How to find yourself in life: a strategy for the strong. Why people can't find themselves and what to do about it

  • 11.10.2019

429 0 Hello! Many at least once wondered: how to find yourself in life. Some mean by it the search for the meaning of life, others - their calling, others are looking for harmony in the soul. One way or another, this question is connected with the awareness of inner values, self-realization and the desire to become happy. When we are happy, life is filled with wonderful moments. We are happy to wake up in the morning to meet a new day and the events that it will bring. The food seems delicious, the music sounds great, the people around you are interesting, the family is loved. But there are moments in life when the situation changes dramatically. The person feels that he has lost himself. There is a feeling that nothing pleases, does not bring satisfaction. Routine overshadows consciousness, and people often do not know how to find a way out in this situation and solve the problem.

What does it mean to find yourself in life?

To find yourself in life is to learn to enjoy your existence, to learn to enjoy your life, to experience the joy of what is happening around. It is to have favorite hobbies, a hobby, a satisfying job, to be in a psychologically comfortable state. Be able to quickly and productively cope with all the difficulties and not get hung up on them.

For example, when a woman becomes a mother, she acquires the most precious person for herself and every day, looking at him, she wishes her baby to be always happy.

Each person is responsible for his own happiness in front of himself and in front of his loved ones.

If you haven’t experienced happiness for a long time or you see that people close to you are unhappy, then it’s time to urgently change something in your life. How to do this will be discussed below.

How to understand that a person has lost himself

This important question exists in order to be able to help yourself and your loved one cope in a crisis situation.

It is extremely difficult for most people to ask someone for help when it comes to inner experiences. Especially when it comes to the strong half of humanity. After all, from a very early age they are taught to cope with all difficulties on their own and not to complain. How to recognize in time that a loved one needs help and how to help a dear man find himself?

You can determine that a person has lost himself by some signs:

  1. Lost man always dissatisfied. If you have known him for a long time, you will quickly notice that those things and events that previously gave him pleasure have become uninteresting.
  2. Very often lost people are angry or aggressive. This is especially well seen in choleric people. They are quickly irritated, any little things piss them off. Even if something interesting and joyful appears, then the positive feeling from what is happening quickly fades away. The work causes indignation in them, often they lose interest in friends.
  3. Another option is apathy. Complete lack of interest in what is happening. In such a situation, a person constantly feels tired. He does not want to put himself in order, the food does not seem tasty, the affairs of relatives become a burden. A person can say that he sees no point in doing something, striving for something. Not aware of possible future prospects.

In such a situation, you need to try to get together, take all your negative emotions about the pasted state loved one in your hands, make an effort on yourself and by all means help your loved one find himself again.

This requires patience, love and affection, understanding and support. Unobtrusive recommendations of the relevant literature on “how to quickly find yourself” are possible. If a person does not have a craving for reading at all, you need to help him remember all his old hobbies and offer to do them again. take advantage modern methods to determine interests and priorities. And to determine a future plan of action to overcome the crisis.

How to find harmony and find purpose in life

To answer the question of how to find harmony within oneself, it is necessary for oneself to determine the goals and life priorities that make up the inner core of each person.

Situations where our core business conflicts internal system values, always cause internal imbalance.

For example, mothers (for whom their child is in the first place), forced to work many hours a day, acutely perceive separation from their beloved child, are constantly in a state of stress. It is extremely difficult for them to break out of the routine circle of life, look around and find a way out of a difficult situation.

In order to be able to solve such a problem, to find the right path in life, it is necessary to create your own system of values. Re-evaluate your life according to it. Add everything you need to your daily routine, and exclude the unacceptable.

The purpose of life is not an abstract concept, but a concrete plan of action. And in order to come to it and form it in your head, you must first clearly define your values, desires and beliefs.

Having decided on your own goal in life, and starting to follow it, you can find harmony. Whatever you face, whether it's to build a career, family man, excel in sports or help others, realize them!

In order to be able to realize your plans and find inner harmony, follow the points below:

  • Get rid of fear.

It is very difficult to move from a place and always and for everyone. It is difficult to overcome your laziness, find resources to implement the plan, defeat your prejudices and fears. For the first time, it may be scary to start changing. But after all from the second time nobody starts.

  • Be consistent.

Don't quit what you started! Don't back down! Don't rely on anyone. Do only as many attempts as it takes to get what you want. Be stubborn and stubborn. Make what is important to you an indispensable part of your life.

  • Get rid of bad habits.

Smoking, drinking and overeating take a lot of physical and mental strength. People who smoke and drink are much weaker than healthy people. They sleep worse and have many health problems. It will be more and more difficult for them to find inner strength to fulfill their dreams and desires.

  • Don't focus on the opinions of others.

The opinion of only beloved and authoritative people can be important. What everyone else thinks is their business. You shouldn't be interested. You don't have to wait for everyone's approval. You must clearly realize that you started to change your life for yourself, this is your personal life. Do not waste it on the opinion of third parties. And it’s better not to tell anyone about your plans and hobbies at all, so that no one can prevent you from fulfilling your plans.

  • Learn to avoid negativity.

Identify the sources of your anxiety and try to get rid of them. Everything that irritates, infuriates, takes energy and time, should be reduced in all possible ways in your life as much as possible. If you can’t eliminate unpleasant moments, learn to ignore them and force them out of your own head.

  • Add positivity to your life.

Your favorite hobby should become your integral part. Set aside at least a small amount of time for it every day and enjoy it. Be sure to celebrate all your achievements and feel the positive emotions that they cause.

  • Do good.

Good deeds fill every person with light and joy. Keep a calendar of good deeds. At least at the minimum. For example, help your parents or the elderly once a week. Or call your mom the next day. Or do one family-friendly activity a day (one that is not part of your daily responsibilities). It won't take long, but it will add to the satisfaction of being good.

  • Reflect.

Be sure to reflect and evaluate the changes that are taking place and own feelings on this occasion. This will help determine the correctness of the chosen direction, take into account errors and look for additional ways to solve the plan.

  • Make time for yourself.

The daily routines are endless. It is impossible to list them all, and even more so to remake them. Select something and only for yourself. Let everything else disappear from your consciousness for this period. Concentrate in these moments only on your own joyful feelings from what is happening, and do not pay attention to everything else.

Start loving and respecting yourself and your life. Appreciate yourself for all your successes, love for your efforts, accept yourself for the fact that your loved ones love you. Pamper yourself every day with pleasant moments and do not spare time and money for your joys.

  • Discover something new every day.

Be sure to develop and read. Make “learning new things” a must in your daily schedule. Read articles on the Internet, books, watch videos on topics that interest you and in which you would like to become a pro. Following this path, you will be surprised at how much you learned in a week.

  • Set yourself up for success.

Believe in yourself. You will definitely succeed. Maybe not from the first and not from the fifth, but from the hundredth time. Will not go anywhere. If you do the same thing over and over again, you will simply practice and master a new skill.

  • Don't get discouraged after your first failure.

There is no productive meaning in frustration and negative experiences and never will be. Do not waste time on suffering and regret. Spend all your energy on new attempts until it works out the way you need it.

Follow these tips and you will definitely succeed!

How to find your calling

The perfect image of modern successful person draws him without fail financially secure, held in a family plan, having a fascinating interesting profitable business. In fact, everyone knows that such people are few in millions. However, this prototype happy life' is in front of everyone's eyes. And everyone compares himself to him every day.

There are several ways to find your calling:

  1. Remember what you wanted to be in childhood, what you dreamed about. Ask yourself the question: what prevented you from fulfilling yourself in this role? Think, maybe now is the time to realize an old dream?
  2. Analyze your strengths What do you know how to do, what could you do, what work will do to implement your skills. Think also about what you would like to learn, what new skills to acquire. Learning a new profession, gaining knowledge always contributes to personal development, helps to find oneself and acquire useful contacts.
  3. Listen to your feelings: what do you want? What do you like to do? What do you get real pleasure and joy from? Or maybe some activity resonates in you that you have not yet performed, but have a strong desire to do it? This can be the impetus for action.

But the work may not be by vocation. For most people on the planet, it is only a source of existence. In order not to lose yourself in such a situation, it is enough just to balance the work and personal life. That is, time free from work, spend on hobbies and activities that are pleasant to the soul.

If the business didn’t work out, and the financial creative streak didn’t show up in you, exhale. Step away from this terrorizing thought and look for a calling in other areas of your life.

How to find yourself: methods, techniques, exercises

To date, there are many psychological techniques that help a person decide on the type of activity that suits him.

Career guidance tests and questionnaires to identify a suitable type of activity

These techniques allow, based on individual psychological characteristics, to identify those types of activities in which a person will feel comfortable and be successful. The key, as a rule, are such concepts as the type of temperament, features of thinking, the development of logic, etc.

Similar tests can be taken online on the Internet. They will help you choose the direction in which you want to start moving.

Methods of introspection

The principle of their work is that a person must answer for himself a number of questions related to his life. All answers must be recorded, periodically ranked in order of importance and unnecessary excluded from the lists. Thus, it is possible to independently determine the guidelines in life.

For example, how to find a hobby for yourself:

  1. List of preferences.

Identifying your favorite activities will help you choose the most suitable and interesting for yourself.

  • Step 1. Take a piece of paper and a pen. Then list everything you enjoy doing (singing, cooking, eating, watching TV shows, running, cycling, painting, playing football, and anything else that comes to mind). The length of the list is different for everyone. Someone will get five points, and someone will get fifty. This will not characterize you either positively or with negative side. It's just a list. You can write it in five minutes or in a day or two.
  • Step 2 After the list is over, you need to switch to other activities for a while and stop thinking about it.
  • Step 3 Then you should return to the list again and read carefully. If the list is long, you should try to reduce it to 10 items. The most interesting and entertaining for you.
  • Step 4 Then again take a short break and again return to work. Now it will be necessary to rank all the items in order of importance (highest priority first, then less).

As a result, you will receive an individual list of the most important and interesting activities for you, those things that make you happy and bring pleasure.

In order for this list not to remain just on paper, but to find its application in life, it is necessary to formulate a plan for further actions.

Decide on your capabilities (financial and time). Take the first activity that interests you the most from the list and decide how much time and money you need in order to be able to do it. If funds permit, start now. Do at least a little on this point to move things forward.

Let's take an example. Your fitness turned out to be the most interesting. This is really what you want to do. So, decide now where you will train (at home or in the gym). If in a sports club, decide on the place, schedule, form and type of activity. And go! For the first lesson!

To get started, do only one activity from your list, no need to get excited. The modern rhythm of life for a hobby allocates little time. If you do not have time to implement all your ideas, there will be even greater dissatisfaction and frustration.

We figured out the first item in our list and began to successfully implement it, add the second one, etc.

Note!The success of these methods lies in the obligatory honesty in answering questions. There is no need to list what is now fashionable, or what your friends are doing and advising you out of good intentions. Life is yours, the answers should also be exclusively yours.

  1. Analysis of the environment and identification of the desired.

The bottom line is to determine for yourself with whom you are pleased to communicate, and with whom you do not. The people around us have a huge impact on our lives. Life does not suit you - it is necessary to correct the society in which you live and, if possible, stop interacting with people that are unpleasant for you.

  1. Identification of one's own system of values, establishment of life goals and priorities.

To do this, you should also create a list of your values, that is, use a methodology similar to that described in paragraph 1 (“List of preferences”).

  1. Analysis of other points that you would like to change.

Like your perfect day, perfect job, ideal life etc. The actions will be similar.

Of course, you won’t be able to completely change your life right away, and you won’t achieve real success in one day or in a single case. But! It is possible to decide for yourself with your place in life and start working on yourself daily. Get rid of the excess that wastes your precious time and bring in something that pleases and gives pleasure.

Books on how to find yourself

To date, a huge number of psychological, social and artistic works have been written on the topic of self-development and finding inner harmony. Definitely, it is worth taking a closer look at them and highlighting the information that may be useful to you, take from the whole variety important tips effective for yourself and start changing!

  1. "What will you choose?"- Harvard book Tal Ben-Shahar will help to make right choice, overcome fear to action.
  2. "Important Years"— Mag Jay's book on why you shouldn't.
  3. "Be best version myself"- a book by Dan Waldschmidt, who went from suicidal thoughts to the pinnacle of success, becoming a strong personality.
  4. "From urgent to important" Steve McCletchy. A book for those who are tired of running from themselves and want to find their own way.
  5. "Rice Storm" by Michael Mikalko. A book about the most interesting ways of thinking outside the box, leading to success.
  6. “Building business models. Handbook of the strategist and innovator», the authors of which are Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pignet. The book helps to find ways to develop yourself and your business.
  7. “Between need and want. Find your path and follow it" El Luna. This book helps you find yourself and your calling.
  8. “Don't be afraid to take action. Woman, work and the will to lead" Sheryl Sandberg. The book helps to learn to become sincere, alive and emotional.
  9. Hygge. The secret of Danish happiness Mike Viking. The book tells how to find yourself and increase satisfaction with your own life.
  10. "What are you doing with your life?" essay by Elizabeth Gilbert. The book helps you accept your not-so-loved job and find an alternative solution to your expression.
  1. “What to dream about. How to know what you really want and how to get it Barbara Sher. An interesting, informative and instructive book about how a person finds himself.

Appreciate every minute of your precious life, enjoy close people and what is happening around. Leave the sadness. Don't waste your time! Change and rejoice! Find your goal and follow it!

Useful articles:

According to a study by Headhunter, 40% of people think about quitting their jobs at least once a day. Another 49% think about it periodically and only 11% don't think about it at all.

This means that 9 out of 10 people work for unloved job, which means that their whole life is far from ideal.

Therefore, if you do not want to be one of them or want to change your life, you need to find yourself. Understand yourself and identify your strengths to find your favorite thing. After all, your whole life and the level of happiness in it depends on what you do.

You will find specific techniques for finding your purpose in this playlist.

And now I invite you to answer a series of questions that will help you better understand yourself and find your talent.

What did you like to do as a child?

In a child, the brain is free from other people's opinions and useless knowledge. And at this age we are very close to our talent. But in childhood we are dependent on our parents. And they think they know better what's best for you. And so they try to make footballers out of violinists. Remember yourself, ask your parents and relatives, what did you like to do as a child?

What would you do with unlimited money?

There are many people who are happy without big money. There are also many millionaires who are unhappy. Self development is not about making money. The realization of one's mission is the development of one's own strengths. Think about what you would do if you didn't have to think about money?

What are you sure you don't want to do?

The elimination method can help you find your talent. Analyze your experience and define exactly what you don't want to do. By narrowing the circle of search, it will be much easier to find and understand yourself.

Remember the dayswhen did you feel really high?

Everything worked out for you, there was a sea of ​​\u200b\u200benergy, it was as if you were flying and wanted to hug the whole world.

What did you do these days?

What would you like to do for the rest of your life?

It means to do something personally, by yourself. Therefore, phrases like "make trip around the world" unsuitable. But "become a famous writer in the field of psychology" is a more appropriate answer.

What kind of life would you like to live?

Write the name of a real person and why you would like to live his life. Or at least part of his life. It can be several heroes.

What attracts your attention in bookstores, exhibitions?

What information, met anywhere, immediately chains you to itself? What are you ready to study for days and hours?

Where can't you cheat?

You will never be able to do slipshod and freebie in the activity that is your talent.

This is your calling in life, this is what you are here for, this is what you are by nature better than most people!

And you just can't do it badly. So think about where you do everything perfectly and give your 200%?

What are people asking for your help with?

Often what we are looking for is right under our noses. And sometimes it's hard to see. But the people around you see you from the outside and if you succeed, they will come to you for help. Think about what people most often ask for your help.

Naturally, this is not the whole list of questions. Here are 18 more questions the answers to which can bring you closer to determining your purpose.

Questions to find your way

  1. What worries me in life?
  2. What are my secret ambitions?
  3. What are my hobbies, hobbies?
  4. What is important to me?
  5. Why would I risk my life?
  6. What activities bring me satisfaction?
  7. What are my strengths?
  8. Why am I being praised?
  9. Where have I been successful in the past?
  10. Where have I been most successful?
  11. How could I change the world?
  12. Where does my soul lie?
  13. What will make my life joyful and happy?
  14. What do I love to do?
  15. What role do I want to play in life? - creator, logician, tactician, strategist
  16. Who am I from the start? - prioritize - parent, spouse, entrepreneur, artist...
  17. What do you want to do, not who do you want to be?
  18. Why do I do what I do = Mission, ultimate goal?

This important work above oneself. So do it now. This will help you find a way to yourself and start living your life.

What to do after the answers?


Relax, relax, do something nice for yourself. Reward yourself for your hard work and efforts.

And then, with a fresh mind and better in the morning, and not in the evening, when your head is full of daily problems, carefully analyze all the answers.

You need to find something in common. Where do they all intersect? And find those points of contact. It doesn't have to be in all answers. But if this is repeated more than two times, then it is already worth paying attention to.

A complete guide to finding and identifying your talents is here.

A mature person sometimes lives for decades without thinking about his destiny. Having in their hands the tools to solve the question of how to find themselves in life, they often give in to the first difficult situation. They are driven by fear of a new stage of self-development - and the one who learns to overcome it can consider himself a truly successful person.

What does it mean to find yourself in life?

The desire to change the existing state of affairs does not arise from scratch. It is always associated with the desire to go beyond the bored psychological barrier- age, professional or family. Signs that it's time to learn how to find your life path, can serve as:

  • craving for a change of place of residence or specialty;
  • growing dissatisfaction with one's own appearance, wealth or former environment;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • decrease in creativity.

How to find yourself in life - psychology

There is no person who does not know in the depths of his soul the answer to the question of how to find himself in life. Children, with their inherent spontaneity, share with all the dreams of the future, because they are not afraid of the reaction. Adults try to hide their real desires away from prying eyes, because they do not have the courage to follow them and find themselves. He is frightened by his own negative experience and the fear of not living up to his expectations. For example, the success of a businessman depends entirely on whether he is ready to take risks and how much. Many profitable ideas were not destined to be realized just because of this fear.

How to find purpose in life?

While the meaning of life is presented as an abstract collective category, including a mixture of expectations on the work and love fronts, the goal becomes a real guide to concrete achievement. For a number of reasons, setting a goal in life is more profitable than trying to know its essence:

  1. It is feasible in the near future. Ways to find yourself in life represent a hierarchy of human values, most of which he is unlikely to achieve. The goal has little in common with reasoning about the meaning of being: it is aimed at realizing the intended prospects;
  2. It organizes a person's life. Desiring to achieve wealth, power or love, a person mobilizes all his mental and physical abilities. She becomes self-confident, productive and resourceful;
  3. She changes her character for the better. The appearance of a goal turns a person into an optimist, ready to deal with difficulties. The very planning of future success is a trait that testifies to the leader's temperament.

How to find your path in life?

Character is laid down in childhood: its development continues under the influence of many factors - family and social. The level of wealth, the moral values ​​of parents and friends, and the experience gained play a role in weakening or highlighting some traits. When all these factors come together, we can talk about human nature. Within its framework, a life path is born, since it is impossible to limit the expectations and fantasies of a person from the outside.

The secret of how to find yourself in this life through choosing a path lies in the following tips:

  1. Rejection of the fear of experimenting with a change of profession. The greater the number of specialties familiar to a person, the more precisely he knows which of them can be considered a vocation;
  2. Control over emotions. A person capable of self-control can understand and feel his needs;
  3. Training the ability to live in harmony with the inner "I". You need to choose your path, listening to sincere desires, and not imposed ideas about the ideal future.

How to find your spiritual path?

The development of the soul is fundamentally different from the desire for material achievements. It is difficult for a person with mundane dreams to understand that anything else can bring pleasure, except for high earnings. The spiritual path is the key to the dilemma of how to find the meaning of life, giving moral satisfaction and peace. Comprehension of the highest destiny of the soul is based on certain rules:

  • awareness of the unity of all world religions in the values ​​they declare;
  • respect for traditions;
  • rejection excessive desires depriving the feeling of satisfaction;
  • maintaining contact with the divine principle and faith in it.

How to find your place in life?

Long thoughts about what it means to find your place in life, both losers and successful businessmen are tormented. Place can mean a country or a specific city, job title, marital status, or level of popularity. Psychologists advise sounding the alarm if it does not remind of itself periodically. Constant search truths and ways weed out doubts, prejudices and alien attitudes instilled by manipulators. Employees who are inclined to constantly seek and discover new things are appreciated by any bosses for the generation of new ideas.

How to find yourself in life - Orthodoxy

Orthodox Christians are looking for the key to reflection in the search for the meaning of existence and their own path in religion. She suggests that every believer is created to be a person who can decide how to find his way. God reserves for him the right to make a conscious choice, carried out in conjunction with responsibility for it. Knowing the positive and negative consequences of any step makes you think before making an important decision in order to ultimately achieve success, not collapse.

Orthodoxy also tells about the duties of a Christian on the path of faith, as part of the knowledge that reveals the secrets of self-knowledge. He can choose any profession and hobby, except those that are considered sinful. A person who has already set foot on the path of sin, but who has repented in time, can receive redemption by flatly renouncing blasphemous goals. Every believer must constantly strive to spiritual development, multiplying talents, looking for yourself, simultaneously getting rid of fear. A mentor, a wise clergyman with experience and knowledge of the Bible, can help in this difficult matter.

How to find yourself in life - books

The best way for self-determination on the path of life remains the work of psychologists and philosophers. Even in fiction there are answers to questions related to how to find yourself in life. Some books help to set goals correctly for those who cannot choose life guidelines on their own. Success is trained by reading A.S. Griboedova, A.S. Pushkin, Paolo Coelho, Jerome Salinger. Their books touch upon the issues of good and evil, the value of every breath and the truth of dreams for someone who is ready for anything to find their life path and walk it with dignity.

Leadership books deserve special attention: they tell how to find yourself in life from the position of high personal motivation and maximum career advancement. In relation to them, there is a prejudice associated with an abundance of charlatanism in the field of business coaching. And without attending trainings, a good book will tell you everything about finding a purpose in life, high earnings and choosing the right profession.

These include:

  1. "Be the best version of yourself"- a book by Dan Waldschmidt, who went from suicidal thoughts to the pinnacle of success, becoming a strong personality.
  2. "What will you choose?"- a book by Harvard teacher Tal Ben-Shahar will help you make the right choice and get rid of fear of yourself.
  3. "Important Years"- Mag Jay's book on why you shouldn't put everything off until later.
  4. "Rice Storm" by Michael Mikalko. A book about the most interesting ways of thinking outside the box, leading to success.
  5. "From urgent to important" Steve McCletchy. A book for those who are tired of running from themselves and want to find their spiritual path.

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Ganesa Private Investor Blog

Having gone through many stages of the starting path on my own, I came across a rake that made me smarter, and set up work in a productive way. And I know how important it is at the very start to have qualified and professional support from an investor who himself went through everything on his own.

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Investment articles on blogs appear every day, but I fill the content taking into account the desires, opportunities and interests of everyone. I do not have a separate blog dedicated to an experienced trader or a beginner, I do not write separate articles about investing in stocks, as in a highly specialized investor blog. My blog combines recommendations from a practical investor, reviews, tips, news from different financial areas. Together with me, you will not only be able to learn how to make money work, but also what needs to be done so that the slogan “Keep and increase” becomes the basic rule for all partners.

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My conclusions about investment blogs and about my blog

In order to develop and follow all current trends, I read the blogs of partners “Keep money!”, A popular blog of a practical investor talks a lot about various bonus programs and plastic cards; and leafing through a blog from an experienced homebody investor, you can learn more about the forex market and the rules for working on it. I often visit the blog from Denis, a free investor who works with cryptocurrency. You can work with PAMM accounts and learn about investing in stocks and gold by reading the materials of a lazy investor who has been blogging for a long time. They learn a lot from me, I learn a lot from them. And this is good: the exchange of data and information always has a positive effect on each side.

Each blog is individual and interesting, and the investor's platform in its own way. I can say: the content of my blog is for everyone: investors, those who work online and are looking for ways of anonymity, who are interested in stocks and cryptocurrency, choose HYIPs, stocks, and look for options for remote earnings. For the convenience of accounting, the investor's portfolio functions.

I work for all investors, no matter what the total amount of your investments per week or month. GQ Blog Monitor is your guide, advisor and companion in the world of investment and financial literacy. I hope that when the next wave of voting takes place among readers and users for the best investment blog of the Runet, you will bet on my investment blog, which contains in one place recommendations on how to increase money during the Super Moon, tips on how to invest for a big profit are small sums and the best fresh HYIPs.

My investment blog is an encyclopedia, address book, reliable assistant and consultant with a news feed for everyone.

Questions about their destiny are asked by the majority of adults who have already taken place. The prerequisites for this are unrealized ideas and a person "crushed" by his parents in childhood. What to do in life? Any child can easily answer this question that, for example, he wants to become an astronaut or a military man, and an adult, in turn, will be confused and will not be able to give an affirmative answer. This is due to the fact that children more clearly imagine what they want from life.

Factors that prevent a person from deciding what to do in life

"Who do I want to be? What do I want from life? Why can't I understand what my main purpose is?" There are a lot of questions, and all of them are related to the fact that a person is not able, for whatever reason, to fully understand himself and his feelings, desires. This may be due to a number of social and psychological factors. Everyday life individual, personal qualities, habits and social circle.


Constant barriers that arise between a person and his goal in the form of doubts and insecurities provoke an oppression of the desire to realize his unrealized potential. "Can I? What if I can't do anything?" Sometimes the cultivation of uncertainty occurs even at the stage of growing up, where the individual first encounters failures, misunderstanding and lack of support from loved ones. Self-doubt significantly hinders not only the implementation of plans, but also the personal growth of a person.

Features of the educational process

All our successes and failures, addictions, fears and dreams come from childhood. Most parents, not listening to the desires of their children, instill skills and abilities that are absolutely not characteristic of them. For example, a child, to the question "What do you want to do in life?" replies that he wants to be an artist. His answer to his parents is perceived as something unrealistic, something that will not bring any material wealth or career development. As a result, the child meets with a complete misunderstanding on the part of adults, and his potential becomes unrealizable.

However, there are also cases when parents try to organize the child's leisure as much as possible, forcing him to develop comprehensively. Of course, an adult who has knowledge of various fields activity, can achieve a lot, but in most cases the person still does not know what to do because he forgets his original desires and aspirations.


Vedomosti, a kind of herd instinct sometimes closes a person's true capabilities and abilities. For example, several people from a close circle enter the same college/institute/university and pull the person along with them. Under certain personal qualities he won't be able to resist. The result of training without much desire, and so, "for the company", is the choice of the wrong profession, the wrong job. As a result, there is a severe shortage positive emotions, work becomes routine, and a person, living a boring, gray life, begins to wonder: "What should I do in life in order to regain satisfaction from my own activity?" But he does not find an answer, because his "I" has already deeply hidden the possibilities and talents of a person, so as not to oppose his choice.


Everyone has their own opinion about what happiness should be. But some agree on one thing: a happy person is one who has achieved everything in life, who lives without denying himself anything. So human stereotypes have developed that without material wealth, no one can consider himself successful and accomplished. In this regard, a person, in his desire to understand what to do in life, more often seeks to get rich, to become one whose material possibilities are practically unlimited, and not to develop spiritually. No, this is not bad at all, but it should be borne in mind that money cannot bring the full release of potential, since each of us is individual. For example, a person who is more creative (drawing, singing, playing the musical instruments and so on) is often not endowed with a certain commercial streak, which nullifies all his attempts to achieve material well-being.

"What do I want to do in life?" The problem with this issue is that not everyone is able to put it on the shelves own desires and dreams. Most people lack specificity in defining purpose. Most often this is due to urgent needs, the satisfaction of which is in the first place. Here, an adult can be compared to a teenager, guided by the desires and preferences of parents, relatives and friends. What is better to do in life - the answer lies in the subconscious of each individual, for this you need to ask yourself motivational questions:

  • What values ​​in your life are prerogative (no more than three)?
  • Achieving what goals is important for you at the moment (no more than three)?
  • What do you like to do?
  • What would you like to do if you found out that you had six months to live?
  • What is your most cherished dream was not realized due to the fear of failure?
  • Where would you spend a large amount of money won in the lottery / bingo / poker?
  • What dream would you go for if you were sure of 100% success?

Development of intuition

By developing your intuitive abilities, in the future you will be able to listen to your own subconscious mind, which gives us hints and the right answers. Then, how to understand what to do in life will not be a problem for you - you can easily determine your vocation and proceed to direct activity.


Reading is something that people do in life in almost every social stratum. Books - great way understand yourself. Read as much as possible, but not everything. Be selective in the choice of literature, consider your preferences. No need to force yourself to absorb complex works - in this way you will develop a dislike for reading books.


To decide what to do in life, making lists will help you. For example: shopping list, planning the day. Systematize desires, attitudes towards people and things, work and hobbies. List of your positives, negative qualities, as well as skills and abilities will allow you to figure out what kind of occupation you are best to do, in what area to work.

A responsibility

Know how to take responsibility for your actions, without blaming loved ones, the government and society as a whole for your failures. Responsibility allows you to realize that life and the choices you make depend only on you, which means that only you can know how to do the right thing in this or that matter. What is worth doing in life? First of all, learn to organize yourself and your activities.

Right choice

In any situation, focus on your own subconscious. Do you want to know if the right choice was made? Close your eyes and mentally imagine that the person who is now next to you is not there. Did you feel good or bad? This will be the correct answer. Visualize the consequences of your choice - this will help you avoid irreparable mistakes.


Pausing before a life-changing decision allows you to think things through more carefully. You should not act, guided only by emotions and momentary impulses - this is fraught with a negative outcome, regrets and uncertainty about future achievements. Want to change jobs? Weigh the pros and cons, consider the outcome of your actions.

Exercises to Uncover Hidden Potential

Thanks to the classes, you can easily determine your true purpose. Various psychological techniques often turn out to be difficult to use, therefore it is easier to use the visualization of plans, desires and future actions. This does not require additional skills and knowledge - everything is very simple, you will need clear sheet paper, pen or pencil and a little patience.

Extract and analysis of hobbies, favorite activities

Relax and think about what you enjoy most of the activities you know. Write down at least 20 known species hobbies or professions. For example: floriculture, playing the piano, writing articles, dancing, sports, cooking, and more. Analyze the finished list, put down next to each of the items the time that you devote (are ready to devote) to a particular type of activity during each day, as well as your preferences in the form of pluses.

Take a close look at your list. Near one (several) points you can see largest number pluses and time - this is your unfulfilled destiny.

Visualization of material well-being

Imagine that your life has changed dramatically, and now, in order to provide for yourself or your family, you no longer need to sit all day in the office, stand at the machine at the factory, run around with a courier bag - in general, you don’t need to work. In your name, a bank account has been opened with a round sum, which is enough for a long comfortable existence, and the children study at a prestigious academy. Represented? Now think about what you would do if you had a lot of free time and material wealth. Everything possible options put it on paper and analyze. Your further actions are the beginning of work on yourself in this particular type of activity.