What seeds are germinated in peat tablets. Is it worth it to grow seedlings in peat tablets

  • 13.06.2019

For those millennia during which mankind has been engaged in agriculture, this type of activity has changed almost beyond recognition. From a dependent, timid consumer who enjoys the fickle favor of nature, a person has turned, if not into a commander, then at least a confident user natural resources who knows how to direct them and keep many of them under his control. And yet, much has remained unchanged, and even the most experienced gardener has to reckon with the laws of nature.

What are peat tablets

Peat tablets are one of the ways to facilitate the process of growing seedlings of any kind. cultivated plants, though vegetables, though seeds. Moreover, it is very simple and logical, based on the need of any growing organism, including sprouting greenery, for nutrients. BUT peat tablets- and there are, in fact, and there are those same nutrients. As you know, peat is a natural organic fertilizer suitable for most plant species. If you press it and give it the shape of small cylinders flattened in the vertical direction (washers, tablets, etc.), and then pack it in a thin permeable shell and make a small depression on top, you will get just the same peat tablets, useful and safe for man, and for his green "wards".

They do not take up much space, are inexpensive, easy to use and perform all their functions, that is, they serve as an ideal tool for anyone who needs to germinate viable seedlings from seeds and grow them up to the time when it is time to transplant into open ground.

Most of the peat tablets currently on sale are quite small: no more than 8 mm in height. But not
be afraid that the seedlings will be crowded in them: after moistening, the peat swells and increases significantly in volume, literally by a factor of 10, or even 10 times. At the same time, the liquid itself is reliably retained by the substrate and maintains the necessary level of moisture in the internal environment, which is necessary for seed germination. Peat tablets can be sown with any crops, vegetables and ornamental plants, but it is especially convenient to use them for the smallest seeds. Capricious peppers, tomatoes, even vulnerable petunia show noticeably faster growth compared to similar seeds planted in the ground using standard seedling germination technology in cups and / or pots. In addition, with the help of peat tablets, you can root leaves and dive seedlings. At the same time, the risk of infection of young seedlings with fungi and mechanical damage weak root system tends to zero.

In addition to the actual peat base, which makes up more than 90% of the tablet, manufacturers add nutrients to the tablets, the mineral composition of which promotes growth. different types plants. An obligatory component of peat impregnation is an antifungal composition. And if necessary, you can purchase and use peat tablets containing a root growth stimulator or other components aimed at specific needs. An alternative to peat tablets, which is in no way inferior in its properties, are coconut tablets. They are made from compressed coconut fiber, have almost the same appearance, sizes and functions, are just found on sale a little less often.

Both peat and coconut fiber correct use and sufficient moisture are an excellent environment for planting seeds and growing seedlings. And, which is no less important, there is nothing complicated in their application, and the technology is mastered in practice already at the first attempt.

Use of peat tablets

Planting seeds in peat tablets is a modern and relatively new method, so it is unlikely that your grandmother, despite her colossal life experience and achievements in gardening, will be able to teach you how to use them. But you can very well tell her a great way to optimize the process of seedling germination, save strength and get an excellent result by reading our tips.

  • Remove the tablets from their original packaging and place them in a wide tray without holes. Choose the height of the pallet sufficient so that after the increase in volume, the tablets do not rise above its sides. Do not be afraid to take the pills with or without gloves: they will not cause any harm to the skin.
  • Place the tablets at an arbitrary distance from each other, you can very close. After swelling, thanks to the retaining mesh, only the height will change, but not the diameter of each tablet. The main thing is that the recesses intended for the seeds are oriented upwards.
  • Pour into tray clean water room temperature or slightly warmer, wetting the peat tablets liberally. Wait a few seconds, during which the tablets will become more voluminous right in front of your eyes. Use at least (more is better) 1 liter of water for every 10 peat tablets.
  • Now you can start planting seeds. Take them with your fingers or tweezers and place them in the grooves on the top side of the peat tablets.

    The depth of immersion depends on the size of the seeds, the larger - the deeper. On average, focus on a depth equal to two seed lengths.

  • The number of seeds in one tablet, choose depending on the specific type of plant. Cover each seed with a small amount of peat taken nearby.
  • Place a pallet with seeded peat tablets on a warm surface or use special greenhouses for seedlings.
  • Seeds germinate faster if the bottom of the box is warm. For the same purpose, you can use lamps for illumination. But do not forget to ventilate the germinating seedlings by opening the greenhouse during the day and letting in air, and closing it again at night.
  • When the seedlings turn green, water the peat tablets from a spray bottle or simply through a pan as needed. Peat tablets will absorb all excess water, maintaining an optimal humidity regime.
  • Before the appearance of the first decorated leaves on the seedlings, it has enough of those nutrients that are contained in peat and included in the tablets during production. Two weeks after the leaves appear, start adding mineral fertilizers to the water for irrigation.
  • When the seedling root system develops so much that it breaks through the side surfaces of the tablet, it can be transplanted into the ground. At the same time, picking seedlings grown from seeds in peat tablets is not required, which additionally protects thin roots from mechanical damage.
  • Place the strengthened seedlings together with a peat tablet in the ground to such a depth as to hide the tablet underground, dig a little. It is not necessary to remove the grid from the tablet for this, but some gardeners do this.
  • Both the tablet and the mesh dissolve without a trace in the soil over time, thanks to which the plant takes root well in an open environment.
  • Peat tablets quickly won the favor of gardeners, florists and gardeners, and this is not surprising. The method of planting seeds in peat tablets really pays off with its availability, ease of use and excellent sowing results. Good luck and good seedlings!

    To date, invented different ways, allowing to simplify and speed up the process of germinating seeds for seedlings. One such method is the use of special peat tablets. With the help of an environmentally friendly device, growing becomes a pleasant and easy process. Peat tablets are easy to use and, thanks to their unique composition, provide seedlings with nutrients.

    The advantage of peat tablets

    The shape of the peat seedling sprout tablets resemble ordinary medical tablets, only much larger. Their composition contains a large number of useful trace elements and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the development and growth of plants. Peat-based tablets help to grow a full-fledged strong plant that can give in the future good harvest.

    The tablets are peat pressed into a round washer, wrapped in a special mesh.

    The initial size of peat tablets is 8 centimeters in diameter and 3 centimeters in height. And the soaked, ready-to-use peat tablets increase several times in height, while the diameter remains unchanged. Planting seeds in peat tablets has a number of advantages over other germination methods:

    • rapid ascent of seeds;
    • ease of use;
    • saving space;
    • financial benefit.

    The soft consistency of peat allows you to keep the root system of plants intact. The structure of peat provides easy penetration of water and air to the roots, which is favorable for the rapid development of seedlings. Even an inexperienced gardener can plant seeds in peat tablets. Seedlings grown in these devices are easy to transplant to a permanent place, as they are planted along with peat without prior extraction.

    How to plant seeds

    Before planting seeds, you need to pick up a container made of transparent plastic, which will act as a mini-greenhouse. For this, packages from under the cake, salads and other similar containers are quite suitable. The height of the container should be sufficient to fit several times larger tablets, as well as seedlings.

    The process of planting seeds in peat devices, although simple, requires a clear implementation of several steps:

    1. 1. First, remove the cellophane wrapper from the purchased washer, which protects it from damage and possible shedding.
    2. 2. The tablets are laid out in the prepared container up with the side where there is a hole for the seed. At the same time, the nylon mesh is not removed. It is necessary to maintain the shape of the substrate. The tablets are stacked tightly to each other so that they do not turn over when they swell.
    3. 3. Then pour into container warm water to swell the tablets. Water should not be poured onto the washers themselves, but into the pan so as not to destroy them. In this case, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate, growth stimulants, fertilizers or fungicides. Water will be absorbed in about half an hour, after which excess moisture should be removed from the pan with a sponge.
    4. 4. Seeds are planted in the prepared tablets by placing them in a recess in the center of the peat column. Seeds can be planted singly or in multiples, depending on their size and value.

    The seed should be planted at a depth that is twice its size. If they are very small, then you can not bury them, but simply scatter them on the surface without covering them with a substrate.

    Growing seedlings

    After all the seeds have been sown, the container in which the posts are located must be covered with a lid with holes made in advance. This will allow air to circulate and prevent stagnation. The prepared mini-greenhouse is placed on the windowsill on the south side of the apartment so that the plants have enough light. If the daylight hours are short, then you can use special lamps for plants, highlighting the greenhouse with them.

    You can not allow the effect of cold on the greenhouse, it will destroy the plants. If it is cold on the windowsill, then a piece of foam or foam rubber should be placed under the container for thermal insulation and protection from drafts. When condensation begins to collect inside the cover, it must be periodically removed and the plants ventilated. After germination, the lid is removed completely and the container is placed in such a way that the seedlings have enough light. You need to moisten the seedlings from below, pouring water into the bottom of the container, and spray the top of the plants with water from a spray bottle.

    Once the root system has developed well enough to penetrate the bollard netting, increase the space between seedlings to prevent entanglement of root systems. Before the appearance of green leaves, seedlings do not need to be fed, as they have enough of the amount of nutrients that was included in the tablet during its production. Then you can add the first mineral fertilizers to the water for irrigation. But as practice shows, in most cases this is not required.

    Before planting seedlings that have been grown in peat devices, they do not need to dive. Simply loosen the soil in your bed or flowerpot to a depth that will allow you to place the peat column flush with the surface or slightly lower. The mesh that bounds the peat column can be removed or left in place. It does not interfere with the development of the root system in any way, and over time it completely dissolves in the soil. After that, the peat will mix with the soil and will at first act as a fertilizer.

    Peat tablets were invented to make it easier for gardeners to grow seedlings and enrich the root system of plants with everything they need. In this case, the most favorable microclimate is created for the plants: the necessary humidity, air access and a suitable substrate density.

    For growing seedlings that do not tolerate transplantation, peat seedling tablets are a convenient thing. In addition, the seeds do not always germinate together, and in this case it is possible to transfer the “first-born” to a cool place, and give the belated ones the opportunity to “soak up” in the warmth. This year I will plant tomatoes and peppers in tablets, s, I don’t plant one-year-olds due to the catastrophic lack of time in the summer. As they grow, I will transplant into larger containers.

    True, I was very worried about the question - do they have an expiration date? That is, immediately purchase a large number of pieces 30-100, so that in next year use. They are small and compact, I liked them. It turned out to be possible. If stored in a dry place, they absolutely do not lose their properties.

    How to plant in peat tablets

    First you need to pour dry tablets warm water(for efficiency, I added epin), and wait 5 minutes until it increases in size. It increases in height by about 7 times. Then drain the water, expand the recess that is in the upper part of the tablet, place the seeds there, 2 - 3 pieces, depending on the germination of the seeds, not all will sprout. Place the tablets in a greenhouse or mini-greenhouse for better seed germination.

    Be sure to monitor the humidity and water the seedlings regularly. The thing is that the tablets dry very quickly and you need to constantly monitor their moisture content. It is very convenient to use peat tablets, planting cucumbers in peat tablets is especially good. Because cucumbers do not tolerate when their roots are disturbed during transplantation, and if you grow cucumbers and other similar plants in peat tablets, then they can be immediately transplanted into the garden in the garden, under and the roots are not damaged.

    Flower seedlings, for example petunias, and strawberry seedlings grow well in peat briquettes. And making a mini-greenhouse for peat briquettes is very simple. You need 2 cups. In one we put a soaked briquette with seeds or a sprout, and close it with another glass on top.

    Peat tablets reviews when using

    It is very convenient to germinate tomatoes and peppers anyway, then transplant them into large cups. If they are placed on the ground or sawdust, peat small roots will sprout and then easily separate after transportation.

    It all depends on the size of the roots and the plant itself, agricultural technology. Lettuce, cabbage, as it grows, can be immediately transplanted into a polycarbonate greenhouse or greenhouse without damaging the roots. It all depends on the number of transplants and the size of the required coma. It is convenient to transplant a tomato into a large container to shove it deeper and not every large container is suitable for a large tablet if it is lowered and sprinkled. Dive tomatoes quite crumbs. It is easier not to weaken by pulling out the roots with breaks, but simply germinate in tablets. Cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini and watermelons generally do not like transplantation. Sprouted and while the little ones were buried in a large container before planting in (or immediately in peat pots). Let us consider more specifically how to use seedling tablets for certain crops.

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    How to plant cabbage in peat tablets

    A peat tablet is prepared for any planting of seeds in the same way - it must be filled with warm water and swell to a state ready for use. Cabbage seeds, if they are not bought in a store, undergo hardening preparation in the form of immersion in hot (about 50 C) water for 15 minutes, and then in cold water for a couple of minutes, followed by drying. Two seeds are planted in each tablet in order to remove the weaker sprout in the future. Cabbage is quite demanding on light, i.e. seed tablets should be conveniently placed in a seedling box, which in turn is placed in a well-lit area of ​​the window.

    In addition, cabbage is a moisture-loving plant, and, as we remember, the tablets dry out quickly, so it is very important to observe the timely watering of the tablets when growing cabbage seedlings in this way. At the first stage of growth, the seedlings do not need to be fed, but since the tablets themselves do not contain useful nutrients, like some soils, it is planned to fertilize the seedlings in the future. So, what if someone has a question: is it possible to plant cabbage in peat tablets? Of course! The main thing is not to forget about care - air and water, in fact, like any other plant.

    Planting tomatoes in a peat tablet

    Tomatoes in peat tablets (planted in the same way as described above about cabbage) are germinated until the central root of the plant appears from the bottom of the tablet. After that, cut the root and cut the tablet itself from 2 or 4 sides, place it in a larger and more convenient container, for example, in a plastic half-liter glass or a cut eggplant, adding nutrient soil to it.

    You can plant peppers in peat tablets in the same way as tomatoes. In the case of the germination of pepper seeds, it is better to use planting two seeds at once, so that in the future it will be possible to choose the stronger one from the two sprouts, removing the weak one.

    Planting eggplant in a peat tablet

    Eggplants are recommended to be planted in a tablet with a larger diameter than tomatoes and peppers, preferably in a 7 cm tablet. You should not put them very close to neighboring eggplants so that the roots do not intertwine during formation. How to transplant eggplant from tablets into open ground? This issue is more pressing, unlike transplanting seedlings, such as tomatoes, which tolerate transplanting much more easily than eggplant. Therefore, it is worth carefully cutting the mesh on the tablet, placing the eggplant sprout in the prepared hole, without deepening the plant to a greater depth than it was germinated from the tablet.

    How to plant flowers in a peat tablet?

    In peat tablets, it is convenient to germinate flowers that are considered difficult to grow, for example:

    • Eustoma - very small seeds of this flower should be applied to the tablet with a moistened tip of a toothpick, 4-5 pieces per tablet surface. Sufficient moisture without overflow will sprout in a week and a half. With the formation of several pairs of leaves at the seedling, it is already possible to transplant it into a separate pot and wait for sufficient warming for suburban area for transplanting it into open ground.
    • Petunia. Practical recommendations for eustoma, they are also suitable for this capricious and difficult-to-sprout flower. The seeds are just as small and the toothpick is just as relevant.
    • Balsams. Very well proven in germination in peat tablets. The seedlings grow very quickly, and in the first week they form a strong, viable sprout, which after a while pleases with a well-formed bush. It is worth watching the roots growing through the tablet in order to give them in time more space- transplant into a large container before transfer to open ground.

    Many houseplants such as cyclamens and violets can also be easily propagated in peat tablets.

    Tips and reviews for growing seeds in peat tablets

    There are peat tablets for seedlings of 2 cm and 4 cm, meaning in height. But I can’t even imagine what 2 cm is suitable for. It's easier to grow everything in 4 cm! I have grown in them. ampelous petunia, sown in March, before planting in the ground, transplanted along with tablets into cups! And what then about 2 cm to speak? Probably just something very small and slow growing, like primroses.

    Growing in peat tablets reviews of an experienced gardener: rastyukhi, such as sweet peas, can be planted in tablets only if each tablet is in its own additional container (cup) so that the tablets cannot come into contact with each other. Sweet pea he does not like transplantation and his roots are very tender, but they grow very quickly and all the tablets are intertwined with each other by these roots. It is very difficult to separate them without injury.

    Many people like to grow seedlings with their own hands. This process captivates and captivates, makes it possible to observe the birth of a sprout and its development.

    At the same time, of course, every gardener wants to have strong seedlings with a strong root system. In a word, one that will give a good harvest and justify the financial and labor costs as well as wasted time.

    The benefits of peat for seedlings

    How younger plant, the more it is sensitive and demanding to the correct composition of the substrate, sufficient nutrition, temperature and light conditions.

    IN last years peat tablets for seedlings appeared to help gardeners, allowing them not to waste time and effort on providing plants with suitable soil.

    In addition to the actual substrate, made up of the necessary elements in the right proportions, they contain nutrition for the seeds, which will provide them with everything they need.

    Many experienced gardeners also consider peat mixtures to be the best substrate for seedlings. Due to its air and moisture permeability, as well as saturation with a large amount of nutrients, the seedlings will receive the necessary nutrition, which will allow it to develop actively and successfully.

    Having appeared not very long ago on the market, they won the favor of buyers. On sale there are tablets for planting seedlings, combining a convenient form and the beneficial effect of a peat substrate.

    They are used by both professionals and amateur gardeners. The direct purpose of the tablets is:

    • cultivation;
    • seed germination;
    • rooting cuttings
    • application as a soil for.
    Peat consists of rotted marsh vegetation and mosses, in which nature has laid the full composition.

    Did you know? Beneficial features peat is even used in the preparation of some preparations for the treatment of eyes, joints, cardiovascular system and eczema.

    Washers are a dry compressed substance enriched with antibacterial additives, growth stimulants and. Similar in shape to a pill, they got their name. The product is packed in a mesh that keeps it from spilling during use.

    It can be removed so that the root system feels freer and develops better, or you can leave it as it is: the roots grow through it perfectly.

    The composition of the washer is optimally balanced for the speedy germination of seeds and the comfortable well-being of plants.

    1. A mixture of peat and humus saturates the plant with nutrients.
    2. Antibacterial drugs inhibit the growth of pathogens.
    3. Minerals stimulate growth.

    In the manufacture of tablets, peat is used, which has a different fraction and, information about this should be present on the package.

    Before buying tablets, you should find out what acidity the medium requires for the plants planted in them.

    Neglecting this factor, one can get deplorable results in the form of a slowdown in growth and development, and even death of seedlings or seeds.

    Did you know? About 3% of the entire solid surface of the planet is peat. Only Scottish lands are 30% peat. Russian peatlands occupy 32%, that is, a third of the entire territory of the state, and up to 280 million tons are produced annually.

    You can not buy peat tablets for seedlings in bulk without packaging, which contains information about the characteristics of the substrate and its purpose, as well as detailed description how to use them.

    Instructions for use of peat tablets

    The use is not difficult. It is this simplicity, combined with the benefits for plants, that has won a huge number of fans.

    Planting seedlings in tablets still requires some skills and compliance. simple rules despite their ease of use. Consider step by step how to use peat tablets.

    • First of all, the washer should be freed from the plastic packaging that protects it from premature shedding and other damage.
    • Arrange in a pre-selected container with a transparent lid, which will serve as a mini, the required number of tablets with the hole for the seed up.

    At the same time, it is impossible to remove the nylon mesh - it subsequently retains its shape and prevents the substrate from scattering.

    It is better if the tablets are located tightly, in contact with each other. Having swollen, in this case they will not deform and turn over, tightly held by their neighbors.

    For fixation, disinfected sand poured onto the bottom is sometimes used. Tablets are installed in it, and it is subsequently watered. This method makes it somewhat difficult to control the moisture in the greenhouse, but you can not be afraid of displacement and falling during deformation.

    A few words about the mini container. It should accommodate the number of peat washers you need, so you should “try on” how they will be located in advance.

    It must be remembered that after swelling, the tablets will grow eight times in height, turning into columns. This circumstance must be taken into account when choosing a container, as well as not to forget about the place for the future sprouting sprout. The sum of these values ​​​​is its height.
    Best for these purposes is a disposable cake container, salad containers and other disposable tableware with transparent lids.

    The location of each column in a separate container, for example, plastic cups, is impractical at any decent scale: after all, each of them will need to be covered with something transparent, and subsequently create the same microclimate.

    It is much more convenient to place them under one "roof", where you can easily care for and control the process. Even a plastic bag fixed on top with an elastic band can play the role of a “roof”.

    • Fill them with warm water to swell.
    It is not necessary to pour water into the tablets themselves, the jet can deform them. It is better to pour it into the pan in which they are located, in small portions to avoid floating.

    Absorb excess water half an hour after the tablets swell and turn into columns, absorb with a sponge without turning the container with the contents over.

    Important! Cold water will be absorbed longer than warm, you need to take this into account for the correct calculation of time.

    • Once the swollen posts are ready to receive the seeds, it's time to sow them into the substrate. In the recess made in the middle of the top of the washer, one or two should be placed, depending on the value and quantity of the available seed, prepared seed. They can be dry, soaked, processed and so on.

    When sowing, remember the rule that seeds should be buried in the ground to a depth equal to two seed sizes. Small seeds can simply be laid out on the surface of the soil without covering with a layer of substrate.

    Important! It is recommended to scatter very small and especially valuable seeds on paper of a contrasting color and, picking up a seed with the tip of a moistened toothpick, place it in the place of future habitat.

    • Having sowed all the prepared columns in a suitable way, the container in which they are located should be covered with a lid with several ventilation holes that must be done to avoid air stagnation and related processes.
    • A mini-greenhouse is placed in a warm and bright place, on a windowsill, the window of which faces south, west or east. If there is not enough light, additional illumination is necessary with special ones to ensure its biological daylight hours.

    Important! Cold is a big enemy of seedlings, therefore, if the window sill is cold, you should put it under the greenhouse thermal insulation material: Styrofoam, foam rubber and the like. Drafts should also be avoided.

    • From the moment when condensation appears on the inside of the lid, the seedlings need to be ventilated.
    • After the plants have hatched and shown their cotyledon leaves, the lid should be removed and make sure that they still have enough light.
    • Watering is carried out not in columns, but on the bottom of the container, the aerial part of the plants is sprayed with a spray gun.

    Important! In no case should the peat be allowed to dry out - this will seriously damage, or even destroy, the seedlings.

    • After the developed and strengthened root system begins to leave the limits of the tablet, it is very important to move them away from each other so that the roots of the neighbors do not penetrate. In this case, it will be impossible to separate them without injuring, and a strong and healthy root is the key to a strong plant and future harvest.

    I am a beginner gardener, but I have already managed to gain experience! I have been growing tomatoes for four years. I tried different ways of growing seedlings, but I liked the method of growing in peat tablets the most - it's easy and convenient, the seedlings are strong. In early March, from 10-15, I start sowing tomatoes.

    Planting seeds

    We will need:

    • peat tablets Ø 35 - 40 mm, not less;
    • container for peat tablets;
    • seeds.

    We put peat tablets in the container, so that the recesses for the seeds are at the top, fill it with very warm water (40-50 degrees C). I pour water gradually, the tablets begin to swell and grow upwards. The resulting excess water must be drained. In the photo - peat tablets ready for sowing seeds.

    We put the seeds in the middle of the peat tablet (two pieces are possible) to a depth of 1 cm. I do not soak the seeds in advance, I choose the largest ones from the bag. Spreading the seeds, sprinkle with peat. We close the container (with a special lid, bag, film), put it in a warm place and wait for the shoots. Shoots appear within 7 - 10 days. They can sprout unevenly (depending on the seeds), then I rearrange the peat tablets with seedlings in another container on the window so that they do not stretch out.

    Picking in phase 3 - 4 true leaves

    After the appearance of 3-4 true leaves, I transplant the seedlings into 0.5 ml cups.

    We will need:

    • cups with a volume of at least 0.5 ml;
    • fertile land.

    At the bottom of the glass I make holes for draining excess water(Otherwise, when overflowing, the roots will rot). Then I pour 2 cm of earth at the bottom of the cups, take a peat tablet with a sprout, carefully remove the mesh (it is better to remove it so that nothing prevents the root system from developing). I put the sprout in a glass and cover it with earth almost to the cotyledon leaves. In such a glass, seedlings grow until planting in a greenhouse. I plant in a polycarbonate greenhouse according to the weather, it doesn’t happen year after year, from May 5 - 20.

    Cocktails for watering seedlings

    I make cocktails for watering seedlings. I water with such a cocktail when the first shoots appear and when transplanted into cups.

    For 1 liter of water - 4 granules Ecoberina And "Healthy garden"(these are natural remedies based on sugar granules structured under the action of rose, barberry, ginseng, potassium, magnesium salts, etc.) and 2 drops of the drug HB - 101(This is a super energy for plants, an environmentally friendly growth stimulator made from Japanese cedar, cypress, pine and plantain). The granules will dissolve within 15 minutes. Use the prepared solution immediately.