How to permanently get rid of dust in the apartment and is it possible. How to deal with dust in the apartment with folk remedies? Folk remedy for dust at home

  • 20.06.2020

The question "how to get rid of dust in the apartment?" every hostess asks herself. In the routine of household chores, it sometimes seems that it is impossible to cope with dust: within an hour after cleaning, its unfortunate particles are already in the air again and settle on furniture. So how do you deal with dust? And where does it actually come from?

Reducing the number of dust collectors: where does the dust come from

Dust in an apartment or house not only spoils general form interior, but can also adversely affect the health of all family members. This is especially true for children, since the largest concentration of dust particles is in the layer of 0.7-1.5 m from the floor level. To reduce its amount in a residential area, it is recommended to listen to the following tips:

  • discard carpets if you are not ready to vacuum them daily (this is especially true for wall paintings);
  • it is necessary to put in closets or throw away everything that you don’t use every day: an old bag that hangs in the corridor or a scarf that you never put on - obvious dust accumulators;
  • it is also worth reducing the number of decorative elements in the interior: napkins, figurines, artificial flowers can quickly accumulate dust (if you want to leave such designer decorations, store them under glass);
  • it is appropriate in the aspect of maintaining cleanliness in a house or apartment to abandon curtains with complex design in favor of more concise options or blinds; remove textile screens, canopies;
  • recommended to replace natural coatings and fillers for pillows on modern synthetic counterparts, remove products from natural wool, from where villi can be added to dust.

Getting the perfect order

In order to effectively and efficiently deal with dust, it is necessary to systematically do a comprehensive cleaning of the premises. It is advisable to choose the following algorithm of actions:

  • remove all unnecessary things, put them in closed boxes or place them in glass showcases;
  • deal with upholstered furniture: it can be thoroughly vacuumed or covered with a damp cloth and in this form the dust is knocked out of it;
  • pay attention to curtains: it is convenient to process them with a steamer: firstly, this way they are smoothed out, secondly, pathogenic forms die under the action of steam and dust disappears; if there are a lot of windows and, accordingly, curtains, it is worth using a floor steamer with a large liquid reservoir for these purposes, from where steam is generated;
  • take care of indoor plants and pets: spray the leaves with a spray bottle, clean with a soft cloth if possible; comb out animals, especially with long hair - according to doctors, they are one of the main sources where dust comes from; do not forget to wash your pets paws after walking on the street;
  • wash floors and beat or vacuum carpets: the best choice, which will effectively deal with dust, is a washing vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter. It not only cleans any type of surface with high quality, but also destroys dust in the air. After using such a vacuum cleaner, the air in the apartment (house) will instantly become fresher and, of course, cleaner;
  • wipe dust from all surfaces: do not forget to do this on cabinets, cornices, baseboards, TV and monitor screens.

During cleaning, it is worth opening the vents or windows for ventilation. To protect the premises from street dust, you can use mosquito nets or additionally cover them with wet gauze.

Dust control products

In order for the fight against household dust to be effective, and the cleanliness in the house to be maintained for as long as possible, you can use special means and appliances. The most relevant and popular of them include:

  • air humidifier: with its help it is easier to deal with dust, because. in an apartment (house) where humidity is high, it settles faster and becomes noticeable, so it will not be difficult to remove it: for this, a damp soft cloth is taken and the surface is simply rubbed with it.
  • hygrometer - a device that allows you to control the level of humidity: if it is exceeded, mold may appear in the house, and ordinary household dust will become a dangerous reagent;
  • vacuum cleaner - the fight against any type of pollution with its help will be much more efficient and faster; it is advisable to use vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter, which allow you to reduce the amount of dust particles not only on the processed bases, but also in the air, where there are especially many of them;
  • membranes for windows - prevent the penetration of dust from the street, from where it can enter the room with the air flow; these modern devices also help get rid of allergens;
  • plant chlorophytum - significantly reduces the amount of dust in its environment;
  • "air washing" - a device that passes the entire volume of air through the built-in filters, so that you can fully get rid of dust; it is especially convenient to use such a unit in rooms where a priori there is a lot of dust, for example, in new buildings or newly renovated premises;
  • polishes with an antistatic effect: their use will not reduce the amount of dust, but it will not appear on furniture so quickly; Doing wet cleaning with such a tool is not recommended in families where allergy sufferers live.

Take note.

Hello dear readers! How to get rid of dust in an apartment, many housewives ask themselves such a question and do not find an answer. But there are many ways to defeat or reduce the spread of this constant companion of man.

Dust - a violator of cleanliness

What is dust, no one really can answer. It's a layer of endless tiny bits of leather, textiles, pollen, spores, and a bunch of other things.

Where does dust come from? It appears on its own, regardless of the person. These are dead particles of the human epidermis, hair, and villi flying from soft interior items. It is distributed by pets, we bring it from the street on shoes and clothes.

If no one lives in the apartment for a long time, even no one goes there at all, all the same, layers of small particles will fall on the floor, furniture,. The smallest particles of anything will also float in the air.

Why is there a lot of dust in the apartment? We probably have too many dust collectors! These are numerous carpets, soft toys, heavy curtains on the windows, a large number of small interior items that stand on open shelves and shelves.

In such living conditions, the house should be daily. In any case, carpets must be vacuumed every day, otherwise, by stamping your feet on them, you will raise clouds of small particles.

And it is better to hide small decor items behind glass, replace curtains with blinds, natural fillers with synthetic ones. After completing simple recommendations, you will slightly reduce the amount of settled dust.

Health risks of dust

Is it harmful to human health? Certainly harmful! Why is dust harmful? Very often it contains harmful elements and mites that can cause severe allergies.

It is worth noting that the waste products of dust mites are especially dangerous for humans.

Suffice it to say that in their lifetime each insect excretes 200 times its weight in excrement. And it settles in our lungs, causing various diseases!

Blankets, clothes roast in the sun or freeze in the cold to reduce hordes of harmful insects

House dust is also harmful to household appliances and computers, as it clogs filters, which leads to deterioration in the performance of electronics. Accumulating, particles can bring electronics to a short circuit.

Only professionals can clean electronics.

How to deal with this phenomenon:

  • Do wet cleaning more often;
  • You should get rid of rubbish, old newspapers, sort out deposits of textile items;
  • If there are animals in the house, pay more attention to their hygiene.
  • Do not walk around the house in street shoes and clothes;
  • Create obstacles to the penetration of street dust through the windows.

But even in this case, no one has yet been able to completely defeat her. But to reduce it is in your power.

How to clean your house

  1. Ventilate the room more often.
  2. Often, about 2-3 times a week, do a wet cleaning of all accessible surfaces.
  3. Once a week, wipe all figurines, paintings, all objects placed for decoration.
  4. Once a month it is necessary to vacuum, sofas, armchairs, walls.
  5. Once a month, general cleaning should be carried out in the entire apartment.
  6. Knocking the dust out upholstered furniture, cover it with a wet cloth, then beat with a beater. The dust will stay on the bedspread and won't float in the air.
  7. Do not forget to wipe the baseboards and behind the baseboards - that's where the hotbed of dust and mites! Handle with a vacuum cleaner.
  8. Wipe the dust on the leaves more often, comb out the animals.

The dust that accumulates in hoods, air conditioners, fans is very dangerous.

How often do you dust them? You cannot clean them yourself, you will have to take them to specialized centers.

How to remove dust after repair? Before you start repairing, cover or take out all the furniture with something. To make building particles fly less from under the drill or from the grinder, substitute a vacuum cleaner under the drill.

Dust control technology

Cleaning the air with the help of modern devices will help reduce the amount of harmful particles.

What are these devices:

  • Vacuum cleaner with a water filter, where the dust is collected in a water tank rather than a dust container.
  • Humidifier that creates a comfortable atmosphere for living.
  • An air purifier that collects flying particles not only of dust, but also of tobacco smoke or soot.
  • Air is filtered using filters. Adsorption and carbon filters do their job well.
  • membranes for windows.
  • Polishes with antistatic, thanks to which dust sits on furniture less.
  • The dust absorber collects particles in a cassette, well cleaning the air in the apartment. The device from a dust can be bought in a specialized store.
  • Cleaning brushes do not replace wet cleaning, but they collect all the dust. Then you just need to rinse it under water and use it again when cleaning. On sale there are brushes for cleaning dust with a telescopic handle, which will quickly collect all the particles, look into all corners.

Folk methods of struggle

Folk remedies will help to significantly reduce the number of particles.

  1. Once a season, it is necessary to steam the furniture or with a steamer to kill the mites.
  2. The harmful layer is formed on bookshelves where it is difficult to get it even with a vacuum cleaner. Prepare a mixture of glycerin with water in a ratio of 1:10, moisten a napkin, wipe each book. Particles flying in the air will land on books less.
  3. How to wipe the dust from the ceiling? Use a long brush with a soft bristle. Stretch ceiling gently wipe with soapy water, then with a half-damp cloth.
  4. Wipe laminate, linoleum with a wet cloth soaked in a solution of c, then rinse with clean water.

There are such means of dust, for a long time relieving this scourge.

  1. Sprinkle baking soda on carpets, then vacuum.
  2. Hard to reach corners can be treated with a home-made spray: vinegar - a quarter cup, olive oil- 2 tbsp. l., essential oil- 15 drops, water - 1 glass. Stir all this, pour it into a spray bottle, process the furniture, wipe it with a dry cloth.
  3. Pour 1 tsp into a glass of water. salt, wipe all surfaces with this water.
  4. Cut into slices, pour vegetable oil(7 tablespoons), let it brew for 1 week, then pour 1 cup of boiling water into this mixture, refrigerate. How to wipe? Soak a cloth in the solution, sand the furniture.

Green helpers

Plant houseplants from dust in order to always have clean air in the apartment.

  • Chlorophytum collects carbon monoxide and formaldehyde from the air, and releases oxygen. Very good to have in the kitchen and in the nursery.
  • ficus benjamina– cleans the air from toxic compounds emitted by furniture or plastic windows.
  • cleans the air from mold and toxic compounds, collects dust on the leaves. By rubbing the leaves, you will reduce the layers of particles.
  • Flowers cope well with bacteria and pathogens. Put in the bedroom to breathe fresh air.
  • sansevieria, or "mother-in-law's tongue" absorbs nitrogen oxides and formaldehyde emitted by furniture.
  • Bamboo palm or chamedorea perfectly moisturizes the air, removes formaldehyde from it.
  • Gerbera absorbs benzene from the air.
  • cypress removes dust and negative ions from electrical appliances from the air. Instead of negative ions, it releases positive ones, reducing the electrified space.

  • Lemon and orange trees rid the air of germs.
  • Begonia works Like a vacuum cleaner, it picks up dust.
  • Laurel noble endowed with cleansing properties. Its leaves secrete beneficial substances that kill harmful microbes.
  • dieffenbachia destroys staphylococci, toxic substances emitted by furniture, plastic, laminate.

  • Dracaena- an excellent "orderly" of the airspace. Collects all volatile substances harmful to human health.
  • Aloe picks up formaldehyde emitted new furniture. Besides,

Cleaning the house is one of those types of chores that need to be done regularly. Already a few hours after putting things in order, a perfectly washed surface is covered with a dust layer, and everything has to be started again. To clean less often, you need to do it in correct sequence and take measures to reduce the amount of dust in the house - seal windows and doors, wash shoes and clothes on time, use modern technologies air purification.

How to get rid of dust

All ways to get rid of dust at home can be divided into 2 categories. Some are aimed at cleaning the room, while others are aimed at preventing its reappearance.

The best result will give a competent combination of methods from both categories.

Removal of existing contaminants

To prevent the further appearance of dust, you first need to get rid of the existing one. It makes sense to regularly carry out general cleaning.

With daily restoring order, as a rule, housewives wipe only visible to the eye surface, while hard-to-reach places dirt accumulates for months. On high cabinets, behind the TV, under the sofa, whole balls of dust form, which gradually spreads around the house and flies in the air.

When dust is absent in hard-to-reach places, it accumulates much more slowly on visible surfaces.

Row important rules for general cleaning:

  1. 1. You need to start cleaning from the upper interior details ( ceiling lights, baguettes), then move on to countertops, window sills, the inside of cabinets and finish by washing the floors and vacuuming the carpets or carpet.
  2. 2. Be sure to perform wet cleaning by wiping contaminated areas with a wet cloth. Using a dry one will not work, because the dust will rise up and disperse in the air, and then spread throughout the apartment. In addition, a dry cloth can leave damage and scratches on the surface of the furniture.
  3. 3. Do not lose sight of the ceilings, they also accumulate dust. If tension structures are installed, they can be gently wiped with a damp cloth. Similarly, you can remove dust from ceilings that are tiled or painted. paintwork materials washable.
  4. 4. It is advisable to wash all shoes that are displayed openly (stored without boxes or any other packaging). On the soles of outdoor shoes or boots, especially a lot of dirt and sand is brought into the apartment. But even on fluffy slippers, dirt accumulates over time, so they must be washed periodically.

Dust Prevention

Scientists have proven that most of the dust particles in the house are particles of skin and clothes of people living in the room, as well as fragments of pet hair.

Therefore, it is impossible to completely get rid of the appearance of dust, but it is still possible to reduce its amount. There are several ways to do this:

  1. 1. Remove all unnecessary items from the home environment (the so-called "dust collectors"): vases, figurines, souvenirs. Sets displayed in sideboards should be packed in boxes and put away in a closet. Instead of carpets, you can make high-quality heat and sound insulation in the house. If this is not possible, then rugs and carpets should be regularly knocked out (outside the apartment), cleaned using suitable detergents or dry-cleaned.
  2. 2. Apply the right finishing materials new apartment. Instead of carpet, it is better to choose linoleum - there are no villi on it, and dirt is removed much easier. When pasting walls with wallpaper, it is better to give preference to vinyl, which form less dust than paper. If funds allow, it is worth ordering stretch ceilings in all rooms. They do not form dust and do not accumulate it in large quantities.
  3. 3. Store books at home in a closet with tightly closed doors so that dust from paper volumes does not enter the atmosphere of the rest of the apartment.
  4. 4. Store clothes only in cases. Regular washing of things is obligatory - a large amount of dirty and not washed clothes for a long time also contributes to the dustiness of the entire room.
  5. 5. Prevent dust particles from entering through windows. In summer, on open windows and balcony doors you can hang gauze soaked in water, which will retain some of the dirt. But this folk remedy is not very effective. On a hot afternoon, the gauze will have to be moistened with water every few minutes. A simpler and more effective way (but also more expensive) is to equip the house with air conditioning or a split system and not open the doors at all if there is smog on the street. To prevent dust from entering through closed windows, it is necessary to regularly treat the seals with silicone emulsion, and also pay attention to the junctions of the frame and the window sill - in these places through cracks often form, which must be eliminated.
  6. 6. Check the entrance doors for tightness. There is usually much more dirt in the entrance than inside the apartment. To check the door for leaks, just bring a piece of paper to it at different levels (top, bottom and side, or slowly draw around the entire perimeter). The slightest draft will make the leaf move. This area can be treated with a sealant or a piece of adhesive tape can be glued to close the through gap. But it will be more effective to install high-quality seals around the entire perimeter of the door - this method will not only protect the house from dust and drafts, but also increase the sound insulation of the home.
  7. 7. Keep your shoes clean. With it, a large amount of dirt is brought from the street, especially in autumn and winter. Wash every pair of shoes in a timely manner. To combat dirt, you need to put a rug at front door- both inside and outside the apartment, - and teach all guests and household members to wipe their soles. In a private house, it is usually customary to leave outdoor shoes outside the threshold of the heated part of the room. If it is possible to change shoes without entering the house, then it is worth introducing this tradition.
  8. 8. Do not have pets. Of course, few people will give up their beloved cat just because his hair flies around the house or toilet filler is carried around all the rooms. But before you get yourself a pet, you need to consider that it can become a source not only positive emotions, but also another type of pollution, as well as allergens.
  9. 9. Use modern technologies. Household appliance stores, in addition to air conditioners and split systems, offer a variety of air purifiers and humidifiers. These devices reduce the amount of dust flying around the apartment in suspension. Modern washing vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter are also able to purify the air in the room, and they do this during the cleaning process, combining two useful properties. Such models are especially recommended for people prone to allergies.
  10. 10. Regularly replace disposable filters in the air conditioner, and clean and rinse reusable filters in a timely manner in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
  11. 11. Treat the furniture with an antistatic polish, such as Pronto or Cinderella. This will give the surfaces a shine, eliminate microdamages and reduce the amount of dust settling on them. .

Cleaning during and after renovation

Repair often becomes a source of constant dirt and dust, which not only collects in the house, but also spreads along the porch. After the end of global alterations, cleaning sometimes lasts up to several weeks.

To reduce the amount of dust that accumulates during repairs, you need to:

  1. 1. Before starting work, take out or hermetically pack all household appliances. If a large amount of building dust gets inside a TV, computer or music center, such complex and expensive devices can fail forever.
  2. 2. If possible, hermetically seal or remove all furniture. The same rule applies to temporarily unused interior doors.
  3. 3. It is desirable to carry out all work on sawing wood, ceramics, metal outside the apartment, for example, in a garage. If suitable premises no, then for these purposes you should use a balcony or loggia. At the same time, they must be closed both from the side of the apartment (so that dust does not get inside the housing), and from the side of the street (otherwise the neighbors will start complaining about dirt flying into their windows).

To facilitate the task of restoring order after repair, the following techniques will help:

  1. 1. First of all, you need to free the room from large pieces of garbage. All large-sized waste left after repair cannot be thrown into the garbage chute - there are special containers for this.
  2. 2. Then you should sweep the floors in all rooms where repairs were made. In order not to raise a large amount of dust into the air, it is necessary to periodically moisten the broom.
  3. 3. After cleaning most of the garbage, it is advisable to change clothes. These items, as well as those that have been repaired, must be washed and hermetically packed before the next work of this kind.
  4. 4. Wipe with a damp cloth all surfaces that can be washed (washable wallpaper, stretch ceilings, cabinet doors). Construction dust is harder to clean than normal dust and leaves white streaks. Therefore, for high-quality cleaning, 2 rags are needed - wet and dry. The second is designed to fight divorce. It is important to ensure that grains of sand and debris do not fall under it - they can leave deep scratches and damage on the washed surface.
  5. 5. Clean up stubborn dirt special formulations considering the appearance of the soiled surface. For example, spots alkyd paint easily removed with a solvent. But its use is undesirable on painted and varnished surfaces. Aggressive products can damage them, so you need to follow the instructions on the packaging with the composition.

Cleaning after the repair of the apartment must be done with gloves, because in the process of work there are a large number of sharp objects (pieces ceramic tiles, broken glass, metal chips) and there is a risk of injury.

Folk remedies

To guarantee the removal of dust for a long time, manufacturers have invented many special formulations.

But there are several folk remedies that are used by modern housewives:

  1. 1. Vinegar. To give the furniture a shine, it is wiped with a cloth dipped in water and vinegar. The solution should not be concentrated - it is enough to add a few drops of the product to 0.5 liters of water so as not to damage the painted or varnished surfaces.
  2. 2. Soap shavings. To remove stubborn dirt and give shine to linoleum or laminate, add 30-50 g of crushed soap or a few drops of dishwashing detergent to a bucket of water for washing floors.
  3. 3. Soda. A solution of the product washes away many stubborn dirt, but it is also used for daily cleaning of rooms. If you add 3-4 teaspoons of soda to a bucket of water, then with this composition you can not only wash the floors, but also wipe the shelves - the dust will not settle on the treated surfaces for much longer.
  4. 4. Wet cloth. This folk way used to remove dust from upholstery sofas and armchairs. clean cloth right size dipped in clean water, wring well, spread on dirty furniture and knock on it with a stick or a carpet beater. After removing the rag, it will be found that a large amount of wet dust has adhered to it. If necessary, the fabric can be washed and reused.

Dust not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of the house, but also causes a deterioration in the well-being of residents. The problem is that it is impossible to get rid of dust in the apartment for a long time. Even the person himself is the cause of the appearance of these microscopic particles, not to mention other factors. You will have to constantly spend time and effort, but the cleaning process can be simplified by following a few recommendations.

Several. Even if you do not open the windows, so that dust from the street does not get into the apartment, long term this will not help, since microscopic particles of the skin, human and animal hair, pile of carpets and upholstered furniture, pieces of paint and whitewash, and dirt on shoes are also sources of the problem. For a year in an apartment of 65 square meters, an average of 40 kg of dust accumulates.

The dust itself is not too dangerous for humans, but it spreads bacteria and viruses that cause allergies, asthma and other health problems.

Dust mites are a powerful allergen

Methods to remove dust in the apartment

1. Wet cleaning. For thousands of years of existence, mankind has not come up with more effective way dust control. Wiping the surfaces with a damp cloth and thoroughly washing the floors at least once every 3-4 days will keep the amount of dust in the room to a minimum.

Special dust-repellent agents can be added to the water or to the wiping cloth, which will prevent the particles from settling on the surface for several days.

The frequency of cleaning depends on several factors: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, its technical condition, the degree of air pollution, the number of residents and animals. When the dust becomes visible to the naked eye, you need to start wet cleaning. General cleaning should be carried out at least once a month.

Wipe thoroughly decorative elements upholstered furniture (buttons, hanging pieces of fabric), on which a dust mite usually lives - a saprophyte.

2. Elimination of dust collectors. Many household items accumulate dust, although they do not bring tangible benefits, simply being an interior decoration.

  • give up carpets on the walls if you are not ready to vacuum or beat them at least once every 7 days;
  • put things in the closet that you don’t use daily, such as old bags;
  • hide books and soft toys in a sideboard behind glass, they will collect less dust, but the comfort in the house will remain;
  • artificial flowers and figurines also accumulate a lot of dust on the surface, do not forget to wipe them during cleaning;
  • instead of massive curtains, screens, a canopy, use light curtains or blinds;
  • coverlets, pillows and carpets made of natural fabrics (especially silk) should be replaced with synthetic counterparts that crumble less;
  • wash all fabrics that are not stored in closed cabinets more often;
  • do not forget to periodically wash the windows and wipe the blinds;
  • timely remove the old rotten foam rubber from upholstered furniture and close the gaps in the baseboards;
  • remove dust under radiators;
  • comb your hair only in the bathroom, long curls scattered around the apartment collect even more dust;
  • wash your pets paws after walking.

3. Vacuuming. At correct use a vacuum cleaner - the best remedy for cleaning, but during operation a lot of dust is thrown into the air, at this moment there should be no children and people allergic to dust in the room. After turning on the device, open the doors and windows for draft.

Even the most modern device is not able to pick up all the dust from the surface in one pass. For each square meter area spend 1.5-2 minutes. Handle the corners of the apartment and the baseboard with particular care. Vacuum the walls if possible. Use the special nozzle to clean open shelves. After vacuuming, do a wet cleaning.

4. Care of household appliances. Clean the filters of air conditioners and humidifiers in a timely manner, change the bags in the vacuum cleaner at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer. Wipe TV screens and monitors special napkins. Clean out computers and laptops whose static electricity attracts a lot of dust.

Algorithm for cleaning an apartment from dust

  1. Remove all unnecessary items from closed cabinets or under glass.
  2. Vacuum upholstered furniture or cover it with a thin, slightly damp cloth, then beat out the dust.
  3. Wipe, steam or wash curtains.
  4. Spray indoor plants with a spray bottle and wipe with a soft cloth. Brush your pets, especially those with long coats.
  5. Beat or vacuum carpets.
  6. Wash floors.
  7. Dust all surfaces: furniture, cabinets, cornices, household appliances, walls, batteries.

Means from dust in the apartment

Window membranes (nets) - not only protect against insects, but also prevent dust from entering from the street even with open windows, this cheap tool should be in every home.

Air humidifier - at high humidity, dust settles on the surface faster and becomes noticeable. But the air must not be waterlogged, otherwise mold may appear, which is even more dangerous than dust.

Chlorophytum is a non-capricious and easy-to-care plant that reduces the amount of dust in its habitat.

Chlorophytum - a plant that traps dust

Air purifiers are devices that pass air through special filters. Recommended for installation in new and recently renovated premises where there is a lot of dust. They can have an ionization function and an ultraviolet lamp to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Vacuum cleaner with aquafilter - unlike the usual one, it cleans not only the treated surface, but also the air, it is recommended for people with respiratory diseases.

Dust-repellent agents (polishs, aerosols, oils) - do not eliminate dust, but only protect flat surfaces thanks to the antistatic effect, preventing dust from settling for some time, but the particles still accumulate elsewhere.

Dust is present in the air in large quantities. In nature, dust particles are soil particles, plant pollen, volcanic ash. At home, microfibers from upholstered furniture and carpets, flakes of our skin, tobacco smoke and much more are added to them. Few people like dust particles that are clearly visible in sunlight. And if you remember that you simply cannot see the bulk of the dust, and in fact there is much more of it, you want to immediately start cleaning.

Why is house dust harmful?

Dust not only looks unattractive. It can harm our health. First of all, because it is inhabited by in large numbers dust mites. These are microorganisms that do not pose a threat in and of themselves. But the products of their vital activity are the strongest allergen, which can even cause an asthma attack. These mites can be found anywhere there is dust. But our pillows and blankets have the most of them.

Also, dust is able to carry and maintain in suspension a variety of harmful substances. These are carcinogens that are formed during the operation of equipment, vapors and particles household chemicals, cigarette smoke toxins, mold spores, pathogenic bacteria and viruses, etc. All this settles on dust particles, floats in the air and enters our lungs when breathing. That is why it is very important to deal with dust.

How to clean the apartment from dust and mites?

To reduce the amount of dust and remove it permanently, it is advisable to get rid of the things that create and accumulate it. In this sense, leather furniture is better than upholstered in fabric. Linoleum and parquet are preferable to carpet. Blinds are better than curtains. Removing dust from books, souvenirs, vases and other small things is a very time-consuming process. It is advisable to store them behind glass or completely abandon them. This also applies to chandeliers with a large number of pendants. Hair and pet hair also attract dust. Therefore, you should brush your hair only in the bathroom, and cats and dogs should be combed regularly.

It is very important to deal with house dust mites. How to get rid of them? To do this, bed linen should be washed every week. If washing is done at low temperatures, the linen should be ironed. In summer and winter, it is advisable to take out blankets and pillows outside and ventilate. Ultraviolet, like frost, is detrimental to microorganisms. Pillows, by the way, are best taken from high-quality synthetic materials. They attract ticks much less than feathers.

How to get rid of dust in hard-to-reach places?

With cleaning wooden furniture or gender, anyone can do it. But even experienced hostess may think about how to remove dust from books, a sofa, or, for example, from blinds. With a few simple tricks, these items can be cleaned quickly and effectively.

  • For the cleaning upholstered furniture lay a damp sheet over it. Then you need to take a beater or other convenient item and knock out a sofa or chair well. All dust from the depths will settle on the sheet, so that the degree of contamination can be seen and, if necessary, the procedure can be repeated. After that, it remains to remove dust from the surface with a vacuum cleaner. And if you still steam the furniture with an iron, then the microorganisms will be destroyed. It is desirable to carry out such processing once a month or at least once a season.
  • If books are open, it will not be easy to clean them regularly. But even behind the glass, dust gradually accumulates. It is removed with a vacuum cleaner using a special brush with a long pile. Then the surface of books and shelves remains to be wiped with a damp cloth. Books are placed on the shelves only after they are completely dry.
  • Houseplants also need to be cleaned of dust, because with clogged stomata it is difficult for them to breathe. A damp sponge will do the job just fine if the flowers have wide leaves. If cleaning them by hand is difficult, just take the pot to the bath and rinse under the shower with room water. Most plants love this procedure.
  • Clean ceiling not every hostess is used to it, but it is advisable to do it from time to time. Dust and cobwebs can be brushed off with a long-handled brush or a mop with a rag. A vacuum cleaner with a fluffy brush will also work. Stretch ceilings are wiped with soapy water, a stepladder is already required here.
  • Wallpaper also needs to be cleaned, because dust settles on the walls. Almost all types of modern wallpaper allow wet cleaning. But before you start wiping them, check on an inconspicuous area to see if this spoils their pattern and texture. Before wet processing, the wallpaper should be vacuumed so that dirty stains do not form.