How to transplant anthurium at home? Is it possible to rejuvenate anthurium, and how to do it at home? Male happiness transplant after purchase.

  • 17.06.2019

Anthurium or flower "male happiness" - very spectacular and beautiful plant, which will perfectly complement the interior and will delight its owners with bright and violent flowering. According to legend, anthurium brings good luck to the representatives of the stronger sex, it is not for nothing that it is called "male happiness". There is a romantic parable about the appearance of anthurium, it tells about a young girl who jumped into the fire so as not to marry the unloved. Then it turned into a beautiful flower.

However, anthurium is loved by the female audience no less than the male one. This plant has large heart-shaped and arrow-shaped leaves of dark green color, the length of which can reach 0.8 m, delightful flowers can be red, white or pink. Under favorable conditions, anthurium blooms most of the year, but for this you need to know how to care for a flower, male happiness.

Rules for the care of anthurium. General concepts

This plant is quite capricious and finicky, so it is so important to know how to care for a home flower for men's happiness. Before you buy this houseplant, you need to find the most favorable place in the house for him. Anthurium is a child of the tropics, therefore it loves cool, moist air, it is considered optimal temperature 18-20 degrees, to maintain humidity, it is desirable to place nearby humidifier. The plant is harmful to direct sunlight, especially the burning summer sun. Whereas in the cold season, it is better to put the anthurium on the sunniest window sill.

On the question of how to care for a flower, male happiness, watering is one of the most important aspects. For a flower, both excessive watering and insufficient watering are equally harmful. In summer, anthurium is watered once every four days, in winter - once a week. Water for irrigation should be settled for several days, the optimum temperature for it is room temperature. feed the plant with mineral fertilizers is needed during the period of active growth - in spring and summer. Moreover, in the warm season, the flower is recommended spray at least every other day, this should be done carefully, making sure that water droplets fall exclusively on the leaves, the inflorescences can turn black and fall off due to moisture.

Flower of male happiness. How to properly care for and transplant

Anthurium transplant- a rather complicated operation, especially for those who are not particularly strong in the science of home floriculture. However, everything can be learned, it is enough to follow simple rules. Here detailed instructions about how to transplant a flower, male happiness, how to care for it to bloom:

  • the first transplant of anthurium must be done a few days after purchase;
  • the pot must be taken with a small "margin" so that the roots are not cramped;
  • an anthurium is suitable for a purchased soil mixture designed specifically for it, it can also be made independently if you mix earth, peat and moss in equal proportions;
  • drainage must be laid at the bottom of the pot;
  • immediately before transplanting, it is necessary to shake off the remains of the old soil from the roots of the plant, place the plant in a new pot and sprinkle with fresh soil.

Flower transplant male happiness. A photo

Reproduction of anthurium

This plant can reproduce both by seeds and shoots. The vegetative method is considered the simplest, that is, using cuttings, growing from seeds is a more complex and painstaking task. So, reproduction with processes:

  • this procedure must be carried out in the spring during a planned transplant, which should be carried out every two years;
  • several shoots with roots are separated from an adult plant, do this with a clean sharp knife;
  • after detachment, new processes are placed in individual pots with suitable soil and drainage, where, as a rule, they take root perfectly, of course, if all the conditions for proper care of them are met.

reproduction seeds includes the following stages:

  • the flower must be pollinated;
  • after pollination, fruits appear, from which, after ripening, seeds can be extracted;
  • the seeds must be washed, then soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • after that, the seeds are placed in a moist substrate under glass or a transparent film, where they remain until germination. When young plants are strong enough, they are transplanted into separate pots.

Flower of male happiness. How to care for it to bloom as long as possible

This is perhaps the most pressing issue that worries the owners of such a beautiful plant.

  • anthurium should be transplanted regularly, at least once every 2 years;
  • during transplantation, shoots should be planted, as described above;
  • proper watering and mineral fertilizers are a must.

Anthurium diseases. Damaged plant care and prevention

Is your pet's leaves falling, turning yellow or blackening? A flower of male happiness refuses to release new shoots? Why does not the flower of male happiness bloom? Novice flower growers often face such questions. Here are the most common situations and their possible causes:

Photo of a flower male happiness

Photo of this beautiful plant no less beautiful than itself. You can immediately become infected with the desire to acquire anthurium when you see a flower. How to care for it is another question, but on this occasion you can find a lot of valuable information that will help you properly create the conditions for this chic plant, which will certainly bring happiness to your home.

Flower of male happiness. Care and reproduction

“Male happiness” is popularly called the anthurium plant, because it is customary for us to give this flower to the male half of humanity. After all, it is believed that the flowers of this plant embody strength, courage, freedom and passion for a woman. Although sometimes you can hear other names for this plant, for example, “damn tongue”, “flamingo flower” or “pig tail”. Yet they are not very common, most often anthurium is still called "male happiness." There is even a belief that in a man's house where anthurium grows, happiness and luck always reign (in the photo - this house is probably very happy!). Well, in order for this flower to be blooming and healthy, it is enough to know how to care for it.

The birthplace of the flower "male happiness" is South America. The local population considers Anthurium to be an enchanted girl, about whom an ancient legend says. According to this tale, one day the leader of an Indian tribe, who had a cruel character, decided to marry the most beautiful girl in the village, who did not want this because she loved another guy. In order not to become the wife of a cruel tyrant, the proud beauty decided to commit suicide by jumping into the fire. Since she was prepared for the wedding ceremony, the girl was already wearing a ceremonial attire. But a miracle happened: the gods did not let the girl die, but turned her into gorgeous red flowers (exactly the same as wedding attire brides - in the photo) - anthurium!

Description of the flower "male happiness"

Currently, approximately 28 species of this plant are known. In addition to this, more than 77 hybrids of this flower were bred by gardeners.

The leaves of the plant, painted in dark green, can reach a length of up to 40 cm and have a heart-shaped or arrow-shaped shape. The flower looks like an ear of white, yellow or color pink, surrounded by a luxurious shiny coverlet, the color of which can vary from dark red to white (sometimes spotted). The shape of the bedspread resembles a stylized shape of a human heart.

Anthurium blooms continuously for 7-8 months (from March to November). At the same time, some flowers delight the eye with their beauty only for 1-1.5 months. If the flower is properly looked after, then the plant can reach up to 0.8 m in height and up to 0.5 m in diameter!

We can grow flowers "male happiness" only in room conditions. We will not say that the plant is undemanding, on the contrary, it is very capricious and requires special care.

How to properly care for anthurium?

Despite the fact that South America is the birthplace of the plant, anthurium during the flowering period does not tolerate not only direct sunlight, but also any bright lighting. If, for example, in summer time do not remove the flowers in a shady place in time, then the leaves can get a sunburn, which will first appear in yellowing, and then the tips of the leaves will simply dry out. In order to save the plant from death, you need to remove it from the sun in a shaded place.

AT winter period the plant opposite should be placed in a well-lit place in order for it to gain strength before future flowering.

During this period, "male happiness" may even turn yellow if it feels a lack of sunlight.

The humidity of the air where the anthurium is contained must be large enough, but the temperature should not be very high (from +18 to +20 C and not higher). The flower loves moisture very much, therefore its daily irrigation from a spray bottle is advised, especially if the tips of the leaves dry. However, flowers, unlike anthurium leaves, do not like excessive moisture. Therefore, make sure that all drops of water fall only on the foliage of the plant, otherwise your luxurious flowers will become stained and fall off. It will not be superfluous in a room where "male happiness" is contained, especially during heating season, install a humidifier.

But watering the plant does not need to be done too often (in winter it is advised to water the flower once a week, and in summer - once every 4 days), and it should not be plentiful. Otherwise, this can lead to rotting of the roots of the anthurium, which is expressed in the blackening of the foliage on it. If you stop watering the plant and dry the soil, then the anthurium can still be saved, but this must be done immediately, as soon as the tips of the leaves on it begin to dry or begin to turn black!

Keep in mind that these houseplants extremely poorly tolerate hard water, which, moreover, was just drawn from faucet. Before watering, the water must certainly be defended, otherwise the leaves dry, and the color may not appear.

In order for the plant to grow strong and beautiful, it must be properly fed with mineral fertilizers. This should be done every month from the onset of spring to the end of autumn.

How to independently transplant and propagate anthurium at home?

If you decide to transplant a flower into another pot, then it is best to do this in the spring. At the same time, even the anthurium that has already bloomed can be transplanted at this time. Having taken out the plant along with a clod of earth on the roots, it is not necessary to remove this soil, but on the contrary, together with it, the flower must be carefully moved to a new pot with fresh earth, which is a mixture of:

  • rotted foliage;
  • sod land;
  • moss pieces.

For growing “male happiness”, a not very deep, but rather wide pot is suitable, since a lot of space is needed for a branched root system of a flower. However, don't over-choose a pot. big size, guided by the principle, the more the better, as this can cause the complete absence of inflorescences on your anthurium. A layer of drainage should be laid at the bottom of the pot, because, as mentioned above, the roots of the plant do not like excessive moisture, which leads to their decay and death of the entire plant.

If you want to propagate yourself " Male happiness", then this is done by dividing one bush into several parts (2-3). Given that after three years the plant begins to shed its leaves, it can and should be divided into parts at each transplant, in other words, annually. So you not only keep the plant young, but also propagate it.
Thus, by properly caring for anthurium, you will always have not only very beautiful flower, but also with its correct reproduction - gifts for the strong half of humanity for all occasions. After all, not a single man has refused to receive “happiness” as a gift!

Indoor flower anthurium is a rather capricious plant. It is required to look after him well and follow the elementary rules for caring for this tropical handsome man in a city apartment - then he all year round will delight you with its healthy appearance and magnificent flowering. The main conditions for this are compliance with the regime of humidity, heat and lighting.

Since anthurium is a tropical plant, it must be watered abundantly, but not often, with warm settled water. It is advisable to add a few drops of citric or acetic acid to the water to soften the hardness of the water and acidify the soil. If your water is too hard, the tips of the leaves will turn brown. The plant must be watered when the top layers of the soil dry well from the previous watering. Usually, this happens on the third or fourth day in summer or a week later in winter.

Keep in mind - the lower the ambient temperature, the less often you need to water your flower.

Be sure to drain excess water from the pan, as stagnant water can cause rotting of the anthurium roots or provoke the occurrence of fungal diseases.

A single watering of anthurium at the end of winter is very warm, up to 50 gr. Celsius with water, provoke it to lush flowering!


In addition to watering, indoor humidity is of great importance for anthurium. It should be high 65 - 85%. To achieve this, especially in the summer, the plant pot is placed in a wide tray with wet expanded clay or pebbles. Containers filled with water are placed next to the pot.

Anthurium in a tray with wet expanded clay

In a room with flowers, you should do it more often wet cleaning. Spray the air around the anthurium from a small spray bottle, trying not to get on the plant, otherwise water drops can ruin your handsome appearance. Often, flower growers spray anthurium leaves (but not flowers!), With clean settled water, and even wash the leaves under a warm shower in the bathroom - then excess moisture from the leaves must be removed with a damp sponge or cotton swab, wait for the flower to dry completely and return it to its original place. If this does not make it difficult for you, cover the anthurium stems with pieces of moistened sphagnum moss. This will also contribute to the increase in air humidity and growth aerial roots flower, which suffer greatly from dry air.


It is not difficult to guess that the anthurium loves not only a humid, but also a warm place of residence. Comfort temperature for him in the summer months does not exceed 22-25 gr. Celsius. In winter, it is desirable to reduce the temperature by another 5 degrees, but not lower than 18 ° C. Plant loves Fresh air but does not tolerate drafts well. Therefore, when you ventilate the room, provide the anthurium with protection from the wind.

soil for anthurium

Anthurium loves loose, light soil mixtures of a large fraction. They must be moisture and breathable. It is better to buy ready-made soil for decorative flowering plants. If for some reason you prefer to prepare your own land, we advise you to mix peat, leafy soil and coarse river sand in equal proportions. You can add crushed charcoal and pine bark. The pH of the soil should be slightly acidic, 5.5 - 6.5 units.

Top dressing and fertilizers

During the growing season, anthurium needs top dressing. At least once every two weeks, it must be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers, preferably complex, with a high content of phosphorus and potassium than nitrogen. Orchid fertilizer is also suitable.


Blooming anthuriums love bright sunlight, but it is advisable not to put the pot in direct sunlight - so as not to spoil the beautiful leaves and flowers with burns. The best places for them will be on the east and west windows of the room. Only in winter, anthuriums need to be rearranged to the south window, closer to the sun. The lack of lighting adversely affects the anthurium - it stops blooming, the leaves lose their decorative effect. On short winter days, it is advisable to organize the illumination of anthuriums using phyto lamps or fluorescent lamps.

And the decorative leafy varieties of anthuriums are shade-tolerant. They feel great on the northern windows of the apartment. If the apartment has only southern windows, and the sun actively illuminates the room, it is better to place the anthurium pot away from the window so that the sun's rays do not harm the plant.

Anthurium transplant at home

Regular transplantation of anthurium is just as necessary as timely watering and top dressing. Young plants, up to the age of five, are transplanted once a year in the spring. Adult anthuriums need to be transplanted into new soil every two to three years. More often - it is not worth it, since the root system of the plant and the green mass will grow strongly to the detriment of flowering.

For transplanting, a pot of suitable size is required. It can be ceramic or plastic, small in height, slightly wider than the root system of your flower. Each subsequent anthurium transplant is carried out to a greater depth, therefore the pot should be larger than the previous one by about 2 cm in height and width. A small pot stimulates the anthurium on abundant flowering.

Unforgettably good drainage- it should be at least 3 - 4 cm, and if the pot is too high - then more

Usually, transplanting anthurium at home does not cause difficulties.

Carefully pull the plant along with the earth from the old pot, try not to damage the fragile roots. Carefully separate the children that appear on the mother plant and plant, if necessary, in separate pots for breeding anthurium. Drainage should be poured into the new pot with a layer of 3 cm and soil suitable for anthurium with a layer of 2 cm. Now place our handsome man in the center of the pot, and cover its root system with soil so that the rosette of leaves is not covered, and all the roots are hidden in the ground. Try not to leave empty spaces in the pot, shake it gently while filling the pot with soil.

If, as they grow, the roots of anthurium still appear from the ground, they need to be sprinkled with soil or covered with moss, which must be constantly moistened.

If you bought an anthurium flower in a store, do not rush to transplant it into a new beautiful pot. Let him acclimate.

It should be remembered that the leaves and flowers of anthurium poisonous. When working with it, you must be careful and be sure to wear gloves. Do not allow the juice of the plant to come into contact with unprotected skin. If this happens, wash your hands with soap.

Keep a close eye on children and pets, as they can not only touch the plant, but also taste it. Cats especially love to chew flower greens. Put the pots with anthurium in a place inaccessible to them.

Anthurium is a fabulously beautiful plant! Care at home for him is not easy, he is capricious, like any beauty! But on the other hand, what pleasure will you get when it blooms in your living room and will amaze your guests with the velvety expressive greenery of huge beautiful leaves or the bright splendor of numerous flowers. Try to grow anthurium yourself - you will not regret it!

Anthurium is a plant belonging to the aroid family and is evergreen with no distinct winter dormancy. It is not difficult to take care of it, but when cultivating, remember some of its features:

  • Likes high humidity indoors;
  • Complete absence of drafts and cold air;
  • A transplant of an adult plant is required once every three years.

By fulfilling these requirements, you can be sure that Anthurium will live for many years.

How to determine by a flower that it needs a transplant

Growing this flower, over time you realize that it needs to be transplanted. But when should that moment come?

Consider the main reasons when the moment of Anthurium transplantation comes:

  1. Immediately after the flower is brought home, it is transplanted from purchased peat into soil suitable for it. Moreover, the transplant period is limited to three days, otherwise problems begin with the plant.
  2. If the flower lives in the house for more than a year, then there is a moment of transplantation into a new soil. Since young plants up to 5 years of age are transplanted annually.
  3. Annually in spring and summer it is necessary to check the presence of the root mass of the plant. If the roots are completely braided with a clod of earth, which is almost invisible, then this is the main sign in which they start transplanting a flower.
  4. They also start transplanting if the roots begin to peek out of the drainage holes that are at the bottom of the pot. In this case, an urgent transplant will help, because if it is not carried out in a couple of weeks, the root mass of the plant will begin to braid the pot from the outside. And then, during transplantation, the roots will be injured, and most likely torn off and the flower may die.
  5. A transplant is done if Anthurium looks lethargic and emaciated. In this case, it is necessary to carefully examine the root system for the presence of pests, and if they are found, measures must be taken to save the plant.
  6. The plant is transplanted when the soil begins to deplete. This is determined by the fact that on the surface of the substrate appears white coating from deposited salts and minerals found in hard water.
  7. Due to an incorrect watering regimen, the root system of the flower may begin to rot. In this case, a complete transplant of the plant is also required, with simultaneous treatment with fungicides of the appropriate action of the root system.
  8. The flower receives the care it needs, and the appearance of the leaf mass looks deplorable. This suggests that the soil is not composed or selected correctly and the flower needs a proper transplant.
  9. Mold that has appeared on the surface of the soil in the container, where the plant is cultivated, indicates that the root mass has died - it has been flooded or dried.

Important! When transplanting Anthurium for any reason that may arise in the process of growing a flower, you must carefully handle the root mass, as it is very fragile.

When to transplant

The best time to repot the plant is in the spring before the hot weather hits. You can also transplant a flower in the summer, if the temperature environment does not exceed 25 degrees Celsius and is the rainy season. In dry and hot weather, they do not transplant, because at temperatures above 30 degrees, the roots begin to absorb moisture poorly, and the flower may not endure the transplantation procedure.

How to transplant after purchase

Anthurium purchased in the store requires an urgent transplant within 3-5 days. All work on transplanting a flower is carried out with gloves, since the juice of the plant is poisonous and can cause inflammation on the integumentary tissues of a person.

Transplant recommendations:

  • We remove flower stalks;
  • We take the plant out of the pot;
  • We completely remove the peat in which it was grown and transported to the place of sale;
  • The roots must be treated with Fitolavin;
  • Drainage is placed in a container intended for the flower with a layer of 1/4 of the volume of the pot, a layer of sphagnum, on which the flower is placed;
  • Then, specialized soil is poured around the roots so that the growth bud of the flower is flush with the ground.

If the room is warm and humid, then the first watering can be carried out immediately after planting. If it is cold, then with the first watering you need to wait and spend it only on the second day so that the injured roots heal.

How often to do the procedure

Young plants are transplanted annually. Anthuriums older than 5 years of age are transplanted as needed, and if this moment does not arise, then you can update upper layer earth in a container in which a flower grows.

What pot should I transplant into?

The pot is selected depending on the cause of the transplant.

The material itself from which the container will be made does not play a special role. In clay pots, there is a high probability that the roots can grow into the walls, and then the transplant will take place with a large loss of the plant's root system.

Also in any pot should be drainage holes for drain excess water after each watering.

Important! Before a flower is planted in a pot, it must be disinfected by washing it with laundry soap and pouring boiling water over it. This is especially true for those pots that have already been in use.

What kind of soil is needed?

The soil can be purchased ready-made at any flower shop or you can make it yourself. The main thing is that the soil mixture should be slightly acidic.

Soil preparation instructions:

  1. Everything is taken in equal proportions and mixed - leafy soil, peat, coniferous soil and coarse sand.
  2. Everything is thoroughly mixed, large parts are removed.
  3. The prepared earth requires disinfection in the freezer of the refrigerator during the day.

For a flower, the composition of the soil is important, since it will not grow in garden soil.

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting Anthurium

When transplanting, it is important to correctly and consistently perform the necessary actions:

  1. The day before transplanting, the soil in which Anthurium grows is well moistened by bottom irrigation. To do this, the pot is placed in a bowl of water, and it gradually moistens the soil in the pot. In cases where the plant is easily removed from the pot, then a moisturizing procedure is not required.
  1. A clod of earth is carefully removed from the pot, while trying not to damage the root system of the flower.

  1. The roots are completely cleaned of soil and inspected for the presence of harmful insects or rotten parts.

  1. If insects are found, then the roots are treated with Actellik, and the rotted parts of the roots are removed with scissors.

  1. The flower bush is cleared of dry and broken leaves, as well as wilted flowers.
  1. Drainage is poured into the selected container.

  1. Next, sphagnum moss and earthen mixture are poured.

  1. After that, a flower is placed in the center and its root system is straightened in different directions.

  1. If part of the roots is above the soil surface, then it is covered with moss.

After transplantation, the container with Anthurium is put in a permanent place.

How to plant?

To plant a plant, you need to apply a certain skill. A clod of earth is removed from the pot, and the earth is carefully removed from the roots. Then proceed directly to the division of the mother bush.

At the same time, the baby should have leaves and its own root system ready for rooting in a new container. Young bushes are planted in small containers and watered. warm water. Further care for them will be like an adult plant.

Post transplant care

After transplantation, the flower must be provided important points with the help of which he will take root well in a new place.

First of all, there should be good diffused lighting without direct sunlight. For this, a window with an eastern orientation is suitable, but if in the house only the southern windows are placed, the flower is placed on the table in the back of the apartment.

The ambient temperature should not fall below 18 degrees Celsius. The flower should stand in a place where there are no cold drafts. An important aspect of care is high humidity near the flower.

Therefore, if the apartment has an aquarium, then the place near it is perfect for the growth of Anthurium. If this is not possible, then the flower stands on expanded clay placed in a pan with water, while the pan should be large diameter so that its diameter captures the volume of the flower.

When spraying a flower daily, one should try not to get water on the flowers, as unsightly brown spots may form on the flower bedspread.

It is necessary to feed the flower no more than 2 times a month, while the concentration of dressings should be very weak.

Note! Top dressing should be carried out only on moist soil after watering, otherwise you can burn the root system of the flower.

Learn more about transplanting from the video below:

How to water

After transplantation, watering is done moderately for 2 weeks. In this case, only warm settled water should be used. After this period, watering begins in the usual mode, that is, watering is done as soon as the soil in the pot dries out by 1/3.

Since this is a tropical plant, it is watered in the summer once every 4 days, in the winter once a week. At the same time, the water that accumulates in the pan after each watering must be drained after 20 minutes so that it does not stagnate and does not affect the quality of the root system.

Possible mistakes

Sometimes, when a plant is transplanted incorrectly, problems arise that must be solved in the near future because they can lead to death.

Transfer error Solution of the problem
When transplanting, they took too large a pot With such an error, the flower will not bloom for a long time. It is necessary to choose a smaller pot and transplant again.
With improperly selected soil, the flower will not throw out flower arrows. Transplant the flower into the appropriate soil. The soil should be light and fertile, consisting of more than just peat.
Leaves turn black after watering. Watering is done with warm and settled water, allowing the earth to dry out between waterings. If mold has formed in the pot from excessive watering, it must be transplanted and at the same time the rotting parts of the root system should be removed.

Important! If there is any doubt about the correctness of the transplant, it is necessary to study the material again so as not to bring the flower to death.


What pot is suitable for a flower?

The new container should be only 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous pot. The shape of the pot should be such that the height is greater than the width of the container.

Is it possible to cut aerial roots during transplantation?

They must be directed towards the ground and covered with sphagnum moss. In no case should they be cut off, the plant may die.

What soil is suitable for Anthurium?

in garden centers and flower shops specialized soil is sold for this plant, if it is not on sale, then soil for aroids, azaleas or orchids is suitable.

Is it possible to transplant a flowering plant?

When Anthurium, in fact, like any flower, is in the flowering stage, it is not advisable to start transplanting, as this is a huge stress for the plant. But if this needs to be done, then, having made a transplant in accordance with all the rules, Anthurium may not notice the action taken.

The transplant is done following the usual rules.

Important! After transplant flowering plant process it with "Epin".

Useful video

Learn more about anthurium transplantation from the video below:


Transplant it natural process for cultivation various colors at home and Anthurium is no exception. Because first you need to get rid of purchased soil, and subsequently, over time, the soil is depleted in the tank and it must be changed to a more nutritious one. Therefore, do not be afraid of plant transplantation, you just need to carefully monitor all actions so as not to harm Anthurium.

Anthurium (popularly - “male happiness”) is not an ordinary flower that cannot grow on ordinary soil. For normal development he needs a special soil - as close as possible to the usual natural one. Anthurium has a powerful root system that requires drainage, tree bark, peat and a fairly small universal component.

Soil Requirements

The large and thick roots of anthurium are very similar to the rhizomes of orchids. The needs of flower crops are also largely similar. Roots require a lot of oxygen and a moderate amount of water. Therefore, the soil for anthurium is preferable loose, with many air pockets, large inclusions of natural origin. The plant does not tolerate soil compaction, it needs porous soil that quickly passes water and dries quickly.

The optimal level of acidity is from 5.5 to 6, that is, slightly acidic.

Under natural conditions, anthurium grows under trees in the dense tropics. And they have to put the rhizomes down - into the litter, consisting of various plant debris, humus and pieces of coniferous bark. Forest litter and you need to try to recreate in artificial conditions at home.

Required composition

The universal composition of the soil for anthurium: flower soil and coniferous bark (dosage 1: 1).

Land for flowers, which is sold in stores, contains a lot of peat. And therefore it has a slightly acidic reaction, as anthurium needs. Coniferous bark acts as an additional acidifier. It can be collected in the forest and dried or purchased ready-made in a flower shop.

The universal composition can be used in its pure form, or it can be diluted with additional ( useful flower) components:

  • Expanded clay and brick chips.
  • Pine needles.
  • Perlite.
  • Large sand.
  • Coconut shavings.
  • Charcoal.
  • Moss called Sphagnum.

The above additives have a positive effect on the quality of the soil: expanded clay is an excellent baking powder, Sphagnum moss helps to retain moisture (it needs a minimum amount, since anthurium does not like excess water), charcoal protects the root system from rot.

Note. You can choose one or more additives. They are perfectly combined with each other.

Do-it-yourself soil

It is not necessary to buy ready-made soil in the store, it is easy to prepare it yourself. It must certainly contain large elements for which the anthurium rhizomes can cling to in the future. At the same time, the soil needs moisture and breathability with a low density.

Be sure to have drainage in the pot (pebbles, expanded clay), which should occupy at least ¼ of the area of ​​the pot. Anthurium does not tolerate excess water, because its root system needs protection from rot, which drainage provides.

Soil mixtures acceptable for the plant:

  • Deciduous, coniferous soil, peat (in equal shares) and ½ share of coarse sand.
  • Deciduous soil and peat (1: 1), coarse sand (half a dose), high-quality humus - two parts.
  • Sod, sand (1 part each), rotted foliage - two parts.
  • Turf (two shares), coarse sand and moss (1 share each), peat (4 shares).
  • Chopped bark of coniferous trees, moss, peat (1 share each), sod (2 shares).

Deciduous soil is used as a baking powder. In addition, she is able to supply the anthurium with the nutrients necessary for growth. The foliage of maple, linden, apple trees, pears is suitable. But it is better not to use willow and oak - they are not to the liking of anthurium.

Coniferous soil is rotted spruce needles. It adds the necessary acidity to the soil, protects against fungal diseases, chlorosis damage.

Sod - soil with many mature roots and young shoots. It carries the nutritional value, the necessary porosity, elasticity.

Peat makes the soil light and loose.

Coarse sand prevents rotting of the stem and rhizomes, inhibits the development of fungal diseases.

Ready mixes

When choosing soil for growing anthurium, one should take into account the conditions of its natural habitat. These are forest thickets, the plant itself settles on the fallen bark and draws food through its powerful rhizomes. Therefore, the land for him is chosen as similar as possible to the forest floor. It should be extremely water and breathable, light, porous, with a slight acidity.

A substrate intended for orchids is quite suitable for anthurium, since it contains moss, bark of coniferous trees, peat, wood ash. You can add only a little universal soil there. A substrate for begonias is also suitable, but it must first be provided with appropriate moss and perlite.

It is extremely difficult to find a specialized substrate for anthurium, since only a few manufacturers have it in their product line.

  • Substratum called "Polessky". It is intended for cultivation of this flower culture. Contains two types of peat, sand, perlite, coconut shavings, coarse sand, coal.

The presence of trace elements ensures the full development of the culture, abundant flowering, adds juicy colors to Anthurium. The peat component, coconut flakes have a positive effect on the growth of roots, prevent their damage during transplantation, and protect them from temperature fluctuations.

Produced in Ukraine, it is no longer supplied to Russia. Cost - from 40 hryvnia for 5 liters.

  • Substrate component called "Aroid". Contains: bark, sod, pine needles, moss, sand, which provide anthurium with full growth and development. Cost - from 50 rubles. for 1 liter One package is enough for a pot, with a volume of 1000-1500 ml. It is worth taking care only of the additional acquisition of drainage.
  • A substrate called ForPro. Includes conifer bark, peat, perlite, charcoal. Cost - from 60 rubles. for 2.5 liters.
  • Substratum of the same name "Anthurium". It consists of peat, crushed larch bark, coal, and perlite. Produced in packs of 2.5 liters. Cost - from 60 rubles.
  • Soil specially designed for aroid species trademark Biomaster. It has universal composition, enriched with moss. Before use, you must separately purchase sand, peat, coconut shavings and perlite. Cost - 54 rubles. for 2 l.

Very often, anthuriums wither away from strong guardianship and unnecessary care. With regard to these plants, everything should be in moderation. Do not neglect fertilizers, pour a flower, block access to sunlight.

  1. The plant is transplanted not only after the acquisition, but also in the future every 2 years. This is due to its rapid growth. If the roots of anthurium do not have enough space, the flower withers and fades rapidly. When transplanting, they certainly capture a lump of the old substrate, so that it is easier for the plant to take root in a new place.
  2. In winter, the anthurium enters a dormant period. At the same time, the room temperature is reduced to +18. If the flower is cold, this manifests itself in the formation of brown spots on the leaves. Then you should increase the temperature by a few degrees. At the same time, the plant should have enough light. If necessary, make additional lighting.
  3. Watering should be regular, but moderate. The plant does not tolerate an excess of moisture. The pan is drained after each watering in order to avoid root rot. Only settled (softened) water is suitable. From hard water, the plant will begin to hurt, become covered with heels and gradually die. It will not be superfluous to spray several times a day (in winter - once every 7 days).


A competent choice of soil for planting and growing anthurium will save the plant from root rot, oxygen deficiency and developmental delay. A nutritious diet and proper care provide rapid and prolonged flowering of the culture.