Complete instructions for making a flash drive case. How to make a wooden case for a usb flash drive

  • 27.05.2019

It always looks bright and unusual, especially if it's a flash drive in a wooden case. However, for this you will have to spend a lot of time and effort, but believe me - the result will be worth it. In order to make an original flash with your own hands, you will need: three planks, a sharp knife, a cutter, drills for wood and metal, a needle file, a file, epoxy and super glue.

Homemade case for a flash drive made of wood with your own hands

First you need to cut out three boards that will be larger in size than the board from the flash drive. One board should be made from a tree that is different from the other two - this will give the craft an interesting and stylish look.

In the end, this is exactly what your three blanks should look like.

Now in the central board you need to make a hole into which the flash card should be fixed. The hole should fit very well in size, and its edges can be smeared with super glue.

Now you need to make a hard layer so that the flash drive does not break with a significant physical activity. For example, because it often happens that flash drives simply break out of their plastic cases, then what can we say about wooden ones.

For this, a ruble coin is perfect, which must be carefully cleaned sandpaper. (Almost polished). Then, using epoxy resin, we glue the metal blank to the wooden case. In advance, of course, with a drill and a needle file, we make a hole in the coin, into which the USB connector will pass.

You should end up with such a “rough” flash drive, with which you still have to work a lot. In a similar way, guided by the above instructions, you should make a cover for your author's crafts. Please note that after all the operations performed, the craft does not yet look stylish.

In order for the author's flash drive to acquire a truly “presentation”, the blank must be carefully processed with a file. After that, the surface can be treated with varnish (or you can leave the natural wood flooring intact) Agree that such a craft will be a truly original accessory. I can bet that you will not find such a flash drive in anyone.

A flash drive is a universal gift that will come in handy in every home. You can record your favorite songs on it or make a selection good photos. This is a great surprise for a birthday or other holiday. Everyone can fill it to their taste, but you will learn how to turn an ordinary flash drive into an author's gift with your own hands from our master class!

Materials and tools

Today we will make a case for a flash drive with our own hands from wood using the following materials:
- a small wooden block (in our case it is a birch burl),
- a flash drive with a collapsible case,
- 2 metal bolsters for a flash drive (you can buy them, for example, here),
- several different sanding skins,
- drill cutter,
- epoxy adhesive.


The whole manufacturing process is quite simple and does not take much time. It took about 2 hours for one product, not counting the time for the glue to harden.
This is a beautiful author's gift that can be given to a close or unfamiliar person, teenager or adult. The wooden case is comfortable and pleasant to hold in hands, such a card is durable and at the same time unique.
Here's another one interesting idea how to make a flash drive from an ordinary lighter!

There are cases when, during operation, the body of the flash drive does not withstand and collapses (small children do an excellent job of disassembling).

On kickstarter, a similar project was approved and raised the necessary amount of money for its implementation.

We will not collect money and place applications, we will try to implement a similar project on our own.

Suddenly something is not clear, then watch the video:

To make an eternal case, we need:
- titanium BT1-0
- die M18*1.5
-tap M18*1.5
- cutter HSS d 14.5

1. We make and prepare the workpiece. The total length of the workpiece is 64mm.

2. Cut off the workpiece with a length of 38mm. From this part we will make the lower part of the flash drive case.

3. Making a hole with a diameter of 14.5mm

4. Prepare the site for cutting external thread using die M18*1.5

5. The bottom of the flash drive almost finished looks like this (it remains only to polish).

6. We prepare the upper part of the flash drive (cap).

7. We make a selection inside the cap.

8. We chamfer the outside and prepare a place for the ring.

9. We cut the thread in the cap using a tap M18 * 1.5.

10. We make a hole for the ring.

11. The body is ready.

12. In my case, we take an 8GB flash drive.

13. We extract from the standard case.

14. Place in heat shrink.

15. Then we place the prepared flash drive in a titanium case. Pour hot glue (so it will be easier to remove the flash drive if it fails). Some pour epoxy resin, it's 100% forever (unless you just burn it out).

16. We check for strength with a car.

Fpeshka is a modern and very symbolic gift that everyone will appreciate. But the plastic cases of USB drives do not look very presentable. If you want to make your gift pleasant not only in terms of the attention you have given, but also aesthetically spectacular, work hard and make a wooden case for a flash drive with your own hands.


To make a wooden case for a USB drive with your own hands, prepare:

  • the flash drive itself;
  • a block of wood of any breed;
  • wood glue;
  • linseed oil or stain;
  • hot glue;
  • milling machine or hand tool for wood processing;
  • saw;
  • grinder;
  • sandpaper.

Step 1. From the bar you have, cut a piece 6 - 7 mm thick. The section parameters in this case were 55 x 55 mm.

Step 2. After cutting off the bar, carefully sand it for further work.

Step 3. Considering the parameters of the plastic case of the flash drive you have chosen, sketch out its prototype on paper. Attach it to the cut piece of wood, and then start making a groove for the internal stuffing of the flash drive. The depth of each groove should be 2.4 mm.

Step 4. Cut a part of the bar with grooves into two parts of the flash drive body. Sand them down.

Step 5. Disassemble the plastic case of the flash drive, leaving only its internal component and port.

Step 6. Place the flash drive circuit into one of the blanks of the wooden case. Fasten it in place correct position with a drop of hot glue.

Step 7. Lubricate the halves of the wooden case with wood glue. Clamp it and place it in a vise. Remove excess glue immediately.

Step 8. After the glue has completely dried, cut off band saw edges, giving the case a streamlined shape. After that, sand the product. If desired, you can cover the body with stain or linseed oil to emphasize the texture of wood or shade it.

USB drives have firmly entered our lives. With their help, you can transfer information from one computer to another, view images and videos on TVs. The flash drive is compact, durable and weighs little. But most manufacturers offer boring oblong cases that differ only in size and color. Although, the appearance of this gadget is a real field for creativity.

This collection contains original ideas cases for a flash drive, which you can implement with your own hands.

Instructions for a homemade USB case

Many are interested in the question of what you can make the case at home. For these purposes, a small wooden block, a Lego “brick”, a keyboard button, a spent lighter, or a small children's toy will do.

The shell of a flash card made of amber-colored epoxy glue looks unusual, into which a small object or insect can be immured. Polymer clay lovers can mold the body of any shape. And if there are empty shells left on the farm, then you get a real military gadget.

And although improvised material can always be found at home, some consumables will still have to be purchased.

We buy

When the issue with the drive shell is resolved, it's time to check for necessary materials and tools. The minimum set we need:

  • an old flash drive for parsing, for example Transcend JetFlash 2 GB;
  • sharp knife;
  • pliers;
  • thermal gun with minimum power 20 W and rods to it.

On the Internet you can find photos of homemade flash drives with LEDs. Then it is additionally worth preparing an LED light bulb, a 300 Ohm resistor, a soldering iron and a screwdriver.

Dismantling an old flash drive

The first step is to disassemble the old device and remove the board. For collapsible structures, it is worth prying a seam along the body with a sharp knife with a thin blade, separating the two halves from each other.

If your old device was in a molded case, then we do the same - we open the latch located near the USB connector with a sharp object.

Preparing a new building

For clarity, we will show how to make a case for a flash drive from a children's toy. To do this, divide it with a knife into 2 parts, one of which will be a lid. Hollow rubber or plastic blanks do not require reworking.

Another thing is toys with a "stuffing" of stiffeners or jumpers. We break out everything superfluous inside with pliers, simultaneously cutting sharp edges with a knife. A cavity should be formed inside the workpiece, sufficient for installing a flash board and an LED.

In order for the latter to glow during connection, a screwdriver is drilled in the body of the toy through holes 2-3 mm in diameter.

Soldering the LED

We take the LED and visually determine its positive pole by the smallest area of ​​the electrode. Using a soldering iron, connect this output to a resistor. Install heat shrink tubing to the ends and start soldering the contacts to the flash drive board according to the following scheme:

“+” of the LED (the place of soldering with a resistor) is connected to the rightmost leg of the board;
"-" solder to the leftmost leg.

We collect a flash drive

The last step in updating and repairing a flash drive with your own hands is installing and fixing the board in the toy case. We insert a flash card with an LED into the toy and fill the cavity with glue using a thermal gun.

Irregularities, excess adhesive composition can be cleaned with a clerical knife, and burrs or sharp edges can be dulled with sandpaper.

In order for the improvised lid - the second part of the toy, to close faster, you can attach a small magnet inside it.

Checking a new device

After assembly, you need to check the drive for performance. If everything was done correctly, then when connected to a PC, it will work LED lights and the card will be ready to use. But if something went wrong, then you should not be upset. It is enough to know the main malfunctions of flash drives and how to fix them. All breakdowns are divided into mechanical or physical, electrical and software errors.

Mechanical damage

Most often they are the result of user negligence. A flash card used without a protective cap is subject to static, the USB connector may bend. Therefore, portable assistants should only be stored closed or in special cases.

It is not uncommon for a drive to be stepped on or dropped from a height. In this case, the USB legs or contacts on the board that are responsible for power supply may be unsoldered.

You can eliminate the defect by soldering the extreme contacts of the plug. If after that the flash drive comes to life and starts flashing, but still does not work, then the probable cause is the data transfer outputs. The same soldering iron will come to the rescue.

Electrical faults

The most common culprit in electrical damage is water that got inside the flash drive. Such a device is not recognized on the computer. The flooded device must be thoroughly cleaned of salt and dirt deposits, immersed in isopropyl alcohol and dried thoroughly before use.

Other causes of electrical breakdowns include soldering defects, static discharges, overheating due to poor heat dissipation in the case, and power surges. Here you will have to resort to hardware recovery - replace non-working parts, solder defective places again.

Software (logical) faults

These include damage invisible to the eye - failures of firmware or microprograms. To fix them, you can use special utilities or format the drive. Periodically check the flash card system for errors, use only safe removal from ports and do not pull out the device while it is running.

DIY flash drive photos