Pearl salad with salmon and red caviar. Pearl salad - step by step recipes for the festive table

  • 29.06.2020

Salads with seafood have always been considered culinary delights and "elite" dishes - decoration of the festive table. But the prices for high-quality seafood bite, and their inept choice can ruin the whole salad experience. As for the "Pearl", the inventive housewives came up with a lot of salad variations, adding new ingredients and replacing expensive products with more affordable ones. Now there is an opportunity to choose a recipe for your wallet and taste preferences.

How to choose seafood

The taste of the salad will depend on the quality of the products used. In the case of seafood, a responsible approach to the choice also reduces the risk of poisoning - these are perishable products, their improper storage and transportation can be fraught with unpleasant consequences. In the recipes of the "Pearl" you can meet:

  • red fish;
  • squids;
  • shrimps;
  • octopuses;
  • mussels.

red fish

Lightly salted salmon appears in the classic salad recipe. It can be replaced with trout. But of course - in a lightly salted form. Salmon fish are not cheap, so be careful at the counter so as not to spoil the salad and not waste your money. What you need to pay attention to.

  • Color . It should be soft pink. Dark color- old fish Too light - the raw material was frozen or the fish was grown in artificial conditions with the use of growth stimulants. Too bright color - there is a dye.
  • Veins. They must be clear and white. If the veins are poorly distinguishable, the fish is stale or has been dyed. If the veins are yellow, the fish is old.
  • Salt . Lightly salted fish should be added to Zhemchuzhina - this is the only way to achieve a balanced taste. The percentage of salt is indicated on the package - according to the standard it is 4-8%.
  • The shape of the pieces. From the tail part of the carcass, not the most delicious result is obtained - there is less fat and more bones. In addition, the tail absorbs more salt and there is a risk of buying salted fish. It is not difficult to recognize such pieces - they have a characteristic “tail” shape, that is, they taper towards one end. The meat is lean and more stringy.
  • Compound . Ideal - only salmon and salt. It is allowed to use a preservative (E211 - sodium benzoate) in a small amount, but it is better if it is natural, for example, rosemary.
  • Elasticity. Press on a piece of fish - the fibers should quickly return to their original shape. If this does not happen, the fish was stale or frozen raw materials were used.
  • Liquid. It should not be inside the package. At all. If the meat secretes liquid - have been violated production processes. Leave such a piece in the store.
  • Air . Air bubbles inside the vacuum package are not allowed. Upon contact with oxygen, the processes of decay begin.
  • Release form. Salmon is sold in the form of steaks, fillets and cut into thin plates. The cheapest option is steaks, but you will have to tinker with cutting the fish and extracting the bones. The plates, of course, are convenient - unpacked and ready. But unscrupulous manufacturers often shift whole pieces with damaged ones made from waste. The best choice- fillet.

If you want to save money, plus there is a day of time left, salt the salmon yourself. Cut fresh fish into steaks or fillets and fill with brine (brine). For this in a liter warm water dissolve four tablespoons of salt and three tablespoons of sugar. Soak in the brine for a day and voila - you can enjoy lightly salted salmon of your own preparation.


In the store there are chilled or frozen squids in three versions: whole carcasses, fillets or cut into rings. They may or may not be sold peeled. What to look out for at the counter.

  • Meat color. It must be white. Cream shade is allowed. The darker the meat, the older the squid was and the tougher its meat.
  • Skin. This is an indicator of proper storage and transportation of squid. If it's damaged, don't buy. Most likely, the raw material was frozen and thawed several times. That is why it is better to choose unpeeled carcasses.
  • Ice. In a properly frozen product, the ice layer should not be thick, and the ice crust is easily separated from the meat without damaging the fibers.
  • Elasticity. The freshness of any meat is determined as standard - press on the carcass - if the dent is restored within a few seconds, then the meat is fresh. If the tissues do not recover well, the carcass is already very old.
  • Carcass size. Regular sizes- 20-35 cm. Better buy these. The size depends on the origin and it is believed that the smaller the squid, the tastier the meat.
  • Slicing. Remember: good squid are not cut. Peruvian squids are allowed to fillet - in nature, their size reaches two meters. Their meat is rough, fibrous, with a pronounced ammonia flavor. Frozen, they are sent to China for further processing. We are not talking about exquisite taste here. Squid cut into rings is also better not to buy. So cut the waste from the processing of large carcasses.

Conclusion: the best squids are sold unpeeled, their meat is white and elastic, their size is up to 35 cm. But the color of the skin does not matter much - it can vary from pink to red-brown and gray-violet. The main thing is that its integrity is not violated.


Shrimps can be sold fresh (very rare variant for places remote from the seas), fresh-frozen and boiled-frozen. In shell and without. Gourmets say that after fresh, the most delicious are fresh-frozen shrimp in shell. Outsiders - boiled-frozen peeled. And here is a list of no less important nuances.

  • Tail . It must be tight. The “unfolded” tail indicates that the shrimp was frozen already dead. And what death she died - we do not know, and she will not answer.
  • Shell color. A good shrimp has a uniformly pink shell. Divorces and dark spots are a sign of “venerable age” and improper storage.
  • Head color. Green - you can eat. It's just that the shrimp fed on a certain type of plankton. Brown is great. This means that the shrimp is pregnant and eating it is doubly useful. Here is the black head bad sign. Such a shrimp was sick, and in no case should it be eaten.
  • Caliber . In one package, all shrimp should be approximately the same size. If this is not the case, the manufacturer is trying to sell cheap low-quality raw materials interspersed with good ones.
  • Ice. It should not be inside the package. Chunks of ice and snow indicate that the shrimp, while driving to the counter, had time to thaw and were re-frozen. And perhaps more than once.

More important point- package. If the manufacturer has not left viewing window"on the package, it means that he has something to hide and show the" product face "is simply unprofitable. The red packaging is also alarming - the pallor of the shrimp is tinted with red and they are trying to mislead the buyer.


Octopuses are known to be poisonous. But you can't find this in stores. But you will have to be vigilant when buying, otherwise, like any seafood, it may be stale, which will lead to poisoning. Pay attention to the following points.

  • Eyes . They must be clean and transparent. Like a fish, a cloudy look indicates that the product is no longer "not the first freshness."
  • Skin. It should be clean, moist, elastic and undamaged. Dark spots at the ends of the tentacles are a sign of damage.
  • Elasticity. Of course, a fresh cloth will quickly regain its shape after being pressed.
  • The size . It is better to choose small specimens - this means that the octopus is young and has tender juicy meat. Less likely to weld a “rubber sole” out of it.
  • Ice. There must be no snow or ice inside the package. If they are, the seafood has been re-frozen.


Those who live near the sea have the opportunity to buy fresh "live" mussels. There will be no problems with the choice: they should smell fresh of the sea, the shells are tightly closed, clean and shiny. And they also "shrink" if you knock on them. If in stores I sell only frozen mussels, then here's what to look for when buying.

  • Sink . In a good mussel, it is dark, glossy, “tightly” closed. An open sink is a sign of a stale product.
  • Ice. If there are pieces of ice and snow in the package, or if the mussels are frozen into a lump, they were stored incorrectly. It's better not to risk it.
  • The size . Irrelevant. The taste of meat does not depend on the size of the shell.
  • Meat . It can only be white color. A slight pink tint is allowed.

If in the store you found only mussels in the form of preserves, then the main indicator of freshness is brine. It should be perfectly transparent, without extraneous "flakes". Cloudy brine indicates spoilage of the product.

Salad recipe "Pearl": from exotic to economy option

What you will not find in the recipes of the “Pearl” salad: salmon, squid, shrimp, crab sticks, eggs, vegetables, oranges, rice, olives. These products may not appear to be compatible with each other. But each recipe is verified, and the proportions are exactly such that the taste of the salad is as balanced and tender as possible, none of the products “shouts” the rest. But what matters most is the quality of the products. One "miss" can nullify all efforts.

Classic: with salmon and orange

Peculiarities . Salad "Pearl" with salmon and orange is already considered a classic. Although more recently this mysterious combination has intrigued and alarmed. Don't worry, the guests won't spit out the "novelty" - they will surely like the fresh, unbroken taste.


  • slightly salted salmon (or trout) - 150-200 g;
  • orange - one fruit (or an equivalent volume of grapefruit pulp);
  • black olives - 40 g;
  • eggs - four pieces;
  • hard cheese - 50 g (taste should be neutral);
  • mayonnaise - to lubricate the layers;
  • red caviar - for decoration;
  • green onions or dill - for decoration;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook

  1. Boil eggs, cool and peel.
  2. Leave one egg whole.
  3. Divide the rest into whites and yolks.
  4. Grate the whites and yolks on a medium grater into different containers and mix with a small amount of mayonnaise - so the layers will not fall apart and it will be easier to collect the salad. Slightly pepper and salt.
  5. Cut salmon into small cubes.
  6. Olives - in small circles.
  7. Remove the zest from the orange, peel the slices and chop the flesh.
  8. Make pieces of salmon and orange about the same size.
  9. Grate the cheese on a medium grater.

Layer Sequence

  1. Half of the mixture of proteins and mayonnaise.
  2. All yolk-mayonnaise mass.
  3. Half the volume of salmon.
  4. Mayonnaise mesh. It is important not to "overdo it".
  5. Chopped olives (reserve some for garnish)
  6. Mayonnaise.
  7. The second half of salmon.
  8. Mayonnaise.
  9. Mayonnaise.
  10. Orange.
  11. The second half of the proteins.
  12. Lay the caviar on top in a thin layer.
  13. "Drown" a whole boiled egg with a sharp end down - this will be the "pearl".
  14. Garnish with the remaining rings of olives and herbs in a circle.

How are olives different from olives? In fact, these are the same unripe olives: only one is canned directly green, and the second undergoes special processing and oxidation - hence the black color and change in taste. It is recommended to use black olives in this salad. All over the world they are called just that, and only in our country they are called olives.

"Sea Pearl": with squid

Peculiarities . And you can cook the Pearl salad in a different way - with squid. But it is important not to digest them, otherwise they will turn into a rubbery rag.


  • squid - 0.5 kg;
  • crab sticks - 250 g;
  • eggs - four pieces;
  • red caviar - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook

  1. Boil eggs, cool, separate into yolks and proteins.
  2. Leave one whole - it will go to decorate the dish.
  3. We only need proteins. Grate them on a medium grater.
  4. Place the squids in boiling water.
  5. Boil for three minutes.
  6. Drain and cool.
  7. Cut into thin strips.
  8. Mix everything.
  9. Salt and pepper.
  10. Season with mayonnaise. Quite a bit, just to "combine" all the ingredients.
  11. Lay a thin layer of caviar on top.
  12. The “drowned” egg will act as a pearl.

The most exquisite version of the “Sea Pearl” is with crab meat. If you have the opportunity to buy, then add it instead crab sticks- you will also need 250 g.

"Black Pearl": with prunes

Peculiarities . Here's another option, how interesting it is to make a Pearl salad: with prunes and walnuts. Here the role of the black pearl will be performed by the prunes with a "surprise".


  • crab sticks - 200 g;
  • eggs - four pieces;
  • prunes - 150 g;
  • hard cheese - 300 g;
  • nuclei walnuts- 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - to lubricate the layers;
  • butter- 50 g;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

How to cook

  1. Send the butter to the freezer.
  2. Boil the eggs.
  3. Wash prunes and pour boiling water for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Now each prune needs to be stuffed with a nut kernel of a suitable size.
  5. Remove the oil and grate on a medium grater.
  6. Put it back in the freezer.
  7. Grate crab sticks and cheese on a medium grater into different bowls.
  8. Cut the eggs into small cubes or also grate.

Layer Sequence

  1. Half eggs.
  2. Mayonnaise mesh.
  3. A quarter of the volume of crab sticks.
  4. Salt pepper.
  5. Half of the cheese.
  6. Half the volume of grated butter.
  7. All stuffed prunes. Leave one piece for decoration.
  8. The remaining three quarters of crab sticks.
  9. Salt pepper.
  10. Mayonnaise mesh.
  11. The second half of the cheese.
  12. Remaining oil.
  13. Eggs.
  14. Lubricate the top with a thin layer of mayonnaise so that the color of the salad becomes evenly white.
  15. In the middle, put the "black pearl" - prunes with a "surprise".

In another version, the Black Pearl salad is decorated on top not with stuffed prunes, but as standard with red caviar and boiled egg. How your salad looks like is up to you.

"Red Pearl": with cherry tomatoes

Peculiarities . The red "pearl" here is, of course, cherry tomato. Here - a more familiar flavor combination: crab sticks, cheese, garlic, tomatoes, but with an original presentation.


  • surimi sticks (crab imitation) - 200 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - ten pieces;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • garlic - three to four cloves;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

How to cook

  1. Crab sticks cut into cubes.
  2. Grate the cheese.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, but leave one to create a pearl.
  4. Pass the garlic through the garlic and mix with mayonnaise.
  5. Mix all ingredients.
  6. Top the salad with a thin layer of mayonnaise.
  7. Put in the center "red pearl" - cherry tomato.

To make the salad lighter, add arugula or any other type of salad to it, garnish with dill sprigs around the perimeter, and replace mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream or homemade yogurt.

With vegetables

Peculiarities . This is the easiest version of the salad. And the "Pearl of the Sea" is very colorful, and the cucumber in the composition gives freshness.


  • squid - 500 g;
  • shrimp - 500 g;
  • fresh cucumber - one (large);
  • sweet pepper - one (yellow);
  • pine nuts - one handful;
  • grated cheese - one tablespoon;
  • mayonnaise - for dressing;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook

  1. Boil seafood.
  2. Cut the squid into thin strips.
  3. Remove the shells and intestinal vein from the shrimp.
  4. Cut cucumbers and peppers into strips.
  5. Mix everything.
  6. Pour in a handful pine nuts.
  7. Salt.
  8. Season with mayonnaise.

If there are no pine nuts, it doesn’t matter, the salad turns out very tasty without them. The main thing is to let it brew for half an hour or an hour in the refrigerator so that all the ingredients have time to “make friends”.

With shrimps

Peculiarities . And here is another successful salad "Pearl" - with shrimps and red caviar. There is a “shock dose” of protein due to two “marine” components at once. And if you use low-calorie mayonnaise, then it will perfectly "fit" into the menu of proper nutrition.


  • squid - 0.5 kg (you can use canned);
  • shrimp - 300 g;
  • eggs - four pieces;
  • quail egg - one (for decoration);
  • red caviar - 100 g (for decoration);
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook

  1. Submerge the shrimp in boiling salted water.
  2. After boiling again, cook for another three to four minutes.
  3. Cool and remove shells. Be sure to separate the intestinal vein.
  4. Boil squids (if they are not canned).
  5. Cut them into thin strips.
  6. Boil eggs, cool.
  7. Divide into yolks and whites and grind on a grater into different plates.
  8. Mix whites and yolks with a little mayonnaise. Pepper and salt.

Layer Sequence

  1. Squids.
  2. The whole volume of the mixture of yolk and mayonnaise.
  3. Half shrimp.
  4. Whole protein-mayonnaise mixture.
  5. Lay out the red caviar evenly.
  6. Lay the "pearl" - a quail egg.
  7. Lay the remaining shrimp nicely around the perimeter.

Important: the recipe for salad "Pearl" with caviar implies the use of red caviar, and not its artificial substitutes. Natural ingredients give the "same" exquisite taste.

"Mediterranean pearl": with mussels and octopus

Peculiarities . This is probably the most exotic and expensive salad recipe. For the "Mediterranean Pearl" you will have to buy mussels, shrimp and octopus meat.


  • shrimp - 0.5 kg peeled;
  • octopus meat - 0.5 kg;
  • mussels - 0.5 kg peeled;
  • any kind of green salad - one package;
  • sweet pepper (large) - one each of red and green;
  • olive oil- for refueling;
  • lemon - one fruit;
  • salt - one pinch.

How to cook

  1. Boil the octopus. To do this, the meat is dipped in boiling water. Large carcasses are boiled for an hour with the lid closed over low heat. Medium-sized octopuses need to be boiled for 20-30 minutes. Small carcasses and tentacles - five to ten minutes.
  2. Boil the mussels. Place the shells in a saucepan and add a little water to cover the shells. Squeeze in the juice of half a lemon. Turn the fire on high and close the lid. After the water boils and the shells open, cook for another three minutes over high heat. Do not open the lid.
  3. Boil the shrimp too and remove the shells.
  4. Remove mussels from shells.
  5. Cut the octopus into rings.
  6. Pieces of all seafood should be approximately the same size.
  7. Dice red and green peppers.
  8. Place all ingredients in a large salad bowl.
  9. Salt.
  10. Squeeze the juice from the second half of the lemon.
  11. Drizzle generously with olive oil.
  12. Stir.
  13. Leave the salad to marinate in the refrigerator overnight. At least four hours.
  14. Before serving, pick up the lettuce and toss again.

Budget version with canned food

Peculiarities . And this is the most a budget option"Pearls in the Grass". It can be cooked even without a special occasion - it will decorate any table.


  • canned sardines - one can;
  • dry rice - 50 g;
  • eggs - four pieces;
  • dill greens - one bunch;
  • mayonnaise - to lubricate the layers;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

How to cook

  1. Wash rice and boil.
  2. Cut the dill.
  3. Boil eggs.
  4. Grind yolks and proteins in separate containers.

Layer Sequence

  1. At the bottom of the salad bowl, mash the sardines with a fork.
  2. Mayonnaise mesh.
  3. Rice layer. Leave the amount of a tablespoon for decoration.
  4. Salt and pepper.
  5. Mayonnaise mesh.
  6. Dill layer.
  7. Yolks.
  8. Mayonnaise.
  9. Squirrels.
  10. Thin layer of mayonnaise.
  11. Sprinkle generously with dill on top. This will be grass.
  12. Add a little mayonnaise to the remaining rice and roll into a ball.
  13. Put the rice "pearl" in the middle of the "field".

There is a version of this salad with chicken. Then instead of sardines, cook 200 g chicken fillet and lay the meat in the first layer. The rest is unchanged. "Pearl" can also be made traditional - from an egg.

Ways of unusual presentation

It is the name of this salad that encourages us to arrange it in the form of a shell. Recipes that do not involve assembling in layers can be served in portions. And here are three ideas on how to make "edible" and unusual shells.

  1. From an apple. The apple needs to be peeled and cut into two parts. Remove the core and part of the pulp so that the half becomes like a shell shell. Put a portion of salad in one "sash". And secure the second side with a toothpick. After a while, the apple will be covered with a brown coating - just suitable color for a sea shell.
  2. From cabbage. You want the thickly veined parts of the leaves (which are near the stalk itself). Trim the edges of the leaves so that the rest looks like a shell shell. Color the cabbage with beetroot juice. In one of them you put a portion of the salad, and fix the second on the side, closing the sink.
  3. From the test. You will need: one egg, a glass of water, a glass of flour, a pinch of sugar, sunflower oil. Mix water, flour, egg, sugar. Heat the oil in a narrow deep container with a diameter slightly larger than a ladle. Dip the ladle into the batter to the brim and immediately into the hot oil. Browned - it's time to take it out. Remove the dough from the ladle. Two such "hemispheres" will act as valves.

When laid out a portion of the salad, lay a thin layer of caviar. Then decorate with a "bead" of protein or cheese rolled into a ball, or a slice of tomato, or half an olive - depending on what color of the "pearl" you need.

And if you didn’t see the “same” composition in the above recipes, come up with your own author’s recipe. Experiment with proportions, with combinations of flavors, decoration - find your perfect Sea Pearl salad and surprise your guests with your culinary imagination.

Hello to all! Today I want to introduce you to another salad called Pearl. It sounds so beautiful, and most importantly, delicious. Why do you think it's called that? I adhere to such a point of view that most likely initially, when someone came up with such a salad, they took only such ingredients as seafood, i.e. seafood, and only then invented a bunch of similar types.

The top is usually decorated with caviar in such a salad, but there are options where olives are used instead of caviar. I met such an appetizer myself not so long ago, so this article will be small, the simplest and most popular recipes for this dish will be presented.

To all those who, for whatever reason, do not like this marvelous version of the salad, I recommend that you look at my other notes, where you will find salads that are completely incomparable and original in terms of decorations.

I’ll start, as always, with the simplest and lightest version of this salad, which has very few ingredients, but this does not affect its appearance, let alone taste.

We will need:

  • chicken fillet (veal, pork) - 300 g
  • walnuts - 50-80 g
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • hard cheese - 140 g
  • smoked cheese 20 g
  • olives - 1 jar
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Boil chicken meat in salted water in a saucepan, then cool. It is best to take the breast. Cut it into small pieces, you can divide it into fibers with your hands.

It is with chicken that it turns out very tender and tempting.

Interesting! The chicken can be boiled with spices, and you can then use the broth for any other dishes, such as soups.

2. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Then the peeled walnuts need to be finely chopped; a blender is best suited for this purpose. Grind to make crumbs.

Grate the testicles on a coarse grater.

3. Cut the black olives in half with a sharp knife.

4. Now collect the salad, it is laid out in layers. The first will be a heavy mass, respectively, this is chicken meat. Apply mayonnaise.

After laying out an even layer of nuts, distribute with your hands or a spoon. Put chopped olives on top, just a little, so that the very spicy taste appears. Mayonnaise.

5. And now the turn of cheese has come, the layer is so rich and solid. By the way, use sausage cheese, as it will give a smoked taste.

6. And to make it look amazingly chic and as if decorated with pearls, put black olives.

A wonderful and colorful salad is ready! Waiting for their guests for a tasting. Bon appetit, my subscribers and lovers of delicious food))).

Video on how to cook Pearl at home

Beautiful appearance, excellent design, you also want to do it, so create with this hostess, the main thing is to listen carefully and follow all the instructions and you will also get this crazy masterpiece:

Salad with squid Pearl - the most delicious recipe

I don’t know about you, but I already fell in love with this miracle. Look at what a chic look, and what a decoration, it seems simple, but tasteful. How do you think? And the caviar looks just awesome, magical and fabulous.

Let's quickly find out how to cook such a creation. After all, you can cook it for any holiday or family feast, dinner party.

This option with squid, by the way, I have two cool recipes, I advise you to immediately look, you will be incredibly surprised at such a variety.

We will need:

  • boiled squid - 0.5 kg or 1 kg raw
  • crab sticks - 0.4 kg
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise -150 g
  • red caviar - 100 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • vinegar essence 9% - 3 tbsp
  • salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. Start your work by cutting the onion into thin half rings. Then take a bowl and put it in there, add vinegar, sugar and salt lightly. Pour in water so that the entire onion is drowned in it. Stir and let stand for a couple of minutes so that all the bitterness is gone and the onion is marinated.

2. Cut boiled squids into strips, if you do not know how to cook them correctly, see the information

3. You need to cut crab sticks into strips, how to do it? Quite simply, cut each stick lengthwise into 3-4 pieces, and then chop diagonally. Put all the obtained ingredients in a bowl. Drain all the liquid from the onion, shake it in a colander.

Next, grate the eggs on a grater, separate the yolks and proteins from each other. So first grate the whites. Yolks are not used here, I suggest you make a salad out of them or do it, or maybe you use them in

4. Then put the red caviar, but not all, but only one part. Season with mayonnaise, pepper and salt.

5. Mix all the ingredients and then decorate beautifully, for example, in glasses or, as at the beginning of this photo recipe, using a special form. Voila! It looks so cool, straight saliva ran, and the taste just lick your fingers.

Classic salad recipe Pearl with crab sticks

We move on and make this option even more unusual, but still in the traditional way in the form of a layered salad. Prunes will act as pearls. This is a very good idea, especially for those who like all kinds of slightly sweet dishes.

This version of the salad is multi-layered and therefore everything is prepared in stages. So let's get started.

We will need:

  • Chicken egg - 3-4 pcs.
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack. 200 g
  • Hard cheese - 150 g
  • Prunes - 10-13 pcs.
  • Walnuts, roughly equal to the amount of prunes.
  • Mayonnaise + Sour cream in the ratio 50/50 - 100 g

Cooking method:

1. First, wash the prunes well, and stuff them with walnuts.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, and also chop the crab sticks on a grater.

2. Take the ring and grease the bottom with mayonnaise.

3. Mix mayonnaise and sour cream together. Lay out the layers: egg, tamp + mayonnaise and sour cream sauce, then grated crab sticks + sauce, the next layer is cheese + sauce, and now black pearls in the form of prunes.

4. Make it tight and press down. Next, mayonnaise + sour cream + egg. Remove the ring or special shape. Here's what happened. Garnish with parsley and prunes with nuts.

6. Look how beautiful it is, and on top it seems like a real pearl from the sea))).

Salad Zhemchuzhina with chicken and prunes

This option is somewhat similar to the first, but it will definitely use prunes. This version of the salad is not layered, but simply all the ingredients are mixed in one bowl and served in this form.

We will need:

  • prunes - 80 g
  • walnut kernels - 50 g
  • boiled chicken fillet - 300 g
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • parsley - 50 g
  • lemon - 1 half
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes. Chop the prunes into strips, and then chop the nuts, or rather, put them into the blender bowl and chop well. Next, finely chop the garlic and herbs.

2. Mix all products in a cup and sprinkle with lemon juice. Salt and season with mayonnaise. Stir.

Zhemchuzhina - salmon and red caviar salad

Well, now I offer a version of salmon and caviar, which looks very elegant, besides, it is perfect for Valentine's Day, as it is decorated in the shape of a heart.

We will need:

  • salmon - 300 g
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp
  • boiled egg - 5 pcs.
  • cheese - 100 g
  • boiled potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • dill and parsley - 100 g
  • mustard - 2 tsp
  • caviar - 150 g
  • salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. Cut the salmon finely, preferably into cubes.

2. Chop the dill with a knife and immediately add it to the sour cream, stir. Pepper and salt to taste. The sauce is ready.

3. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater and put it in the first layer in the form of a heart. Lubricate sour cream sauce and lay out the salmon. Crumble eggs (2 pcs.), Grease with sauce, then grated cheese with a layer, then sauce and potatoes again.

4. Then again sauce, salmon, grated protein, sauce, grated yolk.

5. Roll up a rosette from pieces of salmon.

6. Decorate with parsley, and sprinkle everything with natural red caviar. Yummy! Bon Appetit!

Mediterranean Pearl with shrimp and seafood

Pretty good, or rather a great option for those who love sea delicacies, octopus, mussels and shrimp are used here, it's tempting, then look here and repeat after the host:

Salad Sea Pearl with squid and red caviar

A popular and proven recipe that will delight you and your guests at any celebration with its sophistication and beautiful appearance.

We will need:

  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Boiled potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Boiled squids - 300 g
  • cheese - 150 g
  • red caviar - 120 g
  • mayonnaise, dill greens to taste

Cooking method:

1. Lay out the salad in layers: grated potatoes plus a mayonnaise net. Next, squids cut into sticks, plus a mayonnaise mesh, after egg whites grated on a coarse grater, mayonnaise, cheese and mayonnaise, and at the very end, yolks grated on a fine grater.

2. Using a special decorative roller knife, cut strips in a zigzag pattern from thin slices of cheese.

3. And then put them on a dish.

4. Such a culinary masterpiece is just a feast for the eyes! Wow! Great and easy and simple. Now it remains to put the caviar in the cells and decorate with greens around the edge. Eat for health!

That's all for me, write your feedback and wishes at the bottom of this note, all the best to everyone and see you on this blog! Bye Bye!

  • Prepare salad ingredients. Boil chicken eggs. In order for the eggs not to burst during cooking, their temperature must coincide with the temperature of the water. A tablespoon of salt thrown into the water will also prevent cracking. Transfer eggs to cold water to cool. Peel off the shell.
  • Grate the whites, mash the yolks separately with a fork. Cut the salmon fillet into small cubes. Peel the orange and disassemble into slices, then use scissors to remove the membranes and cut the pulp into slices. Drain the olives from the brine and cut into thin circles. Grate hard cheese.
  • Put the salad in layers in the form of a slide: 1st layer - protein with mayonnaise half of the total. 2nd layer - grated yolks, salt, pepper, make a grid of mayonnaise. 3rd layer - salmon fillet 1/2 part. 4th layer - olives, leave a little for decoration. 5th layer - the remaining salmon fillet, grease with mayonnaise. 6th layer - grated cheese + a drop of mayonnaise. 7th layer - orange pulp. 8th layer the remaining mixture of proteins with mayonnaise.
  • Lay out each layer in diameter less than the previous one. Decorate the salad on top with caviar and half a quail egg set in the center. On the edge of the festive puff salad "Pearl" with salmon, you can decorate with circles of olives and chopped green onions.
  • chicken eggs - 3-4 pieces;
  • salted salmon - 200 g;
  • olives - 25-30 pieces;
  • hard cheese - 90 g;
  • orange - 1.5 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 150-160 ml;
  • ground black pepper and salt - to your liking;
  • red caviar (for decoration) - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • green onion(for decoration) - half a small bunch;
  • fresh lettuce leaves - for serving the finished dish.
  • Preparation time: 01:00
  • Cooking time: 02:00
  • Servings: 6
  • Complexity: light


Let's first prepare all the products, and then we will collect our salad in layers.

Salad Zhemchuzhina with salmon, decorated with red caviar, will become the center of attention at any holiday. It is very beautiful, its solemn decoration will not leave indifferent any of the guests. Despite the fact that it contains many seemingly incompatible components, nothing superfluous is felt in the taste. Fragrant orange pulp, lightly salted salmon, olives and completely neutral eggs - everything together is so in harmony with each other that the salad is truly worthy of the title of a culinary masterpiece.

Salted salmon recipe

So that nothing can overshadow such a divine salad, we advise you not to buy slightly salted salmon in the store, but to cook it yourself. Moreover, this is done easily and simply.


  • salmon fillet - 250 g;
  • coarse salt - ½ tablespoon;
  • granulated sugar - ½ teaspoon.


  1. Mix salt and sugar well.

    You can add fresh, finely chopped herbs for flavor during salting.

  2. Line a cutting board with cling film and sprinkle with half of the salt and sugar mixture. Lay the fish on top.
  3. Spread the second half of salt and sugar over the entire surface of the fish fillet, pressing a little.
  4. Now rotate the fish several times, as if breading it.
  5. Roll the film with the fish into a roll, transfer to a container and place a weight on top. Keep the fish at room temperature for an hour, then remove the load and send the container with salmon to the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.
  6. After the required time has passed, remove the fish from the container, shake off the remaining sugar and salt. Everything - the salmon is ready.

homemade mayonnaise recipe

The same goes for mayonnaise. Try not to buy this product in the store at all, make it yourself. It's so simple, but very useful. At least you will know for sure that no chemicals are added there.


  • raw egg yolks - 3 pieces;
  • mustard - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • vinegar (preferably white wine) - 2 tablespoons;
  • white pepper - a pinch;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar - ½ teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • lemon juice - 5 teaspoons.


  1. Separate the egg yolks into a blender bowl, add sugar and salt, beat everything together.
  2. Without stopping the whipping process, literally pour in a teaspoon vegetable oil. It is best to add olive oil, but if it is expensive for you, take sunflower oil, only without smell. You can also make mayonnaise with corn or grape seed oil.
  3. When all the oil has been added, and the total mixture has reached uniformity, shift the mustard, pour in the vinegar and lemon juice, season with pepper and beat again.

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Salad "Sea Pearl" will amaze the imagination of your guests! And for hostesses, it is convenient because the choice of its ingredients is diverse. Depending on your preferences, you can change both the filling and dressing.

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Salad "Sea Pearl"


To prepare it, we need


200 g boiled shrimp,


3 boiled potatoes,


1 pc. fresh cucumber and tomato,


150 g of any hard cheese,


2 boiled eggs


mayonnaise and salt.

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To decorate the salad, take a leaf white cabbage, beetroot juice and an olive.

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Grate potatoes and cheese on a coarse grater,


Tomato, cucumber and eggs cut into small cubes.


We combine everything together, season with mayonnaise and mix gently.


From the leaves of white cabbage, slightly colored with beetroot juice, we make a “shell”: separating the leaves, cut out the “sashes”, connect them together with toothpicks and fill with cooked salad.


Arrange shrimp on top in random order and plant an olive-pearl.


Salad ready!

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Salad "Sea Love"

We will need:


1. Crab sticks - cut into small cubes
2. Eggs - boil, rub (separately whites and yolks) - on a coarse grater
3. Rice (long grain) - boil
4. Fresh cucumbers - cut into small cubes
5. Cheese (hard varieties) - grate on a coarse grater
6. Canned corn (1 can - 325 gr.)
7. Shrimps - boil and peel, Mayonnaise, Red caviar, Greens (parsley)



Ingredients from 1-5 items should be taken in equal quantities.

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Lay (tightly) in layers in the following sequence:

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Crab sticks

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Then rice again


Crab sticks


Canned corn

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Protein (top layer).


Lubricate all layers with mayonnaise (not very plentiful). Put the salad in the refrigerator (for 1 hour). Before serving, decorate with shrimp, red caviar and herbs on top!

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Salad "Sea Pearl" with quail eggs and red caviar


Salad "Pearl" owes its name not only appearance, but also in composition: fish and caviar willy-nilly remind of the sea.





Lightly salted salmon - 1 medium piece.


Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.


Quail eggs - 1 pc.


Hard cheese - 50 grams.


Large orange - 1 pc.


Olives or pitted olives.


Red caviar - 2 tbsp. l.

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Salt and pepper.

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This version of the Sea Pearl salad is best cooked with salmon or trout, lightly salted or smoked. You can salt the fish yourself, then the dish will be even tastier.

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Products should be prepared in advance.


Hard-boil the eggs, let them cool cold water, peel and grind separately the yolks from the proteins.


Peel the quail egg and set aside.


Cut the fish into small cubes, chop the cheese on a coarse grater.


Finely chop some of the olives with a knife, and cut the rest into rings (for decoration).


Peel the orange, remove the pits and side films from each slice. Finely chop the peeled pulp.

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Salad "Sea Pearl" with squid.


We will need:




Crab sticks

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Red caviar

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The main difficulty is to cook squids correctly. They need to be washed and dipped in boiling water for 2 minutes, then removed, held in ice water and clear.

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Boiled squid cut into thin strips and put in a salad bowl.


Cut crab sticks into slices and combine with squid.


Boil the eggs and separate the whites (yolks are not needed in the salad), chop them and mix with the rest of the ingredients.


Put half of the red caviar from a small jar into the salad, season everything with mayonnaise and mix.


It is better to serve the Sea Pearl salad in bowls, as in the photo. Put a little red caviar on top of each serving. The role of pearls can be played by quail eggs or large pitted olives.

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Layered salad "Sea pearl".


We will need:


Lightly salted salmon - 200 g.


Olives - 40-50 g.
Cheese - 60 g.


Eggs - 5 pcs.


Orange - 1 pc.


Red caviar - 1-2 tbsp.


Mayonnaise - 300 g.


Green onions - a few feathers.


Salt, pepper - to taste.

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Cooking method


1 Hard boil the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks and grate on a medium grater.


2 Cut the salmon into small pieces.


3 Remove peel and fibers from orange and cut into cubes.


4 Finely grate the cheese.


5 Cut the olives into rings.


6 Lay out the salad in layers: half of the proteins, mayonnaise, yolks, salt, pepper, mayonnaise, half of the salmon, mayonnaise, olives, the rest of the salmon, cheese, mayonnaise, oranges, the remaining proteins, mayonnaise.


7 We decorate the salad with red caviar and olives, and put half a quail egg in the center. Sprinkle chopped green onion around the plate.


8 Ready salad "Pearl" put in the refrigerator, after wrapping cling film and let it brew for a few hours.

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Salad "Sea Pearl" with shrimp, squid and red caviar


Unusually tasty, tender, bright and very festive salad!
Instead of canned squid, you can use fresh or frozen squid fillet, after boiling it.


fresh frozen shrimp - 300 gr.
squid - 1 bank (240 gr.)
chicken eggs - 5 pieces
red caviar - 1 can (140 gr.)
for decoration:
quail egg - 1 piece
pitted olives
parsley and dill


Quail and chicken eggs cook, cool and clean. Divide chicken eggs into proteins and yolks and grate them separately on a fine grater.
Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, salt, add Bay leaf and allspice peas. Drop the shrimp into boiling water. Shrimps immediately begin to change color from gray to pink.


Cook shrimp after boiling for another 3-4 minutes.



Drain water, cool shrimp. Clean the shrimp from the shell. And don't forget to remove the intestinal vein on the back.
Drain liquid from canned squid and cut into strips.
If you use squid fillet, then it must first be cleaned of the film, lowered into boiling salted water and boiled for 3 minutes. Then cool and cut into strips.

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Lay the salad in layers:
- squid



Egg yolk



- half shrimp



Egg white



- Red caviar
Spread the shrimp around the edges of the salad bowl. Put a quail egg in the center of the salad bowl - this will be a pearl. Decorate the salad with dill and parsley.



Garnish the edges of the salad with pitted olives.

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Salad "Black Pearl"

The highlight of this dish is that under the layers of other treasures in the plate you will find a real black pearl. Of course, not literally. The main ingredients will act as treasures in this salad, and prunes will play the role of a black pearl. The combination of ingredients in the dish will give you a delicate and melting taste that will impress any seafood lover.


So, to prepare a “rich” salad, you will need the following components:

  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Crab sticks - small package (200 grams).
  • Hard cheese (Russian was used in this salad) - 300 grams.
  • Dried prunes - 150 grams.
  • Walnuts (halves) - 100 grams.
  • Butter - 50 grams.
  • Mayonnaise (preferably low-calorie) - 100 grams.
  • Salt - to taste, but for such a volume of salad, half a teaspoon was used.

Now let's start preparing and cleaning all the products:

  1. Place the butter in the freezer immediately to harden.
  2. Now we make “black pearls” ourselves with the help of prunes and walnuts. First, to soften the prunes, you need to pour boiling water, hold it in boiling water for 10 minutes and drain the water. After that, it will be easier for you to place halves of nuts in prunes.
  3. Hard boil chicken eggs, cool, peel and grate or chop with a knife.
  4. Grate crab sticks with hard cheese separately.
  5. We take out the butter from the freezer, rub it on a grater and put the resulting mass back into the freezer.

The ingredients are ready, now it's time to collect the salad. To serve the salad as close as possible to its name, pick up a beautiful salad bowl of a similar theme (in the form of a sea shell or shell).


At the bottom of the dish, start laying out the shabby eggs, ¼ of the shabby crab sticks, grease these two layers with mayonnaise, and then sprinkle with salt and pepper to your liking. Next, lay out half of the grated hard cheese, half of the grated butter and all the prunes. Now you can lay out the rest of the grated crab sticks. Grease it all with a layer of mayonnaise, salt, put the remaining grated hard cheese, butter and chicken eggs. From above, you can either completely cover the salad with a layer of mayonnaise, or beautifully draw patterns on them. You can use the remaining nuts on top for decoration.

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Salad called "Pearl" with shrimp


This salad will become the most precious set of sea treasures on the table, because such a dish includes the most delicious, healthy and beautiful seafood. This salad will be a clear winner among other snacks in terms of taste and benefits, so feel free to take on the preparation of such a dish and run to the store for its ingredients:

  • Frozen shrimp (preferably large) - 300 grams.
  • Canned squid - 1 jar.
  • Red caviar - 1 jar.
  • Chicken eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Quail egg - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 small pack.
  • Olives (preferably pitted) - 1 jar.
  • Greenery for decoration.



Boil chicken eggs, peel them, separate the yolk from the protein and grate them separately or chop them with a knife. The quail egg needs to be boiled and cleaned, do not chop it, because it will serve as the main decor (white pearl).


If you bought frozen whole shrimp, then you need to prepare them in this way - put water (salted with bay leaf and peppercorns) into a saucepan or other dish, bring to a boil and lower the shrimp. Now you need to wait until the water boils again and hold the shrimp in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Drain the water, remove the shrimp from the pan, cool them and clean them. Note that when peeling shrimp, it is very important to remove the intestinal vein well, as it can give bitterness to the salad.


If you purchased peeled shrimp for this salad, then it will take much less time and effort to prepare them. Before adding to the salad, peeled shrimp will be enough to pour over hot water so that they loosen up.


Open a jar of squids, drain the liquid and cut them into strips. Now let's start shaping the salad. It should be noted that it is recommended to spread it in layers, as it will turn out more beautiful and tastier. The sequence of layers should mainly be like this:

  1. Squids.
  2. Yolk.
  3. Mayonnaise.
  4. Shrimps (half).
  5. Protein.
  6. Caviar.

On top of the salad (along its edges) for decoration, you can beautifully lay out the remaining shrimp. In the middle of the dish, put a quail egg, which will act as a white pearl. It can not be completely cut in half and put an olive in order to depict the effect of the presence of pearls on the salad as close as possible. Greens can be spread around the testicle, which will look like seaweed. Olives can be put into the spread out shrimp tails, which will remind you and guests of black pearls. No. 3

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You can experiment endlessly with sea salads, because the list of seafood is incredibly wide. Add mussels, octopuses, eels and other marine inhabitants to your dishes, thereby inventing your own recipes and constantly surprising your guests.

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