Vertical bar. Building a house from a vertical beam

  • 29.08.2019

They enjoy great success due to their high energy-saving qualities and environmental friendliness. It would seem that nothing new can be invented, but it turns out that this is not so. Today the site has collected interesting material for you about what houses made of vertical timber are.

Houses built using this technology have a wide range of design solutions. The vertical arrangement of structural elements allows you to choose any height of ceilings and complex wall configurations.

The customer may be offered a choice standard projects or you can create your own unique building design. Turnkey construction of houses from vertical timber is a successful and sought-after type of business. Here are examples of architectural solutions for buildings made of vertical timber:

What is the new technology of wooden housing construction from a vertical beam

The technology called Naturi was first tested in Austria about a hundred years ago. Now, thanks to the efforts of modern builders, it has been polished and brought to perfection.

Curvilinear cuts firmly connect the structural elements and at the same time practically do not shrink. Walls made of such material do not crack and do not deform under high load, and this allows you to increase the number of storeys. wooden house up to 3 floors.

Requirements for materials for construction

The quality of the timber is an important component of successful construction. The most popular in this regard is larch wood. She is not afraid of temperature changes and almost does not deform from a long one. Another great option is cedar. Houses made of it will cost a lot, but as a bonus, you will get the healing effects of cedar wood.

Important requirements for a vertical bar:

  • absence of defects in the form of knots and cracks;
  • perfect drying, no more than 12 percent humidity;
  • strict geometric shapes.

Such houses can be treated with nothing from the inside and outside. The wood has a beautiful structure and can remain in its natural beauty.

Important! The technology of such construction requires factory processing of timber. You can't do it manually, so don't even try.

Before construction begins, all material is sorted.

What foundation is used for vertical timber houses

Wooden houses are relatively light weight, so they do not require particularly durable and deepened. Traditionally, they are installed under such structures. In this case, the basement can be arranged in the house. The second most popular option for building a house from a vertical beam is a columnar foundation. The pillars are connected by a harness, on which it is mounted.

Important! The foundation for a wooden house must be equipped with reliable waterproofing so that moisture does not destroy the wall material.

What is the technology of building a house from a vertical beam

Assembling a house from a vertical beam is somewhat reminiscent of working with a children's designer.

It is important to control the vertical and horizontal planes using the building level

A feature of this assembly is that the corners have a monolithic structure. The whole assembly goes very quickly, the house can be assembled in a matter of days. Small air pockets remain inside the timber walls, which improve buildings.

Since the vertical glued timber has a very complex configuration of joints, the walls assembled from it are very strong. Additionally, the upper and lower edges of the walls are reinforced with tongues.

More about the technology in this video material:

For houses in middle lane Russia has enough material thickness of 18 centimeters. Given the minimum shrinkage period, the house can be occupied in 3-4 months.

Reviews of the owners about the advantages of houses from a vertical bursa

Each sandpiper praises his swamp, but practice shows that positive reviews about houses from a vertical bursa using Naturi technology are really fair. No wonder the innovation of the Austrians is spreading so rapidly around the world.

Happy owners of such cottages note the short construction time and the almost complete absence of shrinkage.

Such designs are distinguished by excellent energy saving. The vertical setting of the log does not allow wind and draft to penetrate through the walls. In general, the thermal conductivity of such a house is one and a half times lower than, for example, a building made of cross-laid laminated timber.

When using this technology, there is no need to additionally lay or some kind of adhesive composition. Wood is located in its natural vertical position, and this gives additional advantages in finishing.

Disadvantages of vertical timber houses

It must be admitted that houses made of vertical timber are not without problems and shortcomings. The main disadvantage is the cost of the material. This is understandable, because the timber undergoes complex processing: it is dried using a special technology, locking elements are made on it.

The second drawback worth mentioning is the impossibility of reusing elements. That is, such a house cannot be disassembled and assembled in a new place.

It is for this reason that it is so important to follow all the assembly rules, rework in case of failure will cost you too much.

Examples of projects and prices for vertical timber houses

From the vertical bursa, you can build classic buildings and houses with complex geometry. The designers of the developer company have a lot to offer interesting solutions. Architects suggest using moisture-resistant wood for exterior walls, and healthy cedar or pine for interior walls.

Photo projects of houses from a vertical beam on the 1st floor

- a popular request from the owners. From a vertical bursa, you can build the following houses:

I studied the technology of building houses from a vertical beam and, accordingly, the construction of a non-shrinking frame of a house, the announcement was completely.

It turns out that the technology is chic and still not perfect, but first things first.

I. What is a vertical bar?

Still, it would be more correct to say the system of vertical walling, which includes a beam with a special profile. Formally, this is the same planed wooden beam, but molded in a special tricky way. This is not glued timber, which by the way is one of the advantages. The trick of molding is that when assembling a wall from such a beam, a lock is created that practically does not allow air to enter directly into the room and back, respectively. This drawback is inherent in houses made of logs, which have to be additionally sealed by sealing seams and joints with caulking from various materials.

Let's go back to the vertical bar. The history of the emergence of technology at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries points to the name of Georg Ganaus, who was puzzled by the issue of shrinkage of a wooden house. He really wanted wooden house, but the damned shrinkage haunted him! And now, sitting somehow under a tree, or walking in the forest, I don’t know how specifically, but it was the tree trunk growing in nature that prompted the author of the invention in which direction to move. The idea was really simple. The fact is that a tree in nature grows vertically, and anyone more or less familiar with the basics of physics knows that load bearing capacity from the load on the vertical column is much higher than the horizontal one. In the case of a wooden beam, the bearing capacity is about five times higher. This is exactly what old Georg put as the basis for solving the problem.

The matter remained small, namely, to throw away the caulk and other fuss associated with sealing the seams. In essence, he simply reworked the technology glued laminated timber, of course, for the better, providing a house made of wood with no shrinkage, ease of installation of a tenon-groove, and eliminating the need for sealing seams and joints.

A significant advantage was the absence of the need for finishing, both outside and inside the walls, i.e. the technology is such that the facing elements are finishing in the finish.

The house built on the technology of a vertical bar, under the patent name NATURI, appeared in 2000. In fact, the technology of a vertical bar goes much deeper than its roots, and Ganaus is not a pioneer in this part. Much earlier, the Vikings built their fortifications from wooden beams dug vertically into the ground. But the technology of building from vertical bars entered Russia much later, only in 1841. The owner of such a house was Fyodor Tyutchev.

II. What does it consist of, what does the system look like?

The cross section looks like this:

What the whole structure consists of in detail:

1 - Elements of outer and inner cladding, tongue-and-groove;
2 - Crowning profiled cladding element;
3 - Strapping board, top and bottom;
4 - Complex profiled timber, the main structural load-bearing element of the wall;

According to the thickness and, accordingly, according to the type of construction, they are divided as follows:

5 - External wall assembly;
6 - Inner wall in a single row;
7 - Elements of a single-row wall. View from above;
8 - Scheme of three-row execution for external walls, 400 mm thick. As a rule, at the request of the customer;
9 - Scheme of a classic two-row design for external walls, 300 mm thick;
10 - Scheme of single-row execution for internal walls, 200 mm thick;
11 - Scheme of a panel version for internal walls;
12 - Sectional detail of the panel version.

III. How does a vertical wall system work?

Here in this description I have some doubts creeping in, because. connected just with the shrinkage of the timber. In the descriptive part, the manufacturer appeals by the fact that after assembly, the beam, having gained moisture, begins to burst, and this is logical. Thus, when the elements swell, the canvas begins to adjoin each other so much that no air gaps remain.

My doubt lies in the likely cracking of the beam, because the elements with which the beams cling to each other are very small, and tk. this is wood and not metal, for example, there will be no stretching of the material here, and these very elements will break, and this is no longer the integrity of the structure and gaps, moreover, in a rather chaotic and undefined form. Why not defined? Because visually, due to the hidden and complex geometry, we will not see where there is a gap; among the quick methods, this is only an analysis with a thermal imager. The construction of the wall actually remains not collapsible, or rather it can be collapsible, but only using barbaric methods, destroying a significant part of the wall. Such a gap can occur in the case of low-quality wood, for which, by the way, a company building using this technology is unlikely to be held responsible.

Well, this is where I will finish my descriptive part of the technology itself. In the future, I may write a post about the process of building a house using the technology of a vertical bar with all the nuances and stages.

A wooden house is nothing new in the housing market. Moreover, wooden houses were the first to appear after caves and dugouts, and their construction, it would seem, has been honed for millennia so that it is basically impossible to come up with a new one. But innovative products such as vertical beams have changed the idea of ​​traditional wooden housing in better side, and today houses made of vertical timber are reviving the faded interest in wood as such.

Naturi technology

This technology, called “naturi” by specialists, is already about a hundred years old, and during this time its foundations have constantly changed and improved. At the moment, a vertical bar as a product is a very complex element, consisting of curvilinear joints along special cuts in wood, providing strong connection, minimal shrinkage of the structure, immunity to moisture and the absence of cracks and deformations during the operation of a loaded building. According to load calculations, a house made of vertical timber, built according to the naturi method, can be built 1-3 floors high without fear of its deformation or shrinkage, and the aesthetic texture of the timber allows not to carry out exterior finish walls and ceilings, with the exception of the own preferences of the owners of the house. The drawings above and below show an individual project of a cottage built using naturi technology, as well as its floor plan.

Due to the complex section of the beam (figure below) cold air meets on its way an insurmountable obstacle in the form of labyrinths that keep the heat in the house and give the structure the highest strength. The individual elements of the beam are connected in several places with complex groove-plank elements. Along the plane of the wall, there is an additional strengthening of the fastening of the beam with dowels (tongues), along the top and bottom of each beam element.

Also, the fastening of the timber is reinforced with tongues, they are placed along the upper and lower trim of the timber, to which the main supporting structure is attached. The timber is connected to each other along the entire wall using the “groove to groove” method, plus additional reinforcement is made with dowels in the horizontal plane. Standard Thickness vertical beam - ≥ 180 mm. Such wooden constructor allows you to assemble and prepare for the settlement of the house for 4-5 months. Completely erected facility with an area of ​​200 sq. m.

Positive and negative aspects of technology

  1. The shrinkage of a building built according to the naturi method is 50-90 times less than in a house made of horizontal timber;
  2. Dowels in the walls increase the strength and stability of the building;
  3. Any timber absorbs moisture, but when it swells, vertical timber only improves its wind and sound protection characteristics, increases heat saving in the house;
  4. The natural inflow and outflow of air masses is supported, which means that there is no need for forced ventilation;
  5. A profiled vertical beam allows you to create projects of any architectural complexity;
  6. Assembling a house according to the Naturi method is quick and uncomplicated due to the use of unified elements made in advance at the factory;
  7. It is not necessary to caulk and insulate the walls;
  8. It is possible to build a house that uses a vertical beam, a new technology of wooden housing construction, both in winter and in summer, in any weather.

Minor disadvantages:

  1. Due to the high density of interfaces, after some time of operation, due to the humidity of the air, the walls swell, and it will be problematic to dismantle such a house to move to another place;
  2. Modern projects using this technology are difficult to implement without professional skills.

How timber is made

All projects of houses from a vertical beam involve the use of factory longitudinal cuts in order to prevent deformation of the elements and the entire structure. The bar is placed in a vertical position and connected by grooves and ridges, as well as dowels into a monolithic structure. Before starting construction, you should make sure that the moisture content of the wood is low and that there are no defects in the timber. The timber should not be wet by more than 12%.

  1. Wood in the form of logs is sorted by indicators of suitability and quality;
  2. The logs are sawn to the required size, the blanks are dried using a special technology;
  3. The beam is milled and drilled for dowels according to design calculations;
  4. Finished products are stacked and packed for transportation to the construction site.

Due to the complex technology, the prices for such a beam will always be higher than the prices for solid or profiled beams, but the end result levels out all costs.

Design and installation

Beam using naturi technology is a universal element that allows you to build buildings of any geometric and architectural complexity. It is not necessary to use wood of the same species for construction - you can take different ones, which will give the house comfort and increase its functionality.

Both delivery and warehousing, storage and subsequent installation of walls are carried out without the involvement of special equipment and additional labor.

The beam is equipped with complex-shaped grooves on four sides, which make it difficult for outside air to enter the premises, which automatically makes the house much warmer compared to buildings made from other building materials.

Assembly steps:

  1. The first stage of construction is the construction of the foundation and the laying of the strapping on it for the subsequent fastening of the wall beam;
  2. The tongues with which the strapping and walls will be fastened are inserted into the holes of the strapping and into the beam of the walls;
  3. The end surfaces are connected by horizontal tongues at the top and bottom;
  4. As the walls are raised, cladding elements and openings for windows and doors are built into the factory grooves.

For waterproofing wooden timber walls from excessive moisture, several layers of roofing material or thick roofing material are laid on the concrete or brick of the base of the house. polyethylene film, and on top - strapping boards treated with antiseptic substances 50 mm thick and up to 250 mm wide. A horizontal bar measuring 250 x 100 mm is attached to this lining belt, and a vertical bar (on tongues) is already attached to it on one side, and on the other, it is attached to the foundation for anchor connections.

Boards are laid on the lining belt in two rows - for strapping, and holes are drilled through their factory holes in the lining wood, into which dowels are inserted. A timber for erecting walls will be mounted on the dowels. The upper belt is built in the same way.

Such a pretty sophisticated technology makes building a house more expensive, but the building itself will be more durable and at the same time flexible - resistant to various kinds of deformations and multi-vector loads. The temperature and humidity regime of operation of such a house immediately enters a phase of stability, which continues throughout the life of the building. A house kit made of a vertical beam, manufactured at the factory, consists of the following parts and elements:

  1. Profiled timber of complex shape, dried using a special technology, with grooves, ridges, holes for dowels;
  2. profiled wooden details and elements for outdoor and interior decoration and decoration of surfaces;
  3. Boards prepared for assembly for mounting the upper and lower trims - with holes for mating with the upper and lower joining structural elements;
  4. Domokomplekt wooden log house

    Three main features of Naturi technology:

    1. Vertical Assembly wooden elements, which is designed to completely minimize the effects of shrinkage of the building during the first months of operation;
    2. The high accuracy of manufacturing the beam itself, milled holes and recesses, elements of the "groove-groove" system and holes for dowels can significantly speed up the installation of the building, since it is not necessary to combine and control the accuracy of connecting all elements and parts - the process has been tested at the factory, and the builders only assemble the constructor according to the attached project drawings;
    3. Drying wood for the manufacture of timber, as well as drying already finished timber, occur according to a special technology, which subsequently ensures the solidity of the walls when they swell from atmospheric moisture.

    The main difference between the NATURI technology and the construction of houses from glued or profiled timber is the complete environmental friendliness of the project, which has recently been highly appreciated by the consumer.

    The initial raw material of the naturi technology is thin (from 80 mm) trunks of coniferous trees, which are pre-treated with the removal of wood to the core. The blanks are dried first in natural conditions - in open space and without direct access to sunlight, and then - in a special dryer until the moisture content of the wood drops to the required 12%. Thus, blanks of standard lengths of 2.5, 3.0 and 6.0 meters are of high strength, they do not rot, are not damaged by insects, and absorb moisture evenly and slowly.

    In addition to coniferous wood, larch or cedar can be ordered in individual projects to improve not only operating parameters building, but also its appearance.

? It is these questions that arise before any developer who decides to build a house. And if stone buildings are traditionally associated with reliable and durable structures that practically do not shrink, then a cottage built of wood, despite the excellent microclimate, "l lives his life" for a long time, continuing to sit down and forcing their owners to delay finishing.

It is required to combine the strength of a concrete monolithic structure with the advantages wooden frame- until recently, most FORUMHOUSE users would say that this is impossible. But technology does not stand still - every year in Europe, the popularity of a new method of building a wooden house is growing - NATURI , or as it is also called, technology of building a house from a vertically installed timber.

The country - the ancestor of this technology is Austria, but it is known for certain that in Moscow vertical logs could be found 150 years ago. And if in our country this technology is still little known, then in countries such as Germany, France and Austria this method of construction wooden houses got a lot of fans. It cannot be said that vertical bar - so new technology of wooden housing construction.

NATURI technology - Western approach

The creator of the technology is Georg Ganaus.

The Austrian was puzzled by the question - how can one build an energy-efficient and high-tech wooden house and at the same time get rid of such a significant problem as shrinkage. And, as the urban legend says, the solution to the problem was suggested to him by nature itself.

After all, a tree trunk, set up, can withstand a load 5 times greater than that laid horizontally.

It remains only to come up with a method of installation and solve another problem, namely, to save the wooden structure from such an operation as sealing cracks. Taking the production technology of glued laminated timber as a basis, Georg Ganaus improved it, having ensured that after the installation of a vertical beam, the wall turns into and has the appearance of a finishing coating.

In 2000, the first house was built new technology NATURI.

How is the vertical laying of timber

The essence of this novelty in housing construction technology is this. The wall is assembled according to the principle of a puzzle of small bars. As you can see in the photo, the beam has a complex cross-sectional pattern, which allows using the connection system tongue/groove and additional mount with the help of a dowel, assemble a wall of almost any thickness and shape.

With vertical laying, it is possible to create any curved surfaces, and due to the fact that a small gap remains between the bars, which contains air, the wall does not require additional insulation.

The vertical frame of a wooden house has great strength. This is achieved due to the fact that the tree, initially dry and containing a small percentage of moisture, enters the construction site in a special thermal insulation film, and after assembly it picks up a little moisture from the air and, swelling, the bars literally tightly adhere to each other.

It is easy to build using this technology, but, thanks to the above-mentioned feature, it is impossible to disassemble the house.

To fix a vertically installed beam in the foundation, two technological solutions are used:

  1. Technological holes are pre-made in the foundation - grooves into which a vertical bar can be installed, but this can lead to rotting of the lower ends, therefore it is most often used next way;
  2. A beam impregnated with fire and bioprotection is laid horizontally on the foundation - this is done so that the ends of the vertically installed beam do not rot. Then, a special board with holes for pins is fixed to this beam, called a crown crown, thanks to which the elements are fastened together

Each private developer initial stage planning to build your own house must make a decisive (and therefore often painful) choice: what to build a house from.

What options are available today:

  • stone or brick;
  • concrete (including gas and foam concrete);
  • a wooden frame made of rounded logs or timber;
  • frame house.

The disadvantages of brick and stone housing construction are the following circumstances:

  • the need to build a powerful
  • a rather long period of building a box at home;
  • long cycle of finishing works.

All this greatly increases the cost of construction and does not allow you to move into the house for quite a long time. As for wood, wooden houses are cheaper, quickly built and do not require insulation. You can move into such a house right away, but usually a log house is kept for a year and only after shrinkage occurs. Therefore, it will not be possible to quickly celebrate a housewarming party either. In addition, the temperature and humidity regime is very important for a wooden house.

The way out is to build frame house, which is practically not subject to shrinkage. But, I must say, such houses, built according to modern technologies are quite expensive.

Not so long ago, our construction market was replenished with another technology, still little known - NATURI. At a cost, such projects are more expensive than houses made of ordinary timber or logs and frame houses, but cheaper than houses made of SIP panels, as well as brick and stone ones.

What is special about NATURI technology

This construction technology has three main features:

  1. Vertical installation of elements, excluding shrinkage of the house box.
  2. Thanks to the high-precision prefabrication of elements at the factory, the assembly of the house resembles the assembly of a puzzle from three-dimensional elements.
  3. When harvesting timber for the home, a high degree of drying. This is done so that by gaining moisture after installation, the individual elements, swelling, turn the wall into a single array.

Unlike the use of glued laminated timber, NATURI technology does not use glue, it is absolutely environmentally friendly.

The raw material for this technology is thin tree trunks. Usually it is pine and spruce. The bark and soft part of the wood are removed from them, leaving a strong core. Then the wood is cut to length. Usually these are blanks 2.5, 3 and 6 m long.

The logs are dried first in air and then in a drying chamber. The humidity of the prepared elements is no more than 12%.
At the request of the client, the elements of the outer skin can be made of larch, which practically does not rot. And for the elements of interior cladding, cedar is often used, which has excellent external characteristics and contributes to the release of useful substances into the atmosphere of the house.

The main elements of this house kit are profiled elements of the following types:

  • dry profiled timber of a special shape;
  • profiled elements of external and internal decoration;
  • boards for the upper and lower strapping;
  • wooden dowels, which are used to fasten the beams to the strapping board and to each other;
  • final cladding profile.

Profiled timber is a complex profile with holes for dowels at the ends and along the length.
Finishing elements are flat on the outside and profiled on the inside. The profile is chosen in such a way as to be tightly connected to the wall beams.

These elements can be used to mount walls of various thicknesses, usually two-row walls with a thickness of 300 mm, and three-row walls with a thickness of 400 mm.

Single row, 200 mm thick. The thinnest structures with a thickness of 100 mm are assembled from two sheathing profiles. All elements fit together perfectly.

How is the installation of walls

For wooden walls from moisture, waterproofing is laid on a concrete or brick foundation, and lining boards with a section of 250 * 50 mm specially treated with an antiseptic are laid on it. A beam with a section of 250 * 100 mm is mounted on them and the whole cake is fixed to the foundation with anchor bolts.

Two rows of boards are laid on the timber, intended to be wall framing. Since the boards already have holes for the dowels, using them as a template, holes are drilled in the lining beam and dowels with a diameter of 25 mm are driven into them. Subsequently, wall beams will be “put on” on these dowels. From above, they are fixed with upper strapping boards and dowels.

  1. The bar is put on with the lower end on the dowel, fixed in the lower harness.
  2. Then, lightly tapping with a hammer, set its upper part in place, which is immediately fixed with a dowel, driving it into the hole top harness, coinciding with the hole in the end of the beam.
  3. The bars forming the wall have 4 holes for dowels along the length. They are located on the faces that will be directed along the wall axis. With the help of these holes, adjacent bars are connected with each other by two dowels, which gives the wall greater rigidity.
  4. The cladding details are installed in the grooves formed between two adjacent bars.

What else you need to know about NATURI technology

If the house is e, then the construction of the furnace is best done at the initial stage of construction in order to avoid problems with leading the chimney through the floors and roof structures.

The technology has whole line advantages in comparison with the construction of a house from horizontal elements:

  • Due to the fact that the shrinkage of wood along the fibers is 50-80 times less than across, the house does not require exposure to shrinkage.
  • Dowel joints contribute to increased stability of the building.
  • The timber that swells during operation forms an array with high rates wind and noise protection, improves the energy efficiency of the house.
  • Thanks to full of walls natural air exchange is maintained in the house, forced ventilation not required.
  • Buildings of any shape can be built from profiled elements.
  • The installation process is fast, thanks to the unification of factory elements.
  • It is possible to build at any time of the year and in any climatic zone.
  • NATURI technology has good compatibility with frame structures.

The disadvantages of technology include the following circumstances:

  • Due to swelling, the walls turn almost into a monolith, so it is impossible to disassemble and transport such a building to another place.
  • The construction technology itself requires high professionalism of the construction team.

The NATURI wooden house construction technology allows you to build a house in a short time without having to wait for the log house to shrink. At the same time, wall caulking and others are not required.