Series 1 464 a. Typical series of Khrushchev

  • 17.06.2019

Five-storey panel houses series 1-464

Large-panel 4-5-story residential buildings of the 1-464 series of standard projects are the most common first-generation prefabricated buildings. The solution of the houses of the considered series is based on the cross-wall structural system.

The main load-bearing skeleton of the buildings are transverse reinforced concrete walls, located at intervals of 3.2 and 2.6 m, due to which the houses of this type are called houses with a "narrow" pitch of transverse load-bearing walls. Reinforced concrete floor slabs of the size “per room” are supported on them. They also rest on the outer and inner longitudinal walls, which take part of the vertical load, while at the same time providing the longitudinal rigidity of the building.

The floor slabs laid at 3.2m spacing are calculated and operate as supported along the contour. Since all the internal walls separating the rooms carry the load from the ceilings and the overlying floors, it is impossible to move these walls and thereby change the width of the rooms. For the same reason, the removal of external walls in a step of 3.2 m is excluded, without providing support for the floor slab along a short outer wall.
The outer walls are made of panels - three-layer, consisting of two reinforced concrete shells and a layer of insulation between them, or single-layer panels (made of lightweight concrete). Internal load-bearing walls 12cm thick and floor slabs 10cm thick are solid reinforced concrete flooring. Roof - combined with a rolled soft roof or attic rafter with a roof of corrugated asbestos cement.

When redeveloping houses of the 1-464 series, it becomes necessary to install new or expand existing openings in the transverse walls. This is possible to a limited extent, but requires confirmation by calculations.

When modernizing a building, floor slabs cannot be dismantled. However, during the superstructure of the building, the floor slabs above the existing fifth floor can be partially dismantled. The arrangement of new openings in them is possible, but with large sizes of such openings, reinforcement of the overlap may be required.

In the series under consideration, balconies are placed at a step of 3.2 m. Balcony reinforced concrete slabs 10 cm thick and 90 cm wide were mounted according to two schemes. In the initial period of construction, they rested on the outer wall and were held in the design position by two metal rods, which, passing through the joint between the outer walls, were attached to the end of the inner wall panel. In later projects, this solution was abandoned and, considering the balcony slab as a cantilever supported on the outer wall, they connected it to the floor slab using welded embedded elements.

Five-storey panel houses series 1-468

Sample projects residential buildings series 1-468 were originally developed at the Gostroyproekt Institute, since 1961 - at TsNIIEPzhilishcha.

The load-bearing skeleton of the houses of this series are transverse load-bearing walls located in the plan with a step of 3 and 6 m, due to which, unlike the houses of the 1-464 series, the houses of this constructive system are called houses with a "mixed" step of the transverse load-bearing walls.
The most common representative of the houses in this series is a five-story, four-section residential building. In it, the outer wall panels are made of autoclaved cellular concrete or lightweight concrete, and hollow-core reinforced concrete floors rest on transverse load-bearing reinforced concrete walls. The longitudinal walls of the building are self-supporting. The roofs of such houses were erected in two versions: combined with roll coating and an attic truss with a roof of corrugated asbestos-cement sheets.

The main advantage of the houses in this series is that the floor panels do not rest on the longitudinal walls of the building. Therefore, these walls, except for individual sections of the inner wall adjacent to the stairwells and ensuring the longitudinal stability of the building, can be dismantled in some places. It is this circumstance that, when modernizing such buildings, opens up wide opportunities for eliminating the shortcomings in the layout of existing apartments by adding additional volumes to the building. The device of new and expansion of existing openings in the bearing transverse walls is possible only if the calculation confirms and strengthens the "contours" of the openings.

Five-storey panel houses series 1-335

Five-story residential buildings of the 1-335 series of standard projects are representatives of the frame-panel structural system. Typical projects of this series were originally developed by the author's team of the Leningrad Design Bureau, and then continued at the LenZNIIEP Institute.

Structural scheme the house is a so-called "incomplete" frame, which consists of one row of reinforced concrete columns located on the middle longitudinal axis of the building with a step of 3.2 and 2.6 m and reinforced concrete crossbars located across the building and resting on one side on reinforced concrete columns, and on the other hand, on metal support tables embedded in the body of the load-bearing outer wall panels. Reinforced concrete floor slabs "per room" in size are laid on the crossbars, designed to be supported on two long sides. The columns are interconnected by girders that provide longitudinal rigidity of the building.

In the houses of the system under consideration, load-bearing external walls were used mainly layered. They have an outer layer in the form of a reinforced concrete ribbed "shell" and an inner (insulating) layer of foam concrete 26 cm thick, the surface of which is plastered from the side of the premises. There are no internal load-bearing walls in these houses, with the exception of stiffening diaphragms, which are the intersection walls of the stairwells.

With the same dimensions and steps of houses of different series in the houses of the frame-panel system, the principle of "free planning" can be fully implemented. The presence of crossbars under the floor slabs can be considered as a certain disadvantage that prevents the traditional formation of the interior of living rooms.

A modification of this constructive system was the introduction of two more rows of columns into it - at the outer walls of the building to support crossbars on them. Such houses are called "full frame houses". In them, the outer walls are self-supporting and can be dismantled during reconstruction.

Five-storey brick houses series 1-447

The 1-447 series includes standard projects 4-5 storey brick residential buildings with three longitudinal load-bearing walls. The load-bearing frame of the houses in this series are three longitudinal load-bearing walls and transverse brick walls- external end and internal, between which staircases are located. Transverse brick walls act as stiffening diaphragms. All other walls (internal and inter-apartment) are non-bearing.

The floors are made in the form of reinforced concrete multi-hollow slabs, supported by short sides on longitudinal brick walls. The most loaded is the middle wall, on which the floor panels rest on both sides. Openings in the outer longitudinal walls can only be enlarged by eliminating the window sill while maintaining the existing piers. Lintels above windows should also be preserved. In the end walls of the building during reconstruction, it is possible to make openings.

Possible dismantling of partitions in series 1-447

Of the typical projects of prefabricated large-panel houses, the projects of the 1-464 series, developed by the Giprostroyindustriya Institute and put into effect in 1959, are most widely used (Fig. 3-1). When developing this series, the experience of building large-panel houses with transverse load-bearing walls in Magnitogorsk and on the 6th street of the Oktyabrsky field in Moscow was used. The 1-464 series is used by more than 200 house-building enterprises, producing products for houses with a total living area of ​​more than 10 million m 2 per year.

The structural scheme of the houses is designed with load-bearing transverse walls located at 2.6 and 3.2 m intervals, with floor panels supported along the contour. The spatial rigidity of the building is provided by a system of transverse and longitudinal walls of reinforced concrete panels the size of a room, connected to each other and to the panels of interfloor ceilings by steel ties (linings).

Exterior wall panels are designed in several design options and have a thickness of 21 to 35 cm, depending on the design temperature of the construction area.

Multi-layer exterior panels consist of an inner reinforced concrete slab 40 mm thick and an outer slab 50 mm thick, including the textured layer.

Rice. 3-1. Large-panel housing houses series 1-464

b - ordinary section 2-2-2-3; c - structural diagram

Between the slabs, insulation is laid from semi-rigid mineral wool slabs or lightweight concrete liners. The inner and outer slabs are interconnected by lightweight concrete ribs. Single-layer panels of external walls are made of lightweight concrete using expanded clay, karagandite, thermosite and other lightweight aggregates.

For device internal walls apply reinforced concrete panels 12 cm thick, and in the basement parts of buildings - 14 cm. Doorways in the panels of the internal walls are not provided; the openings left between the panels are filled with carpentry door blocks to the entire height of the premises.

Strip foundations are assembled from prefabricated reinforced concrete pads and concrete blocks. The panels of the outer and inner walls of the basement part of the house have designs similar to the corresponding panels of the upper part of the building.

Interfloor ceilings are made of flat slabs of solid section 10 cm thick, resting along the contour on transverse and longitudinal walls. Panels of floors and internal walls are made of heavy concrete grade 150 in vertical cassette molds.

The connections of the outer wall panels to each other and to the panels of the inner walls and ceilings are carried out by welding embedded parts in the panels using strip steel linings. After welding, all steel surfaces are coated with an anti-corrosion compound and sealed cement mortar.

In the projects of the release of 1959, in the design of the horizontal seam between the panels of the outer walls to insulate the end of the floor panel, it was planned to lay a mineral wool slab 70 mm thick wrapped with glassine. In projects released in 1961, the horizontal seam of the outer panels was designed with a threshold in the middle of the joint, on top of which a foam rubber gasket was laid. To insulate the unit, a 50 mm thick mineral wool board wrapped with glassine was adopted. Horizontal seam of external walls with external and inside minted with mortar on expanding cement. The seam under the floor panel on the outer wall is injected or caulked with cement mortar.

When joining the panels of the outer walls, elastic gaskets and a waterproofing layer are laid in the groove of the vertical joint before the installation of the inner wall panel. bituminous mastic. After installation, the vertical seams between the inner wall panel and the outer panels are caulked with tow soaked in cement-lime mortar, and the entire groove is filled with lightweight concrete with a bulk density of 800-1000 kg / m 3. Instead of caulking vertical joints, inventory formwork can be used, light concrete can be replaced with heavy concrete, provided that the joint is insulated with a 70 mm thick mineral wool board wrapped with glassine or a foam insert.

Floor panels are laid dry. The seam between the inner wall panel and the ceiling from below is sealed with cement mortar, and the seam between the ceiling panels is filled with cement mortar.

Reinforced concrete panels 6 cm thick are used to install partitions in sanitary facilities. Stairs are assembled from prefabricated platforms and marches without overhead treads. Combined roofing is carried out directly on reinforced concrete floor above the fifth floor. Under the thermal insulation of expanded clay concrete, a pasting vapor barrier is made along the ceiling. The roofing carpet consists of three layers of roofing felt over glassine and bituminous mastic.

During the operation of residential buildings with small apartments of series 1-464, shortcomings in the solution of structures and shortcomings in terms of planning decisions (narrowed front, inconvenient entrances from them and common living rooms and from these rooms to kitchens, walk-through rooms and combined sanitary facilities). A significant disadvantage of three-layer panels is the high complexity of their manufacture and the inability to control the quality of finished products;

  • when vibrating, sealing and wetting of the insulation is possible; connecting expanded clay-concrete ribs in the panels (between the outer and inner layers of heavy concrete), due to the filling of pores with a liquid solution, turn into cold bridges;
  • unsatisfactory tightness of the joints of the panels of the outer walls, which in some cases leads to leakage and freezing in the joints of the panels;
  • the adopted system of supporting the floor panels on the walls dry, without carefully filling the gaps with mortar, worsens the sound insulation of the internal walls during airborne noise transfer.

Series of residential buildings 1-464A

TsNIIEP housing together with other design institutes, enterprises of large-panel housing construction and construction and installation departments developed improved, more perfect series 1-464A. This series provides for an increase in performance, improvement of architectural, planning and design solutions for residential buildings, as well as an increase in the factory readiness of prefabricated elements.

The improved 1-464A series includes five main types of 5-story residential buildings in 2, 4, 6, 8 sections and. The nomenclature of buildings of the improved series makes it possible to solve residential development within a wide range, using different type houses with a variety of apartments for the resettlement of families of various sizes. The layout of residential buildings in this series includes eight apartments various types with living area from 17 to 45 m2.

Houses of the improved series have three-apartment row and four-apartment end sections with through or corner ventilation and good insolation of residential premises (Fig. 3-2). Entrances to the kitchens are designed from utility corridors, the width of the front ones is increased to 1.3 m, most of the living rooms are impassable. In two-, three- and four-room apartments, sanitary units of a separate type are used. Due to the placement of ventilation units in the transverse walls, the kitchens have a size of 6 m 2. Separate sanitary facilities and other improvements are also provided for in two-room apartments that make up a one-section 9-storey building.

The increase in the auxiliary area and a number of other improvements in the apartments, of course, slightly increase the cost square meter living space, but this rise in price is offset by an increase in the length of houses and an increase in the average number of storeys, and, consequently, the density of residential development.

The 1-464A series includes 5- and 9- storey houses hotel type with one-story service blocks. To ensure the integrated development of microdistricts, a project of a kindergarten-nursery for 140 places and projects of other buildings for cultural and community purposes were developed and included in the series.

The architectural expressiveness of typical buildings has been improved: entrances, balconies (usual cantilevered ones, with one dividing wall and on two supporting walls), loggia, loggia balconies and flower girls are solved in a diverse and interesting way.

The operational qualities of large-panel buildings largely depend on the perfection of the designs of the outer panels and their interfaces. Previously used designs of welded joints were not protected from moisture penetration. For the 1-464A series, more reliable designs of embedded joints have been developed; the tests carried out confirmed that such joints are characterized by high capitalization and durability (). Monolithic joints securely connect the floors with both transverse and longitudinal walls, they are protected from freezing, moisture and air permeability.

Improved also Constructive decisions and other elements of houses.

  • A more industrial arrangement of floors is provided with the replacement of a monolithic screed with prefabricated gypsum-cement concrete or expanded clay concrete slabs;
  • a variant of panels of external walls with a size of two rooms has been developed;
  • prefabricated panels of combined roofs were designed, when using which only the joints between the panels are sealed at the construction site and the upper layers of roofing material are laid (see Fig. 6-23);
  • a variant of pile foundations has been developed that is more economical compared to strip foundations(See Figure 6-18).

Volumetric sanitary cabins are made of monolithic reinforced concrete with a wall thickness of 40 mm or waterproof gypsum-cement concrete. In order to more convenient production of installation plumbing work, the location main pipelines it is provided outside the volumetric cabins, which allows you to connect sanitary equipment to general networks without entering the cabins.

Rice. 3-2. Large-panel houses of the 1-464A series

1 - ordinary section 1 - 2 - 3; b-the same, 2-2-2; c—end section 3—3—4; g - facade of a six-section house

All electrical wiring and lighting fixtures are built into the walls of the cabins.

Apparently, for the coming years in large-panel housing construction, structural systems with a frequent arrangement of transverse load-bearing walls, using flat cassette production of products for walls and ceilings from the most famous and cheap materials, since large-panel houses with a frequent step of transverse walls meet the requirements for a variety of apartment layouts, have relatively better technical and economic indicators, have great factory readiness and ease of installation. After the commissioning of all house-building enterprises under construction, about 55% of the total volume of large-panel construction will be carried out according to standard projects of the 1-464A series.

1957-1962: First batch of episodes

Series I- 515 (5-floor panel, 9-floor - in the 70s)

Multi-section, panel residential building with ordinary and end sections.
In house 1, 2, 3 room apartments.
Ceiling height 2.48 m.
Exterior walls are claydite-concrete panels-blocks 400 mm thick.
Internal - concrete panels of thickness. 270 mm.
Partitions gypsum concrete panels 80 mm thick.
Ceilings reinforced concrete multi-hollow panels 220 mm thick.

Had a continuation as a mass 9-storey series
and experimentally - 12-storey.

As a rule, they are relatively well preserved.
Reconstructed series

Reconstruction project for a 5-storey residential building series 1-515
without resettling residents.

Series II-32 (5-story panel)

II-32 - a series of panel five-story multi-section residential buildings,
one of the first series of industrial housing construction, the basis of some areas
mass housing development of the 60s.
Distinctive feature:
the balconies rest on supports extending from the foundation to the last floor.

There are no elevators in the houses, but garbage chutes are usually present.
Heating, cold and hot water supply - centralized.
The houses provide 1, 2 and 3-room apartments with separate and combined bathrooms,
three apartments per floor.
Ceiling height - 2.60 m.
The outer walls of the facades are made of vibro-brick panels with a thickness of 320 mm
with insulation from large-porous expanded clay concrete.
Internal walls - vibrobrick panels in one brick.
Calculations showed that the bearing properties of vibro-brick panels are twice as high,
than a conventional brick wall, however, due to the smaller thickness and greater
filling voids with mortar, many positive properties were lost.
Ceilings and external end walls are reinforced concrete panels.

There is also a version of the II-32 series houses with small apartments.
Several of these houses can be found on Zelenogradskaya Street. in Moscow.
In this case, there are no balconies, the ends are deaf, consisting of 4 panels,
and in the entrance there can be 8-10 apartments per floor.
Part of the facade panels has two narrow vertical windows - these are the windows of the kitchens
two neighboring apartments at the same time.
After the end of the production of panels for the II-32 series, another
several dozen houses with small apartments,
but already with purely brick walls.

Destroyed series. Interesting relatively high floor height.
As a rule, they are quite significantly worn out, the Nodes were especially affected,
balcony supports and roofing.

The most massive and most unsuccessful series in terms of durability.
Practically demolished. Only a few copies remain. See the link in the title for more.

Series I-335 (5-story panel, partial frame)

Most common throughout former USSR a series of panel 5-storey residential buildings.
In the form of individual inclusions are found even in Moscow. The first house in this series was built in
Cherepovets. The largest number houses of this series can be found in St. Petersburg-
Leningrad. There they were produced by Polyustrovskiy DSK. The series was recognized as the most unsuccessful of all
a series of residential buildings designed under Khrushchev. However, oddly enough, they were not included in the list.
houses demolished in Moscow in the first place. The houses of this series were built from 1958 to 1966,
after which they switched to the construction of the modernized series 1-335A, 1-335AK, 1-335K and 1-335D,
which were produced until the late 1980s.

Relative of K7 by design. Has similar problems.

"About the main complexity of the reconstruction work of panel housing
mass series will be semi-frame structures with external load-bearing walls and
inner row of columns, i.e. basic series I-335, widely used
until 1966."

In Moscow, presented in a single copy of the 5th st. Falcon Mountain

The external difference between the 1-335 series and other series in Moscow is wide windows
(double-leaf windows look square), iron 4-pitched roof
and elongated windows almost the entire height of the panel on the stairwells.
The end walls consist of 4 panels with windows on the outer ones.
Usually there is an external fire escape at one of the ends of the house.
In another modification, including which he built
Polyustrovskiy DSK (it is also found in the Moscow region)
may be flat roof no attic at all. There are 4 apartments on the site.

1-2-3-room apartments, ceiling height - 2.55 m. The central room is a walk-through.
Bathroom combined. Water, - and - centralized heat supply.

- spatial rigidity and stability of frame-panel buildings
provided by the joint work of floor panels, columns
and stiffening diaphragms in the form of prefabricated reinforced concrete walls,
interconnected and with metal columns
connections on welding or bolts;

Semi-framed residential buildings of the I-335 series are almost everywhere
are now in a pre-emergency state with almost exhausted reliability
design scheme, therefore, first of all, need to be strengthened
and increasing the rigidity of the system of supporting structures of the entire building as a whole.

Series I-464 (5-floor panel)

The construction of the 464 series of houses began in 1960.
However, these houses did not receive wide distribution,
In addition, the 464 series had a small step of transverse carriers.
walls 2.6-3.2 m. The house of the 464-series was 3
sectional five-story house. Section consists of 4 apartments
on the floor: one 1-room, one two-room
(with adjoining rooms) and two 3-room
(with adjoining-separate rooms) apartments.
The main characteristics of the 464-series:

Bearing wall thickness: 0.35 m
Load-bearing wall material: concrete with ceramic tiles
Ceilings: reinforced concrete, flat per room. (See attached drawings)
Kitchen area: 5-6 m2

Main disadvantages: poor layouts,
small kitchens, thin load-bearing external walls, thin coverings,
moral and physical aging of buildings of the series.

Building construction:
External walls are foam block 400 mm.
Internal panel thicknesses 200.
Partitions - gypsum concrete panels 160, 80 mm thick.
Overlappings - panels 140 mm thick.

A very rare and interesting project. Unlike its progenitor 439a, the very same walls with floor support that we see now in modern monoliths are used here. AT
Moscow did not come across to me ...

And the rest is the standard set of options at that time ...

Well, using these drawings, you can easily understand constructive solution building.

Well, the architectural concepts are presented below.

Reconstruction project for a 5-storey residential building series 1-511 without resettlement of residents for mass

II-29 (9-storey brick)

House type - panel
Floors - 5
Apartments - 1,2,3 rooms
Floor height - 250mm
Three-layer outer panels
Ceilings per room 140mm thick
Manufacturer - until 1962 Giprostroyindustriya trust, further DSK-2
Years of construction - 1958-1966
Distribution cities - Moscow, Dolgoprudny,

Series1605 (5-floor panel)

In the history of large-panel development in Moscow, there are one-day ones, like the already considered II35th & K7th and centenarians. Undoubtedly, the 1605 series, originally developed and produced by the GIPROSTROYINDUSTRIY trust, also belongs to the centenarians. The first versions of the series appeared in 1958, a little late compared to the K-7. BUT latest version built in 1985. when they were already building 44M in full. The record held for a long time and only in last years was beaten by the P44 and P3 series, but at the same time, the 1605th kept the record in conditions of fierce competition with the series of other authors and sometimes changed beyond recognition.

to be continued...

Previous series:

Which was built a relatively small amount on Chokolovka and Otradnoe. Both 9-storey and 5-storey buildings of the 464-series were developed by the Moscow Institute "Giprostroyindustriya". This series was all-Union. The first 9-storey building of this series was released in 1965. It was a dotted 9-story house of the series 1-464A-20.

The construction of these houses was carried out throughout the territory of Kyiv, but especially many of them were built on Chokolovka, Otradnoe, Nivki, Voskresenka, Shulyavka, Solomenka, Darnitsa. But 3 years after the start of construction, the construction of houses of the 1-464A-20 series was discontinued. The reason was that the internal undesirable premises were used inefficiently: large areas were given to stairwells located in the center of the building. In addition, the stairwells did not have windows to the street. This was bad in terms of lighting (it had to work around the clock) and fire safety.

The series has old diseases: a small step of transverse load-bearing walls of 2.6-3.2 m and thin external panels. Currently, realtors often calls the series 1-464A-20"box", erroneously classifying it as a "Khrushchev". However, this is not true. The layouts in this series are a little better, the kitchens are bigger. The house has an elevator. Houses of the 1-464A-20 series are single-section. The section consists of six apartments on the floor: one 1-room apartment, four 2-room apartments (with separate and adjoining rooms) and one 3-room apartment (with adjoining rooms) or six 2-room apartments.


Series marking: 1-464A-20

Bearing wall thickness: 0.35 m

Ceilings: reinforced concrete, tented

Kitchen area: 6-7 m2

The main disadvantages: poor layouts, small kitchens, thin load-bearing external walls, thin hipped ceilings, moral and physical aging of the buildings of the series.

Series Description 1-464A - 51, 52, 53, 54.

For further modernization of the series, the Kyiv Institute KievZNIIEP was determined. By that time (early 70s), the share of the 464-series of Ukrainian house-building plants was 70% of their capacity. As a result of improvements, new modifications of the 464-series appeared: 1-464A - 51, 52, 53, 54.

Ideologically, the concept was already applied in the new nine-story houses 480-series. New modifications 464-series changed externally: they became multi-sectional, got windows on the stairwell, which was combined with the elevator shaft and the garbage chute. However, these houses were built from the same concrete panels with a record low thickness of 0.35 m, with the same small step of transverse load-bearing walls of 2.6-3.2 m. But with all the shortcomings, the series was the simplest, most economical and technologically advanced of all at that time, which made it possible to meet and exceed housing construction plans.

The construction of houses of series 1-464A - 51, 52, 53, 54 began in 1967. Due to its simplicity and cost-effectiveness, the series instantly spread to construction sites. And not only in Kyiv. The series was all-Union and was built in many cities. During the 60-70s, entire micro-districts were built up with the 464-series: Bereznyaki, Borshchagovka, Obolon, Vinogradar, Minsk, Kharkov, Komsomol

The layouts in these houses were "modest". All the same kitchens 6-7 m2, in one-room apartments- shared bathrooms small size living rooms and corridors. Externally, the modifications of the 9-storey houses of series 1-464A - 51, 52, 53, 54 practically do not differ, but inside they have a different structure: latitudinal (4 apartments in a section) and meridional (6 apartments in a section). For example:
1-464A-52 six-section house. The section consists of four apartments per floor: two 2-room apartments (with separate rooms) and two 3-room apartments (with shared-separate rooms);
1-464A-54 six-section house. The section consists of six apartments on the floor: in the end part - three 2-room apartments (with separate passages), two 3-room apartments (with joint-separate rooms) and one 4-room apartment (with joint-separate rooms), in the inner part - two 1-room apartments, two 2-room apartments (with separate rooms) and two 3-room apartments (with shared separate rooms).

In the early 70s, the construction of new 12-storey houses of the series 1-464A-52.
The planning structure of the 12-storey large-panel residential building was based on the end section 9-storey residential building 1-464A-52 using a new solution for a vertical transport hub. Smoke-free stairwell, required by the standards for 12-storey buildings, is moved outside the building and gives the facade from the entrance side a new architectural expression.
This made it possible to use the vacated space for the installation of a second elevator and the organization of floor elevator halls connected to the stairs by passages. Setting the staircase at an angle to the building made it possible to arrange a small entrance lobby on the first floor leading to the elevator hall. The garbage chute is placed in a separate light room. The 12-storey building is designed as a 2-section building. If necessary, sections can be combined into 4- and 6-section residential buildings. The section of this house consisted of 4 apartments per floor: 2 two-room apartments (with separate rooms) and 2 three-room apartments (adjacent-separate rooms)

The new 12-storey building absorbed all the shortcomings of the 464-series into the web, but allowed to increase the number of storeys. The apotheosis of the construction of this type of houses was the CURVED 12-storey residential building of the series 1-464A-52
in the residential area "Komsosmolsky", consisting of 24 sections and having 5 through passages.

The main characteristics of the series 1-464A-5xx:

Series marking: 1-464A-5xx

Bearing wall thickness: 0.30 m

Load-bearing wall material: concrete with ceramic tiles

Ceilings: reinforced concrete, flat (all walls are load-bearing)

Kitchen area: 6-7 m2

Main disadvantages: poor layouts, small kitchens, thin load-bearing external walls, thin flat ceilings, practical impossibility of redevelopment (all walls are load-bearing), moral and physical aging of the series buildings.

1-464 (house series)
Location Russia Russia
Construction Late 1950s -
late 1970s
Usage House
Technical specifications
Number of floors 3-5
Number of elevators Not
Architect N.P. Rozanov (head), engineers B.G. Kocheshkov, A.G. Rosenfeld, I.P. Polozov (Giprostroyindustry)

1-464 - a series of residential buildings in the USSR, developed by the Giprostroyindustriya Institute in the late 1950s. All-Union series of panel Khrushchevs, built throughout the USSR from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s, modifications - until the end of the 1970s. Khrushchevs of the 1-464 series are outwardly recognizable by the windows on the interfloor area in the entrances, identical to the 2-leaf windows in the apartments.

Series 1-464 is recognized as quite successful among panel Khrushchevs and is widely distributed throughout the USSR. In Moscow, a Moscow version of the 1-464 series was built with an increased area of ​​​​apartments under the index 1605-AM / 5, this modification is classified as a series to be demolished.



Houses of multi-section type, the most common are 4-section ones. The house consists of end and ordinary sections.

The height of the house is 5 floors, less often 3 or 4 floors. The first floor is residential.

The basis for the solution of houses of the 1-464 series is a cross-wall structural system. External walls - 1- and 3-layer reinforced concrete panels with a thickness of 21 to 35 cm, depending on the climatic region of construction. External panels - with a "narrow pitch", a width of 2.6 and 3.2 meters. Panels are smooth painted or unpainted with gravel. The balconies are located on panels 3.2 m wide.

Ceilings - solid reinforced concrete slabs 10 cm thick. Partitions - reinforced concrete, solid section, 12 cm thick.

The roof is flat combined, non-ventilated. The roof extends beyond the walls with a "visor" and is covered with rolled bituminous material. Gutters external or absent. There is no technical floor (attic). Ceiling height 2.5 m.


Heating - central water, cold water supply - centralized, sewerage - centralized. Hot water supply - centralized or local (gas water heaters), in the latter case, chimneys are provided in the design of the house. Ventilation - natural in the kitchen and bathroom, ventilation ducts are located in the wall between the bathroom and the kitchen.

There is no elevator or garbage chute.


The houses have one-, two- and three-room apartments. There are 4 apartments on the landing. In the end sections, a set of apartments is 1-1-2-3 or 1-2-2-2, in ordinary 1-2-3-3 or 2-2-2-3.

Rooms in 2-room and 3-room apartments are adjacent, in corner apartments - separate. The bathroom is combined in all apartments.

Standard projects of plants

For the production of sets of products of the I-464 series, the Institute "Giprostroyindustriya" in 1959 developed standard designs for plants. The authors of these projects of plants were engineers V.A. Girsky, N.M. Gaysinsky, M.Z. Okun, A.A. Susnikov, M.I. Vitaliev and N.M. Antoshchenko.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. The cross-wall construction of the building is stronger and more durable than the other popular 1-335 Khrushchev series, which uses an "incomplete frame".
  2. Compared to other series of Khrushchev houses, there are balconies almost everywhere.
  3. More three-room apartments compared to common modifications brick Khrushchev 1-447 .
  4. Residential buildings of the 1-464 series, as a rule, are located in areas of the "middle belt" of cities with well-developed infrastructure and transport accessibility.


  1. The impossibility of redevelopment of the apartment due to the presence of internal load-bearing walls. It is possible to dismantle only two walls of the bathroom and some partitions.
  2. Low thermal insulation of external walls.
  3. Poor soundproofing inside the house.
  4. flat soft roof has a short service life (10-15 years). In summer, the roof gets very hot.
  5. Adjacent rooms in three-room and the largest (44-46 sq. m.) two-room apartments. "Carriage" proportions of rooms in the form of an elongated rectangle with a window on the smaller side.
  6. Close hallway.
  7. Shared bathroom in all apartments.
  8. Like all Khrushchevs - the small size of the kitchen.
  9. Very small landings, even in comparison with some series of Khrushchev houses (2 times less than that of the 1-335 series, which is almost identical in layout).
  10. With the layout option with a predominance of two-room apartments (in the end sections 1-2-2-2, and in the rows 2-2-2-3), all apartments, except for the corner ones, face one side of the world.



Nine-story building series 1-464D in Volgograd
Location Russia Russia
Construction 1966 -
Usage House
Technical specifications
Number of floors 5, 9, 12
Number of elevators 1-2

In 1960, the Giprostroyindustriya institute carried out work to adjust the projects, as a result of which corrected drawings of projects with the “A” index were issued. In 1963-1964 on its basis, the Institute of TsNIIEP Dwellings developed an improved series 1-464A with indices 14..18.

In houses of series 1-464A-14..1-464A-18, the number of walk-through rooms has been reduced, separate bathrooms, two-room apartments with bilateral orientation ("undershirts"). Four-room apartments with two small rooms along the end wall could be located in the corner sections. On the landing of 3 apartments. Outside, the house can be distinguished by twin balconies on the side of the entrances and a reduced number of balconies on the back side.

In 1965-1966 TsNIIEP Dwellings was constructively redesigned the current series 1-464A and significantly expanded the range of projects for residential buildings. Such projects were assigned the index "D".

Based on the 1-464D series, the 111-121 series (originally called 1-464M) was developed. The structures of houses 111-121 were unified with 1-464D, which made it possible to simplify the readjustment of house-building factories. The layout of the apartments was completely redesigned, the area of ​​two- and three-room apartments increased by 8-12 m 2, so 111-121 belongs to the rather comfortable late Brezhnev series (“new layout”).

Regional modifications



One- and two-room apartments are one-sided, three-room apartments are two-sided. All rooms in the apartments are isolated, the area of ​​the common room is 17 m2, the bedrooms are 12-12.5 m2, the kitchens are 8.7 m2. Separate bathrooms with a transversely oriented bath and space for washing machine. All apartments have balconies located on the back side of the house and recessed into the facade. AT three-room apartments in addition, there is a balcony located on the side of the entrances, to which there is an exit from the common room. The three-room apartments are equipped with small closets located at the end of the intra-apartment corridor.

Houses of the 1-464DYa series were produced by the Yaroslavl DSK in the 1970s and 1980s. The construction of houses was carried out mainly in Yaroslavl (Bragino) and, as well as in Rybinsk, Rostov and other cities and towns of the region.


In 1972-1977, in the young city of Novopolotsk (Belarusian SSR), large-scale panel construction was underway, and new city-forming enterprises were introduced. To this end, BelNIIPgradostroitelstva has developed a number of regional-type block sections for production at Novopolotsk DSK. The regional series received the index 1-464DN. In 1980, the project 1-464DN was adjusted. Novopolotsk DSK and Trust No. 16 "Neftestroy" produced panels until the mid-1990s (then the last 10-storey building of the series was assembled in Novopolotsk, and production was stopped).

According to some reports, a total of 219 houses were built, 106 of them in Novopolotsk, 78 in Polotsk. Also 2 houses were built in Leningrad.

13 block-section formats were developed with the placement of apartments and the number of rooms in them. Separate bathrooms, apartments have balconies and balconies (in three-room apartments - one loggia and one balcony, in four-room apartments - two balconies and one balcony, one loggia goes to the end of the house). The entrance to the apartments is through a common pocket-tambour, on the stairwell on even floors there are tanks for the garbage chute. A passenger elevator has also been designed (in high-rise buildings).



  • Typical series of residential buildings in Novosibirsk: redevelopment options, layouts
  • N.P. Rozanov, Large-panel housing construction, Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1982, 224 pages with illustrations.
  • V.A. Kossakovsky, Pioneer of industrial housing construction, Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1980, 80 pages with illustrations.