How to quickly clean the inside of the microwave: useful life hacks for uncompromising cleanliness. Effective ways to effortlessly clean the inside of the microwave How to quickly clean a very dirty microwave

  • 17.06.2019

The microwave oven has become an indispensable tool for modern hostess. The technique will not only defrost food, warm up lunch, but also prepare an excellent dish.

With daily use, the inside of the microwave becomes dirty, which makes it necessary to clean it. This is quite difficult to do: drops of fat are not washed off stubbornly, and it is not so easy to clean all the protrusions of the camera.

The good news is that there are quick ways to make your microwave shine.

Before starting a total cleanup microwave oven, the instrument should be prepared. There are several rules that will help not only wash the equipment, but also extend its service life.

  1. Before you get to work, you must unplug the microwave power cord from the outlet. This will protect the hostess from a sudden electric shock.
  2. Under no circumstances should hard sponges or brushes be used for cleaning. They will scratch the inside surfaces of the oven, which will shorten the life of the oven.
  3. When washing, use the minimum amount of liquid. There is a chance of flooding important elements technology.
  4. If there is a lot of grease on the internal racks, do not try to disassemble the microwave oven. There are more humane ways to clean.
  5. The stove, like any kitchen appliance, is afraid of aggressive cleaners. Therefore, the use of safe chemistry will be paramount.

Microwave Cleaning Methods

When choosing a particular microwave oven cleaner, it is necessary to take into account not only its effectiveness, but also the sensitivity of the skin of the hands to chemicals. Each method has clear advantages and disadvantages, and is also suitable for a certain type of oven lining.

The classic way to wash the device from grease

Manufacturers of cleansers household appliances make life easier for housewives.

In addition to standard liquids for washing dishes, tiles and plumbing, you can also see products designed for cleaning microwaves on store shelves. As a rule, they are available in the form of a spray, which is quite convenient. The most popular are:

  • Sanita Antizhir;
  • Mister Muscle;
  • Sunklin.

Be sure to wear rubber gloves before use. Using the spray is simple: spray the product on the inside of the microwave and wait a few minutes. Dirt is wiped off with a dry cloth.

Easy and fast

Wet wipes are ideal for those who do not have time, and household appliances need to be washed. They are so versatile that they are suitable for cleaning in the microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher. After cleaning the oven wet wipes no need to wipe the walls with a damp cloth or dry towel.

In addition, with the help of this simple tool, you can disinfect the surfaces of the device.

Anti-grease sponge

Dishwashing liquid is great for getting rid of stubborn grease on the inside of your microwave oven. A small amount of the product should be dripped onto a wet sponge and foamed with your hands. Then the sponge is placed on the rotating plate of the oven and the device is turned on for a minimum time of 30 seconds. Once the time is up, you can start wiping the walls with a damp cloth.

Washing with soap

Soap can not only remove stains on clothes, but also clean the microwave.

To do this, grind laundry soap and pour a small amount hot water. The pieces should melt completely. Moisten the sponge and all walls of the chamber with the prepared solution. In order for the grease to lag behind the surfaces, you can wait half an hour. After that, you must carefully wipe the microwave with a cloth and leave it open for 15 minutes to air.

The power of vinegar

Washing the microwave with vinegar is considered effective method, but due to the sharp and dangerous smell some people won't be able to use it.

The principle of cleaning is to prepare a solution of 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 0.5 liters of water. A container of liquid is placed in the microwave. The oven should be turned on for 10-15 minutes, and then wipe off all dirt with a rag.

It should be remembered that vinegar has bad smell Therefore, after washing the microwave oven, it is necessary to open the appliance doors and ventilate the room.

popular soda

Baking soda has long been known for its anti-fat action.

From ordinary soda and water, you need to make a solution at the rate of 1 tablespoon of powder and 0.5 liters of liquid. The solution is poured into a deep container designed for microwave. The device should be turned on for 15 minutes at maximum power. At the beep of the technician, open the oven and wipe off the remaining grease stains with a sponge. The method is quite affordable and effective.

Lemon power

The principle of operation of this method is similar to cleaning the microwave with soda or vinegar.

For washing, you need a solution prepared from 1 tablespoon citric acid and 0.5 liters of water. The dishes filled with the solution are placed in the oven, which will be turned on for 10 minutes. After the sound signal, it remains only to wipe the walls of the chamber.

Instead of citric acid, you can use lemon slices or juice squeezed out of them.

If the microwave oven chamber does not have stubborn and bulky contaminants, then you can clean household appliances with ordinary water.

This method is safe and the cheapest of the existing ones. Pour 1 glass of water into a dish intended for microwave and put the container in the oven. Turn on the device for 10 minutes. As soon as the water boils, steam particles will begin to penetrate into the pollution.

Such a "bath" facilitates the process of cleaning the microwave oven.

Combining aromatherapy and cleaning

A small sauna can also be arranged with essential oils. They will not only remove greasy spots, but also an unpleasant smell from the oven chamber.

First you need to prepare the solution: mix water and a few drops of essential oil in a spray bottle. Sprinkle the inside walls of the microwave with the prepared liquid, and put a wetted sponge on the plate. Turn on the oven for 2 minutes. As soon as the sponge cools down a bit, it can process all the walls of the chamber, and then wipe them dry.

ripe citrus

The method cannot be compared with the previous ones, because the aroma that fills the kitchen will improve your mood. A large orange is cut into pieces and placed in the microwave.

The oven is turned on for 15 minutes, after which the dirty walls are cleaned with a sponge and wiped dry. Instead of orange, you can use:

  • lemon;
  • peel of any citrus fruit.

Eliminate odor

The use of activated carbon for cleaning the surfaces of a microwave oven is justified only in cases where bad smell. The medication is an excellent absorbent, so it can easily cope with the task.

Crushed 10 tablets of coal are poured onto the bottom of the microwave and close the device for the whole night. In the morning, wash the oven tray. Such odor absorbers are:

    • salt;
    • ground or instant coffee.

This video shows you how to clean your microwave oven.

How to clean a microwave with a certain type of coating?

Before you start cleaning the walls in the microwave, you should make sure that the method for interior coating is safe. If for the body the choice of means does not play a role, then the surface of the chamber is more whimsical in this matter.

Enamel cleaning

Enamel is a smooth coating that does not have pores. Its advantage is the repulsion of fat, so washing the enameled walls is not difficult. But there is a caveat: the enamel is afraid of any damage.

Abrasive pastes, sponges are prohibited. Otherwise, rust can be seen on the glossy surface.

Special care must be taken with such methods of cleaning the enamel coating of the furnace as vinegar solution or the use of citric acid.

Washing stainless steel

The material seems to be designed to work at high temperatures, but any drop of fat firmly settles on the stainless metal.

It is also difficult to wipe them off because the material is rather delicate and does not like cleaning with aggressive agents. The walls in the oven will begin to darken and lose their attractive appearance.

By the way, cleaning powder can also spoil the shine of stainless steel, leaving ugly scratches. The most suitable way to clean stainless steel is with steam.

Caring for ceramic walls

Ceramic coating due to its characteristics does not require big care. The coating is strong enough and smooth, which prevents fat from accumulating on its surface. But excessive pressure on the walls can lead to cracks in the material. cleaning ceramic walls microwave oven produce a damp cloth.

To avoid wasting time and effort cleaning your microwave before a dinner party, you need to keep the appliance clean.

Timely washing of household appliances will not lead to the formation of ingrained fat accumulations. The microwave will be easier to clean and, most importantly, save on expensive cleaning products.

  1. After each use of the microwave oven, try to wipe the internal surfaces with a damp sponge or cloth. Then there will be no need for enhanced cleaning of the device. At the slightest doubt, you can use a soap solution.
  2. When heating food, you must use a special cover for microwave ovens. Such a modern gadget will save you from sticking drops of fat on the walls of the chamber. If there is no lid, you can cover the plate with food with cling film.
  3. Give preference to less aggressive household chemicals. It is dangerous not only for the internal coating of the microwave, but also for humans.
  4. To prevent unpleasant odors in the microwave oven, it is necessary to leave the door open after each cooking in it.
  5. Often, dust gets into the grate located at the back of the microwave. This can make ventilation difficult, so it does not hurt to periodically clean the oven housing from dust.
  6. Remaining stains on the glass window of the appliance can be cleaned with glass cleaner.

Among existing ways to clean the microwave, any hostess will find the one that she likes best.

You must first use more gentle means so as not to harm the device.

But the most important rule for keeping the microwave clean and tidy is to periodically wipe the oven chamber with a damp cloth. Then it will not be necessary to invest all the energy in wiping off fat. It remains only to admire the sparkling cleanliness.

After a few uses, the inside of the microwave oven can become covered with a layer of grease and dirt. And if you do not immediately eliminate pollution, then it will be somewhat more difficult to do it later. But nevertheless, there are ways to help return the microwave oven to its former form.

How to wash the microwave inside: simple tools and quick ways

After cooking or heating food, a lot of fat and other food dirt remains inside the microwave. However, you should not despair, because there are many easy and quick ways to help without special efforts deal with the problem.


So, I wash my microwave at home.

household products

Household products of a chemical nature have a gentle composition that carefully copes with pollution without scratching the surface of the microwave. On sale, such products exist in the form of sprays, which are evenly sprayed over the surface and are easily removed with a rag.

It is also possible to quickly and effectively clean the microwave oven with ordinary dishwashing detergent. You can use it in two ways:

  • Put a small amount of the product on a sponge and rub the stains
  • Drop a small amount of product on a sponge, lather it and put it inside the oven. Turn on the heating for 30 seconds, and then easily wipe off the dirt. The main thing is to control the process so that the sponge does not melt

Folk remedies: vinegar, lemon, soda, water

Folk remedies have always been famous for their effectiveness. Their availability is also a plus.

How to clean a microwave with lemon The citrus agent will not only cope well with various kinds of pollution, but also give the technique a pleasant aroma. The method of action is very simple: the lemon is cut into thick rings or pieces, put in a microwave bowl, poured with water and put in the device to warm up for 15 minutes.

As soon as the oven announces the end of the procedure, do not rush to remove the bowl of lemon from the microwave, let the steam soften the dirt better. After that, turn off the stove from the outlet, take out the bowl and wipe the inner surface first with a damp cloth or sponge, and then with a dry cloth. There will be no trace of fat left. Cleaning your microwave with lemon is a safe, inexpensive, and effective remedy.

You can also wash the microwave from fat inside with the help of vinegar. To do this, a couple of tablespoons of vinegar is dissolved in a glass of water and put in the device to heat for 20 minutes.

As soon as the allotted time has passed, do not open the microwave oven door for at least another 40 minutes. And after the procedure, you need to ventilate the kitchen, since the smell of vinegar is very toxic.

You can clean your microwave with baking soda in just 15 minutes. The method is as follows: 3 tablespoons of soda are dissolved in 500 ml of water and heated in a microwave oven for 10 minutes. At the end, keep the soda solution in the microwave for another 5 minutes and then easily clean the microwave without effort.

It is worth noting that cleaning the microwave with baking soda and vinegar is toxic. Therefore, you should try not to inhale these substances.

How to easily clean your microwave with citric acid

Quickly wash the microwave inside with citric acid. Cheap and efficient. The method is simple: dissolve a package of citric acid in a bowl of water, put it in the microwave for 10 minutes to warm up (at the highest possible temperature). After the appliance has cooled down, it will take 5 minutes to clean the microwave.

How to deal with old grease and odor

After repeated use of the microwave oven, grease accumulates inside the device, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant odors.

And to get rid of extraneous odors, you first need to wash the microwave from fat. In other words, eliminate the cause.

You can use household cleaners that are sold in stores for cleaning. Their action is also aimed at eliminating odors.

You can also get help folk remedies. Cleaning the microwave with baking soda is also effective in eliminating unpleasant odors.

You can also use salt, the particles of which are able to absorb volatile compounds. You just need to pour salt in a saucer and put it in the microwave overnight.

Activated charcoal can be used in a similar way. It will eliminate the smell in 10 hours.

How to clean the outside of the microwave: simple and effective

You can wash the microwave from the outside in several ways:

  1. Thick soda solution. To do this, mix soda with water so that a slurry is obtained. The substance is applied over the entire outer surface of the oven, left for 20 minutes, and then thoroughly washed off with a sponge and water. Buttons cleaned with cotton swabs
  2. Special detergents for microwaves will perfectly get rid of dirt from the outside. You just need to put it on a sponge and lather, and with this sponge go over the entire surface. After rinse with water and dry with a towel


What to do if after washing, the microwave does not work

It may also happen that after cleaning the microwave, it stops working. The cause of the problem may be water getting inside the device. In order for the stove to work again, it must be disconnected from the power supply and left to dry (you can take it out to the balcony) for a couple of days.

If after that the microwave does not work, then it should be taken for repair.

Safety precautions for proper washing from the inside of the oven

How to quickly clean the microwave at home and not damage the device? To do this, you must follow basic security measures:

  1. Unplug the microwave oven when you move on to direct cleaning with damp cloths
  2. In order to clean the inside of the microwave, use products, with the exception of: abrasive powders, chlorine-containing products, strong acids

Video life hack for cleaning the microwave at home


14.12.2016 7 5 953 views

If you are the owner of a microwave oven, then the question of how to wash the microwave from fat inside at home is not idle, but urgent. Do you only use this appliance to reheat cooked meals, always with the lid on? Or do you like to cook in the microwave? different dishes using it as a complete oven?

Or maybe it has convection and grill functions that diversify the range of your culinary delights? In any case, drops of liquid, fat will fall on the inner surface of the stove, persistent odors may appear. This is especially likely when cooking meat, fish, dishes with spices. Fortunately, not only special expensive products, but also simple ones that are familiar to everyone will perfectly cope with the task of cleaning the microwave from fat and burning. household helpers. True, for modern appliances, grandmother's recipes will have to be somewhat modernized so as not to harm either themselves or the equipment.

Basic rules for the care of the microwave oven

How to take care of the device? So that cleaning the microwave does not have negative consequences and brings only joy from a successfully completed business, it is worth remembering a few recommendations.

  1. Before climbing into a dirty oven with detergents and a sponge, unplug the appliance from the mains by pulling the plug out of the socket.
  2. Avoid using abrasives, steel wool, so as not to damage the coating.
  3. Aggressive chemicals also desirable to leave for other purposes.
  4. Do not fill with water inner part microwave and try to keep the amount of liquid when cleaning to a minimum, if you do not want to say goodbye to your faithful assistant in the kitchen.
  5. Disassembly of the device should be left to professionals.
  6. It is advisable not to bring the microwave to a state with old streaks of fat. It is best to wipe it from the inside after each cooking.
  7. You can heat food in a dish with a lid. Well, if your household members are also imbued with this idea.

Compliance with these simple rules help you deal with dirt, and your microwave oven to serve you for a long time without interference.

Washing the microwave from fat with folk remedies

Even old stains can be removed with the help of folk recipes that will not take away big money. If the pollution is not strong, then it is often possible to cope with it in 5 minutes. Most of the tools that will be discussed:

  • remove fat;
  • help to get rid of the unpleasant smell of burning;
  • suitable for use inside and outside the instrument.

How easy is it to wash the microwave using folk remedies? There is no need to wipe off pollution, making incredible efforts. The main life hack is the evaporation of water inside the device. To do this, it is necessary to adapt a wide vessel, which will provide us with a large evaporation area. A glass bowl is perfect for cooking, but not a metal one, which you, as a user of a microwave oven, are well aware of. And you can add to water different means, aromatic substances to taste.


good old table vinegar! Here is a great tool to quickly clean the microwave. Its only drawback is a rather strong and persistent smell, which may not leave the inside of the device.

So let's get started:

  1. Dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar with water. The solution should not be too weak.
  2. Disconnect the device from the network.
  3. Using a sponge, rub the composition of the microwave door and the places next to it.
  4. We go inward, wiping off dirt and grease. Do not be afraid if not all traces immediately depart.
  5. The remaining vinegar solution is placed inside the oven in a suitable container. You can add water and vinegar if it turns out that there is not enough composition.
  6. We turn on the device in the network and start the oven for 5 minutes.
  7. After the program is completed, remove the stale fat from the walls of the microwave with a soft cloth or sponge.
  8. We wipe everything clean, admire the result.


Sodium bicarbonate, in other words, simple soda, is able to help us. This excellent cleaner has abrasive properties, so use it for modern technology comes with a number of reservations. So, it is highly undesirable to rub the external and internal parts of the microwave oven with dry soda, because damage to the coating is not included in your plans. But a solution of soda with water is good to clean the microwave from corrosive dirt.

Here the algorithm is about the same:

  1. We prepare a solution. For 0.5 liters of water, you can take a few tablespoons of soda.
  2. We put the container with the solution in the microwave, turn on the most powerful mode for 10-15 minutes.
  3. We wait a little more time before opening the door.
  4. Turn off the appliance, carefully remove the dishes with hot soda composition.
  5. We wipe the walls from the inside with a soft cloth or sponge.

Lemon acid

We must not forget about the cleaning and disinfecting properties of citric acid. In order to take advantage fast way to remove dirt from the walls of the microwave, you need to stock up on lemon powder in the amount of 1 package or 25 g.

  1. We dissolve the acid in a glass of water, preferably hot. You should not take metal utensils for mixing, especially since they are not suitable for heating in an oven.
  2. We put the container with the solution in the oven and start the powerful mode for 10–20 minutes, depending on how long the plaque has accumulated on the walls.
  3. We let the solution evaporate for some more time after turning off the microwave and take it out.
  4. We disconnect the device from the network for our own safety.
  5. Steam and acid did their job and softened the layers of fat on inner surface stoves. Now it is enough to remove them with a soft cloth and wash the microwave clean.

An alternative to citric acid can be chopped fresh citrus fruits or their peels. An additional advantage of this method will be that when heated in water, citruses emit essential oils that have a pleasant aroma. Fresh lemon, orange or grapefruit should be cut into small pieces and placed in water. Then run the microwave for 15 or 20 minutes for the substances to work. Also wipe the oven from the inside, removing plaque and grease.

Laundry soap

It is this brown soap with a specific smell that will effectively wash away greasy contaminants inside the oven. To clean the microwave with it, you do not need to prepare any formulations or heat them.

It is enough to rub the sponge with a piece of laundry soap, treat the walls of the stove with foam, paying special attention to the dirtiest places, and wait 10-15 minutes. Then wash off the foam and lagging fat with a small amount of water.


But what if none of these tools was at hand, and the microwave oven urgently needs to be cleaned from the inside? No matter how strange it may seem, ordinary water is quite capable of removing pollution. Or rather, the steam that is formed when it is heated inside the furnace.

Microwave-friendly utensils with a wide top and water are essential ingredients. It is worth heating the water longer so that the steam dissolves the deposits on the walls of the device well.

How to wash the microwave inside with household chemicals?

There are special household chemicals designed for microwaves. In addition to them, you can use ordinary dishwashing liquids. To do this, you need to drop such a tool on a sponge and turn on the oven for a few minutes.

To do without heat, take a cleaning spray and treat the surface with it from the inside. After this event, wash the oven from the remnants of grease and cleaning agent.

Video: how to wash the microwave inside from fat?

Additional questions

Is it possible to wash the microwave with detergents?

Detergents effectively remove carbon deposits and food dirt, so it is, of course, permissible to use them. But they can have a strong odor that is difficult to remove. Chemical "aroma" is unlikely to add zest to your dish. Therefore, if possible, it is better to take a simple and environmentally friendly remedy from the national arsenal. Plus, it's often cheaper.

How to clean the microwave inside from grease and outside from other contaminants

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When cleaning the kitchen, you should pay enough attention to household appliances. This is especially true for the products with which we cook food. One of them is a microwave oven. Today it is in almost every home. Its versatility allows housewives to find an indispensable assistant in the kitchen in the microwave, so it is often used at work.

However, splashes of grease, evaporation from liquid products can greatly contaminate the inside of the unit. The impossibility to wash the inner walls of the furnace from dirt in a timely manner leads to the fact that the stains eat into. So how to quickly clean the microwave? By what means?

Microwave ovens have relatively recently entered the life of housewives. Today, with their help, we can not only warm up the cooled products, but also defrost them, cook food, and sterilize cans for seaming.

The simplicity of the device allows it to be used even by the elderly and small children. The latter, due to their age, are still not accurate enough, so it is very difficult to avoid contamination of the device, including persistent ones.

Before answering the question of how easy it is to clean a microwave from grease and other contaminants, you need to sort out the main points correct use device.

Before you use one of the small life hacks that tell you how to clean the microwave, you need to familiarize yourself with general rules for cleaning:

  • disconnect the device from the mains;
  • refuse hard brushes, especially those in the bristles of which iron is present. Its remaining particles inside the oven will burn it as soon as you turn on the device;
  • use water in minimal quantities;
  • do not abuse cleaning products;
  • do not disassemble the device yourself, do not try to remove the top covers. This work is only for professionals.

We can wash the internal fat with the help of detergents sold in household chemical stores. They are made specifically for microwave ovens. The one with the corresponding icons on the label will be safe.

Usually, the products are made in the form of sprays or solutions. Using them is very simple:

More precise instructions for each cleaner are printed on its label.

Sprays must be used very carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the grating under which the magnetron is located. Liquid should not get in there.

Special products designed for cleaning ovens will also perfectly wash grease. They need to be spread with a sponge over the inner surface of the oven, wait a few minutes and rinse with a wet cloth. After that, the microwave should be left open for a couple of hours to weather the remnants of the cleaning agent.

Another means of household chemicals, very effective in combating kitchen pollution, is laundry soap, despite its unpleasant smell and unpresentable appearance. These two negative qualities compensated by the antibacterial and disinfectant properties of the soap.

To wash the oven, you need to prepare a solution from shavings of laundry soap and warm water. Whisk a rich foam, which is applied to the inner surface of the microwave, then wait 30-40 minutes. The dirt should go away without a trace.

Many say that I rub and clean the device with special tools, but the effect is zero. If you cannot clean the oven with chemicals or are afraid to use them, try using effective folk ways suitable for home use.

There are many ways to clean the microwave from fat. All of them are available at home. You need to choose your method based on the degree of contamination, as well as the time period that has elapsed since the last cleaning of the furnace. If fresh stains can be removed very easily, then old ones will have to be pretty tricky.

Pretty quickly, you will wash the oven with plain water. To do this, pour liquid into a shallow container, place it in the oven and turn it on for a couple of minutes at maximum power.

During boiling, moisture in the form of condensate covers the walls of the microwave and dissolves grease smudges. At the end of the procedure, clean all walls with a soft cloth or sponge. If some part of the fat continues to remain on the walls, the procedure should be repeated.

If in some places the pollution is very strong, then they can be removed with mustard powder or baking soda. These universal products will perfectly wash the surface, but at the same time they will not harm the coating, as they are quite soft.

You can remove the stubborn thick layer of fat with vinegar and lemon.

Vinegar - universal remedy in every kitchen and in every home. It is not only added to dishes, but also actively used as a cleaning agent for various surfaces and appliances. Despite the pungent odor, which, by the way, will disappear after a short period of time, too strong pollution is washed with vinegar, including on microwave ovens.

If greasy stains have not really occupied the inner surface of the microwave, then simply apply the solution to a soft cloth and walk it along all the walls of the device.

In the case when there are old spots of fat, you need to use another, more effective method. In a dish suitable for use in microwave ovens, pour one liter of water and dissolve three tablespoons of vinegar in it.

Place the container inside the appliance, turning it on maximum power. The operating time of the product is 10-15 minutes. At the end of the cycle, do not open the oven for approximately one hour. During this time, the vinegar vapor will cover the walls of the microwave and dissolve a layer of fat on them. The spots will be erased without a trace.

If you find the use of vinegar unacceptable because of its smell, you should use another, more fragrant and no less effective tool- lemon.

You can not only wash the microwave with lemon, but also get a fresh citrus scent in the kitchen. In addition to lemon, you can use other citrus fruits - orange, grapefruit.

We clean the microwave with lemon as follows:

  • cut two or three small lemons into slices;
  • we place them in dishes intended for use in the oven;
  • pour one glass of water;
  • we put inside the device, which we turn on at maximum power for 10-15 minutes;
  • after the completion of the heating cycle, we wait another 10-15 minutes;
  • unplug the appliance and start washing.

We wash off the remaining fat with plain water and a soft cloth. This will be very easy to do, since the vapors released by the lemon have already fulfilled their function - they have dissolved fat and other impurities.

With this method, you can use not only the whole lemon, but also its zest. The procedure will be the same as above.

If there are no lemons, the same can be done with citric acid. It is enough just to dilute its crystals (30 grams) in 200-300 ml of water, evaporate the liquid in the oven and rub it. Just don't wait for the smell of lemon in this case.

How to clean a microwave with baking soda?

Despite the skepticism of microwave oven manufacturers towards baking soda, this available remedy can become a real panacea in the fight against grease and other contaminants on the inner surface of the device. If you use the powder correctly, it will not be difficult to wash the microwave inside.

It is important not to use soda as a abrasive tool for aggressive microwave cleaning. Otherwise, surface damage cannot be avoided.

In order to qualitatively wash the microwave from the inside, you need to use a simple recipe:

  • dilute five tablespoons of baking soda in 0.5 liters of water;
  • place the container with the solution inside the oven and turn on the unit at the highest power for about 15 minutes;
  • when the evaporation process is completed, leave the device closed for 10-15 minutes;
  • Use a soft cloth to wipe all the inner walls of the product.

Who at least once used this method, was able to verify its effectiveness and continues to clean the microwave with it. Especially effective this method in the fight against aged fat.

Cleanliness will be incomplete if, after washing, an unpleasant odor comes from the appliance. You can also get rid of it with the help of available means.

If you washed the oven, but felt when you first turned it on, this means that the appliance was not wiped well enough. It's not scary. You just need to wipe it all over again.

All of the above tips will not only make irrelevant the question of how to easily and quickly wash the microwave from grease and other contaminants, but will also allow you to keep the device constantly clean. Agree, because cooking and heating food in a shiny oven is much more pleasant than in a dirty one.

If earlier cleaning the microwave was a real headache for me, now it's an easy task. The thing is that I found a few simple and effective ways to clean this useful household appliance. Today I will tell you how to quickly wash the microwave inside with the help of improvised means.

We clean the microwave

If you clean your microwave oven regularly, then it will not take you more than 10 minutes a week. There is no need to buy an expensive household chemicals- You can easily get by with the components that you can find at home.

Getting rid of stains: 4 improvised means

Regardless of which of these methods you choose, it will be based on the principle of creating a steam bath. Vapors from detergent composition deal with any dirt in minutes:

Image Instruction

Method 1. Soda

This is one of the most powerful cleaners, the price of which is a penny:

  • Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in 500 ml of water.
  • Place the container with the solution in the microwave.
  • Turn on the device for 3-5 minutes. After that, do not open the door for another 5 minutes.
  • After the allotted time, wipe the inside of the stove with a clean rag or the soft side of a sponge.

Method 2. Lemon juice or acid

For this recipe, you will need 500 ml of liquid, a spoonful of citric acid, or four tablespoons of juice:

  • Mix water and lemon juice or acid.
  • Put the container in the oven and turn it on for 3-5 minutes at full power.
  • After turning off the microwave, wait another 10 minutes.
  • Remove the bowl and wipe the inside of the microwave with a clean cloth.

For particularly difficult dirt, moisten the sponge in the prepared solution and rub the problem areas well.

Method 3. Vinegar

To rid the stove inside of grease or old stains, use table vinegar:

  • For half a liter of water, add two tablespoons of 9% vinegar.
  • Put the container with the solution in the microwave for 5 minutes at full power.
  • Wait a little more time so that the vinegar vapor can dissolve all the fat.
  • After a sponge, clean the walls from burning and stains.

If the inside of the device is covered with enamel, then you should not use this method too often. It may damage the material.

Method 4. Dishwashing liquid

With help detergent you can remove fresh dirt:

  • Apply a small amount (about the size of a coin) to a damp sponge.
  • Squeeze and unclench the sponge until abundant foam appears.
  • Put her in the cell.
  • Turn the oven on for 30 seconds minimum power. Be careful not to melt the sponge.
  • Then open the door and remove any grease and food splashes.

Get rid of bad smell: 3 methods

Washing the microwave at home is only half the battle. It is also necessary to eliminate the unpleasant odor that may appear during the operation of the device. The following components work well with it:

Image Instruction

Method 1. Coffee
  • Soak a sponge or cotton pad thoroughly in coffee (it doesn’t matter if it’s natural or soluble.
  • Wipe down all interior walls of the appliance.
  • Wait 2 hours, then rinse the surfaces with a clean sponge.

Never boil coffee inside a microwave oven - stains from it are incredibly difficult to remove.

Method 2. Salt

Salt will easily eliminate all sorts of unpleasant odors.

Just add about 100 gr. salt in a saucer, put it in the oven and close the door.

After a few hours, it will be enough just to remove the saucer.

Method 3. Activated carbon

Charcoal is known to be an excellent absorbent, so it can be used to combat pungent and unpleasant odors.

Use the product in the same way as table salt. No need to use 100 gr. coal, about 10 crushed tablets will suffice.

To increase the efficiency of cleaning the device, and at the same time not damage it, follow the recommendations:

Illustration Adviсe

No metal brushes!

They can damage the inner walls of the stove, because of which the device will quickly become unusable.

Use food caps

In the process of heating food, cover it with a special cap as in the photo.

So you prevent splashing of food debris, respectively, and you will have to wash the unit less often.

Unplug the appliance

This must be done every time before you decide to rinse its inner walls.

Clean regularly

It is better to wash the stove once or twice a month. This way the stains won't dry out.
