Rating of the best non-stick frying pans. How to choose a safe and durable frying pan? Tips for housewives

  • 03.03.2020

It is known that cooking most dishes without a frying pan is problematic, if not impossible. It is best if you have several products at your disposal.

In order to accurately choose quality utensils, you need to know some nuances. So, the decision to buy a frying pan has already been made. However, in the store the buyer will be faced with a huge assortment. It is natural that he will have a question: “How to choose a good frying pan?” It is worth noting that these devices differ in the materials from which they are made.

How to choose a cast iron frying pan?

This is from the “good old” section. Cast iron frying pans have been used for centuries. It is assumed that she will not leave soon numerous cuisines. Do you have any doubts? And ask your grandmothers, would they exchange a time-tested frying pan for some newfangled one, with a Teflon coating? No way in the world!

For members of the older generation, there are no difficulties with how to choose a frying pan. Reviews from many housewives indicate that this utensil is ideal for products that require fairly easy cooking. long time. This is possible due to the beneficial properties of the material. It is known that cast iron heats up very well, more than aluminum. It is this property, according to experienced housewives, that is necessary for a high-quality frying process.

Many women note that during the cooking process cast iron frying pan there is no need to constantly stir the products. This is due to the fact that the material has a porous structure. A fatty film forms on the walls and bottom of the pan. It, in turn, is a natural non-stick coating. Therefore, do not be afraid to add lemon juice or vinegar if the recipe says so.

In this case, nothing bad will happen to the frying pan. Many housewives consider one of the undoubted advantages of such utensils to be the fact that when caring for them, you don’t have to use detergents. The fact is that cast iron does not need this at all. It is customary to heat the container over a fire and then rinse it with cold water.

Cast iron cookware is susceptible to rust. In order to avoid this, experienced housewives It is advised not to store already prepared food in it. You also need to ensure that no moisture remains on the product after rinsing. A cast iron frying pan has a number of disadvantages. The first thing to note is its weight. Such dishes will not be light.

In addition, cast iron is a rather brittle metal. Accordingly, if the frying pan falls on the floor, the likelihood that it will break is quite high. It is not recommended to cook anything with it immediately after purchase. It should be remembered that it is necessary to carry out preparatory stage. The product needs to be washed and dried. Next you should lubricate vegetable oil the inside of the pan. In this case, savings are inappropriate. Then you need to bake the new product in the oven or on the stove. One hour is enough for the entire procedure. This creates a so-called natural non-stick coating.


When talking about which coating to choose a frying pan with, you should pay attention to this material. Housewives consider the cost to be its only drawback. Otherwise, this utensil is an excellent assistant in the kitchen. Frying pans with titanium coating have all the advantages described above. In addition, they do not rust. That is why many experienced housewives prefer them.

Stainless steel

Many customers want to know how to choose the right frying pan. A good option- stainless steel products. It is believed that food cooked in them is the healthiest. This is due to the fact that stainless steel is a material that does not interact with any substances. Experienced housewives do not recommend leaving an empty frying pan on the fire. In this case, it may become covered with blue or greenish stains and take on a very unpresentable appearance. It is not recommended to wash such dishes using abrasives.

Teflon products

This material was developed by American specialists. This happened back in the 30s of the last century. The development was carried out by employees of a chemical concern. Then they managed to create polytetrafluoroethylene, which, in turn, is a polymer. Its properties include resistance to alkalis, acids and high temperatures. It should also be noted that it is quite slippery.

This substance became known as Teflon. Its true name is too cumbersome and long. It was not very suitable for commercial purposes. Teflon was not immediately used to coat frying pans. However, when it did, it became widespread. And since the question arose about how to choose a non-stick frying pan, you should study products with a Teflon bottom.

Modern realities

Today, many people tend to choose a frying pan with a non-stick coating. Product bodies are made primarily of steel and aluminum. For everyday use, Teflon-coated products are mainly used. They are readily used as ordinary people, and the cook. Many foods are perfectly cooked on them.

For example, fish, meat, vegetables or scrambled eggs. Commercials assure customers that they do not require the use of oil or vegetable fats to prepare them. It is worth noting that the manufacturers exaggerate slightly. It is still possible to cook vegetables this way. However, this trick will not work with fish, even if you use flour. It won't cook as well as it should. Next, we will dwell in more detail on the question “how to choose the right frying pan with a Teflon bottom.”

Important Feature

When studying the question of how to choose a good frying pan with a Teflon bottom, you should know that most products are smooth inside. However, there are also those that have a relief pattern. Such dishes have more advantages. Thanks to the relief, the effectiveness of the coating increases. Therefore, the food will burn even less. This is due to its minimal contact with the heated surface.

Rules of care

When discussing how to choose a frying pan with a Teflon bottom, you should say at least a few words about the operation of the product. It’s unlikely that anyone would want caring for a frying pan to be a hassle. It is well known that non-stick Teflon coating is not friendly with metal objects. Accordingly, you can stir food only with a plastic or wooden spatula. It is also not recommended to overheat such a frying pan. Under the influence of high temperatures, the coating can simply... evaporate. Of course, this happens gradually. In addition, the process is accompanied by the release of compounds that are dangerous to human health. It is also possible that the coating may crack.

Cooking temperature

Medium to low heat is best for cooking in a Teflon pan. There is also information that the operation of such products is best done on gas stoves. This is due to the fact that their heating temperature is lower. Currently, most modern frying pans are equipped with a thermospot. As a rule, it is located at the bottom of the dish. The thermospot shows the user exactly when to put food in the pan. If it turns dark red, then the heating temperature is about 180 degrees.


You should also note that you should not use a frying pan with a damaged Teflon coating. This product must be thrown away. You need to pay attention to the fact that such dishes need to be changed periodically. The thing is that Teflon will not retain its properties forever. Speaking about how to choose a frying pan, it should be noted that it is not advisable to purchase products with a thin bottom and walls.

It is believed that such a purchase will be useless. It is recommended to choose dishes with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm. You should also take a closer look at the double steel bottom. It is considered ideal option. Pans with a cellular Teflon coating can last up to five years. Please note that this period is maintained only with proper use. The durability of a future purchase can be judged by the rough and thick layer of Teflon.

Aluminum products

This metal is considered “winged”. This is due to its widespread use in aircraft manufacturing. Pans are also made from this material. They have their advantages and disadvantages. Experienced housewives include high thermal conductivity and lightness among the obvious advantages of these products. Plus, they are quite cheap. However, in their reviews, women often note that food in such pans burns badly.

It is not recommended to use these products in the oven. In this case, we are again talking about the high “burning” of dishes. In addition, due to stuck-on food residues, aluminum pans are quite difficult to clean. It is also worth noting that such products are susceptible to alkalis and acids.

This pan is very easy to scratch. This is due to the softness of the metal itself. In this case, when mixing food, it is advisable to use only plastic and wooden devices. In general, according to many housewives, it is not advisable to use aluminum products for preparing serious dishes. As women note, they rarely have to use such pans.

Aluminum products do not like overheating. For example, if the bottom of a frying pan is thin, it can easily change shape. This, as housewives note, happens with most stamped products. The likelihood of warping increases when using an electric stove. When purchasing, it is recommended to pay special attention to the bottom of the pan. It should be no thinner than 5 mm if you plan to use the cookware for cooking meat.

The non-stick coating for aluminum frying pans is most often Teflon, which is also not friendly to high temperatures. In addition, deformation will not benefit the product. Because of this, the coating is damaged. This, in turn, contributes to the burning of food. It is worth noting that even high-quality aluminum frying pans generally do not last very long.

How to choose an aluminum frying pan? In this case, it is recommended to purchase only a cast and not a stamped product. This pan will last longer. It is worth paying attention to the bottom of such containers - it should not be thinner than 4-5 mm. These pans can also be used on electric stoves. They are very easy to distinguish from stamped ones - they are significantly heavier. It is recommended to consult with a consultant before purchasing.

Slab compatibility

Previously, the question of how to choose a frying pan was much easier to solve. It is known that some products can be used on some stoves, but not on others. Previously, there were only two types of appliances in use: electric and gas. Currently, the range of slabs has expanded significantly. For example, induction and glass-ceramic hobs have appeared. Most well-known manufacturers provide their frying pans with appropriate instructions. In this way, it is possible to determine which type of heating is suitable for the product.

For example, any frying pan can be used on gas stoves. On ordinary electric ones you can use everything except stamped aluminum. It should also be noted that in this case the diameter of the product must match the burner. Glass ceramic plates suggest using only those pans that boast a perfectly flat bottom. In this case, all are suitable except the above-mentioned stamped aluminum products. Induction cookers Requires the use of stainless steel utensils. Aluminum products are also suitable, but their bottom is mandatory must be steel. The magnetic effect is very important here.


Frying pans are also divided according to their purpose. There are ordinary products. They are designed for cooking almost any food. There are also special dishes for fish. As a rule, it has an oval or oblong shape. There is a special pan for pancakes (which one to choose will be discussed below). They are equipped with low sides. Some may need a grill pan. How to choose the right one from the presented assortment? First of all, you should accurately determine the tasks that the product will perform.

Grill pan

How to choose a product so that it lasts longer? Firstly, it should be said that such dishes have a square or round shape. The first one is more spacious. The gutters are designed to collect juice. Thus, it evaporates more slowly. Accordingly, the dishes turn out more juicy. That is why many experienced housewives prefer square-shaped products. When choosing, you should take into account the thickness of the walls and coating, the reliability of the handle. Upon visual inspection, the product should not have any defects (chips or cracks).

"Special Purpose"

Many people wonder why buy a pancake pan at all? It is known that in most families they are not baked daily. In addition, you can use a regular frying pan to cook them. However, we note that pancakes will burn much less on special dishes. In addition, they are easier and faster to turn over. How to choose a frying pan? Features of the product include the following:

  1. Low sides (usually no more than 1-2 cm).
  2. Thick and smooth bottom.
  3. Long handle.
  4. Thick walls.

It is best to select one frying pan in which exclusively pancakes will be cooked. Accordingly, you should not use it for other products. Also note that these pans most often have a ceramic coating.

Eco-friendly option

Today, many experienced housewives strive to choose a frying pan with a ceramic coating. What is the reason for this? First of all, as the customers themselves note, when using such a product, there is practically no need to constantly add oil. Women also appreciated the height of the sides of such frying pans. Due to the quality of the material from which the lids are made, steam is reliably retained inside the product.

Additional Information

How to choose a ceramic frying pan? Buyers should take into account a number of nuances. In particular, you should pay attention to the size. It is usually indicated on the packaging. Please note that this refers to the upper diameter. If the stove is electric, then it is necessary to correlate it with the size of the burners. You should not buy a frying pan with a smaller diameter.

This also applies to larger sizes. In this case, the food will burn in the middle and undercook at the edges. It is also recommended to choose the size of the pan according to the number of family members. If many people live in the house, then, accordingly, you should purchase a large and spacious product. For small families, a medium-sized frying pan will be enough. Small dishes are great for heating food. It is recommended to select from the very beginning high-quality model than to periodically buy new products.

Updated: 09/18/2019 23:59:41

Expert: Emilia Arie

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Every year more and more household appliances and utensils appear, which make our lives much easier and reduce time spent in the kitchen significantly. Imagine the surprise of the housewives when they could cook on new types of frying pans without using oil, without fear of damaging the surface and without fear that the food would burn. Everyone was delighted, especially those who adhered to the principle healthy eating. Today there are several types of non-stick coatings. Often, they are developed by the manufacturing companies themselves, patented and used in the manufacture of kitchenware.

Types of non-stick coatings

  1. Teflon. The most common type of coating that is most often applied to aluminum cookware. Its main advantage: you can cook food without using oil, it does not stick or burn, and it comes off easily from the pan. The downside is that you cannot use metal spatulas, otherwise you can damage the coating and it will begin to release components harmful to health. It is worth paying attention to the thickness of the non-stick layer. Modern developers create more durable compounds, which are not subject to damage and retain their properties for a long service life.
  2. Titanium. One of the most durable and wear-resistant coatings is absolutely not afraid of scratches and damage. Even using metal accessories every day, the non-stick layer based on titanium oxide will remain intact and unharmed. This is an environmentally friendly material that is absolutely safe for the health of household members. It has high thermal conductivity, heats food evenly and keeps them warm for a long time. In addition, you can completely exclude oil and water and get a fried crust or vegetables stewed in their own juice. The downside for buyers is the rather high cost of dishes with such a coating.
  3. Ceramic. Eco-friendly and safe coating has good performance characteristics. You can fry or stew any dish without using oil. It is not afraid of steel spatulas and spoons, and even metal cleaning sponges will not harm the surface. But it is still worth protecting the dishes from falls and sudden temperature changes, which can lead to cracks and chips. Otherwise, ceramic coated pans will not disappoint. Many people like to use different colors in design and a relief bottom, which makes the dishes brighter and more attractive.
  4. Marble. Adding marble chips to coatings improves their quality. The cookware distributes heat more evenly, creating volumetric heating of food. After cooking, the dish cools more slowly, retaining the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. Pans are less susceptible to deformation and damage, are environmentally friendly and harmless to health. Another advantage of the “stone” coating is its noble appearance, thanks to which the dishes look stylish and expensive and are appropriate in any type of kitchen interior.

Our experts, based on reviews from real consumers, have compiled a rating of the 11 best non-stick frying pans that received the highest ratings for quality, convenience and durability.

A little advice from our experts will help you choose wisely, use and care for cookware with a non-stick layer.

  1. If you have an induction hob, be sure to ask your consultant about the possibility of using a frying pan on such a surface.
  2. The more layers of non-stick coating, the longer the cookware will last.
  3. If the model is intended to be used in an oven, then the handles with silicone pads or bakelite should be removable or made of steel.
  4. Thick bottom promotes even heating and storage beneficial properties products.
  5. By definition, dishes with a protective layer cannot be very cheap. Pay attention to the manufacturer. Well-known brands guarantee the quality of their products.
  6. Read the care instructions carefully. Not all non-stick cookware can be cleaned in dishwasher, some models only manually without use abrasives and hard metal brushes.

Rating of the best non-stick frying pans

Nomination place Name of product price
Rating of the best non-stick frying pans 1 7,093 RUR
2 7,170 RUR
3 2,720 ₽
4 RUB 7,144
5 2,990 ₽
6 2,808 RUR
7 1,611 RUR
8 RUB 2,937
9 RUB 2,106
10 1,962 RUR
11 1,514 RUR

The universal frying pan from the famous German brand AMT is made of cast aluminum with a titanium non-stick coating, which allows you to fry, stew, bake any food and preserves its nutritional properties. It can be used on any heating surfaces, including induction. The handle is removable, so the pan can also be used in the oven.

The 10 mm thick bottom promotes uniform heating and has a prolonged effect, that is, even after turning off the burner, the food remains hot for a long time. The model has two handles: one made of bakelite, the other additional, molded into the body.

According to reviews, the frying pan has improved performance characteristics. In addition, it is easy to wash by hand and in the dishwasher. The proprietary non-stick coating does not scratch and does not lose its properties over time. Customer rating: “excellent”.


  • thickened bottom;
  • suitable for induction surfaces;
  • can be cleaned in the dishwasher;
  • durable non-stick coating;
  • Removable, cool handle.


  • price within 8000 rub.

The brand's frying pan from Denmark is made from high-quality polished steel, which can withstand temperatures up to +400°C. It can be used to cook all kinds of dishes on all types of hobs, and can also be used for baking meat, vegetables and other products in the oven. The patented ceramic layer prevents burning.

The encapsulated bottom distributes heat evenly. Food retains vitamins and healthy elements. The long handle is securely attached to the body using stainless steel rivets.

Buyers noted the appearance of the model, which became a decoration for the kitchen, which distinguishes the Eva Solo brand from others no less famous brands. The Let Slip non-stick layer is resistant to any damage. The pan can be cleaned in the dishwasher. It was especially noted that it is ideal for cooking meat of any degree of roasting. The dish turns out delicious, with an appetizing crispy crust.


  • nice design;
  • can be used in the oven;
  • multi-layer bottom;
  • high-quality ceramic coating;
  • ergonomic handle.


  • cost about 8900 rubles.

The third place in the rating is occupied by an Italian-made frying pan with a diameter of 24 cm, made of food-grade aluminum alloy and coated with a non-stick HardStone marble layer that does not contain nickel and perfluoroctanoic acid. The company does not use components harmful to health, therefore all utensils are safe and meet Russian and international standards quality.

The long handle with Soft Touch coating is comfortable during cooking; it does not heat up and does not require the use of oven mitts. The frying pan can be used on any type of stove. The 7 mm thick bottom ensures uniform heating and preservation of all the beneficial properties of the products.

Buyers noted the light weight of the model and its versatility. You can both fry and stew a variety of foods in a frying pan. It is easy to clean after use, but it is not recommended to clean it in dishwashers.


  • superior quality aluminum alloy;
  • “expensive” design;
  • heat-insulating comfortable handle;
  • long service life.


  • not for use in the oven.

In a round frying pan with a diameter of 30 cm you can prepare a variety of dishes for a large family or a group of friends. The stainless steel from which it is made is reliable and durable. And the internal Teflon coating protects against food sticking and extends the life of the cookware.

The beveled sides help ready-made dishes slide out easily, which is why the model is used for making omelettes, frying meat and fish, and stewing vegetables. The long handle is attached by welding. The frying pan can be used in the oven up to a heating mode of 260°C, as well as on all cooking surfaces without exception.

All users noted the volumetric heating of products, which is obtained through the use of 3-layer wall technology: steel - aluminum alloy - steel. The frying pan does not rust even after long-term use, the surface is resistant to scratches and chips, and all the customers surveyed liked the nice design.


  • spacious volume;
  • suitable for ovens;
  • anti-corrosion steel body;
  • comfortable shape;
  • can be cleaned in dishwashers.


  • not detected.

In our rating we include a frying pan from the legendary Tefal brand, whose products have rapidly burst into our lives and made it more comfortable and easier. The model is made of forged aluminum. The thickness of the walls and bottom is 4.5 mm. The Titanium Excellence coating is resistant to scratches and other damage. The company's best scientists and engineers worked on its creation for more than 3 years.

The round indicator located in the center of the pan will turn red when the maximum heating temperature is reached. The handle is not removable, is attached with screws, has a comfortable shape and does not conduct heat. The model can be used on all types of slabs.

According to reviews, the frying pan is quickly and easily cleaned by hand, and can also be washed in the dishwasher. It is light in weight, the bakelite handle does not slip out, ready-made dishes slip out when serving on plates without any effort on the part of the hostess. In addition, it lasts for quite a long time and retains all its original properties.


  • durable titanium coating;
  • cool handle;
  • heating indication;
  • a light weight;
  • for all types of surfaces.


  • not detected.

The frying pan looks stylish and presentable thanks to the combination of coffee-brown and silver colors in the design, the special shape of the handle and the company logo printed on the body. The walls and bottom have a thickness of 3.5 mm. The extruded aluminum is coated on the outside with a non-stick layer for easy care of the cookware, and on the inside is coated with a special 3-layer TriTitan Spectrum compound.

It is resistant to all types of damage, so you can use metal spatulas and spoons when cooking. The bottom is microcellular. It preserves the juiciness and freshness of products. The ergonomic handle is made of stainless steel with an anti-slip and heat-resistant silicone pad. It is attached to the body using rivets.

Users noted the particularly durable surface. The pan itself does not deform, the coating remains smooth, without chips or scratches. Another plus is the ability to clean in a dishwasher.


  • stylish design;
  • porous bottom to preserve the juiciness of products;
  • metal spatulas can be used;
  • super durable non-stick coating;
  • for all hobs.


  • not suitable for cooking in the oven.

A worthy place in the ranking is occupied by a frying pan from an Italian brand, which did not go unnoticed among buyers. It is made of aluminum with a special Keravis coating, which prevents food from burning and promotes uniform heating and preserves the beneficial properties of food ingredients. It is scratch-resistant, so you can use metal accessories.

The fixed bakelite handle does not heat up and can withstand temperature regime up to + 160°C, so the frying pan can be used in the oven provided that this requirement is met.

Buyers noted that they purchased this model not only for themselves, but also as a present, since the entire series is packaged in special gift bags. It was noted that it cleans well after cooking, and this can be done manually or in the dishwasher.


  • mesh bottom to improve the quality of dishes;
  • ergonomic handle shape;
  • use of metal blades;
  • reliable ceramic coating;
  • gift wrap.


  • not detected.

A frying pan with a diameter of 28 cm has a wall height of 5.8 cm, making it not only convenient to fry meat and fish, but also to stew vegetables for big family. The model is made of cast aluminum; a special composition with marble chips is used as a non-stick coating. He doesn't highlight harmful substances when heated, absolutely safe for health. In addition, it prevents food from burning and sticking.

ZENIT 1584 can be used on all types of slabs. It heats food evenly and preserves all its nutritional properties. The massive bakelite handle is fixed, does not conduct heat, and does not slip out during cooking.

After use, the model can be cleaned in the dishwasher without the use of coarse abrasives. All users noted the high quality, long service life, noble design of the frying pan, as well as the ability to cook healthy food without water and salt.


  • safe marble coating;
  • cleaning in a dishwasher;
  • uniform heating around the entire perimeter;
  • high walls;
  • heated handle.


  • not detected.

The next frying pan included in the rating immediately attracts attention with its combination of polished silver stainless steel and a black non-stick interior. Hardtec Teflon layer protects against scratches and damage. It is convenient to store dishes thanks to the shapes that allow you to stack pans and saucepans on top of each other.

The long anti-slip bakelite handle is attached with rivets, does not heat up, can withstand temperatures up to +150°, so the model can be used in the oven, subject to the heating mode, as well as on all hobs, including induction.

According to reviews, I liked the frying pan due to its strict, laconic design, ease of care, light weight, ability to clean in the dishwasher and prepare dishes using various technologies. It was noted that even with daily use, the surface was not scratched or damaged, food did not stick to the walls or burn.

The frying pan is made of cast aluminum with a Teflon non-stick coating. It is very durable, so you can use metal spoons for mixing and spatulas for turning. The handle is removable, does not conduct heat, and has a special hole for hanging.

Buyers appreciated the strength of the model, which does not deform over time, the coating remains even and smooth. It can be cleaned in a dishwasher without the use of harsh abrasives.


  • damage-resistant Teflon coating;
  • thickened bottom for uniform heat distribution;
  • suitable for oven use;
  • removable comfortable handle;
  • Can be washed in the dishwasher.


  • not detected.

The rating is completed by a frying pan from a Russian brand, which combines the best performance characteristics and an affordable price for many buyers. The round universal model is suitable for all types of heat treatment of products, including baking in the oven. High walls prevent food from tipping over onto the hob when turning over.

The frying pan is made from hand-cast aluminum alloy. It has high strength and does not deform over time; cracks, chips and scratches do not appear on it. The 2-layer ceramic coating prevents food from burning and makes it possible to cook dishes without the use of oil, water and salt.

The main handle is removable and made of bakelite, does not heat up during cooking. With the help of an additional handle, it is convenient to transfer dishes from the stove to the dining table or work table. A special feature and undoubted advantage of the model is the presence of a heat-resistant glass lid included in the kit, which eliminates additional expenses.


  • safe non-stick coating;
  • cover included;
  • high thermal conductivity;
  • thickened bottom;
  • wall height 6 cm;
  • budget cost.


  • not detected.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

In today's article we will talk about ceramic frying pans with ceramic coating.

You can increasingly find a ceramic frying pan at home

Below we will look at the main pros and cons. Let's talk about some of the nuances that you should pay attention to when purchasing. We will also list a few the best companies producing ceramic frying pans

Ceramic frying pan - the pinnacle of the evolution of frying pans

The evolution of the development of this item has undergone changes from cast iron to Teflon and then to ceramic frying pans.

People who support should opt for a ceramic frying pan proper nutrition. After all, in such a frying pan you can cook food with virtually no added oil or other fats. Due to the special non-stick effect, they are completely unnecessary.

Some people are mistaken in believing that over time such a coating loses its properties, and the substances that provide the non-stick effect evaporate. The quality of the frying pan remains unchanged for several years.

Such pans are harmful to health. This myth is not true. Since the coating of such a frying pan consists of natural substances, with the addition of clay and silicon (sand), it is therefore completely safe for the human body.

Pros and cons of ceramic-coated pans

Like any item, such pans have their pros and cons.

The advantages include:

  • high resistance to mechanical wear due to the appropriate coating structure (virtually no high-density pores);
  • for the same reason, it becomes possible to use hard blades made of metal or hard plastic;
  • a wide range of frying pans of various colors;
  • it is allowed to use special detergents without causing harm;
  • Dishwasher safe;
  • can be used in the preparation of baby food.

Cooking healthy food

The disadvantages of the frying pan are as follows:

  • high price relative to other types of frying pans;
  • loses its original qualities after prolonged contact with water;
  • very susceptible to sudden temperature changes due to the special physical properties of its coating.

Rating of frying pans with ceramic coating

Let's look at the top 10 best companies producing ceramic frying pans.


One of the undoubted leaders in this industry is the products of the German brand Fissler. Fissler specializes in frying pans for professional cooking. But due to the reasonable price tag, these models are in demand among ordinary buyers. The following characteristics can be noted:

  • individual passport for each frying pan and 5-year warranty;
  • relatively expensive price (from 6,000 rubles);
  • frying pans are made from heat-resistant high-quality materials;
  • when using ceramic frying pans of this brand, there is no need to add oil when cooking;
  • the coating of many models has 2 different layers;
  • Fissler has chosen to make the body of its models from aluminum, which means the pan is lightweight;
  • wear-resistant first layer of ceramic coating;
  • all frying pans have good ergonomics, which creates convenience and safety of use; German developers work on such issues down to the smallest detail.


  • a huge range of models to suit every taste in the price range of 1500-4000 rubles;
  • coating warranty - 2 years;
  • the increased thickness of the walls and bottom of the frying pans (the walls, as a rule, have a thickness of at least 3 millimeters, and the bottom - 5) ensures the safety of the manufacturer’s devices from various deformations due to high-temperature loads;
  • the built-in warm-up indicator, signaling when the 180-degree mark has been reached, is the hallmark of TEFAL;
  • high coating density, increasing the contact area ceramic materials with prepared food, which has a positive effect on its taste;
  • possibility of use .


The Italian manufacturer TVS also occupies a worthy place in our ranking.

What awaits the buyer:

  • increased wear resistance as a result of manufacturing a coating from sand nanoparticles;
  • complete safety for health;
  • increased service life;
  • a varied selection of pan diameters - up to 28 centimeters;
  • There are both models with a price of up to 1,500 rubles, and more expensive ones;
  • pans from TVS, as a rule, are light in weight and easy to care for;
  • the manufacturer does not save on material by making a thick bottom;
  • high-quality materials are not subject to deformation under thermal influences;
  • Resistant to detergents and dishwasher use.

Eco Chic by TVS

Swiss Diamond

Swiss Diamond - Swiss manufacturer. Their frying pans are characterized by the following features:

  • as a result of spraying a ceramic surface with the addition of diamond crystals, the wear resistance of the device is extremely increased;
  • unique patented technology puts these frying pans in a special place;
  • the possibility of maximizing the preservation of the taste of prepared products;
  • the body is made of aluminum alloy with silicon;
  • reliable fastening of handles that are not subject to heat;
  • high price (more than 6,000 rubles).


Here are the qualities of frying pan models:

  • safe due to the low chemical activity of the materials used;
  • thick walls and bottom;
  • possibility of using metal kitchen appliances when cooking;
  • the coating on the outer contour of the frying pan is also made of non-stick material;
  • increased strength and corrosion resistance;
  • reliability of handle fastening.


  • famous for its very easy-to-use devices;
  • a wide range of choices to suit every taste: from miniature models to models with a diameter of 28 cm and raised sides of 7.5 cm, which will accommodate a large number of food at one time;
  • high ergonomics - many models come with 2 replaceable handles;
  • variety of color options.


Domestic manufacturer ceramic frying pans from St. Petersburg - Neva metal dishes. What we have:

  • very attractive price tag - cost about 1200 rubles;
  • can be used in dishwashers;
  • removable handles;
  • slightly susceptible mechanical damage, which allows, among other things, the use of mechanical blades;
  • die-cast aluminum housing;
  • 4 layers.

Frying pan Bergner


  • diameter up to 28 cm;
  • die-cast aluminum housing;
  • manufactures its models with non-removable handles that are not subject to heat;
  • lids are not included with the pans;
  • uniform heating of the surface.


Symphony brand of an Italian company.

  • frying pans have bakelite folding handles;
  • a very large selection of products from the manufacturer;
  • all models have a long service life;
  • reasonable prices (2000-3000 rubles).


Vitesse - a brand originally from France

  • forged aluminum body with a thickness of at least 3 mm;
  • high-quality Eco-Era non-stick coating accompanies all models;
  • the kit always includes a grill, a lid and various cooking utensils;
  • good anti-oxidation properties of ceramic coating - distinctive feature models of this manufacturer;
  • you can use special detergents;
  • heat-resistant handles;
  • pans are not subject to deformation when exposed to high temperatures;
  • Can be used in induction furnaces.

What to look for when purchasing

When buying a frying pan with a ceramic coating, you should definitely pay attention to some important details. A good housewife always chooses a frying pan with them in mind.

Wide range of colors

  • Pay attention to the material used to make the case; it can be different: based on cast iron, stainless steel or aluminum. If the buyer wants the most durable frying pan, then he needs to take a cast iron one. But it has a number of disadvantages - long heating time. Accordingly, it is not suitable for frying pancakes. For which it is better to choose aluminum or steel. Steel coating has no advantages over aluminum. You can take such pans if you are afraid of aluminum fumes.
  • The way the case is made also matters. It can be either cast or stamped. The first option has a longer service life, but a higher price.
  • The thickness of the bottom is essential. The ability of the frying pan to withstand deformation from high temperatures will largely depend on this. The thicker it is, the less susceptible it is to influence. However, with thickness comes weight. Give it meaning.
  • Be sure to study the specifications of your specific model. Also check what is included with the product.
  • Pay attention to the manufacturer, the quality will depend on this. It is better not to particularly trust untested brands. Since the price tag for this type of frying pan is quite high, it would be sad if it deteriorates after a couple of months of use.
  • Please note that many ceramic frying pans are not suitable for use in dishwashers and the use of special detergents. This makes them lose their best properties. Plan how you will use it.
  • Pay attention to the ergonomics of the model. It should be comfortable, the handle should not get hot. Otherwise, using it will only be torture for you. There are good models with replaceable and folding handles, which is important for storage - it does not take up much space.
  • Please pay attention to the presence of operating instructions. You cannot cut food on such items or leave them soaked for a long time; on many models, the use of metal spatulas is not recommended.
  • The number of coating layers matters for such a parameter as durability.

Pay attention to the method of applying the ceramic coating. There are two of them.

The first method is rolling, the second is spraying. Spraying is applied to the finished pan. As a result, the coating is perfectly smooth and is not damaged anywhere. The first method consists of applying a coating to a solid metal sheet, from which the pans are then extruded. As a result of this impact, the coating is subject to deformation, varying porosity and streaks. The Chinese love this way of getting together. As a result, although the item will be inexpensive, its service life is very short.

Another important sign of a high-quality frying pan is the presence of a warranty. In the warranty card, the manufacturer states the minimum service life of its product, which may indicate its quality.

The last detail

Among the reviews from buyers and holders of such household items, you can find many both enthusiastic and skeptical reviews. Some people admire their lightness, non-stick qualities, cooking speed and convenience. Some people don’t like the fact that on such items it is impossible to fully use such cooking methods as stewing or preparing sauces, and the whimsical nature of water and detergents.

This is what a typical ceramic frying pan looks like

If you decide to buy your first frying pan, then opt for a model from a trusted manufacturer in the mid-price range. You will be able to fully appreciate all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of frying pan. You won't regret spending money if you make a bad choice.

It is not recommended to immediately buy a cheap model. Poor quality can negate all the existing advantages and forever discourage you from having such an item at home. Too expensive copies should also not be purchased right away. It would be a pity to lose the money paid due to improper use of this kitchen utensil.

Replacement ceramic frying pan handle

A frying pan is one of the indispensable acquisitions in every home. And really, what is a kitchen without a frying pan? And fry cutlets, and sauté onions, and, at worst, make scrambled eggs - for all these needs you simply need a frying pan. Yes, not just any, but a good one.

And today let's talk about how to choose the right frying pan.

Everyone has probably encountered the problem of too much choice in the grocery departments of supermarkets. And if there is little experience in this matter, then the buyer will be seriously puzzled: which frying pan to choose - coated or uncoated? Lighter or heavier? With a removable handle or will it do just fine?..

Cast iron: reliable, durable - cast iron frying pans

As everyone well knows, frying pans differ primarily in the material from which they are made. Each of us remembers from our grandmother’s kitchen with burnt edges, which produces excellent pancakes. Just a classic of Soviet cooking!

Experts believe that a cast iron frying pan is ideal for cooking foods that require a long heat treatment. Cast iron conducts heat very well, so it gets very hot. At the same time, burning of products to the surface is extremely rare.

This is due to the fact that cast iron is a rather porous metal, so during cooking, a non-stick coating of natural origin - a fat film - forms on the inner surface of the cast iron frying pan.

Another good thing about a cast iron frying pan is that it is completely resistant to acids. You can safely add lemon juice to your food or vinegar essence– nothing bad will happen to the frying pan.

But ultra-modern detergents and cleaning products are contraindicated for such a frying pan, since they remove fat without a trace and destroy the natural protection of the frying pan.

If you ask your grandmother, she will tell you that . As a rule, it is wiped after use, or the heated one is rinsed with plain water, then wiped dry.

What other precautions do you need to know to ensure that a cast iron frying pan serves faithfully for many, many years?

The first and most important thing is not to store cooked food in it. Second, do not leave any remaining water in the pan.

The only downsides to cast iron frying pans are, perhaps, weight and... fragility. Yes, strange as it may seem, cast iron often breaks when dropped.

If you opted for a brand new cast iron frying pan in the store, then remember: you can’t fry anything in it on the first day without special preparation.

The dishes must first be washed well, dried, and generously greased. internal surfaces oil and ignite in this form over a fire or in the oven for about an hour.

Now, after the formation of that very protective fat film, you can cook food in a cast iron frying pan!

Steel Aged - Stainless Steel Pans

A frying pan made of stainless steel is an option for lovers of tasty and healthy food. Why? The answer is simple: stainless steel is smelted in such a way that it does not interact with any other materials at all. Consequently, the taste of products cooked in such a frying pan does not spoil, and various oxides do not enter the human body.

The only thing bad that can happen to it is the colored stains that appear on careless housewives if they forget empty dishes on the fire.

The lightest - aluminum pans

It is known that aluminum is the lightest metal known to us. In this regard, a logical question arises: is it correct to use it for making frying pans?

On the one hand, such products are extremely light (even a guilty husband will not face the risk of going to hospital if he gets hit on the head by his missus), conducts heat well and is very inexpensive. On the other hand, everyone knows that frying food in such a frying pan is like flour. The food will certainly burn and be thrown away. You cannot use such a frying pan when baking in the oven: the food will stick, and you won’t be able to wash the dishes afterwards.

The disadvantages of aluminum frying pans also include the low acid and alkali resistance of this metal.

You can only turn and stir food during cooking in such a frying pan with a wooden spatula, otherwise the surface will be scratched. You cannot overheat aluminum - in this case, the dishes will become deformed.

When choosing an aluminum frying pan, carefully look at the thickness of the bottom: it should be at least 5 mm, especially if you plan to use the pan for frying meat. Also pay attention to this factor if you take aluminum cookware with Teflon coating. Any curvature of the bottom of the pan can lead to damage.

There is an option to buy not stamped, but cast aluminum frying pan. Such a product will be more reliable in operation due to thicker walls and bottom.

But in general, there are no long-livers among aluminum frying pans. Only if you use them once a week and only a short time. For example, to cook scrambled eggs on Saturday morning.

Guest from America - Teflon frying pans

This continent gave us not only coffee and tobacco, but also Teflon.

In the 1930s American specialists a large chemical enterprise was withdrawn the new kind ethylene based polymer.

The new material turned out to be thermo-, acid- and alkali-resistant. And it received a market name - “Teflon”, since its chemical name - polytetrafluoroethylene - is too bulky and completely inconvenient for mere mortals.

And just a few years later, the new polymer had its finest hour - it began to be used in the production of kitchen utensils. In particular, Teflon-coated frying pans are so beloved by housewives that the price of such products sometimes skyrockets.

Modern aluminum or steel frying pans are often coated with Teflon.

The advantage of Teflon is that it allows you to fry any food well without sticking.

True, some manufacturers also claim that such miracle frying pans can be used to cook “without fat, water and salt,” but this, of course, is nothing more than an advertising gimmick.

If vegetables rich in moisture can still be fried in a Teflon frying pan like a grill, then it will be much more difficult to cook fish and meat without adding oil.

Therefore, when buying a frying pan, you need to think about whether it is suitable for your type of stove.

As we already wrote above, if there is gas stove, then the housewife can safely use any type of frying pan.

If it’s a regular electric stove, then you can buy everything except aluminum ones made using stamping. But you need to use frying pans in proportion to the diameter of the electric “pancakes”.

If the kitchen has glass ceramics, then only pans with a flat bottom are suitable. Do not use stamped aluminum cookware.

If you use an induction panel, then the ideal option for you would be aluminum or stainless steel frying pans with a steel bottom.

Purpose and reason

Agree, in the kitchen you can’t get by with just one frying pan. Every housewife – and even more so the chef! – there is a clear division of which frying pan is intended for what.

Sometimes there are standard round frying pans - for all types of cooking. They are good for frying vegetables, preparing side dishes, frying cutlets and meat.

For fish, many people buy special oval-shaped dishes.

For baking pancakes, there are pancake pans - these are round frying pans with low walls and a non-stick coating.

There are also grill pans on sale, which come in both round and square shapes. They have a very ribbed bottom, and the juice released by the food accumulates in the gutters, as a result of which the dish turns out juicier than when cooked under normal conditions.


The modern world knows many manufacturers of frying pans and many non-stick coatings.

Therefore, before buying kitchen utensils, you need to know exactly for what purpose you need a frying pan and on what stove it will be used.

The same Teflon - it can be applied directly to the multilayer bottom of a steel base, or it can be part of a non-stick ceramic coating, which is safer from the point of view of the environment and human health.

A product in a supermarket may even indicate such know-how as “granite coating”, but we do not recommend buying such copies - the likelihood that you will not come across a fake is too small.

It is important to look at the brand of the product: large concerns use advanced technologies in production, which significantly improves the properties of the cookware and is directly proportional to its price.

If you can’t buy an expensive branded frying pan, then pay attention to middle-segment manufacturers, in particular domestic goods. Thus, in hardware departments and stores you can find a good frying pan with a non-stick coating in the price range from 500 to 1500 rubles, while European brands will cost 3-5 times more. But resist the temptation to buy dishes for 100 rubles on the “lying” market. Such a frying pan will not last long for you, and besides, it may turn out to be unsafe.

Happy shopping!

The taste of food directly depends on the container in which it is prepared. Especially when it comes to such a familiar kitchen tool as a frying pan. And it seems that, despite the fact that on the modern market there are a lot of options for models, sizes and shapes of such kitchen tools, sometimes it is not at all easy to make a choice among this variety. Therefore, so that you do not get into trouble and purchase a quality product, we will present you with a rating the best manufacturers frying pans, which have earned their popularity among both modern housewives and professional cooks.

What do you need to know when going to the store to buy a frying pan?

Before purchasing this or that model of frying pan, it is very important to decide in advance on some requirements that this kitchen tool must meet:

  • Bottom thickness. The uniformity of heating of products and the quality of their cooking over low heat directly depend on this indicator. Therefore it should not be too thin. The best model would be one with a bottom thickness of 5-6 millimeters.

Important! The pan with the thickest bottom is considered to be cast iron, where its thickness is at least 1.5 centimeters. This tool will be ideal for stewing foods.

  • Pen. It should not be too light, thick, thin or heavy. It should be smooth, fit well in the palm of your hand, and most importantly, comfortable. Therefore, before purchasing, always take the frying pan in your hands and hold it, thereby testing its quality.

Important! Try to pay attention to models with a removable handle. In them you can not only fry and stew, but also finish cooking the dish you have prepared in the oven.

  • Type of coverage. Today, stores offer a huge variety of models of different price categories and types of coverage. It can be enameled, marble and even pearl. But these are all marketing gimmicks. Try to pay attention to. It will satisfy you not only with its quality, but also with a very affordable price position.

Important! If you plan to cook too much, then you should purchase the titanium-coated option. Of course, such a frying pan will cost much more, but it will also serve you for many years.

  • Form. The huge assortment of pancake makers, stewpans and grills will confuse everyone. Therefore, initially decide for what purpose you need a frying pan, and based on this, make your choice.

Top 10 best frying pan manufacturers

We present to your attention a rating of the best manufacturers of frying pans who make products for both home and professional use. Their models meet all quality criteria and also meet all necessary standards and norms.


This famous French brand is the undisputed leader of the entire rating. Its products are not only of high quality, but also affordable.

The pans from this manufacturer are coated with unusual Teflon, such as PowerGlide, Titanium Pro, Titanium Excellence, Prometal Pro. These are modern coatings that the company is constantly improving, making them as resistant as possible to various types of influences. Tefal brand frying pans allow you to cook food without using various fats and oils, they are easy to clean and can withstand high temperatures.

Important! The hallmark of this brand is the Thermo-spot indicator, which signals that the pan is hot enough and ready for frying.

The advantages of Tefal brand products include:

  • Safety and reliability of the materials used;
  • Uniform heating and cooking of food;
  • Stylish and modern design.

Important! The main disadvantage of Tefal frying pans is that the paint fades quite quickly on glossy models.


The products of this brand come from Kazan. These are high-quality frying pans that meet all European standards, and at the same time have a fairly budget price position. Their models are covered with ceramic, non-stick and decorative coatings.

Important! Frying pans of this brand can last more than 10 years, even with active use.

The main advantages of the Kukmara brand are:

  • Large assortment of different models;
  • Quality and durability of products;
  • Low price.

Important! As for the disadvantages, Kukmara brand products are quite finicky and require careful care.


This is a Ukrainian company that produces cast iron and aluminum cookware with and without modern coatings. Their pancake pans, stewpans and roasting pans were especially popular.

Important! Frying pans of the Biol brand are equipped with wooden or non-heated silicone removable handles, thanks to which they can not only be used for cooking in the oven, but also stored compactly.

All materials used in the manufacture of Biol brand products are environmentally friendly and safe. Budget and accessibility add special attractiveness. The advantages include the thickening of the bottom and the practicality of the product.

Important! As for the disadvantages, the ceramic coating in Biol brand frying pans is very thin, so it quickly loses its properties.


Despite the fact that Rondell was originally a German brand, which was later bought by the Chinese, the quality of its products has not changed, but remains at its best. Frying pans of this brand are widely used by chefs and are professional kitchen equipment. Product lines include models made of aluminum and stainless steel with non-stick coating.

Important! The main characteristic of high-quality Rondell frying pans is a stamped three-layer bottom, which promotes uniform heat transfer, as well as overly long and heavy handles, which are not always convenient to use.

The advantages of Rondell brand products are:

  • A large assortment of frying pans of various shapes and models;
  • Resistance to temperature influences of the coating;
  • Safe materials used in manufacturing.

Important! The main and quite significant drawback is the overpriced price.


This brand produces thick-walled frying pans that are not subject to wear and deformation. In addition, the manufacturer not only promises, but is also responsible for the quality of its products by providing a long-term warranty. For example, the “Almaz” and “Titanium” series are guaranteed for 3 years, and for models of classic frying pans with non-stick coating - 1 year. Therefore, the brand deservedly takes its place in the ranking of the best frying pan manufacturers.

Important! Consumers wrote in their reviews that after the protective coating wears out, Neva-metal cookware does not lose its functional qualities and cooks food on the same high level.

The advantages of the brand include:

  • High quality of products;
  • Abrasion-resistant coatings;
  • Safety of materials used for manufacturing.

Important! The main disadvantage is the rather meager range of models.


This is a German manufacturer that produces quite expensive products. Unfortunately, precisely because of the price, it is not available to everyone. However, the quality of frying pans from this brand is also at such a high level, so each product has not only a 5-year warranty period, but also its own passport.

The advantages include:

  • A huge variety of lines and models;
  • Modern stylish design;
  • High level of product quality;
  • Safe materials used in production.


This is the absolute dream of any housewife, as this Italian brand produces high-quality products at affordable prices. The pans of this brand have non-stick properties, distribute heat evenly, making the cooking process much faster. Among the most popular coatings used to make TVS frying pans are granite, ceramics, and titanium. Their products have received many quality standard certificates and diplomas in various competitions.

The advantages include high quality and convenience, as well as the safety of the materials used.

Important! As for the disadvantages, TVS brand frying pans are equipped with rather heavy handles in relation to the disproportionately small weight and diameter, which leads to the tilting of the entire tool.

Swiss Diamond

This is a Swiss brand that produces high-quality frying pans with a fairly impressive service life. They are based on cast aluminum with the addition of silicon, and inside there is a diamond coating. Therefore, the products of this brand are one of a kind, as they are the author’s patented invention.

Swiss Diamond frying pans are considered the most durable among all possible options, and due to the large assortment of different models and shapes, you have the opportunity to choose dishes for a separate dish.

Important! The main disadvantage of such pans is the rather high price.


An international brand that produces high-quality dishes with an individual designer coating, resistant to various influences, and a stylish modern design.

Important! You can clean Gipfel brand pans with a metal scraper or wash them in the dishwasher. They are of such high quality that they simply cannot be damaged.

Most models are made from cast aluminum, cast iron, and stainless steel. The advantages of cookware from this brand include:

  • High quality products;
  • Unique author's coating;
  • Resistance to various types of deformation;
  • Thick walls help retain heat.

Important! The main disadvantages are the rather high cost of production, poor quality of handle fastening, which becomes loose over time.


This brand produces budget products, but manufactured in accordance with modern technologies. It is represented by aluminum frying pans with a ceramic coating, which can be found in almost any hardware store. Despite their simplicity and low price point, the range of frying pans from this brand is extensive, so you can choose a model that is both universal and for preparing individual dishes.

In the rating of manufacturers of the best frying pans, we have provided you with all the positive and negative qualities of their products. Therefore, we hope that we could help you figure it out and choose exactly the right one. trademark, whose products will meet all your needs and requirements, and will also become a reliable assistant in the cooking process.