Paths from broken tiles in the country. Tiles for paths in the country

  • 29.08.2019

If after the repair you have leftovers ceramic tiles, do not rush to get rid of them. Perhaps, inspired by the examples in this article, you decide to take on the decoration of your home or suburban area beautiful and original ceramic crafts. But it's still practical and profitable!

So, what can be done from broken tiles, or the remaining solid tile samples? First of all, it is a variety of decorative crafts and decorations for interior items. good decision will lay out a mosaic floor of broken tiles. For owners country houses there are just a lot of opportunities to use old or broken tiles in decorating facades, porches, garden paths, flowerbed.

It will be important to note that the use of the remains of ceramic tiles should not be considered as solely the whims of the designer's soul. Trimming tiles do not lose their performance and are of great practical use - products decorated with them, whether flower pot or a kitchen apron, will serve you much longer than usual, and a garden path properly laid out of the remains of a tile will become a comfortable and reliable place for movement and walking. At the same time, you will not spend money on new materials, optimizing your costs to the maximum.

Mosaic from the remnants of tiles

As a rule, after the repair there is a lot of broken or cut tiles. It is these production wastes that are most often used to create mosaics. Much less often, a whole old tile is used for these purposes. We have already described in detail how to make a mosaic from a broken or whole tile in this article. Therefore, we will not dwell here on the technical part of the manufacture of the mosaic itself.

And now let's take a closer look at what can be done from the remnants of the tile, regardless of the form in which they are presented.

Crafts from the remains of ceramic tiles

Typically, at the end repair work you have an unused number of tiles left, or all kinds of trimmings and fragments accumulate. Someone sees in this accumulation of broken ceramics just a mountain of garbage, and someone sees a wonderful opportunity to create a homemade “ hand made” decor.

If you are still in doubt about what beautiful crafts from the remains tiles you can create, check out our selection of the best examples in this area.

Coasters for dishes

Let's start from the very simple solution- creation of coasters for glasses, cups, and other tableware from the remains of ceramic tiles. This solution seems ideal if you have unused tiles left. small sizes- 10x10, 15x15.

In this case, it is enough just to wash them from dust and a wonderful stand is ready.

In the same direction, you can use the remains of the mosaic. Due to the fact that the mosaic chips are glued to the grid, this solution will be convenient to use and will protect your countertop from scratches that dishes can leave on it.

Decoration of flower pots with mosaics from the remnants of tiles.

Give nondescript earthenware or plastic flower pots and vases a splash of color and appeal. Decorating a flower pot with broken ceramics, in addition, you significantly increase its service life.

It should also be recalled that pottery shards can be excellent drainage.

Ceramic mirror frame.

Using the remnants of ceramic tiles to decorate the mirror will create a modern and stylish solution. It is not too difficult to implement but will noticeably freshen up your bathroom space.

For this task, both the remains of a solid tile and broken samples that you could not use in the cladding are suitable.

By choosing a glossy multi-colored mosaic for facing, you can provide spectacular reflections and dispersion of sunlight throughout the room.

Photo on a tile instead of a frame.

Another effortless way to make use of unwanted tiles is to paste photos of relatives on them. By hanging the tiles in a conspicuous place, you are so original to remind you of your love for your loved ones.

Finishing the countertop with the remains of a tile

If your kitchen table already quite battered, covered with scratches and chips, update it with existing tiles. Thus, you will significantly extend the life of the table, and also make it a real work of art.

Kitchen apron from the remains of ceramic tiles.

An equally practical option for using a bat or simply unnecessary tiles is to line a kitchen apron with it. This is usually a small area and you won't need too many tiles.

Broken tile floor.

Of course, you will not have enough leftover tiles to cover the entire floor. But to decorate a small area is quite. Such a decorative interspersing will add zest to the interior. Especially if the floor is plain, and the decorative tile insert is made of multi-colored mosaic pieces.

Specialists of the Keramacenter company note that when choosing material for flooring from the remains of a tile, you should pay attention to too sharp ends - it is better to grind them. In all other respects, the technology for laying broken tiles on the floor is no different from the usual one.

How to use old or broken tiles in the country

According to a good tradition, we hide everything unnecessary and superfluous on the balcony or take it to the dacha. Many summer residents accumulate a lot of all sorts of things, without much need.

Meanwhile, the dacha economy requires regular attention and care, and the issue of cleanliness and order is one of the most pressing. There are a lot of places in the improvement of which you can effectively use the remains of ceramic tiles.

Garden paths from broken tiles.

The remains of broken tiles will be a good and useful addition to the garden path. They can perform both an auxiliary role - to strengthen the surface, and the main one, depending on how many broken tiles you have.

But there is one caveat, if the tile is glossy (remained after wall cladding), then it is not recommended to make the entire path out of it - in the winter season, or after precipitation, it can be slippery. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to individual inserts for the purpose of decoration.

Flower beds made of broken tiles.

Ceramic tiles will make your artificial flower beds not only more protected from the harmful effects of nature, but also beautiful.

Benches and garden furniture.

The use of old tiles in the country can and should meet the considerations of utility and practicality. As you probably already noticed, we are trying to focus on examples where the remnants of tiles are used to improve household items that have a functional load, and do not play an exclusively decorative role.

And now we want to offer some wonderful examples for your inspiration, where already battered garden furniture, and other household items, acquire a second life, thanks to the imposition of broken tiles on their surface.

Facing of stairs and facades.

From broken tiles, you can make partial or complete decoration of walls or stairs in the country. True, in this case, the composition will play only a decorative role.

So, we tried to show all the options for what can be done from the remnants of the tile. Any of the proposed solutions you without special efforts You can implement it in your apartment or in your summer cottage. And do not forget that ceramic tile is a durable, environmentally friendly material. She will always find a place in the economy.

- a modern way of decorating the territory near the house. It allows you to create paths and surfaces with unusual patterns, different colors and invoices. Let's take a look at what this material has advantages, varieties and how to do it yourself.

Advantages of paving slabs for

This material has the following advantages:

  • Huge range of shapes, shades and textures. The paths in the country house made of paving slabs are especially beautiful, they allow you to realize a complex design idea and;
  • Ease of use. Puddles do not form on the paths, as excess moisture is removed through the seams of the tiles;
  • Wear resistance. The coating is not destroyed by ultraviolet exposure, atmospheric precipitation and temperature differences. This is a durable material that can be used for 15-20 years;
  • Maintainability. If the coating element is damaged, it is easy to replace it with another component;
  • Ease of installation. Even a novice can install tiles; this does not require any special tools.

Varieties of paving slabs

The product is made of cement and sand or concrete mixture with the addition of granite chips. There are two types of material: vibrocast tiles and vibropressed tiles.

Features of vibrocast tiles

Special plastic mold filled with concrete mix and installed on a plane that constantly vibrates. Concrete is compacted and set in a warm place for half a day, and then removed. The technology allows you to create a perfectly smooth coating and give any shape. Then the item can be any color. However, the vibrocasting technology also has disadvantages:

  • low strength
  • low degree of resistance to low temperatures
  • complexity of production
  • high price

Features of vibrocompression

The concrete mixture is placed in a mold, which is installed in a special vibrating equipment. The material is subjected to pressure, which compacts it. Such a product cannot be given a variety of shapes, colors and make a smooth surface. However, vibropressed tiles are wear-resistant and resistant to low temperatures. Its surface is porous, so the material has shock-absorbing properties, that is, it can be installed where there is traffic. You can also create unusual ornaments on the coating.

As for the price, vibrocast tiles are more expensive than pressed ones, since manual labor. And for the production of vibropressed tiles, automated equipment is used, which simplifies production.

Advice! If it is important for you, non-standard geometric shapes and variety color design, an excellent option - vibrocast tiles. If you want to make a durable track, it is recommended to choose vibropressed products.

Options for choosing paving slabs for giving

  • Composition and features of production. These parameters are usually indicated in the seller's certificates or on the label of the building material;
  • Tile thickness. If the path will be used for walking, its thickness can be no more than 3 cm. If transport will move along it, the thickness of the product must be at least 5 cm;
  • Tile sizes. Small elements are harder to break, while large tiles can crack from any strong impact;
  • Tile quality. It is quite easy to determine just by looking at the product. For it is not recommended to buy smooth coatings, as they will slip from moisture;
  • Good appearance. There should not be any spots or inclusions on the back side of the tile, the composition should be uniform, which guarantees high wear resistance of the product.

Of course, these are only the main selection criteria, but even using them, you can choose a fairly high-quality product.

Advice! To check how high-quality a tile is, hit one element against another: if the sound is sonorous, the product is good, if it is deaf, various mixtures were added to it during manufacture.

Choice of installation method and paving option

The method of laying the tiles is determined, first of all, since it depends on it what the shape and dimensions of the product will be, and how much material is required. Popular installation methods:

  • Classic variant. This is the laying of paving slab tracks in the traditional way: the elements are arranged one after the other. Usually tiles are used in the form of a square or rectangle (they are easier to join).

Tip: to make such a track more unusual, you can use tiles.

  • With offset. This is also a fairly standard method of laying paving slabs: the elements are arranged in such a way that their joints do not match. Here, too, you can use a combination of multi-colored elements, but their shape should be the same.
  • Herringbone. Tiles are laid at a right angle or at an angle of 45 degrees. Curly parts or elements are used for installation rectangular shape. You can also use a more complex styling option - braided: the elements are also installed at an angle, but alternate, first along, then across. To give the picture clarity, it is recommended to use only 2 colors.
  • Chess. For laying, square-shaped elements of two colors are used. This method seems simple, but it allows you to create quite spectacular tracks.
  • Geometry. A variety of geometric shapes are created from the details: squares, rectangles, zigzags, etc. You can use different colors, but the shape of the elements must be the same.

Features of installing paving slabs

You can lay out the track yourself by making the necessary elements with your own hands. On the one hand, this seems to be more time-consuming than buying a ready-made coating. On the other hand, you will be sure of its quality. In addition, you can create a unique ornament, which would take a lot of time to find in the store.


  1. Make a solution. Mix sand and cement in a ratio of 1 to 3, add water and mix well.
  2. Prepare the form. The average parameters of the formwork are 35 by 35 cm, the height is about 7 cm. To prevent the elements from sticking to the walls of the formwork, they can be treated with oil. You can also supplement the mixture with dyes so that the tile is not gray.
  3. Level the surface and let it dry. At the same time, the sun's rays should not fall on the tile.
  4. After about 7 days, the elements can be removed, but it is not necessary to lay them yet - they must dry for some more time. When the tile is completely dry, you can start laying it.
  5. Prepare the surface. clean up the grass, stones, etc. You can install tiles on any surface: concrete, sand, gravel, or simply on the ground.
  6. At the installation site of the tile, create a mound of cement and sand, compact it with your hands and level it with a rule. As a result, an even strip with a thickness of about 20 centimeters should form.
  7. Make drains and bevels for precipitation, fix the curbs.
  8. Install bedding. To do this, you can use sand without clay.
  9. Fix the slats to level the surface
  10. Paving the path. Any method can be used: herringbone, braid, scatter, etc. Fill the distance between the elements with sand or soil.

If the theater begins with a hanger, then the garden begins with garden paths. Each owner of a summer cottage wants to make them very practical and at the same time unique, so that no one else has them. Another very important characteristic of garden paths is their final cost. Today I will tell you how to make very beautiful and at the same time cheap tracks, almost from waste material.

1. Material preparation

Our paths will be made using paving slabs cast in molds and decorated with broken tiles, which can be borrowed in abundance or from a wholesale base. building materials or at a construction site. Builders simply throw out the battle of ceramic tiles, and we will put it into action. In addition, we will need sifted river sand, cement grade not lower than M-400, molds for casting tiles and cellophane film.

2. Let's start the casting process

The first thing we do is prepare the molding boxes (this is a removable formwork). We make it from a container tavern. The perimeter of the flask is 40 * 60 cm, and the depth of the casting is 5 cm. We fix the corners on self-tapping screws and make a reinforced outer corner with a wooden block.

The flasks (moulds) are ready for pouring. Notice how the corner of each shape is made. In order not to change the strict form right angle- we make reinforcement of the frame on the outer corner.

Tiles rejected at construction sites, as a rule, have a different geometric shape. Of course, you can use it like this (more on that a little later in the text), but I decided to make a drawing on the upper edge of the tile of a strictly geometric shape. So using a knife, I carefully trimmed the pieces into the shape of each tile.

Then taking polyethylene film laying it on a flat and horizontal base. I took a mold and filled it with pieces of ceramic tiles.

After that, he began to mix the solution. It is very important to make the solution of such rigidity and density that after setting the solution, the size of micropores in paving slabs is minimal. This will avoid the accumulation of moisture in them before the winter season and, as a result, prevent their destruction in the cold.

Having laid out the filled forms with pieces of tiles, fill them with mortar, cutting off the excess with a long construction spatula.

The solution is prepared in a ratio of 3: 1. For three portions of sand sifted through a fine sieve, we take one portion of cement, mix dry and then gradually add water. It is very important not to pour excess water into solution. The final consistency of the solution resembles a viscous and thick sour cream.

Three days have passed, you can remove the flask and see what happened ...

Appearance face of the tile after mold removal. As you can see, part of the solution is squeezed into pieces of ceramic tiles, you will have to clean them.

We clean the front of the tile using a conventional grinder. The shaft of old felt boots was used as a cleaning material.

This is what happens after the excess solution is removed and the external gloss is applied. On average, it takes about three minutes to clean one tile and one change of cleaning material.

Various forms and tile drawings, here is the widest field for your imagination.

If you ask me how much such tiles for garden paths cost on average, I will show you clearly - that's how many tiles I cast with that money, how much four purchased tiles for garden paths cost.

3. Let's start laying tiles

On average, I make 25 tiles from one bag of cement. This work takes no more than two days. After, according to my calculations, I have prepared the required amount of tiles, we proceed to laying it.

The garden path needs a dense sand cushion before tiles are laid on it. Pay attention to the background. There is a pack of broken floor tiles from the construction site, which we brought absolutely free of charge.

The thickness of the sand filling should be at least 5-7 cm. This will allow you to "sink" the tiles so that they form a perfectly flat area.

The tiles form very intricate patterns, and it is very beautiful against the backdrop of the autumn landscape.

We lay the tiles with a joint width between them of no more than 5-7 mm, in the future it will be covered with sand and will be almost invisible.

The walkway to the porch is almost ready.

The path survived the winter season well and here it is in all its glory in the spring.

Of course, you can relate to such creativity in different ways, but believe me, all the guests who come to us at the dacha, the first thing they do is take pictures of our path to the porch.

If you recently had repairs in your apartment, as a result of which there are “extra” leftovers, do not rush to throw them away - they can still come in handy!
This is especially true of old tiles or ceramic tiles - you can lay out a whole mosaic from broken pieces, updating the interior of a house or the landscape of a summer cottage. How? Very simple!

As you know, a real finished mosaic in a store can be quite expensive, but everyone can create it on their own.

The result is an interesting mosaic design, which, moreover, will cost much less than bought in a store.

Where can it be used?

An old shoe table can be "turned" into a beautiful stand for indoor plants, or window sills - in a beautiful mosaic field.

If you have a dacha, then you can use old broken tiles to decorate country paths, the shower floor in a bathhouse, or a decorative pond!

In addition to horizontal surfaces, mosaics are also used to decorate wall panels - just imagine how beautiful it will look or a wall in the bathroom, finished with mosaics!

Photos: apron in the kitchen from broken tiles

How can I get pieces of broken tiles?

Of course, if you still have a broken tile and you do not want to waste time on additional splitting, then you can use what you have. In this case, the mosaic fragments will look more than natural.

But you want something beautiful, elegant. Then you can independently cut the tile into fragments of such a size that it will be convenient to use when laying out the sketch.

The tile can be cut with a tile cutter, or you can simply chop it with a hammer. In the first case, you will have to handle the tiles very carefully so as not to damage the pieces, in the second case, before breaking, wrap the pieces in a bag / cloth so that small fragments do not scatter in all directions.

Master class on laying mosaics from old broken tiles

There are two ways to lay a mosaic of broken tiles: orderly (according to a sketch) and randomly (randomly).

First way more difficult because you have to lay out the tiles strictly according to the intended pattern, observing not only the technique of “drawing” patterns, but also the arrangement of colors. To do this, a sketch is prepared first on paper, then you can transfer it to a wall / horizontal surface (tabletop, floor, table, and other types of surface). And only then proceed to laying the mosaic.

Second way is simpler than the first - pieces of broken tiles simply fit randomly, you can lay them out like puzzles, "adjusting" some shapes - to form a kind of unified whole.

True, in this case, you still have to follow two rules:

  1. The mosaic should have different colors for adjacent pieces - so the pattern will not only be bright and colorful, but also more fun and interesting. The fewer shades you use, the calmer your mosaic will be¸ and vice versa - the more different colors there are in the image, the more colorful it will turn out. If some element "does not fit" into the overall picture, it can be replaced by another using a crowbar and picking out the "puzzle".
  2. The sizes of adjacent pieces should be different. Of course, you don’t need to put pieces that are completely different in size next to each other, but there should be at least some differences in them. You can take, for example, pieces not only of different sizes, but also different shapes. At the same time, the edges of the pieces should not touch each other - it is better to leave gaps (thermal seams), which then need to be carefully wiped.
  3. Advice: the amount of glue required for gluing tile pieces is not regulated - one piece may require a thin layer, the other a thick one. Everything will depend on how evenly the surface is prepared for laying, as well as on the thickness of the pieces themselves. Sometimes you have to put a little more adhesive solution on a certain piece in order to equalize the height of different pieces of broken tiles - otherwise the grout can only damage the mosaic.

    Decorating a flower bed with broken tiles

    Photo: finishing flower pots broken tiles

    Tools and materials

  • Ceramic tiles, tile, remains of porcelain stoneware
  • Tile (or building) adhesive
  • Grout for joints
  • Fine-toothed trowel
  • Rubber mallet for tiles
  • A little plaster, primer
  • other Consumables- rags, paper, a pencil with a ruler (if the mosaic is planned to be laid “with a pattern”).

Stages of work

Stage 1. Surface preparation. As mentioned above, it is desirable to bring any surface, if not to ideal, then at least to the most even - so that the pieces of the mosaic lay flat. To do this, you will have to use both, and a primer. When the base for the mosaic is ready, you can apply a layer of glue, on which the pieces will subsequently be laid.

Important: if you use both floor and wall types of tiles for mosaics, then you should remember about their different thicknesses - floor tiles thicker than the wall, and therefore it is advisable to start laying with it, it will be a kind of height reference for the entire mosaic tile. An additional layer of glue can be applied to pieces of wall tiles to adjust the height.

Stage 2. Laying pieces of tiles on the surface. If you prefer a chaotic mosaic, then you can simply lay out all the pieces in a mess, leaving small gaps between them. If the mosaic involves a certain pattern, then you will have to make a sketch that needs to be transferred to the surface.

Additional lubrication of the surfaces of tile pieces with glue is done with a notched trowel - so the glue will be distributed more evenly over the entire gluing surface. After the pieces are completely laid out, the surface is left for a day until the glue dries completely and the mosaic sets to the base.

Stage 3. Final work. After the glue has completely dried, it will be necessary to grout the tile joints. As a rule, it is advisable to select the grout in the same color as the pattern itself (however, if you choose a bright mosaic, then a neutral color grout - white, gray, light beige) is ideal. Half an hour after applying the grout, the mosaic can be wiped with a damp cloth, removing the remnants of the grout.

If the panel is laid out on the wall and has a certain pattern, then the mosaic laying technology is the same: surface preparation, drawing the outline of the pattern, selecting tile pieces by color and size, gluing each piece (in this case, it is advisable to apply glue to each tile piece in addition to applying a layer of glue on the base of the wall), grouting.

From the outside it seems that all this is quite easy and simple, in fact, laying out a mosaic of broken tiles on a wall in a certain pattern is a laborious, long, but, nevertheless, very exciting task!

One of the final stages of the arrangement of the backyard territory is the design of paths. The answer to the question of which material is optimal is not always obvious. Paving slabs for paths in the country are among the most successful options for paving. This article will introduce you to the types of paving products and the advantages of the most popular ones, help you understand the shapes and sizes and not drown in a sea of ​​proposals. Paved matching tiles paths and platforms will not only protect you from dirt and dampness, but will also become a bright decorative detail of the site.

Tiled flooring does not retain water

Types of tile coatings

The demanded types of sidewalk coverings presented on the construction market include five types of products:

    From natural stone. Granite, marble or basalt flooring blends in with any landscaping and features improved strength, abrasion resistance and durability. The high cost of the material is the main limitation of use.

    Clay. Road and paving clinker (baked clay brick or tile) - decorative and durable material. Not widely used due to the high cost and structural features (poor-quality material may become covered with salt stains).

    Concrete. The most common option, durable and environmentally friendly. Tiles are made by vibrocasting and vibropressing from a mixture of cement, water and plasticizers.

    Polymer sand. The combination of sand and polymers allows you to get high-quality products with anti-slip properties.

Tiles imitating paving stones

    Rubber. A product of recycled tires, this tile is flexible, waterproof and hygienic. It is advantageous to use it for a children's playground, an area around the pool or in an area with wet ground.

About concrete tiles: varieties, production methods and characteristics

No matter how beautiful the track is conceived, its main quality should remain strength. Pedestrian pavement in a suburban area is subjected to daily (sometimes significant) loads, so concrete is considered one of the best materials for tiled products. Concrete paving slabs for paths in the country are produced in two main ways, allowing you to get products with different properties.

Vibrocast (vibrocasting) tiles

When vibrocasting, a liquid cement-sand mixture is used. The forms fixed on the vibrating table are filled with the prepared composition. Due to continuous vibration, the mixture is compacted, after which the workpieces are placed in a heat chamber, where they gain strength. Vibrocast tiles have a glossy surface (vibration removes air) and the following characteristics:

    Lifetime from 20-25 years old.

Vibromoulded tile flooring

    Compressive strength. The parameter shows what load the product can withstand; is 300-400 kg/cm 2 .

    Frost resistance(the number indicates the guaranteed number of freeze-thaw cycles): F300-F400.

    Abrasion. The lower the indicator, the longer the pavement will last. The abrasion of vibrocast products does not exceed 0.3 g/cm 2 .

    Water absorption. The less moisture the product absorbs, the more durable it is; the indicator is 4.5% of the volume.

The advantages of such products include fast production, low cost and the ability to produce stylized surfaces (by adjusting dyes and additives, you can get marble or granite tiles).

Vibropressed tiles

Vibropressing makes it possible to obtain products with a rough (matte) surface. In this case concrete mix is placed in a mold and compacted not only due to the vibration of the base, but also with the help of a press. The finished tile is not subjected to heat treatment and has the following characteristics:

    Life time from 15-20 years old.

    Compressive strength: 300 kg/cm2.

Vibropressed coating

    Frost resistance(over the winter there are 5-7 freeze-thaw cycles): F200.

    Abrasion: 0.4 g/cm2.

    Water absorption: 6% by volume

For the manufacture of such tiles, more serious equipment is needed. Products are characterized by a smaller selection of colors and the uniformity of shapes (most often it is a square or rectangle).

7 reasons to choose concrete paving slabs

In modern suburban construction, concrete paving slabs are replacing traditional concrete and asphalt everywhere, creating serious competition for clinker bricks and natural stone. The material enjoys wide and well-deserved popularity due to its positive qualities, which include:

    economy. The tile is a modern technological material, in terms of price / quality ratio superior to clinker and granite paving stones. Laying also does not require large expenditures.

Paving the garden path will not take much time

    Aesthetics. Tiled paths are much more attractive than asphalt or concrete paths (unless you are a fan of minimalism). Manufacturers offer products of various shapes, colors and shades, allowing you to give a suburban area individual look and highlight any style.

    Environmental friendliness. Paving slabs for paths, unlike asphalt, do not emit substances hazardous to health, which is especially valuable in hot weather. The basis of most types of tiles is concrete, an environmentally neutral raw material.

    Durability. Service life starts from 15-20 years.

    Strength. The material withstands mechanical stress, is resistant to atmospheric moisture and temperature fluctuations.

    Functionality. Water does not accumulate on the tiled surface, the paths are always clean and dry, which is especially convenient in regions with frequent and prolonged rains.

    Easy installation and repair. Laying tiles in compliance with technological methods is easy; replacement of a damaged part is also not difficult.

Two-tone coating of paths and adjacent area

Dimensions, shape and method of use

Since GOST does not regulate the size and shape of tiles, manufacturers set product parameters based on their own needs and capabilities. For the buyer, the main performance indicator that you need to pay attention to is the thickness of the tile. Paving slabs for garden paths are divided into several groups by thickness:

    Pedestrian. The thickness of the product reaches 30 mm. A budget option, suitable for paving the adjoining blind area, the space around the gazebo or porch, barbecue area, garden paths. Such a coating can easily withstand the load from a bicycle, pedestrian or stroller, but is not suitable for the construction of a driveway.

    Universal. It has a thickness of 50 to 60 mm. The cost of arranging paths from such tiles will be higher, but this will be technically justified. She can lay out not only paths, recreation areas and a yard; coating with honor withstands the weight of a car or minibus. Suitable not only for building a driveway, it can also lay out the floor of the garage.

Popular models of vibrocast tiles

    monolithic. Products with a thickness of 70-80 mm or more are expensive; styling will also cost a pretty penny. You will rarely see such a tile on a suburban area. It is designed for the harshest operating conditions and easily transfers the load from trucks.

For landscaping suburban area recommended tiles with a thickness of 30 to 60 mm. Other important product parameters, length and width, are used to calculate paving consumption. The dimensions and shape of products can be systematized as follows:

    Square. In private construction, the most popular is tile for paths with parameters of 300x300 mm; no less popular options with a side of 350 and 400 mm. Plates with a side of 500 mm are rarely used.

    Rectangular. The classic form, which has retained its relevance in modern design. Paths lined with "paving stones" or "brick" will decorate any site. Average dimensions range from 200-250 mm in length and 100-125 mm in width (more significant deviations are on the manufacturer's conscience).

Video description

About the variety of paving slabs in the following video:

    curly. The boundary dimensions approximately fit into the following framework: from 295x295 mm to 120x180 mm, and the flight of fancy in the execution of the form is not regulated in any way. The more complex the shape, the more time and effort it will take to pave the path. An interesting result can be obtained by combining color and shape.

    Special tiles. Tactile tiles designed for visually impaired people. Such a tile is made in the form of a square and has reefs on the surface, which helps to set the direction of movement.

    Additional elements. Often, the manufacturer offers steps, side stones (curbs), edge trays (for rainwater drainage).

Fans of original innovative ideas will be interested unusual species tiles:

    LED tile. Garden, path and element lighting landscape design can be realized with the help of LED sidewalk lamps. Tiles with LEDs are made of impact-resistant polymers, they are characterized by a high degree of wear and moisture resistance, do not slip in wet weather. Glow in the dark paving slabs are not only beautiful, but also a functional idea for decorating a garden.

Garden path with LED elements

    three-dimensional paving slabs. The production technology allows applying the image chosen by the customer to the tile. At the same time, the pattern is additionally covered with a protective layer and does not fade in the sun. A path or playground covered with a 3D pattern can be an effective solution for a suburban area.

Tile is an unpretentious material, but, nevertheless, it performance characteristics are directly related to the quality of production. To make sure the quality of the chosen coating for the tracks, you should pay attention to the following features:

    Manufacturer. It must be legal. Buying artisanal tiles somewhere along the road, from a truck, can lead to beautiful paths will not survive the first winter; the tile will begin to crack and delaminate.

    Certificate of conformity. A legal manufacturer (seller) will be happy to provide a certificate, where you can get information about the production technology and the composition of the tile.

Video description

About led pavers in the following video:

    Tile options. You must know in advance which products of what thickness and dimensions are suitable for your purposes, and be guided by them when choosing. The vibrocasting method makes it possible to obtain tiles up to 6 cm thick. If the thickness exceeds this dimension, the product is obtained by vibrocompression.

    Visual inspection. The tile must have a uniform color of the front surface and a uniform composition reverse side(without spots and inhomogeneous blotches). Cracks and voids are a sign of a violation of production technology and indicate insufficient strength. A very bright color of the product can mean an overabundance of dye and poor quality.

    Choice based on needs. Smooth tiles - not the best good option for the footpath; with a high degree of probability, such a coating will slide in wet weather. Not only thin, but also large tiles are not suitable for organizing an access alley; it is easy to pull it out of the masonry by driving the wheel to the edge.

    Sound quality check. If the sound when two tiles are struck is sonorous, this indicates a uniform structure and good quality; a dull sound is the opposite.

Combined styling

    Guarantee. Allows replacement if part of the material differs in color or quality.

    Price. Before buying, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the average prices for the products you are interested in. Sometimes, in order to reduce the price, the manufacturer saves on dye by adding it only to the front (top) layer. Tracks with such a coating will quickly wear out and lose their attractiveness.

    Calculation of the required quantity. It is considered correct to purchase material 5% more than necessary. This will allow you to maneuver in case of color discrepancy and have a margin for repairs.

Paving slabs are used not only for paths - you can often see in private houses and.

Styling features: what to look for

The quality of the tracks depends not only on the characteristics of the purchased material. Laying paving slabs in the country is an important stage in the arrangement of the pedestrian zone, on which the strength and durability of the pedestrian zone also depend. Laying consists of several intermediate stages:

    Training. The method of paving is determined, depending on the type of soil on the site. The tile coating does not adhere well to wet and clay soil. In this case, it will be necessary to organize a drainage layer (sand and gravel with a thickness of at least 15 cm).

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About the turnkey laying project in the following video:

    Marking on the ground. Simplifies construction and is carried out taking into account the unevenness of the site. If there is a difference in elevation along the marking path, steps may be required.

    Foundation preparation. Filmed upper layer soil of the required width and thickness up to 15 cm. The recess is compacted, curbs-limiters are installed (if provided by the project).

    Pillow preparation. A properly made pillow is the key to the durability of your tracks. For backfilling, a sand-cement mixture or layers of crushed stone and sand are used, after which the coating is leveled.

    Paving. The tile is laid in the chosen way, the seams are rubbed.

    Subtleties. So that rainwater does not linger on the surface of the track, a slope of up to 5% is organized (from the center line to the edges).

Garden path paving

About prices for tiles and their laying

After studying numerous options, finally, paving slabs for paths in the country are purchased, its price will depend on many parameters. The cost is influenced not only by its dimensions, thickness and manufacturer, but also by decorative characteristics - color and shape. The cost of some types concrete tiles in Moscow and the region (for 1 m 2) has the following form:

    A budget option. A domestic-made tile with parameters of 300x300x30 mm (with a pattern) costs 330-450 rubles; with parameters 400x400x40 - 400-570 rubles. Similar foreign-made material can be found at a price of 550-650 rubles.

    Popular Options. Paving slabs (200x100x60 mm) and spool tiles (198x165x60 mm) will cost 450-590 rubles. Similar prices for products of a more complex shape - rhombus, clover, puzzle, wave.

Video description

About the intricacies of choosing tile products in the following video:

    Elite paving slabs. Paving elements from different collections and from different manufacturers have a wide range of prices. Prices for the most popular shapes and sizes are in the range of 1300-1600 rubles.

Construction companies offer turnkey paving services for garden paths. The arrangement of the tracks is carried out taking into account the wishes of the customer, with strict observance of the laying technology; professional approach allows you to get an aesthetic and long-term coating. The price of paving (per 1 m 2) depends on the nature of the work:

    On the finished base. Standard paving: 600-700 rubles, decorative: 650-800 rubles.

    With the preparation of the base of crushed stone and sand. 1200-1450 rub.

    With preparation concrete base . 1500-1900 rub.

    Installation of curbs. The price increases by 300-550 rubles.

Walkway and recreation area in the same style

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer a turnkey landscaping service. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


Even budget tiles, made and laid according to technology, will last for many years, while maintaining a cozy and well-maintained look of your suburban area. And vice versa, it is more desirable to complete everything by spring construction works, paving the paths in the cold, ruined a lot of work and finances, regardless of the quality of paving slabs. If you want to transform your site - wait for stable warm weather.