Do-it-yourself children's slide made of wood - manufacturing and installation. Finishing work

  • 17.06.2019

Few parents know how to make a slide for children with their own hands, but you really want to please the child, diversify his leisure time both in the city yard and in the country.

For the construction of a children's slide, you need to use environmentally friendly materials that will be harmless to children's health.

There are no children in the world who do not like to ride downhill, and they do it at any time of the year: on slopes, sleds, packs, or just on a soft fifth point.

Often, slides located on playgrounds have long been broken, and parents do not allow children to go to them, as they are worried about their life and health. But the child cannot be limited in movement, he must move and develop, so the best option is to make a slide with your own hands. You can involve children in this process and, together at your leisure, build any kind of slide, which in the future will delight both parents and their child and his friends.

The ice slide is simple in design and execution.

As with any construction, there are several stages of work on the slide:

  1. First, it is important to think over the idea of ​​the structure itself. Choose a place for the slide, since it can be located both in the country house and in the city yard; it can be made from wood, metal, plastic or ice.
  2. Secondly, for the further construction of the slide, it is desirable to draw up diagrams of the future structure. The drawings will help in the subsequent stages in order to determine what material will be needed, how much it will be needed, and also to assess the scope of the work ahead.
  3. Purchase of the necessary consumables, preparation of tools.
  4. Assembly of the slide, installation and strength test. You need to check the slide, because, without specialized skills, you can easily make a mistake in the calculations and during assembly, which can lead to injury to children.

Options for slides for children: in the yard or in the country

Alone in the city yard or on suburban area You can build several types of slides:

  1. Icy. The slide is short-lived, but winter period she is simply irreplaceable. Indeed, during the winter holidays, children do not have so much entertainment, but they have enough free time. At the same time, it is simple in design and execution, takes up little space, which, with the onset of heat, will be freed up for further use by appointment.
  2. Wooden. A durable and fairly safe structure that you can do yourself with a minimum of money spent and Supplies. At the same time, such a slide can serve for a long time, delighting both children and their friends.

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How is an ice slide made?

As soon as winter comes, the first snow falls, children run out into the yards in droves and spend all their free time there, riding on any slopes. At the same time, you can build a safe, durable ice slide, which is simply not more economical. For such a slide, you will need a minimum set of consumables and tools that can be found in any apartment:

After the base of the slide is formed, you need to fill it with water.

  • shovel;
  • metal spatula or scoop;
  • several buckets;
  • water;
  • sand.

The ice slide is made in several stages, in each you can involve a child who will directly take part in this exciting process:

  1. First of all, you need to choose a place down the hill. It is important to consider that the slide should be placed in safe place, the descent should not end at the roadways or next to the wall of the house or the fence, as this is traumatic. The slide should be placed in a well-lit place, away from the parking of cars, it is ideal if such a slide can be built in a summer cottage near the house.
  2. With a shovel, together with the child, you need to form the base of the slide from the snow and fill it with water, it is best to do this with a spray bottle, but you can also simply pour non-hot water from the bucket and let it freeze well.
  3. After glaciation, you need to form the upper part of the hill and the descent from the snow. Well, if the latter is not cool and long. Then again fill the resulting structure with water. To give the slide additional strength, you can repeat this procedure until the ice has a stable and safe shape. It is important to ensure that the water is evenly distributed over the surface of the slide.
  4. At the last stage, with a spatula, all protrusions and irregularities must be removed from the surface of the descent, and with reverse side from the descent into the hill, again, with a spatula, cut steps into the step of the child, which it is advisable to sprinkle with sand to provide additional security.

There is only one drawback of such a slide - its seasonality, which is successfully compensated by the happy time spent on it by the child and his friends.

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wooden slide

Wood is a fairly common material for the manufacture of playground elements, swings, carousels and slides.

In order to make a wooden slide, you will need more money, effort and at least minimal skills in carpentry. The scheme is very simple:

  • slide base;
  • descent;
  • stairs.

For work you will need:

  • board (5x14x60 cm) - 8 pcs.;
  • timber (10x10x60 cm) - 4 pcs. and another one with dimensions of 50x50x80 cm;
  • two sheets of moisture-resistant plywood (150x150x12 cm);
  • round rail (30x120 cm) - 2 pcs.;
  • drill, screwdriver and screws;
  • garden drill or shovel;
  • stain and varnish or you can use paint.

Before proceeding with the assembly of such a slide, you need to saw all the wooden parts according to the scheme, sand the timber and boards, remove sharp corners. This work takes place in several stages:

  1. Marking the territory, drilling holes in the ground to install the base from the timber. To make the slide a more durable structure, it is better to concrete the timber in the ground.
  2. With a saw or a milling cutter, grooves are made on the upper parts of the racks to strengthen the planed boards, and the supports must be connected to each other with self-tapping screws. The rigidity of the structure is provided by transverse bars, and they will also play the role of a protective barrier, sides.
  3. Two beams are attached to the extruded frame, and already they will need to attach a ladder and a slope to them.
  4. The floor is made of boards. You need to screw it with self-tapping screws for greater fixation. It is better to lay the boards not tightly, but to leave small gaps, this will help to remove excess moisture after snow or rain.
  5. The ends of the boards are cut at an angle of approximately 45 ° and attached to the uprights. These will be the sides of the stairs, to which you need to attach boards horizontally at an equal distance - these are the future steps of the slide. Their step is calculated separately, you should not make it very large, as this will be inconvenient for children, but too small is not recommended. The descent of the slide is done similarly to the stairs, only instead of boards it is formed from sheets of plywood, tightly fitted and reinforced from below wooden slats with mandatory fixation with screws.
  6. At the last stage, the decorative processing slides. You can cover it with varnish or paint - it already depends on the desire and availability of materials. But it is important to process all wooden and plywood parts in order to protect the slide from the effects of precipitation and extend its life.

Or he simply does not have a slide near his house with which children could ride.

The slide can become not only amusing entertainment for toddlers, but also for children in their teens.

Everyone loves to go down fun, laugh and run a race, moving down a fun slide.

Parents who made slides with their own hands can be pleased with themselves, because your children will definitely thank you. And their laughter good mood will not leave anyone indifferent.

We make a children's slide with our own hands

Alas, the plastic parts of slides for children are not yet sold in stores, and it is not possible to produce them independently, outside the factory. Therefore, we stock up on wood. You will need:

  • wooden planks 2200x150x20 in the amount of 5 pieces;
  • do-it-yourself beam for a children's slide 450x100x50 in the amount of 5 pieces;
  • timber 700x100x50 in the amount of 2 pcs.

We need three boards to build the basis for the descent of the children's slide.

To make it as convenient, comfortable and safe for kids to ride, they should be polished almost perfectly. It is also important to make these three boards of the same thickness.

To make the slide for children or to be as smooth as possible, you will need an ordinary grinder with grinding wheels.

Boards to the bars should be fixed on top of the slide with your own hands so that they do not bend during operation. In order for them to be attached to the bars, holes should be made in accordance with the chosen fastening method.

The tree must be smeared with a special putty, which clogs all the extra holes. To certainly protect yourself from irregularities, you can process the surface of a children's slide, made with your own hands a second time with a grinder, and then cover it again with putty.

It is important to buy wood putty. When you apply the mixture, you must wait until it is completely dry, only then continue to work.

How to make a side slide for children with your own hands

Now we need to prepare the side parts of the future slide. To do this, we process the tree in the same way with a grinding tool, and then install the sidewalls and attach the base of the children's slide to them, which will serve as Starting point to go down the hill.

The slope of the slide for children is usually about 55 degrees.

The side parts must be attached to the bars, as well as to the base of the slide using self-tapping screws.

In addition to what we attach at the second stage of the sidewall, we still need to make the sides for the slide.

Any requires the presence of bumpers at different swings and slides, because it is better for children to go down, and for the sake of safety, this should be taken into account. Firstly, it is convenient with the sides, and secondly, the child can fall in the middle of the track.

The sides need to be properly sanded, and then coated with an antiseptic.

Any wooden detail for a children's slide that you make with your own hands, you need to process antiseptic, since rain, snow and other precipitation can spoil the quality of the tree.

In addition, insects do not sleep and also pose a danger to the life and reliability of your slide.

To clearly understand how to make a slide with your own hands, you can draw a diagram on which all the details, sizes, scale and angle of inclination of various parts will be marked.

We fix everything with self-tapping screws, and in some places with long nails. So that the nails do not hurt anyone, they must be driven deep into the tree.

You also have to make a do-it-yourself children's slide, which can be in the form of steps.

Handrails are nailed to the steps, with the help of which kids of almost any age can climb the hill.

It is advisable to grind all the details several times so that no one gets hurt.

How to make and install a children's slide with your own hands

After the slide for children is ready, you need to cover it with paint in several layers:

  • we apply the toner on the hill with our own hands (stain);
  • apply yacht varnish (when the stain dries).

Yacht varnish is also called super gloss, because it shines very well, and it will be more convenient to move on it than just from a wooden varnished surface.

In principle, in terms of functionality, this coating is not inferior to ordinary metal slides.

After the last coat has dried, sand again and then apply last layer coatings.

What is important to remember when installing a children's slide that you made with your own hands:

  • slide supports are buried to a depth of 60 cm;
  • the supports of the slide for children are dug in and laid with bricks - this will serve as a kind of fortification.

Of course, the pit can be filled with concrete in order to plant a hill tightly, but the first option, which is the easiest to translate into reality without extra costs.

In addition to the fact that you can make a swing, a slide, horizontal bars, there is an option to create one that will be used in summer time of the year.

In this case, whatever your idea, it is important to consider the presence of an antiseptic that covers the tree to prevent moisture and decay. However, it is wood that serves as the main material for equipping a makeshift playground, so a grinder will still come in handy.

Please your and neighbor's children, do not be lazy and make a slide for children!

Children's slide for giving: a product that we will talk about in this article on the site site. Drawings photo and video instruction help you build do-it-yourself children's slide. A children's slide is probably one of the obligatory elements of any suburban area if you have children. Any number of structures can be installed on the playground various types: sandbox - the choice depends on your desire and financial capabilities. Most of the items for the playground can be made independently. For instance, children's slide It is constructed quite simply, and for many years serving as a source of children's joy.

The main requirement for children's slide in the country is security

Mandatory conditions for a children's slide in the country

Children's slide in the country Can be installed both indoors and outdoors outdoors. It should be understood that a slide for a child (it is built for a house or it does not matter for the street in this case) must meet certain requirements:

  • for the construction, you need to use only environmentally friendly and safe materials for the health of the child. It does not matter if you are building a slide from wood, metal or plastic, the material should not contain harmful elements. The same goes for paintwork materials, with which you will open the structure. Another important point both for a children's plastic slide for the house and for a wooden structure - this is fire resistance;

The most popular materials for slide construction- wood and metal

  • be sure to use structural elements such as railings and railings. They will not only help the child maintain balance while climbing the hill, but also protect him from falling during games. The railing on the slide for a child in the country should be installed regardless of the age of your child;
  • It is best to use wood to build a structure. Children's wooden slides for the home are more pleasant during operation due to the natural origin of the material. In outdoor conditions, slides made of wood do not heat up as quickly as metal ones, so they can be installed in any place convenient for you, and not just in the shaded part of the site. On hot metal, a child can easily get burned, but wood does not heat up to a dangerous temperature;

metal slide with undulating slope covered acrylic paint

  • plastic children's slide for the street is easier than wood or metal. It can be easily moved from place to place, transported if necessary, but the material itself is less durable - it can easily crack;
  • slide should be located away from trees, lamps, outbuildings and other structures. This is done so that when going down the hill the baby does not get hurt. The surface around the slide can be sown with lawn grass or a special rubber coating can be used. Remember that the main thing is the health of the child, so any street children's slide for giving should be safe;

Slide must be installed on open area to help minimize possible injury.

  • the base should be reinforced with a metal support or concreted. You should not rely on the fact that the child still does not move the structure from its place - even the most durable slide can tip over as a result of children's games;
  • an important point is the height of the constructed do-it-yourself children's slide for a summer residence. It should correspond to the age of the child, for example, the height of the slide intended for younger children school age, should not exceed 3.5 m.

wooden slide with two slopes, a house and a swing, built in the yard of a private house

Useful advice! There should be no gaps and openings in the design of the slide, otherwise the child may get stuck or seriously injured during the game.

Do-it-yourself slide construction: materials and tools

How build a hill in the country with your own hands without much difficulty? If we are talking about a wooden structure, you will need several wooden beams, planed boards, slats, clapboard and fiberboard. You can connect the elements to each other using nails, anchor bolts and screws.

Process construction of a children's slide wood

The list of tools needed for construction is very simple:

  • saw for wood, manual or electric;
  • hammer;
  • manual or electric drill;
  • plane;
  • roulette and level;
  • drill.

The slope for the slide can be purchased factory-made or you can make it yourself

By the way, it is not necessary to use a wooden slope - cracks may appear on it or chips may break off, which can injure the child. You can buy plastic ramps for slides and install them on a wooden structure.

In the case of a metal structure, everything is a little more complicated. Here you will already need a welding machine and a grinder. All seams and joints in a wooden and metal structure should be carefully sanded so that the child does not accidentally get hurt during the game. Metal ramps for children's slide should be painted with a special paint that will absorb the sun's rays and prevent the metal from heating to a high temperature.

Device drawing wooden slide for babies

How to build a children's slide in the country with your own hands

If you decide build a slide for a child on your own, you should follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • first of all you need to prepare construction plan drawing. You can take a ready-made one from the Internet or draw your own. Finished drawings of a children's slide made of wood with their own hands are good because they indicate the exact proportions of the elements and the sizes of individual parts;
  • referring to the diagram, it is necessary to cut boards, slats and beams. In addition, they must be sanded so that splinters cannot get under the skin of the child. With the help of a planer, the beveled edges of the corners of the parts are removed, which will further increase the safety of the structure;

Wooden structures are environmentally friendly and quite easy to install.

  • markup is carried out on the selected area. It is worth allocating a site with a margin if you are going to build a children's sports complex for a summer residence together with a slide. Optimal size for construction without additional outbuildings - 2 by 2 m;
  • recesses of about 60 cm are dug under the supports. Wooden bars are inserted into them, the ends of which should be covered with special waterproofing mastic. This is done in order to extend the life of the supports. In the racks, grooves are cut into which connecting wooden boards are inserted. The elements of the resulting frame are interconnected using bolts or self-tapping screws;

Drawing of a wooden slide for a playground in the garden

  • then the floor is installed. At building a slide in the country with their own hands remember: it is important that the floor is as strong as possible, so thick boards are selected for it, which are interconnected with self-tapping screws and screwed to the frame with metal corners. If you do not want water to accumulate on the floor of the slide, small gaps should be left between the boards, but not enough for the child to put his finger in them;

Railings and fences - mandatory structural elements children's slide

  • a ramp for children's slides is being made. Its width should not exceed 80 cm. The surface of the slope is covered with linoleum, galvanized sheet or plastic. Linoleum is the cheapest option, but warps and tears easily. metal plating heats up noticeably in the sun and can also bend. The most reliable option is plastic ramps for children's slides. Plastic does not overheat, rust, or bend, but is more expensive than linoleum or metal flooring;

Drawing of a slide slide device for a children's sports complex

  • ladder is installed. The optimal size of boards for its manufacture is 20 mm. After mounting the main part, the side part is installed. To do this, a board sawn at an angle of 45 ° is attached to the posts with screws. Then the bars are screwed to the board, on which the steps are mounted. Photos of do-it-yourself children's slides made of wood on the Internet clearly show how exactly you need to fasten the elements of the stairs. After the installation of the steps, balusters are installed, on which the railings are attached;

Photo: the sandbox can be arranged both at the base of the slide and at the end of the descent

Useful advice! Railings must be done in any case, regardless of the height of the slide or the angle of the stairs. They serve not only for safety, but also to make it more convenient for the child to keep balance when lifting.

  • grooves are cut in the side of the racks into which side walls made of plywood or fiberboard are installed. The walls can also be made of small boards or have some kind of original look;
  • all protruding corners, nail and screw heads are removed, all surfaces are carefully sanded and coated with paint or a special protective varnish.

Drawing of a children's slide for a summer residence. dimensions: length - 3020 mm; width - 890 mm; height - 1800 mm. Maximum user weight - 100 kg, minimum child age - 3 years

An interesting modification of the design can be a slide - a sandbox for children. In this case, the sandbox is organized either at the base of the slide, or you can build a reservoir with sand at the end of the descent.

Materials for the construction of a children's slide

If you are in doubt from what material to build a house with a slide for children or another similar structure on personal plot, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the features of buildings made of the two most popular materials - wood and metal.

Wooden children's sports complex for a summer residence with a slide

Features of a wooden slide

Wooden structures for playgrounds have proven themselves several centuries ago. All do-it-yourself children's slides made of wood are built according to the classic layout, which includes a ladder and a ramp, a base, an upper platform and a protective part. In addition, often standard project add additional elements, for example, an internal labyrinth, a sandbox, additional descents and much more. Since it is quite simple to make such a design, it all depends solely on your imagination.

Photo: installing a plastic descent is the best option when building a slide designed for young children

One of the significant advantages of creating a wooden slide for children in the country with their own hands is the cheapness of manufacturing. The material itself is relatively inexpensive, and specialized tools are also not needed for its processing. In addition, the construction of a structure from boards and timber does not require special building skills and abilities from you - sometimes it is enough to simply strictly adhere to the scheme found on the Internet.

Another plus of this design is its environmental safety. The tree does not cause allergies, does not emit harmful substances when heated. The only controversial point here is the paintwork of the structure, so be sure to read the instructions when buying varnish or paint to cover the slide.

Photo: a simple design of a children's slide made from tree trunks

Useful advice! The wood for the slide must be of high quality, dry and well sanded. Choose the most durable types of wood, and to increase resistance to humidity or temperature changes, the boards must be coated with a special compound.

An element that should be given special attention when installing a wooden building is the descent. It is best not to risk using your own planed boards, but to purchase factory-made material for a ramp. It can be linoleum, stainless steel sheet or plastic.

Photo: children's playhouse made of wood with a plastic slide

Features of a children's slide made of metal

Metal slides for children, they used to stand in every yard and, with proper care, could serve for more than a dozen years. Photo of children's slides with their own hands made of metal show that in appearance they are not much different from the wooden counterpart.

A significant advantage of a metal structure is its strength. The iron structure does not require special processing and care, it endures temperature extremes, high humidity, large mechanical loads. The only thing that needs to be done periodically with a metal slide is to update the paint and make sure that the paintwork does not peel off as a result of corrosion.

Strength and durability are the main advantages of a metal structure

How make a slide for children with your own hands from metal? To do this, you need ready-made elements, a grinder and a welding machine. Particular attention should be paid to the seams, as they are potentially dangerous for the child. The quality of welding is also of fundamental importance: the higher it is, the stronger the structure will be.

Flaw iron slide- quick warming up in the sun. If you install such a structure where the sun's rays will constantly fall on it, your child can easily get burned. Therefore, if you still decide to build a building made of metal elements, you should choose a place for it in the shade or make a special one.

Photo: a metal slide with a plastic slope installed by the pool

At building a slide with your own hands it is not necessary to use only wooden or metal elements. These materials can be combined in different proportions, thus obtaining an original, reliable design.

Of course, one can always wonder where buy a children's slide. You can do this in any specialized store or via the Internet. But remember that only a self-made design will satisfy all your requirements and allow you to realize design fantasies.

Even a factory-made slide can be supplemented with self-created elements

There are a number of points that should be considered in order for the design to be reliable and safe:

  • for additional stability of the balusters, the stairs of the wooden structure should be further strengthened with planks;
  • drawings, videos, photos of children's slides in the country with their own hands show that the grooves and the slats inserted into them, when bolted together, form a light, but strong and stable structure;

At construction of a children's slide in the country the height of the structure should be carefully calculated

  • An excellent option for painting a structure is acrylic paint. It is safe for the health of the child, well protects the tree from different kind negative impacts and looks attractive. Also, acrylic is famous for its durability and does not lose color saturation even with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • A convenient type of surface for use under a slide is artificial grass or rubber. This does not require special care, does not change its properties depending on the season or weather, creates a safe surface under the slide that will protect the child from injury in case of a fall from the slide.

The covering of the area around the slide for children should be as less traumatic as possible.

Plastic slide for children, purchased in a store or on the construction market, is far from always the best option. Yes, you save time and effort by building, but wooden or metal structure can not only cost less money, but also allow you to create a full-fledged sports complex for the child, consisting of a large number elements. By the way, even a plastic slide for children can be supplemented with homemade elements and turned into a complex and exciting design for games.

High-quality and reliable slide is not only good way keep your child busy while staying in country house but also the opportunity to develop it physically.

A children's slide is a great option for entertainment, especially in a country house or a house adjoining area. It is not difficult to make such a design, and independent work It will cost much less than buying a ready-made slide in a store. Now we will tell you how to make a slide with your own hands, what you should pay attention to and what nuances to foresee.

Material selection

The most common material options include plastic, metal and wood. We will not use the first two, since plastic is quite expensive (as a rule, these are ready-made slide designs), and metal will not be practical due to high thermal conductivity. In the summer it gets very hot, and in the cold seasons it almost instantly becomes icy. So we will have a do-it-yourself slide made of wood.

Care should be taken to ensure that the slide is located in such a way that approximately 2 meters of free space is left around it. This is necessary for safety so that children do not get injured while playing. Having chosen a suitable place, we will design the slide.

By by and large the project depends solely on the size of the free space on the adjacent plot, the availability of material and your desire. We give you examples of several popular designs, but you can easily plan your own. The main thing is to make careful measurements and mark everything on the diagram.

We pay attention to a number of important points:

  • Focus on the height and age of the child;
  • Consider the steepness of the slope;
  • You may want to allow for a few bends in the slope.

The do-it-yourself slide is made from wooden beam 100 * 100 mm, 30 * 30 mm, 20 * 40 mm, as well as boards 25 * 100 mm, which will play the role of flooring and steps. We proceed from the length of the slope of the slide of about 3 meters and the height of the structure of about 1.5 meters. Having prepared the material in accordance with the dimensions indicated in your drawing, proceed to site preparation.

We clear a square or rectangle on the site with sides, according to the dimensions of the slide. This will be the place to install the supports. It is also advisable to immediately clear the entire playground, as once the structure is erected, this can be difficult.

At the corners of the planned square or rectangle, we drill holes to a depth of about 60-70 cm. We tamp the bottom of the holes and cover with a small layer (5-10 cm) of a mixture of sand and gravel for greater strength and stability.

Now we lower the racks into the holes and be sure to fasten them with a planed board at a distance of about 10 cm from the ground. This will ensure the strength of the structure and it will not stagger. Use assistants in your work who will hold the supports during fixing work. Also, do not forget to maintain a strict vertical with building level. Thus, we install all the supports (in our case there are four of them, but you can use more) and fasten them around the perimeter with boards. For greater strength, it is recommended to make a kind of lower platform from another set of boards, be sure to provide for their attachment to the main supports. This site does not carry practical value, but with it the slide with your own hands will be much stronger. However, on this site you can build something like a storage for toys, but that's another story.

Upper floor installation

At the intended level, fix the boards, similar to the design that you did at the bottom of the slide. Now we take a bar 20 * 40 mm and mount the platform on the basis of these boards right next to each other or with small gaps (10-15 mm). Be sure to provide for fastening the beam to the support posts. This can be done using metal corners. This platform is covered with a board 25 * 100 mm, which is very tightly and without gaps nailed from above to the bars. Floor top platform ready.

You can, of course, immediately attach a plastic slope to the resulting structure, but we will not deviate from the project and continue to use wood. So, we take two boards with a thickness of at least 30 mm and a length of about 3 meters (as provided for in the projects) and fasten them together with transverse boards 25 * 100 mm. Pay attention to the strength of the connection and the exposure of right angles so that your slope does not turn out to be crooked. The step of the transverse board can be left approximately 20-30 mm. Thus, we will get the base of the ramp, which can be covered with plywood or boards that should be polished.

At this stage, you just fix the material for the ramp, and then it will need to be processed. We will talk about this later. Sometimes people who are interested in how to make a children's slide choose a sheet of galvanized steel as a cover for a slope. This, of course, is a good, slippery option, but very amenable to atmospheric influence e.g. temperature fluctuations. We will stop at wooden version, although you can use the material of your choice. In principle, the entire installation work will not change from this.

Now we attach the slope to the base. You can simply grind the edge of the board at the required angle, but for reliability it is recommended to cut special grooves, as shown in the figure. After installation, the parts are fastened with nails. Choose the angle of inclination at your discretion, for younger children it is recommended not to make too steep a descent.

An important point: the lower edge of the slope must be made in the form of a kind of "springboard" and raised above the ground at a level of about 20 cm. This is necessary so that the child does not hit the ground after the descent, but, let's say, "fly" some distance. Springboard can be made from additional boards, having collected simple design with a slight rounding inside. Thus, the end of the entire descent should be either straight or slightly upward.

We sheathe the springboard with a coating and be sure to round the front sides of the boards with a grinder. We install the slope on a transverse beam, about 20 cm high and fasten it with corners. It is desirable to strengthen the beam by digging two small racks into the ground, but with sufficient weight of the structure, this is not a mandatory procedure.


For the manufacture of stairs uses the same parts as in the previous step. First, determine the angle of inclination of the stairs, and then outline the angle of the steps. They must be strictly horizontal when the whole structure is ready. Fastening steps is carried out with nails.

From additional boards we construct a railing for the stairs and directly the upper platform. Racks for stair railings need to be made additionally, and the railing of the upper landing will be attached to the main racks of the slide.

The lower edges of the stairs must be protected with an additional transverse board. It is advisable to make small racks by digging them into the ground to strengthen the structure.

Finishing work

Do-it-yourself wood for a children's slide should be carefully polished. Avoid chips or other damage. It is desirable to process wood with a special varnish, and in several layers. This is especially true of the slope - the most used element. In order to save varnish, the base of the slide can be painted with acrylic paint, but varnish is best suited for handrails and ramps.

Remember to let each coat of polish dry well before applying the next. Keep the coating even and carefully process all the details, up to the most inaccessible places.

Consider safety and convenience for children. We have already cleared the site, now you should take care of the softness. You can cover the entire area with special rubber tiles - they are soft enough to prevent injuries. Even if you do not have the opportunity to use such a coating, pour slides of clean, sifted sand in front of the slope. In order to prevent sand from spreading around the site, you can make a kind of sandbox from the boards left over from the construction.


So, now you know how to build a slide for children with your own hands, but do not forget that it requires regular maintenance. Intensive use of the slide is the period from late spring to mid-autumn. Try to check the surface at least once every two weeks, except for obvious damage, which children should definitely tell you about. If the surface is worn off (especially true for the slope), you should carefully clean it, check for chips and re-lacquer. It is not worth saving - repair the entire surface at once, and not parts of it, because in the future you will have to do double work.

When the slide is not in use, it is advisable to cover it with polyethylene and fix it with ropes. Polyethylene is better to take opaque to protect the slide from direct sunlight. Be sure to check the surface after winter - from temperature changes, bumps may appear or construction details may loosen.

A children's slide in a country house or in a house adjoining area is great entertainment, but you can interest children not only in this, but also in the construction process itself. As you can see, building it with your own hands is not difficult, and the children will be happy to help you with this. Just do not forget about safety and regular maintenance of the structure.

If you have children and country cottage area, then it is necessary to build a hill on it. While the parents will be engaged in the garden or cooking barbecue, the children will have fun on the mini playground. Read about how to plan and make a slide with your own hands with us, using photo and video instructions in practice.

Height and safety

The slide on the site should be primarily safe for children of different ages. So, for kids under 2 years old, the height of the slide is only 1.5 meters, for children from 2 to 7 years old, a height of about 2.5 m is chosen, and for teenagers 3-3.5 meters. The steps on the stairs of the slide should be wide, and the rungs should be located close to each other. Further, the design of the stairs must be equipped with handrails of any type: after climbing the hill, the child must hold on to something.

Advice! In order for the slide to serve more than one generation of children and be safe on the stairs and around it, an anti-slip coating is laid. The cover protects children from injury when getting up in the rain, snow or after swimming in the pool.

Another important step in creating a safe slide is calculating the weight of the children who will ride it:

The height of the slide depends on the age of the children

  1. The slide is fixed on a base or supports that can easily support the weight of 2-3 children.
  2. A smooth chute is responsible for safety during the descent, it is good to make bumpers on the sides to prevent the child from falling out.
  3. All bolts, chips, chips or sharp corners on the slide for children are excluded. The tree is polished so that the baby does not drive a splinter.

Advice! Under the chute along which the child descends, a soft patch is placed - this lawn grass, sand mound or soft cover.

Choosing a place to place a children's slide

The slide is located in the place where it opens good review from anywhere in the area. But make sure that the place for games is not under the sun. In the case of such an arrangement, it is worth considering the construction of a canopy.

Advice! The canopy is made of polycarbonate, and an ordinary beach umbrella is also suitable for a low slide.

Wood slide

slide from natural wood distinguished by its environmental friendliness and ease of installation, it consists of the following elements:

  1. Base.
  2. Staircase with railings.
  3. Descent.
  4. Top platform and protective details.

Such a slide can be supplemented with a whole of labyrinths, bars, a sandbox or mini rooms with entrances and exits. The construction of a wood slide consists in the selection of high-quality raw materials and its normal processing.

wooden slide

The slope is made of plywood, pre-varnished to hide sanding errors. The supporting structure is made of timber, and the steps are made of strong boards.

Important! Today on sale there are various slopes made of durable plastic, fiberglass or wood. The minimum price of a slope is 1.5-2 thousand rubles. The best option is to create a supporting structure for the slide, followed by the installation of a flat or helical ramp.

A wooden slide is good for everyone, but located in an open space after 3-5 years it can dry out, be damaged by insects or mold. Wood rots from rain, and the situation can be saved by covering each structural element with a thick layer of varnish. But after winter and hot summer, the hill is worth inspecting, revealing cracked or cracked parts.

Metal slide

Previously, metal slides stood in every yard, distinguished by their strength and durability. Such designs are more reliable, because they are not afraid of either the hot sun, or rain, or frost.

The construction of such a slide is carried out in several stages:

  1. The most primitive foundation is poured, you can immediately pour 4 support pipes, as is done when installing fences.
  2. Further, a staircase and a railing are welded onto 2 pipes on one side, the remaining 2 pipes are used to attach the gutter.
  3. A platform is welded to all pipes.

Important! The gutter is 2 metal pipes, to which a sheet of metal bent in shape is welded. After assembling the slide, all welds must be ground; a grinder is used for this purpose.

After completing the assembly of the structure, the slide can be painted with plain paint or painted. The metal heats up very much under the sun, so on hot days it is worth covering the slide with a beach umbrella so that children do not burn their skin.

Playground with slide and swings

A simple slide can be made by descending from the house, which is also built with their own hands, using timber or the remains of building materials:

  1. At 4 old car tires concrete piles are mounted and on which bars of the required height are installed vertically. The beams are fixed with building corners.
  2. Along the perimeter of the racks, a frame for the house is installed, with holes for entering through the stairs, and leaving through the hill.
  3. After that, a light but durable ladder, a gutter for descent, the floor and walls of the future house are mounted. The elements are fastened with self-tapping screws, and the whole wooden structure should be smeared with antiseptic.
  4. Holes are drilled at the joints of the timber, tightening the structure with 120 mm bolts.
  5. Next, the truss elements from the timber for the roof are laid. The final roof covering is made of corrugated board. Often used decorative tiles made of ordinary painted foam.

The last step is to cover the entire structure with a layer of varnish.

How much does a finished slide cost?

In order not to suffer with manufacturing, you can simply purchase a slide:

  • Inflatable slide for the little ones. Such a slide is an ideal solution for small children, because it can be equipped with a shallow pool, a mini trampoline or educational elements. The cost of an inflatable slide starts from 4 thousand rubles, usually it has a height of more than 1.4 m. The advantages of the slide are its mobility, resistance to temperature changes, and after the child grows up, the inflatable center can be profitably sold.

You can buy a slide, but it will be more expensive than self-building

  • Play sets made of plastic, in some cases combined with wood. This type of city is more expensive, and the minimum cost starts at 4.5 thousand rubles for the most primitive model. But slides made of plastic can combine swings, bars that develop the muscular corset, a basketball basket and much more. Thanks to the fastening system, the height of the gutter can be adjusted, adjusting it to the age and height of the child.

Creating a children's slide is a creative process, and a full-fledged play area requires swings, a sandbox, and even a football goal. But building these elements of a children's corner is much cheaper on your own, because buying a finished product requires 60% more material resources.

Do-it-yourself children's slide: video

Slide for children in the country: photo