How to choose a metal entrance door. How to choose an entrance door to an apartment - recommendations from professionals How to choose entrance doors

  • 23.06.2020

No matter how convincingly the manufacturers of wooden entrance doors promote their products, they are undoubtedly significantly inferior in strength and reliability to their steel counterparts. However, even among their metal counterparts there is a gradation that divides them into categories according to degrees of protection, according to periods of impeccable service and according to aesthetic qualities. A steel entrance block is not a cheap purchase. Therefore, before you go to the store, you need to figure out how to choose a metal entrance door, what you need to pay extra for, and what you shouldn’t spend money on.

Reliability is the priority

Let’s not deceive ourselves and those around us by proving that we like “iron” protection for aesthetic reasons. Although the latest Italian and domestic models can be called attractive without reservation. We decide to install a steel “barrier”, first of all, because of the ultra-high physical and mechanical characteristics of the material and because of the ability to equip the structure with the maximum number of protective devices.

First of all, you need to pay attention:

  • on specifications products specified in the manufacturer's documentation;
  • on design features front door frames and panels;
  • on the number of built-in devices that can make solving the problem of unauthorized entry as difficult as possible.

Moreover, for yourself personally, you need to determine in advance the necessary and sufficient limit of reliability, since going overboard in these indicators entails not only an increase in price. Often, super reliable metal doors create absolutely unnecessary problems for owners. Overly complex crab locks break irreparably with the top bolt jamming, after which you have to simply install a new door. A door that is too heavy is difficult to open/close for children and elderly family members. In addition, the mechanisms quickly wear out, the frame is deformed, and the canvas sags on worn out hinges.

Necessary and sufficient technical characteristics

Let's start with the quality and thickness of the metal, on which the weight of the structure and price depend. No iron is used in the production of iron entrance doors. It is generally not used anywhere in its pure form, only alloys. Doors are made from sheet steel obtained through the process of hot or cold rolling. Since we are figuring out how to choose a metal door, we need to compare the properties of the material:

  • Hot rolled metal is cheap and dark in color, but under decorative coating its blackness is not visible. It is more susceptible to the appearance of rust spots on its surface and is quickly eaten away by corrosion. If the manufacturer used this particular type of material, the document will indicate GOST number 19903.
  • Cold rolled alloy is more expensive than the previous version. Without treatment, pleases with the standard color of galvanized steel. Doors made from it will not suffer from direct contact with atmospheric hazards. GOST number 19904 will tell you about its use in door manufacturing.

If an alloy is oversaturated with carbon, it loses its ductility. A high content of alloying elements is also useless. Medium-alloy (up to 11%) and medium-carbon (up to 0.6%) steel alloys are considered optimal for the production of doors and their further operation.

Next, we will evaluate the prospects and choose iron door, designed to protect our property through the thickness of the steel sheet. We will also find this indicator in technical documents. Its values ​​can vary from 0.8 mm to 4.0 mm, according to which:

  • doors made of sheet steel with a thickness of 0.8-1.0 mm do not belong to the clan of entrance structures. Suitable for arranging outbuildings intended for storing low-value items and garden tools;
  • a sheet of two sheets with a metal thickness of 1.0-2.0 mm is a suitable solution for equipping an office space in a multi-storey business center with security;
  • 2.0-2.5 mm is the norm for the door leading from the apartment to the entrance;
  • 4.0 mm is the best option for a country mansion, especially if people do not live in it permanently.

The thicker the sheet steel, the heavier and more expensive the door. It will cost more not only because of the cost of the material, but also due to the special installation scheme, additional powerful hinges and a reinforced frame. The optimal weight of an iron door for residential buildings is considered to be 70 kg. Doors for banks and bulletproof options weigh 90-100 kg or more.

Design features of a steel door

The two main components of any door block are the leaf and the frame, also known as the frame, which is more consistent with a product made from steel blanks. The most reliable is the bent one. profile pipe a monolithic frame with one weld, a less reliable frame welded from four sections of hot-rolled profile pipe. The most “flimsy” type is welded from four segments, each of which in turn is welded from two corners of equal length.

In short: the more welds, the worse, according to engineers. In their opinion, welding changes the initial design geometry. The consequences of violating the calculated geometric parameters may not appear immediately after installation, including:

  • distortions and the accompanying need for effort;
  • directly opposite drafts and cracks, allowing you to cut off the internal hinges or open the door with a crowbar or pry bar;
  • jamming of the canvas, bolts of the locking system.

On front side The fabric should not have welded seams. The outer part must be made of a monolithic sheet, otherwise it will not withstand a strong blow from a heavy sledgehammer.

Canvas as a guide for choice

The canvas itself is a rectangular frame to which two metal sheets are attached. There may be one steel outer sheet and an inner panel made of solid wood, MDF or particle board covered with laminated film, veneer, or cheap vinyl leatherette. This feature distinguishes the entrance blocks into those capable of withstanding atmospheric attacks and those unable to resist sunlight and moisture.

If the owner decides which metal door to choose for installation in an opening connecting to the street, the answer is clear - completely iron, since temperature changes and fluctuations in moisture levels will render wood and materials created from its fibers unusable. They equip apartments with metal-MDF tandem blocks or an additional entrance to Vacation home, leading from the closed vestibule to the housing.

Note. The condition for complete protection against burglary using simple thieves' methods - a crowbar and a crowbar - is steel cashing and ledges. They will close all unreliable areas and prevent access to critical parts.

Let's recalculate the stiffeners

Between the outside steel sheet And internal panel, no matter what material it is made of, there are ribs of cruelty. At a minimum there should be two vertical and one horizontal. It is best if there are more ribs than the specified limit, because their number increases reliability. But at the same time as reliability they will increase weight.

In order to reduce weight, the ribs are not made from a regular corner or rectangular steel pipe, but from long products with a complex profile. It is almost impossible to bend the complex-profile ribs, and they add little weight to the door.

Reliable door hinges

Those who want to know how to choose the right entrance door should also pay attention to the hinges. Steel door blocks are equipped with two types:

  • hidden loops that unconditionally eliminate the desire to cut;
  • ordinary external ones, which in principle can be cut, but anti-removal devices will not allow the panel to be removed - small steel pins “recessed” into special holes in the frame when the door is closed.

For inexplicable reasons, the latter type is most often used. Apparently, because the degree of protection is provided by anti-removals.

The number of loops determines the weight of the fabric. For a standard of 70 kg, two hinges are sufficient if the door is not used with increased intensity with closing 50 times a day. Those who are going to actively move back and forth, and those who decide to install a bulletproof door, will need 3-4 hinges. The hinges must have a support bearing, which will extend the service life of the devices and facilitate operation.

About heat and ways to preserve it

A metal door does not help retain heat, since the material perfectly conducts heat waves. Thermal insulation is laid between the outer and inner sheets of the fabric, for which mineral wool insulation or foamed polystyrene is most often used due to its combustion resistance and environmental priorities. You should not rely on the presence of insulation; cold bridges still form in the area where the stiffeners are located and along the perimeter of the frame. But with insulation it is still warmer than without it at all.

A rubber seal will eliminate drafts and foreign odors. Most manufacturers equip their canvases with two rows, but experts believe that one is enough.

The castle is a friend and faithful watchdog

There are no “incorruptible guard dogs,” that is, locks that cannot be picked. The difference between an unreliable and a reliable lock is only the length of time that an attacker will need to spend on opening it. True, overly complex locking systems sometimes fail the owners themselves, which is why neither manufacturers nor sellers of iron doors advise getting carried away with design refinements.

The most effective locking option, both consumers and manufacturers recognize the presence of two locking systems of different types. It is desirable that the main one be equipped with crossbars for locking in several directions for a long period of time, and the auxiliary one is suitable for owners who often close the door for a short period.

There is no point in discussing which entrance doors are more beautiful and which are better to choose for arranging a house or apartment with an established interior and exterior. Everyone has individual opinions, there is no need to reduce them to a common denominator. We can only advise you to buy door blocks with an external anti-vandal coating, which protects the appearance of the entrance area from those who like to spoil beautiful things. By the way, you can apply it yourself after installation. This means that at the top of the search rock, we will strengthen the flag with the inscription “reliability”, measure the opening according to the rules that can be found in the corresponding article, and rush to conquer the sellers with awareness, not forgetting that we came to buy a super strong iron barrier.

Available for sale today a large number of doors, but not all of them are suitable for installation inside the entrance, where a lot of people walk, make noise and can be smoky. It is important that it is warm and protected from intelligent hacking, and for this you should pay attention to the design features and locking mechanisms. Knowing the characteristics of insulating materials and surface coating options will help you understand which entrance door is best for your apartment. You can choose a good and inexpensive design by studying the manufacturers' ratings.

Which entrance door is better to install in an apartment?

A good entrance door installed inside the entrance should be able to protect the apartment from various negative factors and at the same time resist external influences on its surface in order to maintain a beautiful appearance. Possible negative effects include the following:

  • smoky air;
  • accidental contact with the surface of the canvas by bags or carrying large items;
  • noise from the stomping of people passing by and their conversations;
  • drafts;
  • attempts of force or vandalism.

To resist all these phenomena, doors must have certain characteristics. For example, the thickness of the steel on the box and frame of the canvas from 1.2 mm will help protect the structure from breaking out. The most optimal would be 1.5-2 mm. Although in the entrance it is less likely that intruders will make noise with a tool, due to the inaction of neighbors, robbers may have some time to do this. It is better to install an entrance door in an apartment created by bending solid sheets of steel, since such a frame and door will be more durable to resist deformations, such as pulling the edge of the leaf.

To prevent bending of part of the canvas, it is important to have at least two stiffening ribs located vertically across the entire cavity. The combined arrangement scheme, where one rib is welded across the cavity, and two in a vertical position, is even more appreciated. To prevent cutting off the hinges from causing the door to fall out of the opening, it is better to buy a product with anti-removal pins. These are rods with a diameter of 14 mm located inside the structure between the canvas and the box. In the closed position, they connect the frame post and the sash profile.

To resist accidental scratches from bags, skis, strollers and other carried items, the surface of the canvas must have a durable coating. The best metal entrance doors to an apartment are painted with powder coating or equipped with an MDF board covered with PVC film. Both options have a dense structure and retain their beautiful appearance for a long time despite mechanical stress or moisture. They are suitable for installation on the ground floor, even with strong evaporation from the basement.

Many buyers, judging by the reviews, like a door with a wooden trim on the inside. This serves additional insulation and decorates the hallway, giving it a more homely look. As finishing materials for this use:

  • laminate strips;
  • MDF overlays;
  • pressed veneered boards;
  • natural array.

The wooden surface can be milled or have a mirror, which is very practical. These overlays have a wide choice of colors and pattern structures.

What kind of insulation and locks should be on the doors to the apartment?

To understand which entrance door is better to install in an apartment for security reasons, it is worth considering that attackers overcome such barriers most often by intelligently opening them. To resist these attempts, it is important to choose products with locks of the 3rd and 4th burglary resistance classes. This will delay the robber for 40-50 minutes. No one will fiddle around with the entrance doors for that long. Even greater protection is provided by the combination of lever and cylindrical locks, since they have different mechanisms and operating principles. To prevent the insides of the locking devices from being drilled out, an armor plate is provided.

If the entrance is closed common doors and there are good windows, and it is also heated, then a sash with foam plastic and two sealing contours is enough. To protect an apartment from the cold in entrances without windows or located on the ground floors, it is worth buying a product filled with mineral wool or polyurethane foam. This gives high insulation against noise and heat transfer. If neighbors smoke a lot on the landing, then the best entrance door to an apartment with four sealing contours around the perimeter can protect against the penetration of tobacco smoke.

The best manufacturers of metal doors

Often, when choosing entrance doors, buyers look for information about which company is better, which helps narrow down the search area. Here are the TOP most popular factories for the production of metal doors with good characteristics:

  • "Yoshkar Ola";
  • "Citadel";
  • "Door Continent";
  • "Doors South";
  • Zetta;
  • "Bulldors";
  • "Lex."

The listed best manufacturers of entrance doors have modern equipment for the production of boxes and door frames by bending solid sheets of steel with a thickness of 1.2 to 4 mm. All companies use semi-automatic welding and contact equipment to make neat and durable seams on the structure. At their disposal milling machines with a variety of templates allowing you to create beautiful design on wooden panels. The price of products varies from economy to premium class.

The Reliable Doors company is an official dealer of the above and other manufacturers of metal doors. From us you can choose and buy a door to an apartment with high-class burglary-resistant locks, insulation made of mineral wool or polyurethane foam, painted with powder coating and having decorative panels.

Sections of the article:

When undertaking renovations in an apartment or buying a new home, the owner tries to think through everything down to the smallest detail and protect himself and his property as much as possible. A secure door is one of the most important elements of home protection. And the best entrance doors are those that have not only impeccable performance characteristics, but also aesthetic appeal.

Criterias of choice

Of course, everyone chooses exactly the front door model that meets all the requirements. However, the evaluation criteria are different for each person. Let's try to figure out what you need to pay attention to first when undertaking such an important event as purchasing an entrance door.


The penetration of intruders into the apartment can be prevented by installing secure doors. Many people prefer wood products, while others accept only metal door structures.

You should choose a canvas of optimal thickness and with protected fastening loops. An entrance door that is too thick will be problematic to open, and over time, the fastening elements may not withstand the weight of the structure and simply break. But a thin door leaf will be “easy prey” for intruders.


The best entrance door is considered to be one that can provide excellent heat and sound insulation. No cold or sounds from outside are scary if the door fits tightly to the opening. The metal structure may contain an additional layer of insulation, thereby improving the performance characteristics of the canvas.


The design of the door plays an important role in the process of choosing the appropriate model. After all, the front door is actually the business card of the owners of the home and speaks of the respectability and taste preferences of the owner. Particular attention should be paid to the style of the canvas, its color, and material of manufacture.


An important point when choosing a door model is the availability of access control. Well, what kind of entrance doors can do without a peephole or latches? It is best to secure your home with additional latches and a peephole that can provide an expanded viewing angle.

Not long ago, the door chain was widely used. However, today this element of protection is used quite rarely, since, for example, for a metal door that has a decent weight, the chain will only be a decorative element that does not provide proper protection.


The front door must be equipped with a reliable lock, which will prevent intruders from invading the territory of the apartment or house. Even the slightest jamming of the locking mechanism should be a signal of the need for urgent repair work or replacing the old lock with a new one.

Ease of use

Even if the front door is made of heavy metal, its use should be as comfortable as possible and not cause difficulties for the owners. You should also not allow the opening process to be too easy, so as not to turn the property into “easy prey” for those who want to profit from other people’s property.


When choosing the best front door for your home, everyone focuses primarily on their financial capabilities. However, it is worth understanding a simple truth: secure door cannot be of low cost.

Compliance with all technological processes for the production of entrance doors indicates the high quality of the product, which accordingly implies its high cost. Metal doors are considered the best option, since they usually consist of several layers of material, namely:

  • Internal decorative panel;
  • Inner metal sheet;
  • Door leaf;
  • Insulation;
  • External metal sheet;
  • External panel.

All of the above allows you to create a reliable “line” at the entrance to your home. Modern models of entrance doors can even provide bulletproof protection, as well as prevent the spread of fire. Although in most cases it is more important to have additional protection against mechanical damage.

Now about the main thing

Choosing a door for your home begins with the fact that you need to choose what material your future door will be made of. Traditionally, manufacturers offer the buyer metal or wooden door models. However, it is worth remembering that not all types of wood are suitable for making entrance doors. How better quality the raw material used, the higher the cost of the finished product.

Wooden doors usually have a high price because they are made from natural wood. In this regard, wooden models are considered luxury items. In this case, it is worth paying attention to metal products, which will provide the best possible protection for your home.

However, even when choosing a metal entrance door, you should be extremely careful. Unscrupulous manufacturers can lure buyers with the fact that the door leaf supposedly consists of several layers of metal, but in reality such structures will be completely weak, because the thickness of the metal sheet used will be less than one millimeter. It is very easy to damage such a door without applying special effort. Such a barrier will not be able to stop intruders, and even a very expensive lock will not save the situation.

The entrance door should be selected not only from the point of view of reliability, but also from the point of view of aesthetic appeal. Both the color scheme and general design should be harmoniously combined with the design of the apartment. It is also necessary to remember that the front door may have different type at both sides.

Finishing the surface of the canvas with veneer is considered a good decorative option. This will give a luxurious look to the structure, creating a unique imitation of solid wood. In addition, it is possible to create a special relief ornament on the surface of the door, complementing the overall decor of the door.

Many people “purchase” Chinese entrance doors, but it is better to refuse such an acquisition. In such models, the cost of construction is too low, which certainly affects the quality and reliability of the protection. It is important to remember the main rule: do not skimp on your own safety.

To decide for yourself which doors are better, you need to familiarize yourself with the offers from different manufacturers. Having identified the undisputed leader in this matter, you can make an investment with complete confidence Money into the design of entrance doors.

The modern market for construction products offers entrance doors from both foreign and domestic manufacturers, whose reputation indicates the high quality of their products. In order to understand which company should buy entrance doors, it is necessary to conduct an adequate assessment examination and identify the only leader in this niche. For this purpose, it is better to familiarize yourself with the rating list the best manufacturers door leaf models.

The best of the best

To choose the best entrance doors, use the following criteria:

  • Metal sheet thickness;
  • Fire safety;
  • Noise and heat insulation;
  • Availability of additional accessories;
  • Offered assortment.

The Door Called the Beast

It is one of the leading leaders in the door manufacturing industry. It has the most modern equipment, thanks to which it is possible to apply the latest developments in the production process of door structures.

The enterprise has a developed management structure, which gives the right to optimally organize not only the production process, but also the process of marketing finished structures. At all stages of production, products are checked for quality and, accordingly, reliability of the offered product.


"Stal" is a company founded over a quarter of a century and has maintained an excellent reputation to this day. It specializes in the production of not only metal entrance doors, but also other steel products (grills, barbecues, etc.).

Thanks to coordinated work, the company entered the global market. Gradually expanding your capabilities and improving technological process, the company currently has a full production cycle. Products are presented at well-known exhibition venues, which indicates the competitiveness and high quality of manufactured products.


The company has been manufacturing metal products (steel doors and gates) since 1995. The gradual increase in capacity made it possible to expand the range of customers, reaching the All-Russian level.

Loyal pricing policy and competitiveness of products enabled the company to establish itself as one of the leaders in this industry. You can place an order for products made to individual sizes. We also sell bulletproof and armored doors of the highest quality.


“Gerda” is a domestic company whose partners are such European brands as Open Gallery (Israel), MaMe Turendesing GmbH (Germany), etc. By adopting the experience and knowledge of foreign partners, the company was able to reliably strengthen its leading position among competitors and expand production capacity.

In addition to manufacturing metal entrance doors, the company also produces its own locks.

Besides, distinctive feature door structures is a fastening system that is particularly durable and reliable.


The company's activity is the production of numerous types of entrance doors. In addition to standard models, you can also select exclusive options, which undoubtedly brings the company to a leading position in the Russian market. Despite the high cost of its products, the company has a fairly wide sales range. This is due to a conscientious approach to completing assigned tasks, as evidenced by the excellent quality of the door leaves.


Guardian is a fairly well-known manufacturer of entrance doors. In addition to door structures, you can also purchase fittings, locks, panels, etc. Unlike its competitors, the company produces both luxury doors and economy class doors, which allows all segments of the population to purchase quality products, regardless of financial status.


“Bastion” is one of the flagships of the domestic production of steel entrance doors. The peculiarity of the company’s door panels is not only high quality, but also original design solutions. In addition, the kit includes anti-removal hinges and secure locks, which guarantees 100% protection for the home from unauthorized entry by intruders.

Choosing an entrance door to an apartment turns into a real headache for the buyer - the market is oversaturated with products that take into account any needs: price, design, reliability, sound and heat insulation. How, under these conditions, can one balance the consumer properties of a door so that it is beautiful, affordable for the family budget and, at the same time, reliably protects the home from “uninvited guests” and is easy to use? Only specialists know this.

Let's fill the gap in the knowledge of the average consumer and consider which entrance door is best installed in an apartment.

Main structural elements of the entrance door

The question of what material the entrance door to the apartment should be made of: wood or metal is not discussed. A priori this is a metal door. It consists of many structural elements, which many consumers are not aware of. And they play an important role in protecting your home from thieves and robbers.

In order to warn owners against possible mistakes when installing doors to an apartment, we will consider in detail, in the most accessible language, each element door design, terms that denote them and their role in the design of the door.

1. External cladding. The door should not only perform protective functions, but also have an aesthetic appearance. For this purpose, several methods of external finishing are used:

  • painting with powder paint, as a result of which several problems are solved at once: an anti-corrosion coating is applied, the doors are given a pleasant appearance, the door leaf is protected from mechanical damage;
  • the door is upholstered with leather or its substitutes;
  • covered with laminated film;
  • sheathed with MDF sheets, precious wood veneer, etc.

For reference: the door leaf is a movable part of the door block that overlaps the doorway with its dimensions. Consists of internal and external metal sheets, internal frame, stiffeners and filler (insulation).

2. Loops- Allows you to open and close the door.

3. Peephole (door)– provides the opportunity to inspect the space directly outside the door.

4. Handle (door)– allows you to control the lock and the door when it is opened.

5. Armored plate for lever lock– protects the lock cylinder from breaking, drilling, knocking out.

6. Outer metal sheet– closes access to the apartment through the door leaf, protects the locking mechanisms from breaking.

7. Inner frame. One of the most important elements of a door structure. The geometry of the inside of the door block and the protection of locks from breaking when trying to press the bolts from the door frame depend on its strength.

For reference: to give the door leaf rigidity, it is welded inside the door frame metallic profile. In the language of experts - stiffeners.

8. Filler– protects the room from the penetration of cold and various noises from outside. In everyday practice, experts say that this is insulation.

9. Anti-removal pins. Installed only with external hinges. Hold the door leaf in the frame while trying to cut the hinges and remove the door.

10. Door lock)– a mechanical device for locking the door in the closed position.

11. Rigel(from German Riegel, which means bolt, bolt) - an element of the lock mechanism in the form of a metal rod that directly locks the door.

12. Vertical transom for locks of “crab” design.

13. Deviator. Additional horizontal bolts located outside the lock area - if a criminal manages to press the lock bolts, the door will not open. It will be held by a deviator, the location of which is hidden from the burglar.

14. Inner metal sheet. Strengthens the protective functions of the door. In a number of door models, there is no door - an MDF panel is installed.

15. Internal lining. Made from MDF, valuable wood veneer, etc.

16. Door frame– the fixed part of the door block. It is a frame structure supporting a door on hinges. Attached to the wall with anchor bolts.

17. Metal platband, is part of the box.

18. – installed on a box indoors.

19. Mounting pins- attach the box to the wall.

20. Sealant– installed in the contour of the vestibule.

For reference: a door ledge is a small protrusion on the door leaf for a tighter connection with door frame(see photo).

21. Eccentric– regulates the force of pressing the leaf against the door frame.

22. Night watchman– blocks the door with inside without the ability to open it from the outside. Only hacking.

23. – allows you to close and open the lock from the inside without a key.

24. – covers part of the wall indoors, performing the function of a slope.

25. End latch. Opens the second leaf of a double door.

What to look for when choosing

Of the above elements, the greatest attention should be paid to the door leaf and frame, locks, hinges, seal, filler and peephole - they are the ones who ensure safety and comfort in the home.

Let's consider the features of each of the above elements so that the consumer, when choosing the entrance door to the apartment, consciously comes to a compromise on the parameters of the product when purchasing it or takes into account all the nuances in the contract when ordering.

Door leaf

The front door has many functions, but the choice is always made according to two criteria - security and reliability. Only then are other consumer properties considered. Therefore, first of all, the buyer (customer) is interested in:

  • thickness of the cladding (metal sheet) outside and inside;
  • presence of stiffeners;
  • dimensions of the door leaf (more precisely, its thickness).

At first glance everything is clear. The thicker the sheathing sheets and the canvas itself, the better. But don’t rush to buy such doors - heavy weight the canvas will very quickly require replacing the hinges.

How to choose the right door based on the thickness of the elements? More on this below.

Door leaf thickness. Let us immediately note that the thickness of the door leaf has practically no effect on the security of the apartment. The level of protection against noise and cold depends on the indicator. Therefore, in apartments with heated entrances, 7 cm is enough - the filler successfully solves its problems.

For reference: in private houses, doors with a thickness of 9-10 cm are usually installed - a thicker layer of insulation is needed, and in garages, workshops and other utility rooms, 5 cm is enough.

Steel thickness. Door manufacturers weld iron sheets with a thickness of 0.5 to 5 mm onto their products. In principle, a door leaf with cladding of any thickness can be installed in an apartment. But what is the end result?

A metal sheet up to 1.5 mm thick can be easily opened with a simple can opener. From 1.5 to 2 mm can also be cut, but with metal scissors. Sheathing with a thickness of more than 3 mm dramatically makes the door heavier, as a result of which the hinges quickly wear out.

Therefore, in practice, one sheet of 2-3 mm thick is placed on the door leaf on each side. One can argue with such a decision. Here are a few points:

  • At the entrance, no one will cut out the door leaf with a grinder. This is not a private house, where sometimes no one is home at night, and vigilant neighbors are far away or behind a high fence. Therefore, a thickness of 2.0-2.5 mm is sufficient.
  • If the first barrier is impassable, why install a second sheet of metal, increasing the load on the hinges and increasing the cost of the door itself.
  • The second metal sheet conducts noise and heat well. Installing a removable panel made of a different material instead increases the level of heat and sound insulation.

Conclusion: the front door will successfully protect the apartment from burglary with one 2.5 mm thick metal sheet welded on the outside.

Stiffening rib. Any metal is deformed under the influence of mechanical force. This is what burglars take advantage of, squeezing the door leaf away from the frame in the area of ​​the locks. The use of thicker sheets of sheathing or door frame practically does not solve the problem - burglars use a longer lever.

What saves you in such a situation are stiffening ribs - pieces of ordinary angle or rolled steel with a complex profile welded inside the door leaf. Minimum allowed quantity: two plates vertically and one horizontally. Increasing the number of horizontal ribs reduces the probability of pressing the door to zero. But you shouldn’t get carried away either - increasing the weight of the canvas has a negative impact on the hinges.

Frame. The degree to which doors are resistant to burglary also depends on the frame of the door leaf - a solid profile pipe, with one weld in the corner near the hinges. Making a frame from 4 pieces sharply reduces its strength - the welding breaks under strong bending loads. The quality of the frame can be seen by visual inspection of the door leaf - welding is difficult to hide under a layer of paint.

Door frame

A quality door frame should have:

  • metal thickness 3-5 mm;
  • closed loop - the U-shaped profile does not provide reliability;
  • profile pipe as a load-bearing element - a box made of two bent sheets is less resistant to deformation: bending and twisting;
  • one weld seam;
  • minimum 6 mounting points: 4 on the hinge side and 2 on the lock side;
  • one, or better yet 2 porches;
  • thermal break - insulation inside the profile.


The door should protect the apartment not only from brute force (a crowbar or a sledgehammer), but also from intellectuals, called in the criminal community “safeguards”, who are capable of opening any lock. All attempts by manufacturers of locking devices to complicate their design sooner or later become accessible to burglars. Therefore, rely only on locks, no matter what complex design they wouldn't be, it's not worth it.

But it is possible and necessary to complicate the thief’s task. To do this, professionals recommend installing two locks of different designs or one electronic lock on the door leaf, which is much more expensive. This will require the thief to have higher qualifications and more time to open the doors. The time factor in most cases becomes decisive - fearing to get caught by someone, an attacker often abandons his idea halfway: after devoting a lot of time to selecting master keys for one lock, he leaves.

For metal doors you need to use lever and cylinder locks.

U level locks the secret part is made in the form of a set of plates (levers), which either block the bolt or move it when the key is turned to the “open”/“closed” position. It has its advantages and disadvantages:

  • a massive key allows the use of a “crab” design for locking doors with vertical bolts and deviators - it turns the mechanism without deformation;
  • a durable shell protects the locking device from impacts (knocking out);
  • there are no protruding parts (mortise locks), resulting in access to the internal mechanism only through the keyhole;
  • the through hole serves not only as a bridge for the penetration of noise and cold, but also of various kinds of master keys;
  • If you lose your keys, you have to change the lock;
  • they can be easily opened with master keys, although in the latest models this process is complicated - levers with false grooves, electronic key recognition systems, force burglary blockers, etc. are installed.

U cylinder lock(also called "English") working part made in the form of a cylinder, which is fixed in a certain position by a secret mechanism. The inserted original key removes the blockade, after which the locking mechanism can be moved: to close or open the door.

This castle also has its strengths and weaknesses:

  • The simple design allows for many improvements to be made to improve burglary resistance. Therefore, there is a choice of cores on sale from simple to very complex, with several technical solutions;
  • standard size cylinder, allowing you to simply replace it if the keys are lost;
  • low resistance to mechanical force - knocking out or drilling the core, after which access to the crossbars appears, is not very difficult. The problem is solved by armored linings, plates or balls made of special steel that do not allow drilling, manganese pins, etc.

Electronic locks have not yet found their way into Russia, unlike in Western countries. Opening them is much more difficult - you need special electronic equipment that reads the signal from the magnetic key card.


An analysis of crimes related to unauthorized entry into a home through a door showed that most often this is done through locks. In second place is the door leaf, and in third place are the hinges. Having cut them off, the attacker simply removes the door from the frame. This statistics is also available to door manufacturers. They took into account the negative experience and took action.

Today in metal entrance doors you can find:

  • familiar to everyone external loops. They are easily cut off, but the designers took this point into account and began installing special anti-removal pins. They fit into the frame and firmly hold the door closed even with the hinges removed;
  • internal, installed inside the box and canvas. It is impossible to cut them for two reasons: they are not visible; you need a grinder, but if you use it, it’s easier to cut the outer sheet of the canvas in the area of ​​the locks.

Hidden hinges have several disadvantages that need to be considered:

  • the cost of fittings and its installation is much higher;
  • special grooves in which hinges are hidden reduce the doorway;
  • opening angle is limited – max 160 o;
  • There is a risk of deforming the door leaf when opening sharply.

Another point that needs to be paid attention to is the presence of a support bearing on the outer hinges. With it, doors open easily and without extraneous noise.


A peephole in the door is mandatory. Thanks to him, the owners can always make a choice: to let guests into the premises or not. In addition, it is possible to control the situation on the landing - if strange noises arise, look and, if necessary, call the police.

To make it easier to navigate security issues, let’s summarize. All doors, depending on the combination of the listed door design elements, are divided into 7 safety classes. For an apartment, the best option is class 3, country house – 4.

We figured out how to choose the entrance door to an apartment to protect it as much as possible from burglary. Now let's find out how to ensure comfort.

Sealant and filler

An apartment is comfortable when it is quiet and warm. The door, along with the windows, is the most vulnerable place in this regard. Noise and cold come through it. To combat them, various insulation and sound insulation techniques are used:

  • fill the space between the door skin with various insulation and sound absorbers;
  • A one-, two- and three-circuit vestibule is made, which is covered with a sealant.


Professional builders, when setting priorities, in the process of choosing entrance doors, their design is pushed into the background. For buyers, if it is not the main one, it is certainly not the last one on the list.

The door leaf, on the one hand, must be practical and resistant to mechanical damage, on the other hand, it must have presentable appearance outside and fit into the interior of the apartment inside.

On the outside, these requirements are best met by powder paints, which under the influence of high temperatures form a beautiful and, at the same time, very durable polymer film.

The inside of the door leaf can be finished:

  • MDF panels;
  • leather or its substitutes;
  • tree;
  • PVC panels;
  • laminated film.

Of the listed materials, the most expensive finishing method is MDF panels. The simplest and cheapest is laminated film. If you don’t have the funds, you can simply paint the door with acrylic enamel and varnish the top.

Rating of entrance door manufacturers

No one will deny that the door in an apartment must be of high quality. But each consumer has a different concept of quality and depends mainly on financial capabilities. In this regard, we present a rating of manufacturers in different segment prices, which will help you make the right choice.

"Elbor". A domestic company with over 25 years of experience. It produces doors from economy class to luxury series. According to customer reviews, the company's products:

  • high quality;
  • interesting lineup;
  • the level of protection against hacking in each segment is the highest;
  • very good heat and sound insulation.

The impression is slightly spoiled by the high cost of the products (prices are in the lead in each product class) and the level of service (service lags behind production).

"Outpost". One of the few Russian manufacturers of construction products that have begun to be counterfeited. There is an explanation for this. The doors have an affordable price, a wide product range, beautiful design on the outside and inside, and high reliability. Disadvantages include low sound insulation and difficulty in replacing hinges and locks.

The company can inexpensively select doors for various utility rooms, apartments, country houses. To avoid running into a Chinese counterfeit, you need to look at some door elements. So, the original has an armored lining for the cylinder bell and a magnetic seal. The fake doesn't have this. And vice versa - the Chinese door is equipped with an electric lock, while the Russian door does not have one.

"Torex". If the consumer hesitates and does not know which entrance door to choose for the apartment, specialists will simple recommendation: Take a closer look at the Torex doors. It has the widest range in terms of cost, level of burglary protection and design. And noise protection is the best Russian market, surpasses competitors by 15-20%. There is only one drawback - it is difficult to replace accessories.

"The Guardian". In fact, Guardian is the name of the holding company. The doors are produced by the Portal plant. They have been working in this direction since 1994. During this time, we have covered not only Russian regions, but also neighboring countries with a network of dealers.

The price of the holding's products is one of the highest, but at the same time it corresponds to the quality: a fire safety certificate has been obtained; handles, locks and hinges from the best European manufacturers. Therefore, our advice: if your financial capabilities allow, opt for premium Guardian products.

"Condor". Another domestic company. She has the perfect combination of price and quality. The products are aimed at buyers with average incomes. There are no frills, but no shortcomings have been identified - a good thing for standard residential complexes.

Among the imported entrance doors, it is worth paying attention to the products of the Belarusian enterprises “Steel Line”, “Metalux” and the Polish ones – “Galant” and “Novak”. They have good consumer characteristics, as well as a wide range of models, original designs, and affordable prices.

StroyGuru Editor's Choice

In the question of how to choose the right doors for your apartment, an interesting situation has arisen: employees have them from different manufacturers, including little-known ones, for example, the company “Barlock Doors”. No one has any complaints. Therefore, the editors decided to make their choice based on reviews on the forums.

The best door from the economy segment. In the budget segment of metal entrance doors, a dual power has developed:

  • professionals believe that these are products of the Steel plant;
  • consumers - the Neman door.

“Stal” doors have an interesting finish, well-established service, a wide range and, of course, an affordable price for people with low incomes. Neman has the best combination of price and quality in Russia with a large selection of models.

The highest quality door from the expensive segment. According to consumer reviews, the best premium door is the Monolith model (Guardian DS-4) from the Guardian holding. It has a great design, confirmed by excellent technical performance. But a normal (meaning not super-rich) person will not buy it. “Monolith” costs like an airplane wing – several thousand dollars.

Important: all ratings and lists are based on consumer reviews. The sequence is drawn up in any form. If some brands are not on the list, this does not mean that their products are inferior in any respect.


When arranging your home, it is very important to know how to choose a steel entrance door to your apartment. According to the editors, the front door should have:

  • the thickness of the outer sheet of the door leaf is 2.5 mm;
  • the inner sheet does not have to be made of metal;
  • box frame made of profile pipe with a closed perimeter;
  • external hinges with support bearings and anti-burglary pins;
  • two locks: level and cylinder, with armor protection on the latter;
  • thermal break (insulation inside the box profile);
  • external metal trim;
  • at least one narthex contour with a seal;
  • peephole;
  • stiffening ribs, at least 3 horizontally;
  • external painting with powder paint (creates a protective film), although “taste and color are different.”

The specific choice is up to the consumer.

Choosing an entrance door to an apartment is not an easy task and raises many questions. You need to know what qualities a design should have and what to look for when choosing. The front door is the keeper of the hearth, preventing noise, cold and uninvited guests. It should also look presentable, as it acts as the calling card of the apartment.

Requirements for the entrance door to the apartment

Any premises, residential or industrial, greet the visitor with the front door. Choosing an internal opening door for an apartment is not difficult now. However, manufacturers offer a wide selection of products, the differences between which are in materials, dimensions, colors and styles.

Many people are unable to make an informed choice due to the large variety. This is especially true for those who buy entrance doors to an apartment for the first time. To avoid errors, you should take into account the requirements for any input structures:

  1. General reliability parameter. Entrance doors perform many functions, but the main one is to protect your home. For this reason, the chosen design must be durable and high quality, capable of protecting against intruders.
  2. It must be possible to inspect the external area. It is better if the entrance door to the apartment is equipped with at least a small peephole. This will allow you to see the situation outside your home or on a flight of stairs.
  3. Noise and heat insulation. The product prevents noise and cold from entering the house, increasing living comfort.
  4. Appearance. It is better to choose a beautiful entrance door to the apartment so that its style fits into the interior of the home.

Before you go to the store to buy, you need to consider other points:

  1. Price of the canvas. It all depends on the quality of the design. If you choose a door for a summer cottage or an old abandoned apartment, it is not necessary that it be highly durable. Cheaper analogues will also work. But if the product is installed in a new building apartment or a residential country house, then more expensive variations can be considered.
  2. Opening dimensions. The canvas should easily “fit” into the doorway. Therefore, before purchasing, you should take all measurements in advance.
  3. Selection of accessories. We are talking about locks, hinges, eyes, handles and so on. This takes into account the type of construction and your own preferences. Of course, it is better to choose the appropriate fittings for a good entrance door to your apartment, suitable in quality and style.
  4. Availability of certificates and guarantees. This is an important point during the purchase, ensuring that all installation and operation issues are resolved.

Types of entrance doors

The construction market offers a wide range of entrance structures; designer canvases and technical models are also produced. They are classified depending on the material used in their manufacture.

Metal entrance door

This is the most popular type. Manufactured using special technology from durable materials. There are models that are additionally coated with an anti-corrosion compound, which allows the blades to be used in different climatic conditions, extending their service life.

The thickness of the metal sheets also matters: for European entrance doors it is 1 mm, for Chinese ones - from 0.5 to 1 mm, for domestic ones - from 1.5 to 3 mm. The strength characteristics of the entrance structure depend on the thickness of the metal. European models have standardized sizes, while our manufacturers also produce non-classical options.

The customer can choose the design and format of insulation.

Before choosing a metal door for your apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with the classification by level of complexity:

  1. Economy class. These are simple and affordable products made from single-sheet steel 1 mm thick. For decoration, only painting is used, without insulation or sound insulation. A separate variety is metal sheets for apartments, assembled from two sheets (each 1 mm thick). For such products, finishing, heat and sound insulation filler is provided.
  2. Middle class. These are products made from two sheets, each 1.5 mm thick. The finishing can be any and depends on the customer’s preferences.
  3. Elite class. Entrance doors with reinforced construction, with sheet thickness up to 2 mm. They are finished with natural or artificial materials, covered with wood and veneer.

The following finishing materials are used: thermal film, polymer or powder paint, plastic or wooden lining, vinyl leather, auto enamel, varnish, MDF overlays and other materials.

Important! In order for the selected metal entrance door to successfully perform its functions, it is important to install it correctly.

Wooden entrance door

Not long ago, wood was used as the main material for the production of entrance structures. Now the user has a choice, where each product has its own operational properties. However, wooden panels are considered luxurious and practical classics. Thanks to innovative technologies, their functions and properties have been improved by an order of magnitude compared to the first models, and as a result they last longer.

Wooden products are no longer as popular as they used to be, this is due to the fact that the market offers a large selection of artificial materials. But some customers prefer natural solid wood. Considering the structural features, we can distinguish three types of wooden entrance doors:

  1. Shield ones. To assemble these products, boards up to 4 cm thick are used. The frame is assembled from solid wood elements glued together. Some manufacturers supplement such entrance doors with an aluminum frame, which not only retains heat, but also extends the life of the product.

  2. Paneled. In terms of design, they are similar to panel ones. They weigh an order of magnitude less, which makes transportation and installation easier.

  3. Whole. This option is now the most common. For production, a solid solid wood is taken.

What materials are wooden entrance doors made from:

  1. Oak. This is a highly durable and durable breed that can last for several decades. Interesting feature– oak hardens over time, which makes the canvas even more stable. The result is the most expensive entrance doors to the apartment.

  2. Ash. Similar to oak, a durable and practical material. A popular option due to the variety of colors.
  3. Beech. It is better to install such a door to an apartment in a multi-story building. Beech does not tolerate moisture well, so it is not used for country houses.
  4. Pine. The key advantage is the affordable price. Pine is a soft material, so canvases made from it are made especially for apartments.

Wooden doors to apartments are preferred by those customers who prefer environmental friendliness and a natural appearance.

Entrance door to an apartment with a mirror

This type is gradually gaining popularity. Many customers prefer just such entrance doors to their apartments, explaining their choice by the small size of the hallway. Nowadays a mirror can be mounted in both wooden and metal products.

An entrance door with a mirror looks organically in any interior, often acting as key element decor. The design is interesting for its decorative effect, but can also perform other functions:

  1. Practicality. When leaving the apartment, you can always look in the mirror and evaluate your appearance. Of course, for this you need to correctly place the lighting sources so that the light falls on the person.
  2. Visually increases the space. The light, when reflected, creates the illusion of a large corridor.

Important! To ensure the desired effect, you must carefully choose the shape and size of the mirror you install. This will highlight the style of the apartment and decorate the interior.

The mirrors themselves are practical products. Indeed, in a small hallway it is sometimes difficult to place a separate large mirror. But the door panels are just the right size.

Width of the entrance door to the apartment

Standard dimensions are determined by GOST standards, regardless of the material of construction. The main parameters are as follows:

  1. Height. The standard parameter is in the range from 2070 mm to 2370 mm. To determine the specific value, the total height of the ceiling and the width of the door leaf are taken into account.
  2. Width. The minimum parameter is 910 mm. For single-leaf – 1010 mm, one-and-a-half – 1310, 1510 and 1550 mm, double-leaf – 1910 and 1950 mm.
  3. Thickness. There are no strict regulations regarding this value, since everything depends on the material of the canvas for the apartment. The thickness should be sufficient for the front door to perform its main functions.

Important! For entrance structures, the standard size is larger than for interior structures. This is done so that a person carrying a load can freely pass through the opening.

How to choose metal entrance doors for an apartment

Most common metal constructions. Most often, a steel door to an apartment is chosen, which provides adequate protection for the home. There are both global and domestic manufacturers on the market producing products different styles and sizes.

Metal has long been used to make entrance doors to apartments. This is the most durable material that provides protection against burglary. For this reason, it is popular for both residential and industrial premises. When choosing an iron door for an apartment, you should pay attention to the base material. The following metals are used to make products:

  1. Aluminum. Such products vary in texture and shades. Aluminum is a metal that is easy to process, so making entrance doors from it is somewhat easier.
  2. Steel. This metal is more reliable and durable. In addition to the main function, such entrance panels are equipped with noise and heat insulation. They are more expensive than their aluminum counterparts, but they are also better in quality.

When choosing a product for your apartment, pay attention to the thickness of the base layer - the more, the better design will protect housing. Only two materials are used as a base, but the products differ from each other due to the decorative layer. Used as decoration:

  1. PVC panels. Caring for this coating is quite simple.
  2. MDF. In addition to being environmentally friendly, this material provides good sound insulation. The most preferred option for office premises.
  3. Powder coating. Budget exterior finishing.
  4. Panels made from natural wood. Expensive, but environmentally friendly and visually attractive option.

To increase the mechanical characteristics of the entrance door to an apartment, manufacturers equip products with stiffeners. These elements provide protection against deformation and increase burglary resistance. The more stiffening ribs, the more stable the structure will be. It is worth understanding that due to an increase in the number of these elements, the weight increases, which means that the hinges will experience increased loads and fail faster.

What color should you choose for the entrance door to your apartment?

When choosing a color, you need to take into account the general style of home decoration, the color of the flooring material, walls, and main furniture. Correct tips to help you choose the color of the entrance door to your apartment:

  1. The best solution is to choose a neutral shade that will not match anything. White, black, gray or beige options look good.
  2. It is optimal if the color of the canvas matches the shade of the window frames.
  3. Doors decorated with drawings, stained glass or stickers look good. The focus is on design, so compatibility is relegated to the background.

Important! These tips are suitable both for choosing the entrance panel to the apartment and for interior partitions.

Rating of metal apartment entrance doors

The most popular designs are from the following brands:

  1. Outpost. This manufacturer produces products at affordable prices. The company is originally from Russia, but production is organized in China, which allowed it to optimize costs. The manufacturing process is controlled, so the products are of good quality and consistency technical parameters and appearance.
  2. Torex. The company has been producing apartment entrance doors for over 25 years. Thanks to solid practical experience The fabrics produced have good consumer properties, without overpayment. The range includes fireproof options.
  3. Elbor. The year the enterprise began operating was 1976. Not long ago, a comprehensive modernization of the company was carried out, which made it possible to increase production capacity.
  4. Guardian. A distinctive feature of this company’s products is their high price, but the consumer properties correspond to the premium class. For the manufacture of entrance doors to the apartment, strict international and domestic standards are taken into account.
  5. Became. This is a group of companies that produces custom-made entrance panels. A special feature of the products is additional concreting, thanks to which the box is attached much more reliably, while maintaining tightness.

Is not full list companies engaged in the production of entrance doors for apartments.

Where should the entrance door to the apartment open?

In this matter, there is a main requirement - in case emergency the design should not create obstacles during the evacuation of people. If we consider the practical side, then several points are taken into account:

  • when opening inward, you will have to stop in front of the door and step back to open it;
  • the canvas that opens outward is characterized by burglary resistance, since it is much more difficult to knock it out;
  • if the product opens inward, it will not be possible to install an additional door, which will not only retain heat in the apartment, but also reduce the noise level;
  • If the room has a small hallway, it is better to choose the option of opening to the outside.

In the case of apartment buildings, the following points are also taken into account:

  • when swinging externally, the door leaf should not interfere with the opening of a neighbor’s door;
  • if the apartments open onto a common vestibule, then the vestibule door is opened outward, and the entrance door is opened inward;
  • if during opening the door touches something, for example, a counter, then it is supplemented with an opening limiter.

For the most part, where the canvas will open is the decision of the apartment owner.


Choosing an entrance door to an apartment is not a problem, since there are many proposals: these are metal, wooden products or structures with mirrors. The main thing is that the door provides adequate protection for the apartment and at the same time matches the interior of the room. You can take into account the rating of the entrance metal doors to the apartment, but it is equally important to install the door correctly.