-treated with a gel coat - they give the final product gloss and additional strength. A flexible material requires a special base - it is on it that the composite mixture will be applied.
  • Pouring mixture into moulds.
  • Drying products.
  • Demoulding of forms.
  • Final processing of the received material. Products can be polished, painted, coated protective compounds. This step is not always used.

Do-it-yourself production of cast marble does not differ from the production of material in a production environment. But in this case, all operations will be carried out without the participation of special equipment, which will significantly slow down the process. Therefore, having planned the serial production of products, it is better to seriously think about the mechanization of your workplace.

What equipment is required for the manufacture of flexible and cast marble

Machines for producing artificial marble are presented on the market in a wide variety - this will greatly facilitate the choice for the entrepreneur. The production of marble by casting will require the following set of equipment and inventory:

  • containers for components with dispensers,
  • concrete mixer,
  • forms,
  • gelcoat sprayer,
  • vibrating table,
  • tables for cutting and packing finished products.

The price of equipment for the production of cast marble depends on the brand, productivity and degree of automation. An “average” set of devices will cost the entrepreneur at least 200,000 rubles. The main item of expenditure is forms. They should be purchased in sufficient quantities to provide customers with a wide range of products. But this is only in the case of mass production, since for the manufacture of original products you will need to make molds yourself, taking into account the wishes of the buyer. The technique for making molds is simple - an impression is made of wood or plaster, and a polyurethane matrix is ​​cast on its basis.

The cost of purchasing equipment is significantly reduced when running a home business. Here you only need a simple inventory - brushes, molds, mixers, containers.

In the production of flexible stone, molds may not be used. In this case, the base is laid on our table - already here a polymer composition is applied to it. But for a full range of products, it is better to equip the workshop to the maximum!

Premises for organizing the production process

The line for the production of cast marble does not take up much space. The workshop, warehouses and service premises can be placed on an area of ​​70 m2. The room must have electricity, running water, heating, sewerage.

Since the production of products based on artificial marble does not release into the air harmful substances, the entrepreneur will not need to obtain permission from the sanitary and fire services.

And you organize a home business even in a garage or on suburban area- excellent capital cost savings.

Sales plan for finished products

Even the production of cast marble at home can bring a stable profit to the master. The main thing is to organize the full sale of manufactured products.

With the serial production of material, it is worth looking for wholesale buyers. But working manually, you will not satisfy the requirements of customers in shipments of large consignments of goods. Construction companies and shops, repair teams will serve as wholesale buyers. To organize the retail sale of goods, you can open or rent a small store or a place on the construction market. A good option would be to launch your own website, where you can not only sell products, but also take private orders.

Whichever way you choose to grow your business, consider marketing strategy- even a small business needs advertising, otherwise, sales will not go at all. Use a variety of platforms to advertise your products - ads in newspapers and the Internet, posting information at stops and on entrance doors, radio and TV.

How profitable is the planned business

The cost of manufacturing cast artificial marble and its flexible analogues, as the practice of start-up entrepreneurs shows, pays off very quickly. If the enterprise is provided with orders, and all manufactured products are shipped to customers, the workshop will reach the break-even point and will bring consistently high profits already in the current construction season.

launch a full-fledged workshop for the production of cast marble will require investments in the amount of 300,000 rubles. Flexible marble is cheaper to produce - it will take ≈200,000 rubles to organize the business. A home business can be planned without spending even 50,000 rubles.

If you have already been trained in the production of marble and purchased necessary equipment, calculate the possible profit. The profitability of the enterprise will depend on several factors - the selling price of the goods, the raw materials used, the capacity of the equipment. It is more profitable to sell products from cast marble. The minimum cost of the material is 2000 rubles / m2. The price will be much higher if you receive an order for the manufacture of complex products - up to 10,000 rubles / m2. At the same time, the cost of production is at least 50% lower than the selling price! Flexible marble is cheaper - from 500 rubles / m2.

An enterprise of average capacity with 3-5 workers in the state can supply up to 500 m2 of cast marble to the market. The proceeds from the full sale of products will be 1,000,000 rubles. The production of flexible marble is faster - you can earn up to 1,500,000 rubles per month. These are excellent indicators of profitability, given the simplicity of the technology and relatively inexpensive equipment.

Cast marble is currently very popular. It is used for the manufacture of sanitary ware, decoration, etc. It can be said that this is a great idea for an aspiring entrepreneur to produce artificial marble. But there are a few details to pay attention to. First, artificial marble production equipment to be purchased. Let's talk about this.

What is the line for the production of artificial marble

The first step is to install a vibrating table. Its main purpose is the processing of concrete elements and reinforced concrete products, so we cannot do without it. It is worth paying your attention to the fact that this composite material consists of polyester resin, as well as a mineral-based filler.

In principle, cement-sand mixtures are quite strong and have many advantages over polymer concrete. But let's continue to consider the equipment. As noted above, we need a vibrating table, preferably a molding table, it will allow us to give a certain shape to our workpiece.

You also need a cup sprayer and a mixer to mix the solution. Of course, we will need forms, we need to think about this in advance. It all depends on what, or rather, for which field of activity we produce marble. Well, now in more detail about how the manufacturing process itself goes.

Technology of artificial marble

A distinctive feature of the cast stone is that you can get absolutely any color. This is achieved by adding various pigments. The binder is polyester resin, it is this component that affects the strength of the material. So, it all starts with the fact that we find raw materials. As a rule, these are sand, cement, pebbles (used as a filler), water, dyes and a 1% plasticizer.

We sift the material on a vibrating table, and then from cement, sand and pebbles we make a solution in a concrete mixer. Before this, we prepare the forms, they must be clean and dry. A dye is added to the mixture, it is better if there are several pigments. It is important to achieve homogeneity of the material, which is why the whole process is accompanied by constant mixing. At the final stage, the product is poured into the mold and stands there for about 10 hours, after which it can be removed. As you can see, the equipment for the production of artificial marble is quite simple.

About the features of the material

It has already been noted above that artificial marble has many advantages over polymer concrete. The material is non-flammable and does not conduct electricity or heat. This allows you to use it in places with elevated temperatures (heating radiators, stoves, fireplaces), etc.

Such marble practically does not interact with chemical elements such as alkali, gasoline, acetone, etc. Any kind of contamination is easy enough to remove, so it is suitable for use in public toilets and similar places.

Another important indicator is the durability, as well as the environmental friendliness of the cast stone. The examinations carried out showed that even when heated, the material does not emit harmful substances. It is due to its unique qualities that it is widely used in all areas, especially since the equipment for the production of artificial marble is not complicated, and its price is low.

Some more useful information

It is worth saying a few words about the fact that in some cases, after the material has hardened and you have taken it out of the mold, it will require additional mechanical restoration. It consists in polishing and leveling the edges. In principle, this is necessary if the casting stone is of an important purpose and must have an ideal shape.

In some cases, it makes sense to use chemical additives, for example, to increase mechanical resistance. If so required by the operating conditions of the material. It is desirable that several shifts of employees work in your workshop, the area for each team should be about 20-25 square meters.

Do not forget to buy pallets on which you will put the finished material. Delivery to the warehouse is preferably carried out using railway or conveyor (conveyor). The second case is suitable only if the warehouse is nearby.

Artificial marble is a good alternative to natural stone, the cost of which is not affordable for everyone. The production of marble from concrete makes it possible to obtain a product that is not inferior in characteristics to natural material, but at the same time has a more affordable price. The organization of production does not require large financial investments and special knowledge from the entrepreneur.

Our business valuation:

  • Starting investments - from 50,000 rubles. and higher
  • Market saturation is average.
  • The complexity of starting a business is 5/10.

Business Benefits

The production of artificial marble from concrete at home has many advantages:

    1. Consistently high demand for products.
    2. Low level of competition.
  1. Small costs at the stage of opening.
  2. Lack of rent.
  3. No need to hire employees, you can do it yourself.
  4. Simple technological process.
  5. The ratio of cost and sales price of the finished product.
  6. High profitability - up to 300%.

Any person who is not related to the construction and production of building materials can open an enterprise whose activity is the production of artificial marble from concrete.

But before making marble from concrete with your own hands, it is worth considering in detail all aspects of such production: stages of discovery, risks, manufacturing technology, financial costs.

The process of making artificial stone

Many people think that it is very difficult to make a good imitation of natural material.

But the technology for the production of artificial marble from concrete is simple and consists of several stages:

  • Mixing of components according to the standard recipe for the preparation of concrete mortar.
  • Adding dyes and polyester resins to the mixture, on which the basic qualities of the material depend.
  • Pouring the solution into prepared molds.
  • Vibrating table seal.

Next, you need to wait until the mixture has completely solidified, and then remove the finished stone from the molds. The resulting product, subject to the norms and requirements of production, will meet the established standards and have high quality characteristics.

Equipment for the manufacture of artificial material

vibrating table for production

Buying equipment for the production of artificial marble is not difficult: the organization of the workshop will not require large expenses. The machines used in the manufacturing process are cheap and easy to operate.

Rotary Concrete Mixer

The technology for making marble from concrete involves the use of the following devices:

  • special molds for the production of artificial marble - from 1000 rubles. a piece;
  • vibrating table - from 30,000 rubles;
  • mixer, for mixing the solution (minimum volume 250 l) - from 25,000 rubles.

The minimum number of molds required to create an assortment is 10 pieces. The total price of equipment for the manufacture of marble from concrete is 65,000 rubles.

The nuances of the production of artificial stone

If there is not enough money, you can refuse to buy a concrete mixer. The solution can be mixed by hand. The vibrating table and molds are the main equipment, without which it is impossible to open the production of artificial stone. At the first stage, all work can be done independently. With an increase in the client base and an increase in the volume of manufactured products, it will be necessary to hire one or two partners.

Before you make marbled concrete, you need to decide on the type of product being produced. It is best to immediately buy molds for the manufacture of tiles, borders, paving stones, balusters and other things. It should be remembered that the larger the range offered to the buyer, the higher the profitability of the enterprise. Moreover, it is very convenient to buy tiles, or paving stones, and curbs in one place.

Examples of finished products

You can try to make exclusive forms yourself, because their cost is much higher than conventional fixtures: from 23,000 rubles. for 1 piece. But you can take orders for the manufacture of original products, and buy molds only after prepayment.

By the way, the best option would be to purchase molds made of polyurethane. Their advantage is high quality, affordable cost and durability.

The raw materials for the manufacture of marble from concrete are the following materials: sand, cement M400, dye (pigment), polyester resins (plasticizer).

Calculation of profit from the production of artificial material

About 1000 m2 of artificial marble can be produced monthly, which costs from 370 rubles on the market. per m2 and above. The price depends on the thickness of the product, its appearance and workmanship. That is, the minimum revenue will be about 370,000 rubles. The costs will be about 100,000 rubles. per month. An entrepreneur can earn more than 250,000 rubles. per month. All investments will pay off within 30-50 days after the start of production.

The payback and profitability of the enterprise depends on the competent organization of the marketing of finished products. You can sell marble through specialized retail outlets or online stores. Advertising in the media will allow you to work to order. But the main point of attracting buyers and expanding the client base is the high quality of the products offered and the attractive cost.

Production of artificial cast and flexible marble

Entrepreneurs often rely on the production of artificial marble, because external characteristics it is simply indistinguishable from natural stone, but its cost is much more affordable than natural material. The main raw material for this business is concrete, and the organization of a workshop for the production of artificial marble does not require large financial investments from a businessman and the availability of special knowledge and skills.

Today in construction, namely when performing finishing works, marble or granite are often used, but this material is not cheap. A good alternative in this case is the replacement of natural stone with artificial stone, which is made of concrete, and therefore costs an order of magnitude less. Faux marble is used to equip countertops, sinks, stair slabs, bar counters, etc., while it is easy to make with your own hands with the appropriate mold to cast the desired part.

The resulting parts are hard, which is inherent in products made of natural marble, and at the same time it is easy to process, allowing you to hone the final product to the desired shape. As a result, the product is not only not inferior natural material, but in terms of durability in operation, it is even better. One more positive side artificial material - pleasant warmth, while natural marble is rather cold.

Production of artificial marble - the composition and features of the artificial alloy

The technology is based on concrete and polyester resin as a raw material, which gives the material the strength of the stone, and additional fillers and pigments will give the desired color and noble stains. Using a special technology, you can get exactly the same veins and spots as in the cut of natural stone. Having perfected the production technology, it is possible to achieve different colors and textures of the material as much as possible according to external data, bringing it closer to marble.

The features of artificial marble include its fire safety, complete non-conduction of heat and electric current, therefore, the alloy is often used as a finish for furnaces and electrical appliances, without worrying that high temperatures can lead to damage to the finish or, worse, to a fire.

When interacting with household chemicals, alkalis, acids and solvents, the material remains unchanged and no reaction is observed. The structure of the alloy is solid, which is why it is resistant to impacts. Based on these characteristics, the most best material countertop kitchen table it will be an artificial alloy that can be made in any color that matches the color characteristics of the kitchen interior.

Products made of artificial marble are easy to care for, they do not delaminate or crack, while they are resistant to dirt and can be easily cleaned with a soft washcloth and soap solution from any stains. Cast marble is an environmentally friendly material, because even when exposed to high temperatures it does not emit toxic substances.

Such qualities of artificial marble determine its widespread use in the construction industry, which is why the production of artificial marble at home will be a profitable investment.

Start-up capital and business benefits

To open a business for the production of artificial marble, an entrepreneur does not have to understand the construction industry, he just needs to have start-up capital and a desire to work. But before you decide to open a workshop at home, you should study in detail all aspects of such a business: the nuances of starting production, possible risks, material manufacturing technology, financing.

At the initial stage, the entrepreneur will need to invest at least 50 thousand rubles in the implementation of the idea. The advantages of producing artificial marble at home include: high demand for goods, minimal competition, relatively small financial investments, the absence of payment for renting the premises, the ease of manufacturing technology and the high profitability of the business, which reaches 300%.

Production technology

Since the extraction of natural stone is a laborious and complex process, and this is reflected in its price, while an artificial alloy is easily made even at home, and in terms of characteristics and appearance it is not inferior to natural marble. To start production, only raw materials and molds are required, and there is nothing to say about savings. In the manufacture of artificial material, it becomes possible to control the entire process, namely the pattern, color, thickness of the workpiece, the presence of veins and its texture. If production improves, then it can be made your main source of income, because raw materials are cheap, and artificial marble ends up being the most diverse. different shapes and kind.

Many people are afraid to realize the production of artificial marble as a business at home, because they think that the technology for manufacturing material that imitates natural stone is very complicated, but in fact it is not. The production technology consists of the following steps: mixing the concrete mortar according to a standard recipe, adding polyester resin and dyes that affect the appearance of the product and its characteristics, filling the molds with mortar, getting rid of possible air pockets and compacting the mortar with a vibrating table.

After the mixture in the mold hardens, the product can be pulled out. If you follow exactly the manufacturing technology, then the artificial stone will meet all standards and the product will be of excellent quality.

Required equipment to start

Equipment for making artificial marble is cheap and easy to operate. To organize a workshop, you will need to purchase the following equipment: forms for mortar of various shapes (1000 rubles per unit), a rotary-type concrete mixer with a bowl volume of at least 250 liters (from 25 thousand rubles) and a vibrating table for compacting the solution (from 30 thousand rubles). In order to establish production, it is desirable to purchase at least a dozen various forms. In total, an initial capital of 65 thousand rubles is required to start. If there is no such amount, then you can refuse to purchase a concrete mixer solution, for initial stage business development, you can knead manually. The main thing is to purchase a vibrating table and forms. Without this equipment, it will not be possible to produce high quality artificial marble. At the initial stage of business development, you can do all the technology yourself, and if the business develops and the number of customers increases, you will have to hire one or more assistants.

At the initial stage of implementing the idea of ​​​​production of artificial marble, the business plan should contain not only cost items and the calculation of possible profits, but also describe the type of product that will be produced. It is recommended to immediately purchase molds for casting curbs, paving and decorative tiles, etc. Remember, the more diverse the product range, the more customers and the higher the sales revenue. It is more convenient for the buyer to buy curbs, paving stones, and tiles from one manufacturer than to go and look for all the necessary elements from different distributors.

Manufacturing technology of analogue of natural marble

The production of cast marble requires a separate spacious room from the manufacturer, as it will have to work with chemicals and large molds. You also need a warehouse-type place to store finished products.

At the initial stage, you need to purchase the following raw materials: river sand, cement, dyes, small pebbles, plasticizer and cellophane. Forms must be washed and dried before pouring the mixture. After that, the mixture is prepared by mixing cement, sand and pebbles, after which a dye is added, which leads to the formation of stains and veins like in natural stone. The addition of a dye is carried out according to the principle, the more uneven the application is, the analogue is more like a natural stone.

After that, a plasticizer and 80% water are added to the composition and intensively kneaded until a plastic mass is formed, after which the rest of the water is added. The mixture is stirred until it is completely homogeneous. The quality of the final product depends on this moment.

After the mixture is ready, it is poured into molds, getting rid of the remains of the mixture on the edges of the mold, after which it is covered with polyethylene and left until completely solidified (approximately 10-12 hours). When the product has hardened, it is carefully removed from the mold and after rest it is ready for sale and further use.


As you can see, everything is extremely simple here. There are no complex chemical or physical processes. It is enough to follow all the rules, buy the necessary equipment for the production of artificial marble, and you will be able to produce cast stone.

Do not forget that the product must be of really high quality and uniform. But the main goal is to imitate natural stone, because this is what artificial marble is intended for. In principle, this is where our review can end. Despite the simplicity of the main work, do not forget that the production of artificial marble is a process that requires qualifications from your employees, as well as attention at all stages of production.

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