Wasps spoil the grapes how to get rid of. How to protect grapes from wasps and bees - the most effective methods

  • 13.06.2019

The most effective way, many gardeners consider the protection of grape bushes with a fine mesh. However, you should not hang the fishing net, as the birds get tangled in it - it is unlikely that you will be pleased to constantly release bird bodies from the net.

How to scare birds away from the vineyard?

Vineyard care cannot be called easy: what is it worth wasp control on grapes! But in addition to these sweet lovers, you have to protect the grapes from birds and many small pests that can destroy healthy plants.

Pictured grapes

From the moment the first berries ripen, birds begin to visit the vineyard. Each time they peck a new grape, taking the juice for their chicks, and after them there are wasps that eat away the pulp.

After such visits, the vineyard is a sad sight: the ripest bunches are pecked, a lot of fallen berries lie on the ground ... Moreover, neither stuffed animals, nor sparkling tins and CDs, nor rattles, nor stretched tape recorders scare away the birds.

It is better to use a mesh fabric made of polymer fiber so that the birds, when faced with such a barrier, fly away.

About the fight against wasps in the vineyard

You can also try to pull a fishing line or white and black threads between the wires of the trellis, to which the grapes are tied, in 2-3 tiers. Like snares, the thread will scare away the birds, protecting the crop.

Fighting wasps on grapes with the most popular methods

In the first summer months, wasps can be considered beneficial insects, since at this time they successfully exterminate caterpillars, needing protein food.

But by the end of summer, wasps become real agricultural pests due to the increasing need for sweet food.

Large colonies of these insects can spoil a considerable number of berries, especially in thin-skinned varieties, and painful wasp stings greatly complicate manual harvesting.

It is undesirable to treat the vines with chemicals, otherwise ripe grapes will be unsuitable for food, so growers usually choose mechanical methods control of annoying insects. The most popular wasp control methods are nest destruction and traps.

In the photo wasps

Nests are easier to find in the morning, when the wasps fly out in search of food, or in the evening, when they return. Destroy the same colonies in the nest better at night while most wasps are inside.

After dark, put on goggles, gloves, and protective clothing so that there are no exposed areas of the body for bites. The flashlight should be covered with something red, because wasps cannot see red light.

Spray a suitable insecticide directly into the hornet's nest. You can also use smoke bombs: insects fall down from the smoke, and already on the ground you calmly crush them.

After the destruction of the colony, do not forget to remove the empty nest.

You can limit the population of wasps by luring them into traps bought in a specialty store or made by yourself.

Making a trap is simple: cut off the top of a plastic 2 or 1.5 liter bottle and insert it back upside down, after pouring jam into the bottom of the bottle.

Flying inside to the seductive smell, the wasp will not be able to get back and get bogged down in jam.

It is advisable to use sweet jam or syrup for traps at the end of summer; in June-July, wasps will be more attracted to a piece of fresh fish, meat or liver. The bait is placed in a small container fixed at the bottom, filling the bottom with soapy water, in which the wasps will drown.

To prevent wasps and bees from spoiling the grapes, they sometimes put covers made of ordinary nylon tights on the bunches. The leaves around the bunches should be removed, otherwise the berries will rot.

about simple and effective method wasp control in the vineyard

The main pests of grapes and methods for their destruction

Some pests cause damage to the vineyard no less than birds and wasps.

Various types of caterpillars, beetles and mites eat away grape buds, damage eyes and berries, cause leaf death, and gnaw young shoots.

All this greatly affects the yield. In most cases, special preparations are used to destroy grape pests.

Common pest control measures:

  • Grape felt mite. It forms on the leaves swellings of a reddish color on the outside and depressions with a felt coating on the inside. It can damage young shoots, clusters and flowers, which is much more dangerous than leaf damage. Against the tick in the summer, plants are sprayed with sulfur-containing preparations.
  • Spider mite. It pierces the leaves, sucking the juice out of them, as a result, growing yellow spots appear on the surface of the leaves, and then the leaves die off. The habitat of the tick is braided with a thin cobweb. Help to get rid of spider mite spraying grape bushes with phosphamide, neoron or DNOC.
  • Biennial flyer. Caterpillars of the 1st generation damage the buds, arranging nests in them, and the 2nd generation of caterpillars eat the berries. When the flight of butterflies begins, it is necessary to treat the vineyard with any insecticides. It is also necessary to remove plant debris in time and provide the bushes with good ventilation.
  • Grape leaflet. Caterpillars eat opening buds, young shoots, inflorescences, leaves and berries. The control measures are the same as with the biennial leaflet. To destroy wintering pupae, the trunk and bark of the sleeves should be cleaned, immediately burning everything cleaned.

On the photo is a grape leaflet

  • Growing leaflet. The 1st generation of caterpillars gnaws buds and young ovaries, and the 2nd and 3rd generations eat green and ripe grapes, braiding them with cobwebs. They get rid of bunch leafworms by spraying grape bushes with Iskra-D, Iskra Double Effect, Commander, Sherpa, Confidor, Fury.
  • Grape mosquito. Its larvae bite into the leaf plate, forming swellings. With significant damage, the leaves are deformed, and the inflorescences and ovaries die. Wintering pupae can be destroyed by annual digging of the soil in the vineyard.
  • Phylloxera. Settling on the roots of a grape bush, a small insect pierces them, causing the roots to rot, and the plant weakens or even dies. There is no effective control method yet, only growing phylloxera-resistant European grape varieties and carefully inspecting seedlings before buying helps.
  • Vladimir
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Source: https://orchardo.ru/432-borba-s-osami.html

How to protect grapes from wasps: affordable ways

Wasps do no harm vine, but by sucking out the sweet nectar and pulp from ripe berries, they can spoil the harvest.

Yellow-brown insects, having bitten through a berry, leave it and fly to another. The greatest concern is caused by wasp colonies, which massively damage the fruits - bitten clusters lose their presentation.

A spoiled crop can be put into processing, but in this case the question arises about the profitability of the vineyard.

How to protect grapes from wasps without using insecticides and maintaining the ecological purity of the crop? Be guided by the recommendations of experienced agricultural technicians and winegrowers.

Harm of winged insects

Yellow-black insects live in a colony, the activity of which falls on the middle of summer - the moment the grapes ripen. Pests eat not only berries, but also ripe fruits.

Changing the habitual diet leads to spoilage of fruits, which become a breeding ground for flies, bees or fungal pathogens.
In some areas, wasps massively damage crops. They gnaw out the pulp, make a couple of punctures on neighboring grapes.

The berries undergo fermentation, and the pests return to the territory again. Folk methods will help to prevent damage.

Effective methods of dealing with wasps

How to save grapes from wasps without damaging the crop? Choose a combination of active and passive techniques. The second option is environmentally friendly and versatile, but due to the quality, agronomists suggest considering the first method.

Active methods of crop conservation

The active struggle of a person with wasps that appear on fruitful grapes can begin with the ruin of a nest:

  • the location of insects in open space accelerates its elimination;
  • nest removal is performed in the spring;
  • to eliminate the risks of skin damage, it is better to wear protective clothing, goggles;
  • you need to act in the evening, illuminate the place only with red light - pests do not perceive it;
  • the nest is fumigated or sprayed with dichlorvos, subsequently burned.

Keep in mind that it is almost impossible to find all the winged settlements: they can be located behind the vineyard, as well as under the roofs of buildings, and even on the ground if the soil is sandy.

How to make wasp traps

Traps with sweet filler (fermented fruit juice, mash and beer, insecticides that emit a sugary smell), hung around the territory occupied by grape bushes, are a good protection for grapes from wasps. They are easy to make from plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5 liters. To prepare the trap:

  1. The narrow part is cut off with a sharp knife.
  2. The resulting capacity is visually divided into two parts.
  3. Small holes are drilled along the visual line so that the smell of sweets can spread.
  4. A sweet composition is poured into the vessel and closed with the conical part of the bottle (you must first unscrew the cork).
  5. A wire is threaded into the prepared holes.
  6. The device is hung on a grape trellis.

The wasps will react to the sweet bait, fall into the tank, but will not fly back. Boric acid can be added to a vessel with them - insects will die. Traps should be hung out with the onset of warm days, when migratory pests choose places for a future colony.

Products to help ward off pests

If it is impossible to resist traps on vineyards, chemical spraying of bushes is used. But insecticide treatment affects the environmental performance of fruits. Gardeners recommend using the aromatic impact of organic products. Wasps do not tolerate:

  • lemon and cloves. Along the perimeter of the vineyard, citrus slices are placed, in which clove sticks are placed;
  • table bite. The solution is sprayed with a spray gun over the bunches. Processing is carried out 1 time in 14 days;
  • smoke from the fire. You can place a brazier near the grapes and periodically burn garbage in it.

As a variant of the destructive bait, boric acid is used. On the site occupied by the vineyard, put several containers, lightly smeared with honey and sprinkled with the drug. The main thing is to clean the trap from dead pests in a timely manner.

Passive wasp fighting

The technique of passive struggle includes several methods. Each of them has its own characteristics. In suburban and small areas use:

  • repeller that resembles a hornet's nest. If you hang it near the vineyard, then the insects will not dare to build a colony, because the territory is already occupied. An artificial nest can be bought at a specialized store, or you can make it yourself. canvas bag not big size stuffed with plastic bags, tied and attached to the chosen place;
  • spraying with onion infusion will partially solve the situation, how to deal with wasps. You can choose a tincture of garlic, but the smell of berries will leave much to be desired;
  • a mosquito net cover that is worn on each bunch. The pest will not be able to get into the bag, so choose a mesh fabric, gauze, agrofibre, which dries very quickly so that there is air access to the berries, otherwise they will rot;
  • the use of salt sprinkled on brushes or sweet rotten fruit. Apples, bananas or grapes watered with chemicals are laid out in containers under a bush.

An effective fight against harmful wasps that appeared on grapes includes a complex combination of active and passive techniques.

Wasps will never attack dense, healthy grapes with damaged skins, so the best measure to protect grapes from wasps is proper and effective plant care.

Source: https://idachi.ru/sad-i-ogorod/vinograd/kak-uberech-vinograd-ot-os.html

Protecting grapes from wasps with proven methods

One of its pests, the wasp, loves to feast on the sweet nectar of ripe grapes. A small insect brings great damage to the crop. Spoils " appearance» ripe, ready-to-sell bunches. Grapes are eaten by wasps, making a puncture on the skin, sucking out the sweet nectar.

Wasp on grapes: stages of defeat

Wasps can cause significant damage to the grape harvest

The root cause of the formation of a whole colony of yellow-black insects is a fertilized uterus. It is with the construction of her nest and the subsequent laying of eggs that the sharp increase in the colony in the spring is associated, when crops bloom in the gardens.

A month later, about a dozen working individuals appear, and in mid-July, the growth in the number of wasps reaches its climax. The offspring of striped pests initially feeds on protein food, destroying harmful caterpillars, any carrion.

At the end of August, the replenishment of the colony with new insects is on the wane. The diet is changing. Preference is given to sweet foods. A berry that has lost its integrity is not completely eaten by a wasp.

Its remains are a nutrient medium for bees, flies, fungal cultures.

Attention! Often, wasps hiding in the pulp of the fruit cause serious injuries. A pest not noticed by a person, along with the fetus, enters the mouth.

In case of damage to the oral cavity, the occurrence of a tumor, you must urgently contact a medical institution. If the bite is outside, then baking soda will help.

The affected area is treated with its solution, and then a cold compress is applied to remove the swelling.

Resist the pest: general principles

When asked what to do with wasps, the answer is to fight. This is not easy: spraying with insecticides is undesirable, because.

fruit ripening and harvest time do not allow to maintain the necessary pause to mitigate the action of toxic substances.

With the invasion of wasps, when you urgently need to save the grapes, you can, nevertheless, sprinkle it with the composition: dilute chlorophos (50 g) in 10 liters of water.

The wasps feed on the juice of figs, which are often already damaged by birds.

Other ways to save grapes from wasps include:

  • Destruction of wasp nests. It is there that the uterus, the main number of the colony, is located. The location of the shelter is tracked in morning hours at the departure of wasps or before sunset when they return back. Extermination is carried out with special insecticide preparations against wasps. With the onset of darkness, the nest filled with insects from all sides, especially in the middle, is treated with chemicals. All parts of the body must be protected by protective clothing. The cuffs are firmly fixed. The head is protected by a mosquito net. A lantern with red glass is used as a light source: wasps do not perceive red waves.
  • Quite often, striped insects feed on the juice of those berries that were previously pecked by birds - another "lovers" to feast on juicy fruits. It is the juice that attracts birds. To protect bunches of grapes from wasps and birds, a special protective mesh made of fine mesh is used. polymer material(cloths). It is installed on the path of summer, protecting the bunches. If you disperse containers with water around the vineyard, then the birds will stop pecking at the berries, receiving life-giving moisture from the drinkers. This means that there will be no reason for the wasps to visit the vineyard when the fruits are ripening.

Cluster caps

  • The most effective (the most time-consuming) is the "personal" protection of clusters. For this, special mesh bags are put on each to protect the grapes from wasps. In stores, they can be bought in different sizes, taking into account the weight of the brush. In hand-made production, tulle of old curtains, gauze, even worn stockings, tights are used as material. Grono is completely isolated from the penetration of insects. To do this, the bag is tightly tied on top.
  • Smoke from a fire or "Liquid Smoke" for smoking products helps to drive away insects. The low-toxic drug Sochva is used as an artificial repeller. It retains the smell of smoke, settling on leaves and fruits.

Active protection of bunches of grapes: chemicals and traps

Types of traps

Fermenting juices and compotes - attract insects

  • You can catch wasps on sweet bait. Where there is no shade, hang a plastic container into which you first pour fermented compote, sweet syrup or honey water. Crawling through the neck to smell inside, the wasps drown in the solution. The contents of the bottles are changed periodically. This is especially true in hot weather.
  • It is better to attract single queens into traps in early spring. This should be done without stopping catching from early spring days until autumn, until the entire crop is harvested, because. other migratory wasps, ready for fertilization, fly to the place of the caught insect.
  • For catching there various models traps distributed through the trade network. But more often, gardeners are trying to solve the question of how to protect the grapes from wasps by making a trap with their own hands. This can be done using the same plastic container. In a 2 liter bottle, the upper cone-shaped part with a neck is cut off. In the prepared blank 50 mm above the bottom with a knitting needle, make holes with an awl so that air circulates. Make two opposite holes in the upper part of the container (for hanging the trap to a tree on a thread or wire). A place is being set up for bait. It can be a glass shot (25 g) or another container fixed at the bottom. The bait is placed in it, and soapy water is poured to the bottom, which does not reach the crown of the container with the bait. The inverted cut-off part of the bottle in the form of a funnel is inserted into the trap. It remains only to hang it in a place protected from the wind. Attracted by the smell of the contents of the bottle, the insect penetrates through the narrow neck. Trying to grab a heavy piece of prey, it is not held on takeoff and falls into a liquid soapy solution, from which it cannot get out.

Attention! Pieces of fish and meat are used as bait. The main thing is that the products are fresh. The smell of rotten wasp meat is not attractive. It needs to be changed periodically.

The soapy film on the surface of the water inside lowers the degree of surface tension, under their own weight the wasps drown.

But this arrangement of wasp traps also requires time for periodic cleaning of the contents of the bottle, a constant change of priming.


Chemical preparations can be added to man-made traps so that the berries are not covered with a poisonous agent

What to do if it is problematic to hang nets on a bunch of grapes from wasps, and you come to the dacha only on weekends? In this case, protect the grapes from wasps not only on own site, but neighbors can also use insecticides.

Just do not spray them, but add them to the bait. In this case, the solution should not smell like chemicals, scaring away wasps. When the berries are just filled with sweet juice, the same cut bottles are hung all over the vineyard.

Any pesticide from caterpillars is added to the bait. For better access to it, the donkey trap is equipped with bridges, along which they can freely reach the bait.

The peculiarity of the method of destruction of insects is that they feast on a solution of contact-intestinal damage. They fly away and then they die. As a result, the traps remain clean.

It is only necessary to periodically add a poisoned mass to them or replace it with despised juicy fruits (apples, pears), pre-treated with chemicals.

If the grapes are damaged by wasps, then all the plants near the grape bushes can be sprinkled with the same composition. A sweet patina on the leaves attracts wasps, and then everything is as described above. Only with a nearby apiary can bees suffer.

Where to take a tick for analysis

Download pest control guide

Source: http://vreditel-stoi.ru/sad/vinograd/osyi-na-vinograde.html

How to protect the grape harvest from wasps and protect it for the entire ripening period

Although wasps are not the most dangerous pests of grapes, they can significantly spoil the appearance of the grapes.

For growers who grow fruits for direct sale, this is especially true - sometimes just two or three berries bitten by insects completely deprive the bunch of its marketable appearance.

In such cases, the desire to protect grapes from wasps is quite understandable, because it is directly related to the issue of profitability of growing crops.

In addition, wasps, in most cases, do not completely eat out the berries already damaged by them, but begin to gnaw and spoil new ones, and indiscriminately: both already damaged bunches and still untouched.

As a result, even a relatively small number of insects can spoil a significant proportion of a ripe crop.

Of course, it will fit for processing for making wine, but it will be more difficult to sell such spoiled grapes, and it will be stored for much less time.

“My wasps regularly beat the grapes, and at the time of harvesting, not a single bunch remains untouched.

I noticed, by the way, such a nuance: a wasp can gnaw out the pulp in a berry, and then, after a meal, make a couple of punctures on neighboring grapes.

Under these punctures, the pulp begins to ferment, and after a couple of days the insects return here for just such a “braga”. And they don’t eat properly, but they spoil a lot.”

Konstantin, Volgograd

The question of how to protect the crop and save it from regular “raids” has been worrying winegrowers for more than a dozen years, and today skilled gardeners have developed quite a lot of effective ways to protect grapes from wasps. All these methods can be divided into two groups - active and passive.

The first one works according to the principle best defense is an attack”, and the end result of their implementation is the direct destruction of the pests themselves: if not all, then at least the main part of them. Under certain conditions, these methods of dealing with wasps on grapes are very effective, but sometimes they are dangerous for the person himself.

The second group - passive methods of struggle - allow you to save grapes from wasps by creating an insurmountable mechanical barrier for insects. Such methods can be considered gentle and more environmentally friendly.

After all, it should be remembered that wasps, being pests of grapes, partly help the grower himself in the fight against other unwanted insects: wasps actively destroy bugs, grasshoppers, caterpillars, aphids, which are also not averse to eating sweet berries. Therefore, even despite the laboriousness, such barrier protection of grapes from wasps is used quite often - both the wasps are full and the clusters are intact.

All ways to protect grapes

Now let's talk in more detail about how you can save your crop from wasps, and be able to protect it from these insects throughout the season.

Active ways to protect grapes include the following approaches:

  1. Destruction of the nest of wasps - if their dwelling is liquidated before the grapes ripen, then there will be no one to spoil it. However, this method is only suitable for small private vineyards and situations where the gardener knows exactly where the nest is located on the site, because to look for it (and it may not be the only one) outside the vineyard, and even more so - in someone else's garden or vegetable garden , is extremely difficult.
  2. Fight against wasps in the vineyard with special traps.
  3. And the third way is the extermination of insects with the help of poisoned baits (for small farms, sometimes this is the best way to save grapes from wasps).

Passive control methods usually do not lead to the death of winged pests. These include:

  1. Repelling wasps from a vineyard is a rather controversial method in which the clusters and bushes themselves are directly sprayed with repellent chemicals. This method allows you to protect the crop, but in the future it requires serious preparation of the grapes for eating - it must be thoroughly washed from chemicals.
  2. Packing ripening bunches in special mesh protective bags. Perhaps this is the most reliable method of protecting grapes. However, it is very time-consuming and costly: for example, if on a farm with 30-40 bushes all bunches can still be relatively easily hidden in such bags, then for hundreds of bushes such packing will require a very large amount of work and costs for the nets themselves.

As you can see, you can save your crop in different ways, but in fact, choosing the most appropriate way to deal with wasps on grapes is not so difficult:

  • if a nest is found on the site, it is destroyed in the first place;
  • if there are no wasp nests on the site, and there are a lot of grapes, then traps and / or poisoned baits are placed between the rows of bushes, allowing you to save valuable clusters from mass sabotage (we will talk about the construction and manufacture of such traps and baits a little lower);
  • on an industrial scale, you can save grapes from wasps by spraying the bushes with insecticides, and after harvesting, wash the berries in special devices;
  • in small farms with expensive grape varieties, it is rational to hide the bunches in protective bags.

“We were furious when we started noticing that half of our Elite Red Rose was being literally gnawed off by wasps.

Moreover, the wasps do not eat the grapes completely, but only gnaw the bottom of the berry to the level of the seeds and leave such hanging peels to dry. Nightmare. We didn't even know what to do.

Neighbors said that you can put on special bags for grapes from wasps to protect the bunches. We immediately bought such nets, but we have a lot of grapes, and the nets cost money, as it were, a considerable amount.

The Red Rose was closed, and the wine and all the green dining rooms were then collected beaten. Here, we are preparing traps for wasps for the new season, I really don’t want to face such a problem again. ”

Ludmila, Tuapse

Wasp traps

The main advantage of wasp traps is their high efficiency and at the same time safety for humans - they can be used to get rid of pests without the risk of being bitten and without spraying the grapes themselves with potentially dangerous chemicals.

Such traps are made from ordinary plastic bottles. The top third of the bottle is cut off, turned upside down and inserted into the bottom. Previously, the bait is poured into the lower half: beer with sugar, fermented jam, mash or kvass with bread.

Photo traps for wasps:

Do not use a honey solution or sweet syrup as a bait, on which bees that are useful and do not spoil the grapes can flock.

The wasp, having penetrated through the inverted neck into the bottle, will no longer be able to get out of the trap: instinctively taking off along the walls, it will not be able to find a way out, and as a result, it will simply drown in the liquid bait. If you place such traps on the site and regularly fill them from the beginning of summer, you can almost completely get rid of wasps on grapes.

Practice shows that from several tens to a couple of hundred insects can fly into one such bottle per day.

Traps can be hung on supports for grapes, placed in conspicuous places among the rows: the more there are, the more reliable it will be to protect your crop (experienced gardeners recommend installing at least one trap near each bush).

Poisoned baits and the safety of grapes

One of the most effective ways to protect the grapes from wasps is the use of poisoned baits. Some of these remedies lead to the death of insects only a few hours after eating, while others begin to act almost instantly.

It is worth noting that when choosing this method of protecting grapes, you need to remember one important feature: the bait should not have a strong "chemical" smell (otherwise the wasps will simply ignore it).

Today there is whole line poisonous agents that meet this requirement - for example, powerful insecticidal preparations "Lambda Zone", "Delta Zone", "Get" and some others.

All of them are practically odorless, relatively safe for humans and pets, but at the same time they have an excellent poisoning ability in relation to insects.

The baits are poured into saucers, cut off the bottoms of plastic bottles or into wide mugs and placed in prominent places near the grapes: the more there are on the site, the more reliably it will be possible to protect the grapes. As it is eaten by insects and natural evaporation, the poisoned delicacy must be added.

As a basis for the preparation of poisoned bait, sour jam, beer or kvass with sugar is usually used, in which, in addition to the above preparations, boric acid or chlorophos can also be added in a ratio of 10: 1 (10 parts of the base are taken for one part of the insecticide). Boric acid and chlorophos are also odorless, and therefore the treats will be invisible to insects in the composition.

Sweet and easily accessible "treats" in saucers are good at attracting wasps flying to grapes, and as a result, soon after feeding, lead to the death of insects.

Sometimes meat or lard processed from above is also used as bait. boric acid or other odorless insecticide. The wasps bite off small pieces and carry them to their nest, where they feed the larvae and the queen, which later die.

Destroying the nest of insects

Destroying a nest of wasps is a rather time-consuming and dangerous operation. The fact is that these insects, protecting the nest, can attack with a whole swarm, and therefore all actions should be carried out in tight clothes, a beekeeper's mask and, if possible, at night.

Usually wasp nests are located under the roofs of outbuildings, in cavities under the slate, between the finishing material and the wall of the house itself, in the cavities of pipes.

There are several ways to destroy a nest:

  • douse with gasoline and burn;
  • drown in a bucket of water;
  • place in a bag with an insecticide solution previously poured into it;
  • spray aerosol insecticides on wasp dwellings.

When choosing the first option for destruction (burning), it is imperative to remember fire safety measures - the wasp nest is built from a paper-like material, so it flares up well and quickly. At the same time, there is a serious danger of fire spreading to nearby buildings or trees.

To drown the dwelling of the wasps, you will need a ladder of suitable height, with which you can support a bucket of water from below, pressing it together with the nest inside to the ceiling.

Treatment with insecticidal aerosols usually has to be carried out several times - for each dose, the drug will destroy a significant number of adult insects and larvae (some of the wasps will scatter). Certainly, this method requires a systematic approach, but it is relatively simple to implement and at the same time quite effective.

For the destruction of a particularly large or hard-to-reach nest wasps, you can also call firefighters or a special team of exterminators. In many cases, this allows not only to save the grapes, but also to protect the owners of the site from regular bites.

Mesh bags to protect clusters: rules of use, advantages and disadvantages

Even before the advent of specialized protective bags made of fine mesh, old women's tights were used, which simply covered the bunches. This made it possible to save grapes from wasps with great reliability.

However, as the grapes ripened, the berries in such a grid choked, which is why the question arose of the need for a specialized solution.

So there were bags to protect the grapes from wasps from a thick polyethylene mesh with ties that freely fit the bunch and do not limit its growth.

Today on sale there are nets for grapes the size of a liter and three-liter jars.

The main disadvantage of such bags for grapes is the difficulty of their use when in large numbers bushes. However, they provide the most reliable protection for the clusters, avoid the use of insecticides and can be used for several years in a row.

Putting bags for grapes on bunches should be when you find the first berries beaten by insects. In this case, you should always use bags with a margin of size.

You can also ward off wasps from grapes by spraying them with special substances - either strong-smelling or toxic to insects.

There are some folk remedies for this purpose: experienced gardeners recommend, for example, using vinegar - wine or ordinary table.

It is easily washed off from the clusters by rain, is not toxic, but at the same time it allows you to temporarily scare away the wasps and retains its effect for several days or even weeks.

You can also treat grapes with Thiovit Jet, Kinmiks and some others like them, but after harvesting, it will be necessary to thoroughly wash all the bunches of chemicals.

Liquid smoke, which is usually used in home smokehouses, will also help scare away wasps from grapes - they cultivate the soil under the bushes.

The smell of smoke, as a rule, repels wasps, however, as practice shows, the effectiveness of this remedy is still very limited, and even after its application, part of the grapes is still damaged.

with a good example of protecting grapes from wasps

Making very effective wasp traps with your own hands and demonstrating their work

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Caring for a vineyard requires a lot of effort, patience and love. And when you see grapes ripening, your heart is filled with pride for the harvest. But this idyll can be destroyed by simple insects - ordinary wasps. They attack vineyards and eat ripening berries, significantly damaging them, and sometimes leaving only the skin. Wasps can cause great damage to the presentation, and in small farms, they can practically destroy the crop. You can’t let the grapes die, and for this you need to know what to do if the wasps eat grapes.

Start of the fight. Season

At the very end of spring, you begin to notice occasionally flying wasps, quite large in size. They are slowly circling in your area and, most likely, these are queens. The uterus chooses a suitable place for arranging the nest, and be sure she will find it - under the roof, in building materials piled up in the yard, in old birdhouses, in cracked bark on tree trunks.

Keep a close eye on the queens, try to determine where the hornet's nest appeared. Its destruction is the main and primary action that must be carried out on initial stage. The sooner you find the nest, the better. The more nests you find, the better. Exactly physical destruction the maximum number of individuals will reduce the threat of crop damage in the future. In order not to puzzle over how to get rid of wasps at the end of summer, protect your vineyard in the spring.

Fighting methods. Traps

If wasps eat grapes, it means that they really like their delicate, juicy, sweet taste. This is worth taking advantage of if you decide to fight them with the help of traps. The variety of devices is amazing. As soon as they do not hang them and do not tie them to the vine, and as soon as they do not decorate.

Traps are usually identical in principle of their action. Most often, this is an ordinary plastic bottle, cut in half and inserted into one another, according to the principle of a funnel. Sweet syrup is poured to the bottom, and the wasps, making their way inside to the sweet smell, can no longer get out.

An interesting way using beer instead of syrup in traps. Oddly enough, beer is to the taste of insects, and they willingly make a choice in its favor. Therefore, you can simply hang ordinary containers with the remains of beer among the branches - pests will definitely get there.


The use of insecticides is still the preferred method. For this, similar or slightly modified bottle traps are used, for example, supplemented with slots, with sticks stuck in them, along which the wasps will make their way inside.

The only difference is that a solution of some insecticidal agent is added to the syrup. You can buy it in gardening stores. Such funds are usually produced in ampoules.

If you don’t feel like making traps, you can take old sheets or oilcloth, spread it everywhere under vine trees and sprinkle overripe fruit treated with wasp chemicals on them.

You can take halves of eaten watermelons or melons, and even dried fish- the main thing is that these are very odorous products. Insects have an excellent sense of smell, and the stronger the smell of food, the higher the interest in it. Sheets strewn with dead individuals can be easily shaken out and a new poisoned bait laid out on them.

Harvest protection

Many gardeners use special bags that are put on the bunches. The method is really very good, such protective mesh devices perfectly protect juicy grapes not only from wasps, but also from birds.

You can, for example, wrap each bunch with gauze or cloth. For this, capron is most often used. Sometimes a stocking is put on a bunch. But this method is applicable only in small vineyards, in a large farm you will get too much labor.

Variety selection

The most effective natural, if you can call it that, way to save grapes from wasps is to choose varieties that are not attractive to them. Yes, those exist, and they are great in their taste and commercial qualities.

Most often, this is the result of selection and hybridization, therefore, in addition to resisting wasps, they also have increased resistance to diseases and pests. For example, such varieties as: Timur-2, Flame, Charlie, as well as Adamas, Dion, Sudar - do not touch the wasps at all. As you can see, there are a lot of options, and after trying some, you will see that an excellent grape variety can combine excellent taste for a person and be completely tasteless for wasps.

Grow your vineyard with love and attention, seize the time and opportunity for optimal wasp control on the grapes, change the contents of the traps in time, and you are guaranteed a great harvest.

walked past summer cottages, on almost every one we see growing grapes. These berries are widely loved by our people: they can be used to cook compote, make wine and just enjoy. But in order to grow a decent crop, you need to know how to save grapes from wasps. This is a big problem, since it is these insects that damage most berries.

How fast do many wasps breed?

Many amateur gardeners think about the question of how to save grapes from wasps only when their number reaches hundreds. In fact, you need to protect yourself from insects from early spring until the end of the season.

The Greek philosopher Democritus suggested that all people spray the vines of grapes. olive oil. This, of course, is an effective way, but for Russia and other countries former USSR is very costly. Experienced Russian growers keep their secrets of dealing with harmful insects. If the gardener knows how to save grapes from wasps, this means that he will always be able to harvest a full crop and please his loved ones with delicious berries.

From the very beginning, there are not very many insects, and the basis of their diet is protein food. Female wasps begin to wake up in the summer and look for suitable places for their nests. Later they lay their eggs in them. At this time, there are no wasps, except for females. Offspring in the amount of 5-6 individuals will appear in the nests after 30 days. Then the female will continue to lay eggs, and by July the number of wasps will reach several hundred. It is in the middle of summer that insects become adults and begin to eat berries. By this time, you should clearly know how to save the grapes from wasps. Otherwise, part of the fruit will be eaten, and the rest will rot from bacteria.

How to protect grapes from wasps

In order to prevent the growth of a whole colony of insects, it is necessary to start taking measures in the spring. There are several effective ways to protect grapes from wasps. Each experienced gardener or just an amateur must determine for himself what is more suitable for him. All methods of insect control are quite laborious, because they coincide with the ripening of berries, and therefore pesticides cannot be used.

Ways to protect grapes from wasps:

  1. Removing insect nests from vines in early spring.
  2. Spraying brushes with saline.
  3. Laying out insecticide-treated sweet fruits near grapes.
  4. Wasp traps.
  5. The use of "liquid smoke".
  6. Protection of brushes with pouches or nets.

Each person must choose for himself a more suitable method of dealing with aggressive insects. This article will describe in detail the effective methods.

Description of how to deal with wasps

Removing nests from vines in early spring is a very effective method. After all, knowing how to protect grapes from wasps, you can easily get good harvest. With the onset of heat, you need to carefully examine the vine. If there are nests, then they need to be eliminated. Put on protective clothing, remove the nest in a bag or fabric bag, and then burn or crush it.

The second way - spraying with saline - is to make salt water and sprinkle brushes with it. The third method: rotten sweet fruits (pears, apples, grapes) are laid out in containers near the vineyard. They must be treated with an insecticide in advance. Insects will happily pounce on such a delicacy. The fourth way to protect grapes from wasps is traps. Such devices are sold in markets or shops. But most growers make their own. To do this, you need a regular plastic bottle (displacement does not matter). Its top is cut off, a wire handle is attached, several holes are punched at the bottom for ventilation. A bait is placed in the trap (meat or fish is better, because sweets attract others beneficial insects), and the cut off top of the bottle is inserted into the fixture with the neck down.

Wasp bags

You can also buy "Liquid Smoke" to protect the grapes. It is used for smoking meat. It creates a good scare effect. Wasps, like many animals and insects, do not like the smell of smoke, so they fly around it.

A very humane sixth method is grape bags from wasps. They can be purchased at the store or sewn yourself from gauze or agrofibre. You need to put on bags separately for each brush. The process will take a certain amount of time, but all the berries will be protected. The bag should be larger than the brush so that the grapes inside do not wrinkle. As experienced growers say, the best wasp net for grapes is the one made of nylon mesh washcloths. Gauze dries for a long time after the rain, the agrofiber bag is fragile, so it is best to make it from a washcloth. The washcloth simply dissolves and that's it - the mesh is ready. Cheap and fast, because bath accessories can be bought at any hardware store.

Purchased mesh for grapes

Many do not want to spend time sewing bags, it is easier for them to purchase a finished product. Moreover, in modern times, there is a large selection of goods in stores. The grape net is easily attached to the vines and reliably protects the berries from insects. The pouch fits neatly into general form plants. The mesh is made of durable and high-quality plastic, so it will not tear or dry out in the sun. Grids are different sizes. Another plus is that the grid does not highlight harmful substance- phenol.

Why you need to protect yourself from wasps

Every season gardeners have to take care of their vineyards. Wasp protection is very important, because an aggressive insect can eat most of the crop, and the rest will simply rot. If growers use wasp nets for grapes, then you need to know one more nuance: you need to cut off the leaves around the brushes - this will improve ventilation and prevent the berries from rotting.

Conditionally divided by 2 large groups- mechanical or physical, chemical. The fight against wasps in the vineyard is being carried out with folk remedies.

mechanical destruction

You can save grapes from wasps and bees even before they appear on the site in large numbers. It is necessary to carefully inspect the area for the presence of nests. poured with boiling water, doused with combustible substances, set on fire. If the nest is located under the roof of outbuildings, in the attic, it is easier to drown it. They collect a bucket of water, carefully approach the wasp house, quickly dip it into the water.


Ordinary plastic bottles from drinks will help protect grapes from wasps. The process does not take much time, does not require special skill. In one trap per day, from several dozen individuals to hundreds are caught.

  1. Cut off the neck of the bottle, turn it inward in the form of a watering can.
  2. Fix with adhesive tape, adhesive tape, stapler.
  3. Inside place a bait for wasps. Insects like fruit, sugar syrup, honey, jam, lemonade, kvass, beer.
  4. Hang traps for wasps in the vineyard throughout the site.

The method does not provide 100% protection, but it significantly reduces the extent of damage to berries, and makes it difficult to attack en masse.

On a note!

Ready-made sell sticky traps for insects. They have bright colors to attract pests, impressive size. You can do it yourself at home, where a sheet of plywood, plastic, oilcloth is used as the basis. A thick layer of non-drying glue is applied on top. Hang around the site.


If the wasps eat grapes already at the ripening stage, you can protect the berries with the help of. The method is great for small areas where the number of bushes does not exceed 5 pieces. Grape brushes are immersed in a transparent net, the lace is tightened on top. Such uniforms do not interfere with the ripening of the crop, do not allow pests. The main disadvantage of the method is its laboriousness. Every bunch of grapes needs to be sealed. Nets protect against wasps and birds.

scare away

To protect grapes from wasps during their ripening, you need to know. This can be done with strong fragrances. The advantage of the method lies in the availability, absolute security. The disadvantage is the minimum duration. The protection remains as long as the fragrance is present.

  • Vinegar from wasps is used grape, apple, table. To prepare a solution for 1 liter of cold water, add 100 ml of vinegar. Spray the grapes early in the morning.
  • Wasp soda is used during the ripening period of berries, when chemicals protection is prohibited. soda solution increases the sugar content of berries, prevents the formation of rot, promotes the healing of berries after punctures by insect proboscis, helps to repel wasps. For 10 liters of cold water you will need 5 tbsp. spoons of baking soda, 20 ml of liquid laundry soap. It is necessary to process grapes from wasps in the evening or early in the morning.
  • Liquid smoke, which is used for smoking fish, meat, will help scare wasps from grapes. Soak the soil. The action continues as long as the smell is present.

The scare method can be combined with other methods of struggle to increase efficiency. If wasps beat grapes, you need to act immediately. A small colony of pests can ruin a small vineyard in a few days. Spraying with a solution is allowed at any time during the cultivation of the crop.

Chemistry against insects

The grape harvest is saved with special insecticidal preparations, poisonous baits. Timely processing protects the berries from wasps and flies, and many other pests.

It is allowed to use chemicals directly for processing berries if more than 20 days remain before harvest. Clusters should be thoroughly washed before eating. A poison mixed with bait, placed in a vineyard not on berries, can be used during any period of the plant's growing season.

Boric acid

One of the proven means of folk "medicine" is the use of boric acid. The product is sold in a pharmacy in the form of a white crystalline powder. Has an intestinal effect. The action begins after entering the stomach. Causes muscle paralysis, death. The proportions of boric acid from wasps should be such as not to interrupt the taste of the bait.

To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve a bag of boric acid - 10 g in 1 liter of cold water. Stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. The finished product is odorless the right combination with bait does not change the taste of food. To each bait add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of poison solution.

On a note!

Sour jam, juice, lemonade, kvass, beer, honey, sugar syrup are used as an additional ingredient.


Preparations for the vineyard against wasps are recommended to be used odorless so that the persistent aroma does not repel pests. The goal in this case is to kill, not drive away. If the wasps have attacked the grapes, continue to wreck, treat the bunches with a solution of insecticides diluted in accordance with the instructions.

The solution is prepared immediately before use. The maximum effect lasts 4 hours, the residual effect is from 14 to 30 days. Initially, the poison acts by contact. Insects die within 5-15 minutes from muscle paralysis. Then the poison is absorbed by the tissues, killing pests in the process of feeding.

If wasps eat grapes, the culture should be treated with modern, effective, odorless insecticidal preparations - Lambda Zone, Get, Delta Zone. Sold in the form of a concentrate. When working with drugs, you need to use rubber gloves, a protective suit, a respirator.

The finished solution is also mixed into the bait, poured into a saucer, placed in a vineyard. When using poison, you must observe the measures of your own safety, the environment. Prevent the death of beneficial insects, birds, animals. Preparations are deadly for bees, do not use during flowering.

To get rid of pests, protect the berries from damage, growers advise the following:

  • autumn or early spring.
  • Significantly reduce the number of pests homemade traps made from plastic bottles, adhesive sheets.
  • As a bait in the spring, early summer, it is better to use protein foods - meat, fish. Wasps forage for food for their growing larvae, which need a lot of protein. Products are sprinkled with boric acid or watered with a solution of insecticides.
  • A solution of baking soda with soap can protect the berries from attack. The agent enters the body with a bite, repels with a bitter aftertaste. In the stomach, soda causes increased gas formation, which is dangerous for insects by death. Spraying is carried out at any stage of the growing season. You can spray the solution using a household spray gun, a spray bottle.

To increase the effectiveness of each method, it is recommended to combine several methods of struggle at once. For small vineyards, a net will be a reliable protection that prevents wasps, flies, birds, and other pests from reaching the berries.

Wasps are one of those pests that can cause huge damage to crops. First of all, this applies to those crops with sweet and juicy fruits. In the hot summer, such fruits inevitably attract the attention of wasps. And grapes among such crops are almost in the first place. Therefore, the fight against wasps in the vineyard is never easy. And it is carried out in several stages. Moreover, the gardener should take note of all available methods.

Preventive methods of dealing with wasps

From the point of view of efficiency to preserve the crop, the most successful method of dealing with wasps will be to destroy them before they have time to harm ripened fruits. But for this, the owner of the vineyard should know some of the features of the reproduction and behavior of wasps. Such knowledge will help him in the fight against these biting insects. Preventive methods of dealing with wasps can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first group is the actual destruction of the queen or nest of wasps before they have time to spoil the ripening clusters. The second group - the difficulty of a possible construction hornet's nest on the site.

Early destruction of the wasp queen or nest

The main problem in the fight against these insects is that if their uterus survives, then a new nest will inevitably appear. As soon as it gets warm outside, the queen wakes up and looks for a place where she can create a new colony. If you destroy it during this period, then a new wasp hive will no longer appear. It is best to get rid of the uterus at a time when she has not yet had time to wake up. AT middle lane these insects awaken somewhere in mid-April. But it all depends on weather conditions - in warm and early spring, the uterus can wake up ahead of schedule.

These pests prefer to winter in those places where there is protection from the cold. Under tree bark, in fallen leaves or in various secluded corners right in the house. Timely spraying and whitewashing of trees, collecting and burning leaves will reduce the likelihood of a wasp nest on the site. A thorough cleaning of the house and outbuildings will also benefit. If the uterus of the wasp still survives, then you should know that before building a nest, it gains strength by feeding on the nectar of flowers on fruit trees. You can try to destroy it during this period.

If the nest nevertheless appeared, then the grower should remember that insects do not appear at the same moment. It will be another month before the first working members of the swarm appear. And you can save grapes from wasps simply by finding and getting rid of the nest. And it doesn't matter if you can't do it right away. Striped flyers begin to harm the grapes only during the ripening period. And before that, they eat other insects. They are even able to protect some plants from pest invasion. But, more importantly, the behavior of the workers is not difficult to find a nest. After that, it will be possible to get rid of it.

How to make it difficult to build wasp nests

Wasps prefer to build their colonies in secluded places protected from rain and wind. They are suitable for old pipe sections, hollow trellises that support a vineyard, stacks of boards and other similar shelters. There are two main recommendations here. First, it is necessary in one way or another to close the holes in various pipes in which wasps could settle. Secondly, it is worth checking every suspicious place around which there is increased activity insects.

Traps against wasps

Wasp traps are made from plastic bottles or glass containers. Moreover, these traps differ in design, depending on when they are used. There are ready-made traps against these striped fliers, but they have two drawbacks. The first disadvantage is their high cost. Since you can get rid of wasps on grapes with the help of makeshift traps, then most vineyard owners prefer not to spend the extra money. And the second disadvantage of purchased traps is that they are difficult to get. It is easier to repel wasps with homemade products than to look for ready-made traps against insects.

Use of wasp traps in early summer

During this period, wasps prefer animal food. They are attracted to anything that contains protein. In particular, baits from raw meat or fish. But you can’t let the bait spoil - wasps are not flies, and they don’t fly to the smell of a rotten product. At the end of spring and at the beginning of the summer season, it is preferable to make traps from plastic bottles. The design does not differ in complexity, but it allows you to save a lot of grapes in the future. After all, the fewer wasps survive until the harvest period, the more clusters will remain intact. The design is not only simple, it is also cheap.

To create traps from plastic bottles, you will need certain inexpensive materials that can be found in every yard:

  • Some plastic bottles.
  • Several small plastic jars 2-3 centimeters in diameter.
  • metal wire
  • Plain water and soap.

You also need some kind of tool to cut and punch plastic - for example, sharp scissors and an awl. With this kit, you can make reliable and convenient traps out of bottles. To begin with, the top third of each bottle is cut off. Then 6-8 holes are made in the walls, through which air would circulate, but a wasp could not crawl through. A plastic jar or any other receptacle for bait of a similar shape and size is fixed at the bottom of the bottle. The bottle is filled with water with soap dissolved in it. But so that the liquid is only at the bottom and does not flood the bait. Then the top of the bottle is closed with the part that was cut off earlier (the upper third), turned upside down with the hole inside. The cover must be unscrewed.

There is such a trap plastic bottle in the following way. By wire, it is hung on a tree or near the house - where there are most insects. The smell of the bait attracts wasps, and they fly into the vessel. And when they try to take off, they fail to get out, and they fall into the soapy water. In such a liquid, they fail to stay on the surface, because of the soap, and they drown. You should periodically clean the vessel from drowned insects, and replace the spoiled bait. Any cheap offal is suitable as a “bait”, as long as it is fresh. At correct use this simple design will save the grapes from the invasion of wasps. It will protect not only him, but also any crops with sweet berries or fruits.

Use of traps against wasps during the fruiting period of grapes

At this time, slightly different baits are used, since insects are already more interested in searching for sweet and tasty berries or fruits. They are not interested in meat bait, so some sweet and odorous substance is used as a "bait". The trap is made according to a similar principle, although some vineyard owners use ordinary glass containers. Spoiled jam, fermented compote or even exhausted beer are simply poured into these vessels. Striped pests flock to the smell, and then drown in the very liquid, the aroma of which flocked. But you should be aware that this tool has a number of restrictions on its use. If they are not taken into account, then it will not be possible to save grapes from wasps.

First, the protection of grapes from wasps should not be located near the vineyard itself. Otherwise, the smell of the bait will attract the attention of striped pests to the ripening crop. But when they eat their part of the berries, birds, bees and other sweet lovers flock to the remaining harvest. Therefore, traps, as a remedy against wasps, are not used near the vineyard. The second feature of bottle traps that should be taken into account is that the bait runs out quickly. And in order to protect the grapes from the invasion of wasps, this bait must be changed often.

How to use mesh covers to protect grapes

Many growers try to protect the grapes with various fabric covers. Bags and bags made of mesh, which cover the berries, do not let pests through to the harvest. But you should not put these bags on the grapes in advance, and even more so during pollination. The bees at this time should have free access to the inflorescences. Otherwise, there will be no harvest. Only when the berries begin to ripen should they be covered with a net to protect them from wasps and birds. But it is important to know not only how to protect grapes from wasps. Of course, grids are very convenient. folk remedy to prevent crop loss. But, if you use bags to protect grapes from wasps incorrectly, then the berries will begin to rot under the fabric.

🍇 A simple and effective way to deal with wasps in the vineyard

The main pests of grapes are wasps and birds. Fighting methods

Cases should only cover the bunches, not the leaves. This is done to ensure that the berries are sufficiently ventilated. And, of course, you can not use plastic bags. Since they, of course, can protect the grapes from wasps. But the entire crop will rot before harvest. Bags for grapes to protect against wasps should be made of light mesh. One of the best options there will be old nylon stockings or tights. From them or their trimmings, you can make comfortable and reliable covers for bunches, and this will not be difficult for any grower. Of course, they will not be able to scare away the wasps. But insects will not be allowed to get to the harvest. You should know - some gardeners recommend treating covers with insect repellents. This is not worth doing. Such products may be poisonous. And they may also scare away not only insects, but also the owner himself. Since they will irrevocably spoil the taste of grapes.

Distracting wasps from grapes

There is another way to get rid of wasps in the vineyard. However, this cannot be called deliverance, since this method is resorted to when it is impossible to deal with striped pests in a different way. If no means help, then they try to switch the attention of insects to other cultures. In particular, the wasp is very fond of soft summer pears. You can also give away cheap, but sweet and unpretentious varieties grapes. And as long as the insects eat them, the main vineyard will be safe. But there are certain problems here. This is how many growers on the forums describe them:

“It would seem that it is very easy to distract wasps for sweet, but not the most sought-after fruits. There are even videos that tell you what and where to plant so as to distract insects from the grapes. But there is one problem - wasps also have taste. And it changes from year to year. And those varieties that they liked last year may not be touched this year. In addition, when the wasps eat the bait, they switch to the main variety. Therefore, we have to look for means that could be used to process grapes and keep wasps away from it. ”

Wasp chemicals

Most gardeners believe that the easiest way to spray the vineyard. And make the berries inedible for insects. But the problem is that most of the means with which you can process the site will make the crop basically inedible. For people, including. And those drugs that work against wasps, but are harmless to humans, are expensive and not easy to buy. Therefore, we have to look for alternatives to processing the entire vineyard. And in order not to spray the vine, they use special poisonous baits. They should not be confused with the traps already described.

First, these baits should not be attempted to be made by yourself. They are produced already in finished form, and there are special preparations for them. These drugs should be kept away from children and pets. The method of application is very interesting. The drug is mixed with the bait (for example, with raw minced meat), and placed in the "feeder". The worker wasp feeds the poisoned food to other insects in the swarm, in particular the queen bee. As a result, the swarm dies.


Dealing with wasps in a vineyard is not easy. Their bites are painful, and these flyers are indifferent to a number of remedies for other pests. But you have to fight them. Indeed, in the worst years, this striped attack is capable of destroying 30-50% of the total crop.