Celosia Comb - cockscomb in the summer cottage and in the garden. Celosia, planting and care Celosia deep

  • 17.06.2019

Plant celosia (lat. Celosia), or cellosia- a genus of the Amaranth family, although not so long ago it was classified as a member of the Chenopodiaceae family. The name of the plant comes from the Greek kelos, which means “flaming, burning” and characterizes the color and shape of the inflorescences, similar to multi-colored flames. In nature, celosia flowers grow in warm regions of Africa, Asia and the Americas; about 60 species of them are known today, but in garden culture, celosia comb, celosia pinnate, and celosia spicata are most often grown.

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Planting and caring for celosia (in brief)

  • Landing: sowing seeds for seedlings at the end of March or early April, planting seedlings in open ground - in the second half of May.
  • Bloom: from July until frost.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: fertile, well-drained soils of neutral reaction.
  • Watering: moderate, only in drought.
  • Feeding: once a month with complete mineral fertilizer. Before budding begins, you can also use organic matter, but only rotted one.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: aphid.
  • Diseases: chlorosis, during the seedling period - black leg.

Read more about growing celosia below.

Celosia flower - description

The celosia flower is represented by both annual and perennial species, there are also shrubs among them, but in cold winters celosia is grown as an annual plant, since it does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures. The stems of celosia are straight and branched, the leaves are alternate, ovate, ovate-lanceolate or linear-lanceolate. Small flowers are collected in spike-shaped, comb-like or paniculate inflorescences of different shades - yellow, pink, red, orange, scarlet and golden. The fruit is a polyspermous capsule.

Growing celosia from seeds

Sowing celosia for seedlings

Readers often ask to tell you how to grow celosia from seeds, since it is practically the only way its reproduction. But before sowing, the seed must be kept for 3-4 hours in a solution of Epin and Zircon (a drop of each drug per glass of water) in order to soak the too dense seed coat. Sowing is carried out in March or early April in bowls on the surface of the soil, consisting of equal parts from humus soil and vermiculite. Sow not thickly, and there is no need to sprinkle the seeds, just press them tightly to the ground and sprinkle with water from a spray bottle. The container with the crops is covered with film or glass and kept on a bright windowsill at a temperature of 23-25 ​​ºC, protected from direct sunlight and occasionally ventilated, moistened and removed condensation. If you don’t want to bother with picking, sow celosia seeds directly into individual pots. Shoots begin to appear within eight days.

Celosia seedlings

Growing celosia seedlings involves organizing additional illumination for seedlings for 4-6 hours, since at this time of year the daylight hours are still too short. In the case of group sowing of seeds, seedlings have to be planted twice. The first time - when the seedlings have 2-3 leaves - they are planted in the same substrate in a container 4-5 cm deep at a distance of five centimeters from each other. When the seedlings take root after picking, they are fed simultaneously with watering with a weak solution of complex mineral fertilizer for flowering plants. When the plants become stronger, they are dropped into a deeper cassette or, using a scoop, removed from the container along with a lump of earth and transplanted into individual pots (preferably peat-humus). As soon as you are sure that the plant has taken root, you can carry out a second feeding of the same kind.

Planting celosia

When to plant celosia

The time to plant seedlings in open ground comes when the warmth has finally set in and the threat of night frosts has passed - in the second half or at the end of May. Choose a site for the plant that is sunny, protected from the wind and well drained. If the soil in the area is acidic, lime it before planting celosia. But do not add fresh organic matter to the soil for celosia - the plant does not tolerate it.

How to plant celosia

Celosia is planted in the usual way. garden plants way. Young celosia grown from seeds is still very fragile, so try not to damage its root system when transplanting and use the transshipment method. If you picked or sowed it in peat-humus pots, then plant celosia in the ground directly with them. It should only be taken into account that low-growing species and varieties of plants are planted with a gap of 15-20 cm between specimens, and tall ones - at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other.

Celosia care

How to grow celosia

Growing and caring for celosia in the garden is not particularly difficult, but you should know its two weak points: celosia grown from seeds at home in open ground can die even from light frosts, and in addition, it does not tolerate too wet soil . Based on these features, organize care for celosia. So, you need to water celosia only on the hottest days, if it has dropped its leaves and stopped forming flower stalks. But do not neglect monthly fertilizing, which celosia accepts very favorably, but do not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise you will get lush foliage, but will not see flowering. Loosen the soil around the plants, remove weeds - that’s all the wisdom.

Pests and diseases of celosia

At the “tender seedling age”, celosia is affected by black leg due to excessive humidity. As soon as you discover the disease (blackening of the stem at the base), loosen the soil, sprinkle it with a thin layer of wood ash and stop watering for a while. Sometimes aphids settle on the plant, which can be controlled by spraying celosia with the following composition: 2 teaspoons of liquid soap, a glass vegetable oil for two glasses of water. The treatment must be done several times every few days in the evenings. Celosia is resistant to all other insects and diseases.

Celosia after flowering

How and when to collect celosia seeds

To collect celosia seeds, cut off several fading inflorescences and place them in a dark room in a vase without water. When the bouquet is dry, shake it over the newspaper, and blow what is poured out and put it in a storage box. You can not keep the branches in a vase, but hang them with their inflorescences down and lay newspaper under them, onto which ripe seeds will spill out of the dried bolls.

Celosia in winter

Usually, after flowering, celosia is destroyed in order to plant new specimens next spring. But celosia is an ideal plant for dry bouquets: cut, remove leaves and bring into the house some of the most beautiful flowering branches of a tall variety, tie them into a bunch and let them dry in a dark room with good ventilation, and then put them in an empty vase so that they decorated your home in the middle of winter with their bright, beautiful flames.

Types and varieties of celosia

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular species, varieties and varieties of celosia in garden culture. The favorite of our gardens is silver celosia, presented in two varieties:

Celosia silver comb

Or "cockscomb" (Celosia argentea f. cristata) – the plant is 45 cm in height, but there are smaller varieties. The leaves are green, burgundy, bronze or golden, depending on the variety. Small flowers are collected in a massive inflorescence, shaped like a cockscomb in purple-red or orange shades. Blooms from mid-summer to October. Varieties: Impress - height 20-25 cm, red inflorescence, dark red leaves; Atropurpurea - the same height, the stem is pinkish, the leaves are light green, the inflorescences are purple; Imperialis is a short variety with dark red shoots, purple leaves with red veins and dark red inflorescences;

Celosia silvery pinnate

She's the same paniculate celosia (Celosia argentea f. plumosa) - a variety sometimes reaching a height of 1 meter, but having low-growing and even dwarf varieties. The straight stems end in large panicles of yellow, orange and all shades of red. The leaves are juicy green, light green, pink or red, depending on the variety. Blooms from July to October. Varieties: Goldfeder - a low-growing variety with golden inflorescences; Tomsoni Magnifica is a tall variety up to 80 cm tall with burgundy inflorescences against a background of light green leaves; Torchshain is a tall variety with bright red panicles; New Onion - 35-40 cm high, leaves are purple-violet, inflorescences are yellow-orange.

Celosia can serve as an excellent decoration for a garden, flower bed or window. Celosia can be either annual or perennial. There are a huge number of plant varieties. In most cases Celosia is grown from seeds, and in the spring, although some people immediately buy ready-made seedlings and plant them. In general, the process of growing a plant is quite simple and accessible even to novice gardeners.

Celosia growing from seeds in open ground

To grow a plant on garden plot seeds need to be planted in warm weather. You can sow at the end of April, not forgetting to cover the seedlings with film. But it is best to plant celosia in the middle or end of May, depending on weather conditions. When sprouting, it is very important not to allow the soil to dry out completely, but also not to allow water to stagnate. The seedlings are fertilized monthly with minerals. As soon as the plants grow, they are planted in such a way that there is enough space for all the seedlings. The same is done when planting freesia.

Celosia growing from seedlings

For seedlings, celosia is sown in February or the first half of March. Select the necessary containers for the seeds and fill them with soil. The soil is moistened and seeds are sown directly on top of it. You cannot deepen the seed when planting. It is best to plant the seeds in small plastic cups, this will make further picking easier.

Crops must be covered with polyethylene and placed closer to the light. If the sun begins to shine too brightly and the rays directly hit the containers with seeds, then shade the pots a little, since direct exposure to the sun is extremely harmful to the seedlings. The temperature in the room is maintained at 18-20 degrees for the entire germination period. Within a few days you will be able to notice the first shoots. It is very important to ventilate the room or take the seedlings outside in warm weather, this will allow the seedlings to quickly get used to open air. In addition to celosia, you can grow Turkish cloves from seeds.

At a constant warm temperature, correctly formed seedlings are planted on the site. The distance between seedlings should be at least 20 centimeters. The place where celosia will grow should be light, slightly shaded from direct rays, and sheltered from the wind. As a top dressing, complex fertilizer is used, which can be applied up to twice a month.

Mahonia holly: planting and care
Cineraria growing from seeds

Further care for celosia

Knowing about celosia, growing it from seeds beautiful plant It will seem like pure pleasure. Under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out; if this happens, the plant will no longer form new flower stalks. It is necessary to water the plants before nine o'clock in the morning and only in sunny weather. If suddenly the plant has suffered such a scourge as blackleg, then all the soil should immediately be thoroughly loosened and sprinkled with charcoal ash. In this case, the ash layer should be thin. Additionally, it is recommended to reduce watering.

Flower - "cockscomb" this name was popularly given to comb celosia for its original shape bright inflorescence. This spectacular garden annual flower will decorate your flowerbed all season with its multi-colored “cockscomb” inflorescences, but in order to grow celosia from seeds, you need to know the preferences for planting and caring for this crop.

Genus Celosia (Celosia) belongs to the amaranth family and has about 60 species of annual herbaceous plants. The name of this flower translated means “flaming” or “burning” and indeed the inflorescence of celosia paniculata looks like a burning torch of yellow, red or orange color.

All garden varieties of these annual flowers are based on silver celosia (C. Argentea). Popular varieties of silver celosia are distinguished by the shape of the inflorescences on celosia comb, in which the inflorescence takes the shape of a cockscomb with numerous convolutions at the apex and Celosia paniculata with an erect inflorescence - a panicle of numerous small flowers of bright color.

Celosia varieties are also selected according to the height of the plants; low-growing flowers that do not exceed a height of 25-30 cm, they are great for decorating borders along paths, foreground flower beds and for growing as potted flowers. Taller varieties up to 40-80 cm in height are used in flower beds in the background and third plan.

Growing celosia from seeds.

It is recommended to grow celosia for planting in open ground through seedlings, so that the flowering period of the “cockscomb” lasts from early summer to autumn. Celosia is a heat-loving crop, so when sown in open ground in the spring, the seeds will take a long time to germinate and not quickly, and under unfavorable conditions or frost, young plants may die. Grown celosia seedlings with inflorescences beginning to appear are planted in open ground at the beginning of summer, when the threat of frost has passed and warm nights have set in.

You need to sow celosia seeds for seedlings in early April. In a universal earthen mixture for growing flower seedlings, it is recommended to increase the amount of sand. Seeds should not be thickened when sowing. The seed box is covered with film or glass to preserve humidity and placed in a warm place where the temperature will not drop below +20 degrees. After a week or two, shoots should appear, then the box is moved to a sunny place.

To ensure that celosia seedlings, when grown at home, develop quickly, do not get sick and the hatched sprouts do not die, they must be kept warm at a temperature of at least +18 degrees, in a sunny place, and watered moderately after the top layer of soil has dried. Celosia does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil and when moisture stagnates, the roots of the plant quickly rot. Celosia seedlings will grow slowly with a lack of heat, develop weakly and stretch out with insufficient lighting or late picking.

Seedlings dive 2-3 weeks after emergence. Celosia seedlings are planted from seed boxes into separate pots about 7 cm in diameter.

Do not rush to plant celosia seedlings in open ground; it is better to wait for stable warm weather without the threat of frost, since even a slight cold snap can harm young, unrooted plants.

It must be said that the successful cultivation of celosia in open ground largely depends on the weather during the summer. In hot, dry summers, celosia will bloom luxuriantly and for a long time, but on rainy, cool days, inflorescences form slowly, and the plants easily get sick and die. To create the most favorable conditions for celosia flowering, it is necessary to choose warm sunny areas, for example, on the south side of buildings or in open areas. It is better if the flower garden is located on a hill so that water after heavy rains does not stagnate at the place where the celosia is planted, since the plant does not like constantly wet soil. If the soil in the flower garden is clayey or heavy, it is recommended to add sand to improve its drainage and breathability properties.

Planting of celosia is carried out by placing plants according to the height of the plants; low-growing varieties are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other; for tall flowers, a distance of up to 25-30 cm is maintained. After planting seedlings in open ground, flower care consists of moderate watering and weeding and loosening the earth. Additionally, celosia should be fed only using complex mineral fertilizers no more than 3-4 times per season. Organic fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are not used, since then the celosia will build up a powerful green mass and bloom poorly.

Celosia inflorescences are an excellent material for making dry bouquets. The inflorescences are cut at the very peak of flowering on a dry, sunny day and dried by hanging them by the lower part in a dry, dark room.

Celosia is an unusual plant with a rather exotic appearance. It can be seen in almost any flower bed and in any flower greenhouse. Florists love to use celosia in various flower arrangements, both live and dried. Today you will get acquainted with one of the most popular varieties of plants - celosia pinnate. You will learn all about the features of growing it at home from seeds (photo and video materials are included).

Celosia pinnate: plant description

This graceful annual plant comes from Asia: it was first discovered in India and African countries. Currently, it can most often be found in small gardens and greenhouses, where gardeners carefully grow this beautiful flower.

Celosia is a flower with a rather powerful stem, about 0.3-0.9 m high. The plant is well leafy, the leaves are green in various shades (depending on the variety) with clearly defined veins. Some varieties have decorative foliage.

There are two main types of celosia. One has bright flowers that resemble a cockscomb and come in yellow, burgundy and other shades. The other has flowers that are very soft to the touch (like bird feathers), painted scarlet, golden or dark red.

Bright celosia flowers

There are about 60 species of this plant in the world, but three are the most popular: comb, pinnate (paniculate) and spikelet. As for pinnate celosia, it is very popular among gardeners around the world due to its bright appearance. This species is distinguished by its high “growth”: sometimes it can reach a height of 1 m, although there are also dwarf varieties. The plant has a straight, thick stem, at the top of which there are bright panicles of yellow, orange and red shades. The leaves can be not only green, but also red and even pink.

The best varieties to grow

Among the most popular varieties of pinnate celosia for growing are the following:

  • Golden Flitz. A very popular variety, reaching 0.8 m in height. The tops are decorated with lush inflorescences of an orange-golden hue.
  • Feuerfeder. Quite unusual in appearance, a dwarf variety with bright red inflorescences surrounded by luxurious green foliage with burgundy veins.
  • New Look. Another dwarf variety with very beautiful yellow-orange inflorescences and purple foliage.

Variety New Onion

  • Tomsoni Magnifica. Almost a “classic” variety, reaching 0.8 m in height. The plant is decorated with burgundy inflorescences and soft green foliage.
  • Torchshain. The plant has almost the same "growth" as Tomsoni Magnifica, but the panicles are bright red.

Advice. When choosing a variety of pinnate celosia suitable for home grown, remember that this plant requires a lot of solar heat and light, so choose the warmest room, illuminated by light for the maximum amount of time.

Features of growing celosia from seeds

Celosia is a plant that is very demanding in terms of growing conditions and requires competent and comprehensive care. Let's look at all the intricacies of growing indoors.

Planting a plant

As mentioned earlier, celosia only grows with enough sun, so the room for its cultivation should be just that. Particular attention should also be paid to the choice of soil for planting. The best option is a soil mixture consisting of 2/3 loam, 1/3 leaf humus. It is also advisable to add a little sand and rotted manure. Don't forget to drain the soil well.

Before planting seeds, the soil should be slightly moistened warm water. It is better to plant at the end of winter, and even better at the beginning of spring - March-April. A small layer of sphagnum moss is laid out at the bottom of the planting container, then the soil mixture is filled in. You should not load the soil to the edge - leave a couple of centimeters empty.

Celosia seeds

The seeds are immersed in a container with soil substrate to a shallow depth. You can even just scatter the seeds on the surface, since they are very small. You should not compact the soil on top of the seeds: they may simply not germinate. It is better to press them lightly into the soil.

Advice. Keep in mind that when planting celosia, the soil must be moistened, but under no circumstances pour water into the container in the traditional way: use a spray bottle.

Be sure to cover the seedlings with film or glass. At least once a day, the protective covering must be removed to remove condensation and ventilation. If the soil dries out excessively, lightly spray it with water. After 5-7 days, the first sprouts will appear. The film can be removed immediately.

Subtleties of caring for seedlings

When the sprouts reach 3 cm in height, you can plant them in separate pots and move them briefly to a very warm room. After some time, you can remove the plant to a cool environment and stop watering to allow the soil to dry completely. By doing this, you actively stimulate the flowering of celosia.

After this, you can safely transplant the young shoots into the main pots and return them to a warm place. Further care for celosia is very simple, but it must be done regularly. Remember, a plant can be destroyed only in two cases: if temperature regime(no cold, temperature above 20 degrees) and with excessive soil moisture.

Speaking of moisture. Celosia loves moist soil, so watering should be regular and fairly generous, but do not overdo it if you do not want its root system to rot. It is better to water on the hottest days or when the flowers droop slightly.

Sufficient light is very important for celosia.

In the autumn-spring period, this plant needs fertilizing especially strongly, so try to add nutritious mineral mixtures diluted with water at least once every 3 weeks (at the rate of 15 g of fertilizer per 5 liters of water).

Celosia pinnata rarely gets sick, but sometimes this happens, especially at a “young” age, which is still quite immature. In this case we are talking about black leg, which can appear when the soil is over-moistened. Therefore, try to water the plant very carefully, early in the morning and only when the sun is shining. If you miss the moment and the plant gets sick, immediately loosen the soil, sprinkle it with ash and stop watering for a while.

Celosia is a wonderful decoration for any flower bed. She is beautiful and graceful, and is the queen of the flower garden due to her spectacular appearance. The flower is considered a member of the amaranth family. Approximately 60 varieties of different annual and perennial representatives of the crop are known, growing in Africa, Asia and South America. Let's look at how to grow celosia from seeds, when to plant and how to propagate.

5 best varieties of celosia

Plants, based only on the shape of the inflorescences, are divided into 3 main groups: comb, spikelet and pinnate, however, of the 60 species of this crop, today gardeners breed only two - celosia comb and celosia pinnate.

Flowers can be used fresh or dried to create bouquet arrangements and then stored in vases

Here's a description the best varieties in the table.

Species name Short description
Celosia silver comb The flowers are small, quite bright, neatly collected in massive inflorescences
"Impress" The flowers stand out with a bright burgundy inflorescence and dark purple leaves.
"Atropurpurea" Very large, purple-red inflorescences, pale pink stem with unusually beautiful light green leaves
Celosia silvery pinnate Tall - up to 1 m in height, dwarf - do not exceed 30 cm, and medium - 0.5 m
Celosia pinnate "Golden Flitz" Golden-orange flowers reaching 80 cm in height

When choosing a place for planting a crop, you need to take into account that it should be well lit and without drafts

Methods for propagating flowers on site

The best method is to sow the seeds of the crop, since cuttings may cause loss decorative look flower - the quality for which it is grown.

Growing seedlings from seeds

The start of sowing seeds should be planned for the end of March or the beginning of April. After a week, the first green shoots are noticeable. Sowing process:

  • seed material is sown at a distance of 3 cm from each other; to do this, it is enough to sprinkle it on moist soil at a temperature of 23-25 ​​ºC;
  • then the container is covered with film on top; it can be removed only after a week, when the sprouts appear;
  • seedlings must be protected from bright sunlight, and also periodically ventilated, moistened and removed accumulated condensation.

Tip # 1. Since the flower seeds are in a dense shell, you need to soak them immediately before sowing for 3-4 hours in a solution containing zircon and epin in a 1:1 ratio. You need to use one drop of the mixture per 1 glass of water.

We must not forget that seedlings of this crop do not tolerate waterlogged or overly dense soil mixtures.

As soon as the young animals recover from picking, they can be fertilized. For this purpose, nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizer for flowers is used.

Conditions for growing seedlings:

  • sufficient lighting;
  • optimal room temperature;
  • availability of ventilation;
  • moderate watering.

Tip #2. If the seedlings were first grown in room conditions, and on personal plot If there is a greenhouse located, then it is recommended to transfer the celosia into it somewhere around the 15th of May. This way the plant will develop much better.

Planting in open ground and care

Prepare the soil in this way:

  • to make the heavy soil on the site more suitable for celosia, you should add a little sand to it, so the soil will acquire the necessary looseness;
  • It will also be useful for the crop to add a little humus to the soil before planting, regardless of its quality.

The optimal place for planting a flower will be a sunny and fairly sheltered area from the wind, along with loose and slightly acidic soil.

Exclusively in the first days of June, strong and adapted young animals are planted directly into open soil.

Basic care for this flower comes down to watering, fertilizing, and weeding. Watering should be done with a small amount of water, since waterlogging leads to diseases and subsequent death of the crop.

Fertilizing the flower is carried out no more than once every 3 weeks; complex mineral fertilizers are used at the rate of 15 g of fertilizer per 5 liters of water.

Planting seedlings on open area should be planned for a warm period, when there are no longer night frosts

Let's look at the fertilizers used to feed the crop in the table.

Name Description When to apply
"Kalimagnesia" Contains potassium, magnesium and does not contain chlorine Carry out periodic feeding with this product.


Universal water-soluble growth-accelerating fertilizers Apply after planting the plant in a pot or in open soil two weeks later.
Superphosphate Mineral complex They are added to the soil before planting the crop. As you water, they slowly dissolve.

This crop, given its need for special care during the growing process, grows much more actively if it is fertilized with soluble fertilizers every month from spring to autumn.

This crop is susceptible to infection by brown rot, pale spot and white rot. It can also be attacked by euonymus aphids and root-knot nematodes.

Varieties Impress, Atropurpurea, Celosia silvery pinnate are resistant to major diseases, but still fall under the influence of blackleg.

Thanks to pruning the first inflorescences, the flower will become more branched and, as a result, form a larger number of beautiful inflorescences

Methods for growing celosia in the garden

The plant is universal. There are several ways to breed it:

  • Direct cultivation in open ground is carried out in a bright area; the flower tolerates direct sunlight well, but does not particularly prefer midday sun. The stagnant heat is practically imperceptible to him;
  • Celosia can be cultivated indoors all year round, and it can be taken outside Fresh air exclusively in summer. It is necessary to take into account that in this case not all varieties can be used;
  • V greenhouse conditions the culture is usually bred in large quantities for subsequent cutting.

Celosia flowers are used in landscape design. Read also the article: → ““. The flower goes well with other plants in mixed plantings in garden compositions, as well as in flower beds. Low-growing varieties of the crop are popular and are used to decorate balconies and loggias.

Celosia does not really accept feeding with fresh organic fertilizers, which is why it is more rational to apply them under the previous plant.

Growing celosia in winter

For wintering, it is better to move the flower to a shelter. Comfortable conditions will be warm winter Garden or a sunny windowsill. The best option is a room with high humidity air. Otherwise, it is recommended to systematically spray the crop. If celosia grows in a heated room with dry air, there is a danger of its death. There is no need to fertilize the plant in winter, but you should remember to water it.

Regarding the choice of region for celosia, this plant is perennial, but in conditions middle zone In Russia it often grows as an annual on balconies and terraces. However, it can be cultivated just as a perennial indoors.

Work plan by day for breeding celosia

The flower should be sown indoors in March or April. The following manipulations must be done:

Day 1

Direct sowing into the container is carried out on the surface of the soil mixture. Press the seeds firmly into the ground. Next, spray the soil with water and cover the container with transparent film.

Days 2-10

In order for seedlings to germinate better, it is recommended to place them in a warm place with a temperature of 20 °C and high air humidity. We place the container with seedlings on a well-lit and warm windowsill. The soil should be kept moist. Periodically sprinkle the soil with soft water. Overmoistening and stagnation of liquid should not be allowed. We also ventilate the seedlings every day and remove condensation, thereby preventing the seeds from rotting.

Days 11-14

In less than 2 weeks, the first shoots of the plant will begin to appear. Immediately after germination, keep the soil in the container moist, but it should not be wet. As soon as the seedlings grow to a height of 5 cm, they are planted in separate pots with similar soil.

If the flower is cultivated as a perennial, it is necessary to feed it with nutrients. The best in this case are liquid mineral fertilizers for flowering plants; they should be applied from June to September with an interval of 4-8 weeks. Planting in an open area is carried out directly when the risk of possible frost has passed.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question No. 1. What fertilizers are more rational to use in the process of growing a flower?

In this case, water-soluble complex flower fertilizers are most suitable.

Question No. 2. When can you plant crops in the garden?

Exclusively with the onset of stable heat. This plant is native to southern countries and is unable to withstand the slightest frost.

Question No. 3. Can you sow flower seeds in peat tablets?

Undoubtedly, it is even necessary. This is a very convenient way to plant any plant. It is quite economical and less traumatic for them.

Modern varieties of this crop are very resistant to various diseases and pests. Suitable as a preventative measure proper care. If, however, the plant becomes infected, it is necessary to use special means to combat diseases according to instructions.

Question No. 5. Why does the flower bloom poorly?

Most likely, basic growing standards have been violated or the plant is sick. Check it for pests, and also review the measures taken to care for the crop.

The main mistakes gardeners make when breeding plants

The most common mistake gardeners make is overfeeding the flower with fertilizers. Celosia doesn't like this. Other reasons:

  1. Many plant breeders plant the plant in a place that is too shady or, conversely, sunny. The flower loves a lot of light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  2. Violation of watering rules. You should not overwater the plant - this can lead to rotting of the root system and, as a consequence, its death.

This crop is quite drought-resistant, it is characterized by a long flowering period and amazing and unusual beauty. The flower wins the hearts of gardeners. Spectacular velvety inflorescences perfectly complement the most exquisite garden compositions, decorating flower beds and gardens, loggias, and window sills. Moreover, growing this wonderful crop is not so difficult.