Peat tablets: instructions. Planting in peat tablets

  • 15.06.2019

Gardeners tend to want to achieve the highest possible quality result. Spring is a time of intense trouble with seedlings. It is very sad when all the labors and efforts, according to the popular expression, "are covered with a copper basin." Either the composition of the soil is not the same, then the air or irrigation regime let us down, then the seeds were damaged during planting.

So growing seeds in peat tablets accepted by enthusiasts suburban area as And not in vain.

Know-how benefits

Let's start with the fact that the use of this invention significantly saves the area occupied by seedlings. Nevertheless, most gardeners and gardeners are urban residents, they have little free space to prepare for planting. We can say that all the window sills are occupied, but there is still not enough space (I still want everything, albeit a little). And here they will come to the rescue. The instruction recommends having a greenhouse for them, but craftsmen assure that this is not necessary - there are ways.

It is equally important that such tablets already contain everything you need - no top dressing that is introduced into the seedlings by drip (and God forbid overdoing it!), Will not be required.

You don’t have to loosen the ground either - you have peat tablets. The instruction clearly guarantees that there will be enough air inside them, the soil will not cake and will not put pressure on the seedlings, and the water will be absorbed all over the entire volume.

What is best for

If you are not interested in cost, but in friendly and powerful seedlings, then the tablets are suitable for those plants that are marked by gardeners and flower growers as difficult to germinate. These include petunia, strawberries (especially strawberries if you cultivate them), as well as all plants whose seeds are small.

If you got hold of a super expensive planting material something rare, then planting in peat tablets will help you not to mourn the wasted money: the seeds will definitely sprout in them.

Two methods of application: the first is mass

Which one to choose depends on your personal growing conditions for seedlings. The first saves space and gives more seedlings, the second guarantees that a plant will definitely appear from the seed put into the tablet.

Number one advises choosing a large enough pallet on which the peat tablets will be located. The instruction only requires maintaining a certain distance between the future "pots": after all, they will have to increase seven times.

“Blanks” are watered with water (naturally settled), left alone for a quarter of an hour or half an hour (depending on the manufacturer), and seeds are inserted into the holes on top of the tablet.

This method is especially suitable if the cultivation of seeds in peat tablets involves further mass planting, that is, the presence of plants in large numbers.

Two methods of application: the second is individual

Such an approach would require much more space for implementation. The point is that each future "glass" is placed in a separate small plastic container, for example, in a jar of yogurt. So one window sill is enough for you for a much smaller number of seedlings. However, at the same time, the swollen tablets will not push each other sideways when swelling, and there is no risk that the roots of the plants will intertwine if they suddenly grow through the walls of their pot. Before planting in peat tablets, if they are in an additional container, it is better to disinfect these cups - seedlings do not need extra fungi and bacteria.

This method is good if you are growing something new, a single copy, expensive or requiring several other conditions of care and maintenance. In individual cultivation, the ideal solution is, again, peat tablets. The instructions will help you create unusual pet optimal mode.

Subtleties of use

For starters - the first watering. Absorb tablets exactly as much as they need to swell. If half an hour after adding water, it still remains, then this is excess moisture, and it must be drained.

The next point is the temperature of the water. It should be at least room. However, it has been noticed that if the water is warm (somewhere around 30-40 degrees), then the process goes faster.

One more nuance. It is not for nothing that the greenhouse is recommended - in it all the properties of the container used are revealed more fully, and it becomes clearer how good peat tablets are for seedlings. The instructions are quite strict, but our gardeners have found a workaround: you can create a mini-greenhouse on the windowsill. It is enough to take a plastic box from a cake or pastries, carefully place the tablets there and cover with a lid. Cute, cheap and cheerful!

Further care

He is very uncomplicated. If you have created greenhouse conditions(in the same box from the cake), then it remains only to ventilate the container so that mold and fungus do not flourish from moisture. It is not difficult to determine the timing of ventilation: drops flow down the plastic - we open the box for half an hour. Just no drafts! If you are not using the instruction for the first time, you have probably already learned it by heart, but you should still remember: drafts - “no”, ventilation - “yes”.

Until sprouts appear, the tablets can be moistened simply from a spray bottle (or, if you have a lot of seedlings, from a spray bottle). The main thing is not to overdo it: the power of the jets should not erode the peat base. When the seedlings hatch, the method of watering changes. Now the water should come from below, from a plastic pan (We hope you made holes in the “individual” cups? However, this is already at the level of instincts ...) If you water from above, the water will certainly fall on fresh leaves or stems, and this may be the beginning of some some diseases that we do not need at all.

Another important rule: do not overdry, but do not overmoisten. Some novice gardeners who have not encountered peat tablets before have relaxed when they learned that they do not absorb more than necessary. Of course it's convenient. But excess water must still be removed, otherwise it will rot itself. peat glass. Yes, and excess moisture in a mini-greenhouse will not benefit the plants. At a minimum, you will have to ventilate once again, but this is also a chore. So it is better to observe the irrigation regime.

How many seeds and how deep

The use of peat tablets by no means eliminates agrotechnical rules. So, small seeds are invested in a miracle invention shallowly - a centimeter from the surface, not deeper. Large seeds require deep burial - five centimeters.

The number of grains depends more on their cost: expensive ones are planted in separate pots, more affordable - several in one, and then thinned out, leaving the strongest sprout. If you are thinking about how to plant a stalk in a peat tablet, follow the usual rules - and you can’t go wrong. The only thing is that it is better to use it before landing. However, it is widely used even without magic pills, and it is more needed in this case.

Count to start

Without a doubt, peat tablets are a very convenient invention that greatly facilitates dacha and garden work. But do not forget that such "pots" are disposable, but they still cost money. So before you buy pills for all your crops, think about whether it's worth it. If your tomatoes are already born year after year, so why spend extra money? Yes, and maybe it won’t “grow together” with peat tablets. So first, try out an unfamiliar method on something familiar. Moreover, for the purity of the experiment, grow seedlings in the usual way to compare the results. Like it - use it! Yet peat tablets are very convenient.

Many gardeners tend to plant petunias on their own. But this does not always work out due to the fact that not selected suitable conditions for germination. by the most the best way for planting it is recognized to consider rooting in tablets of compressed peat. Before deepening the seedlings, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules for planting and growing seedlings of a bright beauty. The information in this article will help you learn how to properly plant petunia seeds for seedlings in peat tablets. In addition, you are expected step by step instructions, recommendations, tips, videos.

What are peat tablets, what are they, the benefits of planting

Peat tablets are round plates made from compressed peat of several varieties. Manufacturers add a certain set of mineral components to the composition of the material, as well as trace elements that stimulate the growth of the root system. All the required nutrients are included in a kind of dragee for a good start in the development of a young seedling.

From the outside, the peat tablet is fixed with a dense mesh, which perfectly passes excess moisture to the outside. Through the fabric shell, which is the mesh, the necessary air easily penetrates. This property is required for normal development petunia seedling rhizomes at home.

Also specific shell holds its shape very well. When peat absorbs nutrient moisture, the latter tends to swell. At this point, the mesh does not allow the inner soil to fall apart, remaining in the form of an inflated barrel.

Thanks to all the advantages of this method, using peat tablets for petunia seedlings is very easy and convenient.

There are the following advantages for planting seed material:

  1. Peat tablets look like full-fledged cups, no need to prepare plastic containers to accommodate petunia seedlings.
  2. When placed take small area.
  3. Designed specifically for planting small seeds (like petunias) - they have a special groove.
  4. have specific internal structure– porous inside, excellent permeable to both moisture and air. The soil constantly remains airy and loose, which has a beneficial effect on the rapid development of the root system.
  5. When planting petunias in tablets no additional mineral fertilizers are required to stimulate seed development. More full information about feeding petunia seedlings in other cases, you can study.
  6. It is impossible to over-water the plant causing stagnation of water in the soil. All excess nutrient moisture that is not required for the plant flows into the pan. It is poured out of the pallet.

Important! When planting a plant in open ground, it is imperative to cut the mesh in the middle and completely remove it from the peat. If this is not done, then the root system will completely fill the entire space, as a result, the flower will begin to wither and eventually die.

Tablets come in various sizes: 27, 36, 42, 70, 90 mm. For germination of seedlings, both the smallest and largest sizes are suitable. Before you plant petunia seeds in peat tablets, you should choose optimal size for planting material.

The photo below illustrates what petunia seedlings planted in peat tablets look like:

Important! Purchase well-packaged tablets. It is imperative to check that they have a protective polyethylene mesh and a forming mesh. Without their presence, material for planting petunia seeds is not worth buying.

How to plant petunia seeds in peat tablets

For planting the seed material of petunias, a certain time is selected. Terms are regulated for different varieties separately. Landing in most cases takes place in March. With early planting, the appeared sprouts will have to be additionally highlighted with phytolamps. If you correctly sow the petunia for seedlings in peat tablets, then the seedlings for planting will be ready in 3 months.

Note! Choosing T orphic tablets for growing petunias from seeds at home, it is better to stop at a cassette diameter of 4 cm.

Let's figure out how to plant petunia seeds in peat tablets step by step.

First of all necessary pre-prepare the planting soil. A deep container is selected in which the tablets are placed in one row. Water is poured on top of them and left for a short time (up to 30 minutes). They manage to absorb all the moisture from the container and turn into a kind of barrels, having increased by 8 times.

Important! It is forbidden to abruptly pour water into the pan, as the liquid that has fallen on the peat can wash out all the nutrients contained in the soil.

After the water has been completely absorbed, the remaining moisture should be removed from the pan. Now the landing process begins. Petunia seeds are the smallest grains. A moistened toothpick will help to sow the petunia in peat tablets correctly. With its help, small seeds are picked up and laid out in the hole located on top of the tablet.

Carefully! After sowing petunias in peat tablets, the seeds should be slightly pressed into the ground. Under no circumstances should the seeds be buried in the soil. Then they will rot and will not rise. Seed germination is stimulated only in the light.

In specialized stores, pelleted seeds are sold in almost all packages. They have a dense shell, equipped with nutrients that help the sprout hatch faster, while nourishing it with a growth stimulator. For accelerated germination, you can help dissolve the upper shell. For this use a spray bottle sprinkling planting petunias warm water.

Landings are covered with a plastic cover or film in order to create greenhouse conditions and promote rapid germination of petunia seeds at home.

Step-by-step photo of planting petunias in peat tablets:

The greenhouse is placed in a warm place where there is a lot of sunlight.. It is recommended to keep the temperature inside the tank at +21..+25 0 C. Lowering the air degrees negatively affects the seedlings, they stop growing.

Video: how to properly plant a petunia for seedlings with seeds in peat tablets.

Petunia seedling care after germination

After sowing petunia seeds for seedlings in peat tablets, you should periodically open the container for watering and removing condensate.

Attention! The first shoots appear after 5-15 days. Some earlier, others slightly later, but almost all planted planting material has good germination.

To get high-quality seedlings, you should properly care for petunias in peat tablets after germination:

  1. Emerging seedlings need to be constantly monitored. The temperature for rapid growth should be left at +22 0 C, placing the container with plantings in a sunny place. On cloudy days, it is worth additionally highlighting with phytolamps in order to withstand daylight hours for 12-14 hours.
  2. During the opening of the greenhouse It is recommended not only to ventilate, but also Use a soft cloth or paper towel to remove wet evaporation. This will help prevent any fungal diseases, which often affects young seedlings, for example, a black leg.
  3. There are no specific requirements for watering petunia seedlings in peat tablets. It is necessary to carry out the introduction of nutrient moisture at the moment when the peat begins to dry out.. Having completely dried out, the soil will entail the death of a developed plant. For irrigation, settled water at room temperature is required. After watering, water that has seeped through the soil must be removed from the pan.
  4. Feeding should not be done. All nutrients are pre-packaged peat pot. If at this stage you feed the plant at home, you can provoke a bush disease. It is better to leave the shrub without mineral dressing than to destroy it.

Transplanting seedlings in open ground

transplant petunias in open ground from peat tablets are carried out in the last days of May and until the middle of the first decade of June. These terms are optimal for planting in the southern regions of Russia and above, due to the fact that the air temperature is set at a positive level of + 10 + 15 0 C. At the same time, the soil warms up thoroughly, and there is no danger in the last frosts that can destroy tender seedlings.

Attention! Before planting in open ground, the mesh on the ground must be cut off, otherwise the seedling will outlive itself and die from lack of soil.

Although many gardeners advise leaving the grid, arguing that it will dissolve on its own, such a judgment is wrong - it will remain and will interfere with the development of the root system.

Before carrying out planting activities in open ground, seedlings should be prepared and training days arranged for them. 9-10 days before transplanting the petunia from peat tablets into open ground, it is necessary to stop watering the seedlings, but at the same time, do not allow the peat to dry out completely.

Move the pots daily to open air by tempering them. Here's how to do it:

  1. On the first day, hold them for no more than 5 minutes. fresh air. The next day, it is worth slightly increasing the interval of air baths.
  2. By day 10, petunia seedlings in tablets should be taken outside for the whole day.
  3. In the next 3 days, you need to leave the plant to spend the night on the street, but under a canopy, so that in case of rain the drops do not fall on the seedlings.
  4. On the last day before planting, you should start preparing a flower bed or garden bed where the plant will be placed.

If the acidity level of the earth does not show 5.5, then an additional 0.2 kg per 1 m 2 of lime should be added. It will equalize the pH environment in the area to the required level. It is possible to introduce rotted humus into the soil, the plant will respond to such top dressing with active growth and development of both green mass and rhizomes.

Landing in open ground should be carried out early in the morning, but best late in the evening. During the night, the plant will be able to acclimatize in a new place. In addition, the best option would be a cloudy warm day.

A hole in the ground should be dug no more than 10 cm both in depth and in width. Distance between holes for planting seedlings of petunia in peat tablets is required choose based on variety which you want to grow at home:

  1. For small-flowered petunias - from 19 to 22 cm;
  2. For large-flowered bushes - 24-28 cm apart;
  3. For bush plants- up to 35 cm.

Important! When transplanting petunias into open ground, in no case should you get seedlings from a tablet - all rhizomes will be damaged. The only thing that needs to be done is to carefully cut and remove the mesh.

The plant is placed in the ground and covered with earth from above, slightly compacted from above. Be sure to pour plenty of warm water. This is necessary to smooth out the difference between open ground and peat soil.

Further care should be carried out according to the recommendations for caring for adult petunia shrubs.

Thus, planting petunia seeds for seedlings in peat tablets is the most the best way for growing seedlings. This method does not require additional care at home while in separate flowerpots. Planting seedlings is carried out together with a lump of peat, from which the plant receives all the nutrients. Therefore, gardeners in most cases choose this particular method of sowing seeds, which helps to grow remarkably healthy and high-quality seedlings of beautiful flowers.

Video: proper fit petunias for seedlings in peat tablets.

In contact with

It is unprofitable from the point of view of economy to use peat tablets for growing seedlings. One piece costs about 5 rubles, while a garden may require hundreds of seedlings. For the average summer resident, this is an exorbitant luxury, so this method of obtaining seedlings has become widespread only among expensive and rare varieties.

The benefits of peat tablets in growing seedlings

Although growing seedlings in peat tablets is not justified, if you look at the situation from the standpoint of economy, the method has a lot of advantages:

  • Peat is a valuable nutrient medium for most cultivated plants that prefer acidic soils;
  • In addition to peat, pressed discs contain additives that help seeds germinate and healthy seedlings grow (growth stimulants, fungicides);
  • Seedlings that do not tolerate picking take root well in them;
  • If the seedlings sprout unevenly, then the seedlings that appear can be transferred to suitable conditions, and the unsprouted seeds can be left under the film;
  • If nothing has risen, then seeds can still be planted in the same "capacity". You can be sure that the seeds did not germinate because they turned out to be dissimilar, and not because of the quality of the substrate or its infection with a fungus or pests;
  • Planting seed material and simple care for seedlings takes a minimum of time.

The use of peat tablets for growing seedlings is suitable for the cultivation of any crops: berries, vegetables, flowers. Shrub cuttings can be rooted in the soaked disk. The resulting seedlings do not get sick due to the treated substrate and do not stretch out from the lack of sun: the germinated seeds immediately get out from under the film.

Preparation of peat tablets for planting seeds

Externally, peat tablets in which seedlings are to be grown are thick disks with a diameter of 25 to 70 mm, consisting of pressed peat. Outside surface covered with a non-woven material that prevents the substrate from crumbling. For strong seedlings vegetable crops take the maximum diameter, and even 25 mm specimens are suitable for small seeds of berries.

Before planting seedlings in peat tablets, they need to be prepared:

  • Get out the discs right size from the package;
  • Fold them with holes up in a tall container: basin, cake lid;
  • Fill the container with warm water and wait a while.

You will soon notice how high cylinders with a loose substrate appear from peat tablets. Limiting the outer edge of nonwoven fabric allows you to increase in volume when absorbing liquid only due to growth in height, but not due to expansion. The result is "cups" with a hole at the top, designed for laying seeds.

Planting seeds in peat tablets

When the cylinders have grown, pour water out of the container until it has absorbed the nutrients from the substrate. After that, planting seeds of vegetable crops on seedlings in tablets based on a peat substrate is to be done:

  • Prepare the seeds. To do this, they are soaked, or even allowed to hatch sprouts. But nothing will happen if you plant them dry;
  • With a toothpick, put the seeds in the hole on top and deepen the seeds;
  • Push them in without extra effort so that the seeds are covered with a layer of substrate on top. Or just sprinkle them on top with pre-prepared peat from the upper layers;
  • If you have granular seeds, then after planting, do not rush to bury: drip on them from a syringe with a needle. When the seed coat becomes plastic, use a match or the same toothpick to spread it over the surface to make it easier for the seeds to germinate.

Place seeded cylinders in trays or boxes. Continue growing seedlings in peat tablets in a warm place, covered with a pre-prepared film. Check daily: are there any shoots? Hatched specimens must be freed from the film in a timely manner and transferred to the window or artificially illuminated. Otherwise, the shoots will stretch and weaken.

ADVICE! Do not place peat tablets when growing seedlings too close to each other: leave at least 1 cm between them. Otherwise, the roots that have overcome the mesh barrier may intertwine with each other. As a result of rearranging the cylinders, they are damaged, and the whole point of planting seeds in pressed discs is lost.

Features of growing seedlings of cucumbers in peat tablets

The cultivation of seedlings of cucumbers in peat tablets also has advantages. This is a culture that does not differ in the power of the root system. And transplanting to a permanent place is a test, the consequences of which are minimized if planted in a garden bed with an intact shell. It is important only when buying to pay attention to the composition of the shell. It doesn't have to be cardboard.

Peat substrate tablets used for cucumber seedlings should have a wide seed opening. The fact is that the cotyledon leaves of the culture are large, and it will be difficult for them to hatch through a small gap. Therefore, you can expand the hole in swollen cylinders yourself. But it is not necessary to drop cucumber seeds with a substrate, although a layer of 1-2 mm will not be superfluous.

After planting cucumber seeds for seedlings in wet peat briquettes, they must be placed in a container and covered with a film. For quick emergence of seedlings, observe the following conditions:

  • Comfortable temperature range - 20 ... 25 ° C;
  • Do not allow the substrate to dry out;
  • Watering is done with a spray gun;
  • Open containers to air out for a couple of hours.

When growing cucumbers in peat cylinders, keep the substrate moist: they love an abundance of water, and open tablets quickly lose it. Drying must not be allowed, otherwise the seedlings will die out, or the root system will be damaged. But it is not necessary to pour water unnecessarily, so that a favorable environment for rot does not develop. Good decision- frequent spraying from a spray bottle.

Features of growing tomato seedlings in peat tablets

Since tomatoes tolerate transplanting well, growing tomato seedlings in a peat substrate in the form of tablets is unjustified. Although the method can be used to obtain seedlings of high-yielding hybrids, for which it is important to strictly observe the cultivation conditions. And summer residents compare ordinary varieties of tomatoes with grass that grows on its own, so they don’t need peat discs.

If you have already decided in tablets from a peat substrate, then choose a diameter of 4 cm, and preferably 7 cm. The wider the cylinder, the better the tomato root system will develop. If you didn’t find a large diameter, then when a pair of true leaves appear, transship the seedlings in wider containers (milk bags, cut bottles, special glasses).

For transshipment, it is best to use liter milk bags. Previously, they are folded exactly in half and covered with soil and soil mixture. After each peat tablet with seedlings must be freed from the shell holding the shape and placed in a nutrient substrate. As the tomato seedlings grow, the edges of the bag gradually fold back, and the free space is filled with soil. Thus, by the time of planting in a permanent place, a powerful root system is formed in plants.

We grow seedlings of peppers in peat tablets

The main feature that the method of growing pepper seedlings in peat tablets has is the need to transplant seedlings into large diameter pots. Therefore, it makes no sense to choose large diameter(it's still not enough). Leave the choice on 3 cm discs, which will be enough until 4 true leaves appear.

It is better to plant pepper in peat compact tablets with seeds soaked and hatched in advance. It remains only to be careful not to damage the roots, and cover with a thin layer of peat on top. After that, the cylinders are placed in a container that must be covered plastic wrap and place in a warm dark place with a temperature of about 25 ° C.

When shoots appear, the film should be removed and the container with peat tablets should be placed in a lighted place. In the future, care is reduced to periodic moistening of the substrate. At the same time, support temperature regime within the following limits:

  • Daytime temperature within 25 ... 26 ° C;
  • Night temperature is within 11 ... 13 o C.

When the seedlings of peppers start up the 3rd and 4th true leaves, the plants will need to be transferred to 0.5 liter pots. For normal growth of the root system, remove the mesh from the peat cylinders that give them the shape of tablets and place the seedlings in pots filled with a nutrient substrate. In this case, the stems can be slightly deepened to form additional roots.

How to grow eggplant seedlings in peat tablets

As in the case of tomatoes, growing eggplant seedlings in tablets from a peat substrate is justified if you are sowing expensive hybrids and do not want to lose even one sprout. Until the moment when you have to plant seedlings in the ground, cylinders with a diameter of 7 cm will be enough. When buying tablets of a smaller diameter, you will have to move the seedlings into larger containers when real leaves appear.

ADVICE! If you decide to save money, then take peat tablets for growing eggplant with a diameter of 40 mm. Widen the hole in the mesh so that 2 seeds are planted along the edges. When they sprout, immediately cut the cylinder in half until the roots have grown, and transplant into seedling cups. If one seed does not germinate, there is no need to cut the cylinder.

Features of transplanting seedlings in tablets

The process of transplanting seedlings grown in peat tablets is simplified, and the result is improved. Changing conditions and damage to the root system leave imprints on the state of a crop planted in a permanent place. This is especially true for cucumbers. But thanks to pills:

  • The roots are not damaged, since seedlings are planted in the ground along with it. Its surface is made of natural materials, and you should not be afraid that it will not allow roots to grow;
  • The tablets contain anti-stress drugs that make the transplant invisible to plants. This means that they will continue to grow and develop without the slowdown that is usually associated with a transplanted crop;
  • The peat filler will nourish the seedling for some time, so it will not need urgent feeding.

ADVICE! If the mesh on the peat tablet with seedlings is damaged, then when transplanting, you need to pick the root.

Growing seedlings in peat tablets does not require a lot of labor and time. But you have to spend on pressed discs. Despite this, summer residents are happy to plant seeds of flowers and vegetables in them. Already very healthy and strong seedlings are obtained from tablets filled with peat!

Growing seedlings is a laborious process, but gardeners are happy to give it their time and energy. To get strong healthy plants, peat-based soil mixtures are used. Relatively recently, pressed peat tablets are excellent helpers in gardening endeavors. The article tells how to plant seeds in peat tablets and how to choose them correctly.

Instructions for use of peat tablets for seedlings

Using tablets (sometimes called washers) for seedlings is convenient for several reasons.

Features of peat tablets

The main feature of peat washers is that a small lump contains full set nutrients needed by tiny sprouts for full development. This is convenient for the gardener, since there is no need to mix the soil, disinfect it, add additives to it - nutrients and protective substances. They pass air well, are sterile, overflow of seedlings is excluded, because. excess water quickly drains into the pan.

Benefits for seedlings

The practice of using peat washers has shown that almost all seeds germinate in them, eventually forming healthy seedlings. The main advantages of peat tablets:

  1. Seedlings do not need top dressing and treatment of the substrate against diseases.
  2. Ideal for growing seedlings of plants with a fragile root system, for which picking is undesirable: gourds, cucumbers, sweet peppers.
  3. Facilitates the germination of very small or hard-to-grow seeds.
  4. Watering seedlings through the pan makes it easier to care for seedlings with fragile stems prone to black leg disease.
  5. Facilitate planting and germination of exotic expensive seeds requiring special germination conditions.
  6. Unlimited shelf life when stored in a dry place.

The use of tablets is hampered only by their high price, which is not beneficial for large planting volumes. Resourceful summer residents make briquettes with their own hands. A considerable number of videos have been posted on the network, how summer residents prepare peat tablets for future crops with the help of simple devices.

Commercially available tablets vary in size and substrate characteristics. The diameter of peat tablets from 20 to 90 mm includes:

  • sowing small seeds - 20-36 mm;
  • sowing seeds of medium size - 40-50mm;
  • sowing large seeds - from 60 mm and above.

The composition of the tablets, in addition to peat, usually includes:

  • humus, creating a nutrient medium;
  • antibacterial additives that prevent the development of diseases;
  • minerals.

Tablets have different acidity - from 5.2 to 6.4, i.e. you can choose the optimal environment for each type of plant.

On a note! Instructions on the composition of peat briquettes and the pH value are given on the packaging. Often they are sold in bulk, but if the seller is not able to accurately tell about their parameters, it is better to make a purchase at another outlet.

Instructions for planting seeds

In addition to the technological advantages of peat briquettes, summer residents appreciate them for their ease of use. The method of planting seeds in washers is elementary:

  • Prepare a mini-greenhouse or pick up a container with a transparent lid. An excellent option would be a one-time packaging of cakes, salads, previously thoroughly washed and treated with potassium permanganate. Sizes are selected so that the desired number of tablets fits. Height with lid should be equal to 8 times the thickness of the peat tablet plus a margin for seedling growth.
  • Tablets are released from the original packaging, laid out in a mini-greenhouse. Recesses for seeds (they are clearly visible) look up. The mesh or organic paper that covers the tablets is not removed; without the mesh, they will fall apart without having time to swell.

  • The distance between the washers is minimal; swollen, they will support each other "in shape", they will not fall, they will not roll over.
  • If the greenhouse is not completely filled with washers, clean sand is poured onto the bottom to maintain stability.
  • To swell at the bottom of the mini-greenhouse, a little is poured warm water adding as it is absorbed. The usual swelling time is about 30 minutes. Excess is removed with a sponge.
  • Seeds are laid out in holes. The number of seeds per tablet depends on their size, quantity and degree of value.
  • The mini-greenhouse is closed, placed on a warm, well-lit window sill, unless otherwise provided by the agricultural germination technique.

When sowing seeds of some crops, their natural features are taken into account.

How to sow petunias

Peat washers greatly simplify the cultivation of high-quality petunia seedlings, creating the most favorable environment for seed development, increasing germination and simplifying the care of seedlings. One grain is placed in the recess of the prepared tablet; it is not necessary to press or cover it with a substrate. The coated petunia seeds are immediately sprinkled with water, after a few minutes the shell is smeared with a toothpick. Similarly, lobelia seeds are sown in peat tablets. It is permissible to place several seeds in one washer.

Sowing strawberries in peat tablets

Growing strawberries from seeds gives gardeners a lot of trouble. The use of peat tablets greatly simplifies the matter. The hatched seeds prepared according to the usual technology are laid out on a prepared tablet, 1 pc.

Advice! The recommended diameter of tablets for sowing strawberries is 24-36 mm.

Features of growing seedlings of cucumbers in peat tablets

Cucumber seedlings are easy to grow using peat tablets with a neutral reaction, the size is at least 40 mm. Cucumber seeds are laid out in swollen tablets. To prepare the seeds before planting or not, everyone decides for himself. With a match or a toothpick, the seeds are deepened to the limits indicated on the package. If there is no information about the depth of embedding, they use standard numbers - 1.5-2 cm. There is no need to cover the seeds.

Sowing peppers, eggplant and tomatoes

Suitable tablet diameter is 30-40 mm. Seeds are prepared in the same way as during normal sowing for seedlings, laid out according to prepared tablets, deepening them with a match to the desired depth. Experienced summer residents sow 2 things for safety net. In this case, the strongest of the two shoots is left, the weakest is removed.

Important! Extra seedlings are not pulled out so as not to damage the roots of neighbors, but simply cut off at the root.

The sown seeds are covered with a small amount of substrate - flush with the surface of the tablet.

Interesting! Small seeds of tomatoes and eggplant germinate well and give strong seedlings even when they are laid out in dry tablets and then moistened. Swelling, the substrate covers the seed.

Rules for transplanting seedlings to a permanent place

The procedure for planting seedlings grown using peat tablets is simple and time-consuming.

  1. The grown seedlings are hardened off.
  2. Prepare the beds for planting according to the rules of agricultural technology of each crop.
  3. Tablets with seedlings are placed in the planting holes without removing the shell.

Microorganisms living in the soil will recycle the mesh or paper, giving additional nutrition to the plants. At the same time, the rules provided for planting seedlings of each crop are observed.

Rules for watering peat tablets

The degree of moisture content of peat tablets is monitored strictly: a dry substrate destroys the still weak root system of seedlings in a short time. Watering "tablet" seedlings is a delicate process. Overhead watering is undesirable, as it can lead to diseases. Water strictly by adding water to the tray (container) where the tablets are placed. Particular difficulties arise when they stand in dense rows. Experts recommend using a syringe for watering: its thin nose easily penetrates to the bottom. It is also convenient to remove the remaining water after watering.

On a note! At high humidity in mini-greenhouses, mold may appear on the barrels of tablets. It is easy to remove with a cotton swab moistened with a disinfectant solution.

Cleanliness when working with seedlings, high planting speed a large number seeds, no need to pick seedlings, excellent seedling health - these are the additional bonuses of using peat tablets. In addition, an individual approach to each sprout is possible - it is easy to place a slowly developing seedling in special conditions. Peat tablets are an excellent solution that saves time and energy.

There are many ways that help speed up seed germination and get healthy and strong seedlings in a short time. A popular and simple method of using peat tablets. This is an absolutely safe and environmentally friendly invention that greatly simplifies the cultivation of various crops. It is easy to use and the benefits are great.


Peat tablets are made from high-moor peat or from a mixture of peat containing the nutrients necessary for plants on early stages development. From above, you can see a special coating - a mesh that prevents the decay of moistened peat. The width of products varies from 24 mm to 90 mm, the height does not exceed 30 mm. Thanks to peat tablets, you can germinate any garden and flower crops. Peat tablets are especially good for plants that do not tolerate picking, and sprouts that have tender and fragile seedlings. The same goes for expensive and rare seeds.

The seed hole in the peat compact is clearly visible, as well as the mesh covering the material.

TO positive aspects use of peat tablets include:

  • speed of seed germination;
  • compactness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • the ability to grow seedlings without additional fertilizer;
  • no need for picking and working with the ground.

There are only three main disadvantages of these products. Firstly, this includes the need for frequent watering, caused by the rapid drying of peat. Secondly, the need to use pallets. Thirdly, a rather high price, which does not allow avoiding serious expenses when planting a large number of plants.

The main component of peat tablets is completely environmentally friendly and clean.

The initial stage includes the preparation of tablets. To do this, put the briquettes in a tall tray and fill them with warm water.

It is important to immediately determine where the top of the product is located and place it correctly in the pallet. The upper part is characterized by the presence of a small recess intended for seeds.

Water for pouring is used warm and settled

During the swelling of peat, the cylinder increases in size, so that the whole procedure is successful, water should be added gradually. The maximum tablet increases five times, while the increase occurs only in height, while the diameter remains close to the original. The whole process usually takes about half an hour. The moisture that has not been absorbed during this time is drained from the pan.

Enlarging, the tablet becomes five times its original size.

Instead of pallets, you can use special cassettes for growing seedlings. The presence of cell walls on all sides allows you to reduce the amount of watering.

The use of special cassettes for seedlings greatly simplifies the work

How to plant and grow seeds

Large seeds are placed in swollen briquettes by hand, small ones can be placed with tweezers or a small wooden stick. Initially, the seeds are germinated in a warm place in a damp cloth, but you can do without it.

The seed is placed in a recess and lightly pressed down with your fingers or with the same stick, if we are talking about small seeds. Planting depth is 1-1.5 cm.

Celery and petunia seeds should remain on the surface. This will greatly increase their germination.

For planting small specimens, it is convenient to use a current stick.

A container with planted seeds is covered with a special film or transparent plastic lid which allows creating a favorable microclimate for seed germination. Seedlings are placed in a warm and bright place. As condensation forms, lift the film or cover. The ventilation time usually does not exceed ten minutes.

Convenient plastic containers with transparent lids

With the advent of the first shoots, the film is removed. Further, up to the stage of picking plants, the process of growing seedlings does not differ from the usual one.

Seeds in peat tablets germinate faster than in regular soil cups.

Video on how to use the material to grow successfully

Plant picking stage

In the case of using peat tablets, plant transplantation is simply not required, which is very important when working with delicate and fragile seedlings. It is enough to move each tablet with a seedling into a separate container of the desired size and fill the voids in it with soil. In this case, the earth should be carefully compacted. Thus, the lack of a full pick allows you to avoid slowing down the growth of seedlings.

Due to the convenient mesh, the material does not crumble, which facilitates the process of transplanting the plant into large containers and into open ground.

Buying and choosing peat tablets

You can order peat tablets through numerous horticultural websites or purchase them at your nearest flower and plant store. Due to the popularity of this product, the search will not take much time. At the same time, the opportunity to touch and examine products up close plays an important role. Attention should be paid to the structure of the peat, it should not be excessively coarse. The acidity of peat can also be different. It is important to remember that acidity close to neutral is favorable for most plants. The size of the tablets depends entirely on the size of the seeds. For example, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants need tablets with a diameter of 90 mm.

Properly selected tablets from pressed peat will allow you to get strong seedlings in a short time

The nuances of the correct selection on the video

Thus, peat tablets are a simple and easy-to-use tool that allows you to grow seedlings of even the most whimsical plants. Even a novice gardener can use peat braces on their own, following simple instructions.