Is it possible to plant spruce in quarry sand. Planting spruce in the spring in the garden: care and cultivation in the open field

  • 15.06.2019

Trees at the dacha or personal plot- not only an element of landscape design, but your own piece of nature in walking distance. However, not all trees have been privileged to be planted on a person's land. For example, many people, especially those living in rural areas, are afraid to plant a spruce near their home, believing that green or blue spruce on the site - a bad omen . Why did the spruce get such a bad reputation, where did this popular superstition grow legs from - read in the presented article.

Bad omen - spruce on the site: interpretation options

Spruce, plain green or blue, is a plant with good decorative qualities. The beautiful color of the needles, which does not change throughout the year, and the fluffy fragrant branches of this tree can decorate even the most unprepossessing-looking land ownership, and on gloomy, gray and dull winter days, bring at least a little bright color to the decoration of any site.

But sometimes prejudices in people are stronger than any arguments and common sense. The same thing happened with the tree. For some reason, the people imagined that the spruce on the site was a bad omen, not promising anything good. Consider at least options for interpreting this superstition:

  1. If plant a tree near the house, within your own yard- it will turndeath of someone in the household, once the tree will grow higher than the roofdwellings. A sign popular in small villages and villages.
  2. Christmas tree planted next to the house will lead to the death of the person who planted it when it becomes above this man.
  3. Spruce - tree of loneliness. If you plant it on a plot near the house, thenlonely households will never find a mate(or the marriage will fail), and in married couples there will be a divorce.
  4. Spruce is a man-tree.She drives men out of the house, and in young families does not allow her son-heir to appear.
  5. Spruce on the site is a bad omen, becauseleads the dead. Superstition is connected with the fact that there used to be a ritual ceremony when dead people were wrapped around with fir branches.
  6. Spruce is a vampire tree.Planted on the site, she sucks the life energy from the household.

From the above interpretations, it becomes clear why some especially superstitious individuals disliked spruce - after all, her popular reputation is unenviable. People who are reasonable and free from any prejudices do not pay any attention to this sign and grow this tree with pleasure on their site, rejoicing at its beauty and decorativeness.

What other trees can not be planted near the house - look at the video:

Scientific substantiation of superstition

Almost all superstitions can be explained scientifically. The sign associated with the spruce on the site, various scientists give their logical explanation.

What do historians say?

From the point of view of historians, a bad omen - spruce on the site - is associated with the living conditions of the inhabitants of Russia. In the old days, most of the houses in the villages were built of wood. And spruce, as you know, has the ability to quickly ignite even from a small spark of fire. It is quite logical to assume that the flame from a tall burning tree could immediately spread to the house, to the adjoining buildings and even spread throughout the village, which, in the end, would lead to a major fire and disastrous consequences (and it is possible that tragic deaths too).

Another trend of spruce, especially standing alone, is to attract a lightning strike (it’s not for nothing that it’s not recommended to hide under the tree from the rain during a thunderstorm). If lightning strikes a tree, it can also result in a fire.

Another feature of spruce is a dense and massive crown. And now remember what the houses of the peasants were like in the time of Russia: low, with chimney. If a spruce tree grew next to such a house and after a few years it became taller than this building, then the risk of getting burned in this dwelling increased, since the dense crown could obscure the pipe and block the access of oxygen.

That is why the inhabitants of the countryside in ancient times were afraid to plant spruce near their homes. Over time, these fears developed into a bad omen that spruce on the site - to death and trouble.

Cultural point of view

Cultural scientists associate the appearance of the sign of spruce with the beliefs of some peoples of the Finno-Ugric language group, which considered this tree a link between two worlds - the world of the living and the world of the dead. For example:

  • among the Karelians, the rite of confession spruce was widespread;
  • Komi brought spruce branches to the sorcerer who was near death - he also confessed in front of this tree and calmly left this world.

The Finno-Ugrians attached sacramental significance to almost all coniferous trees. Evergreen trees were a symbol of immortality and eternal life, divine power was attributed to them.

Opinion of bioenergy scientists

The version of bioenergetics and esotericists is associated with the belief that spruce is a vampire tree. They argue that the tree draws someone else's life energy and generates negative energy, which has a bad effect on people, only in the summer season. In winter, the spruce behaves exactly the opposite: the tree shares the accumulated favorable energy with others - therefore, those who find it difficult to get cold season are recommended to take walks through the spruce forest more often during this period.

Is it worth listening to the sign?

Perhaps, in the time of our ancestors, the superstition about the Christmas tree justified itself. With the help of signs, ancient people tried to explain the incomprehensible phenomena taking place around them, which allowed them to live in harmony with nature, with the outside world.

Popular superstitions are undoubtedly a storehouse of wisdom and natural ingenuity of our ancestors. But in the 21st century, most of them have lost their relevance. The same applies to bad omens about spruce on the site. The vast majority modern houses built of stone, and the number of floors in them often exceeds one.

Spruce is also now regarded as a New Year's tree. Therefore, many people plant a Christmas tree in their summer cottage or personal plot. After all, you must admit that it is much more pleasant, more fun and interesting to dance around your own living symbol of the New Year than to contemplate the dead beauty of an artificial Christmas tree. Blue spruce is especially suitable for celebrating the New Year - its fluffy branches will harmoniously fit into the solemn atmosphere of the event.

To listen to a bad omen about spruce on the site or not is the subjective matter of each person. faith in various folk superstitions carries rather psychological aspect. Often, trusting bad beliefs, weak-willed people protect themselves from the events of cruel reality: it is easier for them to shift the responsibility for the negative onto some natural object and survive, thus, the trouble or grief that happened.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:


Planting seedlings of common spruce (with a clod of earth).
The recommended time for planting seedlings (seedlings) is usually spring, before the start of growth (vegetation) and autumn, from the beginning of September, and ends autumn planting before the onset of cold weather (in the Moscow region until the end of November). Trees - large-sized (more than 3 meters tall) are recommended to be planted from November to March.
As a rule, spruces are shade-tolerant, but they develop better in the sun. Spruces do not tolerate trampling and compaction of the soil. In addition, growing spruce is difficult on a site with high level ground water, therefore, due attention must be paid to the drainage device.
Soil mixture preparation. The soil from the holes is mixed with peat, humus and sand are added. It is advisable to add fertilizer-nitroammophoska 100-150g (3/4 cup) when planting. It is not necessary to feed later. The optimal proportions of the soil for planting spruce trees are: 2 - soddy soil, 2 - leaf soil, 1 - peat, 1 - sand.
When planting fir trees, avoid drying out the roots with an earthy clod!
- Prepare in advance - dig holes, upper diameter 40-60 cm, lower diameter 30-50 cm, depth 50-70 cm, for heavy soil, place "drainage" on the bottom - crushed stone or broken brick + sand with a layer of 15-20 cm, fill the hole with soil mixture (see above), so that the surface of the earth in the container coincides with the surface of the earth at the landing site (be sure to take into account the shrinkage of the soil), pour 5 l. water into the hole.
When digging a hole, a small earthen dump is made from the turf around a seedling 50x50 cm in size. This will retain water during irrigation.
- Deliver the plant to the hole.
- Gently place the root ball into the hole. The plant is placed in the hole in a way that is convenient, it is important to align the trunk vertically on all sides, fill it up, without strongly ramming the root ball with "mixture" (or) soil. During the first year after planting, the earth in the holes will settle.
You can also additionally mulch (sprinkle after planting around the root collar) with peat in a layer of 5-6 cm. This retains moisture in the soil, increases the temperature of the soil, and enriches it with nutrients. In spring, the mulch is mixed with the soil, gently loosening around young plantings to a depth of 5-7 cm.
Mulching with peat or sawdust for the winter is recommended for the first two years after planting young seedlings (6-8cm layer).
It is also desirable to cover young spruce seedlings for the winter with spruce branches. In the spring, after early spring frosts, the spruce branches are removed. Mature plants are quite winter-hardy and do not require additional protection.
Landing scheme. Plant singly or in groups. With a distance between trees in a row from 2 to 3 meters, but not less than 1 m.
Additional watering. It is recommended to irrigate with a long absence of rain, always during droughts. Take a handful of soil from under the plant and squeeze it in your fist. Unclench your fist, if the lump crumbles, then watering is required. With sufficiently moist soil, the clod does not crumble. If, when the soil is compressed, it spreads between the fingers, then the soil is waterlogged. When watering, water is poured not on / under the stem of the seedling, but around the root ball, in a circle 20-30 cm from the trunk. In dry and hot weather, soil moisture should be monitored. Watering in hot weather: 10-12 liters, 1 (one) time per week for each plant. Prickly spruce is more drought-resistant than Norway spruce.

In this article, we will look at how to properly plant or transplant spruce on the site. Find out which place to choose for landing. Let's take a look at the step-by-step instructions.

Many summer residents successfully grow not only garden crops on their plots, but also ornamental trees. Especially popular coniferous plants, they are not only beautiful at any time of the year, but also useful, thanks to phytoncides. The traditional "Christmas trees" are universally loved, so affectionately called "Spruce".

For trees that have established themselves in a package, transplanting to a new location is less stressful because the roots are surrounded by the soil in which they were planted. This allows you to plant plants at any time of the year.

Tip number 1. Spruces with a lump are planted in sizes from 0.5 m to 3 m. Trees with open roots, it is better to take smaller ones, the younger it is, the better it takes root. If you plan to transfer the plant by hand, it should not exceed 1 m in height.

The choice of the optimal place on the site for spruce

For spruce with a bare root system, planting dates are limited, they can be planted (or transplanted) only at rest, in early spring or early autumn. After the winter, while the plant has not yet "woken up", it will more easily endure the "relocation". At the end of summer, the growth of ground organs stops, and all nutrition is sent to the roots. This contributes to the survival of spruce.

To correctly determine where it is better to plant a spruce, you need to know exactly its final dimensions. For example, the “ordinary” and “prickly” species grow up to 40 m. This must be taken into account when digging out a “small Christmas tree” in the forest. She will definitely grow to that height someday.

Breeding varieties are more suitable for small plots different size and colorings. Among them, you can choose real babies of 30 - 50 cm in adulthood, and medium-sized trees of 3 - 8 m.

The following forms are popular for sale:

Name tree size Peculiarities
Glauca globosa" h = 2 m A low-growing variety of spruce, which is popularly called "blue".
Akrokona h = 2 - 4 m, d = 2 m Weeping crown shape
"Aurea" h = 8 -10 m, d = 5 m Needles of golden color
"Microfilla" h = 10, d = 3-5 m Dense conical crown
"Clanbrasiliana" d \u003d 1.5 - 2 m Spherical crown shape
"Echiniformis" d = 20 cm Dwarf spherical variety
"Little Jam" d = 80 - 100 cm Nest-shaped crown.
"Maxwelly" d = 60 cm Cushion-shaped spreading crown

Spruce "Little Jam" and other dwarf forms are used in landscape design in tree - shrub groups and flower beds.

In addition to the size of the spruce, it is important to take into account the environmental conditions for its successful growth:

  • Needs good lighting, but does not tolerate the scorching sun. Prefers light shade, especially in the afternoon. Varieties with a traditional dark green color are shade-tolerant plants. Forms with "colored" needles need more light;
  • Wind-resistant but draft-prone, should not be planted in the path of the prevailing wind;
  • Does not tolerate gas and smoke.

Based on this, a place for spruce is chosen in light partial shade, away from the road and open fire, protected from strong wind.

Natural soil optimization and soil mix preparation

Spruce is sensitive to winter and spring burns, so shelter is required in the cold season.

In nature, spruces create an acidic soil reaction, pH - 5 - 6.5, from medium acid to close to neutral. Varietal forms grow at pH - 6.5. The structure of the soil is light or medium loam, high fertility. Spruce does not tolerate flooding, so drainage from crushed stone or broken brick is placed at the bottom of the landing pit.

If the natural soil on the site is sandy or clayey, it is better to prepare a special mixture that is optimal for spruce. It consists:

  • Sod land;
  • Leafy ground (better rotted needles);
  • Sand;
  • Lowland peat. The components are mixed in a ratio of 2:2:1:1.

For seedlings small size prepare a landing pit 0.5 x 0.5 m. Larger specimens will need 1 x 1 m. seat by volume 2 times more than the size of the coma.

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Spruce planting step by step plan

The table discusses the work for planting spruce:

Job title Features of the
Step 1. Landing hole preparation. With a complete replacement of the soil, the side walls are fenced with a material that allows water and air to pass through, but does not allow fertile soil mix with the surrounding poor soil. The design resembles a large flower pot. Often the insulation is made from pine or spruce slabs.
Step 2 Soil mixture preparation. You can mix the necessary components yourself, but if this is problematic, it is better to use purchased soil intended for coniferous plants.
Step 3 Filling the pit with fertile mixture Optimized soil is placed in the prepared hole. Ideally, when it is possible to leave it for compaction for 2 weeks.
Step 4 Root processing. The open root system is soaked in a rooting solution for 24 hours. Apply: Succinic acid, Heteroauxin, Kornevin, Radifarm and other similar means.
Step 5 spruce planting The tree is placed in the center of the hole so that the root neck is flush with the edge of the hole. After that, the roots (or lump) are evenly covered with earth.
Step 6 Formation of a trunk circle. Around the crown, a roller of earth is laid and compacted so that a depression forms around the trunk. It retains water when watering.
Step 7 Watering For a small spruce, you need 2 - 3 buckets, for large trees, you need 4 - 5 buckets.

Tip number 2. Note! Fir trees from 1.5 m high require strengthening, best support consists of three stretch marks at an angle of 120 0 .

  1. When choosing a spruce in the forest, you should not try on large trees. It is better to dwell on specimens up to 1 m tall;
  2. Carefully inspect the crown and trunk of the tree for damage by diseases and pests. Plants with cracks on the trunk or mechanical damage will not work;
  3. The crown is neatly tied with a cord. It looks as if a tree is being transferred from the Christmas tree market for the New Year holiday;
  4. They retreat from the trunk 20 - 25 cm, dig in, forming a lump. Roots that protrude beyond it must be carefully cut with pruning shears;
  5. The lump is wrapped in a strong fabric, for example, in burlap, tightly tied with a cord and raised to the surface;
  6. Manually or on a trolley moved to the landing site;
  7. By this time, the landing pit should be ready;
  8. The lump is placed in the hole so that the root neck is flush with the edge of the hole. It is advisable to turn the tree to the cardinal points as it grew in the forest, otherwise survival will be problematic, possibly even leading to death;
  9. After that, the canvas around the coma is untied, but not removed. Over time, the fabric will rot, and at first it will help retain water when watering. This will not affect the growth of the roots;
  10. Whom they fall asleep with earth, form a near-stem circle, water it.

Planting differences in spring, summer, autumn, winter

Spruces with open roots are strictly limited in terms of planting. They can be moved from place to place only in early spring, or late August, early September. At other times, you don’t have to worry, the tree is unlikely to take root. This recommendation also applies to plants brought from the forest.

The exception is spruces grown in nurseries. Such trees have undergone adaptation within the coma, that is, they have grown new roots and survived at least one winter in the package. This technology allows plants to tolerate transplanting with minimal stress.

Trees with a lump can be planted even in winter. This is especially true for large-sized plants, the older the plant, the better it takes root if it is transferred to a new place in a state of "hibernation".

Spruce care after planting

Once a tree is planted and watered, it is best to mulch it. Pour a layer of 8-10 cm of dry needles, bark, wood chips, sawdust into the near-stem hole. It is important to make sure that the material does not have mold or other damage. One of the common types of spruces found in landscape design is the Konika spruce (see →). In the future, the planted (replanted) fir trees are looked after as follows:

1. Watering Spruces do not like drought and do not tolerate waterlogging. In this connection, they should not be planted in the sun or on a lawn that is watered daily.
It is advisable to keep the soil moist, avoiding swings from one extreme to another. It is better to water less often, but more abundantly.
For young tree, 0.5 m high, you need 2 buckets of water once every 7 - 10 days, depending on the temperature.
2. top dressing If the nutrient mixture is prepared correctly, then in the first year of feeding you can not make it. If the survival rate is slow and unsuccessful, that is, the condition of the tree is unsatisfactory, it is better to support it with stimulants. Apply:

* "Epin - extra",

* "Kendal",

* Succinic acid,

* EM - drugs.

Mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen are applied only after full survival at spring planting. For the winter, it is better to support a fragile plant with superphosphate and potassium salt to strengthen the root system.

3. Shelter for the winter Spruces are prone to winter and early spring burns. In this regard, they are covered with spruce branches or spunbond white color . Protection is removed in April.

To cover the roots, a thick layer of mulch 10 - 15 cm is laid.

How to plant or transplant a spruce on the site: Questions and answers

There are more than 50 species all over the world, but in our geographical conditions, Norway spruce (European) and Prickly spruce are most often grown.

Question number 1. How to plant a spruce in a plot with high groundwater?

Answer: Spruces do not tolerate flooding, so you need to take care of water drainage in advance. There are two ways out of the problem situation:

  1. Building drainage system in the area where it is planned to plant a spruce. We are talking about large varieties, over 2 m tall. When planting dwarf forms at the bottom of each landing pit, drainage from crushed stone or expanded clay is needed;
  2. construction retaining wall , 0.5 - 1 m high, for bulk soil.

Question number 2. What vegetables can be planted next to a spruce?

Answer: Waste products of spruce acidify the soil. Garden crops need a neutral environment. Spruces do not like the sun, which is necessary for the ripening of vegetables. The spruce and the garden do not have common “points of contact”, so it is better to plant them separately. The exception is dwarf forms of spruce, which are planted in landscape design not only in flower beds, but also in ornamental gardens.

Question number 3. What kind fruit trees place next to a spruce?

Answer: Fruit trees require a lot of nutrition and lighting. They grow in rich, slightly acidic to neutral soil and in a well-lit area. Such conditions are radically different from the "wishes" of spruce, which grows in acidic soil and requires light shading. That is why it is better not to plant fruit trees and berry bushes next to spruce trees.

Serious mistakes gardeners make when planting and transplanting spruce

  1. The location of the spruce at a close distance from buildings and structures.

It is important to consider how large the spruce grows. This is especially true for trees brought from the forest. Often, having planted a "little Christmas tree", they forget that it can reach 30 - 40 m in height and 5 - 8 m in diameter.

Coniferous plantations in home gardens look beautiful and natural. However, opponents of spruce growing on suburban areas enough. There are a lot of beliefs explaining why the Christmas tree beloved by many should not be there: luck will turn away, the hostess will become a widow, the family will not work out, and in general, things will happen in life big trouble. In fact, they ate suburban area you can and even need to plant, but you must follow certain rules and take into account restrictions.

Ate at their summer cottage: where and how to plant

Many experienced summer residents know that if a Christmas tree is planted next to the garden or between the beds - good harvest not to be seen. This is due to the fact that the plant takes a lot of moisture and nutrients from the soil, depleting it and making it infertile. Therefore, there is no place for eating in the garden or vegetable garden.

But if your site has wetlands, lowlands or depressions in which water accumulates, a few will not only grow in breadth and height, but will also carry out drainage along the way. An excellent place for plantings will be areas with acidic soils, unsuitable for growing a row horticultural crops. On them you will not harvest potatoes or beets, but the tree will feel comfortable there.

Another limitation is the fire hazard of spruce, in particular, its needles. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant it near wooden buildings and other objects prone to rapid ignition.

Spruce at their summer cottage: special advantages

Having decided to plant spruces in their summer cottage, gardeners most often pursue a single goal -. However, these unique coniferous trees have a number of other equally useful positive qualities.

Firstly, one of them is possible, which will hide the site from prying eyes, trap road dust, hold back gusts of wind and snow drifts.

Secondly, the needles of the Christmas tree release phytoncides - antimicrobial and antibacterial compounds that purify the air and improve well-being. Breathe in the coniferous aroma, which also contains essential oils, doctors recommend for diseases of the lungs and bronchi, as well as simply to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Thirdly, ticks are afraid of the smell of spruce needles, which means that these dangerous insects they will simply leave the area where spruce trees will grow. And most importantly - not in a city apartment next to an artificial accessory, but in a snowy dacha near a living and green Christmas tree.

Growing spruce from seedlings, and even more so from seeds, is difficult and time consuming. Therefore, if you want an adult tree to turn green and smell on your site soon, which can be ordered at a specialized nursery. Moreover, their survival rate in a new place is much higher than that of young weakened seedlings. Subsequently, do not neglect regular pruning and crown formation, otherwise in a few years the tree will take on a shapeless and unkempt appearance.

Recently, a neighbor in the country, having caught me on the street, began to explain with fervor what danger I put myself in by planting Christmas trees on the site.

I have heard the story that one has only to outgrow the house, as the owner immediately dies, I have heard more than once. Fighting superstition is a thankless task, but you should at least think about where this ridiculous prejudice came from.

Even in pre-Christian times, the life of our ancestors was closely connected with the forest. Among the Slavic and especially the Finno-Ugric tribes that once inhabited the territory of our country, spruce was considered an intermediary between the world of the living and the dead. In the view of the ancient peoples, this tree was closely related to the ancestors, so its branches were used in funeral rites. It was in spruce forests that the dead were usually buried: dark forests were associated with the other world. At the same time, coniferous trees (including spruce) were a symbol of immortality. Their life force and the unique ability to remain green even in winter served for our distant ancestors, as they say now, the best motivator. People believed that the energy of spruce is favorable and promotes well-being. In some places, there was even a custom to throw spruce branches at the hem of young housewives, wishing them family happiness and healthy children. And much later, already in the Christian tradition, spruce became a symbol of rebirth and eternal life, an indispensable attribute of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. Thus, it is definitely not worth associating this tree only with cemetery stories.

As for the belief about the imminent death of the owner of the house, near which the spruce grows, then the situation is even simpler. This is a tree of the first magnitude, whose height reaches 30–40 m. However, in the first years of life, spruce grows very slowly: its growth rate increases only after 10 years. If a person planted a small Christmas tree under his window, it will take many years for it to outgrow the house. It is likely that during this time the owner will have time to grow old. Unfortunately, no one lives forever.

There is only one very prosaic reason why these trees really should not be planted near the house. Spruce is a windbreak species. It has an extensive crown surface, but a shallow root system, and during a strong wind (such as, for example, a hurricane that recently swept through Moscow and the region), it can collapse directly onto the nearest buildings. But this applies only to species spruce, e. prickly and their tall varieties. Varietal decorative Christmas trees, which are sold in garden centers, as a rule, even as adults, do not exceed 3 m in height and do not pose any danger.