Celery stem cultivation and care in the open. Landing and care

  • 12.06.2019

Celery is a vegetable crop with a bittersweet taste and an exquisite spicy aroma. In cooking, all parts of the plant are used - leaves, roots and even stems. They are added to soups and main dishes, salads, sauces and condiments. In addition to taste, celery is valued for its high content of vitamins and minerals in the composition. The plant is an important source of vitamin A, C, B, K, PP, magnesium, sodium, iron, calcium, phosphorus. Its regular use helps to strengthen the immune system and the protective functions of the body.

Growing petiole celery has its own characteristics. Although in general the plant cannot be called capricious and it is adapted to various climatic conditions, providing proper care will allow you to get really juicy and fragrant petioles.

Optimal climatic conditions

The most favorable temperature for the growth of celery is 15 - 20 ˚С, however, some varieties of this crop can withstand even slight frosts. Particularly resistant to low temperatures are varieties with red stems. The optimal time for sowing is spring. The soil should be moderately moist, loose, drained, the site should be open and well lit. Soils with high acidity must be limed before planting young plants.

Petiole celery grows well in soil with a high nitrogen content. To enrich the soil with minerals, the area for planting celery is fertilized with humus in the fall.

Main varieties

The choice of variety is an important task, because the yield depends on it, appearance and taste of celery. The following varieties have proven themselves well:

  • "Atlant". Ripening period - 150 - 170 days. Distinctive featureglossy surface stem with slight ribs. From one bush it is possible to collect 300 - 400 g of petioles.

To get fresh petioles for eating throughout the summer-autumn season, you need to use seeds with different periods maturation.

Sowing for seedlings and diving

Growing a culture by seedling method, it is possible to get a crop in the first year. For this purpose, boxes filled with a nutrient mixture (leaf earth, peat, humus and sand) are used. Sowing is best done in the third decade of February - the first decade of March, adhering to the following sequence:

  • Soak the seeds ahead of time to speed up germination.
  • Spread the seeds evenly over the surface of the earth.
  • Sprinkle with a thin layer of nutrient soil mixture.
  • Cover with plastic bag.
  • Place in a room with a temperature of 20 - 22 ˚С.
  • After the first shoots appear, the polyethylene will need to be removed, and the temperature should be lowered to 15 ˚С.

Be sure to regularly remove weeds in seed boxes and small, weakened shoots. The rest need to be looked after - watered through a sieve, tempered.

With the advent of the second true leaf, the seedlings swoop down. When transplanting shoots into separate cups, it is important to ensure that the outlet is not covered with earth. Plants in separate containers should be placed on a bright window sill to accelerate the growth of young leaves.

If the seedlings are already ready, the most difficult stage has been passed. Further care of the bushes will not be a big hassle.

Landing in the ground

A few days before transplanting into open ground, celery seedlings must be taken out to an unheated veranda to adapt to new light and temperature conditions. As a rule, a transplant is carried out in April - May, when the spring frosts are already behind.

planted petiole celery in deep trenches (from 30 cm) according to the scheme 20 × 30. However, some self-bleaching varieties are suitable for planting in a regular bed. When planting, it is important to ensure that the socket rises slightly above the ground. As the bushes grow, you will need to pour soil into the furrows.

It is important to constantly monitor that the soil around the plants does not dry out. But overdoing it is also dangerous - the shoots can rot. It is necessary to regularly weed the bed, and as the crust forms -.

A month after transplantation, nitrogen supplementation is necessary. Vegetable culture is responsive to liquid organic fertilizers and nettle infusion.

When the green shoots reach a height of 30 cm, they are bleached. For this you should:

  • Gather the leaves into a bun and tie gently with a piece of soft cloth or twine.
  • Wrap the bundles with thick paper, making sure that it adheres well to the soil.
  • Leave the leaves uncovered.
  • Secure the paper with string or tape.
  • After 3 weeks, dig up the bushes along with the root, without removing the cover and place in the cellar in wet sand.
  • Straw can be used for hilling.

Bleaching makes the petioles sweet, relieves unpleasant bitterness, and contributes to the acquisition of a delicate taste.

Video instruction for growing petiole celery

Diseases and major pests

Petiole celery is affected by the following types of diseases:

  • black bacterial spot;
  • purple root rot;
  • fungal infection of the base of the stem;
  • tobacco mosaic virus;
  • root collar rot.

As a rule, the cause of rot is stagnant water as a result of excessive watering. And pests can also be carriers of diseases:

  • carrot fly;
  • hogweed fly;
  • slugs
  • snails;
  • scoops.

Strict adherence to the recommended methods of agricultural technology will help protect the plant from pests: weeding, watering, diving, crop rotation. Also good method protection against diseases and pests is a mixed planting of celery with other vegetables and herbs. Petiole celery goes well in the garden with cabbage, tomatoes and beans. But planting next to the parsnip is not recommended - both cultures can be affected by the hogweed fly.


Self-bleaching celery is ready to harvest 11 to 16 weeks after transplanting into the ground, while trench celery can be cut as needed. But here it is important not to miss the moment of harvesting, otherwise the stems will become fibrous. The entire crop must be removed from the garden before the first frosts, the approximate dates are the beginning - mid-October. To do this, dig a bush with a rhizome with a shovel or pitchfork.

Store celery in a cool place.

Care for this vegetable crop doesn't take much time. All that is required is watering as needed, fertilizing and, most importantly, hilling. Periodically sprinkling the bushes in the trench with earth, you can achieve an excellent result - white and palatable petioles, full of minerals.

Petiole celery is now often included in various dishes, especially salads. You can eat it raw, as well as after heat treatment. Petiole celery is considered a very tasty and healthy plant.

How to plant petiole celery in the country for seedlings

If a variety of petiole celery has a long growth period, then it is better to plant it with seedlings. It is usually placed on the windowsill. Seedlings are planted in the country in late February or early March. If the seeds are not prepared in advance, then the seeds will germinate for more than 20 days. Usually seeds are soaked in immunocytophyte. The solution is prepared at the rate of 20 ml of water 1 tablet of the substance.

A clean box is prepared in advance, the earth is poured into it. The ground is prepared in advance. Mix the earth from the garden and humus in equal proportions, add a little sand. Now the ground needs to be watered, and a day later a layer of snow is placed on top.

How to grow at home, how to care

Now it's important to create proper care after transplanting seedlings. All weeds must be removed, the soil loosened. If germinated seeds were sown, then you need to remove nonwoven fabric. If there is a growth retardation, then shooting ahead of time will eventually occur.

You need to thin out the celery for the first time, as soon as 4 to 6 leaves appear. The distance between the plant should be left at 20 cm. The next time you need to thin out the celery after 10 days. As a result, the distance will be 40 cm.

The video tells when to sow petiole celery for seedlings, planting dates:

The soil must not be allowed to become dense. Therefore, loosening is a must. The depth of loosening should be about 6 cm. But if it rained heavily, then the soil is loosened by 15 cm. In this case, it is advisable to apply a little fertilizer when loosening.

top dressing


The plant needs to be watered every week. For one square meter 20 liters of water are required. But if there are few rainy days, then the amount of water is increased to 25 liters. There is usually little rain in August and September. When watering, try not to let water get on the leaves themselves. If this is allowed, then the fungus and other diseases can affect the plant.

Light and hilling

If you want to achieve a pleasant aroma and taste from the petioles, then try to remove them away from direct sunlight. Thus the quantity essential oils will decrease, the leaves will become light, the taste will be pleasant. If you spud the plant, it will quickly acquire a light shade. When hilling, the earth should be poured gradually. Keep in mind that you need to spud only with wet earth. First, the plant is spudded so that it does not fall.

The second time to half the stem, and the third time almost to the crown. But this method of hilling has one drawback: petioles can acquire a not very pleasant taste of the earth. Therefore, hilling during the growth period is not recommended. It is better to dig in the greenhouse after harvesting. But in this case, the yield of celery will fall.

But there is another way to apply. In the first weeks of September, the plant is usually already fully formed, so you can take the fabric and tie the stems. Now the soil can be collected under the plant. Petioles need to be wrapped with wrapping paper and tied with twine. The wrapper should not cover the leaves, but end at the edge. Usually improve the taste of celery 3 weeks before harvest.

Celery, like other plants, is susceptible to pests. Therefore, you need to start fighting them in time:

  1. Borsch fly. She is able to start laying eggs at the end of May. These pests can and do spend the whole winter in the soil. If you find a borscht fly, then next year you can’t plant vegetables there.
  2. carrot fly. The larvae of this fly can damage the roots of the plant. Therefore, it is important to carry out weeding on time. Top dressing and loosening is also done on time.
  3. Carrot blotch. This living creature is able to drink all the juice from celery. Outwardly, the plant will look oppressed.
  4. bean aphid. This pest is considered the largest. If you find this pest, then celery must be treated with a decoction of tomato or potato tops.
  5. Early burn. Usually this phenomenon is observed with a sharp temperature drop. You will see spots with a brown border on the leaves. If the humidity is increased, the stain will acquire a purple bloom. You can get rid of the pest within 30 minutes using a temperature of 48 degrees.

The video tells when to plant petiole celery for seedlings:

What time is the landing

Whatever variety of celery you take, they all have a long growing season. Usually celery seeds are sown in April: from April 20 to 25. Transplantation into open ground is done in May: May 15-20.

Those who want to have celery on their table every year can start sowing it. Observing simple rules you will get good results.

Many dream of suburban area, where you can relax in the summer, retire with nature, admiring the beauty and breathing clean air without emissions. Often in dreams there is also a small garden where you can grow vegetables, beans and herbs. But not everyone knows that you can grow your own stalk celery and enjoy its taste in various cooked dishes.

Description and main characteristics

Celery is one of the most useful plants. Phytotherapeutists consider this plant an essential component necessary for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Often included in the composition of funds and recipes for weight loss.

This herbaceous plant has a number of useful properties, contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. It also has a subtle but rich taste. For its useful qualities, this plant is appreciated by lovers. tasty food worldwide. More recently, celery was grown only for medicine, and today it is present in many gourmet dishes.

The range of effects of this plant on the human body is very wide.

The root crop is enriched with the following features:

  • raises the tone;
  • able to increase mental and physical performance;
  • brings appetite to a normal state;
  • anesthetizes;
  • is a diuretic.

Root varieties

This plant has several varieties. They concern the external structure. There are three types of celery:

  • sheet;
  • root;
  • petiolate.

This plant is able to advantageously complement any dish without losing its useful qualities during cooking. Fortunately, celery belongs to dietary products and does not harm the figure.

Cultivation of stem celery occurs for the sake of juicy petioles-stems. At the moment, the petioles are white or green. The difference in colors does not apply to varieties of varieties - the same species can be different color. The coloration is influenced by the cultivation methods. For example, White color appears if celery is spudded by placing the stems deep into the soil.

As a rule, celery is planted in the garden in May, towards the end; in warm areas, you can start planting as early as the middle of the month. By the time the seedlings are transplanted into open ground, the sprouts should be 5-7 cm high. It is important to ensure that the sprouts are not just long, but strong and lively.

White varieties of celery are planted in holes in the garden with a distance of 25x25 cm. If the choice fell on non-self-bleaching varieties, then a trench is suitable for planting, in which case the markings should be 30 cm between seedlings.

It is necessary to plant the plant deep in the trench, then, according to experienced gardeners, white stems will form when ripe. If the planting took place in an ordinary garden bed and the stem grows green, then it is necessary to carry out a series of activities a month before harvesting.

The fact is that the color of the stem of petiole celery depends on the level of illumination, a white shade of color appears in the root crop if it grows in a dark place. Therefore, around September, when the celery grows by 30 cm, it is necessary:

  • gather the leaves up into a bundle and tie loosely with a soft ribbon;
  • wrap the stem itself in wrapping material (from the soil itself to the leaves);
  • secure the wrapper with twine or tape;
  • leave for 3 weeks, then dig out and free from fixing materials.

The celery is ready to be harvested. The one that will not be immediately eaten should be buried in moistened sand in a cool place - you will get a good fertilizer.

To save for the winter, various unnecessary thick paper. Also suitable plastic bottles or pipes, as well as Penofol and straw. Small sawdust or dry leaves should be poured into bottles / pipes.

This vitamin greens have long been known and loved by gardeners for their excellent taste and medicinal properties. Growing and caring for celery open field will not be difficult even for beginners, if you follow simple rules agricultural technology. But in return you can get tops, and roots, and even petioles! True, for this you will have to plant celery of all three types.

General information about celery

Celery varieties are divided into three varieties - leaf, petiole and root. In the conditions of the middle lane, all species can be planted in seedlings, since this crop has a long growing season. In practice, only the last two are grown in this way, and the leaf is sown directly into the ground. in early spring or before winter.

Growing celery in open ground requires advance soil preparation. Beds for all types are prepared in the fall:

  • contribute phosphoric and;
  • add well-rotted manure or compost;
  • add ash or dolomite flour for acidic soil;
  • dig with a pitchfork, removing weed roots;
  • beds are formed.

For planting in the ground choose open sunny places. Recommended doses are indicated on the package, organic plants need an average bucket per square meter, and the amount of dolomite flour can be calculated based on the level of soil acidity in the area. 350-450 g per square meter are added to slightly acidic, twice as much is needed for acidic. If the soil is alkaline, you can do with adding 100-150 g to saturate it with calcium and magnesium.

Growing and caring for celery in the open field requires frequent watering and regular top dressing with liquid - mullein or nettle infusion.

With a lack of water, the leaves and petioles will be rough and fibrous, and the root crop will not reach the desired size.

When to sow seeds

Petiole and root types of celery are sown for seedlings in February or March. Late-ripening varieties should be sown earlier. Before planting, it is advisable to keep the seeds in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, rinse and remove for 10-12 days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, wrapped in a damp cloth. Thus, celery seeds undergo stratification and subsequently germinate faster and more amicably.

Landing time in the ground

When to plant celery in open ground - the weather will tell. The soil at the time of planting seedlings should warm up to +8 degrees. V middle lane this usually takes place in the middle of May. Seedlings by this time should have several strong leaves, a developed root system and be hardened. To do this, it is regularly taken out during the day to a balcony or street.

Features of agricultural technology culture

Celery is planted in rows in the ground. The optimal distance between them is at least 50-60 cm, and between plants - 25 cm.

Plants planted more densely will not receive enough nutrients and light. After planting, seedlings are watered abundantly.

In the future, for good growth and development, celery is regularly watered, weeds are removed and loosened.

Growing petiole celery in the open field is distinguished by some features. Starting from the middle of the season, the bushes lightly spud, and at the end of summer, when the petioles have almost reached their marketable appearance, they can be spudded harder and wrapped in light paper.
These procedures are carried out in order to obtain bleached stems - they are softer and juicier than unbleached ones.

Growing root celery in open ground also has subtleties, without knowing which it is difficult to get an even and large root crop. Seedlings should be planted on ridges, without deepening.
Once the plant begins to develop a root crop, it is necessary to regularly cut off the outer leaves, carefully trim the lateral roots and ensure that only a few thick lower roots are in the ground. The earth from the roots is regularly raked and loosened. Otherwise, there is a high risk of getting a brush from the roots instead of a rounded root crop. For normal growth a few well-developed young leaves and the lowest roots are enough for root celery.

When removing excess leaves and roots from root celery, one should not forget about regular fertilizing with organic fertilizers. Then the plant will form a large root crop.

When is the celery harvested?

Harvesting leaf celery begins as soon as the first greens grow. During the summer, it is cut several times. After cutting, the plant is watered and fed.

Harvesting of petiole and root species is carried out selectively, as individual bushes mature. It must be completed before the onset of autumn frosts, that is, until mid-October.

Video about growing celery root

Petiole celery is a valuable vitamin product, the presence of which in the diet contributes to the improvement of the human body and allows you to significantly diversify the menu. Due to the wide range of useful properties of culture, nutritionists and nutritionists healthy eating recommend celery stalks for consumption by people who are overweight, as well as experiencing serious physical and mental stress. Celery is indicated for diseases of the digestive system and neurosis, in addition, it is a serious support for the immune system in autumn-winter period. Petiole juice is recommended for heavy smokers and sweet lovers. In cooking, fleshy celery shoots are used to prepare gourmet snacks, vitamin salads and light soups.

To on family table helpful and delicious food from celery stalks, it is not necessary to go to the store for them. It is easy to grow a vitamin culture at home by organizing your own mini-plantation on an ordinary windowsill.

Landing dates

At home, petiole celery can be grown throughout the year, gradually expanding the planting area. However, it is advisable to start arranging the garden and carry out the first planting in the second half of autumn, when the likelihood of meeting petioles fresh harvest on the shelves of retail outlets is the largest.

Planting material preparation

Ideal as planting material celery stalks, which can be purchased in the vegetable department of any supermarket. The main thing is to make sure that the stems are fresh and elastic, without spots, before buying. mechanical damage and traces of decay. Usually celery is sold in the form of shoots on a stump, which is not used for food, but thrown away as unnecessary. It is this stump, cut off at the base to a height of about 3 cm, that serves planting material for home cultivation of petiole celery.

Initially, the stalk must be germinated. To do this, it is placed in a container with clean water, immersing the base by 0.5 cm, and placed in a warm, bright place away from direct sunlight. During the process, the water must be changed daily. The upper sections will gradually dry out, and roots and young greens will begin to grow from the old petiole in 5–6 days, which means the plant is ready for planting on an impromptu home garden.

Landing in the ground

When growing one bush of celery will be enough flower pot, for several plants, it is necessary to choose a suitable plastic container or wooden box. Before planting, it is recommended to rinse the container with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The sprouted stalk is planted as follows:

  • A layer of drainage 2–2.5 cm thick is laid on the bottom of the dish, which is usually used as expanded clay, broken brick fragments or river pebbles.
  • The next layer is a prepared nutrient substrate, which must be abundantly moistened.
  • The planting stalk is completely placed in a shallow hole and squeezed with soil, leaving only young leaves on the surface. Several stumps are planted at intervals of 2–3 cm.
  • The final stage of the procedure is abundant watering, after which the mini-bed is placed on a warm, light windowsill.

Further growth and development of culture depends on how competently the planting care will be organized.

Features of care

For the proper development of plants and obtaining good harvest in the future, plantings do not require special attention, it is enough to carry out the main care activities in time:

  • Moisture-loving celery needs regular moderate watering. The ground under the plants should always remain slightly moist, but not sour. Properly selected irrigation mode is the main condition for pouring petioles.
  • So that a dried crust does not form on the surface of the bed, preventing air from reaching the roots, the soil must be periodically loosened, using a fork or a wooden skewer for convenience.
  • In the rainy autumn-winter period, light-loving celery needs additional illumination. To do this, at a height of 60-65 cm above the bed, fluorescent lamps or special fitolamps are hung.
  • Once every 25–30 days, homemade celery is fed with a solution of complex fertilizer (5–7 g / l of water).

After 15–20 days, you can harvest the first crop of fleshy vitamin petioles, which will be a great addition to the winter diet.