How to choose a baler? How difficult is it to make a hydraulic or mechanical press with your own hands?

  • 12.06.2019

A hay and straw press is necessary not only for large farmers, but also for those who keep a small number of livestock. The presence of this device greatly simplifies the preparation and storage of hay and straw. The device reduces the initial amount of raw materials by more than half, and one cubic meter of hay or straw will weigh up to 250 kg. You can not only buy the device, but also make it yourself.

Hay press for walk-behind tractor

A homemade hay press can be manual, made of boards or metal, or roll-type, which is attached to a walk-behind tractor or attached to a mini-tractor. Compressed hay is more convenient for storage, and compressed straw can be used to make fuel briquettes.

Straw briquettes burn well, and they can be used to heat not only residential but also utility rooms.

A roll press pick-up for a walk-behind tractor has several main components:

  • The faceplate, on which all parts are attached,
  • The chassis on which the wheels are mounted,
  • Devices for picking up straw and hay from the ground,
  • Conveyor,
  • The working container in which the pressing mechanism is located,
  • Mini gearboxes.

When making a press for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, you need to remember that the greatest attention should be paid to the pressing device.

It includes:

  • shafts,
  • Pressure grid made of durable metal
  • Steel or metal plate,
  • Several steel springs.

A factory hay press for a walk-behind tractor, such as prf -145 or prf -750 and other prf models, differs from homemade ones in that it has hydraulic system pressing instead of a grid with springs.

The performance of a round pick-up will depend on the power of the walk-behind tractor or walk-behind tractor.

Press manufacturing process

To facilitate installation work, it is better to draw up or find a drawing in advance, with a detailed indication of not only the dimensions, but also the fastening of the parts. Assembling a hay baler with your own hands is as follows. First, the chassis is welded. To make it, use a durable metal profile or steel sheets. Length and width are selected based on individual needs. Pneumatic wheels and a front face are installed on the chassis. The picker itself is attached to the front: it can be made from several metal bayonets or rods. Its shape resembles an ordinary pitchfork. The conveyor is attached to the front. The conveyor is made from chains or strong thick wire.

The next stage is to weld the working container onto the baler. It is made from sheet metal. Some farmers use a finished metal barrel as a working container. At the bottom of the container, several pressing rollers are installed, as well as a welded metal grate. At the top, a heavy steel plate is secured with several springs. The last thing to assemble is the drive, which is responsible for the operation of the entire device. To do this, the cardan must be connected to a two-speed gearbox. From it, the chain drive will spread to the shafts, as well as to the conveyor. Homemade hay baler is ready!

Manual straw or hay baler

You can make a baler with your own hands in a simpler way. If you need to bale small volumes of straw or hay, or if it is not possible to use a mechanical device, a manual analogue of the pre-baler is also suitable. Such a device will allow you to avoid high costs, and the materials necessary for its creation are available in almost any household.

A simple hay baler can be made with a metal or wooden body. The easiest and most effortless special effort for manufacturing - this is a wooden hand press. It can be done even without using a welding machine.

How to assemble a hand press

Externally, a DIY hay press looks like a wooden box attached to a frame. A manual hay press is made from ordinary boards, which are fastened with an angle using fastening bolts for strength. The perimeter of the box is lined with metal strips. Special attention should be paid to the hinged lid. The opening for it should also be lined with strips of metal both outside and inside. The hinged lid is also made from boards, and the most convenient way to attach it is to ordinary door hinges.

It is better to make the press itself from metal, but wood can also be used. Those who bale with a metal device note a higher bale density.

To the back wall wooden box a piece of timber is attached, one and a half times the height of the box. Two small parallel bars are attached to it. There should be a distance between them that allows you to attach a beam capable of making several half-turns around its axis. At the other end is the press itself, which looks like a flat sole. The press should also freely make a half-turn around its axis. The shape and size of the press are calculated based on the cross-sectional dimensions of the main box.

A roll of twine is also mounted on the back of the box. It is needed to bundle the already received bale. We bale simply: put hay or straw inside, close the lid, turn the press, and tie the resulting bale.

The metal version of the hand press is made according to a similar scheme, with the only difference being that the body is welded from steel sheets.

When harvesting hay, it would be a good idea to have a device for making bales. This bale press lasted three seasons. With this simple device, we fully provide our livestock with feed. Compressed hay provides clear advantages when loading, transporting, loading into storage, and also better retains its nutritional qualities.

The loading chamber has the following dimensions: length - 2500 mm, height - 500 mm, width - 400 mm, made of profile pipe 20 by 40 mm. and sheet iron 1.8 mm thick. The piston is made of profile pipes 20 by 40 mm, the piston rod is two profile pipes welded together measuring 30 by 30 mm. The piston moves on guide rollers. The winch force is transmitted to the piston rod through a pulley by a steel cable with a diameter of 5 mm.

After compressing the hay, the piston returns to its original position with a nylon cord. The winch is made of a shortened conveyor roller. The winch reel width is 130 mm. The reel has two sections, one with a steel cable wound on it, and the other with a nylon cable. A driven sprocket with 45 teeth is welded to the side of the winch. The winch shaft is 30 mm thick. The winch rotates on ball bearings.

The steering wheel has a 14-tooth drive sprocket. The length of the steering wheel lever is 1680 mm. It is made of a 20 by 40 mm profile pipe, welded together crosswise. Rotation is transmitted to the winch roller chain from agricultural machinery. The loading door is made of the same profile pipe 20 by 40 mm.

First the frame is made, and then it is sewn with wood, and with front side sheet iron. The press moves on wheels from an IZH motorcycle.

Press at work:

A baler for a walk-behind tractor is an indispensable device for those cases when, after harvesting from the fields, it is necessary to pick up hay and straw. This hay is used to prepare animal feed for the winter, which is why the pick-up is a very useful special equipment for small plots and huge agricultural fields.

  • The press attached to the walk-behind tractor ensures quick collection of hay and straw;
  • The use of a mini device minimizes the cost of collecting hay and allows you to get maximum profit or benefit from the collected hay;
  • A homemade picker is often used, but compared to factory mini presses, the former are inferior in technical characteristics and operational capabilities;
  • The baler can be round or square;
  • Bales and rolls of hay are convenient to transport and store in warehouses;
  • Mini models installed on a walk-behind tractor are widely used on farms and livestock enterprises. The mini picker is able to cope with fairly large areas, providing the farmer with high quality, speed and efficiency in assembling hay into rolls or bales.

Mini picker

  • This is a kind of trailer that can be attached to a tractor or walk-behind tractor;
  • All types of mini balers, roll and bale, are used for collecting hay, straw, grass and forming rolls and bales from them, respectively;
  • Due to the operation of the mini pick-up and walk-behind tractor, special equipment consumes a small amount of fuel and requires much less time to collect hay compared to manual labor;
  • The main feature of the mini press machine is its compact size. Due to this, special equipment is easily attached to a walk-behind tractor or mini tractor;
  • At the same time, the advantage is also a disadvantage, since mini special equipment has less hay capture and forms small rolls.


As we have already noted, there are two types of pickers. Moreover, the classification is relevant both for mini models and full-fledged large agricultural machines. The only difference is that mini devices are attached to a walk-behind tractor or tractor, while large special equipment is an independent machine.

  • Rolled;
  • Bale.

Each type of mini picker has its own characteristics. Therefore, before making a final decision or building a home-made unit, we advise you to learn more about each type of special equipment.


  • Mini roll devices attached to the walk-behind tractor spin the masses of hay and straw, forming a roll. In this case, the mass of selected hay is pressed by a special grid, which allows it to be given the required shape;
  • The grid is adjustable according to the clamping level, due to which the operator of the mini machine can form dense or loose rolls;
  • Before the picker takes the bale out, it is wrapped with a special thread.

Mini roll machines have the following advantages.

  1. More compact dimensions compared to a square pick-up.
  2. This type of baler costs less, which is often the main reason for choosing a roll baler for hay.
  3. When performing harvesting work, the operator has to pay less attention to the operation of the equipment.
  4. The inner part of the roll may have a low density, due to which air circulates inside it more efficiently.
  5. All resulting rolls have the same density and size, depending on the settings.


It is quite possible to assemble a homemade bale unit. But before you develop a homemade picker, familiarize yourself with its key features.

  • The bale unit cannot be called a mini special equipment, since its dimensions are quite impressive. These are more compact pickers;
  • home distinguishing feature bale machine is the assembly of hay and straw into bales. They are rectangular blocks;
  • Bales have a significant advantage over rolls - they are easier to transport, store, they take up less space, make it easier to organize the process of feeding livestock;
  • As with roll models, bale units allow you to control the density of the formed block. This allows the operator to determine what size and density the bale will be.

Equipment design

Before choosing a Neva type pick-up or assembling a home-made unit based on videos, drawings and instructions, you should learn a little about the design of these units.

  1. Rolled. The round pick-up system includes a drum, a pressing belt, knitting and tensioning devices, moving rollers and conveyors. Electrical system quite simple, since it consists of rotary light signals and sound warning devices. Power is transmitted to the pick-up via a shaft from a walk-behind tractor or walk-behind tractor.
  2. The bale machine system includes a knitting unit, a motion transmission mechanism, a device for pressing and receiving hay. Power is transmitted from a walk-behind tractor or mini tractor.

How do they work

Many farmers disagree on whether it is worth buying mini-special equipment or assembling a home-made unit.

A homemade pick-up is cheaper, but is significantly inferior in efficiency, economy and quality of formed rolls and bales. At the same time, buying a factory model is not a cheap pleasure. The price varies between 350-800 thousand rubles.

But regardless of whether you decide to assemble a car yourself or buy factory equipment, everyone should know about the principles of operation of special equipment.

  1. Rolled. This unit uses special teeth on springs to pick up hay. Then it follows into the chamber where the process of twisting the mass occurs. When the bale density reaches certain values, the driver hears a sound signal. It notifies that the operator must turn on the winding feed. This is a special thread or twine that helps the roll not fall apart. After this, the rear chamber of the machine opens, and the finished roll comes out. The chamber is closed and the operation is repeated.
  2. Bale. The process of selecting the mass of hay is similar to the roll unit. But the entry of hay into the bale chamber is due to the operation of the auger. Next, the knitting device turns on automatically, responding to the pressure of the mass on the walls of the equipment. After wrapping a couple of threads, the bale comes out. The process is repeated.

Pickers are useful tools in the agricultural sector. Each farmer has his own requirements regarding size, capabilities, operational and technical characteristics special equipment. Therefore, the choice should be made based on a thorough analysis of all issues related to harvesting.

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mechanical press with your own hands">

Any car enthusiast, and even a garage mechanic, is familiar with the situation when it is necessary to press out any part from the shell, be it a bearing or a silent block. Someone needs to lay the cardboard more compactly, and maybe even make fuel briquettes. But necessary tool or the equipment may not always be at hand. Let's try to figure out how difficult it is to make a press with your own hands and whether it is possible. And if possible, what material will be needed and what is the algorithm for such work. First, let's clarify what a press is and what it is intended for.

Factory produced hydraulic press

What is the purpose and functions of the press in everyday life and its varieties

Such devices have a very wide range of applications. This can be not only squeezing out various parts, but also a device for a walk-behind tractor that collects hay and lays it in even rolls. Perhaps the manufacture of some durable concrete products is required, or perhaps a lot of sawdust has accumulated, from which good fuel can be made.

Let's look at the main jobs that a press can perform in Everyday life. This equipment can be divided into several types. The design of some types is similar, while others have fundamental design differences.

Press for extruding parts from any base or shell

Such equipment will come in handy in garage conditions. It is not profitable for an ordinary motorist to purchase it, because... the cost is quite high, and they rarely perform the work. But to make a press with your own hands for the garage with minimum costs, quite acceptable.

You can use a similar press for silent blocks or bearings, i.e. for those parts that cannot be installed or dismantled handmade. Having spent a little time, you can design and assemble a device, the cost of which in a store can exceed 50,000 rubles.

Device for compacting various materials into dense briquettes

Such a device will help put old newspapers into use, which will make good fuel for the stove. A waste paper press will help you save on purchasing coal or firewood. In addition, the need to dispose of unnecessary correspondence, of which many have accumulated a huge amount, disappears.

Approximately the same principle can be used to make a sawdust press. The excellent fuel that will be obtained when using it has proven itself not only in stove heating, but also even on vacation. Long burning, intense heat and lack of smoke – these are the advantages that helped fuel briquettes made using a press gain popularity. Shish kebab, barbecue or a hot fire with minimal flame - what else is needed for a good rest?

There is another option to compress coal chips instead of sawdust. In this case, it will be a fuel that burns for a very long time and produces a huge amount of heat. And there is usually a lot of such crumble in the coal sheds of houses that are heated with it. So why not put him into action?

Press for recycling plastic and cardboard

Surely many have seen carton boxes, which are tightly compressed into a tight stack. This is also the work of the press. After all, it is much more convenient to export such material when it is compactly packaged. A cardboard press is one of the easiest to make with your own hands. Other solid materials can be disposed of using approximately the same principle. For example, using a press plastic bottles turn into neat layers, convenient for transportation.

But still, pressing plants bring the greatest help in agriculture.

Mechanized harvest assistant

For collecting straw remaining on the field after harvesting, or fodder hay, it is optimal to use homemade press picker Moreover, it will not only make work easier. Straw will be rolled into neat, dense rolls that are convenient to transport and store.

In the drawings of a do-it-yourself hay press, it is necessary to indicate the dimensions - this will help in the end to assemble everything correctly. Although there are options for very simple units, more on that below.

Well, to begin with, before you start making such a unit yourself, it is important to understand the designs of its various types, understand their differences and decide on the necessary material.

What is the basic design of the press and its various types

Many may say that there is no point in spending time on design and assembly and that it is much easier to buy a hydraulic press or its mechanical version, but this is fundamentally wrong. Of course, if it is used, for example, in a car service, etc., perhaps the unit will pay for itself after some time. But for home use and occasional work, the purchase would be a very wasteful use of funds.

To fully understand the essence of the work, consider design features some types of similar units. And you should start with the possibility of making a vacuum press with your own hands.

The main thing worth saying about this device is that it has practically no use in everyday life. The fact is that a thermal vacuum press is most often used for the manufacture of doors and window frames, as well as various furniture facades. It is with its help that the parts are covered with film (NDF). It is essentially a large laminating machine.

Note! Such a press is very difficult to manufacture. Some craftsmen say that self-production They spent more money on such a device than would have been spent on purchasing it. Precisely because of its great complexity and small scope of application, we will not dwell on such a press in detail. It would be much more interesting to consider a baler capable of compacting and baling hay or straw.

Design features of the hay pick-up press

Similar simplest installation assembled from boards and is very useful on the farm, because When stored, compressed straw takes up much less space, and neat “briquettes” will be convenient to store.

Such a mechanical press is a wooden box measuring 80 x 80 cm and 3 m in length. At one end there is a hatch with a lock, and at the other there is a wooden platform with a long lever, through which the hay is pressed. In order to more fully understand the principle of operation and design of such an installation, you can watch the short video below.

Surely, after watching it, it became clear that such a press does not even require preliminary drawings. As for the walk-behind tractor press, there are no fundamental differences between them, the only difference being that the second option does not have a lever. Pressure testing is carried out using the same pressure platform, but through a cable drive, i.e. the second option is just a more mechanized version of the first.

Video: from homemade press for making bales in a hurry

Compact press for everyday small jobs

For home use, a tabletop hand press has proven itself to be very good. Of course, it can also be made in a hydraulic version, but we will look at more complex units a little later. Therefore, now let’s try to understand what the operating principle of a mechanical tabletop press is.

Such an installation is a frame welded from profile iron and reinforced with stiffeners. A manual jack is usually attached to the top in such a way that when the handle is rotated, it moves towards the lower platform. The unit itself is bolted to the workbench.

Thus, it turns out that by placing a part in the lower part of the steel frame, for example, placing a tube under it, you can easily, by rotating the jack handle, squeeze out the middle part. This is how the silent blocks of the car or bearings, etc. are squeezed out, or vice versa, pressed into place. similar details into your seats. The main thing is to ensure that there is no distortion in the pressure.

You can make a similar press desktop or floor-mounted, if necessary, in larger sizes. But do not forget that in this case you will need a more powerful jack, or install a gearbox to increase the pressure force.

Compacting press or how to assemble a device based on rollers

Sometimes it is necessary to roll out the wire or make a plate thinner. This is where a roller press comes in handy. The principle of its operation is easy to understand for those who remember old washing machines with manual spin. Excess moisture was removed from the laundry by passing the item between two rollers. Rotating the handle caused them to rotate in opposite directions.

This is exactly how a mechanical roller press works, with the only difference being that it is possible to adjust the distance between the shafts, and there is also a gearbox that reduces the rotation speed, increasing power - after all, metal is much stiffer than fabric. Such mechanisms can be manufactured with either a manual, mechanical or electric drive. In this case, instead of a handle through a chain transmission, it is necessary to connect asynchronous motor. The gearbox with this connection will be slightly different. In addition, it is better to connect the motor through a frequency converter. This ensures more smooth start, energy savings and long service life of the motor.

Manufacturing of high-strength concrete products - what is needed for this?

Someone may ask - what does it have to do with it? concrete products, when it comes to presses. It turns out that the connection is direct. It is precisely for strengthening products such as cinder blocks, etc. A vibropress is used. Inside such a device, where the mold is located, a mixture of cement, sand, etc. is placed, after which it is pressed with a press and vibration is turned on. As a result, excess air is removed, and the product acquires the necessary strength.

Making such a brick press with your own hands is quite possible, although it will require a lot of time, effort and knowledge. Usually, when it comes to paving slabs or something similar, home craftsmen prefer to make a regular vibrating table. In fact, there will not be much difference if the solution in the molds is not subjected to pressure, but simply loses unnecessary, excess air during vibration.

Hydraulics as the most common type of pressure supply to the press

The most interesting and common type of such units is a hydraulic press with an electric drive. The principle of operation of such a device is as simple as it is complex - and this is true. Low-viscosity engine oil passes through a pump driven by an electric motor and enters the cylinder. It creates high pressure, which pushes the piston.

Of course, the drive can also be mechanical, without the participation of an electric motor and oil pump. This will be the most common type of press, which is made by hand. For work in the garage, such a device, at times, becomes simply irreplaceable. And, besides, following some tips, even a novice craftsman who has basic skills in working with a welding machine or making bolted connections can make it.

What is the structure of a hydraulic press and how to make it

Hydraulic driven press rural areas generally irreplaceable. And it was invented back in 1975. The principle of its operation is to use communicating cylinders with pistons of different diameters. Moreover, the less pressure, i.e. the hydraulic pump and the more receiving hydraulic cylinder, the stronger the pressure will be created with less force. In essence, this can be compared to the movement of a car in a low gear.

The most common form of hydraulic press, as already mentioned, has become a rectangular frame. And the main task in its manufacture is accurate calculations. The first step is, of course, to draw up a diagram of the future press, because Without it, it will be difficult to figure out all the connections. Both the quality and speed of assembly of the unit depend on how detailed it is.

All structural elements must be made of steel, with a thickness of at least 15 mm. This is done so that the frame does not move during operation, because significant force will be applied. The main thing that needs to be considered is the design itself. It is necessary to remember that hydraulic jacks are designed specifically for working in a vertical position and cannot be placed on their side, nor can they be installed with the rod down.

Ideally it should be next construction. A rectangular, elongated upward frame is fixed to the frame. Inside the frame, vertically along the edges, there are 2 guides along which a horizontal crossbar runs up and down. A hydraulic jack is fixed on top of it, and the transverse beam itself is suspended from the upper part of the frame by springs, which ensure that the transverse beam is pressed back when the jack is loosened.

The hydraulic press produced in this way will press down when the jack is “pumped up” and rise up when it is loosened using springs. A large nut can be welded to the bottom of the beam, into which various tips needed for a particular job will subsequently be screwed.

If you have a separate hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic pump at hand, then you can make a more convenient unit. Indeed, in this case, it becomes possible to install a pedal, and during work both hands remain free, which is sometimes extremely necessary.

In general, how to make a hydraulic press is everyone’s business. And the answer to this question is limited only by the imagination and wishes of the master. A little ingenuity and now an exclusive device is ready that meets all the requirements of convenience.

The importance of drawing up drawings of a self-made hydraulic press

The main task in such work is accuracy and attentiveness. And if the dimensions, for example, of the vertical posts do not match, the unit may press slightly to the side, which in some cases can be critical. That’s why drawing up drawings of a manual hydraulic press with your own hands is very important. Moreover, all dimensions on them must be written down and calculated down to the millimeter. And during manufacturing, deviations from the drawing are unacceptable.

A hydraulic press drawing of which is drawn up correctly and will function perfectly. For normal garage installation perfect size there will be a supporting frame 50 cm wide and up to 1 m high.

Do-it-yourself hydraulic press - how long will such work take and which connections are better

It is best to assemble the frame for a hydraulic press with your own hands using welding joints. In this case, the seams must be of high quality. Of course, if a 3-ton jack is installed, no extra forces will be applied to the frame, but it’s still better to play it safe.

But what will happen if the weak seams do not hold up and the structure “leads”? Let's look at this with an example. The faulty electric motor bearing needs to be replaced. It is pressed into a duralumin cover, and therefore you need to work with a homemade hydraulic press to remove it. And if, during its extrusion, the frame of the structure is driven, the force on the bearing is applied unevenly in a circle. As a result, the duralumin engine cover breaks. We've arrived. Now, in addition to the bearing, it is necessary to purchase a cover for an asynchronous motor (or a generator, the meaning does not change).

That is why, before making a press with your own hands, you should think about the connections. If you are not confident in your ability to make high-quality welds, then it is better to either turn to a professional or stick to bolted connections. But you also need to be careful with this type of installation. You should not spend 2-3 small diameter bolts on one connection, this will not make it stronger. The best thing that can be for a garage hydraulic press is a connection with one, but thick bolt.


Question winter storage hay is relevant for farmers and individuals involved in raising livestock and poultry. There are a few simple ways packaging of hay that does not require large expenses. One of them is the press.

In the old fashioned way, dried grass clippings are collected into sheaves. They not only take up a lot of space, but also often get damaged. Even the plastic cover does not save the hay. If the sheaf does not get wet from above, it begins to rot from the inside.

Modern farmers believe that it is much more convenient and practical to store hay in compressed form. The mechanism for forming a briquette can be made independently, without resorting to high costs. Most often, a significant part necessary materials found in storerooms or sheds.

There are three options that many users liked. Two of them are metal or wooden case with a folding piston. The third is a compactor, powered by the traction of a walk-behind tractor.

The easiest to manufacture (no need to carry out welding work) and use, wooden hay press. His work takes place in four stages. The hay, placed in a box, is pressed by turning the press three times. Then, without removing it, they tie it with twine.

Design features

The mechanism is a large box made of wood, which sits rigidly on a frame made of thick timber or metal profiles. The box does not have a roof, but has a hinged door, like a gate.

It is not difficult to make your own hay presses. You will need planed, sanded and carefully polished boards. It is advisable to combine them metal corners with mounting bolts. Then you need to trim the box around the perimeter (top and bottom) with metal slats (preferably stainless steel). This will give the structure strength.

Wicket device

When processing the frame with slats, you need to remember about the opening for the gate door. Therefore, experts recommend duplicating the strengthening from the inside. Along the upper perimeter it will be enough, since along the lower bottom it is rigidly fixed with an iron frame.

The simplest option for attaching a folding gate is ordinary folding or door hinges. And the side metal slats should hold it tightly during pressing. To do this, they need to be secured so that they protrude beyond the side edge and end with large notches. The length of the protrusion depends on the steel or wooden valve, or rather, on the thickness of its side edge. The valve can be made of timber, rod or rigid slats.

Main part

The hay press is made from metal or wood. A beam is attached several times to the back wall of the box more height the box itself. Two parallel beams are fixed on it. The distance is calculated so that between them it is possible to mount a beam that will make half turns around its axis. The sole of the press is attached to the second end of the beam. It should make the same half-turns without hindrance.

The shape and area of ​​the sole are calculated based on the cross-sectional dimensions of the structure itself. 5-8 mm is left for freedom of movement of the piston.

On the back of the box, in a place convenient for work, a reel with synthetic twine or thick fishing line is mounted. On the other hand, two narrow, elongated holes are made on the gate door. They are needed to bundle the resulting briquette.

This device greatly facilitates the farmer's work. The baler mechanizes the labor-intensive and time-consuming process of collecting dry grass from the fields. The smart unit not only collects, but also rolls hay into tight rolls.

Buying a baler is not difficult. But the factory version is designed to work with a regular tractor or its mini version. It is not suitable for small farms using only walk-behind tractors.

You can assemble a similar device yourself. No special costs or effort will be required.

Do-it-yourself hay presses like these are quick to make and cope well with the full cycle of assembling and packaging hay. They are able to collect dried rolls across the field, compress and roll the dry grass into a roll.

There are several advantages. Such pickers are simple devices, and as a result, have convenient settings. Homemade hay presses do not crumble grass or deform bales. The dimensions of the assembled units allow you to create small briquettes that can be carried and stacked by one person.

The only minor fly in the ointment is the lower density of the briquette coming out of the homemade press. Most often this happens due to the lack of a lashing device, which is not installed so as not to lose the power of the tractor.

Design of the hay picker

For assembly you will need:

  • a frame for mounting all components and the main part of the attachment to the traction apparatus - the front;
  • running element with a rigid base for the press box. Equipped with two wheels for moving around the field;
  • a pick-up machine that will collect rolls of hay from the field;
  • a cylindrical chamber-casing with a press on a cardan drive and a small gearbox. This part is made of rollers, a grid that presses the hay, a forming steel plate on a rigid spring (in the factory setting, hydraulics are used instead).

It is worth noting here that the more powerful the walk-behind tractor, the greater the likelihood of achieving required speed rotation of the rollers, the higher the productivity of the assembled unit.


A homemade hay press, powered by the traction of a walk-behind tractor, is mounted in several stages:

  1. The chassis is assembled - a base on two pneumatic wheels.
  2. The header and the pick-up itself with a conveyor belt are mounted on it.
  3. The hay press and the box are mounted as a single independent element. Rollers and a grid for pressing hay are attached to the bottom of the box. A plate is fixed on a spring in the upper part of the box. It presses down the already compressed grass before rolling it into a roll.
  4. Next, the drive is assembled. To do this, you need to connect the cardan shaft and a two-speed gearbox, from which a chain drive goes to the rollers with the pick-up conveyor belt.
  5. Gears with a diameter slightly larger than those on the rollers are mounted on the pick-up device (to increase the picking speed and pressing power).

If the quality of the resulting bales is not satisfactory, you can divide the work. First, collect dry grass with a walk-behind rake, then press it.