Preparing peonies for the winter: pruning, feeding and sheltering perennials in the fall. Preparing peonies for winter in autumn Peonies in autumn care and preparation for winter

  • 13.06.2019

One of the most common garden flowers are peonies. They are very popular with flower growers. The plant is considered unpretentious, but still there are some nuances in its cultivation, which must be known to all breeders of this beautiful shrub. Particular attention should be paid to the issue of sheltering peonies for the winter, because the bright flowering of these luxurious flowers depends on this.

Types of shrubs

Preparatory measures for the winter period are the key to the active flowering of the plant. But in order for it to please the owner in the fall, it is necessary to make some efforts to prepare the bushes for the cold. There is no need to dig them out for the winter, but other important agrotechnical measures must be carried out.

All perennial peonies are divided into:

  • herbaceous- ordinary garden peonies, which so often become favorites in garden plots;
  • treelike- are distinguished by their impressive size of the bush and stems, which become woody over time.

Both types are subject to annual autumn preparation. In addition, the plant is not winter-hardy, so it needs shelter for the winter.

Features of the preparation of herbaceous species

Peonies need to be thoroughly prepared for the cold weather. Experienced gardeners recommend simply sticking to some care measures. What must be done:

  • fertilizing shrubs during the growing season;
  • shrub transplantation if necessary;
  • autumn pruning;
  • mandatory mulching;
  • warming bushes for the winter.

These works must be completed in the autumn. The only thing you can skip is the transplant. If there is no such need, it is not necessary to do this, however, successful wintering also depends on the place where the bush grows.

Perennial planted between fruit or ornamental bushes, will endure the winter better than a peony growing on open space. The second option will need to provide additional shelter. You should decide which is easier - to transplant or shelter, and act on this basis.

Mulch should be laid in a fairly high layer, about 20 cm. On top of it, the plant must be covered carton box or a plastic bucket, which will gradually cover the first snow abundantly. As far as possible, the snow cover should be increased throughout the winter: this way the plant will be warmer.

Preparation of tree varieties

Tree peonies grow in huge bushes. Their peculiarity is that in autumn the leaves fall from the stems. But, like herbaceous species, they require serious preparation for the winter.

Bush formation

Tree species are subject to pruning in only two cases. Anti-aging pruning is carried out 1 time in 10-15 years as needed. In the process, all old shoots are removed to activate the growth of new ones. The first sign is that the bush ceases to bloom profusely, the flowers themselves become smaller with each season, sometimes flowering completely stops. Surprisingly, if the shrub rejuvenation procedure is carried out correctly, its life expectancy can be 60-80 years.

Rules for caring for Elatior begonia at home

Formative pruning is necessary to give the bush a special decorative shape. In height, the plant can reach 2.5 m, so all branches must be cut by 0.9 cm. This will give the bush a more attractive appearance. In the spring, young shoots will begin to actively develop, which will add splendor to the bush and bring abundant luxurious flowering. In addition, it makes it much easier to shelter for the winter.

After the procedure, the cut site must be disinfected. They can be covered with garden pitch or wood ash. If this is not done immediately, the plant can get sick for a long time.

The next important step in preparing the plant for the winter period is top dressing. Fertilization for tree peonies is carried out in the same way as for herbaceous ones.

bush cover

This is a necessary event for plants in almost all regions with cold winter. And even such huge bushes really need it. In order not to lose such a beautiful thing in the cold ornamental plant, it is necessary to properly organize its shelter.

Many gardeners dream of having this beautifully flowering, perennial plant on their site. But some simply do not know where to buy a tree peony. Preparing for winter and proper care for it is another issue that often worries lovers of this plant. This shrub is good conditions can reach a height of up to one and a half meters and have large (up to 20 cm in diameter) flowers. have a not very pleasant smell, unlike their usual counterparts. Inflorescences can be white, pale pink, burgundy, purple and even bright yellow.

The shape of the flowers can also be different: rose-shaped or crowned. This is truly a garden long-liver, in one place it can grow for several decades. Therefore, it is so important to initially choose a good and suitable place for it on the site.

How and where to plant a tree peony on the site?

When choosing this shrub for your garden, keep in mind that planting should be carried out only in late summer or autumn (until mid-September). At spring planting frost is very likely, and this can adversely affect the plant: the buds or the entire peony will die. The place is required bright, calm. Strong winds can break the branches of the bush. China is the country where the tree peony was first grown. Shelter for the winter there is not required for the plant. In our climate, this is necessary, therefore, when choosing a place, think in advance where there is more snow on the site. A hole for a peony is dug cone-shaped, crushed stone, brick chips are poured into the bottom. Good humus is added to the earthen mixture, 200-300 grams of lime and superphosphate each. Landing must be done carefully, in no case should the growth point (root collar) be buried. It is very easy to determine it in young plants, it has a larger diameter and resembles a cone. The soil must be well-drained. The plant responds well to the introduction of ash into the soil or It can be mixed with the ground before planting. Can be diluted with water and periodically water the peony. This is especially true if the soil is clayey, but you still really want to plant tree-like peonies.

plant care

It is quite simple and includes the following items: watering, pruning, weeding and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Moisturizing should be plentiful, but not too frequent. The volume of each watering in a hot and dry summer is 6-7 liters of water per bush. At the same time, you need to do weeding near the bush and slightly loosen the ground. Humus is also welcomed around the peony trunk. Feeding is not necessary for the first two or three years. In the fourth year, watering with fertilizer is carried out 3-4 times during the summer season: during the growth of shoots, during the period of bud swelling, and when the tree peony fades. Preparation for winter begins in October, until this time the plant should gain strength. For this you need to use nitroammophoska and superphosphate.

bush pruning

You need to cut the shoots in order to rejuvenate the bush and give it the desired shape. Pruning of the stems is carried out at the very beginning of the growing season, in the spring, during the awakening of the kidneys. If the shoot is healthy, then cut to the first living kidney. The weak leave a height of about 20 cm.

Tree peony: shelter for the winter

If you are growing shrubs in middle lane Russia or Siberia, where there are quite severe winters with hard frosts, it is necessary to cover the tree-like peony. Preparing for winter begins with pruning leaves when the daytime temperature is set at zero or a few degrees Celsius. After they are all cut, the best way- build something like a hut from branches or spruce (pine) spruce branches. This will be a tree peony shelter from too heavy snow, it will prevent shoots and buds from breaking when the snow begins to melt in the spring. Outside, the hut must be tied with a rope so that it does not fall apart. As soon as the first snowfalls begin, it is better to gradually cover the hut with snow. Some prefer to bend the shoots to the ground and cover with dry leaves or the same spruce branches. This option is also possible if it is a young tree peony. Preparing for winter in this case will be easier, since the stems are still flexible and can be bent. But this method is not entirely suitable for old specimens with heavily lignified branches. In the spring, it is important to remove the branches in time so that the plant does not overripe. A tree-like peony for the winter can, of course, not be covered if there is abundant and high snow cover in your area. Then he will wrap the bush like a blanket, and the only thing to be afraid of is the breakage of the stems. But in last years very often severe frosts, below 20 degrees, are accompanied by a lack of snow. In this case, all the shoots will freeze, so it is better to cover the tree peony after all. Preparing for winter is an important stage for a plant, in no case should this be neglected.

Propagation of a tree peony by seeds

Withered flowers should be removed from the bush, as this interferes with growth, unless, of course, you want to get tree peony seeds at home. In this case, it is better to leave 3-4 ovaries for ripening, and cut off the steel ones. The process of growing a tree peony from seeds is very laborious, and the result has to wait a long time, and it is not always successful. Planting takes place in September open ground or in seedling greenhouses. In the second case, the first day you need to withstand the crops at a temperature of 18 to 30 degrees. Then they need to be kept in a cold room, until the first leaves appear. The temperature should not exceed 10 degrees. Young specimens should be planted in small pots, pinching the roots. When growing a tree peony from seeds, be prepared for the fact that it will bloom only after 5-6 years. Its shades may be completely different from the color of the mother plant. There are also positive points, for example, a tree peony from seeds will have a higher resistance to adverse growing conditions, have a high coefficient of resistance to various diseases.

Reproduction by cuttings

For this method use adult semi-lignified shoots with aerial buds. The best time is the middle of summer (in June). The cut is made with a sharp knife below the kidney, obliquely. It is advisable to treat it with a growth stimulator. Root cuttings in a bowl filled with a mixture of wet sand and peat, at an angle of 45 degrees. The air bud must be completely buried in the ground.

Reproduction by layering

This must be done before the flowers bloom. Choose shoots that are closest to the ground. A cruciform incision is made on the shoot, treated with a growth stimulator and then bent close to the ground. It is best to fix the stem with an iron arc or press it with something. From above, part of the shoot with a cut must be sprinkled with soil. It is also necessary to constantly maintain moisture, water. In autumn - in September - a rooted young peony is separated and transplanted to a permanent place.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Held in the middle or end of August. Large and old specimens are dug up, the earth is washed off from the roots under a strong stream of water. Further, the bush is divided, the process is similar to the reproduction of grassy peonies. You need to separate the roots with a sharp knife or an ax, root immediately to a permanent place. Thus, a young tree-like peony is obtained. Shelter for the winter requires the same as for adult specimens.

Tree peony grafting

A very efficient and productive method of reproduction. You can graft on the roots of a grassy or tree peony. This should be done in mid-August. For grafting, only fresh, new shoots are used. The process is painstaking and laborious. You can read about it on specialized sites, in books. It does not hurt to consult with a specialist in the field of floriculture.

Diseases and pests

The tree peony is more disease resistant than its herbaceous counterpart. The only significant threat can be gray rot, the development of which contributes to excess moisture. In this case, the affected leaves must be immediately removed and burned, and the plant itself should be treated with a solution blue vitriol or potassium permanganate.

If you want to have a spectacular and unusual perennial plant on your site, then let it be a tree peony. Preparing for winter and caring for it will not take much time, and unusual view and bright flowers will delight the eyes and surprise guests.

It can be planted both as single bushes and in group planting, for example, with ordinary grassy peonies. And let the shrub seedlings are quite expensive, but its perennial flowering more than compensates for all costs.

Caring for peonies in autumn preparing for winter which begins long before the arrival of frost, must be carried out every year. Peony is a perennial flowering plant which does not require special care. In the autumn period, it is necessary to carry out a few simple agrotechnical measures to help the plant bloom actively in next year.

What are the rules for preparing a plant in the canopy so that the bushes survive in frost will be discussed in this article. Also, you will learn how to conduct pruning plants and its insulation for the winter.

Features of caring for peonies in the fall

The main activities for the care of the peony falls in the fall. At this time, some procedures should be carried out:


This culture tolerates winter quite well, and under cover it can withstand severe frosts. Therefore, peonies are not dug up to preserve the tubers. This is done only in case of transplantation or reproduction.

Preparing peonies for transplanting

A peony transplant is necessary to rejuvenate the plant. Several activities should be carried out before the procedure. All work is carried out in the autumn.

  • 30 - 45 days before transplantation, holes are dug in the chosen place. The depth of the hole will depend on the size of the root. Usually, a hole is dug to a depth of 60 - 70 cm with a diameter of 50 - 70 cm.
  • If during transplantation it is planned to divide the bush for reproduction, it is necessary to prepare several holes at once. In this case, they must be placed at a distance of 80-100 cm from each other. This is necessary in order for peonies to grow and develop normally. In addition, it will be easier for the grower to care for the plants.
  • The dug holes are filled with fertilizer, which includes humus, peat, compost. All components are taken from equal amounts. To create a more nutritious soil, it is recommended to additionally add bone meal, superphosphate or potassium sulfate.

Advice! If the area is clayey, add about 150-170 grams of slaked lime to the soil.

  • If the soil on which the flowers will be planted has poor water permeability, a drainage layer should be arranged at the bottom of the pits. As it can be used river sand or fine gravel. Fill them with a hole to a height of 15 - 20 cm from the bottom.
  • All of the above components must be mixed with the earth from the dug hole. Fill the holes halfway with the mixture.

Watch the video! Peony transplant in October

Peony transplant timing

After 10 years of plant life, you need to think about rejuvenating it. This is what a transplant is for. Most favorable time for this event is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn.

Transplant step by step instructions

After preparing the site for planting a peony, you need to wait for a good autumn day and start transplanting the plant. Consider step by step actions this procedure.

  • We trim the bush of the aerial part so that the stumps from the ground are about 10 - 15 cm.

Important! As a result of the special structure of the root system of the plant, it is impossible to use a shovel to dig out a bush. Works are carried out using garden pitchforks.

top dressing

In the spring, the peony gives a lot of energy to the growth of green mass and flowering. By autumn, its root is in an exhausted state. Despite this, the formation of new roots and preparation for wintering begins.

In autumn, before the onset of frost, the peony must be fertilized so that it receives the necessary nutrients and better endures the winter cold. All useful substances accumulate in those parts of the root that are larger. In the spring period of development and flowering of the plant, the root gives off the accumulated elements of its aerial part.

As practice has shown, it is best to feed the peony from mid-September to the end of October. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions region, especially when frost occurs.

Advice! It is important to feed the peony 1-1.5 months before the first frost.

Mineral fertilizers

In areas with alkaline and low acidity of the soil, phosphate fertilizers are used. The most popular of these is superphosphate, which is sold in the form of granules. In order for the plant to actively form buds in the spring, from which huge and lush flowers appear, in the fall, the soil around the bush is treated with superphosphate at the rate of 1 m. sq - 50 g. In the presence of acidic earth, dolomite flour, chalk and limestone are additionally added.

A good fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus is phosphate rock. It is obtained by processing rocks, which are used in powder form. By the beginning of spring, all phosphate fertilizers have time to turn into a product that is completely assimilable by the plant.

For peony, potash fertilizers are also important. They can be applied under flowers growing on any type of soil. Potassium helps the plant survive in severe frosty days. Most often, gardeners use the following fertilizers:

  • potassium chloride;
  • potassium sulfate.

They are involved in the laying of the kidneys and strengthen the roots since autumn.

Fertilizer is applied under the plant in a dry form. Top dressing consists of 15 g of phosphorus, 10 g of potassium. Then this place is well filled with water in order to get not only food, but also to provide the plant with moisture before wintering.

You can also prepare a liquid top dressing:

  • for 10 liters of water;
  • we take 1 tablet of multicomponent fertilizer - "Kemira-Combi" or "Kemira-Autumn" (superphosphate, potassium sulfate).

Important! Do not apply nitrogen fertilizers in the fall.

top dressing peony with nitrogen fertilizers in the autumn period is not carried out. The fact is that these minerals contribute to the active growth of the plant, and with the onset of winter cold, they are still developing. Therefore, the flower may be too vulnerable in frost. Nitrogen fertilizers will come in handy in the spring, when the plant wakes up and begins to grow rapidly.

organic fertilizers

This type of fertilizer is considered the most useful for peonies. Thanks to organic matter, the land near the plant is enriched with humus. As a result, the structure of the soil is significantly improved, and the beneficial microorganisms that are in it are actively developing. Gardeners prefer to use natural organics:

animal organics

Organic fertilizer in the form of manure is laid out under a bush in autumn (September-October). Volume: 4 kg per 1 sq.m. Bird droppings are valued, which are rich in various nutrients. It contains many more vitamins and minerals than cow dung. The amount of the injected substance is the same as for humus.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that peonies begin to fertilize after transplantation only in the third year. Any type of fertilizer should be applied under the bush with extreme caution. Arrange nutritional supplements so that they do not touch the basal neck of the flower.

autumn pruning

After fertilizing, you can start trimming the aerial part of the peony. Straightaway after flowering plant cannot be pruned. This procedure is done annually in the fall without fail. There are many reasons for this.

  • In the spring, old branches are very difficult to cut.
  • Spring pruning can harm young buds that are still in the ground.
  • Leaves not cut in autumn are an excellent environment for the life and reproduction of many harmful insects.

Pruning peonies in the fall is not difficult. For the procedure, you need to choose the right time. It is best to trim the bushes 7-14 days before the first frost. You can determine the time of the haircut yourself.

Peony leaves begin to turn red, and after a while fall off. This is a signal that you need to take a knife and start working. Before this time, pruning should not be done, since the process of photosynthesis takes place in the plant, which continues until the onset of frost. Early pruning of a peony can affect its flowering next season. In some cases, buds may not appear at all.

Withered foliage is cut almost to the ground, without delving into underground part plants. Otherwise, you can damage the kidneys and the upper part of the roots. It is also not recommended to leave high stumps when pruning.

After finishing work, all cut leaves and branches should be collected and taken out of the site. It is better to burn all the tops in order to prevent the spread of diseases and the breeding of pests.

After pruning, it is advisable to water the peony abundantly so that it has enough moisture for a long time. However, this procedure can be done only if at that time the weather turned out to be dry and warm.

How to properly cover peonies

The plant has such an important feature as a very close location of growth buds to the soil surface. Given this circumstance, flower growers carefully prepare the flower for wintering. Peonies do not cover only in the southern regions, where they tolerate winters well.

The growth buds that formed in the autumn are only 3-7 cm deep in the ground. In places where frosty winters, the plant is spudded in the fall before the onset of frost.

Also, to cover the peonies, you should prepare the mulch in advance. Suitable for this:

The bush is covered with a layer of mulch about 15-20 cm high. Such insulation will keep the plant from any frost until the onset of heat.

AT winter period it is necessary to monitor the condition of the bushes. If there is not enough rainfall, it is necessary to collect snow and cover the area with flowers with it. This will be an additional measure to preserve plants in winter frosts.


In the autumn period, no other work needs to be done, except for those listed above. These peony care measures will be enough to keep it until spring and please with large beautiful flowers. The main thing is to adhere to all the rules of care, as well as to fulfill them qualitatively.

Watch the video! Preparing peonies for winter: pruning, loosening, fertilizer

In autumn, peonies require special care that will help plants successfully endure the cold season. When to prune peonies for the winter is a topical issue for all growers and owners summer cottages. Proper and timely pruning will save the vital juices of the plant and prepare it for winter.

Peculiarities spring pruning tree and herbaceous varieties will be described in this article, and photos and videos will help novice flower growers carry out the procedure correctly.

Pruning stems after flowering is one of the most important plant care activities. Most often, novice gardeners ask themselves the question: is it possible to prune them immediately after flowering and how exactly to do this? Our article will try to clarify all the incomprehensible points regarding this procedure.

The main thing you need to know is the fact that for some time after flowering is completed, the bush cannot be touched. Thus, we give him the opportunity to accumulate strength and nutrients for the formation of new kidneys.


It is recommended to completely remove all faded buds for the first three years. However, do not rush to cut the buds as they fade. It is worth waiting until the whole bush re-blooms, and only after that remove the bud along with part of the stem to the first leaf. This procedure will provide more abundant flowering next year (Figure 1).

Note: But, if you want to achieve not an increase in the number of flowers, but an increase in their size, the upper buds should be left.

As for the foliage, it is not recommended to cut it without apparent need, since the green mass plays an important role in the circulation of nutrients throughout the plant. In addition, cutting leaves can only be done in autumn in warm weather.

How and when to prune flowers correctly is shown in the video.


Although it is not recommended to prune each flower immediately after it has blossomed, care should be taken to ensure that faded and fallen petals do not cover the bush. Excessive moisture collects under a layer of fallen petals, which causes the development of mold and rot.

Figure 1. Timing and technology of pruning bushes after flowering

Trimming time

Pruning time after flowering is determined separately for each bush. The main guideline is the complete re-flowering of the whole plant. Only after that it is possible to carry out the removal of buds with small parts of the stems.

When to prune peonies for the winter

Preparing plants for winter is a rather responsible event, because if you cut them prematurely, there is a risk of ruining the entire flower. That is why the question of when to prune bushes for the winter is very important.

Here it is worth focusing on the appearance of the bush. If all its stems fall to the ground, you can proceed to the procedure.


Plants for the winter should be cut at the root. All removed parts of the plant (stems, leaves) should be taken out of the flower garden to prevent the development of pathogenic fungi. Cut bushes must be protected from frost.


There are some rules that will help answer the question of whether it is necessary to prune the bushes after flowering, and how to do it correctly.

For the procedure to be successful, you need to do the following(picture 2):

  • Start pruning for the winter after the first frost, when all the stems of the bush fall to the ground.
  • The stems of the plant should be cut almost to the root, leaving sprouts above the buds no more than 10 cm high.
  • The remaining root system must be carefully covered from the cold with humus or dry peat.

Figure 2. Pruning and sheltering bushes for the winter

Pruning tree peony in spring

Spring pruning of a tree-like variety of culture - The best way plant care. The procedure involves removing old and broken branches, shoots with dried foliage, as well as shortening healthy shoots to the first living point in order to rejuvenate the entire bush.


pruning tree plant in early spring is rejuvenating. At the same time, last year's shoots are shortened to a growth point, and the weak ones are cut off so that 10-20 cm of the stem remains from the surface of the earth.

No need to be afraid to prune the plant every spring, because it tolerates this procedure well and quickly becomes covered with new shoots. At the same time, specimens older than 10 years are recommended to be cut at the root.


As in the case of herbaceous varieties, tree pruning is carried out according to certain rules.

Main features include(picture 3):

  • Pruning in early spring is aimed at forming a bush and rejuvenating the plant.
  • It is also possible to trim frozen shoots in late spring.
  • In order to obtain larger flowers, it is recommended to remove a third of the formed buds during spring pruning.

Figure 3. Tree pruning technology

It is also necessary to remove the root shoots from the stock if the bush was obtained by grafting.

Pruning a tree peony in spring: video

For those who have never pruned a tree variety of a plant before, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video, which shows in detail all the details of this process.

Pruning tree peony in autumn

It is impossible to prune tree-like varieties in autumn, since next year flowering will occur on last year's shoots, and the bush itself will not look lush and beautiful enough.


autumn pruning is sanitary in nature, that is, it is aimed at removing diseased or damaged shoots. If the bush looks healthy, there are no damaged parts or signs of disease, it is better not to touch the plant so that it can accumulate enough strength before winter.


If affected shoots are found on the plant, they must be removed immediately, without waiting for spring. The cut branches are burned, and the plant itself is sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate.

peonies considered to be unpretentious garden flowers. However, these perennials still need proper care. With the onset of autumn, plants require no less attention than in spring or summer. Proper Care at this time of the year will allow the flowers to have a good wintering and full bloom for the next season.

1. Features of preparing peonies for winter

So, how to prepare peonies for winter? First of all, it is necessary to provide luxurious flowers with nutrients. In the fall, fertilizer must be added to the soil. Peony feeding in autumn it is held in September or in early October. root system peonies differs in some nuances of structure and growth. In certain places it thickens. It is believed that these areas are the concentration of nutrients. From here, nutrients diverge along the entire length of the roots. Since the root system of these garden flowers actively grows and develops in the fall, it is important to ensure peonies proper care in the form of fertilizer during this period.

Fig. 1 Caring for peonies in the fall

2. Fertilizers for peonies - an important part of care in the fall

Plants like potassium-phosphorus supplements.

The use of such funds in the fall will allow:

get new buds next season;

provide lush flowering;

achieve active development of the bush.

Phosphorus and potassium can be used different ways. If fertilizers are applied in liquid form, then a solution must be prepared. You will need to add 1 tablet of these drugs to a bucket of water. The flower is thoroughly watered with the resulting nutritious "cocktail".

You can also add a potassium-phosphorus additive to the soil in a dry form. In this case, a mixture consisting of 10 grams of potassium and 15-20 grams of phosphorus must be sprinkled near each plant.

Read about the properties of mineral fertilizers in this article.

Fig. 2 Care for peonies in the fall

3. Pruning peonies in the autumn

Autumn care for peonies- This is also pruning bushes. Before winter, it is recommended to prune the shoots without delay, without postponing this procedure until the spring months. The best time for pruning is during the first frost. It is best to schedule the procedure for the last days of October or the beginning of November. Do not cut the shoots early, as this may affect strength. peony and splendor of its flowering next season.

You need to trim the bush so that there are no stumps above the soil surface. Shoots are removed to the ground level. To avoid contamination of the land, all cut material is taken out of the garden and burned.

As a nutritional supplement, it is very useful to fertilize the ground near peonies after pruning with a mixture consisting of 300 grams of wood ash and 200 grams of bone meal.

Read about how to care for a tree peony.

Fig. 3 Pruning a peony in autumn

4. Shelter of peonies for the winter

Fertilizing and pruning is not all the care you need peonies autumn. It is necessary to correctly plan the preparation of the plant for wintering. This is especially important for those flowers that grow in regions with severe winters. The first step is to assess the depth of the kidneys. If they are located at least 3-6 cm, then it is very important to lightly sprinkle the peonies with soil.

fallen leaves.

In this case, it is not allowed to use for shelter leaves cut from peonies. The thing is that this material will become a comfortable environment for the reproduction and residence of fungi. As a result, the plant will simply die. When forming the coating, it is necessary to create a protective layer ranging from 10 to 15 cm. This approach will reliably protect peonies from severe frosts and winds.

Fig. 4 Shelter of a peony in autumn

It implies a complex implementation of procedures. They do not cause difficulties for gardeners, however, they guarantee an excellent wintering of flowers and their abundant flowering next year.

If you are interested in how to propagate peonies, read.