The wish card works the other way around. How to make a wish card – Vedic Astrology Blog

  • 16.10.2019

A Feng Shui map of happiness, made with your own hands, is an important step towards realizing your goals and desires. Anyone can make such a map with their own hands. To do this, you just need to find a suitable large sheet of paper (whatman paper can be used) and divide it into 9 sectors in accordance with the Bagua scheme.

In the central part of the sheet, where the health sector is usually located according to Bagua, you need to paste your photo. On it, the owner of the wish card should look healthy and cheerful. The area located above the photo is a symbol of fame and success. It should contain pictures depicting life episodes in which success is read. Below the photo there is a sector for career growth and all issues related to work and professions. The image of the most attractive work is placed here. The wealth zone (top left corner) obliges you to place all kinds of talismans of Money and Abundance there.

In the lower left corner there is a zone of wisdom and knowledge, classic symbol which is an image or figurine of a snake. On the left in the center is the family and home zone, where it is advisable to place a photo or picture of happy family members gathered together. The love sector in the diagram takes place in the upper right corner, the symbol of which is often paired images: swans, doves, pillows, candles, etc. Directly below the love sector is a creative and children's area, where you need to place pictures depicting children and everything related to them: toys, books, children's clothing, etc., as well as items related to different types art. All photographs and pictures should impress with their brightness, optimism, and radiate positive energy.

The happiness map should be used when working on your goals every day. To do this, you need to look at it for a few minutes (for example, before going to bed) and imagine that everything that is in the picture is also in your life. At the same time, it is important to experience exclusively positive and bright emotions.

Map of success and good luck according to Feng Shui: how to draw it correctly?

What is a wish card? It's pretty simple, but the most effective way to attract good luck into your life. The wish map does not require anything supernatural: for this you just need to select beautiful magazines, posters and your photograph. One where there was a happy smile on your face at the time of shooting. Formulate your desires as specifically as possible and select the most suitable images for them from magazines.

Having chosen a favorable Feng Shui date, begin to work on your wish map. Those things that are started on favorable days will bring the necessary results much earlier. It is better to choose days with indicators of Success, Establishment, Discovery. The day of Filling is also suitable. Closing and Disposal Days are not recommended. Sha days should also be excluded. Especially the days of Sha Delay, so that your desires do not have to wait long for their appearance. It is definitely worth crossing out the days of the Destroyers - both personal, monthly and annual. To select the most suitable dates use the calendar to select favorable dates.

On the chosen day, prepare and cut out images from magazines with cars, houses, interiors, designs, jewelry, figures of people, women, children. If you have skills in working in the Photoshop graphic editor, then you can select pictures and create a collage in such a program. Use all the means that will help bring any, even the wildest dream closer.

The use of imagination is considered mandatory. Having applied it, try to see the whole picture of what you want so that you can detail it more thoroughly on the panel. For example, there is a dream: to work in a well-known company, earn decent money, drive a top-class car and live in a cottage in an elite area. Select a photo of this company, a photo of a suitable car and a picture of a house whose design is closest to you. Glue them according to the place on the diagram and attach your image in the center.

The Feng Shui wish card should not contain images of aggression that represent bad energy. Dreams should only create symbols of Feng Shui happiness, joy and positivity. Pictures do not necessarily have to contain images of any objects; they can also contain figurative images. For example, if one of your desires is to find your long-awaited soul mate, then a photograph of a kissing couple in love will fit perfectly.

You can use Feng Shui to attract love in a slightly different way. If a suitable picture is not found, ordinary verbal phrases can become its substitute. Instead of pasting the desired photograph, in the appropriate sector, write a phrase that is suitable in meaning and reveals the essence of the desire, but in the present or past tense, as if the desired has already happened. For example, “Oh, miracle, miracle! I’ve lost as much as 5 kilograms!” - if you made a wish to lose 5 kilos in one month. The use of suitable slogans from advertisements is encouraged.

Since desires are a part of the soul and they are individual for each person, a wish map for attracting Wealth according to Feng Shui and happiness is compiled personally for yourself. A card for two with a loved one will not bring tangible results. It is not recommended to place common goals on it, no matter how strong the love may be. Otherwise, the card may give a not entirely pleasant and expected effect.

Where is it appropriate to place a success map?

Place it inside the apartment as far as possible from prying eyes so that unnecessary questions and curiosity do not arise. It is better to place it in the bedroom. If you can’t hang it in a secluded place, then you can put it on a bookcase or shelf, but not folding or bending, but straight and with the pictures facing up, because the beneficial energy of Qi should flow unhindered and without interference.

The place for it should be chosen favorable. During production, a piece of human consciousness remains on it. Accordingly, what is good for the future owner is also good for the card. Therefore, the zone of the house that is most favorable to the number of the owner’s Gua will be for it favorable place. Perfect option is the direction of Shen Qi’s Success. All favorable and unfavorable directions can be found in a special table.

Don't forget about the influence of annual and monthly periods. The Flying Stars Map will serve as an assistant in this matter. But placing the happiness card in the sector of the ominous Yellow Five is not worth it at all.

How to correctly use a wish card according to Feng Shui?

After making your dream card, you can start working with it. Moreover, this must be done regularly and daily. It is recommended to look at it and evoke such feelings in yourself that your dreams have already become a reality. What you want to attract is what you have. They recommend working more with sensations and visualization. For example, there is a desire to find a young man or a beloved girl, then work should be directed towards mastering these relationships and at the same time feeling joy, passion, happiness, openness. Feel only these emotions.

When will the wish card work?

Once a few months have passed, examine your chart again. Review your desires and analyze them. Perhaps some dreams have simply lost their significance. If more than half of the goals have been achieved, then you can create new ones on a new map, transferring there images of desires that have not yet come true.

The most frequently asked questions for those who want to make a Feng Shui wish card:

  1. There are some significant differences between a wish map and a visualization map. They consist in making a wish map based on the sectors that were discussed above. And on the visualization map, the pictures are placed in free order, as you like. The main condition for the second option is to listen to your heart.
  2. If desires have changed, what to do in this case? This happens, and there is no need to worry in such a situation. You can simply change the picture to a new one. But still, before sticking pictures, at the very beginning, decide whether your desire is true and how real it is.

Having completed and placed the Feng Shui happiness map in the right place, after six months you can note that most of the wishes began to come true if the wishes were drawn up in accordance with reality and did not turn out to be supernatural. You should try to make the first card real, without immediately aiming at the riches of the whole world. Having received the first results, you can make the next card based on more advanced levels.

How to fulfill your long-cherished dream? What if she is not alone? These questions have arisen in the minds of each of us at least once. After all, the state of current affairs is not always entirely satisfactory.

Either the work seems boring and unprofitable, then the furniture in the apartment has become unfashionable, or the car has stopped working reliably. I immediately want to change something. The Universe took care of everything. After all, our subconscious can only work for us. His powers are limitless.

At first glance it may seem that this is bordering on science fiction. We do not have magical powers to command all dreams and desires to come true. But, if you look a little more closely, it will become obvious that we still have not studied our body and are not using all its properties and capabilities.

It is human nature to dream about so many things. Sometimes you can’t even wrap your head around everything you want. The Feng Shui wish map was created in eastern countries to help group all your thoughts. This could be good health, good family relationships, or the happiness of children.

What does a Feng Shui wish card look like?

Almost all Feng Shui directions use the Bagua grid. The wish card is no exception. Having placed the grid on a regular Whatman paper, you need to determine the location for each zone. Relevant images and photographs will be posted in the sectors responsible for areas of life. The center of the paper sheet will serve as a place for your photograph.

Bagua Grid

Thanks to this feng shui element, you can change all aspects of your life. The mesh is placed on the living room, on the office, even on the table. Everywhere you can activate the corresponding zones, which depend on the direction of the world and have a number of unique features and properties:

  1. Financial Well-Being Zone– located in the south-eastern part; is responsible for attracting Money and increase family budget; has a light shade of green.
  2. Zone of Reputation and Respect– the location is in the southern sector; develops respect for you among others; has red tones.
  3. Zone Love relationships – this is the southwestern part; it is not difficult to guess that these are all relationships associated with the opposite sex (romance, dating, living together); painted brown.
  4. Zone of Family Life and Happiness– placed in the east of the grid; connected with close people (wife, husband, children, other relatives); has green tones.
  5. Health and Wellness Zone– this is the central sector in which you will place your photo; it is responsible for the general condition of the body, both mental and physical; painted in yellow tones.
  6. Hobby Zone– located in the western part; everything related to human development is located here; has a snow-white color.
  7. Zone of Wisdom and Knowledge– located in the northeast; helps to bring understanding and clarity to any mental process, develops logic; has light brown shades.
  8. Career Growth Zone and success in your work - this is the north of the grid; is responsible for professional growth, for high-quality and decent remuneration for your work; has a blue color.
  9. Travel Zone– located in the northwestern part; helps to find wise advisers who guide you on the right path; has a gray tint.

According to Feng Shui, a wish card can be square, rectangular, or round. Form is not the main component. Keep track of the sizes of each sector: they must be identical.

How to make a wish map

As already mentioned, you will need whatman paper. Of course, it will be more convenient if it is square. This will make it easier for you to divide it into equal squares.

As in the Bagua grid, there should be nine of them. Each of them must match its own color. Failure to carefully complete the task will make the Feng Shui card completely ineffective and invalid.

Next, decide on the day of compilation. It would be better to do this when the moon is young and growing. This way you will help all areas of life develop and progress faster. You can also choose a successful day using special eastern calendars.

Instructions for designing sectors

The central part of the wish map is responsible for healthy body. Here you need to place your photo. Try to choose a photo that makes you smile and feel happy. You must like the photo. For other sectors you can find pictures in old newspapers. If you don't find what you need, just draw the images that appear to you.

A Feng Shui wish card can be decorated in any way. You can turn on your imagination and use all its impulses.

Add whatever you want to your photo, you can make any background for it (sea, Vacation home, famous mountain resort, seat of an expensive beautiful car).

Same with other pictures: draw on them best images, which will correspond to certain sectors.

Experts in Eastern teachings advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • When you put your dreams and desires on paper, they must be sincere and only your own. Perhaps your relatives or friends constantly told you about new furniture or a more profitable job, but you did not like these ideas at all. Therefore, there is no need to use other people's thoughts, it will be perceived incorrectly by the Universe.
  • The entire surface of the Whatman paper must be filled: use any decorations, applications, drawings, do not leave a single white area.
  • When developing a wish map, adhere to a certain algorithm of actions: first the top line of sectors, then the middle, and finally the bottom. You need to move in the direction from left to right.
  • By visualizing your dream, reproducing it in detail in your head, you will attract favorable energy to yourself. It will help things change for the better as quickly as possible.

Each photograph, each image must be accompanied by a phrase in which you must express your specific desire. Moreover, the more accurately you express yourself, the faster it will begin to come true.

That is, if you dream of good things and stable income, write in the appropriate area the exact amount of money that would completely suit you. If you have been wanting to take a ride in your own new car, check the make and color.

The central part is responsible for the Health zone. We found this out using the Bagua grid. Your photo is also located here. Write about your health problems, how you cope with them and become stronger and more resilient.

How to activate a wish card according to Feng Shui

Use the card daily in your life. Every evening before going to bed, you should look at each zone and plunge into a world of pleasant dreams.

To create a calm and peaceful atmosphere, use your favorite audio recordings. Only they should be melodic and harmonious. Rock music will not be appropriate here.

When activating the card, use scented candles and lamps. Create specific images and feel how they come into your life.

Don't tell anyone about your idea. The Universe does not like talkativeness and boasting.

At correct execution With all the recommendations and advice, you will find powerful energy sources. They are embedded in us from birth, but in order to take advantage of their effect it is necessary to send the right signal to the Higher Powers. The Feng Shui wish card will serve as such a signal.

Where is the best place to keep a wish card?

Hang whatman paper with images of your desires in a place that will be in front of your eyes every day. If you hide it in a secluded corner, throw it on the mezzanine or roll it up, then the positive energy that arises will not have access to an exit. What kind of result can we talk about?

To improve the effect of a Feng Shui card, place it:

  • in the bedroom (or room where you like to rest and relax) – if you see the card after sleep, you will be focused and focused on the result all day
  • on the inside wall of the closet - if you don’t live on your own, then the closet door will help hide the card from prying eyes

In the rooms where the water system and sewage system are located (kitchen, bathroom, toilet), there is an unfavorable climate for the creation and circulation of energy flows.

The most common questions

Those who use a Feng Shui wish card often face certain questions. Let's look at the most popular ones.

  1. Why don't my dreams come true?

It happens that a person, without knowing it, makes wishes that are too complex. For example, he dreams of flying into space or unlimited power. Most likely, such thoughts will be perceived by the Universe as pride. Avoid bigness.

Just like global thoughts, the Cosmos does not accept even minuscule requests. You can fulfill such desires yourself without anyone’s help.

  1. Will the electronic version of the card be valid?

Of course, this option will also be an appeal to the Higher Mind. But, think for yourself, will printed letters and images contain your personal energy? Therefore, try to make a wish card manually using colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints.

  1. When can we expect the first results?

Those who got what they wanted thanks to the card say that the first surprises began to delight them within three to four months. But this became possible only after constant work with it, continuous visualization and representations.

  1. One of my wishes has changed, what should I do?

Of course, this will not have a positive effect on the card's performance. After all, at the very beginning of your work, you should think through all the details as specifically as possible. But, if this happens, there is a way out. Change the picture and phrase with your dream on the card.

When the Feng Shui wish card begins to fulfill your dreams one by one, and perhaps several at once, do not forget to free the corresponding sector on the paper. This is necessary for the rational use of the power of the elements.

In order for life to change in the desired direction, it is necessary to correctly strive for these changes. A positive attitude and faith in your actions will transform your every day beyond recognition.

Wish card will help you become the builder of your destiny and give you the much-needed push. Feel the surge of happiness and harmony along with the great teachings of Feng Shui.

Live according to Feng Shui!

Alexandra Kalashnik,especially for the site ""


The fact that our thoughts, intentions and dreams are material is an indisputable and no longer disputed truth. Our thoughts tend to come true sooner or later, so people involved in spiritual practices recommend treating them very carefully.

Feng Shui experts suggest using this feature of the universe for your own benefit by creating a so-called wish map (or treasure map).

Let's talk about the wish map. What it is?

The Feng Shui wish visualization map is another effective tool that helps people significantly improve the quality of their lives. The great advantage of this tool is that it offers a comprehensive approach to the problem of materializing your desires.

The fact is that when we are asked about any desires or dreams, we begin to list the first thing that comes to mind and that cannot make us truly happy, because we are talking about some transitory things. Dreaming of more successful life, we simply don’t think about what can really lead us to harmony and success.

To become happy and successful, a person must receive a whole range of material and spiritual benefits: it is not enough to be healthy, one must also be wealthy. It’s not enough to be rich – you need to feel wanted and loved. A person needs everything at once, only then can he say that he has achieved harmony.

What is the point of creating a wish map?

  • A wish map is a way to get a complete picture of all those things without which human life cannot be considered harmonious and successful. With its help, we have the opportunity to systematize our dreams, organizing them into special shelves (or sectors), using the Bagua grid:

  • Entries accompanied by accurate pictures are formed into human brain a certain thought form that has invisible energy channels, which at some point will attract the necessary situations and people needed to realize a particular dream (we know that our thoughts are material).

With the help of a wish map, a person’s dreams acquire a completely specific visual image-picture and verbal formulation.

  • The wish map aims a person to realize his dream, encourages him to look for options to achieve the desired goal. Without this, dreams will remain dreams.

Making a wish map

How to make a wish card according to Feng Shui? This business is creative, very exciting and completely uncomplicated. So, we decided to make a wish card with our own hands. What do we need for this?

  1. Large sheet of Whatman paper or thick paper.
  2. Some source of bright, expressive pictures (a thick illustrated magazine, a stack of posters, newspapers, leaflets or banners).
  3. Markers, felt-tip pens or gel pens.
  4. Glue stick.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Sequins, ribbons, rhinestones.
  7. Your own photo (and perhaps more than one).

When to make a wish card?

It is best to do this on the growing Moon: on days favorable for making all kinds of acquisitions. You can first devote one evening to selecting expressive pictures. To do this, look for one of the feng shui calendars (there are special calendars) auspicious days and we begin to cut out images of everything that corresponds to our ideas about a harmonious and happy life.

How to make a wish card with your own hands? Having turned on pleasant music and tuned in to a positive mood, we get to work:

  • The first step is to divide a sheet of paper into nine equal parts, in full accordance with the Bagua grid. The shape of the card can be any: either square or round, it doesn’t matter at all.
  • The sequence of filling each square is important, so you should start from the central sector.
  • In the very center of the sheet on which it falls health and personality zone person, you must include your own photo. This image should be such that the author of the future map likes it.

You must be smiling and happy in the photo, because only such a photo will radiate positive vibrations.

  • You are allowed to make a collage from your own photographs or photomontage (when the author’s face is glued to the beautiful figure of a fashion model).

The wish map will be more effective if in each sector you write short affirmation phrases that present your dreams as an already accomplished fact. By repeating them, you will give instructions to your subconscious. For example, a girl who dreams of losing weight may write: “I am beautiful, slim and attractive.”

You can surround your own photo with bright sun rays, emoticons, hearts, confetti circles or sequins. The more aesthetics and imagination there are in the design of your card, the better it will work.

  • The next square to be filled is the one that symbolizes the glory zone and is located above the health zone. This is the sector of visualization of ambitious thoughts, so here you can make your own photo montage by pasting your face into a photograph of a person receiving an award or placing him among a group of successful people.

A short slogan that voices dreams of self-realization may look like this: “I have authority among my colleagues,” “I have become the leader of my team.”

  • We go down and fill the career area. To visualize the dream of career growth or development own business You can make a collage of photographs of people who have achieved great success in a certain industry.

Entrepreneurs can place graphs here showing sales growth. Those looking for a job will find it useful to use several logos of reputable companies whose employees they would like to become.

  • What to do when the middle of the wish card is filled? Go to its left side. Here is the wealth zone, responsible for prosperity and well-being.

To visualize your ideas about a luxurious life, you can use pictures depicting traditional Feng Shui talismans: a figurine of the pot-bellied god Hotei, bundles of Chinese coins, as well as images banknotes, photographs of tightly stuffed wallets and scatterings of gold coins.

It is with this sector of the wish map that you should associate your dreams of owning your own home, purchasing a car or a large wages. You can make a photo montage by pasting your photo into the window of a luxury limousine.

When formulating wishes, you should make them as specific as possible. Don’t write: “I want a bigger salary.” Write exactly how much (and how often) you want to receive.

When dreaming of a car, do not write: “I want a car.” It is better to make the wish affirmative by writing: “I have a car (indicate its make and specify the color).

  • Let's move on to sector of wisdom and knowledge, which, according to the rules of Feng Shui, should be done in the lower left corner of the card. To visualize desires related to obtaining an education, you can place pictures of books, notes, a master’s cap or a diploma.
  • Having moved one cell higher, we design the family sector, which implies your immediate environment, which can include not only household members, but also all kinds of relatives, as well as friends.

To decorate this sector, you can specially take a group family photo. Affirmations for this sector should be formulated based on the nature of the relationships within your family.

  • All we have to do is design the right side of the wish card. In the upper right corner, as the practice of Feng Shui teaches us, is located zone of love and marriage.

People who dream of marriage can make a photo montage with their own hands in which they imagine themselves and their chosen one as the bride and groom.

Those who know how to draw can limit themselves to their own drawing, since its energy will allow them to achieve better results. What else should people do when looking for their soulmate? Feng Shui advises them to place a family photo of their happily married parents in this sector of the map.

Making a photo montage using pictures of happy celebrity couples is also quite acceptable. Many people use these photographs, simply sticking them on a card and wishing the same relationship for themselves and their chosen one. For people who have already made a married couple, it is enough to place a joint photograph in it, accompanied by an affirmation like: “We are happy in marriage.”

  • Having gone down one cell, we find ourselves in children and creativity sector, responsible for the prospect of creative growth and maternal self-realization.

What should a woman who dreams of having a child do? You can paste pictures on the card depicting cheerful babies, pregnant women or a mother with a child. What should people who want to achieve success in creativity do? You can place here a photograph of any famous creative person who serves as a source of inspiration, as well as write an affirmation that can program a person for success in terms of creative self-realization.

  • Last to fill assistant and travel sector, located in the lower left corner.

To make your dream of distant travels come true, colorful pictures depicting the places you would like to visit are pasted in, along with affirmations on the map that make it easier to realize this desire.

To know 10 golden rules of affirmations for the wish card:

You can make both very specific people (teachers, your comrades) and heavenly patrons: God, saints, guardian angels as your assistants.

Where should I place my wish card?

A Feng Shui wish card will work when it is always in front of the eyes of the person who created it, hidden from the curiosity of strangers. There are several options for storing it:

  1. You can hang the map in the bedroom: according to Feng Shui experts, this will enhance its energy, since it is with it that the day of the creator of the map will begin and end with it.
  2. You can put it unfolded on the top shelf or on the closet. What should you never do?

    It is unacceptable to roll, fold or place the card face down!

    As the practice of Feng Shui teaches, nothing should prevent the flow of beneficial qi energy to it.

    Most often, the wish card is hung on inner side wardrobe doors: this fulfills the condition of concealing information from prying eyes.

  3. You can create an electronic version of the wish card by placing it on your desktop.

How to activate a wish card?

People just starting to get acquainted with the practice of Feng Shui often ask the question: “What should be done in order for the wish map to begin to actively work?”

There is a very simple and effective technique: in the central sector of the card you can place an image of your favorite treat or favorite flowers. Since it will not be difficult for you to fulfill this particular desire, you will achieve the solution of two tasks at once: you will pamper yourself and you will put your personal map of fulfillment of the most fantastic desires into working order.

How should you work with a wish map?

  • It is necessary to work with the wish map daily.
  • At the stage of visualizing your desire, by choosing convenient time and a secluded place (where no one can disturb you), you should present it in great detail. For example, when dreaming of a new car, you can imagine yourself inside its interior, feel the touch of the leather upholstery of the seats and the cold surface of the steering wheel. What color is your dream car, what smells are in it, what emotions are visiting you at this moment?

The Wish Card is a popular and interesting practice of fulfilling wishes. The very preparation and process of making the Card will tune you into the right wave and charge you with light energy that will help improve your life. We tell you how to make a Wish Card correctly.

What does the Wish Card look like?

It all depends on your capabilities and preferences. The Wish Card is usually made by hand on thick paper. If you know how to use graphic editors, you can make a map in in electronic format- on your computer, and then print it out and place it in a visible place.

How does the Wish Card work?

Before we learn how to make a Wish Card, let's understand why this practice works. The principle of operation of the Card of Desires is based on visualization: already during the preparation of the Card, you focus on your desires, select pictures that embody what you want. Then, when the Map is in front of you, it is very easy for you to visualize what you want and focus on achieving your goal. And wishes come true!

If you have made a Card of Wishes before and you still have an old one, you need to destroy it, but before that, be sure to thank the Universe for making your wishes come true.

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How to make a wish card

The card is best done on the day of the New Moon or the day before. Ideally, do not delay it and do it within one day.Do not make the Wish Card too large - otherwise it will be difficult for you to store it.

Start creating a Map only in good location spirit. Start filling the Health sector first, then the rest in any order.

A sheet of thick paper needs to be divided into 9 equal sectors. Attentively look at the photo,
everything is clearly depicted on it - which sector is responsible for what and which pictures should be placed in each sector.

It doesn’t matter where you get the pictures from. The main thing is that what is depicted on them illustrates your desires as closely as possible. You can take unnecessary magazines and cut out suitable images, or find suitable pictures on the Internet and print them, and then stick them on the Desire Map in the desired sector.

Evenly paste the prepared pictures into the sectors and do not forget to sign with a correctly formulated desire.

Each sector should have several desires; you can enter 3-5 desires. There should be no empty sectors!

How to correctly formulate desires?

Sign each picture, correctly formulating your wishes:

  • in the first person present or past tense: I am going on vacation to Goa; I found my dream job.
  • without the word “want” and the particle “not”: I bought a Prada bag (instead of “I want to buy”); I am healthy and full of strength (instead of “not sick”).
  • do not indicate specific people (what if this desire contradicts their will?): I have a harmonious and warm relationship (do not indicate the name).
  • more details: amount of money, car model, holiday destination, etc.: I bought a Nissan Juke car white; I earn $10,000 a month from a job I love.

When the pictures are pasted into sectors and signed, with reverse side Wish Cards write: “ My wishes are fulfilled in the best way for me and for the benefit of everyone”.

How to activate the Wish Card?

Place small wishes in several sectors that can be fulfilled in a short time: for example, “I’m giving myself a new Guerlain perfume,” etc. When minor wishes come true (at least one), your Card is activated.

You should not show the Desire Card to strangers. If you hung it on the wall, when guests arrive, put the Map in another place. Or initially place it where only you will see it (for example, in the bedroom). If your near and dear people see it, it’s okay.

May all your wishes come true!

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Treasure map, visualization map and wish map - all these names belong to one unique method that allows you to fulfill your plans. Does the wish map work? Reviews from those who compiled it speak of the fulfillment of the wish. And this sometimes even applies to funny little things.

Methods of compilation

You can make a wish card like this:

  1. Manually. To do this, pictures are pasted onto whatman paper, which are clippings from magazines or printed photographs. Next, such a map is drawn up with felt-tip pens or paints. Pictures are also signed manually.
  2. On the computer. To do this, you need to own a photo editor in which collages are made from found or your own photographs.

How it works?

Don’t think that creating a wish map means building some kind of magic thing. Effectiveness this method explained even by psychologists. The fact is that when a person clearly imagines what he dreams of, he develops a clear image of his desire. For example, it could be a house in which you want to live, a child, applauding fans, and much more. If you think about it constantly, the image will enter the subconscious.

After some time, a person, without even realizing it, will take the necessary actions that will lead him to fulfill his dream. This effect has its own name, namely, visualization of desires. It can be strengthened by setting out life goals on paper in the form of text or in the form of images. And if all this is also beautifully decorated, and a person begins to look at the fruits of his labors every day, then what he wants will come soon. Psychologists call this technique. At its core, this is the desire map we are considering.

Explanations for its work can also be found in Feng Shui. This ancient art, which helps plan a person’s destiny, suggests that people’s thoughts have a strong connection with the Universe. And those who send clearly formulated signals are already on the path to success. The Universe will definitely help their implementation.

Creation technique

A do-it-yourself wish card is drawn up according to certain rules. First of all, a person must clearly and clearly formulate his concept of what he wants most. After this, you need to imagine that this has already come true, that is, visualize your desires.

Suitable for this various ways. Most people benefit from a relaxing and calm atmosphere at the moment when the wish card is made. The rules for making a collage dictate that you start imagining your dreams to a pleasant melody, sitting comfortably in a chair or on the sofa. For example, if a person’s cherished dream is a big and beautiful house, then it’s worth collecting its image in your imagination. You need to mentally imagine the facade of the building, walk through all the rooms, light a fireplace, sit in a cozy chair, etc. After this, you need to remember the pleasant sensations that were experienced at that moment. After clearly formulating all your desires, you need to write them down on a piece of paper. This will be needed later in order to create a wish map.

The rules for creating a collage warn against using the particle “not”. All cherished dreams must be described in the present tense and as specifically as possible. These could be phrases such as “I am rich”, “I am thin”, “I am the owner of a red Mercedes”, etc. Only after putting all this on paper can you begin to draw up a wish map.

But don’t think that everything you dream about can be formulated in just ten minutes. In this case, the wish card will most likely upset rather than delight its owner. After all, this collage will not reflect those dreams that are actually important. So how should a vision map be planned? The drafting rules require a person to set aside at least an hour to formulate his goals, during which he can calmly think about what he really wants. However, this process should not end there either. After preliminary consideration, several days should pass to recheck your desires. Are they really the most important things in life? Only after this will a person be able to confidently say that he wants to have exactly what he wished for.

Practical steps

How is a wish map created? The rules for creating such a collage require you to do this work yourself. You cannot involve relatives or friends, acquaintances or even strangers in this process. In addition, making such a collage should only be started in a positive mood.

The wish fulfillment card is drawn on a piece of Whatman paper. In addition, you should have at hand:

Old magazines;


Paint or colored paper;


According to Feng Shui (if you follow the instructions of this practice), you will need to fill in nine sectors that correspond to the main areas human life. Ancient art correlates each of them with the cardinal points. In addition, each sector must have a specific tone. Thus, the first step in solving the question “How to make a wish map?” (see photo below) consists of dividing whatman paper into 9 equal parts.

The meaning of the sectors

So, your Whatman paper is divided into nine equal parts. What does each of them mean when drawing up a wish map? Let's look at each of the sectors separately, following the same rule that is followed when reading books, that is, from left to right and from top to bottom. Inside each of these parts you will need to place your photo, combined with the most In other words, these should not be separate texts or pictures. The filling of each part should be collages.

Wealth sector

Let's start with the first top part of the wish card. It represents the wealth sector. This area is painted light green or light green using paints. The wealth sector on our treasure map will be responsible for everything that connects a person with money and prosperity. Here are dreams of a dacha or an apartment, a car or a motorcycle, a cottage in the mountains or on the Black Sea coast, etc. However, even in this case, the wish map dictates its own rules. All dreams must be expressed in the wealth sector in a specific amount. The desire “I want a lot of money” simply won’t work. This sector can be strengthened. To do this, you will need to place a red pyramid with the LAM mantra in it.

Glory sector

It is located in the central part top row wish cards. This sector is painted red. This area is responsible for the recognition and glory of the person who compiled the collage. And it is not at all necessary to shine on TV or become an Oscar winner. Here we are talking about recognizing the merits, skills, knowledge and experience of a person in the family, at work or in the company of friends and acquaintances. Maybe others will appreciate your culinary masterpieces or playing musical instrument? Or maybe you dream of standing on the first step of the podium or on the huge stage of a popular theater? Reflect these desires in the glory sector. To strengthen this section of the wish map, it is worth placing images of cups, certificates and medals here.

Love sector

Drawing up a wish map according to Feng Shui will require filling out the upper right section located on your Whatman paper. This is the love sector, which will need to be painted dark brown. This area will be responsible for the sphere of human relationships and love. Anyone who is married must post a photo of themselves and their spouse in this area. Anyone who dreams of a wedding will need to place a photo of themselves in a wedding dress in this sector.

The rules for drawing up a wish map warn that those who are not legally married should absolutely not use photographs of any specific person with whom they would like to connect their lives. The universe will regard this as a love spell, which is a prohibited action. How does the wish map begin to work in this case? Reviews from those who violated its rules confirm that it simply stops working.

How to strengthen this zone? To do this, you need to place affirmations. For example: “I choose a man for a serious relationship.”

Health sector

Let's look at the central row of the wish map. On its left side there is an area that will need to be painted dark green. This is the health sector, which is also responsible for family relationships. Specific dreams about the state of the human body are placed here. These may be desires for normal blood pressure, good level sugar and cholesterol, etc. The rules for drawing up a treasure map also allow such simple and concise inscriptions as “I am healthy” or “I am healthy.”

As for family relationships, in this sector it is enough to place pictures indicating excellent relationships between children and parents, love between husband and wife, as well as mutual understanding with other family members. An amplifier for this sector will be the image of delicate and beautiful peach fruits.

Central sector

What should it include correct map desires? Reviews of those who have found this unusual visualization work advise paying attention to the central section of whatman paper. This sector should accommodate your most cherished and main dream! The rules for creating a treasure map allow you to place several wishes if it is difficult to choose only one of them. In this area you can also write down that dream that you think would not be suitable for any other sector. To enhance the effect of the card, you need to place an image of butterflies or hearts here.

Filling the central sector is a very important and responsible moment for those who strive to ensure that their creation gives maximum impact. The fact is that this section displays the health and personality of the card owner. His photograph is also placed here. It is very important that the person in the picture is in good mood. That is why your image in the photo should reflect the happiest moment in your life. The rules allow the placement of several mounted photographs in this central area. For example, it could be an image of someone's slender and beautiful figure, with your face placed next to it.

Children and creativity sector

The zone located in the right corner of the central row of the wish map is responsible for the birth of babies and human creative growth. Anyone who dreams of adding to their family should place in this sector an image of a pregnant woman or mother with a baby. If having children is not part of your plans, under no circumstances decorate this area with such photographs. The fact is that the Universe will certainly begin to fulfill given desire. Reviews indicate existing precedents.

Anyone who dreams of creative development needs to place an image of the Muse or some creative personality in this sector. The corresponding wishes are also located here. This could be a dream of writing a bestseller, cross-stitching an epochal painting, etc. Images of balloons are used as amplifiers for this sector.

Knowledge sector

Let's move on to the bottom row of our treasure map. Here in the left corner there should be an area painted beige or light brown. This is a sector of knowledge and skills that gives its owner the strength to learn, not stop halfway, become wiser and constantly improve themselves. In this area you should place your desires regarding acquiring new skills and abilities. This could be a dream of going to university or getting a second higher education, about studying Chinese language or about success in baking delicious cakes. A wonderful enhancer for this sector will be images of textbooks and books.

Career sector

Now let's move on to designing the zone that is located in the center of the bottom row. This is the career sector that should be painted in Blue colour. How should the wish card be designed in this case? Reviews from those who use this vision board confirm that desires related to work should be placed in this area. This could be learning a new profession or climbing the career ladder, creating your own company or increasing income from its activities. The effect of the wish card in this sector will be enhanced by a picture depicting money. You can also place a drawing of the god of wealth, Hotei, here.

Travel and Assistance Sector

Well, we have come to the last zone of our wish map, which is located in the lower right corner of the Whatman paper. Before filling it, you should paint this area gray.

The travel and assistant sector reflects dreams of traveling to distant lands. Desires for those who will help cope with this should also be located here. difficult situations. These can be specific people, companies, firms or Higher power, whose support every person needs.

Selection of pictures

If you are filling out a wish card, how to properly make (see photo below) this vision board so that it works with maximum effect? A very important part of this process will be the selection of pictures.

In this case, you should adhere to certain rules, which include:

In the selection of such drawings that would most accurately correspond to existing desires;

In posting only positive images with smiling people, cute landscapes, etc.;

Finding photographs that evoke pleasant feelings.

Anyone who knows how to draw is recommended to decorate all the sectors themselves. DIY images work much more effectively than photographs. When writing wishes, where possible, you need to indicate specific deadlines. It is important to fill out the treasure map from the central sector. Next section there must be a zone of wealth. From here, filling your vision board should proceed clockwise.

When to insert pictures?

According to the rules of Feng Shui, you need to make a wish card when the moon is waxing. However, the most best time the first two weeks after the onset of the Chinese New Year will be the time to fill it out. Feng Shui does not recommend placing your wishes during periods of lunar or solar eclipse.

Those who do not adhere to the Chinese art of visualization are advised to draw up their wish map at the moment when they really want to do it.


So, should you use it? It is worth keeping in mind that pictures with desires should always be in your sight, but at the same time hidden from prying eyes. That is why best place for the card there will be a bedroom or the inside door of a wardrobe. To activate the vision board, you will need the fulfillment of the simplest wish. This could be a box of chocolates or a large chocolate bar. Place their image on the Card and buy the sweet of your choice from the store. The first wish will already be fulfilled. After this, you will need to look at your board every day and thank the Universe as if everything you depicted has already been accomplished.