How to independently determine which lining is better for a bath? Linden or aspen for a bath, which is better. Which lining is better for a bath.

  • 29.08.2019

Premises - this is an important and mandatory stage in the process of building a bath, it will depend on the choice of material for sheathing appearance premises. Of course, it is much more pleasant to be in a well-groomed and neat steam room.

The most popular and optimal option is lining in the bath. Wooden lining is a versatile finishing material that is easy to install and has high operational properties.

Advantages of lining for a bath

  • environmental friendliness, wood is natural material, which creates a special atmosphere, and also has healing properties;
  • the ability to hide all communications, defects and uneven walls. With lining, the bath looks neat;
  • good soundproofing. While music is playing in the relaxation room or the TV is noisy, you can take a steam bath and enjoy the silence;
  • moisture resistance. The lining is not afraid of exposure to moisture, it does not deform and does not rot;
  • long service life. You do not have to change the coating after a year;
  • good level thermal insulation. Lining in the bath contributes to the preservation of heat in the room;
  • ease of installation. This material is easy to fit, installation wooden lining even a beginner can do it with his own hands.

Types of lining for a bath

In the steam room all the time high level humidity, as well as strong temperature fluctuations, not every type of wood is able to withstand such harsh conditions.

It is undesirable to use conifers for lining the sauna with clapboard. When heated, they release resins that can burn the skin, make breathing difficult, or cause discomfort. To finish the steam room with clapboard, it is better to use deciduous trees.

But this does not mean at all that there is no use for conifers in the decoration of the bath. They are often used to decorate a waiting room or a rest room. This combination is reasonable, because it allows you to save a lot: lining from coniferous trees much cheaper than hardwood. In addition, resins disinfect the air and give it a pleasant coniferous aroma.


It has a good density, high quality. It has an interesting texture pattern. The composition of this wood includes special substances that protect it from moisture and decay. But over time, it can change color if not treated with a special compound.

The disadvantage of larch is its poor thermal insulation properties.


This type of wood is one of the most popular options for lining the sauna with clapboard, as it has high performance properties and affordable cost. Linden gives the room a soft and pleasant aroma, useful for respiratory system. It has a good level of heat resistance and does not heat up even at the highest temperatures. Linden has low thermal conductivity, it is practically not subject to decay.

Finishing the bath - a mandatory step construction works, on the quality of which the final result will depend. According to established tradition best material lining is considered for sheathing. But not any, but designed specifically for rooms with high humidity. Lining from modern materials- tile or plastic is not suitable in this case. Undoubtedly, it is practical and convenient, but it is not able to cope with extreme conditions. For the decoration of the bath, materials of natural origin are used, which will give the room an attractive and cozy look.

Lining for a bath: advantages

Clapboard is one of the most sought-after materials for cladding a steam room. The ability to "breathe" is realized due to good drying (12%), and modern technologies allow you to embody any design ideas - to finish the bath "under the beam" or "under the log."
This material is valued not only for its environmental friendliness - wooden lining for a bath has many other advantages.

  • long service life;
  • ease of processing;
  • external attractiveness;
  • the possibility of masking communications and surface imperfections;
  • good sound and heat insulation performance;
  • moisture resistance.

What lining is better for a bath?

For lining the steam room, the best option is lining made of hardwood and coniferous species. But in order to finally make a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the properties and characteristic features any type of wood.

Linden lining for a bath

Most often, linden is used to finish floors and walls: lining for a bath of this type is an impeccable candidate for decoration. Lime lining is soft, warms up quickly, but never burns the skin, due to low thermal conductivity it slowly cools down, which is of decisive importance for a bath.

Linden wood emits honey, which fills the space with an unusual aroma, and contained in in large numbers essential oils has a healing effect on the body. The structure of the linden lining is such that additional processing is not required - the tree is beautiful in itself.

Aspen lining for a bath

Dense, homogeneous in structure, in terms of quality characteristics similar to linden. The lining for the bath made of aspen is characterized by a slightly bitter smell and increased hardness, which means it will last for many years.

When buying, pay attention to two points. The boards must be knot-free, otherwise burns cannot be avoided. The presence of resin (even its minimum amount) is unacceptable, because. this can lead to difficulty breathing. A good aspen lining for baths is always a carefully sorted and high-quality finished material.

Alder lining

No less interesting is the lining made of alder for a bath, which is a raw material for the production of products of European quality. Incredibly popular is black alder, which received (for its noble pink shade) the title of “royal wood”.

Alder has no knots and practically does not need polishing, the structure is uniform, smooth, resistant to deformation. Not afraid negative impact water and steam, which makes it indispensable for lining baths and saunas. The tint palette of alder lining attracts - the colors vary from pale pink to deep red.

Cedar lining

Lining for a bath made of cedar will add sophistication to the interior and become evidence of the excellent taste of the owner. North American cedar can be easily recognized by its characteristic reddish color and unusual aroma, which is extremely beneficial for people with heart and upper respiratory ailments.

Canadian cedar is valued for its beautiful texture, deep pink hue, and pleasant smell, which creates a truly magical atmosphere in the steam room. The advantages of cedar "clothing" include durability, resistance to decay and splitting, and the ability to disinfect the air.

Larch trim

The lining for a bath made of larch is distinguished not only by its excellent properties (high specific gravity, elasticity, strength, which is not inferior to oak wood), but also by its external attractiveness.

Larch has an unusual texture on the cuts, which allows you to create interesting effects and memorable interior compositions. A larch floor will never be cold and will be able to please the original appearance even after several years. Wood is rich in antioxidants that help fight negative factors. environment which is relevant today more than ever.

It is quite clear that all of the above advantages are reflected in the cost of such a lining for a bath - the price of larch is quite high, but isn't that fair?

Hemlock lining

Hemlock, or Canadian hemlock - evergreen tree, which is widely used in construction. The plant is considered mature upon reaching 300 years, its height is more than 50 meters. Hemlock in appearance resembles oak, for which he received the nickname "American oak".

Endurance, strength, durability, pleasant coniferous aroma - these are the main advantages that you get when you decide to entrust the business of decorating a bath to this overseas handsome man.

Abashi wood

Lining in an abasha bath is becoming more and more common today. Initially, this representative of the tropics was rated as a wonderful raw material for the manufacture of shelves - abachi practically does not heat up. It grows in Equatorial Africa, is characterized by low density and pleasant chocolate color. The true shade of wood is lemon yellow or sugar white, but after heat treatment(in order to increase decorativeness) abachi darkens.

The lining has no pockets, knots, sharp changes in color. Often, dark heat-treated bars are combined with raw, light ones, thus obtaining an original composition that can decorate any bath.

Grade (classes) of material

Before packing in a shrink film and entering the store, the lining is sorted. The criterion for division is natural wood defects or defects that appeared during processing. There are linings of class A, B, C. The highest quality and, accordingly, the most expensive is class A lining (knots and defects are completely absent).

Processing lining for a bath

Processing the lining in the bath is a measure necessary to protect the boards from wood-boring insects, rotting, mold, black spots. Regardless of whether you are making a lining for a bath with your own hands or buying ready-made material, in order to preserve the original properties of wood, you need to know how to process the lining inside the bath.

Despite popular belief, experts do not recommend covering boards with ordinary wood varnish. It is unlikely that it will withstand high temperatures, and a specific smell cannot be avoided. Protective compounds must contain wax, which does not emit harmful substances when heated and is absolutely safe for health.

The wax-based acrylic antiseptic compositions EUROTEX-SAUNA, impregnations Supi Saunasoja (Tikkurila), Sauna (Belinka) have proven themselves in the best way, the domestic manufacturer "Usadba" produces a good impregnation for baths "U-409". The solutions form a thin, colorless film that does not change the natural color of the wood and is easy to clean.

Now you know not only how to choose, but also how to process the lining in the bath, which means you will be able to do right choice and purchase materials that will make your sauna beautiful, safe and comfortable.

How to choose a lining: video

Not everyone can boast that he has his own family bath in his house. And if a kind owner decided to build it with his own hands, then he pursued a specific goal - to arrange a small "paradise" for the whole family.

So that all close people, and even guests of the hosts, can enjoy, relax, unwind, warm up and heal.

Here the main question arises - what material to use for this man-made paradise? Yes, so that it matches such parameters as:

  • functionality;
  • water resistance;
  • steam resistance;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • soundproofing;
  • long period of use;
  • ease of use;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • economic benefit.

Is there such a universal material? Undoubtedly. These are wooden sheathing panels, popularly referred to as lining, old and kind, familiar to all builders.

What type of wood is best to use

First of all, let's talk about the tree species most commonly used for interior decoration baths.

They are usually divided into two main species - coniferous and leafy. Which lining is better for a steam room, what to choose for a bath?

Experts say that hardwood options are most suitable for rooms with high temperatures. These include: aspen, linden, alder. What is the reason for this? Let's take a look at some examples below.
Video - tips when choosing lining for a bath:

Linden lining for a bath

It is she who is recommended as one of the leading hardwoods used for steam rooms. Experts believe that this the best lining for a wig.

Due to the low density of the surface, linden has the ability not to heat up with sufficiently strong temperature fluctuations, which means that it is ideally safe and comfortable for rooms with high temperatures.

Moreover, when heated, the linden tree releases pleasantly scented essential oils that are beneficial for the respiratory tract. When exposed to moist air, linden does not rot and does not change its natural color.

Aspen lining for a bath

It is popularly called "long-playing" for the hardness of the wood. It does not break, but it is perfectly processed. The texture of the wood itself is delicate and pleasant to the touch.

The vapor resistance of aspen has been known to builders for a long time. Thanks to her, this wood is often used for bath construction. Aspen is credited with magical properties.

Experienced lovers of steam rooms believe that she has the ability to sort of "pull out" all the bad things, including illnesses.

Alder sheathing panel is a great choice for wet rooms. Its value is in a special golden-pink color, which, as it were, radiates an inner light.

Its beauty remains unchanged in the bath rooms due to the excellent natural hydro- and thermal insulation. It is these properties that allow the alder lining not to deform, and the putrefactive fungus does not care for it.

When thinking about which clapboard is better to sheathe a bath, do not doubt that conifers are an excellent sheathing material, but on condition that it will be used not for steam rooms, but for other bath rooms - dressing rooms or rest rooms.

When heated, they can release resin, which can lead to spontaneous combustion, and the waterproofing of some conifers does not always allow them to be used in rooms with high humidity. However, there are some types of wall paneling that are perfectly used for a bath.

Cedar lining

The main advantage is the bactericidal and antiseptic properties of cedar.

In addition, it is considered one of the best interior finishing materials due to its coloring of a shallow reddish-pink hue.

True, it is not cheap, but the result is worth it. The interior will be royal. True, provided that it will be exactly cedar, and not cedar pine, which is often mistaken for it.

Larch trim

Material used for utility rooms. Experienced masters they say that it is better to process larch by special means, otherwise it may change its natural color over time, but otherwise its characteristics are quite suitable for cladding walls and ceilings of dressing rooms and washing rooms.


This wood material is still little known to many home craftsmen.

The fact is that this type of wood also belongs to conifers, but this tree is a foreigner.

It enters the Russian expanses from North America, usually from Canada, or East Asia. It is also called hemlock - just a godsend for wet rooms.

It is used for both exterior and interior decoration. Craftsmen prefer this wood for its strength, density and durability.

Abashi wood

Better than her for a bath, a variant treated with protective mixtures.

Another type of wood sheathing panels is widely used for exterior cladding, perfectly combined with other types.

It is applied to finishing of places for rest in baths and saunas. He comes to our markets from distant Africa.

Has a porous structure. Its low thermal conductivity is precisely achieved due to its high porosity.

Although it has a low humidity - only 12%, it behaves perfectly in a humid environment, does not deform and does not shrink, and it is easy and pleasant to process it without fear that the wood will split.

The colors of its warm tones: from the color of baked milk to soft yellow shades perfectly decorate the interior and are combined with other types of wood panels.

Video - 7 critical mistakes when choosing (better look):

Lining quality

Quality depends on "purity". It is best for baths of the Extra and A varieties.

According to its quality, lining is divided into four types:

  1. "0", or "Extra" - the highest quality, without defects, fragments of the core and knots;
  2. A - high quality, no core elements, minimum number of knots;
  3. B and C - respectively medium and low quality, allowing the presence of knots and small, non-through micro defects.

approximate cost

The price of the material depends not only on the class. The image below shows the approximate cost in rubles for Russia from 550-1000 rubles per m2:
Which lining is better for a bath and whether the cost of work is affordable, decide home master. We hope that our information will help you in creating a cozy and reliable home paradise.

Lining is called a thin narrow board, equipped with a special lock, usually working on the tenon-groove principle. The main advantages of this material are: ease of installation, environmental friendliness and aesthetic appearance. Initially, wagons were sheathed with such boards. passenger trains. Hence the name of this material. Lining can be used for facing buildings of various purposes. Very often this material is used, for example, for sheathing baths from the inside. In this case, it is very important to choose the right type of board. Further in the article, we will figure out which lining for a bath is better and how not to make a mistake when buying this material.

How can a board be classified?

When choosing a lining, first of all, pay attention to the following factors:

    the type of wood used for the manufacture;

    material class;

    country of manufacture.

In any case, special requirements are imposed on the material intended for lining the bath, since it will subsequently be constantly exposed to moisture in combination with elevated temperatures.

Cedar and pine

Coniferous board for lining steam rooms from the inside is used extremely rarely. The best answer to the question of which wall paneling is better for a bath is this: hardwood. The fact is that a coniferous board contains just a huge amount of resin. Therefore, when heated, hard-to-remove, quickly hardening “tears” appear on its surface. In addition, such material begins to emit a very strong smell. However, despite all this, some conifers can still be used for lining steam rooms. These include, for example:

    In addition to the usual material and block house, in our time there is also an American board for sale. This option is also a good answer to the question of which clapboard is better to sheathe the bath from the inside. A board of this kind on the wall imitates a beam. The American lining looks very beautiful. However, it should only be used for facing baths of a very large area. The fact is that this material has a significant thickness.

    Lining processing

    Such a board comes to the market already completely ready for installation. However, since the microclimate for wood in the bath is not very favorable, it is desirable to process it further beforehand. Most often, inexpensive drying oil that does not emit harmful substances into the air is used for this purpose. However, unfortunately, this finish is not very durable. Therefore, when deciding which means is better to process the lining in the bath, many owners of suburban areas choose a special oil. This material also does not emit harmful substances into the air and lasts much longer than drying oil. But at the same time, oil is, of course, a little more expensive.

    lining cost

    Of course, one of the main factors that influences the choice of board type is the price. The cost of lining depends primarily on its thickness and width, as well as the type of wood and quality class. For example, the price of a lime board 14 x 96 x 1000 mm "Extra" is approximately 550 rubles. Alder A 14 x 80 x 2700 mm costs about 250-270 rubles. For aspen material 12.5 x 42 x 500 mm class B, you will have to pay 100-120 rubles. Cedar eurolining of the "Extra" variety 14 x 85 x 2500 mm costs about 1500 rubles. The price of an abash block house 16 x 85 x 3000 mm is about 1200-1300 rubles. Prices are for 1 square meter material.

After the construction of the bath, on the site, it often occurs steam room interior design question. This topic is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Many materials are suitable for interior decoration of baths. From the usual lining, to very exotic and very expensive ones, such as finishing or salt stone.

It makes sense to dwell on the lining, as a natural, simple, environmentally friendly, high-quality and excellent suitable option, for internal finishing of a bath. It exists in several types and classes, and knowledge of each existing variant and experience in using the material will help to decide on the choice of lining for a bath, which is better.

Classic bath starts with a dressing room, then comes a steam room a shower room should also be provided. Each of these rooms imposes own requirements to the used finishing material. But they are united by resistance to hot air, interaction with water, high humidity air, hygiene.

During contact with these materials, burns cannot remain on the skin, finishing panels should not emit harmful substances under the influence of high temperatures. They are designed to cause aesthetic pleasure, and provide a long period of operation. Of course, the use of linoleums and all kinds wood boards unacceptable in the bath, because of the imminent harm to the body.

Options for lining for a steam room

clapboard widely applied as a sheathing material and is divided according to the material from which it is made, classes, as well as the method of processing.

Trees used for production:

  • Alder.
  • Aspen.
  • Beech.
  • Pine.
  • Cedar.
  • Ash.

Production from other tree species is possible, but these are the most common.

Class division occurs in descending order of quality:

  • Extra.

Also, the market offers "evrovagonka". Which differs from the classical one in a different approach to wood processing, which is expressed in a larger tenon and groove. In addition, the Europanel has a condensate drain groove.

Choice for dressing room

Waiting room not threatened by increased thermal loads, so it is possible to use lining from all types of wood. Pine, spruce or fir will create with their aroma a mood that looks forward to visiting a steam room; birch, aspen and linden are in no way inferior to them in this. It is worth considering that it is better to use the same material for processing walls and ceilings.

Installation methods will be discussed below, while it is worth mentioning that varnishes and paints should not be used. the best choice for the final finish. To prevent premature wear of the lining in the dressing room will allow the application of special, environmentally friendly, paints and protective impregnations.

The best choice for lining the dressing room is pine lining. Yes, and experienced bath attendants advise using it. As already mentioned, high temperatures do not affect the wood outside the steam room, so the pine will not release resin. But high humidity is present, but products from this tree perfectly withstand it. Another reason for the popularity of finishing dressing rooms from "pine" lining is the price. Where it does not make sense to use more expensive types of finishes, pine lining will not let you down and will not worsen the atmosphere of the room.

What is suitable for a couple

Here is where they are presented increased requirements for cladding materials, so it is in the steam room itself. There is high humidity and Maximum temperature, as well as exposure to water, steam.

Sheathing the bath from the inside, requires the use of the type of lining, the manufacture of which takes place from deciduous trees, due to the fact that conifers, perfectly resisting the effects of moisture, but interacting with elevated temperatures, release resins.

So, lining for a bath, which one is better? Available in Linden, Aspen, Alder, Cedar, Larch, Oak, Exotic Hemlock and Abachi. Which option will be optimal can be decided by familiarizing yourself with the merits of each tree.


The best lining for a steam room, in its price category, is linden. Possessing qualities such as resistance to contact with water, it not subject to premature wear, and periodic drying, characteristic of rooms of this kind, will not cover the surface of the material with cracks.

Lining made of linden for a bath will quickly warm up, slowly cool down, but the wood itself, which has a low heat capacity, will not allow you to get burned on contact with it. The aroma exuded by this wood will pacify and strengthen forces. Everyone knows lime tea? Here's the same thing. In terms of structure, it is such that it does not require additional processing; natural material is attractive in itself.


Aspen is excellent for finishing a bath. Lining, aspen for which served source material, reliably resists the aggressive effects of moisture, does not deteriorate when dried, does not injure the skin when in contact with it.

Aspen lining emits an aristocratic, bitter aroma when heated, and this is all that distinguishes it from the first option considered. When buying, it requires a thorough inspection for defects, even when purchasing material of the highest classes, you need to check the complete absence of resins, knots. If the material is of high quality, then the finish will last long time delighting visitors. Aspen is a common, common tree, that is, the price of products from it is not prohibitive.


This choice is made more sophisticated connoisseurs of steam. This option is more expensive than the previous two, but the product obtained from alder is of very high quality. These panels do not require additional polishing, they have almost a jeweler's smoothness, they are distinguished by the complete absence of knots.

Which lining is better to buy, you decide, based on financial considerations and specifications some type of tree or another. A choice of different colors is available.


cedar finish emphasize the status of its owner even more clearly than with alder panels. If by the word “better” we mean “more expensive”, then there is an answer to the question of which lining is better for a bath. Cedar will decorate the interior in an original way, and aromatize it with its smell.

Evil tongues, from among the attendants, claim that the unique smell will last no more than three months, but moral satisfaction will remain for a longer period. The healing properties of cedar will have a positive effect on people suffering respiratory diseases. And the plastic structure of wood, due to the ease of processing, makes the product convenient for installation.