Electric stove energy consumption. Power of the induction hob

  • 14.06.2019

The twenty-first century gives kitchen lovers a great opportunity to use convenient technology.

Among them are induction cookers, which many people already know about. Such a device does not waste electricity simply, for example, on heating the surface of the furnace.

Influence of the principle of operation on power consumption

To understand how two concepts are interconnected - performance and power consumption, it is necessary to deal with each aspect separately.

How an induction cooker works

Device refers to electrical structures and has a familiar look.

but there is no heating element under the glass-ceramic surface. Instead of them the device is equipped with high-quality electromagnetic coils made specially of copper.

They are needed in order to create a magnetic field. When it happens an electric current is created, which passes through the dishes. Accordingly, the food is heated.

Reference! Heating does not occur through the surface, so the dish is cooked quite quickly.

In addition, there is block that controls the process of work. With its help, the presence of an object on the plate is recognized. It turns the same coils on and off.

How the principle of operation affects energy consumption

Dealing with this issue is easy and simple. From the above we know that energy is not distributed to the entire surface area, but only to the burner. Therefore, and Much less electricity is used.

In conventional stoves, heating elements at the beginning of work increase the temperature of the entire body, then the heaters, and only in the very last place - the dishes in which the product is located. Such a way to warming up and making food takes a huge amount of time. From this it can be concluded that and energy has to be spent on a large scale.

Therefore, if we compare the induction cooker and the unit with a heating element, the advantage of the first is noticeable.

Several liters of liquid, the first of them will warm up in half an hour, and the other in a matter of minutes, provided that the power will be the same for both.

Even with the most powerful unit induction hob will remain the most economical option of all possible as it reduces cooking time by 15-20 minutes.

Ability to adjust power

An additional advantage is the power adjustment. Touch controls on induction cooktops. You must press your fingers on the icons presented, so you will not find any buttons on the stove.

With one touch, you can set the required power rather than apply pressure several times.

The control is very smooth, therefore, the quality of the dish is guaranteed.

Such an action is instantaneous, and setting up a small fire on other devices is not easy to perform.

The power regulator allows you to save extra by choosing low level power.

Pros and cons of an induction cooker

Before making an expensive purchase, you need to carefully analyze all the pros and cons.


The main advantage of modern induction surfaces is economical technology.

Due to the fact that the energy does not evaporate into environment, but served straight to the cooking utensils, electricity consumption is significantly reduced compared to other types of boards.

  • Besides coefficient useful action usually reaches 90 percent.
  • It means that all activities are focused only on cooking, what affects the speed of the process.
  • To all the pluses should be mentioned safety. When electricity is used up, only the hob that you turned on works. Hence, chance of getting burned is reduced to zero, even if, for example, your hand will lie on the surface.

reference. Savings start from the first moment the device is turned on.

This is achieved through several steps.

  • Heating occurs instantly.
  • Heat formed on the bottom surface of the used utensils, used only for cooking.
  • The self-acting switch works at removal of an object from a plate surface.


The disadvantages include use of electricity to work with this type of plate.

  • If you are the owner gas equipment, then existing electrical wiring may not be sufficient powerful. And replacing it yourself can be quite a difficult option.
  • The device is capable of providing little negative impact on humans. Of course, you should not be so afraid of this, harm is done in small doses. But still, it is advisable not to neglect this and adhere to some simple rules.
  1. Do not come into close contact with the unit. Try to stay as safe as possible- not less than half a meter (optimal - 30 centimeters).
  2. If a person can avoid harm, then other devices may fall under significantly damage. This applies to similar kitchen appliances, various cell phones and other gadgets. But it will not be so dangerous for them if removed to a safe distance.

Consumption consumption per month

Let's compare the characteristics for individual types of hobs. Let's take an electric stove with glass ceramics, gas and induction as an example. The last of them will consume one and a half times less than the rest, namely 0.35 kW (why exactly is indicated at the beginning of the article). With instant heating, they have the following mechanism: when the current is turned off, the coils will not produce a magnetic flux, that is, the dishes will not heat up.

If it is adjusted, then changes will occur instantly, since heat generation will be directed exclusively to the specified place - one burner.

ATTENTION! To minimize energy consumption, you need to purchase special dishes (pots, pans), which are designed specifically for this type of stove - induction.

Consumption calculation

Water heating:

  • electric stove - 30 min. = 1.7 kW / h.
  • Induction hob - 5.5 min = 0.32 kWh.

Monthly expense:

  • electric stove - about 460 kW / h.
  • Induction panel - about 155 kW / h.

We conclude: the induction device consumes electricity more expediently, which means that you will also have to pay less for electricity than it would be with other stoves.

Now you know how much the induction panel consumes. This will help decide whether such a technique is needed or not.

One of the first questions that arises is how much power the purchased device should have. This important factor, which will help determine which panel is better to choose - gas, induction or electric. What depends on the power of the unit and how much it is different models, find out more.

What determines the power of the hob?

Power hob is an important instrument selection parameter for three main reasons:

  • The speed with which your dishes pass depends on the power. heat treatment. Agree that it is better when there is an opportunity to cook dishes as quickly as possible.
  • Modern stoves have burners of different capacities, and this is very convenient. If you just need not a large number of heat, why waste extra gas or electricity on useless heating of the air in the kitchen. However, one should also take into account reverse side question - the power of the largest burner should also be sufficient to quickly cook a large pot of soup.
  • On the modern kitchens Often, air conditioners are installed. When heat energy is released in too large quantities, the load on the air conditioner increases accordingly. At the same time, the extra costs for both heating the air and cooling it are completely unjustified.

So, it is worth choosing a hob with such power that the cooking time is fast, but the heat generated is optimal.

Electric hob

Electrical appliance traditional design consumes the most electrical power of all the types under consideration, so we will start the review with this option.

The most widespread on the market in our time have received stoves with four burners. Thus, the standard number of heating points has not changed over the decades of the existence of home stoves. The connection is also similar. However, manufacturers have gone to the modernization of heating places, so they have different power:

  • the first burner has the smallest power - 0.4-1 kW;
  • two burners have an average power of approximately 1.5 kW;
  • the fourth burner has the highest power - up to 3 kW.

Thus, the total power consumption reaches 7 kW. However, there are electrical surfaces with additional properties, including:

  • with the possibility of an adjustable increase in the total heating area for each point - additional rings around the disks;
  • with the option of combining two adjacent burners to work with dishes of non-standard oblong shape - goose-cookers and the like;
  • with a large number of heating points, that is, not four, but more, for example, six.

Accordingly, the total power can increase up to 10 kW.

Of course, with such indicators, it is necessary to think in advance how such energy-demanding equipment will be powered, otherwise the wires in the wall may suddenly burn out during operation of the panel. To restore, you will have to look for the place of the break, open the wall, connect the wires and close the wall again. This can be a big problem, so talk to a professional about your power grid's capabilities.

For apartments in old Soviet-built houses, it is not recommended to purchase electric stoves with a total power of more than 3.5-4 kW. In houses of modern construction, it is allowed to install electrical equipment with an energy consumption of up to 10 kW.

Also, do not discount other electrical equipment that creates a load on your home network. These include a boiler for heating water, washing machine, iron, electric kettle, microwave oven, laser printer. Each of them either long time consumes a large amount of electricity, or creates a short-term, but tangible peak load, or both at once. Try not to run your new electric stove at the same time as other powerful consumers.

Many modern electric hobs have burner heat sensors that warn you of a burn hazard if you touch the surface of the hob. If you have such an opportunity, try to purchase just such a model. Firstly, this will increase the safety of working at the stove, and secondly, knowing in advance that the disk is still hot, you can put other dishes on it and save on electricity.

- most modern look equipment for heating food in the kitchen. Its average power is about 7 kW. However, please note that this is the consolidated power of the device.

Due to the fact that cooking on the induction surface takes a minimum of time, the simultaneous operation of all discs almost does not occur. And even if this happens, a short period of peak energy consumption is quickly replaced by inactivity, as the cooking is already over - the soup is cooked, the fish is fried, the kettle is boiled.

Thus, although the power of an induction cooker is equal to the power of a conventional electric stove, by heating only the bottom and bottom of the cookware (and not the air underneath), electricity is consumed only for the heat treatment of food. It is important to note that saving energy requires the use of special dishes in cooking.

Induction hobs are the most economical type of kitchen equipment available today, although they are expensive.

Gas hob

A special power meter to determine this parameter for household gas stove it is not easy to find, since gas is not electricity, and it is impossible to directly measure the amount of energy spent (or received) in the process of burning hydrocarbon fuels at home.

So, in order to establish the power of such a panel, direct counting can be replaced by another method, for example, by the amount of gas that has passed through the meter. The calorific value of natural gas is 8-11 kW per hour/m. cube It is possible to evaluate the quality of gas in the kitchen only subjectively, but it is still realistic to determine the minimum and maximum values, based on the following parameters:

  • the approximate power of one burner of a standard household gas hob is estimated at about 2-2.5 kW;
  • the total calorific value of the entire gas appliance for 4 burners is approximately 8-10 kW.

The reduced power of the smaller burners is compensated for by the increased heat dissipation of the largest burner.

At the same time, the power of the burner depends on its diameter, which can be seen from the table (the data are given for the state when the burner gas valve is fully open):

Burner diameter, mm 50 75 130
power, kWt 1 2 3,5

For the most common option (one place for 50 mm, two for 75 mm and one for 130 mm), the total power will be 8.5 kW.

Given such a parameter as power, you can make a competent choice of the hob. Because the market offers various options, everyone can choose the best model for themselves. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that by overpaying for the purchase of an energy-saving unit, in the future you can save on energy for many years.

In contact with

Induction cooker power from 3 to 10 kW

The power of the induction cooker is the parameter that is important and decisive when choosing equipment Quite often, when purchasing a cooking appliance, attention falls not only on the design of the hob itself and the electric stove as a whole, but also on power, especially if the model of the induction cooker is purchased. This equipment has become popular recently in many countries, as it has a mass positive aspects and, most importantly, cost-effectiveness, ease of use and the like technical specifications, as the energy consumption of an electric furnace per month. Due to the fact that the technique was created according to modern technologies, it can consume a minimum of energy, giving the maximum result.

Rated power of the electric stove and the general arrangement of the equipment

The model of the electric stove, on which induction burners are installed, has a new way of heating food, which allows you to heat or cook a dish in the shortest possible time. The peculiarity of these household electric stoves has a magnetic field, which is maintained by high-frequency coils, transferring an induction current to the surface of the dishes, which heats up.

The hob of an electric stove, for example,Bosch, has:

  • temperature sensor;
  • Corps;
  • control panel;
  • Power part.

For an induction cooker, it is best to purchase special dishes

Since the hob acts on a certain point or, in other words, not on the surface of the cookware installed on it, everything that surrounds this place remains completely cold. This is very useful for those who have small children at home or are close to such a problem as burns on the surface of the burners.

Regardless of how much electricity such a stove consumes, you need to purchase special dishes.

Ware is selected, which has a high magnetic permeability and has a fixed value in resistivity. The best option would be dishes made of a ferrimagnetic cloth, as it fully meets all the requirements.

Selecting the power of the hob

Modern hobs or induction cookers, in which an oven is additionally installed, have a connection power in the range of 3-10 kW. The figure directly depends on how many burners are present on the surface, as well as on their total performance. Basically, the electric stove has 4 burners, which have different sizes for ease of cooking.

In the standard model, the power of the burner itself big size is approximately 2-3 kilowatts, and for 2 small ones, the average performance is 1.5 kW. On a small burner, the power is 1 kW.

It is important to use burners in accordance with their parameters and recommendations from the manufacturer. To be more precise, it is forbidden to put a large pan on a small circle. All circles heat products independently of each other, which in no way affects their performance and what consumption this equipment will carry out. There are many advantages to induction cookers that make them the choice of the world.

When choosing an induction cooker, pay attention to its functionality and technical characteristics.

These include:

  • Possibility of fast heating and cooking;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Lack of opportunity to get burned;
  • Ease of use.
  • High level of efficiency;
  • Availability circuit breaker when removing dishes;
  • No dependence on what will be the power consumption relative to the voltage in the network;
  • Economy in consumption;
  • Excellent technical performance.

Unfortunately, technology is not without its drawbacks, but they are not so significant and sometimes fade into the background. It is required to select special dishes. Repairs can only be carried out by a master. The stove emits radiation to other appliances installed in the kitchen.

Induction cooker: how much electricity is required to work

It is sometimes very difficult for some people to change the good old electric stoves with ordinary burners to new and high-tech equipment, however, if you look at these models more carefully and become familiar with the principle of operation and electricity consumption, then your opinion may change quickly.

Basically, does not affect the purchase of something:

  • How much does the product weigh?
  • What is the design;
  • Is the model equipped with an oven, or is there an additional connecting part for cooking in a closed space;
  • How much does the product cost.

First of all, the energy consumption of electricity per hour and, accordingly, the total amount of consumption of this resource is important. It is worth noting that a conventional four-burner induction hob has a power of 3.5 kW. Similar power for electric stoves with heating elements.

The induction cooker has a mass positive qualities

If we compare the efficiency, it will take 30 minutes to heat 2 liters of water on a conventional stove with heating elements, and only 5.5 minutes when using induction.

It can only be concluded that the energy consumption in the second case will be 6 times less. Depending on the type of burner induction cooker, not only the specific energy consumption is carried out, but also what products it is preferable to cook on them. On a small burner with an average power of 0.4-1 kW, milk porridge, coffee or meat stewing are mainly cooked. On the largest burners, food is cooked in large capacity. Medium burners, suitable for cooking meat dishes, vegetables, cereals and other side dishes for the whole family.

There are fast heating burners, they have the largest connection power, which makes it possible to cook with their help quickly and as tasty as possible. There are models in which the burners are of a double type, which allows you to put dishes on them for use. custom size e.g. oblong. The total power of connecting induction hobs directly will depend on the model, number and size of burners. It is much easier to use stoves with at least 4 burners, which allows you to cook several dishes at once.

Optimum energy consumption of the induction cooker

Even with a gas stove, an hour of work will require a much longer resource than when using stoves in which the type of induction surface is installed. The operation of such a product, as already noted, directly depends on how well the high-frequency coils function, on average 30-60 kHz, due to which an electromagnetic field is created. The peculiarity of this mechanism of work lies precisely in reducing the level of energy consumption, which primarily affects the costs from the budget to pay for such a resource.

A special panel monitors the cooking process, due to which:

  • Dishes are recognized;
  • The power of the induction field is adjusted;
  • The presence of dishes on the surface is monitored and, when it is removed, the device turns off.

Induction cookers have low energy consumption

To demonstrate the real power of an induction cooker and in order to recognize how much energy it really takes to cook food, it is enough to conduct a small experiment. It is described above, and this is a banal boiling of water. You can take milk porridge or coffee as the basis for cooking, but in any case, the cooking time will be much lower than if you do it on a standard stove.

Almost all induction cooker models have low energy consumption, which makes these cookers in demand all over the world.

Power consumption of the induction cooker (video)

It is worth noting that when buying, you need to pay attention not only to the power, but also to the quality of the equipment, and it is advisable to give preference to those stoves that are created by well-known manufacturers. This will allow you to get really high-quality equipment for cooking.

As you know, the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831. Today, even restaurateurs can say thanks to the ingenious Englishman: the work of induction equipment, which has been equipped with kitchens in the HoReCa segment for about two decades, is based on the principle he discovered. Rating of steamers for home use with prices.

On the Russian market of professional kitchen equipment, a new high-tech product with a high efficiency is presented - an induction cooker. What are the advantages and disadvantages of induction cookers, what does the market offer the Russian consumer, and what criteria should a restaurateur or housewife be guided by when choosing such equipment? Let's try to answer these questions. Overview - .

Induction cooker - pros and cons

is an electric stove with a glass-ceramic hob equipped with induction hobs. The difference from all other types of plates is the principle of heat generation. In electric stoves, the product is heated in stages: heat is transferred from the heating elements to the surface of the burner, the bottom of the dishes on the stove is heated from it, and heat is transferred from the bottom to the product. In induction cookers, the stage of heat transfer from the heated surface of the burner to the cookware is skipped.

The principle of operation of an induction burner is based on the use of magnetic field energy. In this case, thanks to the copper coil and high frequency electric current, the heat originates directly in the disc of the bottom of the dish and heats the food from the bottom. Thus, it is not the burner that heats up, but the pot or pan itself.

The surface usually heats up to no more than 60 C and cools down after turning it off in just 6 minutes. This happens just due to the fact that the heating of the hob comes only from hot dishes. For comparison: a gas stove, at the same temperature, cools down in 24 minutes, and an electric one in almost 50. When working in the kitchen, this is one of the advantages, since the surrounding air practically does not heat up.

It is especially noticeable if the kitchen has a full fleet of induction equipment, - says Kirill Khlebnikov, Deputy Director for Engineering and Technical Service of the Delovaya Rus company (Yekaterinburg). - Then we use other options for air conditioning - a less powerful ventilation system is required . The induction cooker creates a different microclimate in the kitchen, cooks work in more comfortable conditions.

Induction burners have a wide range of heating power - from 50 to 3500 watts. And this power can be smoothly changed using numerous modes. On the minimum power you can stew food in the same way as on a slow fire, and at maximum the water in the pan boils faster than on a gas stove.

Induction cookers combine the advantages of another thermal equipment: they are able to provide the highest heating accuracy - up to a degree, and this is a plus for electric stoves, any temperature change here occurs instantly, like on a gas stove. In addition, they also have some unique features that are not available to other plates. Such, for example, is the “booster” function, in which, within a few minutes, the power of one burner is transferred to the adjacent one.

In terms of cooking speed, the induction burner is not inferior to gas burners and approaching microwave ovens. Water on such a stove boils much faster than on any other, including gas (1.5 liters of water can be boiled in 3.2 minutes, and on a standard electric burner only in 14 minutes).

Will induction cookers save time and money?

One of the main advantages of an induction cooker is its efficiency. Thanks to their cooking technology, induction cookers save not only time, but also electricity. The stove consumes several times less energy than any other. This happens due to the fact that heating according to the configuration of the pan allows you to choose the optimal mode that ensures minimal power consumption. That is, the stove automatically adjusts to the diameter of the bottom of the pan and heats only the required area of ​​coverage.

The stove will not start working without dishes on it. Moreover, if the pot or pan is empty, the stove will not turn on either. By the way, the heating of objects with a diameter of less than 12 cm is blocked by a special sensor. Therefore, if a spoon, fork or knife is accidentally left on the stove, they will not heat up and there will be no danger of getting burned.

How to choose cookware for an induction cooker? General information about dishes, for this type of stove. What to look for when choosing and for an induction cooker?

Undoubtedly positive moment is that when cooking on an induction hob there is no smoke and fumes, because food that accidentally gets on a glass-ceramic surface does not burn, since the burner itself does not heat up. In addition, induction cookers are safe - they do not have open flames, hot burners and mechanical parts, which reduces the likelihood of burns and ignition. To ensure mechanical safety, the corners of the plate are rounded.

It is easier to take care of such a plate: its surface is absolutely smooth, there is simply nowhere for dirt to accumulate. And since it also practically does not heat up, all care comes down to only periodically wiping the surface with a damp cloth.

Despite the fact that the induction cooker can successfully replace not only electric, but also gas, it still has certain disadvantages.

Induction cookers must not be installed above ovens, refrigerators, freezers and other appliances with metal surfaces.

And most importantly, only special dishes can be heated on an induction burner, the bottom of which is made of a ferromagnetic alloy. These are dishes made of stainless steel, aluminum with a ferromagnetic bottom, cast iron cookware. But dishes made of copper, brass, aluminum, heat-resistant glass and other non-magnetic materials are useless for such a stove. As a rule, accessories suitable for "induction" are marked with a special pictogram.

How much does an induction cooker cost?

The first induction hob was proposed by the German company AEG back in 1987, but at first it was not widely used both because of the high cost and because of the cautious attitude of consumers to the new heating principle. But professionals soon showed interest in the novelty. In the restaurant business, first of all, the speed of cooking and its quality are important. Thus, the costs of acquiring such expensive equipment were justified.

Today, induction panels are making their first successful steps in the Russian market.

Among a considerable number of manufacturers of professional induction equipment, a number of brands can be distinguished, - says Olga Luchinina, director of the Adamant company (Yekaterinburg). - First of all, these are German companies - Bartsher, Virtus, Mastro, as well as Electrolux, Bertos (Italy), Garland (USA).

All products are of very high quality. The advantage of induction cookers over traditional ones, which can be decisive in the choice of kitchen equipment by restaurateurs, is, of course, serious energy savings. Plates are good in all respects - economical, safe, hygienic, they have one main disadvantage - they are quite expensive. I think that only 5-10 percent of establishments in Yekaterinburg operate on such equipment, mainly restaurants of a high price segment. Our client, as we explain to our foreign partners, is not ready yet. In the West, they have long calculated the economic benefits of buying "induction", they know that in this case, solid sums of money will not be spent in vain. Despite the cost, the self-sufficiency of these plates is very high.

If in the same Germany induction cookers are already becoming commonplace, then in Russia this is often a rather unusual thing. But, according to Olga Luchinina, the mass use of induction cookers in the HoReCa segment is a matter of the near future, the demand for them will definitely increase due to the fact that today people are striving for savings in any form.

Before making a choice...

We work with several manufacturers of induction cookers,” says Kirill Khlebnikov. - These are recognized market leaders, German companies Heidebrenner, Schooll, and Chinese, South Korean companies (Better, Kocateq). Naturally, the products of the former are more expensive, the equipment of manufacturers from Asia is much cheaper, but, in my opinion, it is no less high quality and reliable.

The consumer is offered various induction equipment. Its differences in design and concept: desktop induction cookers and stationary floor cookers, which can be used as part of a thermal technological line.

For establishments specializing in ethnic cuisine, the range of induction cookers includes special equipment for the Oriental cuisine segment - wok induction cookers. The peculiarity of cooking oriental dishes is high temperature, cooking technology and special utensils ( wok pans with a spherical bottom).

Experts note that induction wok stoves are more in demand on the market, capable of reproducing the effect of cooking on a “live” fire. They are indispensable in democratic institutions that have chosen the direction of oriental cuisine. In particular, compact desktop one-, two-burner Chinese models are inexpensive and therefore sold out faster, large stationary stoves are sold individually.

Induction wok cookers retain the thermal characteristics of gas stoves, - continues Kirill Khlebnikov, - and given that, for example, in Yekaterinburg gas is not allowed everywhere, and the establishment offers Asian cuisine, then the choice is quite justified.

Of course, "induction" has many advantages, it generally improves the culture of production, however, before making a choice in its favor, you should carefully calculate how much product is planned to be cooked on the stove. Based on this, you need to decide on the volume of induction equipment that we want to place. It happens that in a particular kitchen it is much more convenient to place one surface with 6 heating zones than to put 6 small single-burner stoves, and vice versa. This must be taken into account. But the main question is whether investments in equipment will be justified in terms of the passability of this institution, its class, etc.

If this is a large project that allows you to equip the kitchen with "induction", installing it in the future will bring good savings in everything. I repeat, everything needs to be calculated. Of course, the European version has a greater advantage. German manufacturers Heidebrenner, Schooll. Kuppesbusch, the French company "Bourgeois" and a number of other branded companies are very serious about "induction", and their range of stoves is relatively wide. It may be irrational, especially now, to buy a single-burner stove worth 150,000 rubles. However, the operation of a 6-8-burner unit will ultimately result in significant cost savings. I think the purchase of a solid induction cooker, for example, for a restaurant with author's cuisine, is the right, cost-effective solution.

The induction hob combines an innovative approach with a compact design. It is the induction cooker that is suitable for presentations, field service, for kitchens with a limited area and rooms where the installation of a gas stove is not possible for technical reasons. So, it is appropriate to use a mobile induction wok stove from the German company Heidebrenner for catering, an induction stool with 4 burners, as well as a 6-burner stove will become an assistant for the chef of a large establishment.

According to experts, "induction" in our professional kitchen is the technology of the future, which should find its consumer. Yes, it is still quite new for Russia and not all restaurateurs are aware of the existence of induction equipment. But saving energy, time and effort, safety and cleanliness in the kitchen, and most importantly, the speed and quality of customer service in the restaurant business, as they say, is worth a lot. In modern successful business There is always a saying: “time is money”.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments.

In their own kitchen, many housewives are wondering what is the real power of an induction cooker? Induction cookers have become quite popular in recent years due to their cost-effectiveness and ease of use. Thanks to special technologies, such a stove consumes much less energy.

Thanks to a fundamentally new way of heating products, it has gained great popularity in the market. household appliances. Via magnetic field, which is generated by high-frequency copper coils, so-called "induction currents" appear on the surface of the dishes, which perform the heating process.

The hob consists of the following elements:

  • frame;
  • temperature sensor;
  • control Panel;
  • power part.

Since such a hob acts purposefully, all surrounding objects on the surface, including the burner itself, stay cold. This can be a deciding factor for families with young children who love to explore. the world tactile touches.

Important: for an induction cooker, it is necessary that it has increased magnetic permeability and a fixed value resistivity. As a rule, dishes made of ferrimagnetic materials meet all the requirements.

Working mechanism

The operation of the induction hob is based on the operation of high-frequency coils (of the order of 30-60 kHz), which create a magnetic field in the space surrounding them, thereby heating the contents of the dishes. With this method of operation, the technique reduces energy consumption and time to a minimum, since it does not waste time heating the surface itself.

Control over the work process is carried out by the control panel. It recognizes the presence of dishes on the surface of the stove and regulates the power of the induction field.

Energy consumption

To demonstrate the real power of an induction cooker and find out how much electricity such a hob consumes, it is enough to give a simple example. It took about 5 minutes for the induction cooker to boil a pot of water. Considering the characteristics, the energy consumption was about 0.35 kW / h, which is less than on a conventional electric stove at least 5 times!

Low energy consumption, common to all models, makes better use of limited resources. Due high efficiency(about 90%), an induction hob produces more work in a short period of time than its electric counterpart.

Pros and cons

The main positive qualities of induction hobs include:

  • fast heating of products;
  • great functionality;
  • inability to get an accidental burn;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • high efficiency (about 90%);
  • automatic shutdown when removing dishes;
  • there is no dependence of power on the mains voltage;
  • saving electricity;
  • excellent performance.

But, as elsewhere, in addition to positive qualities, there are also negative ones that directly follow from the mechanism of operation and functioning of the stove:

  • the requirement of the stove for the utensils used;
  • difficulty in carrying out repairs;
  • exposure to radiation on other appliances in the kitchen (about the danger of the proximity of the induction panel and oven read).

Overview of popular models of induction hobs

Below we give the characteristics of the most economical and therefore trusted induction cooker models.

This model has the following features:

  • power consumption - 7200 watts;
  • 4;
  • weight - 11 kg;
  • the size - 583*513mm;
  • child safety feature - Yes;
  • self-diagnosis - Yes.

A distinctive feature of this hob is the function of displaying the amount of electricity consumed after the end of heating the food. The convenient design of the plate does not allow spilled liquid to spread over the surface of the table. Ease of use also lies in the presence of a special "Boost" functions, which reduces the amount of time spent on heating to a minimum.

In addition to the high price, negative qualities this model can be attributed high level noise when the burners operate at maximum power.

Plate Siemens EH645FE17

Lex has become popular on the Russian market due to the high quality of its products. kitchen appliances. For 10 years, it has been a leader in the production and sale of kitchen hoods and hobs different kind v middle price segment.


  • power consumption - 7000 watts;
  • number of independent burners - 4;
  • weight - 10.2 kg;
  • the size - 590*502mm;
  • child safety feature - Yes;
  • self-diagnosis - no.

Slab LEX EVI 640 BL

With relatively low market value and good quality, this model was able to take a leading position in the market induction panels. Beautiful design and child lock function make the process of using the panel simple and safe. The main disadvantage of this model, according to users, is the glass-ceramic surface, on which fingerprints remain after contact, which makes it difficult.