How to clean the kettle from scale with citric acid, Coca-Cola and other improvised means? Cleaning an electric kettle from scale at home How to clean a kettle from scale.

  • 18.05.2019

Health 05.02.2017

Dear readers, every housewife always keeps her kitchen clean. There is always enough to worry about. Today we will discuss important point, which should not be missed - we will clean our kettles. How often do we open the lid, look, and what happens there? And even if you have wonderful filters installed, you use purified water, these problems still arise from time to time.

I propose to talk about how to safely, effectively and quickly descale the kettle at home using the tools that are in every home. And to begin with, I propose to discuss why we all need to pay special attention to this.

Why you need to get rid of scale

I am sure that seeing a plaque on the dishes, each of us understands that this is not good and tries to get rid of it. It is not always possible to get the desired result the first time. Yes and purchased funds, which are used to combat scale, can harm our health no less than her own. Therefore, today we will consider safe ways cleaning the kettle, which are all inexpensive.

What is scale and why is it harmful? Most of us use running water to make tea or coffee, which can be hard due to the concentration of salts in it. When water is heated, salts decompose into carbon dioxide and a precipitate that does not dissolve, but is deposited on the walls of the dishes. Over time, a decent layer of plaque forms.

If the dishes are not cleaned on time, this will lead to the fact that it will take more time to heat the water in it. The reason for this is flying. It settles on the material from which the dishes are made, and due to this, its thermal conductivity is lost.

Plaque in the kettle is salts, insoluble metals and harmful impurities. If they enter the body regularly for many years, a person may develop gout, osteochondrosis, and stones will appear in the urinary system. In a word, all this is reflected in our health.

How often should our kettles be cleaned?

It is enough to carry out such cleaning once a month. The simplest citric acid will help us prevent the appearance of plaque. To do this, it is enough once a month (if the water is of medium hardness and once every two weeks if the water is hard) to boil a kettle completely filled with water with a tablespoon of citric acid.

How to descale a kettle quickly and effectively

There are many ways to clean the kettle from plaque at home. But are they effective? Today we will consider several of them, we will figure out which ones are suitable for electric kettles and which ones are for ordinary ones. What are the pros and cons of each method?

Cleaning the kettle with citric acid

Fits for simple and electric kettles made of stainless steel or glass
It is forbidden
pros: efficient and economical way.
Minuses: Citric acid can only be used when it is required to clear small scale.

How to descale a kettle citric acid? To do this, fill the kettle to 2/3 cold water and add citric acid with the calculation of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Boil water with citric acid and wait until it cools down. This may take 2 hours. Pour out the cooled water. If the plaque is not old, did not have time to eat into the surface, then it will disappear on its own. Otherwise, you need to make more efforts - rub the places where the plaque remains with a soft sponge, and if necessary, repeat the procedure.

After the kettle shines clean again, fill it with water, boil it and pour it out, then wash it thoroughly. I myself do this procedure usually 2-3 times. Now you can fill it with fresh water, boil and brew your favorite drink.

Be careful. Do not pour citric acid into hot water, because a reaction may follow (the acid will begin to hiss and foam).

How to remove scale in the kettle with lemon?

Fits for simple and electric kettles made of stainless steel or glass.
It is forbidden use for metal, enameled teapots.
pros: removes plaque of any degree, gently affects the surface of the dishes.
Minuses A: only if you feel sorry for the lemon on such a procedure.

How to descale a kettle with lemon? Cut the lemon into small slices and put in a kettle, fill it 2/3 with water and put on fire. When the water boils, you can reduce the fire and “boil” the lemon for half an hour, let it brew until it cools completely. Then the water is drained, the remaining scale is removed with a soft sponge. In my opinion, one of the most pleasant ways to clean the kettle.

Cleaning the kettle with vinegar

Fits for metal teapots.
It is forbidden use for electric kettles.
pros: effective and easy way.
Minuses: bad smell, to eliminate old scale, the procedure will need to be carried out several times.

How to descale a kettle with vinegar? Pour water into it, as in the previous case, by 2/3, and table vinegar with the calculation of 0.5 cups per liter of water. You can replace vinegar with vinegar essence. It needs to be taken less, with the expectation of 3 teaspoons per liter of water. Boil the water, let it brew for an hour and drain it.

Old plaque will not go away on its own, so be prepared for the fact that you will need to rub some places with a soft sponge. After the dishes are cleaned, fill them with clean water and boil it. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

When boiling water with vinegar, you may encounter bad smell. Therefore, deciding to use this method, make sure that the room is well ventilated.

Kettle cleaning soda

Fits for ordinary, enameled and electric kettles.
pros: safe, affordable, very cheap way, with which you can get rid of old scale.
Minuses: May cause scratches on the surface, in order to get rid of stubborn scale, it will be necessary to carry out the procedure several times.

How to remove scale in a kettle with baking soda? Take half a teapot of water, add a tablespoon of soda, put on fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat and let the water boil for 20-30 minutes. Turn off the kettle and wait for the water to cool, then drain it and wash the inside of the kettle well.

Clean the kettle with vinegar and baking soda

Fits for metal and enamel teapots.
It is forbidden apply to electric kettles.
pros: accessibility, simplicity and efficiency.>
Minuses: Bad smell.

How to remove scale in a kettle with vinegar and soda? Fill the kettle with water 2/3, add soda at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of water. Bring it to a boil and boil for 30 minutes. Pour the boiled water and draw a new one, but now add 0.5 cups of vinegar per liter of water to it, bring it to a boil again and boil for half an hour.

After draining the water, walk with a soft sponge in places where plaque remains, if necessary. Then rinse the dishes well.

Vinegar, baking soda and citric acid

Fits for all types of kettles, except for electric ones.
pros: removes old, stubborn plaque.
Minuses: time-consuming, unpleasant odor.

If the kettle is not electric, then, in my opinion, this is the most effective method fight against scale. But it is better not to run the kettle to such an extent that you have to resort to it. In order to clean the kettle, you will need to boil water in it three times for 30 minutes. The first time - with a tablespoon of soda, the second time - with a tablespoon of citric acid, the third time - with a half glass of vinegar. For each case, water should fill the dishes by 2/3.

The use of baking soda, citric acid and vinegar can remove scale of any degree. If she remained in in large numbers on the walls of the dishes, you need to rub this place with a soft sponge. But it is better to refuse the use of hard metal brushes so as not to damage the surface of the dishes.

How to descale the kettle with Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite?

Fits for all types of kettles, except for electric ones. Care must also be taken when cleaning enameled models. The fact is that most drinks contain dyes that can eat into the surface of the dish and ruin it.
pros: effective, affordable method.
Minuses: not suitable for all kettles, dyes can eat into the surface of the dishes.

I think that no one will be surprised by the fact that the drinks that children and adults love to drink so much are used to clean dishes from scale. I’ll deviate a little from the topic, but have you ever thought about what is contained in the composition of these drinks, if they are able to clean plaque, which is not always possible to get rid of with the help of substances with an aggressive composition? Hope most of us wise people. They do not buy these drinks, and even more so do not give them to children.

They contain citric acid, so these drinks can be used to get rid of plaque.

How to descale the kettle with Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite? In order to do this, fill the kettle halfway with one of the listed drinks and put it on fire. Wait for the liquid to boil, turn off the kettle and leave it for 20 minutes, and then pour out the contents and rinse it with water.

Apple or potato peels

Fits for enameled and metal, electric kettles.
pros: availability.
Minuses: does not help to get rid of old plaque.

How to remove hard salt deposits in a kettle using apple or potato peels and is it possible? Apple and potato peels contain acids that can be used to clean dishes from plaque. True, in the case of old scale, this method will be ineffective.

If you notice traces of plaque that have just begun to appear on the dishes, place washed apple or potato peels in it and fill them with water. Boil water and leave it for 2 hours in a bowl. Drain the cooled water, get rid of the cleanings. If necessary, wipe the inside of the dish with a soft sponge, rinse well.

Cucumber pickle and tomato

Fits for all types of teapots.
pros: available medium.
Minuses: bad smell after heating the brine.

It turns out that there are people who use our brine to remove scale in the kettle. To be honest, I would never use it myself. But someone, perhaps, will like it for its accessibility and wastelessness. Well, we all react differently to smells.

You need to use the brine that contains citric acid or vinegar, so remember the recipe for preservation, and if you purchased preservation in a store, look at the label. Acid and vinegar do an excellent job with plaque and rust, which appears from iron salts.

How to get rid of scale in the kettle? Fill a bowl halfway with brine, bring it to a boil, wait for it to cool, and drain. Clean the dishes with a soft sponge, wash well.

And now I suggest watching a video on how to clean the kettle from scale at home.

I do not like different chemistry, so I use natural remedies whenever possible. Of all the above methods for removing scale, I most often use lemon or citric acid and soda. I chose them for myself for the reason that they are always at hand, clean plaque well and are safe for health.

Descaling chemicals

Despite the safety and availability of natural remedies, it is impossible to ignore chemical ones, which are often used by housewives. And it is worth noting that they are also very effective.

Of the most effective and affordable chemicals we can distinguish "Cinderella" and "Antinakipin". Their use is not much different from the natural remedies mentioned earlier. They should also be added to water according to the instructions, boiled, allowed to cool and rinsed well.

How to prevent limescale

In order for the preparation of tea or coffee to bring only pleasure, and not thoughts about how to clean the kettle from scale, let's figure out how to prevent it from appearing. You can do this if you follow some recommendations:

  • Refuse to use tap water, or at least use the one that has settled. Running water is very hard. If possible, install a filter that will soften it. Well if you are using spring or melt water(or buy bottled);
  • Pour as much water into the kettle as you need for one time. No need to re-boil the water, replace it with fresh water;
  • Rinse the dishes every time after or before boiling water. This will allow you to get rid of plaque as it appears.

Now we know how to clean the kettle from scale and prevent its occurrence. I am sure that each of you will choose for himself the appropriate way to deal with plaque, which not only spoils the look of your favorite dishes, but can also harm our body.

Dear readers, what methods do you use to remove scale? I would be glad if you share it in the comments.

The electric kettle has long been an indispensable item in the kitchen. But over time, scale forms in it, which occurs regardless of the quality of equipment, frequency of use and other objective factors. Plaque disrupts the operation of the device and provokes the appearance of an unpleasant smell of water. To avoid such negative phenomena, carry out regular cleaning household appliances using chemical means or home methods. How and how to effectively descale an electric kettle at home?

To clean the electric kettle from scale, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Warn all family members that the kettle is being cleaned and that water cannot be drunk from it. If possible, carry out the procedure when no one is at home.
  • To clean the device, pour water into it, add the active substance and boil. Unplug the kettle from the mains and rinse well.
  • Do not use abrasive powders or metal brushes for cleaning. They may damage the kettle.
  • Do not allow a large accumulation of scale - for this, clean the electric kettle at least 1-2 times a month. For the purpose of prevention, use settled or filtered water.
  • To remove stubborn dirt, use several methods in combination.
  • Using household chemicals for cleaning, do not forget to thoroughly wash the appliance to harmful substances did not enter the body.

Citric acid and juice

To clean the kettle, prepare a solution based on 500 ml of water and 1 tbsp. l. citric acid. Pour the resulting mixture into the device and boil. After turning off the kettle, leave it for 15-25 minutes to dissolve old dirt. After the allotted time, rinse the kettle with a soft sponge and clean water.

In a similar way, you can clean the device with a lemon. Add a few slices of fresh citrus to a kettle of water, boil it and wash it. This method will not only get rid of scale, but also give a refreshing lemon aroma.

Baking soda

Soda will help to effectively get rid of scale. Pour 1 liter of water into the electric kettle and add 3-4 tbsp. l. soda. Bring the solution to a boil, let it cool slightly, and then rinse the appliance with clean water.

To get rid of old stains, boil a kettle of baking soda, then pour out the solution and pour in the vinegar. The reaction of alkali and acid will speed up the process of destroying scale and help you quickly get rid of it.

Vinegar and essence

To clean the electric kettle at home, pour water (1.5-2 l) into it and add 100 ml of 6% vinegar or 1-2 tbsp. l. essences. Turn on the kettle, wait for it to boil and leave it for 3-4 hours (with a large amount of scale - overnight). During this time, the vinegar will dissolve the plaque. Then pour out the vinegar solution and rinse the kettle thoroughly with clean running water. The disadvantage of this method is the unpleasant smell of vinegar, which can be eliminated by prolonged ventilation.


It may seem strange to you, but scale can be overcome with the help of carbonated drinks. It is important that the lemonade is colorless, otherwise some elements of the device will be stained.

To remove scale, shake the soda and pour 1 liter into the kettle. Bring the lemonade to a boil and leave to cool completely. The scale will completely dissolve and be removed due to the phosphoric acid contained in the drink. If the contamination is not strong, simply pour the soda into the kettle and leave for several hours (without boiling), and then rinse with a soft sponge and clean water.

Oxalic acid

Oxalic acid can also cope with scale. Pour a small amount into the kettle and fill with water. Boil the solution and leave it for a few minutes, then remove the remaining scale with a soft sponge. You can also use fresh sorrel for cleaning, but due to the low concentration of acid in it, you will need to repeat the procedure.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals will help get rid of scale in an electric kettle. The range of funds will allow you to choose the most suitable option, which will effectively remove plaque. The most popular remedies are Antinakipin, Descaler, Major Domus.

Before use, carefully read the instructions and follow all the steps with strict adherence to the dosage and recommendations. After treating the kettle with household chemicals, rinse it well, and to remove chemical residues, boil clean water in it at least 3-4 times.

Scale in the kettle worries every housewife. She not only spoils appearance device, prevents water from boiling faster, but also leads to breakage. Also, scale is extremely dangerous for the body, as it interferes with the normal functioning of the kidneys and excretory system.

Using filtered water, you will postpone the problem for a while, but someday scale will still form and you will have to remove it. Therefore, advice on how to do this without damaging the heating element will always come in handy.

Rules for operating an electric kettle

But first, let's talk about what will prevent it from forming quickly and extend the life of your kettle:

  • do not boil the same water several times, it is bad for your health;
  • do not put the device to warm up if it is less than half full;
  • make sure the lid is tightly closed;
  • do not allow various objects to get inside the kettle;
  • don't brush it hard abrasives or metal sponges;
  • do not touch the heating surface, do not try to clean it mechanically;
  • do not clean the electric kettle with soda, it will stain the walls;
  • Descale at least once every two weeks.

If you did not know about the rules for using the kettle before, now remember them and follow them. Then it will serve you much longer than its lifespan.

Household chemicals stores can offer you special means, helping to clean the inside of the device from deposits, but do not rush to purchase them. The composition of such powders contains a lot of chemistry, which is dangerous to health when it comes into contact with the skin and in the body. You better try folk methods, which are also effective, but, moreover, and safe.

table vinegar
The most popular method is to use vinegar. Dilute it with water 1 to 10 and pour it into the kettle to the middle. Let it boil and leave for 15 minutes. Then repeat the procedure two or three more times and rinse the kettle well. If scale particles remain on its walls or heating element, fill new water with vinegar and do the whole process again. But next time, don't let it get to that point.

When cleaning is completed, fill with plain water and boil the kettle. Pour out, fill in a new one and substitute it again to warm up. Water poured for the third time can already be drunk without fear that the vinegar remains in the kettle.

Lemon acid
Another cleaning method is the use of citric acid. Dissolve 20 gr. powder per liter warm water and pour into the device. Leave to act for 4 hours and then drain. After that, evaluate how clean your kettle is. If there are traces of scale on it, then pour diluted citric acid again.

In the case when the scale layer is several millimeters, this method will not work. We'll have to do it differently. Pour the solution and heat it several times. After citric acid, it is enough to boil the kettle with clean water only once.

Cleaning with vinegar and citric acid
If you have never cleaned your kettle before and have a decent layer of scale build up on it, then try the method below. Pour a solution of vinegar with water into the device, boil it and leave to cool. Then drain and fill with diluted citric acid. Bring to a boil again and wait until the water is cold. Alternate these techniques three times, and then, if all the scale has not been removed, carefully scrape it off with a sponge.

Instead of these solutions, you can use strained cucumber brine. It also contains vinegar and citric acid. Just pour it into the kettle and boil. Then rinse well inside appliance and boil the water empty once.

Can be cleaned electric kettle with soda. To do this, boil water in it, and then add 3 teaspoons of soda to it and mix well. After half an hour, drain the solution and repeat the whole process. At the end of cleaning, do not forget to boil water without additives once and drain it. This will help get rid of soda residue on the walls.

Do not try to remove scale with undiluted soda powder, it has harsh abrasive properties and will scratch the surface of the heater. If boiling does not help, add one tablespoon of acetic acid in addition to it. When the soda begins to extinguish, it will dissolve even the hardened scale.

The invention of housewives knows no bounds, and they go to new tricks to get rid of the hated raid quickly and without extra costs. Do not repeat their mistakes and do not waste your time on useless activities, in this case it is better to purchase antiscale.

coca cola or sprite
To some, this method may seem effective, but do not flatter yourself with illusions. Citric acid, which is in the composition of each of these drinks, helps to cope with plaque. Only its pure powder is several times cheaper than sweet water and does not have dyes and harmful preservatives.

Cleaning and peeling

Another example of the reckless use of food for household purposes. Some housewives offer to throw apples, pears and even potatoes into the kettle. But for electrical appliances, this method is not only useless, but also harmful.

The fact is that the main substance that dissolves scale is again acid, but it is contained in a minimal amount that does not affect the result. In addition, if a foreign object gets on the heating surface, it will ruin it.

Take care of your kettle, clean it in a timely manner using the methods described above, do not leave water overnight, use only filtered water, and then it will last a long time. Don't forget that clean kitchen appliances is the key to your health.

Video: how to descale the kettle in 3 minutes

Look inside your favorite pot for boiling water for tea and you will see white streaks, deposits on the walls. Any electric kettle will accumulate a layer of lime over time if it is not regularly cleaned. This plaque contains hard deposits of minerals when hard water is used, which does not pass through the filter. "Crust" on the walls impairs the operation of heating devices, is harmful to health. After reading the material, you will learn how to remove salt from inside electric and other tea utensils using traditional folk remedies.

How to remove scale in a kettle

To clean it from mineral plaque, especially if this dish is used daily, it is imperative to systematically. The formation of deposits depends on the quality of the water used: if it is hard, then a layer of mineral plaque and lime will form on the walls much faster. How to wash the kettle from scale? There are various tried and tested home tricks to help remove these mineral deposits. Baking soda, vinegar, cola, citric acid, household products work to eliminate this problem.

How to clean a kettle with citric acid

How to remove scale in a kettle using citric acid? It cleans metal brewing, plastic, glass products. In order to clean, you will need to boil half a liter of water, adding 2 large tablespoons of citric acid there after boiling. Wait a couple of hours for the water to cool. Removal of the "crust" on the walls, cleaning will occur on their own. It rarely takes a little help with this solution to successfully fight plaque. After that, boil clean water again inside, drain it. Your tea will become tastier and your health will not suffer.


How to clean the kettle from scale using specialized cleaning products from the household chemicals departments of stores and supermarkets? With their help, you can wash a product made of stainless steel or any other material. To find out if a cleanser is right for you, read the label carefully before buying. After purchasing the product, you only need to strictly follow the attached instructions. As a rule, you need to boil water, add powder, cool this solution, drain it and wash it well with clean water, boiling it a couple of times.


Try an effective, inexpensive way to descale your kettle with vinegar. It is aggressive, so the method is suitable for removing heavy mineral deposits. It is used for tea utensils made of glass, plastic, metal. To carry out the removal of plaque, you will need to pour half a liter of water, boil, add a glass of 9% vinegar, leave for an hour so that the process goes arbitrarily. Sometimes you need to walk along the walls with a sponge. An important condition is to thoroughly rinse the heating device from vinegar after the procedure, then boil it a couple of times with clean water.


Clear enamel teapot, aluminum cookware soda will help folk remedy from scale, which is easy to find in retail and it costs a penny. This will require 500 ml of water and a tablespoon of soda ash. If the mixture does not cover all limescale, then increase the amount of water with soda. Bring the resulting solution to a boil and cook it over low heat for half an hour. To enhance the effect, leave the water with soda to cool there for a couple of hours. If necessary, rub the excess with a sponge, rinse the dishes well and boil clean filtered water there.

How to descale a Coca-Cola kettle

Try in practice another extraordinary way to fight against mineral plaque, which will require a strong carbonated drink containing citric acid. This option is only suitable for electric heaters. How to clean the kettle from scale, just adding Coca-Cola? First of all, you need to release gases from the drink, leaving it alone with the lid ajar for an hour, pour it into a bowl and boil. Leave to cool for a while, if necessary, rub with a sponge or hard washcloth. Drain the liquid, rinse with clean water.

Video on how to get rid of scale in an electric kettle

The energetic and very nice presenter of the video will popularly talk about the simplest but most effective measures for cleaning electric cookware in order to forget about plaque for a long time. How to remove scale in an electric kettle? If you have such a heating device for making tea, then this video will help. After watching the video, you will understand which tool is suitable for your case. Spend just a couple of minutes of your personal time, but you will understand which is better - soda, vinegar or lemon?

Regardless of the cost and model of the kettle, after some time of operation, a layer of scale appears on its inner surface. Hard deposits not only reduce the efficiency of the device, but also degrade the quality of the water that is heated in it. We will figure out how to remove scale in the kettle with improvised means and industrial preparations.

Before we learn how to remove scale in the kettle at home, let's find out why it forms. Hard deposits are formed due to the fact that when the temperature rises, magnesium and calcium salts dissolved in water break down into carbon dioxide and solid small crystals. As a result, a gray-brown sediment accumulates on the bottom and walls of the kettle.

The consequences of scale formation:

  • a decrease in the performance of electric kettles - sediment on the heating element increases energy consumption, in addition, the device may break as a result of overheating;
  • acceleration of the destruction of the material from which the walls of the container are made;
  • deterioration in the taste of water;
  • the ingress of calcium, magnesium and other substances into the human body - they accumulate in the kidneys, forming solid calculi (sand, stones).

The rate of scale formation in the kettle depends on, the level of which is determined based on the concentration of salts. Before a liquid from natural sources is supplied to the supply system, it is cleaned of excess impurities. But in most regions, the level of water hardness remains very high.

Folk remedies

Scale adheres tightly to inner surface kettle and cannot be removed with a brush or scraper. The only way get rid of the sediment - apply an organic or inorganic acid to dissolve it.

In search of answers to questions about how to descale, as well as how to restore the original appearance of a traditional metal appliance, it is worth remembering the following popular folk remedies:

  • vinegar;
  • citric acid;
  • soda;
  • carbonated drinks and so on.


There are several methods that make it possible to descale the kettle with vinegar, some of them are suitable for electrical appliances, others for traditional ones.

Ways to process a regular teapot:

  1. Pour water into the container and vinegar essence- 2 large spoons per 1 liter. Heat to 70º, reduce heat and hold on the stove for 30 minutes.
  2. Combine in a teapot 1 liter of water and 150 ml of 9% vinegar. Boil for 15-30 minutes. The time should be adjusted depending on the intensity of the descaling process, which can be controlled by periodically opening the lid.

It is undesirable to use vinegar for cleaning electric kettles because of its high aggressiveness. But with a thick layer of scale this method allow. You can process devices whose body is made of metal, glass or plastic.

Action algorithm:

  1. Pour 0.5 liters of water into the kettle. Boil.
  2. Add 200 ml of vinegar (9%) or 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar essence.
  3. Leave the liquid in the kettle for 15-20 minutes. If the scale has not peeled off, bring to a boil and wait 15-20 minutes. Repeat if necessary.

The scale that has fallen off the walls in the kettle, how to remove it with vinegar, which was discussed above, should be removed from the appliance by washing it several times under running water. Then you need to fill the tank to the top, boil and drain the liquid. It is desirable to repeat the action twice. Such a final treatment should be carried out with any cleaning method.

Important: When choosing how to remove scale in a kettle at home, you need to know that when vinegar is heated, the room is filled with a pungent odor. Remove children and pets from it, as well as open the window.

Lemon acid

Considering how to clean the kettle from , we note that this method ideal for electrical appliances. The advantages of the method are safety for coating and the absence of a pungent odor.

Cleaning steps:

  1. Pour 0.75 liters of water (2/3 of the volume) into the kettle. Add 2 tablespoons of acid.
  2. Bring the electric kettle to a boil. The device should turn itself off.
  3. After 15-20 minutes, check the result of cleaning. If the precipitate separates, discard the liquid and rinse under running water.

If a slight scale has formed in the kettle - how to remove it with citric acid? You can heat water, add powder to it and leave the liquid in the device for 5-6 hours. It is advisable to carry out such cleaning every month for prevention. In extreme cases, citric acid can be replaced with lemon juice.


Let's find out how to remove scale in a metal kettle: enamelled, stainless steel or aluminum. It is best to use baking soda or soda ash.

Cleaning methods:

  1. Pour water into the kettle up to the top. Pour soda at the rate of 1 large spoon per 0.5 l. Boil 30 minutes. Drain liquid. Clean off softened plaque with a brush or hard sponge.
  2. Fill the reservoir with water. Pour soda - 2.5 large spoons per 1 liter. Boil 30-40 minutes. Drain liquid. Fill the kettle with water and add vinegar - 4 large spoons per 1 liter. Boil for another 25 minutes.

Consider how to descale the kettle with soda, if it belongs to electrical appliances. It is necessary to fill it with water, boil it and add soda in the proportion of 2 large spoons per 1 liter. After 2 hours, clean the container with a sponge.

Carbonated drinks

When figuring out how to descale the kettle with Coca-Cola, you should pay attention to the fact that the method is not suitable for electrical models. Other drink options are Fanta, Sprite, Schweppes. The last two types of soda are more preferable because they are colorless and cannot stain the surface of the dishes.

The destructive effect of the listed drinks on scale is explained by the presence of phosphoric acid in them. They will not cope with a thick layer of deposits, but they will remove a thin coating without any problems.

Processing steps:

  1. Fill the kettle with drink.
  2. Wait until the gas comes out (all bubbles burst).
  3. Boil.
  4. After half an hour, remove the liquid and wash the kettle.

other methods

When deciding how to descale an enamel kettle, you should consider the following options:

  1. Put in tank washed cleaning from potatoes, apples or pears. Fill with water. Boil. Let stand 1-2 hours. Remove soft deposits with a sponge.
  2. Combine chalk, laundry soap, water and ammonia in proportion 9:2:6:3. Pour into teapot. Boil over low heat for 1.5 hours. Wash under running water.
  3. Pour brine from cucumbers or tomatoes into the kettle. Boil. Wait until the liquid has cooled down. Remove plaque with a brush or sponge.


If a thick scale has formed in an electric kettle - how to remove it and not ruin the appliance? You can resort to industrial facilities. Most often, they contain acids that break down the precipitate.

Popular drugs:

  1. Antiscale by Frau Schmidt - tablets for tea and coffee makers. Composition - sulfamic, adipic and citric acids. Application - boil water in a kettle (3/4 volume), put a tablet, wait 10 minutes, pour out the liquid and rinse.
  2. Cillit is a descaling liquid for coffee makers, kettles and other appliances. Composition - sulfamic and oxalic acids. Application - fill the kettle with water, add the product (50 ml per 0.5 l of water), wait 30 minutes, rinse.
  3. "Antinakipin" from TM "Cinderella" - a liquid for removing scale in teapots, washing machines, electric boilers, coffee makers. Composition - organic and mineral acids. Application - fill the kettle with water, add the agent (60 ml per 1 liter of water), rinse after 2-3 hours.

Note: The products described contain strong acids. The instructions for them indicate which surfaces are not recommended for processing. It is undesirable to use them more than once a month.