Midges are domestic. Small midges: who they are, where they come from and how to get rid of them

  • 15.06.2019

Midges are small flying insects that appear in many city apartments with the onset of heat. Midges can be carriers of many diseases that are dangerous to humans and domestic animals.

All the main ways to get rid of such unwanted guests will be discussed in detail in the proposed article.

Reasons for the appearance

First of all, it is necessary to deal with the causes of the appearance of midges, as this will help to identify and eliminate the sources that attract them to the apartment.

The following factors contribute to the appearance of such insects:

  1. The presence of indoor plants that attract them with their smell.
  2. Too rare cleaning of the premises, accumulation of debris.
  3. High relative humidity, which creates a favorable microclimate.
  4. Migration of insects from neighboring apartments.
  5. Storing fruits, vegetables or berries at home.
  6. Malfunction of the sewer system or other communications, leaking pipes.
  7. Preservation of empty packages and containers that used to contain food.

Ways to get rid

Folk remedies

Today, there are many modern drugs for surgical and effective elimination midges from a city apartment, but they have not lost their relevance and folk remedies.

Some of the most effective outcomes with positive outcomes are discussed below:

  1. The easiest way to get rid of the fruit variety of midges is in the destruction and disposal of fruits that have attracted the attention of insects.
  2. Another simple and popular way is to install a regular mosquito net if the windows are opened too often in the room. This will create a natural barrier that insects will not be able to overcome, even if something attracts them inside the apartment.
  3. In cases where, for some reason, it is impossible to eliminate the source that attracts midges, it is necessary to put a turned on fan in front of it. Even small air currents will not allow them to get closer to their target, so over time they may lose interest in it and leave the apartment, regarding the source as an inaccessible object.
  4. Destruction of insects with a vacuum cleaner. It is worth noting that this technique is not very effective, since it allows you to get rid of only the midges encountered, and new individuals usually appear the next day.
  5. Spraying detected insects with plain water from a spray bottle. This will not harm them, but will make it impossible to fly, which makes it easier to capture or mechanically destroy them.
  6. Spreading frightening scents, such as horseradish, vanilla, laundry soap, mint, or cloves. This technique is not always effective, since not all odors are equally unpleasant for all varieties of midges.

Diffusion of frightening scents, such as garlic, helps to get rid of midges


An effective way to get rid of midges is to make and install various traps. Some options are discussed below:

  1. Sticky tapes have the simplest design, they are cheap and easy to buy in stores, which makes these traps popular. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that midges will fall into them only if the tapes exude the same smell as the objects that lured them into the apartment.
  2. It is necessary to put a banana peel inside the bag, then securely tie it, but pierce a large number of small holes. Insects will rush to the sweet smell of the fruit, but they will not be able to get out, because they are not able to navigate along the flows. fresh air. The main disadvantage of such a trap is that it is only effective against fruit flies.
  3. In the container, at your discretion, you can pour a mixture of honey, wine, beer, wine vinegar, fruit juice, syrup or sweet soda with a pronounced aroma. To enhance the effect, you can also place a banana peel or tangerine peel there. The midges will fly to the smell and drown in the liquid trap. A paper cone with a hole in the top can be stuck inside the container, which is guaranteed not to allow insects to find a way out unless they drown for some reason.
  4. Zappers are electric traps that kill midges caught with electric shocks. Usually they are not dangerous to humans, but they pose a deadly threat to insects. Such devices were developed primarily to kill flies and mosquitoes, but manufacturers often recommend using them to get rid of midges. However, it must be borne in mind that devices of this type have a fairly high cost and impressive dimensions, moreover, they are consumers of electricity connected to the home electrical network. For this reason, they are most often in demand not in city apartments, but in large vegetable bases, as well as inside large warehouses or logistics centers.
  5. Various store traps are arranged on the same principle as most homemade models. Inside contains an aromatic bait, and the design is designed in such a way that the insect cannot get out; an alternative is to use chemicals that are non-toxic to humans inside it, which leads to the death of midges.


Most effective way struggle is to engage various chemicals, since this allows you to destroy the entire population, even if individual individuals were not seen, and also provide high-quality protection against re-emergence.

Some of the drug options are discussed below:

"Flycat", "Bazudin" or "Thunder-2" are inexpensive and effective means, which help if indoor plants have become sources of the spread of midges. The population completely dies within 2-3 days after treatment, reappearance insects are excluded for 1-2 months.

Chalk "Mashenka", which is known for its effectiveness against cockroaches and other crawling insects, can also be used to kill midges. For these purposes, it is painted into a powder, which is then added to the soil of indoor plants.

garden safe Insecticidal soap is a spray, which includes toxic fatty acids of plant origin, which instantly lead to the death of midges when they hit them. This drug can not be used to treat seedlings, young seedlings, as well as a number of ornamental and fruit plants.

Invade Bio Drain is a gel for cleaning sewer pipes, it can also be used to kill midges if they have settled in communications. It is enough to use a small amount of the drug and turn on hot water, which will get rid of sexually mature insects, delayed larvae and food debris that attracted them. Of the more accessible and cheaper means, one can single out Domestos, Tiret or " Mister Muscle».

branded Gardex issued various means for insect control, among which there is also a specialized sprayer for the destruction of midges.

Getting rid of houseplants from midges

Often, various indoor plants become objects of midge attack, in which case you can get rid of them in the following ways:

  1. Watering the earth in pots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but it should not be too concentrated, otherwise there is a risk of burns to the root system.
  2. Watering the earth with an aqueous solution with the addition of soap.
  3. Watering the earth with garlic solution. To prepare it, it will be necessary to turn 3-4 medium-sized heads through a meat grinder and pour in a liter clean water. The product settles for 4-5 days, after which it is used for soil treatment.
  4. Burying an orange peel in the ground.
  5. Placement in a pot of matches in this way so that the sulfur head is in contact with the soil, and subsequent watering. As soon as the sulfur is completely washed off, new matches must be used.
  6. Placement in a pot of 2-3 garlic heads cut into pieces.
  7. Sprinkling the soil with wood ash is a complex measure, which not only removes insects, but also fertilizes the earth.

Plants in pots can be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but it should not be too concentrated, otherwise there is a risk of burns to the root system

Prevention of the appearance

It is often much easier to prevent the possible appearance of uninvited guests than to spend energy later on removing them.

  1. Store all plant products exclusively in the refrigerator, do not leave fruit on the kitchen table.
  2. Conduct preventive inspections of sewer pipes preventing them from leaking.
  3. Monitor the sanitary situation in the apartment, empty the trash can in a timely manner, preventing the accumulation of waste in it.
  4. Store cereals, flour and other similar products only in hermetically sealed jars.
  5. Eliminate all accumulations of food waste particles from filters located under kitchen sinks.
  6. Follow the rules for watering houseplants, as well as periodically carry out their preventive treatment with special means.
  7. Regular washing kitchen towels , floor rags and sponges used for wiping dishes.

  1. Recently, ultrasonic repellers have become common., but it is not recommended to use them due to the low degree of effectiveness. They are good for breeding rodents, but their effect on flying insects has not been proven.
  2. When using zappers to kill midges scented baits should be placed in traps because, unlike other insects, they are reluctant to react to light.
  3. Dishes should be washed immediately after drinking honey, sugary drinks, and alcoholic drinks, as they can also attract midges. Bottles with unfinished drinks must be tightly corked so that alluring aromas do not break out.

Most often, midges live and breed in the kitchen.

Why do midges appear in the apartment

To get rid of midges in the house, it is important to determine where they come from, the places of their main accumulation:

  1. Black, green, brown midges start up in indoor flowers. The reason may be frequent and abundant watering of an earthen coma. The most dangerous are the larvae, which can destroy plants.
  2. Small flies settle on fruits, berries or vegetables that have lain for a long time and begin to deteriorate. These insects are called fruit flies, fruit or vegetable midges, fruit flies; in the process of breeding, they attack sweets and drinks.
  3. Stale garbage can become a source of uninvited guests. For example, a rolled berry, an old kitchen rag that fell behind a bucket, or food for small rodents and birds scattered on the floor.
  4. With untimely cleaning of plaque on the pipes in the toilet, sewer midges appear. They fly out of sink drains in the kitchen or bathroom.
  5. Midges can also appear from the apartment of unscrupulous neighbors (typical for multi-storey buildings).

Drosophila love to sit on vegetables and fruits.

How to get rid of small midges?

After finding the location of the midges, you can begin to destroy them.


When removing small midges from an apartment with special chemicals, it is necessary to take into account general rules:

  • everyone must leave the premises, except for the one who carries out the processing;
  • carry out the procedure in a respirator and rubber gloves;
  • put all products in the refrigerator;
  • processing is carried out in morning hours so that the smell disappears as much as possible by the time the family returns.
Read the manufacturer's instructions before starting work.

Manufacturers have released completely new drug Dichlorvos Neo, which does not have a pungent odor, at the same time contains active substances of the same toxic group.

Dichlorvos - a simple remedy for dealing with midges

Spraying should be done in an even layer at a distance of 30 cm from surfaces, special attention should be paid to the trash can. Windows during processing and within 1 hour after it must be kept open. After the procedure, be sure to wash all surfaces with detergent.

The drug is available as an aerosol in a metal container. A volume of 350 ml is enough to treat a room of 30 square meters. m. A jet of the drug is sprayed for 5-7 seconds around the entire perimeter of the room. Toxic components instantly act on midges, causing paralysis and death of insects. Spray of prolonged action, effective up to 3 weeks after treatment.

Raptor effectively destroys house midges

Spray cleans the room from all varieties of midges. A fairly effective composition relieves midges from 1 time. To combat midges, you should purchase Reftamid-Enhanced or Reftamid-Maximum. The action of the drug lasts for 4 hours when sprayed in the air and 15 days when treating surfaces or fabrics.

Reftamid fights all kinds of midges

Processing should be carried out at a distance of up to 25 cm from the surfaces, spraying time - up to 1 minute. The aerosol has a rather pungent odor with hints of sweet vanilla.

One of the best means against midges. Spray in a 300 ml can has a depressing effect on nervous system insects, leading to paralysis and death of midges. Affected midges transfer the toxic effect of the reagent to their relatives, increasing the penetration zone of the drug.

Raid - the most effective remedy for midges

Spraying in the room should be carried out from the center to the walls no closer than 1 m from the surfaces for 7 seconds. The action persists for 2 hours after treatment.

How to fight folk remedies

Folk ways to deal with Drosophila:

A decoction of cloves has a negative effect on midges

You can apply a trail of any wine along the entire length of the fly tape. It will take only 10-20 g of the drink. Midges will instantly flock to your favorite aroma. For greater efficiency, several baits should be placed indoors. If midges appeared in cereals, the tapes must be hung inside the lockers.

Traps for midges

Traps made at home show their effectiveness.

  1. Place sweet fruit in a small bowl. Then it is necessary to close the neck with polyethylene, while leaving a few small holes. The smell will lure wine flies. The trap can be left overnight. Midges will flock to the delicious bait through the holes. After filling, the container should be hidden in a plastic bag and discarded. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Wine vinegar with a drop detergent- a favorite delicacy of midges. The mixture should be poured into a saucer and left for a while, then washed off with the midges under running water.

You can also use a special trap for midges "Raptor". One device is enough for an area of ​​12 square meters. m. The action continues for a month. The composition includes a special liquid, cardboard, on the surface of which an adhesive composition is applied, and instructions. The aroma attracts midges, the sticky surface does not allow it to get out.

Other effective ways

  1. A modern way to deal with uninvited neighbors is a vacuum cleaner. Pipe without brush on maximum power remove the places of greatest settling of midges. It is important not to release them back after the end of the process. Therefore, it is better to immediately remove the garbage bag and pack it in a bag.
  2. A fumigator used against mosquitoes. If you turn it on in the habitat of midges all night, in the morning there will be no trace of them.

You can fight midges with a fumigator

With a spray bottle and humidifiers, with occasional use, you can achieve good results. Wet wings will prevent midges from flying. You should constantly humidify the room.

Prevention of the appearance of small insects

Maintaining cleanliness in the apartment, especially in the kitchen, is the most effective way to deal with midges. Set the frequency of home manipulations.

  1. Regular wet cleaning premises, daily removal of food waste. hob should be cleaned weekly special formulations. Wash the trash can periodically using disinfectants.
  2. Avoid food spoilage by throwing it away at the first sign of spoilage.
  3. The sink and washbasin must be cleaned using household chemicals, for siphons and pipes, use special tools. You can use baking soda and vinegar for cleaning. The reaction will help remove internal deposits.
  4. In the soil of indoor flowers, you can insert matches with sulfur heads down. In addition, it is important to observe the irrigation regime. You can sprinkle the ground with a little ground pepper. You can not water the flowers with tea leaves - this can also become a source of damage. The top layer of earth from flowers affected by larvae must be replaced with a fresh one.
  5. Clean pet feeding and toilet areas regularly.
  6. You can prevent the occurrence of midges by planting geraniums in advance. beautiful plant has a specific aroma that midges cannot stand. This will prevent the appearance of fruit and flower guests.

Clean your kitchen regularly

If the midges are divorced in the croup, it should be thrown away immediately and the storage container thoroughly rinsed. If you find onion midges, you need to completely sort out the vegetables and throw out the rotting heads.

If the advice did not help, you should call the representatives of the sanitary service. They will treat all the premises with stronger compounds.

Timely identification of the source of distribution and application effective methods guarantees a positive result. Hygiene of housing, storage of food in the refrigerator, periodic cleaning of sewer pipes will prevent the appearance of midges. In addition, they simply have nothing to eat. And in case of occurrence effective ways will come to the rescue.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 5 minutes


Who among us has not experienced this problem? Midges in the apartment appear suddenly and interfere very much, annoying the tenants with their presence. Some species - and there are a lot of them - can even bite. But the good news is that the methods of dealing with them are the same, and you won’t have to read a bunch of literature in order to determine which of their representatives you are fighting.

Where do small midges come from in the apartment?

The very first thing to do is to establish the cause of the appearance of midges. Only then can you start effective fight with them in the apartment.

Where they can appear from is a mystery to many, because outside the window it can be any time of the year. Windows and doors are closed in winter, that is, there is simply nowhere for midges to fly in.

We list the main reasons for the appearance of these unwanted guests in your home:

One of the most common reasons for the appearance of midges in an apartment, biologists call dirty fruits or vegetables brought home from a garden or store.

Long before appearing on your table, eggs were laid on the fruits, which are at rest, in remission, waiting for the fruit to begin to deteriorate and rot.

This is where their finest hour comes, because this is the main food for midges. From the eggs, larvae appear, which very quickly turn into midges.

Their life span is very short, only about a day. But in the presence of an abundant nutrient medium, for example, rotting fruit, they multiply very intensively, which leads to the rapid filling of the room with these insects, if measures were not taken in time to eliminate the outbreak.

A very common and common reason for the appearance of midges is also insufficient hygiene of the bin and irregular garbage disposal.

In the remnants of food lying in the garbage, there may be eggs, and when rotting begins, they begin to wake up.

It should be remembered about such a place in the house as a living corner.

There is always organic matter with traces of decay. For example, an aquarium with abundant algae growth and water that has not been changed for a long time, or a cage with a rabbit or other animal. Such places should always be clean so that insects do not have the opportunity to eat there and lay their eggs.

Indoor plants can also be the reason for the abundant reproduction of midges.

Especially if such a popular fertilizer method as tea brewing is used. Midges are very fond of tea and its leftovers.

Also, the cause may be high humidity in and around the pots, associated with abundant watering of indoor plants.

Well, the most mysterious place where midges come from, when it seems that everything around is just licked and perfectly clean, is water supply and sewerage.

Pieces of food, falling into the sewer, can get stuck in the siphons of sinks and toilets and continue to rot there. This provokes the constant and uncontrollable appearance of midges throughout the house.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that midges appear in the house precisely because of problems with the hygiene of the premises and its communications.

Midges enter the house exclusively with the help of a person who personally brings them into the house. Their further life and development depends on the cleanliness of the room in which they got.

7 ways to get rid of small midges

It makes sense to deal with indoor midges only when the cause and place of their appearance are precisely determined. In all other cases, all attempts to get rid of uninvited guests will fail.

Let's try to describe below the main ways to deal with midges:

  • The first step is to conduct a full-scale audit of all vegetables and fruits stored in the house.

If spoiled fruits are found during the check, you should immediately get rid of them, and put the good ones in the refrigerator.

It is also worth looking into the cereals, pour them. Check that there is no dampness in the places of their storage and that the free-flowing ones themselves do not have traces of charm. After checking, hermetically close the cereals in a dry, clean container.

  • Thoroughly treat the sink and washbasin

To do this, you can use different modern facilities to eliminate blockages in siphons and pipes.
If they are not at hand, then you can resort to the old folk way. Pour soda into the neck of the sink and extinguish it with vinegar. When the reaction, which is accompanied by intense hissing, has passed, rinse with plenty of running water.

It should also be borne in mind that dismantling the siphons for cleaning at least once a year will have a very positive effect on the hygiene of the room.

  • in pots with indoor plants You also need to do some manipulations.

For example, it helps to get rid of midges a few matches stuck into the ground with sulfuric heads down. You should also, if possible, reduce the intensity of watering in order to get rid of dampness and rotting of the root system of plants. You can also sprinkle a little ground pepper on the ground.

  • Pet habitats and feeding areas should be kept clean

Change the fillers in time, preventing them from rotting and washing the dishes for feeding.

  • Traps also work well.

It is made very simply. To do this, you need an empty plastic bottle. From it you need to cut off the neck so that you get a funnel. After we insert it into the cut off part with the spout down and fix it with tape. At the bottom of the bottle you need to put something that would serve as bait. A piece of rotten fruit or a spoonful of jam. A small amount of beer works well. The midges fly into the narrow neck on the smell, but they cannot get back. Such traps must be disposed of without dismantling them, filling them with water and detergent.

  • Geranium will help in the fight against midges

This flower should be grown on windowsills in residential areas. Many insects, including midges, cannot stand its smell in a panic. By the way, geranium well saves the house from moths.

  • Adhesive tapes also help to get rid of midges.

It is worth hanging them not only in open space, but also in the middle of cabinets.

But this method will be effective only when the causes of the appearance of midges are established and actions are taken to eliminate these causes.

Prevention rules - how to prevent the appearance of midges in the apartment in the future?

Prevention to prevent the appearance of midges in your home is very simple and straightforward. This -

  • Compliance with hygiene rules for residential premises.
  • Regular cleaning and garbage removal.
  • Regular bin cleaning.
  • siphon cleaning.
  • Timely throwing away of products that have begun to deteriorate.

Also, as a preventive measure for midges, pungent and persistent odors help well. For example, the smell of garlic or geranium, camphor or incense, if they do not prevent the appearance of midges by 100%, then they will significantly reduce the risk of their appearance.

These measures are guaranteed to save your home from annoying, uninvited guests.

Midges become uninvited guests in the apartment, especially in summer. They spoil food and indoor plants, some even bite a person. Insects breed quickly and become a real disaster for housewives. Don't worry, you can get rid of midges quickly.

We find out the reason for the appearance of midges in the apartment

First, deal with the source of the appearance of insects. This will help in the further fight against them. Sources of the appearance of midges:

  • trash can. Make sure the bottom of the bucket is free of debris and moisture, it is an ideal food source for insects. Take the trash out of the apartment regularly. Wash the bucket immediately hot water and dry;
  • rotten or dirty vegetables and fruits. Carefully inspect all fruits and vegetables, discard rotten immediately. Store food in the refrigerator, do not lay out on the table and in cabinets. Midges love rotten vegetables with fruits and lay larvae on them;
  • indoor flowers. Midges love to wind up on flowers, especially if you water them with tea leaves. If the humidity in the flower is excessive, insects appear near flower pots. Do not flood flowers heavily with water;
  • sewerage. V sewer pipe food remains stuck there and begin to decompose there. Pests swarm into the room. Clean the sewer in a timely manner;
  • Pets. Insects can live in aquariums, in the cages of domestic rodents and birds. The remains of dishes or an unwashed bowl will be the source of their appearance. An untidy place for a cat or dog to eat will also attract annoying midges. Change the water in the aquarium more often, wash the bowls of pets regularly.

Folk recipes for fighting midges in the apartment

Get rid of annoying midges with the following folk methods:

Physical methods of dealing with midges

  • Pests can fly out of the shell. Turn on the hot water and wash off the remnants of food along with them. Use a plunger if necessary.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner. Turn it on to the highest power and start hunting for insects. Then take out the bag and shake it outside.
  • Smoke the midges out of the apartment. Grind camphor and pour into a hot frying pan. As soon as you see steam, carefully take the pan and slowly go around the entire apartment with it. Midges can not stand the smoke, but for people it does not pose a danger.
  • To get rid of midges in flower pots make a weak solution of potassium permanganate and water all the plants. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use special agent flower care.

Chemical preparations in the fight against midges

Buy an aerosol or chemical solution for insect control from the store. Spray the entire room around the perimeter with an aerosol. But first, remove pets from the room, take children and the elderly out. Use gloves, a respirator, an old long-sleeve gown and goggles when spraying the drug. Read the instructions carefully before using the product.

Inspect in all rooms secluded hard-to-reach places, especially in the kitchen. Midges fly on pieces of spoiled food or rotten potatoes in a box. Immediately remove the discovered source of midges and sprinkle this place with a chemical preparation.

Compliance with the above rules and tips will help get rid of annoying midges for life. Maintain cleanliness, get rid of rotten food, do not leave wet rags and dirty dishes. This will help keep the apartment clean and comfortable.

Most often, midges can be seen in the kitchen, because there is always something to eat. Sometimes insects get into the refrigerator in a bag of fruit. Low temperature does not kill them, but only "lulls". After returning to the wild, the midge wakes up and continues to hunt for a new delicacy. Often midges hide in flower pots. Due to the lack of fruits, midges begin to feed on the juice flowing in the stems and leaves of indoor flowers.

How to distinguish a fruit fly from a regular midge

Drosophila, or fruit flies

Drosophila are the most harmless insects for humans. This group includes more than 10 species of midges. The size of the body does not exceed 2.5-3 mm, which allows them to get through all the cracks and even through the mosquito net. The color of the insect is from light green to dark brown. "Plodovki" are distinguished by a slow "drunk" flight. They often hover in circles in one place.

Fruit flies lay their larvae on the surface of food. Citrus fruits are most preferred for these purposes. This is due to the fact that the smell of citruses repels wasp riders, who are the main enemies of the "fruit trees". They eat the laid larvae, preventing the flies from breeding. Within 10 days, the larvae are in the product, and then young individuals are born. Most often, people themselves bring food with delayed larvae into the house, which quickly mature and encroach on vegetable and fruit stocks.

The harm caused by fruit flies is to speed up the process of rotting fruit. Flying from spoiled fruits to fresh ones, midges carry fungal spores. As a result, fresh fruit becomes covered with dark spots after 5-6 hours. This is dangerous for the owners of canteens, cafes and vegetable stores. Harm from small insects can lead to large monetary costs.

Food spoilage is not the only harm from indoor midges. After eating a product with delayed larvae, a person may experience health problems. Abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea are the most harmless signs of poisoning. To avoid further trouble, you need to remove the midges from the apartment.


Ordinary street midges are much more dangerous than “fruit lovers”. They are relatives of mosquitoes and are blood-sucking insects. The color of the insect is from light brown to dark brown. They fly much faster than fruit flies. The oral apparatus of the midge has a special structure. A mosquito inserts a proboscis, thin as a hair, under the skin, slightly damaging upper layer epidermis. Mosquito bites are much more painful. The insect gnaws the top layer of the skin and feeds on the blood that has come out of the wound. Saliva entering a wound can cause severe allergic reaction in the form of edema, redness and bruising.

In the wild, midges live near water bodies, in plantations, forests, hiding in tall grass. Getting into houses and apartments, small bloodsuckers hide in indoor plants. Sometimes they can be found in the bathroom, as there is a source of moisture. The midges are most active after sunset. A fumigator or special plates that destroy blood-sucking insects will help get rid of them.

Cleanliness is the main protection against "fruits"

main reason the appearance of midges in the house - the introduction of infected fruits and vegetables collected in their own garden or bought in a store. The fruit midge lives no more than a day, but a short lifespan does not prevent it from multiplying at a tremendous speed. From one vase of rotting fruit, tens or hundreds of individuals can form overnight. If midges appear in the kitchen, immediately discard all spoiled foods, and wash fresh fruits and hide in the refrigerator.

The second reason is the “stale” bin. Watermelon skins, apple cores, potato peels and other organics fly into the waste basket. In the hot season, food spoils much faster. By evening, the bin will become an attractive place for midges. But what if the garbage lingers in the house for 2 or 3 days? Take out the organic trash daily and keep the bucket clean.

"Green Corner" is the second most attractive place for midges. In flower pots there are fallen leaves that rot due to high humidity. Many housewives fertilize flowers with tea leaves or others. food products. This attracts small insects. Try to remove leaves, twigs and other plant waste from pots in time.

The "living corner" is also a "bait" for midges. They can fly into the cages of birds, rabbits and hamsters. Rodents are known for their love of food. Their supplies attract insects. Keep clean around the dog or cat bowl. Change the water in aquariums regularly. Midges flock to the smell of stagnant water and traces of organic matter on the walls of the aquarium.

Flush drains regularly. You can use a liquid or granular agent to dissolve deposits in the Krot pipes. Food and other organic waste stuck in pipes rot over time, attracting midges. Therefore, midges often fly not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom.

Ways to fight

The first step towards the total removal of midges from the house is a general cleaning in the kitchen. Throw out all spoiled food, and do a full inspection of all kitchen cabinets, pantries and balconies. Insects can be found in cereals. Wash all dirty dishes. One unwashed glass of juice or wine can be smelled by midges a mile away. A loose bottle of wine will lure midges into the bar. Tidy up your dishes and your pets' dishes. Remove any fallen leaves from the flowers, mop the floor and unclog the pipes. If, after a general cleaning, "fruit trees" still fly in the room, you need to set up traps and barriers.

Cleanliness in the kitchen will prevent the appearance of cockroaches, ants, flycatchers and fruit flies

Homemade traps

There are 3 most popular trap recipes that you can make at home. If the midges are wound up in the plants, you can set traps on the windowsills.

To get rid of insects in the kitchen, you need to make several baits at once. This will increase the number of caught "fruits".

  • Banana peel trap. "Prudovki" just love bananas. To make a trap, you will need an empty plastic bottle and a fresh banana skin. Place the peel inside the bottle (if it does not fit through the neck, cut it into pieces) and screw on the cap. Make 10 small holes. To do this, it is better to use a thin hot awl. The smell of the peel is an attractant for midges. They are able to smell it even at a long distance. Having flown inside, the insect cannot get out.
  • Cone trap. Put an orange slice or a piece of any spoiled fruit on the bottom of the glass. Make a cone out of paper, securing the edges with tape. Place the paper in the glass with the cone down. The hole should be large enough to let in small midges. The insects are unable to get out of the trap.
  • Trap with vinegar or alcohol. Moshkara loves beer, wine, sweetened water, fruit juices and honey. Pour any of the listed liquids into a deep container, cover tightly on top cling film. Poke a few small holes with a toothpick. The liquid attracts small insects. Once inside, they can't get out.


If folk remedies were helpless in the fight against fruit flies, you can resort to more aggressive methods.

  • Special trap from "Raptor". One trap is enough to protect a room up to 12 square meters. Validity - up to 30 days. The package contains a vial of liquid, a special sheet of cardboard with an adhesive surface and instructions on how to fold the "house". Midges flock to an attractive aroma and stick to the sticky "floor".
  • Dichlorvos. The good old dichlorvos helps to fight almost any insects. The main thing is that the aerosol does not get on food.
  • Mosquito fumigator. Mosquito plates or a fumigator help to deal with fruit flies. Turn on the fumigator in the kitchen for one night, and the insects will disappear without a trace.

All of the above methods help to permanently remove annoying midges out of sight. They will no longer come across to you in tea, in a bag of fruit and hover over indoor plants. .