How to clean a frying pan from any material from soot. Folk recipes: soda, vinegar and sand

  • 14.06.2019

Soot on kitchen utensils (in a frying pan) is a problem that even the most neat and clean housewives face. Carbon deposits are formed as a result of the burning of fat and soot outside and inside the dishes. It is especially difficult to cope with the soot formed in the pan. This thing is unpleasant both from an aesthetic and from a practical point of view.

If the problem occurred on inner surface, then it is harmful to health, as it is a source of carcinogens. If an unpleasant layer covers the pan from the outside, then it can smoke when the dishes are heated, in addition, it can significantly increase the weight of kitchen utensils, depending on the thickness of the layer.

But before embarking on the procedure for removing this persistent plaque, it is necessary to clearly determine the material from which the pan is made.'Cause the way that's right for aluminum frying pan, can be detrimental to the ceramic surface.

  • Digestion.You will need: a metal washcloth, a capacious pan (a frying pan should be completely placed in it), 2 packs of glue (silicate), about half a kilogram of soda. The saucepan is filled with water, all ingredients are added to it and brought to a boil. A frying pan is immersed in this mixture and “cooked” in this form. from 2 to 8 hours, depending on the degree of contamination. The finally softened layer of plaque is rubbed off with a sponge. This method is good for removing both internal and external cleansing.
  • Vinegar with salt. This method is designed to clean the inside of the pan. At the bottom of the dish is poured: about 3 tablespoons of salt and vinegar is added. Everything is brought to a boil and after a few minutes, half a glass of soda is introduced into the mixture. It is necessary to achieve complete evaporation of the liquid, and then wash off the remaining dirt with water.
  • Digestion with laundry soap. It is necessary to take grated laundry soap (in the amount of two pieces), a pack of soda, half a glass vegetable oil and a glass of glue, as well as a saucepan. The ingredients are mixed in a saucepan with water, brought to a boil. A contaminated pan is boiled in this mixture for several hours until the carbon deposits can be easily washed off the dishes with a brush.
  • Putting the pan in a fire or oven, calcining it in this way for several hours. As an alternative, a blowtorch may also be suitable (just do not forget about safety).
  • Salt. If the layer and the degree of soot are small, then you can use ordinary salt. It must be poured into the pan in an even layer, covered with a wet cloth, allowed to stand in this state for some time (this may take more than one day), and then wipe off the plaque with a sponge.
  • Lemon acid . A simple solution is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of acid per liter of water. This concentrate is boiled together with the pan until the soot dissolves.
  • Household chemicals. In principle, all potent products intended for cleaning the surfaces of stoves and ovens are also suitable in the fight against soot on dishes, in particular a frying pan. It is not difficult to recognize such funds; as a rule, the words “fat remover”, “plaque remover”, “anti-fat” appear in their names. They must be used strictly according to the instructions, as these funds can be quite aggressive. Also, after such cleaning, it is necessary to rinse the pan especially carefully.


If the cast-iron pan is new, then it is easier to simply prevent the formation of contamination on its surface.

To do this, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  • Cast iron cookware should be cleaned immediately after cooking, before it has cooled down.
  • Do not wash cast iron dishwasher, you have to do it manually.
  • When using the cast iron pan for the first time, it should be ignited with sunflower oil and then rinsed with water without the use of any means. Only after that you can start cooking.

Do not use metal brushes for cleaning. In order to cope with contamination, simply rinse the pan with water and wipe with a disposable towel.

Cleaning an aluminum pan

For cleaning an aluminum pan, all the same methods as for a cast iron pan are suitable. However, keep in mind that aluminum is more soft material than cast iron, so you should not use metal washcloths or brushes when cleaning it. Cleaning with sand and abrasive powders is not suitable, this must be taken into account when choosing a chemical agent. More suitable remedy in this case will become soda.

It is necessary to cover the wet surface of the dishes with it for an hour, and then gently wipe off the contamination.

Teflon coating

If soot has formed inside the Teflon pan, this means that the non-stick layer has lost its properties. It is undesirable to use such a pan. To clean such a pan from the outside, you need a simple solution detergent. It is necessary to boil the dishes in it. Even easier in this case, use the dishwasher.

What to do with ceramic pan

  • For cleaning, you can use a melanin sponge. It will cope with pollution without harm to the coating of the pan.
  • Boiling in a detergent solution is also suitable.
  • For small dirt, a cotton pad soaked in alcohol will help. Use it to gently clean the surface.
  • Several cycles of washing in the dishwasher on gentle mode will do. The main thing is to make sure that this type of washing is allowed for this particular pan before using the dishwasher.

In the video, how to remove / remove soot from the pan:

Every housewife takes care of her kitchen utensils. However, it is not always possible to avoid unpleasant situations.

One of the common problems is the burning of enameled pans.

Don't run to the store new pot if it did happen. Nagar can be removed with the means that are in every home.

The modern woman has a large supply of detergents. They differ in composition and, accordingly, in action.

Dishwashing liquid: a quick way to clean burns

First of all, you need to use the dishwashing detergent that you use daily at home. For example, Fairy (Fairy).

With it, you can remove stubborn fat and soot. Used for soaking.

To achieve a good result, you need to follow the following scheme:

  1. Pour the heated pot hot water. Add a few drops of Fairy.
  2. Leave at least 1-2 hours.
  3. After the time has elapsed, drain the water and rub gently with a sponge.

Some stains are not easy to remove. Then, after soaking, you need to fill the pan again with water and add detergent. Put on the stove and boil. Then rub again with a sponge.

Or use alternative way. Pour abundantly on Fairy's soot and leave overnight. But it is worth considering that the product must completely cover the stains, otherwise the soot will dry out in the air. Then there will be no effect.

Scouring powders will remove burnt fat

Pemolux and Komet cleaning powders are designed to quickly deal with more severe soot. They are used in separate areas with pollution that could not be removed by soaking. Any of the means is suitable.

Action algorithm:

  1. Wash the pot.
  2. Sprinkle cleaning powder on stains.
  3. Rub the soot with the hard side of the sponge. A metal sponge is not suitable, as it can ruin the coating.
  4. Rinse the pot thoroughly.

Oven cleaners

Applied in advanced cases. There are inopportune moments when the pan can get very burnt, in this case it is worth using products such as Shumanit, Cillit (Silit), etc. It is worth considering that these products are quite aggressive not only in relation to burnt dishes, but also to the skin.

They are quite toxic. Therefore, it is necessary to use gloves and thoroughly wash the pan and sink from the remnants of the product.

The method of application depends on the specific product and is described on the packaging.

Improvised means in the fight against soot on an enamel pan

During cooking, the contents in the pan may burn at any time. But what if there is no suitable household chemicals nearby? In this case, you can use various improvised means. They are not as aggressive and therefore safer. However, not in all cases are effective against severe soot. Therefore, you need to know what and in what cases to use.

Popular remedies to help remove carbon deposits at home

Nagar worries far from one generation of women, so a list of popular remedies has been formed.


There are two ways to remove carbon deposits with salt. They are not inferior to each other in terms of efficiency, so you can choose according to convenience.

First option:

  1. Sprinkle the stains with salt. The soot must be completely covered.
  2. Leave for 3-4 hours.
  3. After the time has elapsed, rub with a damp sponge.
  4. Wash away.

Second option:

  1. Mix liter pure water and 10 tablespoons of salt.
  2. Pour the brine into the saucepan.
  3. Boil for an hour. During this time, the soot will go away, and it will be easy to remove it with a sponge.

Activated carbon

As experience shows, activated carbon is a multifunctional agent used in many areas.

To remove carbon deposits, you need one pack of tablets and a little patience.

  1. Crush 10 charcoal tablets. The powder should be homogeneous and without lumps. If a large surface is contaminated, more tablets will be needed.
  2. Cover with soot powder.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. After the time has elapsed, add water. The amount depends on the degree of contamination. All spots must be under water.
  5. Put the pot on the fire and boil for 30 minutes.
  6. Drain the water and rinse the pot thoroughly.

Lemon acid

It is worth considering that it is citric acid that is needed. Fruit juice may not give the desired result.

  1. Pour a sachet of citric acid into a glass of water (200-250 ml). This amount is enough for a small saucepan. For a larger container, you need 2-3 times more solution.
  2. Pour the solution into a bowl. The whole bottom must be under water.
  3. Pour out the solution. Remove soot with a sponge.
  4. Rinse thoroughly.


Vinegar, like citric acid, is considered one of the most effective means in the fight against soot. However, there is one drawback - an unpleasant smell.

First way:

  1. Mix water and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Pour the solution into a bowl. The bottom must be completely hidden under the liquid.
  3. Boil on low heat for an hour. Be sure to install windows for ventilation so that the smell does not spread throughout the apartment. You also need to cover the pan with a wet cloth and moisten periodically.
  4. Rinse the pan thoroughly with a sponge.

Second way:

  1. Pour vinegar into a saucepan.
  2. Leave for 2-3 hours.
  3. After the time has elapsed, pour out, remove the remnants of soot and rinse thoroughly.


It is considered one of the most gentle cleansers. But you need to apply correctly because of the abrasive. If you follow the scheme, there will be no problems.

First way:

  1. Pour a liter of water into the pan and add half a glass of soda. Mix.
  2. Boil over low heat for an hour.
  3. After the time has elapsed, turn off and leave for a couple of hours.
  4. Rinse the pot well.

Second way:

  1. Apply a little baking soda to a damp sponge.
  2. Gently rub the stains. Try not to hit the sides of the pot.
  3. Rinse with water.

There is also a third method, which is in demand, if necessary, to clean not only the inner walls, but also the outer ones.

  1. Prepare a large container.
  2. Pour six liters of water and pour a pack of soda.
  3. Place saucepan. It must be completely submerged in water.
  4. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Turn off the fire.
  5. Leave for 3-5 hours.
  6. Rinse thoroughly.

Soda-salt mixture

Soda and salt in the complex help to cope even with old and strong soot.

  1. Fill the bottom of the pot with hot water.
  2. Add two tablespoons of rock salt and two tablespoons of baking soda. Mix.
  3. Leave for 24 hours.
  4. After the time has elapsed, boil for 30 minutes over low heat.
  5. Rinse thoroughly.

Coca Cola

  1. Fill the bottom of the pot with Coca-Cola.
  2. Leave for 24 hours.
  3. After the time has elapsed, boil if the soot does not come off completely.

Laundry soap and PVA glue

This mixture helps to cope with multi-layer soot and fat. Even black plaque comes off easily.

  1. Grate 1/3 bar of laundry soap.
  2. Pour four liters of water into the pan, add grated soap and two tablespoons of glue. Mix.
  3. Boil 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse thoroughly.

Medical alcohol, vodka

Helps to cope with small soot. Also, vodka and alcohol remove dark deposits from the walls of the pan after cleaning from soot by other means.

Moisten a sponge or rag with alcohol / vodka and rub the stains.

This video shows how to quickly and effectively clean enamelware.

Less popular means

Not all methods are equally in demand and popular. However, this does not mean that their effectiveness is much lower.


You can also remove carbon deposits by exposure to cold. You need to put the pan in the freezer and leave for an hour. Then remove and rinse cold water. Remove the remaining stains with a sponge.

Kefir, sour milk, curdled milk

Dairy products are not inferior in effectiveness to popular methods. With the application there will be no problems.

  1. Fill the saucepan with the dairy product.
  2. Leave for an hour.
  3. Rinse.

Brine can be used in the same way.

Fruits and vegetables

The peel of vegetables and fruits will help to cope with dark spots. The most commonly used are apples.

  1. Peel vegetables and fruits from the skin.
  2. Place the trimmings in a bowl.
  3. To fill with water.
  4. Put on fire and bring to a boil.
  5. Reduce heat and cook for another 10-15 minutes.
  6. Then remove the pan from the stove, discard the remaining peel.
  7. Rinse the bowl with detergent.


Fresh coffee grounds help in the fight against soot. It is applied according to the following scheme:

  1. cook ground coffee. Collect grounds.
  2. distribute coffee grounds along the bottom of the pot. Pay special attention to stains.
  3. Leave for a few hours.
  4. Rinse with water and rub gently with a sponge.

What is strictly forbidden to do

It is worth refraining from certain measures and actions. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the condition of the pan.

However, there are not many restrictions.

  • use aggressive abrasives;
  • rub with a metal sponge;
  • try to remove carbon deposits with a knife and other sharp and metal objects.

Preventive measures

The appearance of strong soot can be avoided if you follow the basic rules:

  • make sure that the pan does not burn;
  • immediately soak and remove small dark spots;
  • once every two months, soak the bottom of the pan with a solution of citric acid;
  • refuse abrasive and aggressive cleaners that damage the enamel.

A frying pan after frying, a pot with “escaping” broth, plastic containers for packing food for a picnic or lunch - with insufficient care, a hard-to-wash plaque forms on all these kitchen helpers, which spoils and appearance, and the functionality of dishes. But there are several proven ways to clean a pan from old fat, a pot from streaks, and return plastic to its original color. Let's talk about them today.

The main secret proper care simple to the point of banality - dishes should be washed immediately after use. Hot water, a sponge and a fat-dissolving agent are the three pillars on which the perfect cleanliness our pans and pots. Even if you don’t want to wash immediately after a delicious meal, just soak the dishes in warm water with a little detergent to prevent the fat from drying to the walls.

If you wash the pan every time after use, soot will not appear.

On a note! After washing, do not forget to dry the pan or pan with a dry towel - this will help to avoid corrosion, streaks and stains.

But how to clean plastic dishes, the same lunch boxes or thermal containers that we use for picnics, snacks on the road or at work? After all, they are designed for conditions where there is no access to the usual kitchen devices. The answer is simple: immediately after use, remove food and fat residues by rinsing the container with cold water or wiping it with a paper towel. And, of course, do not forget to wash it thoroughly with a cleaning agent when you get to the kitchen. Otherwise, it will appear on the plastic yellow coating stubborn fat, and you will have to work hard to return the original color.

Soot in pans is formed from the combustion of fat and soot

Note! You can fight fat that is not yet old with the help of vinegar, mustard powder, citric acid and salt. These products clean and degrease surfaces well.

Ways to remove old fat and soot

If oil splashes that have fallen on the walls of pots and pans are not washed off in time, over time they will burn on fire and the walls of the dishes will be covered with black soot. Here, a soft sponge will not help - you will have to use other means, kitchen and even construction equipment.

mechanical cleaning

You can deal with the problem mechanically, with a knife, a metal or hard synthetic scraper and hot water. The same dishwashing liquid or cleaning abrasive powders will help speed up the process.
Cast iron, aluminum, steel

dishes without plastic or wooden parts can be pre-heated in the oven at a temperature of 200-250 degrees or over an open fire. When the fat deposits are burned, all that remains is to clean the surface of their remnants (of course, after complete cooling).

the most radical and fast way, wash dishes from old fat, which has already turned into a multi-layer soot - cleaning with a drill or grinder with a special wire brush nozzle. True, this method is effective only for "grandmother's" pans and pots made of thick-walled cast iron - modern thin and light dishes are too easy to damage. But no chemistry!

Important! Frying pans with a ceramic or Teflon coating can only be cleaned with an abrasive method from the outside so as not to damage the non-stick layer. But aluminum cookware does not like mechanical intervention at all, except for incandescence.


In any household chemicals store there is a whole arsenal of special tools with which you can easily solve the problem of how to wash the pan from fat at home, for example, Shumanit, Master Cleaner, Dr. Beckmann. Just be sure to read the label carefully - it contains recommendations for use and types of surfaces for which this product is suitable (or strictly contraindicated). chemical composition.

Grease remover for stubborn soot

To clean a frying pan or pan, just apply the product to problem areas, rub a little with a soft sponge, wait the specified time, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. If the perennial fat layer is too thick and firmly eaten, you can leave the pan or pan with the product applied for a couple of hours or overnight, just wrap it in an airtight plastic bag so as not to breathe in fumes. True, such experiments are best carried out on the same cast-iron or thick-walled steel dishes without staining.

With the help of chemistry, fat dissolves quickly and is easily removed.

Important! All chemicals aggressively affect the skin, so be sure to protect your hands with rubber gloves before work. It is desirable to work in a ventilated area, and ideally in a respirator.

Folk recipes for the fight against chronic fat

Not all surfaces can be cleaned with aggressive chemicals or mechanical action (the most capricious are ceramic and Teflon). But there are also more gentle means that you can cook yourself. In addition, the ingredients for most of them can be found at home, which means you can save money.

Laundry soap

One of the best and time-tested ways to clean a pan of grease with inside, got modern housewives a legacy from Soviet times. To prepare such a home remedy, you need 72 percent laundry soap and water.

To wash the pan from the inside, we proceed in stages:

  1. Grind half a bar of soap on a grater.
  2. Pour the shavings into the pan and fill with water.
  3. After boiling the soap solution, make a small fire and leave for 25-30 minutes.
  4. Then turn off the heating, cover the dishes with a lid and let cool.
  5. Drain the cold solution and wash the walls of the pan under hot water using a regular sponge.

How to clean a pan with laundry soap

The same laundry soap can also be used to remove multi-layer soot from the sooty sides on the outside of the dishes. To enhance the anti-fat effect, in addition to a bar of soap, you will also need a tube of silicate glue and soda ash. All ingredients are dissolved in hot water. The main thing is to choose a container that will fit the entire pan or pan.

Preparation of a solution of soap, soda and glue

After boiling, the solution with dishes should be held on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then cover the pan with a soaking pan with a lid and let it stand for 1-2 hours so that the soot is thoroughly softened. After such a “bath”, it is easily removed with the hard side of a washcloth or a blunt knife.

Note! This tool can be used for Teflon and ceramic dishes - it does not damage the coating. But do not forget to turn on the hood and open the window when working - solutions based on laundry soap have a very unpleasant smell.

Vinegar and citric acid

With the help of these tools, you can not only clean the pan or pan of fat, but also remove yellowed plaque from plastic containers. You will need a liter of water and a small container. After boiling, add half a glass of water to the water table vinegar and a tablespoon of citric acid. Soak greasy dishes in a hot solution and soak for 45-60 minutes. After that, even old fat can be easily scraped off with a hard washcloth.
Places where the fat is strongly eaten can be sprinkled with soda and poured with vinegar. As a result of the reaction, foam is formed, which will help remove carbon deposits.

Vinegar effectively fights fatty plaque

Note! This tool can not be used on aluminum dishes, and on Teflon and ceramic - only to clean the outer walls (if they are uncoated).

soda and salt

These funds are sure to be found in the kitchen of any housewife. With their help, you can not only cook delicious food and clean the dishes well. One of the most budget methods wash the pan from the outside of fat - use salt and soda as an abrasive powder. They well remove small impurities, thin greasy deposits and soot, one has only to rub the wet walls with small granules, let stand for a couple of minutes and rinse under warm water.

Salt and soda act as an abrasive powder

Salt or soda can also be used to clean the inside of the dishes, only in coated pans you need to be careful. It is enough just to fill the walls moistened with water with powder and gently wipe with a soft sponge without pressing. And after a couple of minutes, when the granules dissolve, wash in the usual way.

On a note! Salt will not cope with complex layers, but soda can do it. Only you need to use not the usual food, which works more like an abrasive, but calcined. It is dissolved in warm water, where dirty dishes are soaked for a couple of hours.

How to restore dishes after cleaning

Many probably noticed that products stick to pans thoroughly washed from fat at the first frying. The reason is that when cleaning, the layer of oily film that protects against burning is also washed off. Therefore, before delighting households with culinary masterpieces cooked on updated dishes, this protection should be restored.

Offer 2 simple ways to choose from:

  • Pour coarse salt into the bottom of the pan and simmer over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove the granules (they can be reused). Wait for the dishes to cool, rinse and put on fire again, but without filler. When the pan is hot, brush the bottom with vegetable oil using a silicone brush and leave to cool. For a better non-stick effect, it is recommended to repeat the procedure three times, removing the previous oil layer with paper towels and heating the dishes again.

Cleaning the pan with salt

  • To restore cast iron and steel pans without wooden handles and other flammable elements, you can use the oven. To do this, the dishes, already cleaned of soot, are heated for 40 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees. Then they take it out, coat it with any vegetable oil and send it back to the oven, raising the temperature to 230-250 degrees. After an hour, the pan is taken out, cooled and again greased with oil.

Oil treatment of the frying pan

On a note! Oil treatment will not only restore the non-stick layer, but also protect the dishes from rust.

Video: how to clean the pan from old fat and soot

Now you know how to wash the pan from old fat and how to return the original gloss to kitchen utensils. But if none of the traditional methods helped, it might be worth asking for help from cleaning masters or ... buying new dishes.

How to clean frying pans from old burning at home? What needs to be done so that the pans are always perfectly clean, and there is no grease and soot left on the surface? These questions are of interest to many housewives, since perfect cleanliness in the kitchen, always washed and cleaned dishes is not only a desire, but also a necessity.

Frying pans are most susceptible to the formation of burning on the outer and inner surfaces. Soot itself is a layer of fat and soot, which was formed as a result of exposure to high temperatures and open fire. If you wash the pans every time after use, you can avoid the formation of a thick layer of soot and fat, but if such measures are not followed, you will have to get rid of soot at home.

Why is it important to get rid of soot on time?

Since soot is the remnants of old fat, soot, when heated, such a mixture releases carcinogens that are dangerous to human health. Each time cooked food will slowly kill family members.

Doctors have long proven that soot, soot and the remnants of old fat is the right way to develop cancer. They gradually harm correct work all internal organs causing slow toxicity.

In addition, when cooking food is stirred, pieces of adhering fat can fall off and fall into the dish. This is not only dangerous, but also wrong.

Determine the type of material from which the dishes are made

The secret of proper cleaning from old soot lies in the right choice of cleaning products and the type of material from which the device is made. Today, housewives use the following types of pans:

  1. 1 Cast iron. They are used enough long time, while having a thick layer of metal, which makes them durable.
  2. 2 Stainless. They are made of a durable type of metal, while its thickness is negligible.
  3. 3 Teflon. This is modern look frying pans, which has a special non-stick coating. It already has a protective layer, but it requires proper care, cleaning and protection.
  4. 4 Ceramic. This type is very convenient for cooking various stews, deli meats, but there are rules for cleaning and caring for these pans that must be followed.

Each of the presented types of dishes requires a different cleaning method, so you need to find out exactly what material the pan is made of so as not to harm the surface.

Cleaning of cast iron products

How to clean cast iron pan from soot? This type of metal is the easiest to clean from old fat. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • Blowtorch.

For this work, you will have to ask for help from a man. Flame blowtorch is directed to the surface of the dishes, and the soot will begin to fall off the surface itself. The main thing to remember is that carrying out such work requires an open space (preferably on the street), away from the house or animals, in order to avoid a fire.

  • Bonfire.

The cast-iron surface is perfectly cleaned under the action of high temperatures. Outside, you can get rid of soot with a fire. It is enough to heat the pan over an open fire and remove adhering formations with emery or a knife. This method is ideal for pots or cauldrons that are made of cast iron.

  • Sand.

In order to get rid of the burning inside, it is necessary to pour river or ordinary sand into the dishes and put on a slow fire. After a couple of hours, it is enough to pour out the sand and rinse the surface clean water. This method helps to remove soot even without additional cleaning. The only safety measure: all work must be carried out in an open area, as the smell during the heating of the sand will not be pleasant.

  • Vinegar water.

Vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and poured into the pan. The dishes are put on a slow fire, and the mixture is brought to a boil. On low heat, the liquid should boil for about 3 hours, after which the surface will be perfectly clean. But it requires its own protective measures. During boiling, vinegar vapor will adversely affect a person’s sense of smell, so the hood should work and the window should be open. If safety rules are ignored, a person may lose his sense of smell for a long time.

  • Activated carbon.

An easy and affordable method of surface cleaning is the use of activated carbon. It is enough to moisten the coating of the dish and sprinkle it with crushed activated carbon tablets. After an hour, it must be cleaned with any detergent.

  • Digestion.

This method will ideally clean not only frying pans, but also any kind of pan. To prepare the composition for digestion, 1 bar of washing soap (brown), 1 small bottle of silicate glue, 200 g of soda ash are taken. All this is added to a pot of water and brought to a boil. Then a frying pan or any other utensil is placed in this liquid and boiled for 30 minutes. With this method, you can wash off any contaminants that form on the surface.

Fat is also quickly removed from the surface when digested in a solution of water and citric acid. For this, 1 tbsp is taken per liter of water. l. acids, and the dishes are boiled for 15 minutes. After that, the carbon deposits from the surface are either removed with a cleaning sponge or gently scraped off.

  • Mechanical cleaning with a drill and an iron brush.

Many builders will tell you how to remove carbon deposits from a cast-iron surface. To do this, you can use a drill and a metal nozzle - a brush to clean the surface. With quick and light strokes, the entire surface will be cleaned and polished. The main thing to remember is that this method can be used in a utility room or garage.

Cleaning non-stick surfaces

Cookware with a non-stick coating must be cleaned very carefully; if it is slightly damaged, it can be thrown away. At home, cleaning can be done in the following ways:

  • Washing in the dishwasher.

Modern machines have a special function that ideally cleans burnt fat from the outside and inside in the initial stages.

If the non-stick coating is on ceramic cookware, then liquid cleaners must be used for cleaning to avoid scratching the surface.

  • Digestion.

You can also clean a pan with a non-stick coating by boiling it. It is enough to prepare the following solution: 3 liters of water, 200 ml of detergent and 50 ml of soda ash. In such a solution, the pan should boil for no more than 30 minutes, after which the surface is wiped with any soft rag.

  • Boiling in Coca-Cola.

This method has long been proven to be reliable and efficient. Some housewives call this drink "I clean it myself", as it perfectly copes not only with burnt fat, but also with lime deposits on surfaces.

Pour a small amount of drink into the pan and boil for 30 minutes. If you need to get rid of soot from the outside, then the dishes are placed in a drink and boiled.

Washing an aluminum pan

Cleaning an aluminum pan is much more difficult. The metal itself is afraid of the effects of aggressive cleaning agents, it is very sensitive to powder products. The best option for such dishes would be soda. Outside, the remnants of fat are removed by light friction, and inside you can draw water, pour soda and boil for 30 minutes.

Tooth powder and a brush can also help with cleaning. For household appliances or aluminum utensils, toothpaste and a brush can be the ideal solution.

Cleaning the ceramic surface

Ceramic utensils are very demanding in care, it takes a long time to clean them. Sometimes you need to apply a lot of effort, so you need to clean the pan as soon as it gets dirty, and not wait for the formation of a large and thick layer.

You can remove carbon deposits from the surface using the following methods:

  1. 1 For small dirt that has just appeared on the surface, you can use medical alcohol. It is applied to cotton wool and wipe the place of contamination.
  2. 2 You can fight burning with the help of digestion. It is enough to fill the pan with water and pour a little detergent and boil for 30 minutes. To get rid of dirt from the outside, the dishes are placed in the same solution.
  3. 3 For ceramic surfaces, you can use detergents by special means. They are sold in specialized stores and are ideally cleaned of soot.

Getting rid of stains on stainless steel

The stainless surface is one of the most capricious and demanding to care for.

For her, it is strictly forbidden to use powdered cleaners, as scratches and stains cannot be avoided. In addition, such surfaces are most prone to burning food during cooking. But you can clean such pans, for this you need to use the following methods:

  • Food salt.

Pour half a glass of salt into the bottom of the pan and leave for a couple of hours. Salt reacts with soot and fat and softens them. After that, the salt is removed, and the surface is washed with plain water and detergent.

  • Baking soda.

Do not rub with baking soda on stainless surfaces. It is enough to wet the walls of the pan, apply soda on them and leave for several hours. Soda also reacts with grease and soot and softens it. After that, it is enough to clean the surface with water.

  • You can wash the burnt food residues and fat inside with vinegar and citric acid.

A little vinegar is poured inside and a spoonful of citric acid is added. All this is covered with a lid and boiled for several minutes.

Specialty cleaners are available for ceramic surfaces in specialized stores. All of them cost a lot of money, but if you take into account the cost of the dishes themselves, then these products for the care and cleaning of the ceramic surface are quite justified.

Prevention measures

When it was possible to completely get rid of the remnants of fat or a thick layer on the surface of the pan, then everything must be done preventive measures in order to prevent its reappearance in the future. To do this, follow a few simple rules:

  1. 1 It is necessary to clean the surface outside and inside immediately after cooking, until the dishes have completely cooled down.
  2. 2 Do not wash the surface of the pans constantly in the dishwasher. Perform manual cleaning several times a week. This will allow you to notice the formation of burning on early stages and easy to get rid of.
  3. 3 Before using a new frying pan, it must be lightly treated with sunflower oil and washed with detergent.
  4. 4 Minimize the use of powdered cleaners, iron sponges, or other scratching materials.

How to clean frying pans different material you learned above. The most important thing that every housewife needs to remember is that you should not allow a harmful and disgusting layer of soot to form on the dishes, which not only makes the dishes unattractive, but also harms the health of all family members.

To be honest, it is often very difficult to clean a pan of soot and fat, especially if it is old or badly burnt. But there is good news: most persistent pollution can still be dealt with with penny products that you already have at home (or at least make the task much easier). The main thing is to choose the method that is right for your pan. After all, what saves a cast-iron stewpan can hopelessly destroy a Teflon crepe maker.

In this article, you can find almost all the traditional and non-standard ways to clean pans of any type: cast iron, stainless steel, aluminum with non-stick coating (Teflon, enamel, ceramic, marble) and without it. Just choose the recipe that suits you.

12 Ways to Clean a Frying Pan

Method 1. How to clean the pan with vinegar and soda (universal method)

This method is the fastest and most effective, and besides, it is universal - it is suitable for removing most contaminants (soot, soot and old fat) from any type of frying pan except those with a non-stick coating. It doesn't require the use of harsh chemicals, so you don't even need rubber gloves. Just relax and follow the instructions!

You will need:

  • 1 cup water (or more if the pan is large and deep)
  • 1 glass of 9% table vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda.


Step 1. Put the pan on the stove, then pour a glass of water and vinegar into it.

Step 2. Bring the solution to a boil (at this stage, some of the soot should already be removed).

Step 3. Remove the pan from the heat and pour baking soda into it. The mixture should sizzle!

Step 4. Empty the pan and wash in the usual way with a sponge.

  • Places with super stubborn dirt can be additionally treated with soda or soda paste (soda + a couple of drops of water) and left for a while.
  • Sometimes the reaction of soda with vinegar solution turns out to be strong and the contents of the pan can “run away” beyond its walls and stain the stove. To avoid this, you can first drain a little of the solution and only then pour in the baking soda.

Method 2. How to clean the pan with vinegar and soda outside and inside without boiling

  1. Sprinkle baking soda on the stained area.
  2. Pour the 9% vinegar over the baking soda and let the resulting effervescent foam work for 30-60 minutes.
  3. Scrub the pan as usual with a hard sponge.

Method 3. Boiling with soda (for cleaning all types of pans, except aluminum without non-stick coating)

In most cases, you can clean the inside and outside of the pan by boiling it with baking soda. This recipe is very simple and suitable for any type of utensil.

  1. If you only want to clean the outside of the pan, pour about a liter of water into it and add about 100 g of baking soda. If you want to clean the dishes both inside and out, then use a large metal basin or bucket and fill it with soda solution from the same calculation - 1 liter. water / 100 g of soda.
  2. Put the pan/basin with the pan on the fire, bring the solution to a boil, and then forget about cleaning for another 20 minutes.

  1. Remove the utensil from the heat and let it cool, then wash in the usual way, using a hard sponge or scraper in difficult places (if there is no non-stick coating). During the frying pan soda solution soften and remove most of the fat, soot, and remnants of burnt food from it.

Tip: Boiling the pan can be increased to one to two hours.

Method 4. Boiling according to the Soviet recipe: laundry soap + soda + silicate glue (to remove carbon deposits from a cast-iron, steel, aluminum or duralumin pan)

This old and proven method works in the most hopeless cases when you need to remove a long-term layer of soot from the outside of a cast-iron or aluminum / duralumin pan.

You will need:

  • Metal bowl or bucket right size(for example, a volume of 10 l);
  • 1 bar of laundry soap 72% (optional);
  • ½ cup silicate glue (aka stationery or school glue and liquid glass);
  • ½ cup soda ash (available at home improvement stores) or half a pack of baking soda
  • Scraper (can be a table knife);
  • Grater (medium) and a metal sponge.


  1. Fill a basin/bucket with water and bring it to a boil over high heat.
  2. While the water is heating, grate the laundry soap (optional).
  3. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat, pour all the soap chips into the basin, stir them, and then add 1/2 cup of glue and 1/2 cup of baking soda/baking soda. At this stage, do not forget to open the window and turn on the hood!

  1. Finally, lower your pan into the resulting solution, after removing the handle from it. If the handle is not plastic / wooden, then lower it into the basin. Now it remains to be patient and cook the pan for 1-4 hours, depending on the degree of contamination. During this time, part of the soot and fat will lag behind the pan, and the rest will soften.

  1. After boiling, rinse the pan, transfer it to a sink or a clean basin (plastic can be used), then proceed to remove the remaining carbon deposits with a metal sponge / scraper / knife. Do not overdo it with tools so as not to remove the enamel on the outer walls - if it is removed, the pan will quickly become covered with a new layer of soot.

Tip: you can carry out the boiling procedure in several approaches (cooking time can be reduced to 30 minutes), updating the solution and removing the softened plaque with a scraper and a metal sponge.

Method 5. Boiling with washing powder and oil

According to many users, this method is more effective than others in removing carbon deposits both outside and inside.

  1. Fill a large basin with water, add a few spoons to it sunflower oil and some washing powder.
  2. Put the basin on medium heat and immerse the dirty utensils in it. Bring the solution to a boil, then wash the pan as usual.

Method 6. How to clean a burnt pan by boiling (except pans with non-stick coating)

  1. Place the skillet on the stove and turn on medium heat.
  2. Once the pan is hot enough (test with a drop of water), pour 1 cup of water into it and cook for a little more (add some dishwashing liquid if you like).
  3. Then use a wooden spoon or silicone spatula to scrape off the burned areas.
  4. Wash the utensils in the usual way.

Method 7: Soak with a cleaning solution for light to medium stains

  1. Squeeze a few drops of dishwashing liquid into the pan, add hot water and let it sit for a few hours or leave overnight.
  2. Then clean the utensils as usual with a sponge.

Method 8. "Scrub" with baking soda (not suitable for Teflon and aluminum pans!)

  1. Make a paste out of equal parts baking soda and warm water.
  2. Treat soot, soot or greasy deposits with paste.
  3. Rinse with warm water and repeat if necessary.

Method 9. Boiling with laundry soap (for all types of pans except aluminum)

This method is well suited for removing grease and soot from pans of any type.

  1. Grate a quarter of a bar of laundry soap (72%) on a medium grater.

  1. Put the soap shavings in a pan and cover with water, then heat the mixture without boiling.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat and let it soak for another couple of hours.
  3. Rinse the skillet, then scrub with a sponge and dish soap.

Method 10. How to clean the pan from rust

Rust is easily removed dry table salt. Just rub the problem areas, then wash and dry.

Method 11. Clean the pan with powerful chemicals - top 3 super effective remedies

In our opinion, powerful household chemicals are indispensable if you need to quickly and with minimal effort clean the frying pan from carbon deposits and grease. The main thing is to take precautions, use rubber gloves, work with an open window and do not process dishes for too long. They say that if you cover a frying pan with Shumanite and leave it overnight, a hole can form on it.

  1. Amway Oven Cleaner- is expensive, sold only through the Internet or dealers, but even removes old soot and fat in a few minutes, while being economically consumed, it is washed off more easily than its counterparts and practically does not stink. If you have animals and children, then this tool is indispensable in the household.

  1. Shumanit Bugs - it costs less than Amway and is sold in many department stores of hypermarkets. A little less effective than Amway (for example, very old pans may not always be washed), but still very effective. The main disadvantages are the pungent smell, which is felt even with the window open, and the difficulty of washing off the product itself.
  2. Sparkling cauldron- from inexpensive means Sparkling cauldron - the most powerful.

And here are the general instructions:

  1. We treat problem areas with the product, wrap the pan in a bag (so the smell does not spread throughout the room) and leave it for 15-60 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination.
  2. We remove the dirt and thoroughly rinse the dishes two or three times. For fidelity, the pan can be wiped with vinegar to remove the remnants of the product.

Tip: You can also use cling film instead of a bag.

Important! All listed grease removers are not intended for cleaning aluminum and Teflon pans.

Method 12. Mechanical cleaning method

Mechanical cleaning methods are relevant for old steel, aluminum and cast iron pans, when folk methods and chemicals do not help to remove a long-term layer of soot and fat. But everyone mechanical methods there is one significant drawback - removing a layer of dirt from the outer walls of the dishes, it is almost always removed and upper layer(enamel, anodized layer), which means that in the future the pan will be faster and more covered with grease and soot. After such a drastic cleaning, the bottom of the cast iron/aluminum pan needs to be calcined with salt and oil.

Here are some traditional mechanical ways to clean pans:

  1. Sandblast cleaning. To upgrade your hopeless assistant, you need to hand it over for a small fee to the nearest tire shop. The auto mechanic will place the utensils in a special chamber, where, due to compressed air and sand, carbon deposits will be removed in a matter of minutes.
  2. Cleaning with a grinder. This method of cleaning can be done in the country on your own using a grinder or a grinder with a petal end circle.

Rules for cleaning pans depending on the material and tips for prevention

Different types of metals and coatings react differently to acids and alkalis, prolonged soaking and heating. When you start washing your frying pan, find out the contraindications (if you look at the table on your smartphone, turn it to a horizontal position - so the whole table will enter the screen).

Cast iron cookware Teflon cookware stainless steel Aluminum cookware without non-stick coating and enamel
Washing in the dishwasher Don't (the pan will rust) Can Can It is forbidden
Use of abrasive cleaners, brushes, scrapers and hard sponges Can It is forbidden Can It is forbidden
Using baking soda, laundry soap, and other alkaline cleaners Can Can Can It is forbidden
Use of acids (vinegar, citric acid, etc.) Can Can Not possible (short-term exposure is acceptable)
Long soak It is forbidden Can Can Undesirable
  • Aluminum frying pans (uncoated) can be washed with glassware and chinaware cleaners, soap solutions with the addition of ammonia.
  • Any dishes should be washed only after they have cooled naturally. If you abruptly transfer a hot pan into cool water, it may deform. This is especially true for cast iron, aluminum (coated and uncoated) and ceramic pans.
  • Remember to remove the wooden/plastic handle before soaking or boiling the pan, or just don't submerge it in water.

And one more very important point...

After washing a cast iron, steel and aluminum pan, it must be calcined with oil and salt to restore the natural non-stick film. Heat a Teflon pan over low heat for about 30 seconds, then turn off the heat and grease the bottom and inner walls with a teaspoon of vegetable oil using paper towel or a clean rag.