Because of what, the leaves of room hydrangea can dry. How to care for a room hydrangea flower? Hydrangea flowers dry

  • 16.06.2019

It's easier for me, of course. I live in my house. My main concern is to open when leaving for work and close at night. You probably already know, but this information may be useful to you: HOW TO PLANT AND GROW HYDROANGIA IN THE GARDEN OR IN THE COTTAGE What does hydrangea dislike? Landing. Top dressing. PruningPlanting HydrangeasThe hydrangea is photophilous, therefore it prefers sunny places, but it can also grow in partial shade. The best time for planting in the spring the first half of May, in the fall - September. Landing pits are dug 50x50x60 cm in size at a distance of 1-1.5 m from one another. They are filled to the top with a soil mixture consisting of humus, leaf 14 earth, peat, sand (2: 2: 1: 1) and fertilizers (10 kg of humus, 20 g of urea, 60 g of granulated superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate). In no case should you add lime - hydrangea does not tolerate it. Bushes are planted so that the root neck is at the level of the soil. After planting, the plants are protected from the midday sun and from strong wind. The first two years of the inflorescence are removed so that all the nutrients go to the growth and development of the bush. Feeding hydrangeas If the pit was filled with soil mixture when planting, the hydrangea is not fed for the first two years. But then fertilizers are applied regularly. In early spring, at the beginning of growth, the first top dressing is given with a complex mineral fertilizer with microelements (30 g / 10 l of water) or 20-25 g of urea, 30-40 g of superphosphate and 30-35 g of potassium sulfate are applied per 1 m2. During the budding period, they are fed for the second time with mineral fertilizers at the rate of 60-80 g of superphosphate and 40-50 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2. The third and fourth feedings are given in the summer with a solution of mullein (1:10), spending 10 liters per adult plant. Watering hydrangeas Hydrangeas are moisture-loving, so they are watered weekly and plentifully (15-20 liters for each plant). If the summer is rainy, watering is reduced to 4-5 times per season. To enhance the strength of the shoots, a little potassium permanganate is added to the water. Soil care Twice a season after watering and weeding, the ground around the bushes is loosened to a depth of 5-6 cm. To keep moisture longer in the soil, the trunk circle is mulched with peat or sawdust (6 cm layer). Mulch is poured in the spring and left for the whole summer. Proper pruning hydrangeas Hydrangeas are pruned in March, leaving, depending on the age and size of the bush, 6-12 of the strongest shoots, which are shortened by 2-5 buds of old wood. In autumn, faded inflorescences must be removed. Old bushes rejuvenate with strong pruning. In this case, stumps 5-8 cm high are left. The next year, young flowering shoots will grow from them. Preparing hydrangeas for winterThe roots of panicled hydrangeas are covered for the winter by spudding them with rotted manure, and the tree-like winters well even without shelter. True, in young bushes, the roots may freeze for the first year or two after planting. To avoid this, the soil is covered with peat or dry leaves with a layer of 10-15 cm. Hydrangea protection from diseases and pests Hydrangea rarely gets sick, but can sometimes be affected by powdery mildew. In this case, the bush should be sprayed with a solution of foundationol (20 g / 10 l of water) or Bordeaux liquid (100 g / 10 l of water). It happens that aphid damages hydrangea. An infusion of garlic helps to drive it away. To prepare it, take 200 g of peeled teeth, pass through a meat grinder and pour 10 liters of water. After 2 days, filter, add 40 g of laundry soap. The bushes are sprayed with garlic infusion once a week, repeating the treatment until the pest is completely defeated. Helpful Hints hydrangea care For a winter bouquet, the hydrangea should be cut as soon as all the flowers on the inflorescence bloom. It is better to dry in a dark place, tying up the shoots, lowered down with their heads. When watered with a solution of aluminum alum (40 g / 10 l of water), hydrangea flowers change color, that is, whites become blue, and pinks become purple. But be prepared for the fact that 3 or even 4 buckets of solution must be poured onto each bush, and this must be done several times with an interval of 10 days.

Hydrangea, or hydrangia, is a tree-like flowering shrub that belongs to the Hortensia family. It is difficult to remain indifferent at the sight of these beautiful large inflorescences. This family includes about a dozen species of shrubs, vines or small trees.

Description of culture

Hydrangia appeared in England and France at the beginning of the 14th century and was represented by only 2 species: white and scarlet.

The hydrangea bush can grow up to 3 meters in height, however, there is a vine-like species that can reach a length of 30 m.

In Europe, only deciduous hydrangia are grown.


Types of hydrangeas

The following types of plants are found:

  • large-leaved;
  • paniculate;
  • treelike;
  • creeping.

The flowering period lasts from late spring to late autumn.

There are two types of flowers in inflorescences:

  • fertile, or small-fruited;
  • sterile or sterile.

Fertile ones are in the center of the inflorescence, and barren ones are at the edges. Some species have inflorescences containing only fertile flowers. There are two types of inflorescences on a hydrangea bush: paniculate and corymbose.

Hydrangeas are grown with inflorescences of the following colors:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • lilac;
  • pink;
  • red.

The color of the inflorescences depends not only on the variety, but also on the composition of the soil on which the bush grows. On acidic soils, the inflorescences will be blue, on neutral (pH 5.5) - beige, on alkaline - pink or lilac. Blue color hydrangia flowers growing on acidic soil are given aluminum compounds that are found in acidic soils.

garden hydrangea

The hydrangea fruit has the form of a box, in which there are from 2 to 5 separate chambers, each of which contains small seeds.

One of the most popular types of hydrangia is a large-leaved species, the inflorescences of which have sterile large flowers. About 600 varieties of this shrub have been bred.

Attention! Hydrangea is a poisonous plant, so it is forbidden to use it for food.

Growing features

Hydrangeas grow best in acidic soils. For better penetration of air into the soil, the ground around the bush must be periodically loosened.

Hydrangea does not grow well in sunny areas, so it is better to choose a place for planting in the shade or partial shade. In a sunny area, the plant develops more slowly, and the flowers become smaller.

Hydrangeas do not grow well in full sun.

Watering hydrangia should be done with settled or rain water, as the shrub does not tolerate lime well. Watering time - morning or evening. This will allow the plant to avoid sunburn. Once a week, at least 2 buckets of water are poured under an adult bush.

Planting is usually carried out in the spring during the absence of night frosts.

2-3 weeks before planting, they dig a hole, up to 0.5 m deep, and with sides up to 0.7 m. Sod, leafy soil, sand and peat are poured into it in equal proportions. It is not recommended to prepare alkaline soil, since its alkalinity is a possible cause of hydrangea disease with chlorosis. Further, mineral fertilizers and organic matter are introduced into the planting hole. The root neck of the seedling should be at ground level.

Hydrangea is propagated by green cuttings.

Starting from 3-4 years old, they perform annual bush molding.

Why does hydrangea wither

If the care of the shrub is correct, then it has a luxurious appearance throughout the growing season. If the technology for growing a plant is not followed, hydrangia can get sick.

What to do if hydrangea dries

First you need to determine the cause of the disease. If the leaf dries, then the reasons for this may be:

  • incorrect soil pH;
  • direct sunlight;
  • watering the plant with hard tap water;
  • lack of moisture in the soil;
  • insufficient or excessive amounts of microelements in the soil.

Incorrect soil composition

In order for the shrub to develop well, an important condition must be met - the soil can be acidic or medium acidic. For hydrangea, the pH should be in the range of 4.0-6.0. In the case of alkaline soil, the leaf will begin to dry out over the entire area.

Attention! The color of the leaves of the plant depends on the acidity of the soil. The more acidic it is, the more dark leaves has hydrangea.

If the soil is alkaline, then the acidity of the earth can be restored by watering with acidified water (for example, with the addition of lemon juice).

Insufficient plant nutrition

If the leaves turn black or yellow, then perhaps there is not enough iron or nitrogen in the soil.

During the flowering period, it is necessary to feed the hydrangea with a complex fertilizer intended for flowering plants.

Feeding shrubs with iron chelate

Also, a lack of trace elements can occur in the spring, when the hydrangea begins to actively develop. How to reanimate hydrangea in this case? To do this, you need to carry out foliar feeding of the shrub with iron chelate.

However, hydrangia responds badly not only to a lack, but also to an excess of fertilizers. Therefore, after flowering is completed, it is necessary to reduce the dose of mineral fertilizers applied.

Excessive sunlight

One of the reasons why hydrangea leaves dry is that the plant is not in the shade, but in the sun.

Hydrangea does not develop well with direct sunlight. Therefore, resuscitation consists in transplanting the plant into partial shade or creating an artificial shade using a special shading net.

Excessive sunlight

If the bush is domestic and grows indoors, then it is best to place the pot on the western or eastern window. You also need to make sure that the leaf does not touch window glass. If the leaf touches the glass, the sun can burn it.

Insufficiently moist soil

Due to lack of moisture, the leaves of the shrub will dry out over time.

Hydrangia is a moisture-loving plant, so mandatory regular watering will allow you to get beautiful flowers.

An increase in watering, as well as soil mulching, will allow reanimating a street bush. If the bush is indoor, then you can use a humidifier. Instead, you can install a container near the flower, into which water is periodically poured.

However, the plant also does not like an excess of moisture, as this contributes to the development of root rot.

Use of hard water for irrigation

Tap water contains many impurities, including lime. And hydrangea is quite sensitive to them. Therefore, it is best to use settled water for irrigation. To do this, you can use special open containers, which are best placed in the sun. In this case, you can get warm and soft water for irrigation.

landing errors

One of the reasons why hydrangea leaves dry around the edges is the mistakes that were made when planting the plant.

Root system damage

Hydrangea has a very delicate root system, so the plant transplant must be done very carefully, without damaging the small roots. Damage to them can lead to the fact that the bush will be difficult to take root and get sick for a long time.

Attention! Buying a seedling is a very responsible business. It is important to check the status of the root system.

Also, you can not cut the roots when planting. It is allowed to trim the roots only if they are rotten, diseased or damaged by insects. Rotting roots are dark brown, while healthy roots are white. The cuts are treated with crushed activated carbon.

Better plant survival can be helped by watering with the addition of Zircon, which is performed once a week.

Mistakes when choosing a landing site

If the soil is not acidic, but alkaline or neutral, then the plant will be difficult to take root. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to acidify the soil, otherwise the bush may dry out.

If the soil is not acidic, then the plant will be difficult to take root.

If a garden is chosen for planting, then it is important not to place the seedling in a draft, it is also necessary to protect it from sudden changes in temperature and hypothermia.

Hydrangea diseases

What to do if hydrangea leaves wither? Perhaps the plant is sick. To choose the right method of treatment, it is important to accurately determine the disease.

Dry blackening

If the edges of the leaf become covered with brown spots and become dry, then this indicates that:

  • the plant is watered with hard water;
  • The leaf got sunburned.

After the appearance of spots, the foliage will wither and wither.

Wet blackening

The leaves darken and lose their elasticity. The reason for this may be:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • susceptibility to draft of the place where the bush grows;
  • excessive watering;
  • heavy soil.

Why does the garden hydrangea wither. A possible cause is a fungal infection of the plant.

white rot

Fungal root disease. With such a disease, the bush gradually dies, since the affected root system cannot provide the plant with the right amount of nutrients.

white rot


  • white, resembling cotton wool, plaque on the shoots;
  • blackening of shoots.


For the treatment of the affected plant, fungicides Fitosporin, Copper chloride, etc. are used.

Gray rot


  • The flower tissues become soft and watery;
  • Affected parts of the plant die off in a dry environment. After them, holes remain on the stems;
  • In a humid environment, the affected areas are covered with a gray coating.


Diseased areas are removed mechanically. Then home plants are treated with Chistotsvet, Fundazol or Skor. garden views treated with Rovral Flo 255 SC every three weeks.



The appearance of dark brown spots, up to 6 mm in size, on the leaves. Affected leaves gradually begin to dry out and die.


Treatment with copper-containing preparations, for example, copper sulfate.

powdery mildew


The formation of yellow-green spots on the leaves. Gradually, the spots darken and become brown. The back of the leaf is covered with a purple or gray bloom. Winter for a sick plant usually brings death.

powdery mildew


At the first symptoms of a lesion, the fungicide Fitosporin is used, and in a neglected form, Skor, Topaz or Chistotsvet are used.

Thus, when purchasing a seedling through a store or in the market, you need to make sure that young plant not susceptible to fungal disease.

Disease prevention

Checking seedlings and proper care of the plant are the main prevention of diseases. Be sure to loosen the soil around the plant throughout the growing season.

In the spring, you can treat the plant with copper-containing preparations, for example, copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water). You can also use drugs Topaz, Fitosporin, etc.

blue vitriol

At the end of spring, it is necessary to make nitrogen-containing top dressings, in summer - phosphorus-potassium, and in autumn - phosphorus.

How to save a wilted hydrangea

If the bush is dry, then you can try to revive it. If the plant is a garden plant, then in the spring all frozen parts are removed. If the plant is affected by rot, then cutting is performed 1 cm below the affected part. The cut points are necessarily sprinkled with ash, activated carbon, etc. After trimming each affected area, the secateurs are disinfected. The bush is treated with drugs, depending on the disease.

wood ash for fertilizer

How to revive a cut hydrangea? If the wilted flower is in a vase, then you need to get it out of there, cut off the lower part obliquely and place the plant in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. After the air bubbles have finished coming out of the stem, you need to get the plant, cut off the part that was in boiling water, and put the flower in cold water. After that, your vase will look elegant again.

Hydrangea dries at home in a pot

If the beginning disappears indoor plant, then it must be brought into the house (if the pot was on the street), cut off the entire affected part and treat with HOM for fungal infections.

In the case when even the entire green part has died, there is still no need to throw away the hydrangea. You need to continue to moderately water the earth in a pot. Perhaps, after this, dormant buds will wake up, and the plant will grow again.

Hydrangea is an amazing flower that has about 90 species. However, in order for this plant to please your eye, you will need to work hard, otherwise the hydrangea leaves will begin to turn yellow, dry out, and the plant itself will die altogether.

Why does hydrangea dry up?

There can be many reasons, among them:

  1. Poor watering;
  2. Dry air in the room where the hydrangea grows;
  3. Wrong transplant;
  4. Incorrect lighting;
  5. Insufficient soil fertilization (its reduced acidity);
  6. Lack of foliage spraying;
  7. Incorrect choice of soil for planting a plant.

Hydrangea, leaves dry, what to do?

First of all, you need to decide whether the acidity of the soil where the hydrangea grows is correct. The optimal pH for the soil in which hydrangea grows is 4.0-5.5. So leaves turn yellow with a lack of necessary acidity.

In this case, pour the flower with acidified water (5-7 drops of lemon per liter of water). In the future, use special fertilizers.

Hydrangea generally needs loose soil so that air and moisture can easily penetrate.

Also leaves will turn yellow with a lack of iron with nitrogen. Often this happens during a period of active growth (spring), so do not forget to fertilize.

This should be done starting in February once every two weeks. In winter, the plant does not bloom, so root feeding is not needed at this time of the year.

Hydrangea, the tips of the leaves dry.

In this case, the reason is either insufficient watering, insufficient foliar spraying, or too dry indoor air where the hydrangea grows.

Home hydrangea blooms in spring, the flowering period lasts 1.5-2 months. In order for the plant to please you with a riot of flowers at the time of flowering, which can be from one to seven on one bush, it needs water in a timely manner.

Wait to upper layer the soil in the pot has dried up and water again. Watering should be separated warm water, not tough! Hard water can cause disease - chlorosis. The signal will be yellowed leaves with green veins.

Also, do not forget to spray the leaves and flowers with water and maintain the humidity in the room. For hydrangea, these two factors must be properly balanced – air is humid, soil is watered, but do not overdo it, excess moisture is also harmful, the roots will begin to rot.

The main sign of waterlogging of the soil is the appearance of black spots with a yellow outline on the leaves..

Did you know? In order for the hydrangea to bloom longer, it must be planted in a pot. small size and place it on a window on the north or east side of the room. You need to leave 3-4 of the strongest sprouts, and remove the rest of the password. After flowering, in July, the hydrangea is pruned. If not cut in time, the flower may not bloom next year!

Hydrangea, leaves dry, reasons.

Another reason that hydrangea leaves dry is considered to be improper lighting. Hydrangea categorically does not like direct sunlight, so it has no place on the windowsill! It is better to put it on a table near the window, there is a lot of light and the sun will not burn the leaves of the plant, which will simply darken from direct rays.

Hydrangea home, leaves dry after transplantation.

Another important process in the care of hydrangea, its transplantation is considered, since improper transplantation will cause the leaves and flowers of the plant to dry out. Home hydrangea grows for four years, then you plant a new one.

In order to transplant hydrangeas, take a wide pot, this is because the roots of hydrangeas develop horizontally. Place drainage in the bottom of the new pot.

Then dig the flower out of the old pot, do it carefully so as not to damage the root system. Therefore, dig, keeping an earthen ball around the roots.

It is necessary to plant in a new pot so that the stem enters three centimeters into the ground, it is not necessary deeper. And do not forget that the soil for transplanting should be slightly acidic. By the way, for planting hydrangeas, you can use soil for geraniums.

Beginners in floriculture can watch hydrangea leaves fall, hydrangea leaves turn yellow and a number of other hydrangea diseases. Signs, description of hydrangea diseases with a photo, effective treatment from experts.

Hydrangea dry leaves. This is often a reaction to overdrying of the roots. Hydrangea is a moisture-loving flower, and therefore timely watering is very important for it. The lack of moisture leads to the fact that the leaves of the hydrangea begin to dry. The situation is aggravated if the plant is in direct sunlight. Measures to prevent the problem: shade the hydrangea, but do not deprive it of bright sunlight, carry out timely watering, spraying helped. Even if the leaves dry on the hydrangea, it will return its decorative effect in the next growing season.

The leaves of room hydrangea dry due to inaccurate transplantation, as a result of which the root system was disturbed. It is important during transplantation not to damage the small roots, which are the main ones in the process of nutrition and water absorption. Young cuttings should be transplanted in the spring. Young cuttings are dug out without violating the integrity of the earthy coma around the roots. The soil for planting is chosen slightly acidic. When transplanting, you can deepen the neck of the flower by 2-3 cm, but not deeper. Watering is plentiful, top dressing should be carried out only after the stalk begins to grow. If, after transplantation, the leaves of the hydrangea dry, use the drug Tsikron when watering. This will help the flower cope with the problem.

Hydrangeas can dry leaves due to waterlogging of the soil. As an additional sign, hydrangea leaves are covered with dark spots with a yellow halo. Waterlogging of the soil does not immediately affect the appearance of hydrangea leaves. The roots are the first to suffer. They start to rot. As a result, the plant ceases to feed and absorb water. To determine whether the roots of the hydrangea have rotted, it is carefully removed from the pot without violating the integrity of the earthy coma. Healthy roots will be white in appearance and firm. Rotten - brown. If the hydrangea roots are damaged, they are cut to living tissue. I sprinkle the places of cuts with crushed, activated carbon. The plant is transplanted into a special soil suitable for this type of indoor flowers. At the same time, a pot of smaller sizes is chosen than the volume of the previous one. To reduce the percentage of evaporated moisture from hydrangea leaves, it is placed in a polyethylene greenhouse, but the plant is not tightly wrapped in polyethylene, leaving a small gap for ventilation. Watering is moderate. For quick rooting of the flower, the drug Zikron is used.

Hydrangea leaves turn yellow. At the same time, veins remain green on the leaves of the hydrangea.. The cause of the disease: chlorosis. Hydrangea chlorosis can occur if the flower is watered with hard, tap water with a high percentage of lime. The latter accumulates in the soil and leads to its alkalization. As a result, the hydrangea leaves turn yellow, the plant stops eating and dies. Control measures: transplant hydrangea into fresh soil, irrigate with soft water. As an option: add potassium nitrate to the water for irrigation every 3 days with the calculation of 40 g of the substance per 10 liters of water.

Hydrangea leaves turn yellow due to a lack of trace elements in the soil. A similar phenomenon is often observed during the period of intensive flower growth (in spring). Hydrangea leaves discolor and turn yellow if there is not enough nitrogen and iron in the soil. Soil pH can affect leaf color. For hydrangea, it should lie in the range of 4.0-6.5. To save the plant, foliar fertilizing with microelements or iron chelate is carried out. If the hydrangea leaves turn yellow for another reason, then foliar top dressing will have a short-term effect.

Hydrangea leaves turn black. First, brown spots appear along the edges of the hydrangea leaves, which then turn black.. A similar state of affairs can cause a high temperature in the room where the hydrangea grows, and low humidity. In this case, frequent spraying of the flower is carried out. Hydrangea leaves can turn black from direct sunlight. It's about sunburn. Hydrangeas need bright, sunny light, but direct rays are detrimental to its leaves. The plant needs to be shaded.

Hydrangea is an amazingly beautiful plant that has lush green foliage and multi-colored inflorescences-hats. It can be grown both in the garden and in the apartment. At proper care and favorable conditions, the bush will be healthy and beautiful.

However, sometimes flower growers are faced with the fact that hydrangeas begin to turn yellow, dry or blacken the leaves. Why is this happening? And what should you do if you find such a problem in your plant?


Basically, the reasons why hydrangea leaves turn yellow are care errors or changes in the environment. But sometimes the plant is damaged by pests. Consider possible reasons more.

Lack or excess of light and moisture

If the bush grows in the shade or in an open sunny area, its leaves may begin to turn yellow, brown and dry. The light regime is very important for the plant - it prefers bright, but at the same time diffused lighting.

He will also be comfortable in partial shade from trees or near shrubs. The scorching sun causes burns on the leaves, and the lack of light affects both foliage and flowering.


If yellowing is due to improper lighting, hydrangeas should either be created suitable conditions, or transplant it to another place.

Although hydrangea is a moisture-loving plant, severe waterlogging primarily affects the leaves. They begin to turn yellow and then fall off. If this happens, it is important to reduce the regularity and volume of watering and not flood the plant in the future.


Hydrangea is a thermophilic flower, so sudden changes in temperature and constant drafts at the place of its landing will lead to yellowing of the leaves and withering of the entire bush.

If this is the reason for yellowing, the flower should be transplanted to a windless sunny place. It is important that the soil in the new place is suitable.

It is very important when planting a plant to choose the right place, think about it in advance.

Low acidity of the soil

Hydrangea prefers acidic soil, pH 3-6. If it grows in alkaline soil, yellow leaves may begin to appear.

If this is the case, then periodically lemon juice should be added to the water for irrigation in the proportion of 2-3 drops of juice per 1 liter of water.

Also, lemon juice can be replaced with vinegar essence. In this case, the ratio will be: 1 teaspoon of essence per 10 liters of water. Over time, the soil loses its nutrients, the plant also needs to be fertilized.

Nutrient deficiency

One of the reasons for the appearance of yellow foliage in a plant may be a lack of fertilizer. From early spring to mid-summer, she needs regular top dressing: 2 times a month with mineral fertilizers and 1 time with organic fertilizers.

If your hydrangea has begun to turn yellow due to a lack of micro and macro elements, Feed her with a high nitrogen fertilizer in the spring for the active growth of foliage, in the summer with "Kemira flower" for abundant flowering, in the fall - with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers to prepare for the dormant period and lay young shoots and peduncles.

powdery mildew

Leaf yellowing may be caused by this disease. It can be identified by a grayish coating on the back of the leaves. On the front side yellow-green spots appear, which turn brown over time and acquire clear boundaries.

Fungicides, such as Alirin or Fitosporin, will help to cope with the disease. At advanced stages, Thiovit, Skor, Topaz, Jet are used.

Now you know why the leaves of the garden hydrangea turn yellow and what to do with the plant in case of care errors.


Possible reasons why hydrangea leaves dry and what to do with the plant:

  • Lack of moisture. The plant needs regular abundant watering, as it loves moisture very much. Due to overdrying of the roots, the leaves begin to dry, especially if the bush grows in a sunny place. The solution to the problem will be timely watering in sufficient quantities and shading the plant;
  • Wrong transfer. If the roots that absorb water and nutrients were damaged during transplantation, the hydrangea does not grow well, and the tips of the leaves begin to dry out. In this case, the flower needs regular abundant (but not excessive) watering. Once every 10 days, when the soil is moistened, Zircon is added to the water (diluted according to the instructions). It stimulates root formation. Top dressing is carried out only after the bush begins to grow;
  • Low humidity environment . This often happens in enclosed spaces, such as greenhouses. It is important to regularly ventilate and humidify the air around the bush;
  • Nutrient deficiencies. It is especially felt during the formation of buds and flowering. During this period, top dressing should be carried out 1 time in 7-10 days.


The blackening of the leaves may be dry and wet, or sluggish. In the first case, brown spots form along the edges of the leaves, which subsequently cause the foliage to dry and wilt. The reason why hydrangea leaves turn black and dry may be:

  • Sunburn. It is important to protect the plant from the scorching rays of the sun;
  • Hard water for irrigation. Ordinary tap water may contain lime and other impurities. Therefore, before watering it is important to defend it, at least a day. It is better to do this in the sun so that the water also warms up.

Wet blackening is easily identified by sluggish dark leaves. Its reasons may be:

  • Drafts or sudden changes in temperature;
  • Excessive abundant watering;
  • Heavy soil that retains moisture and is poorly breathable. Hydrangea prefers light, loose, nutritious soil.


Hydrangea paniculata, with its beautiful pyramidal inflorescences and flowering until the very cold, may also begin to turn yellow leaves. The reason, as a rule, lies in the excess or lack of something., For example:

  • Excess or lack of light;
  • Waterlogging;
  • Lack of nutrients;
  • Low acidity of the soil;
  • Drafts and sudden changes in temperature;
  • Diseases such as powdery mildew and ring spot.

To solve the problem of yellowing, it is necessary to adjust the care and create the most favorable conditions for hydrangeas.

At home

Indoor hydrangea is adapted to life in an apartment, so it especially needs to be created comfortable conditions for growth and flowering. Sometimes, if the rules of care are not followed, the leaves may begin to turn yellow and dry.. What could be the reason?

  • Damage to the root system during transplantation. In this case, the plant is likely to recover, but it will take time - up to 2 months. You can help him with this by adding Zircon to the water for irrigation every 10 days. It stimulates root formation;
  • Underwatering or overwatering. It is optimal to carry out the next moistening after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried up a little;
  • Low air humidity. Hydrangea should be sprayed regularly, especially in hot weather. summer days. It is also important to ensure that the humidity in the room where it is located is above average;
  • Nutrient deficiencies. During the period of active growth and flowering, potted hydrangea needs regular feeding: 1 time in 7-10 days;
  • Too much light. On the south window without shading, the hydrangea can get a leaf burn. Optimal location for her - east and west windows.

Knowing about the causes of yellowing, blackening and drying of hydrangea leaves, you can avoid unnecessary problems. Well, if trouble did happen, tips on quick help will help restore the splendor of green foliage in a short time!

A simple solution

If a magnificent and flowering beauty turns yellow in the garden, she must be saved. True, this will require knowledge of how much light and moisture is enough, how drafts and soil composition affect, and also what other reasons for such a shrub reaction may be. After all, he is amazingly handsome.

And why the lush green hydrangea foliage begins to change colors, you need to not just figure it out, but know how to deal with these negative phenomena.


Why the leaves dry and turn yellow in a garden beauty that can stand in pyramidal inflorescences and green foliage until the very cold, experienced gardeners know. But Additional Information will not interfere with them or people who are fond of breeding flowers.

The main reasons are hidden in the following factors:

  • hydration (more precisely, an excess of moisture that poured under the plant);
  • lighting (it a large number of or the deficiency is reflected in the change in the color of the foliage to yellow);
  • lack of nutrients (the size of the bush and a long growing season require a sufficient amount of substances and trace elements, due to which the health of the plant will be maintained);
  • incorrect soil pH (too low acidity can significantly worsen appearance hydrangeas and yellowing foliage are just the beginning of these changes);
  • temperature conditions that do not meet the standards for the plant (if there are drafts that the bush cannot tolerate or sudden changes in temperature, it is then that the leaves of the hydrangea dry);
  • diseases (powdery mildew and ring spot are the most common types that can lead to yellowing and subsequent drying of the leaves).

How to deal with the problem and prevent each of them is indicated in the article below. After all, this long-flowering shrub with pink, blue and even whitish flowers can lose its external beauty if some factors go against the rules of care and its cultivation.

light and moisture

The leaves of the hydrangea wither and even fall off if the place for planting is not chosen correctly. It is impossible for this shrub to grow in the shade or in too open space with full access to sunlight. The appearance of yellowness, brown shades on the foliage and even its death is a natural result. The scorching sun can burn the leaves.

The lack of light will certainly be visible not only by changes in the foliage, but also by a worsened or lack of color on the garden hydrangea.

Only diffused lighting can save the plant from death. If it is not possible to equip some kind of canopy or pull the mesh from above, then the only way out is to transplant. Partial shade from trees and shrubs, higher than hydrangea, is quite suitable.

This plant is quite moisture-loving, but the lack of norms in watering will cause it to weaken. What to do if the foliage begins to change color and even fall off - the answer is obvious here. Reducing the regularity, as well as the volume of irrigation will best solution until the root system begins to rot.


Some actions should be taken despite the fact that the soil has been depleted, it no longer contains nutrients and needed by the plant substances and minerals. Saves the regularity of top dressing.

Mineral fertilizers are applied at least 1 time in 15 days, and organic fertilizers - 1 time in 30 days.
Hydrangea can be lethargic if there is a lack of micro and macro elements. In this case, the rules for caring for the plant will help.

In spring, the flower should be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

In the summer, those solutions are selected whose action is aimed at abundant flowering. One of the most favorite top dressings among gardeners is Flower Kemira. Autumn is the time when young shoots and flower stalks are laid. In order for the plant to be well prepared for the dormant period, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers should be used. The color of each leaf on a shrub can indicate a problem.

If the gardener has a store far away, then you can prepare fertilizer yourself at home. One of the main ingredients will be red peat. The second is humus from the leaves.

It is thanks to him that acidification and saturation with minerals of the earth will occur, where this fertilizer will be applied. Then pine needles and sulfur are mixed in. It's easy to do. Sulfur should only be lightly sprinkled over the dug up earth. Make only 3 dressings.

One in the spring when new foliage appears. The other two - in the summer, while the plant blooms and smells in the literal and figurative sense.

To the question why the leaves of the garden hydrangea turn yellow, there is another answer. This is an iron deficiency. Wilting and yellowing associated with this problem are neutralized by acidification. Acid solutions, which are almost always on hand, are quite suitable.

Use diluted vinegar, as well as citric or oxalic acid. A teaspoon of any of the above substances per 10 liters clean water save the situation.

Burying nails and canning lids, tin cans and ferovit solution into the soil will make up for the lack of iron.

The soil

Garden hydrangea needs acidified soil. As soon as alkalis prevail in the soil, this affects the color of the foliage. The fight against this problem is quite simple.

Lemon juice should be added to water for irrigation. For 1 liter of pure species, only up to 3 drops are enough. You can take a solution of vinegar essence for the same purpose. But here is a different relationship.

You will need one teaspoon of liquid per 10 liters of water.

Violation of the temperature regime

Drafts and sudden changes in temperature will definitely negatively affect the flower. This can affect not only the foliage, but also the wilting of the entire shrub.

If it is not possible to create protection for the plant in this place in the form of a decorative hedge, shields or wattle, then it must be transplanted. security, necessary care and the absence of drafts will help the flower regain strength.
The leaves of the shrub dry up if the air temperature is above 30 degrees Celsius.

After sunset, the hydrangea can recover again. But if excessive heat is observed for many days and weeks, the bush cannot be saved - it will begin to dry completely. This does not mean that the flower will die.

However, it will definitely not be able to please with juicy foliage or flowering this year. From the scorching sun with excessive heat, the hydrangea should be protected as well as from drafts.

In this case, it is better to create humidity during hours when the sun is not so aggressive by spraying.

Diseases and the fight against them

Hydrangeas turn black, and not just turn yellow due to powdery mildew. This disease is defined early stages on a grayish bloom at the bottom of the leaves.

The front side is covered with spots that turn from yellow-green to brown and even black. Fungicides will help save such a deplorable situation.

Gardeners use Thiovit, Topaz, Fast, Jet (in advanced cases), Fitosporin and Alirin (in the early stages).

The leaves turn black or turn brown, turn yellow and deform also if the plant is affected by diseases such as gray rot, as well as spotting:

  • phylloscytic;
  • annular;
  • septoria;
  • ascochytic.

As a result, the foliage not only changes color, but also dries. They fight these microorganisms with the help of Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate, as well as special pre-purchased preparations that need to be treated with shrubs.

Yellowness and drying on the foliage is a natural reaction if the hydrangea is attacked spider mite. With strong colonization, there are cases when the plant died completely. Insects are afraid of acaricides and insecto-acaricides. Such drugs are available in almost every store.

If the leaves on the shrub turn black, experienced gardeners immediately look for aphids. It is she who drinks the juice from the plant. And its sticky liquid - afterbirth becomes favorable soil for the growth of soot fungus. Tobacco tincture or insecticides will help save the hydrangea.

True, if an incident happened, this information will tell gardeners a list of actions with which a successful struggle is possible.

french princess

Hydrangea, or hydrangea (Hydrangea) perennial shrub of the Hydrangeaceae family, or hydrangeas (Hydrangeaceae), common in East Asia, North and South America.

The first name of the genus Hortensia was in honor of the French princess Hortensia.

And much later, scientists renamed the plant Hydrangia, which comes from the Greek words "hydor" - water and "angeion" - a vessel, which indicates that the plant belongs to the moisture-loving. But gardeners all over the world got accustomed to the first name - Hydrangea.

Hydrangeas are perennial, deciduous, large-leaved, ornamental shrubs (sometimes liana-shaped). From uric roots grows up to 5 stems. The leaves are dark green, opposite, elongated-oval, pointed, serrated at the edges, with clearly protruding veins.

The flowers are collected in large spherical inflorescences. More often, flowers of two types - small fruit-bearing, located in the middle of the inflorescence and marginal - large, barren, from 4-5 petal-shaped sepals, mostly snow-white, blue or pinkish.

The fruit is a 2-5-separate box with numerous small seeds.

Large-leaved hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) - ornamental shrub, in open ground the plant can reach 1-2 m in height. Shoots are upright. Leaves numerous, ovate, green.

The flowers are collected in large (up to 20 cm in diameter), dense, spherical inflorescences, formed at the ends of the shoots. A potted plant produces 3-6 flower heads. On acidic soil, the flowers are blue, on alkaline - pink in various shades, even white.

There are several varieties of large-leaved hydrangea:

- Japanese variety (Hydrangea macrophylla var. Japonica) - with flat inflorescences, along the edges of which there are large sterile flowers, and the middle is occupied by fertile ones.

- changeable variety (Hydrangea macrophylla var. Mutabilis) - spherical inflorescences, consisting of large sterile flowers. Numerous varieties of this variety are widely used in industrial floriculture.

Hydrangea paniculata (Hydrangea paniculata)- shrub or small tree, with large serrated leaves.

The flowers are collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences and can be white, pink, red, blue and blue.

This species is frost-resistant and tolerates temperatures of -15°C; even if the above-ground part of the plant is destroyed by frost, it will grow back as soon as it gets warmer. Requires annual pruning.

Hydrangea tree (Hydrangea arborescens)- upright shrub, reaching a height of two meters. Flowering begins in July and continues until frost.

Inflorescences are large (up to 25-30 cm), densely covering the bushes. Before the start of growth, a short pruning of the bushes is necessary.

Frost-resistant plant, tolerates temperatures down to -20°C, quickly recovers in spring.

Hydrangea petiolate, or creeping (Hydrangea scandens, petiolaris)- hardy liana, reaching a height of about 20 m, clinging to the support with numerous aerial roots. The flowers are white, collected in umbellate inflorescences.

During the active growing season, Hydrangea does not tolerate direct sunlight, so it is better to place it in partial shade. But in winter period(from the beginning of January until the formation of buds), on the contrary, it is recommended to place the plants in the most lit, sunny places.

In summer, hydrangea is recommended to be taken out on Fresh air, in a cool place. For the winter, the hydrangea sheds its leaves, so it can winter in a dark place at a temperature of 4-8 ° C; at the beginning of spring, it should be moved again to a bright and warm place where the temperature should not exceed 20 ° C. At temperatures above 20°C, the plant sheds its leaves.

Majority garden hydrangeas frost-resistant. They are cut or bent to the ground for the winter, and covered with spruce branches. Under such shelter, the plant winters well. If a ground part hydrangea freezes, then it can be cut, and then the plant will bloom next year.

Air humidity
Hydrangeas prefer high humidity. To do this, it is recommended to regularly spray the leaves, you can place the pot in a tray with wet expanded clay or moss, but the bottom of the pot should not touch the water.

In the spring and summer, hydrangea prefers abundant watering, as the topsoil dries out. Since autumn, watering is gradually reduced. In winter, the hydrangea is watered occasionally, but the soil is not allowed to dry out completely. When leaves appear, watering is gradually increased.

With the advent of buds, hydrangeas begin to be fed with complex fertilizer for flowering plants 2 times a month.

rest period
In winter, hydrangeas have a dormant period. At this time, she sheds her leaves. Store pots at this time should be in dry, cool rooms, you can in the dark. The rest period lasts 2-2.5 months.

After a dormant period, it is necessary to prune weak and elongated shoots, leaving 2-6 eyes on the branch. This contributes to a good growth of new, stronger shoots, increased flowering.

Hydrangea is transplanted annually. At the same time, one must be careful with the choice of soil, because white, pink and red varieties require soil with low acidity, and for blue varieties - with high.

Hydrangeas are propagated mainly by cuttings, less often by seeds, dividing bushes, offspring and layering, and grafting. For cuttings in March, take young lower shoots with leaves 7-8 cm long with 2-3 internodes. Leaf blades are shortened by a third or half.


The two lower leaves must be removed, the cut must be straight, 3-4 mm below the knot. They are planted at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other in deep bowls, deepening 1.5-2 cm into the sand. It is not recommended to cover the cuttings with glass, as they can rot. In the first week they are sprayed 3-4 times a day, then 1-2 times.

After 5-6 weeks, well-rooted cuttings with a clod of earth are planted in 7-9 cm pots. In May, the cuttings are pinched for bushiness.

Cuttings in March, hydrangeas will bloom in May - June next year. Annual plants form 1-3 inflorescences.

Diseases and pests
Spider mite. It affects the leaves from the underside, causing them to turn yellow and marble, then dry and fall off. The tick covers the underside of the leaf with a brown cobweb.
Preparations for the fight: actara, actellik, fitoverm, thiophos.

Downy mildew. It affects the leaves and stems of hydrangeas. Its first signs are the appearance on the leaves of oily, later turning yellow spots, gradually darkening and increasing in size. A yellowish coating appears below the leaves, the same coating can be on young stems.

The development of the disease is facilitated by a temperature of 18-20 ° C and high humidity.
Control measures: treatment of affected plants with copper soap liquid (150 g of green soap, 15 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water).

This liquid is harmless to plants, and its use on early stages development helps to completely get rid of the disease.

Chlorosis. A sign of chlorosis is the lightening of the leaves, only the veins on them remain dark. Plants growing on soils with a significant amount of lime are more susceptible to chlorosis.

An excess of humus in the soil also leads to chlorosis.

Control measures: pour 2-3 times with a solution of potassium nitrate at the rate of 40 g per 10 liters of water and three days later - with a solution of ferrous sulfate, also 40 g per 10 liters of water.

In closed ground conditions, when forcing plants, hydrangea can be affected by green leaf aphids.
Control measures: a good remedy its destruction is a double spraying of plants with a solution of anabazine sulfate. To do this, 15-20 g of anabazine sulfate is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

With an excess of light, light spots appear on the leaves.
With insufficient watering and dry air, the tips of the leaves dry.
With a lack of nutrition, plants develop poorly and do not bloom.

Helpful information

Hydrangea is beautiful plant, which is quite often grown by flower growers, both in the garden and at home. The plant blooms very beautifully and fits perfectly into the home interior.

Caring for hydrangea is quite simple, as it is not whimsical to the conditions of detention. But sometimes hydrangea leaves turn yellow and dry.

Why this happens, and what to do in such a situation, we will try to tell you in this article.


Why hydrangea leaves began to turn yellow, what to do? There may be several reasons for yellowing, but usually this happens due to inappropriate care of the flower. In this case, it is necessary to reconsider the correct care of the flower.

Hydrangea leaves may turn yellow due to errors such as:

  1. Excessive humidity. Home hydrangea loves moisture very much, but if you water it heavily, then the flower can only be poured, and this is quite detrimental to the leaves, which as a result turn yellow and fall off.
  2. Lack of heat. Hydrangea does not tolerate drafts and low temperature regime. Under such conditions, the leaves of the plant turn yellow and dry.
  3. Insufficient amount of nutrients. Home hydrangea for good flowering should receive the necessary micro and macro elements.
  4. Lack of lighting. In order for a flower to grow and develop normally, it needs good lighting. Hydrangea prefers bright and diffused light. But only direct sunlight should not fall on the plant, otherwise the leaves may get a sunburn.
  5. Lack of fertilizer during the period of active flower growth. If you do not apply top dressing, then the leaves turn yellow and dry.

Why do homemade hydrangeas dry leaves and what to do? home flower needs nutrients, and in particular during the flowering period. With a lack of useful elements, there will be an inferior formation of inflorescences, and the tips of the leaves will turn yellow. Very often this happens when the earth is deficient in nitrogen and iron.


Why do hydrangea leaves turn black? Sometimes it happens that the care of the plant is carried out correctly, and the leaves turn yellow anyway, which means that the reason is something else. In some cases, hydrangea leaves turn yellow and dry due to diseases. Although the plant is quite resistant to various infections, in certain cases it can be affected by diseases.

The most common hydrangea disease is ring spot. When a disease affects a flower, its leaves not only turn yellow, but also deform.

In addition to the ring spot, indoor flower Other diseases can also attack:

  • powdery mildew;
  • chlorosis;
  • white rot.

powdery mildew

The disease manifests itself in the form of oily spots, which turn black after a while. The disease occurs due to high humidity. To get rid of powdery mildew, you need to treat the flower with soapy water, to which they add blue vitriol. Such treatment must be performed in the early stages of the disease.


Why does chlorosis affect hydrangea? The disease most often occurs due to improper watering.

Chlorosis appears when the plant is watered with cold tap water, where a large proportion of the lime content is present. With this disease, the leaf turns yellow and dries.

In some cases, chlorosis leads to the death of the plant. Treatment of a flower from chlorosis includes spraying the plant with special preparations: Ferovit, Agricol, Ferrilen.

white rot

This disease is manifested by root rot. With such a disease, the flower does not receive useful substances, then it begins to darken and dies. To eliminate the disease, the plant must be treated chemical agent such as Fitosporin or use other fungicides. If you do not want your hydrangea to be affected by various diseases, then plant care must be correct.

Treatment of diseased leaves

When the edges of the leaves dry, you need to urgently react, otherwise the plant may die. First you need to determine the cause, and only then choose a method of treatment.

The main methods of treatment:

  • with an excess of moisture - it is necessary to suspend watering for a while or water, but not so often;
  • with a lack of heat - the hydrangea should be removed from drafts, and placed in a warmer room;
  • if there are not enough nutrients, you need to start feeding the flower. Experienced flower growers recommend fertilizing the pot when watering along with water, you still need to use soft and settled water for irrigation.

With an insufficient amount of iron in the earth, the acidity of the earth should be renewed. In this case, it is required to add to the soil vinegar essence. Prepare the solution as follows: take 1 teaspoon of essence and pour into 10 liters of water. By the way, vinegar can be replaced with oxalic acid. In addition, to restore the acidity of the earth, a solution of ferovit should be used.

In case of viral diseases, diseased leaves must be removed, and the flower should be treated with fungicides. Quite often, professionals use Bordeaux mixture against diseases (1%). If you properly care for hydrangea, then the edges of the leaves will not turn yellow and dry.


In order to prevent the occurrence of yellowing of the leaves, it is recommended to follow some tips:

  1. It is required to properly organize the irrigation regime. You do not need to fill the flower too much, but also dry it too.
  2. Use settled and soft water for irrigation.
  3. The plant is best placed in a warm room.
  4. Keep the plant pot out of direct sunlight as the edges of the leaves may dry out.
  5. From time to time you need to feed the hydrangea (mainly during the flowering period).

In addition, you can sometimes spray the flower with various preparations from microbes. If you follow these recommendations, then you will be able to avoid the appearance of yellow leaves at home hydrangea, and keep its excellent appearance for a long time.