Do-it-yourself aerated concrete house: step-by-step self-construction of a house. Projects of houses from aerated concrete Projects of cottages from aerated concrete

  • 13.06.2019

Despite economic fluctuations, the construction industry continues to develop rapidly, bringing new technologies and technologies to the modern market. design solutions. In the construction of individual houses and cottages, building material made of aerated concrete or foam concrete is often used. In the construction market, free projects of aerated concrete houses allow you to build the desired housing in a short time, efficiently and economically.

The building blocks used are environmentally friendly and characteristic features close to timber buildings. The houses built from them are resistant to moisture, so they do not sweat even in wet weather. Construction of houses in which wall materials are used aerated concrete blocks, are especially economical and beneficial in the construction of cottage and private country houses.

Ready-to-use aerated concrete blocks are an artificial building material. They are created using mixtures of lime quartz sand, aluminum powder, water and cement. Under the influence of high temperature and pressing, the material is formed into blocks from which aerated concrete buildings are built. Such building blocks have many cells, therefore they have high thermal insulation.

The density of the building material and its ability

Depending on the density of the material, aerated concrete blocks are classified:
  • Constructive. It is used for building external walls, as well as to strengthen the floors between the floors of buildings;
  • Heat-insulating, with a density of up to 900 kg / m 3 and is acceptable for buildings with a height of 3 floors;
  • Heat-insulating density up to 450 kg/m 3 . Used as a heater, as it has a large number of air cells.
Due to the lightness of the material, the design of buildings using blocks does not require a strong fundamental foundation, which helps to reduce construction costs. They are easy to transport and allow you to build a box of blocks within one month. When building a house, you do not need the use of complex special equipment. Design features gas blocks allow you to form any inclinations and angles, as well as easily lay communication equipment.

The erected houses made of aerated concrete have a small wall thickness and retain heat well. So compared to brick wall having a thickness of up to a meter, its thermal conductivity is equal to half a meter thickness of aerated concrete. At the same time, insulation is practically not used, which significantly reduces their market cost.

For today construction organizations provide customers with a wide range of ready-made aerated concrete building projects equipped with modern systems communications and renovation. In most cases, for their demanding clients, designers and architects will create individual solutions for private building projects at an affordable price. V last version have to invest a lot Money. View projects of houses from aerated concrete blocks, their landscape design, as well as download drawings and other technical documentation on the Internet.

Increasingly, in private construction, customers are choosing new materials and technologies, refusing to build a cottage "the old fashioned way": from or. Responding to a request, our company develops standard (ready-made) and individual projects of houses made of aerated concrete (gas blocks). For car owners, we have options with a garage. In general, the cottage turns out to be more economical, provides more scope for imagination in terms of architecture and designer finishes. It's nice when the building pleases the eye, surprises the neighbors, and delights the guests.

From modern materials the best known are cellular concretes. They are widely used in Finland, they are able to withstand severe frosts. Our catalog of architectural projects of aerated concrete houses presents interesting solutions for the construction of cottages both in one and two floors. Among them there are complex - using a monolithic frame, brick.

What is good house of aerated concrete blocks

While remaining "non-combustible", this porous building stone is almost as breathable as wood and is highly durable. The production of a block of aerated concrete is possible only in the factory. It has many benefits.

  • low cost, additional savings on transportation (light), rental of heavy special equipment.
  • Precise geometry, which allows you to stack blocks with a minimum gap and increase resistance to cracking.
  • Ease of processing reduces construction time. Aerated concrete is sawn, drilled, chiseled with simple tools.
  • Good thermal insulation - the material is 2-3 times warmer than usual, which saves on heating.
  • "Breathable properties". However, hygroscopicity is undesirable in a humid climate and is protected from it by the brick lining of an aerated concrete cottage.

The company's architects help to choose standard project a residential building that best meets the requirements for price, size, style.

Design documentation for a house made of aerated concrete

On the site, the future owner of the cottage can examine it from all sides, replace materials, color, calculate the estimate for construction. Making a conscious choice, as a result, he will receive just such a modern Vacation home dreamed about. When viewing any finished project with a layout and a photo from the catalog, you can notice several important details.

  • Detailed study– the package of documentation includes detailed drawings: the area, dimensions of each room are given.
  • Selection of building materials- they are indicated for each type of structure: foundation, ceiling, walls and roof (reinforced concrete slab, block, wooden logs).
  • Exterior finish - the project documentation lists various possible options (decorative rock, brick, plaster).

Professionally made solutions allow you to build a house of aerated concrete technologically correct, with a guarantee of durability.

A cottage made of artificial stone is beautiful and reliable

I love the most non-standard idea can . Whether it's traditional, snow white, or modern, there are nearly a thousand to choose from. ready-made solutions! From it you can build a large cottage, and a small guest aerated concrete house for summer holidays.

Using the filter in our catalog, you can easily select the style of architecture, the option with a garage, terrace, balcony. The now fashionable original layout with a second light is implemented both in spacious houses and small ones (, 116 m 2).

Buying an aerated concrete cottage project with a layout in our bureau, you get the confidence that it takes into account everything technological features this building material.

This section presents projects of houses, cottages, baths, garages in the construction technology of the two most popular types of cellular concrete: aerated concrete and foam concrete. It is important to know that although these two building material and belong to the same class of concrete, but in terms of structure, production method and masonry technology, these are two completely different products.

Modern house made of aerated concrete PA-1644G

Total area: 164.48 sq.m. + 25.34 sq.m.
Construction technology: aerated concrete cottage.
Project cost: 32,000 rubles. (AR + KR)
The cost of materials for construction: 1,987,000 rubles *

A house that combines the motifs of an old European rural cottage and cutting-edge facade solutions, layouts and technologies. Floor-to-ceiling windows, a brick-lined facade, large stained-glass bay windows - these are the characteristics that immediately attract attention and distinguish this house from the general range of standard buildings. No less magnificent are the interior layouts of this small house in the development spot. open type terrace, further hallway and wardrobe. From the hallway you can immediately go into a huge living room or turn into the kitchen. The living room is visually separated by an arch from the dining room. The dining room is separated from the kitchen, thus the smells and noises from the kitchen do not penetrate either the dining room or the living room. To the left of the living room is a large bedroom and a boiler room. The boiler room, in full compliance with the norms and rules for the operation of gas boilers, has a separate entrance from the street and a room volume of more than 15 cubic meters. Separately, I would like to say about the living room, which structurally has a second light, and it also provides a place for a fireplace. On the attic floor there are two large bedrooms and an office. The bedrooms are made in a block design, that is, for each of them there are separate bathrooms. Residents can use partitions to divide these rooms into a bathroom and a wardrobe. Finished project houses made of aerated concrete PA-1644G are an excellent example of modern architectural design of country houses.
Detailed description of the project PA-1644G ➦

The project of a two-story house made of aerated concrete PA 154-0

Total area: 154.06 sq.m. + 25.99 sq.m.
Construction technology: aerated concrete blocks.
Project cost: 28,000 rubles. (AR + KR)
The cost of materials for construction: 1,816,000 rubles *

most popular project two-story house the most popular series of aerated concrete houses. There are eleven more options for this house in our catalog of finished projects. All of them have certain parameters and characteristics that unite them into a separate series. First, it is the simplicity constructive solutions, which allows them to be positioned as economy-class houses. This is an ordinary square in a building spot, with a simple four pitched roof and rational layouts of the interior spaces of the first and second floors. Secondly, the total area of ​​these houses is in the range of 200-250 sq.m. Thirdly, all these houses are designed in the technology of building from aerated concrete blocks. What, first of all, is this project interesting. On the right, to the main building of the house, there is a covered terrace, which has an exit from the kitchen. Also on the ground floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a separate guest room, a vestibule, a large entrance hall, a dressing room, a bathroom and a boiler room. A comfortable porch is covered with a canopy from rain. On the second floor there is a large hall, three bedrooms, a pantry, separate bathroom and bathroom. The walls of the house are lined with aerated concrete blocks 400 mm thick and external insulation is recommended. Fine finishing of the facade is made of decorative plaster and artificial stone.
Detailed description of the project PA 154-0 ➦

Now in our catalog there are over 1200 projects of houses, cottages, baths, garages and pavilions made of aerated concrete. Therefore, we recommend that you use the extended project search form, which in the main version of the site is located just below this text, according to the parameters you set. V mobile version site, the advanced project search button is located in the footer of the screen of your mobile device.

Annotation: The project of a one-story house made of aerated concrete

Project one-story house from aerated concrete blocks 7 to 7 has all the amenities for living outside the city of the whole family. Three zones can be distinguished in the layout of the house: a sauna with a shower room and a bathroom, an active pastime zone, and a vestibule. One of the bathrooms can be converted into a boiler room. The entrance to the country house made of aerated concrete goes through an open terrace.

External walls - aerated concrete blocks. The facade of the house 7x7 m is lined with facing stone and plastered, it can also be used decorative plaster for finishing the facade, PVC siding or facing facade blocks. Download a free project of a one-story aerated concrete house 7.55 x 7.62 m.

Aerated concrete house project with a garage 8x9 m

Annotation: 8x9 aerated concrete house project with a garage

House project from aerated concrete blocks 8 by 9 with a garage has all the comforts. It has an entrance hall, combined living room and kitchen on the ground floor. The living room has two large windows. In the finished project of the house made of aerated concrete, there are two bedrooms on the second floor. Finishing can be done from any material. Aerated concrete house project with a garage for free.

Annotation: The project of a two-story house made of aerated concrete 6x9

Aerated concrete house project 6 by 9 has all the amenities for living the whole family outside the city. In the layout of the house made of aerated concrete, several zones can be distinguished: in the first there is a shower room and a bathroom, in the center of the house there is an active pastime zone, on the second floor there are bedrooms. Next, you can download for free a project of a house from an aerated block with drawings of 10x10 m.

Annotation: Ready project of aerated concrete house 10x10 m

Aerated concrete house project 10 by 10 meters is distinguished by a careful drawing of the facade, which allows you to fit a cottage made of aerated concrete into any complex. Internal layout the first floor is comfortable and divided into three parts, each zone has its own functional purpose.

On the ground floor of the house made of aerated concrete blocks, the living room and kitchen are designed in one volume, in accordance with the latest ideas about comfort in ergonomics, which allows you to increase the interior space. Additional comfort is provided by the presence of a built-in garage with access from the hall of the house. On the second floor there are three bedrooms and bedrooms.

Ready-made project of aerated concrete house with an attic 8x10 m

Dimensions: 8.2 x 10.5 m

Total area: 129.6 m2
Living area: 113 m2

Bedrooms and rooms: 4
Bathrooms, baths: 2 pcs.
Attic: yes
Plinth: No
Garage: Available for 1 car

Building a house from aerated concrete is not exactly an easy undertaking, but compared to brick or the same log house, much less effort will have to be applied. We will build a simple cottage on the .

If you wish, you can change the characteristics of the building at your discretion - you just need to master the procedure for laying out the walls, all other activities are carried out as standard for houses made of any materials.

Characteristics of aerated concrete blocks (indicators)Autoclaved aerated concrete (gas silicate)
Density, kg/m3500
Compressive strength classAt 2.5-3
Frost resistance, cyclesF50
Relation to moistureRequires protection
Attitude towards fireDoes not burn
Operational thermal conductivity, W / m * C0,14
Thickness outer wall(Moscow region), m0,5
Monolith capabilityNot
  1. Band-saw.
  2. Drill.
  3. Hand saw.
  4. Manual wall chaser.
  5. Electromill.
  6. Scraper bucket.
  7. Glue cartons.
  8. Toothed trowel.
  9. Rubber mallet.
  10. Grinding grater (board).

We make the foundation

We mark the site

We remove everything that interferes with the site, clear it and proceed to marking. For this we use reinforcing bars and a rope.

We determine the axis of the future structure. We take a plumb line and outline the first corner of the foundation. Perpendicular to it, we pull the rope to the second and third corners of the building.

Mark the 4th corner with a square. We measure the diagonals. If the length is the same, everything is fine, the corners are the same, you can hammer in the rods and pull the rope.

Similarly, we carry out the internal marking of the base, departing from the outer order of 400 mm (the optimal width for the strip foundation).

We dig trenches around the perimeter of the house and under the future internal walls.

We prepare trenches

We find the most low point Location on. From here we count the depth of the pit. Small house can be built on a 40 cm tape. For the rest, be guided by the design features and the site as a whole (freezing depth, groundwater level).

swarm trench

Important! The walls of the pit should be vertical, and the bottom should be even. We check this with a plumb line and level.

We lay a hole of sand on the bottom and carefully tamp it down. Such a pillow will contribute to an even distribution of the load on the base in the off-season. The recommended thickness is from 15 cm.

We pour gravel on the sand and lay the roofing material.

We install the formwork

We collect it from boards, plywood and other similar materials. We fasten the elements with nails or screws.

Important! We make the formwork in such a way that it rises above the ground level by at least 300 mm.

Along the inner perimeter of the formwork, we stretch the fishing line at the level of the upper edge of the future fill.

At the same stage, we think over the arrangement of openings for the input of water supply and sewerage. To do this, we lay empty pipes in the right places and fill them with sand.

We lay reinforcement

We take rods with a diameter of 12-14 m. We tie them into a grid using flexible steel wire. Grid cells can have different size. The heavier the house, the smaller the side of the square should be. Most often, the power of the grid with cells of 20x20 cm is sufficient.

We make a grid according to the size of the trench.

Important! We leave 5-centimeter indents between the laid, walls and top of the trench, so that in the future all the reinforcement is guaranteed to be filled with concrete.

Pouring concrete

We multiply the width of the foundation by its length and height and determine the required volume of concrete. Cooking or ordering the mixture. For cooking, we use a standard recipe:

  • cement - 1 part;
  • gravel - 5 parts;
  • sand - 3 parts;
  • water - to the desired consistency.

Fill with uniform layers of about 200 mm, do not rush. We tamp each layer of filling with a wooden tamper. We pour concrete to the level of the previously stretched rope in the formwork space.

We level the surface of the pour with a trowel and pierce the concrete with reinforcement in several places. Outside, carefully tap the formwork with a wooden mallet.

We give the foundation a month to set strength. During this time, we cover the structure with polyethylene to protect it from precipitation, and in hot weather we spill it with water to prevent cracking.

We build walls

For construction in this example, we use with a tongue-and-groove structure. They are simply more comfortable to wear by hand. You can build from any other gas blocks - the order of work does not change.

We pre-clean the upper part of the dried foundation from existing dirt and dust, and then cover it with a layer of roofing material.

For luggage of the first row, we use a cement-sand mortar. It dries longer than special glue, and we will have the opportunity to adjust the evenness of the laying of the row. The minimum layer thickness is 10 mm. There are no maximum restrictions. This will allow you to equalize the differences in height without much effort.

We find the highest angle - we will build from it. We take a fishing line and outline the wall of the house. We lay the first gas block. Then we set a block for each remaining corner and pull the rope between the building elements.

Be sure to check the evenness of the laying of each block. We lay out the first row of blocks around the perimeter of the house and in the places of construction of internal walls.

Important! Remember the doorways. We skip them, of course.

We take polishing and carefully grind the surface of the starting row. Further, we will do this with each stacked row. Thanks to this processing, we will be able to apply the glue as evenly as possible.

We put the second, and after it the third rows. We use special glue for laying gas blocks. We work, as on the first row, starting from the corners. We bind the rows, shifting by half the block - like brickwork. The minimum allowable value of such a shift when laying aerated concrete is 80 mm.

To apply glue, we use buckets with cloves. We set the blocks as close to each other as possible, as far as the fingers allow, and move them back to back. We check the evenness of the masonry with a level. If necessary, align the blocks with a rubber mallet. We work quickly and harmoniously, because the glue dries very quickly and it will be almost impossible to move the gas block.

Useful advice! If, when laying the opening, it was not possible to get into the length of the whole gas block, we saw off the excess with a special saw or a simple hacksaw for wood.

Armopoyas interfloor. Photo

We equip windows and window sills

In this example, the window sills have a height of 4 rows of masonry. We reinforce window openings after laying out the 3rd row. A shredder will help us with this.

In the place where the window opening is arranged, we cut 2 parallel lines. In length, they should extend beyond the boundaries of the window by 300 mm from each side.

We put reinforcement bars in the strobes and fix them with a cement-sand mortar. Ready! The wall for installing the window is reinforced.

Important! It is better not to lay openings for installing windows. Of course, in the future they can be cut out, but this is a waste of time and effort.

Wall laying. In the photo, simultaneously with the laying of walls, decorative brick cladding is made

Making jumpers

Gradually we approached the jumpers. These structures are needed to strengthen the section of the wall above the door and window openings. Without jumpers, the structure can simply collapse.

Then the "non-removable formwork" of three rows of blocks:
1. Outside block 150 thick;
2. in the center of the block 150 thick sawn lengthwise in half;
3. From inside the block 100 mm thick.

We cut “squares” out of it, we tie reinforcing bars to them

You can either use ready-made U-shaped blocks (we glue them to the required length, install them, put reinforcement and fill them with cement mortar) or make the formwork on our own.

For the manufacture of formwork, it is most convenient to use gas blocks 10 cm wide. Blocks are fastened with glue. If it is not possible to buy 10-centimeter blocks, we simply cut an ordinary gas block into 3 identical pieces.

We glue the blocks to the required length, make 3 longitudinal ditches with a wall chaser, put reinforcing bars in them, fill cement mortar and give it a day to dry.

Jumpers are installed with the armature side down. We fill the gaps with gas blocks, if necessary, pre-cut to the desired size.

We make an armored belt

Armopoyas solid, around the perimeter of the wall

Armopoyas solid, around the perimeter of the wall

After arranging a row with window lintels, we proceed to pouring the armored belt, also known as the seismic belt. The structure is made of reinforced concrete and ensures the integrity of the aerated concrete building.

We take 10-centimeter blocks and form formwork from them along the perimeter of the walls. We fill the ditch with reinforcement and pour cement mortar.

We embed metal studs for fastening into the armo-belt. We can make them from reinforcement. An even more convenient option is threaded studs. It is easier to attach a Mauerlat to them.

On this box at home is ready.

Mauerlat has already been installed. It's time to install the rafters. At this stage, everything is individual - focus on the features of the selected roof structure.

Several options are available:

Regardless of the roof design chosen, it must be equipped with insulating layers: hydro, heat and. In some cases (for example, when settling residential attic) a layer of soundproofing material is mounted.

We fix waterproofing material on top of the rafters. The easiest way to do this is with wooden slats. At the same time, the slats will play the role of a counter-lattice, to which the laths of the batten for roofing material will later be fixed.

Under the waterproofing, in the space between the laths of the crate, we lay the insulation. Most commonly used mineral wool. If you wish, you can choose another material (polystyrene foam, polystyrene, etc.).

We cover the thermal insulation with a layer of vapor barrier film. We fasten it to with the help of wooden slats.

At the end, we put the finishing roofing. At this point, be guided by the available budget and personal preferences. Most popular materials:

  • slate;
  • bituminous tiles;
  • corrugated board;
  • metal tile;
  • ceramic tiles.

Any roofing material install starting from the bottom. As a result, the sheets will be fixed so that sedimentary moisture can drain without penetrating under the roofing.

On this box of gas blocks with a roof is ready. Next, you are expected to work on the installation of engineering communications and finishing, but this is already a topic for a separate guide.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself aerated concrete house