Business plan of the sanatorium sample with calculations. How to open a private boarding house: nursing home business plan

  • 23.09.2019

To assess the level of demand for a service, you need to take into account:

  • the size of the settlement, the degree of urbanization of the region;
  • mentality and solvency of the population;
  • the presence of competitors and the state of infrastructure (hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes different forms property, specialized organizations for the provision of medical services at home).

State and municipal nursing homes, as a rule, cannot compete with private institutions due to inadequate living conditions and patient care. There are exceptions. It happens that a state institution is taken under guardianship by a charitable organization or major entity management. If a sufficient material base and tolerable living conditions are created at the expense of the sponsor in a state institution, the potential clientele will not overpay a private trader.

Organizational moments

It is desirable that the institution is located outside the city in a picturesque area. There are many reasons for this:

  • older people want peace, walks in the air are useful to them;
  • remoteness from the city reduces labor costs (the claims of cooks, cleaners, a janitor and a security guard from the nearest village will be less than urban residents);
  • relatives who have placed an elderly person in a private boarding house are well off enough to visit him in their own transport.

Premises selection

The more the layout of the building (rooms for 1-2 people, the corridor system, the presence of a dining room, a sufficient number of showers and latrines) correspond to the profile of the activity of the future boarding house, the less subsequently it will be necessary to invest in its arrangement.

Optimal option:

  • recreation center;
  • hospital;
  • sanatorium;
  • Kid `s camp.

Such organizations are departmental or located in municipal property. In both cases, the conclusion of the lease agreement may be delayed. State property can be leased only on a competitive basis.

The nursing home business plan should contain an estimate for putting the chosen premises in order. In most cases cosmetic repairs does not cost. We'll have to change the plumbing, wiring, windows, doors, cover the roof. In the worst case - to bring communications, install a heating system, agree on the allocation of power lines. If the business is planned on a grand scale, it is better to start with one building (floor), finish the rest of the premises as financial receipts.

You need to be very careful with the design of the lease. It is worth involving a lawyer in the process of concluding a transaction. The contract must be long term. Otherwise, it makes no sense to invest in the reconstruction of someone else's building.

It is worth insisting on crediting all or at least part of the cost repair work in rent. Property improvements are inalienable and at the end of the contract remain by default with the landlord without any compensation. Since the contract is long-term, it will need to be registered with the USRN.

Registration and permissions

The business plan of a private nursing home should take into account the need to register an organization. The least burdensome. As of 2016, the minimum authorized capital is 10 thousand rubles, the state duty for entering into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is 4 thousand rubles. Registration of a turnkey LLC in Moscow will cost 35 thousand rubles. If you delegate only the drafting of the charter to a law firm, and deal with bureaucratic procedures on your own, you can get by with an amount of 1.5 thousand rubles.

– 87.90 “Other care activities with provision of accommodation”. It is worth immediately adding as additional codes of all potentially possible types activities. It's free.

A business plan for organizing a home, boarding house or nursing home must include the cost of obtaining a license. The state duty for issuing a document is 7.5 thousand rubles. But the main expenses will be incurred in connection with the sanitary and hygienic examination that precedes it, the execution of certified copies, extracts from registers.

The terms of the license are:

  • a room that meets the requirements of SanPiN;
  • availability of a contract for water supply, sewerage, heating, lighting, ventilation, fire alarm;
  • the presence in the state of medical staff employed at the main place of work.

It will take up to 3 months to obtain a license, since the passage of instances (Ministry of Emergency Situations, SSES, Roszdravnadzor) can only be sequential. Each state structure needs conclusions from the previous one.

Demand for the services of boarding houses for the elderly is growing steadily, and the state cannot provide for everyone. But it is not easy to make money in this market - seasonality and prejudice interfere

The idea of ​​creating a private nursing home came to the entrepreneur Natalya Peryazeva after one of her conversations with her grandfather, who once fought on the Japanese front. “I would like old age to be as full as life today,” a 95-year-old grandfather once said, apparently considering that up to 100 years old is not old age yet. Natalya herself is only 38, but she "always dreamed of doing something for people over 80, so that they would not depend on their children."

Before fulfilling her dream, she tried herself in different areas- Worked at LogoVAZ-Belyayevo, the first Mercedes-Benz dealer in Russia, and at Itera gas production company. She earned initial capital and created the LogicStars IT company, a software developer for car services. Among the clients are about a hundred car services, distributors and dealers, including official Nissan, Renault, Kia. A successful IT business allows her to now launch projects “for the soul”.

From childhood to old age

When Natalia's daughter was born in 2008, she decided to open a developing children's center not far from home in the metropolitan area of ​​Marfino: "Then the area was just built up, there were no competitors." Peryazeva leased 230 sq. m, made repairs, developed training programs. “But over time, competitors began to open up, profitability fell, and the poorly predicted profitability for the season became an unpleasant discovery - they earned half a year, another six months they ate what they earned. In general, it became boring, ”recalls Natalya.

After the birth of their second child, the family moved to the Moscow region, and in August 2015 they sold the development center. With the funds received, Peryazeva decided to open a kindergarten - her children had just grown up, and the business model of the kindergarten seemed to her more stable than that of a developing center. She was offered to see the operating garden "Seven Dwarfs" in the village of Larino in the Lianozovo district in the north of Moscow - the village is located in a forest park zone, wealthy people live there. “When I saw this village, I realized that this is an ideal place to realize another of my dreams - to open a nursing home,” says Peryazeva. In the end, everything went at the same time: Natalya was negotiating the purchase of Seven Dwarfs and was looking for suitable premises for nursing home.

We managed to find it on the street next to the kindergarten. In July 2015, Peryazeva rented a three-story stone cottage with an area of ​​500 sq. m. A couple of months later, the nursing home has already opened. "Fast? Opening a boarding house for the elderly - what's so difficult about it? Natalia laughs. The first guest at the House by the Park, 80-year-old Valentina Ivanovna, moved in in September 2015.

Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC

“Opening a boarding house is really not as difficult as many people think,” confirms the owner of the boarding house for the elderly “Close People” Tatyana Ilyina. “The state does not regulate this area of ​​activity, and there are no legislative requirements.” You just need to register a legal entity (“House by the Park” is an individual entrepreneur in simplified form), indicate in the documents the appropriate type of activity, for example, “care with accommodation”, prepare a standard service agreement.

Such an institution does not require a special license to open. “Due to the lack of general rules and requirements, everyone does what they are capable of,” says Ilyina. - The boarding house may have medical beds, a special diet or doctor's services, or it may not have all this, the institution will open anyway. Therefore, when choosing a place for your relatives, it is very important to look at what kind of people are doing it. Only entrepreneurs who are not indifferent to the elderly work successfully in such a business.”

At the same time, private nursing homes are controlled by Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service. According to Natalia, representatives of these services came several times at the start of the business, but after making sure that everything was fine, they did not bother me anymore.

Elder market

The population of Russia, like the rest of the world, is aging. According to the UN, the proportion of people over 60 in 2000 in Russia was 18.5%, and in 2050 it will be 37.2%. Today in Russia there are just over 1.5 thousand boarding houses for the elderly. For comparison: there are more than 7,000 of them in France, and more than 20,000 in the USA. About 90% of all Russian boarding houses are state-owned. Most private nursing homes are located in Moscow and the Moscow region (over 90 boarding houses), St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, in the regions the market is not at all developed - in million-plus cities there are two or three private establishments. According to the calculations of the NP World of the Older Generation, 630,000 elderly people in Russia have a need for places in specialized institutions, and only 270,000 are provided. At the same time, not everyone is satisfied with the quality of public services, and many are willing to pay.

The cost of monthly living in a private nursing home ranges from 24 thousand to 100 thousand rubles, on average - about 50 thousand rubles. The price primarily depends on the availability of medical services, quality of food and location. The main players are the UKSS network (700 seats), Senior Group (230 seats), Close People (120 seats) and others. at 60 thousand rubles.

If a private boarding house for the elderly can prove the high quality of services (for example, in Moscow one of the requirements is a five-year work experience of the organization), it can be included in the register of social service providers. Then the guests will come in the direction of the local social security authorities, which compensates up to 80% of the maintenance costs. For example, Aleksey Sidnev's Senior Group is included in the register, with a subsidy in the network of his boarding houses, one hundred places are provided. But, according to him, working with the state is not very profitable - the social security authorities set the maximum cost of a place, for example, in the Senior Group - this is 66 thousand rubles, of which the guest himself pays only 11 thousand rubles, and average check in the network - 90 thousand rubles.

Where Dreams Lead

The investor of "Houses by the Park" is Peryazeva's IT company LogicStars. According to SPARK, in 2015 the company's turnover amounted to 16.5 million rubles, profit - 2.2 million. Both projects of Natalya are located in the same building: the last floor of a three-story cottage is occupied by an IT company, the first two are a nursing home.

The launch of the "House by the Park" cost 2.3 million rubles, the rental price is 250 thousand rubles. per month (167 thousand rubles, if you subtract a third of the area occupied by programmers). Tatyana Ilyina says that the initial investment figure looks too low: “It is hardly possible to meet this amount.” To open her first 50-bed boarding house, she needed almost three times the amount of investment. Peryazeva says that she saved money on repairs: “We took into account the previous experience of the “children's” business when we made expensive repairs “for centuries”, and two years later the project was sold. Therefore, this time we rented the building already renovated, and most importantly, there was no need to remake it for the needs of older guests.”

I had to spend money on the purchase of upholstered and cabinet furniture for the living room, kitchen area and living rooms (including several special medical beds) - in total it took about 500 thousand rubles. Climbing to the second floor was not easy for some clients, so they bought a step walker - a mechanism in the form of a chair that allows you to climb stairs (another 300 thousand rubles).

A separate cost item is bathroom equipment. Most older people need help, so special equipment is needed: a lifting mechanism for immersing a person in a bath (cost 25 thousand rubles), a special chair in the shower cabin (about 10 thousand rubles), metal handrails on each side and anti-slip mats. AT total the purchase of special equipment and furniture cost 1 million rubles.

Natalya decided to save money on medical care - there is no permanent doctor in the House by the Park, like in most private nursing homes. “We have agreements with Invitro, Hemotest and commercial ambulance for emergency sampling, procedures, or a doctor’s examination,” says Peryazeva. The house has a standard first aid kit and a nurse on staff, and guests bring prescription drugs with them.

“The lack of medical services is not a barrier to entering the market, but it narrows the circle of potential customers,” warns Ilyina. “After all, many older people really need regular medical care.” According to her calculations, the presence of a doctor increases the cost of services by about 3-5%.

Natalya Peryazeva also found a way to save money on catering. Food is prepared in a kindergarten on a neighboring street, brought to the "House near the Park", heated and served in an equipped dining room. “We don’t have the opportunity to organize special meals,” admits Peryazeva. In general, the cost of buying, delivering groceries, cooking takes 20% of the total structure of monthly costs.

According to Ilyina, as a rule, “a boarding house for the elderly is a social facility with meals for guests, therefore, generally accepted standards for organizing this process apply to it.” In particular, a separate room should be equipped for the kitchen, the different requirements Rospotrebnadzor and firefighters. Cooking in another room reduces inspections and saves space.

Founder of the nursing home "House by the Park" Natalia Peryazeva (Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC)

Business about people

To attract future guests, we decided to use advertising on transport - we entered into an agreement with the local fleet of fixed-route taxis and placed advertising models on the doors and bodies of cars. The move worked. “The first clients came precisely through this advertisement,” Peryazeva remembers.

Now, to promote her institution, she uses contextual advertising, shoots a video and posts it on social networks, is spent on search engine optimization. The choice of a nursing home is not a spontaneous decision, as a rule, relatives carefully study websites and reviews on the Web. In the first four months of 2015, spending on marketing and promotion amounted to 500 thousand rubles. and exactly the same for all of 2016.

Today, in the “mini-hotel for the elderly”, as Peryazeva prefers to call her institution, 15 out of 22 places are occupied (70% occupancy). That's not a lot. The fact is that nursing homes are a seasonal business, increased demand begins in mid-May, reaches its peak in summer and decreases by the end of October.

“Planned occupancy, which allows you to earn a profit, is 85%. It usually takes a year or two to bring a new object to such numbers,” says Alexey Sidnev from Senior Group (the occupancy rate of his network is about 90%). “So everything is fine, for Natalia’s institution, occupancy is a matter of time.” “A full load still does not happen, and we have it no higher than 85%,” says Tatyana Ilyina. — More important criterion- the number of residents per one nurse, optimally - one for three people. At the Park House, there is one nurse for every five people. A total of ten people work there, including a nurse, a social worker, nurses, a manager and an administrator.

The main difference between private nursing homes and public ones is that people rarely live there permanently. Usually, as Peryazeva says, grandparents spend from ten days to several months in the "House by the Park". Owners of private nursing homes say that, as a rule, relatives decide to send old people to boarding houses after complex operations when they need a caregiver; another motive is that children go on vacation themselves and cannot look after their parents; sometimes boarding houses are seen as holiday homes where older people can socialize with each other. The Western model, when people live in boarding houses all year round, takes root in Russia with difficulty - older people do not want to be separated from their families, and it is unprofitable for children to pay for their accommodation for a long time.

Only a few people choose to live in the Park House permanently. " the main problem— a rather high cost of our services, worthy conditions to provide for less than 50 thousand rubles. a month is practically unrealistic, - Tatyana Ilyina complains. “If the boarding house is really good, some of the clients come back to it from time to time.” The conversion is at least 30%, confirms Peryazeva.

"Grandfather's Garden"

In 2016, Dom u Park's revenue exceeded RUB 6 million. In the fall, the project reached payback, but there is no profit yet, winter is the low season. By the summer, Peryazeva expects to increase occupancy to 85%, and by the end of 2017 to get the first profit. According to Alexey Sidnev, the average profitability of this business is 19-22%. In 2015 boarding houses brought Senior Group about 250 million rubles. revenue, but the company is actively building new facilities, so it is still unprofitable. But the network of three boarding houses near Moscow "Close People" by Tatyana Ilina earned 5 million rubles in 2015. net profit with a turnover of about 20 million rubles.

An unexpected synergy was discovered between the kindergarten and the nursing home of Natalia Peryazeva. Children and grandparents visit each other regularly. Children - with a concert or performance, adults participate in master classes or read fairy tales to children by the fireplace in the living area of ​​the kindergarten. “We alone in Russia have guessed to combine children and the elderly,” says Natalya. “Children should see that old age can be different, and in an educational sense, the combination of a garden and a house is good, but from a business point of view, these are absolutely two different segment, Ilyina is surprised. — If the owner of the "House by the Park" manages to turn such a model into competitive advantage- perfect".

Moreover, Natalia decided that the kindergarten business model could be used in the market of services for the elderly. In the near future, she plans to open a "grandfather's garden" in the boarding house - the possibility of an elderly person staying during the day without spending the night. “In Germany and the USA, this model works successfully - relatives bring relatives in the morning and pick them up in the evening. They do not sit within four walls, communicate with each other and have fun, ”says Natalya. The fact is that many older people are afraid of nursing homes, they do not want to live there permanently, and the temporary stay model allows solving this problem and attracting new clients.

Tatyana Ilyina says that in six years of work there have been no requests to “leave my grandmother for a couple of hours”. Staying on weekends is also not popular - no more than ten calls. Alexey Sidnev is more optimistic: “This is a great idea for a boarding house located in Moscow, it operates in densely built-up areas, less often outside the city.”

Enough a large number of people are interested in the topic of opening a private nursing home. An integral part of this interest is economic calculations, profitability, necessary investments, and so on. All this aspect of interest closes the business plan.

But self-compilation of a business plan is a rather laborious task, primarily in terms of time and requires certain knowledge in the field of financial planning and calculations. Ordering a business plan from consulting organizations is a rather expensive undertaking.

Being engaged in the organization and opening of private nursing homes for a long time, I, based on my desire to have as many decent boarding houses for the elderly in our state as possible, offering a high level of quality of life for the elderly, decided to make a gift for everyone who has the desire and opportunity to open . Below, at the link in red, in PDF format you can see one of the business plans I ordered for a nursing home designed for Moscow. Premium boarding house business plan. I chose this particular business plan because the standards must always be raised) And the premium segment is a good guideline for organizing the work of a private nursing home.

What's next?

And then important information will be knowledge of hygienic requirements for the placement, arrangement, equipment, maintenance of facilities of healthcare and social service organizations intended for permanent residence of the elderly and disabled, sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime of their work. In other words, Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. More specifically SanPiN Click on the red text below and you will have knowledge of the rules and regulations imposed by the state on the topic of interest to us.

The nursing home business plan is displayed on the website in pdf format and the calculated figures are shown for a specific case. For your situation, I have an Excel file with the given formulas for calculating EBITDA, NPV, IRR, payback periods, sensitivity analysis and other financial calculations. Write to me at the mail indicated in the Contacts section and I will send you this very right tool financial calculation of the profitability of a private boarding house for the elderly.

The older generation needs care and special care. However, relatives are not always ready to surround an elderly person with attention. While the young family members are at work, the pensioner is left to himself. The situation can be aggravated even more if, with age, a person develops a galaxy of diseases, including mental disorders.

A private boarding house or nursing home is the best solution for all parties: old man receives necessary care and medical supervision, relatives are no longer afraid to go to work, and the institution receives a well-deserved profit.

Guaranteed social security or private sector

Unfortunately, the percentage of citizens of retirement age in Russia is gradually growing, and the existing state institutions for the care of the elderly can no longer cope with the influx of guests. It is also necessary to take into account the factor that social institutions accept only single pensioners - the heirs should take care of the rest.

Family grandparents, more often their relatives, can only apply to a private institution, so this type of business is considered the most competitive in the modern economy. Stereotypes about poor living conditions and negative attitudes towards nursing home residents are gradually being erased. Trust in nursing homes is returning for objective reasons: modern private institutions are different high level comfort and professional staff.

How to open a nursing home

The practice of spending the rest of the years in a nursing home, under vigilant medical supervision, is widespread in Europe and the United States: neither children nor their parents see anything reprehensible in this. The supply fully covers the demand: this niche of social business in European countries is completely filled. However, in Russia, business is only gaining momentum - many businessmen are investing in the construction and equipping of nursing homes in order to receive a high and stable income in the future.

Any social entrepreneur can open a nursing home or a private boarding house for the elderly and disabled: registering a business is not difficult (description below). But you will have to work very carefully on a business plan or enlist the help of a specialized specialist, otherwise the project may turn out to be unprofitable.

A business plan for opening a nursing home can be downloaded for free on the Internet, bought as a personal project or franchise, or developed independently. Individual projects are considered the most reliable - they are based on preliminary marketing and social studies applicable to a specific region or city.

Before registering a business and looking for investors, you need to determine:

  • Evaluation of the prospects of the project in a particular city/district: the demand for services, the presence of competitors, etc.
  • Target Audience: Who do you plan to work with?
  • The specifics of the institution: nursing home, boarding house.
  • The number of guests.
  • Choice of location and building.
  • The range of services provided.

And only then - based on the data received, you develop / order a business plan for a nursing home.

The target audience

First of all, you should decide on the contingent of customers. Will you work only with the elderly or will you agree to accept the disabled? Are you ready to work with seriously ill (lying) patients and do you agree to care for people with mental disorders that develop against the background of old age?

For each group of guests, you will need to create personal conditions, purchase specific medical equipment and staff. Caring for bedridden patients and disabled people of other groups costs a considerable budget, which subsequently may not pay off, so many private institutions prefer to work in the narrow service sector for the elderly.

The choice of the target audience is influenced by:

  • The presence of competitors in certain areas: social institutions for pensioners and the disabled, hospices, mental hospitals;
  • Sociological surveys: are relatives ready to entrust the care of elderly parents/disabled/critically ill to a third-party organization;
  • Marketing research: the standard of living of the population, whether individual services will be in demand in a given region and to what extent;


All institutions can be divided into two broad categories:

  • Residential Nursing Home;
  • Boarding house for the elderly.

You can combine both functions: some of the residents are in the institution permanently, some - in case of urgent need. But you should remember that the notorious “necessity” most often occurs with relatives before a holiday or vacation. In fact, an elderly relative is handed over to the care of the medical staff when the children and grandchildren leave for resorts. As a result, the main peak of work in the boarding house falls on summer time and New Year holidays.

The specifics of the institution include the entertainment program that you are going to offer guests. One TV is not enough: it is desirable to organize several hobby groups, develop an active recreation program (exercise equipment, a garden, a swimming pool - for health reasons).

Business project

Nursing home is on mutually beneficial terms. The entrepreneur assumes responsibility for the guests, and his relatives relieve themselves of this responsibility for a certain material payment.

In order for the institution to be profitable, all costs must be foreseen in advance - when the project begins to be implemented, you will have no time to look for investors. It is likely that in the process of implementation the business plan will have to be adjusted several times. However, the higher the quality of the project, the closer the final cost will be to the estimated cost.

About how to open private house for the elderly and what is required for this, you can consult with specialists working in this field. For a certain amount of money, they will help you draw up a high-quality business plan, they will give you several good advice and warn about the pitfalls that are hidden in the muddy bureaucratic flow.

Requirements for premises

The choice of building and its placement plays a huge role. You can build a new facility in strict accordance with the norms of SNiP or purchase a finished building and carry out reconstruction - the buildings of old boarding houses and sanatoriums are best suited for this. You can also use hotels and hostels.

It is best to choose objects (buy a plot for construction) outside the city - in an ecologically healthy area. The best option is a landscaped area of ​​one or two hectares. So the guests will beautiful view from the window and the possibility of walking in the fresh air.

The planning of the facility should take into account:

  • Single or double rooms for residents
  • Bathrooms: private in rooms or shared on each floor
  • Spacious dining room
  • Offices for doctor's appointments, for procedures, etc.
  • Premises for recreation and entertainment
  • Mandatory: the presence of ramps, railings and an elevator

Personnel Requirements

All line personnel (physicians, psychologists, nurses, etc.) must have the appropriate education and work experience. Without a qualified health worker on staff, you will not be allowed to open a nursing home. Depending on the number of guests, you may have one doctor on duty or an entire medical unit. It is desirable to organize round-the-clock duty so that the specialist on duty can receive the patient at any time.

You can select the personnel of economic services at your discretion. You will need: security guards, cleaners, administrator, housekeeper, supply manager, gardener.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of nannies. Staff working directly with guests should be friendly, tactful, polite and stress-resistant. It is recommended to select applicants with a medical or psychological education for these positions.

Purchase of equipment

is the most customer-centric business possible: customers literally live with you for years. Therefore, you create decent living conditions for them, provide medical care, and organize leisure activities. This will require a lot of special equipment and devices:

  • Beds with adjustable backrest
  • Bedsore prevention mattresses
  • Plumbing equipment, taking into account the physical capabilities of users
  • Emergency personnel call system (panic button)
  • Required minimum of medical diagnostic equipment
  • Cooking equipment, taking into account the menu of all guests
  • Disability equipment
  • Equipment for entertainment, recreation and sports

Listed here are the essential equipment. If you want to raise the status of your establishment or attract customers from target groups, you will have to significantly increase the budget. After all, many of your residents require additional procedures to maintain their health - physiotherapy, massage, treatment and prevention, etc.

Legal registration

In order to legalize a nursing home, you will need to issue and register with the tax entity, get a medical license, settle issues with the Social Security Fund, Pension Fund Russia, Rosstat and the Department of Social Protection. Many entrepreneurs are wondering how to open a nursing home without a license: according to current legislation, this is impossible.

To complete all required documents you can use the services of a law firm or a hired lawyer - the help of professionals will help you save time and money.

The regulations for the reception of guests are also prescribed at the legislative level. You will need:

  • Application from the person himself, his close relatives or guardian
  • Passport, SNILS, TIN
  • Copies of medical record and health insurance policy
  • Documents on the assignment of a disability group (if any)
  • Certificate of medical examination (if necessary)

To protect the entrepreneur from unforeseen claims, the client must sign the act of material and household inspection, as well as the rules for the reception, residence and discharge of the tenant.


To attract customers, you need to allocate a separate column of the budget. Advertising can be distributed through the media or via the Internet - individually for all groups of the target audience. Having your own website will significantly increase your chances of success - here you can post photos of the institution from the most successful angles, customer reviews and a list of services.

Profitable business or social project?

To open a nursing home, you will need an initial capital of at least 1,000,000 rubles. The higher the status of the institution, the greater the number of services and the wider the staff, the more costs you will bear.

The payback period of the project is at least 1 year for different regions. The level of further profit depends on your pricing policy and the number of guests, but most entrepreneurs speak of a fairly high profitability of a business project.

However, against the backdrop of commercial benefits, one should not forget about the main task of social business - helping the elderly and disabled people. The reputation of such institutions is earned over the years and can be destroyed in an instant. You make a profit exactly as long as you honestly fulfill your obligations.

In this material:

The most competitive business today is opening a boarding house. We will figure out how to open a private nursing home, why a business plan should be competent and worked out to the smallest detail.

People are getting older and there is no getting around it. At the same time, not everyone is lucky to have such relatives with whom you can go through this period easily and simply. Many older people do not receive enough attention from loved ones. In such situation the best option will move to a specialized nursing home where professionals can provide the proper care that the elderly need so much.

Many have a very negative attitude towards the idea of ​​a nursing home. The stereotypes that are associated with this kind of establishments really negatively influence the decision of the majority of older people. However, nowadays there are more and more private homes for the elderly, where comfortable living conditions are created. Experienced professionals provide the right care that a person does not receive from their relatives.

More and more people are complaining about the constant lack of free time. Busy individuals do not have the opportunity to allocate an extra minute for themselves, and there is no question of elderly parents. In such cases, indeed, a specialized institution will be the best way out.

Given the current situation, many aspiring businessmen are thinking about opening their own nursing home. This can be a great option for making money, but a lot of investment will be required.

Benefits of running a nursing home business

This type of business is currently one of the most competitive in Russia. The fact is that private nursing homes today can be considered a rarity, but the demand for them is great. A feature of this type of commerce can be called the fact that such investments will generate income even in a crisis, and this is important, given the experience of recent years.

Before deciding to invest in such a business, it is worth drawing up a detailed business plan. This will allow you to accurately calculate and calculate whether the available amount is enough to open a nursing home. It is immediately worth noting that the organization of this enterprise will require serious investments, but they should quickly pay off.

First stage

First you need to decide on competitors. If you plan to organize a business in a small town where there is already a nursing home, it is better to abandon this idea. In this case, the competition will be too high, which will make the business unprofitable. If it's about major city, here you can safely choose a similar direction. However, it is very important to approach the organization of your business correctly, since we are talking about working with people.

Many people still have misconceptions about nursing homes. Nowadays, these are not just shelters where older people live out their years, but comfortable establishments in which they feel better than at home. In order to provide the elderly with proper care, it is necessary not only to properly equip the premises, but also to recruit a team of professionals who will properly treat people who have lived a long life. It is very important that part of the staff has a medical education, which must be confirmed by diplomas.

Room selection

For a nursing home, you will need a fairly large empty building. It is unlikely that it will be possible to rent part of the house, since there should be the most calm and comfortable environment nearby. Older people will certainly approve if there is a beautiful view from their window. A nursing home is not just a temporary hotel, much less an orphanage. People will live here for more than one year, so it is necessary to create comfort and silence for them. Better if it's environmentally friendly clean place away from roads and industrial production.

Please note that the building must be multi-room. For each guest it is better to provide their own separate room. In some budget options, a double settlement is also offered, but this is far from convenient for everyone, so there should be few such rooms.

The dining room in the nursing home needs to be made spacious. Elderly people need to be provided with high-quality three meals a day. For many, you will have to make a special menu, taking into account the diet.

If possible, it is worth organizing bathrooms for each room. In extreme cases, one toilet and shower is allowed per floor. Last option most often used where the premises are converted from a former hostel.

Given the specifics of the institution, it is imperative to equip a medical office. Older people get sick quite often, so they have to constantly seek medical help.

Older people have a lot of free time. Most of them are engaged in his favorite hobby, while others simply do not know what to do with this watch. The creative solution of the organizers of the nursing home will help here. In the boarding house it is worth creating a separate room for entertainment. Various events and competitions, dance classes can be held here. By the way, dance schools among the elderly are very popular. For a pleasant pastime and reception of visitors, it is worth equipping a calm living room.

Nursing home staff

This is a very important part of the work that must be taken into account, because its rating depends on what kind of people will work in a boarding house. This will affect the desire of older people to live in this house. After all, the best "word of mouth" has not yet come up with advertising moves.

There are special requirements for the staff who will work with the elderly. Here are important qualities such as honesty, patience, goodwill, friendliness, sensitivity, attentiveness and love for one's work. An important criterion for selecting employees should be education. This applies primarily to physicians, but other positions should be occupied by qualified professionals. For example, cooks should be familiar with the preparation of dietary dishes, and it is better to choose some nurses with a psychological education.

Boarding house equipment

Older people are often limited in physical abilities, so it is necessary to create not only comfortable, but also safe living conditions for them. To do this, you will have to spend money on special equipment. For example, beds should be multifunctional, that is, freely change position. Mattresses should be purchased special, which can protect against bedsores.

In the bathroom, as in the whole house, you need to equip handrails. They will help to move people who find it difficult to exercise for a long time. physical activity. Each room should have a panic button so that the guest can call for help if necessary.

In the entertainment room it is worth buying sets of board games, chess, checkers. Here you also need to install a large TV, as every old man will like this pastime.

Documents and advertising

It is very important to properly organize promotional activities. Without attracting the attention of customers, success will not work. It is best to use the media and the worldwide network for these purposes. You can create your own website, where all visitors can learn about the benefits of your institution.

People who will live in a boarding house must be properly registered. To do this, they must provide a passport, SNILS, a certificate of disability, if any, and a medical insurance policy.

The business plan of a sanatorium (boarding house or base) determines the way to create and work in a city with a favorable environment for health improvement and a population of over 40 thousand people. Since the construction of a sanatorium is a long and costly investment process, it is economically expedient to rent premises and land to accommodate a sanatorium or a boarding house.

The attractiveness of the project

  1. Currently, the ecological situation in most cities leaves much to be desired, this significantly affects the health and well-being of people. In addition, the majority earns a lot of chronic diseases due to improper diet and an intense lifestyle. The sanatorium (boarding house) is located in an ecologically clean area. Thanks to the unique complex of wellness procedures, everyone can significantly improve their health and have a good rest.
  2. The sanatorium (boarding house) provides a wide range of services in addition to recreational activities: bath services, beautician, hairdressing salon other.
  3. Most people believe that good health is the main component of life, but because of the eternal bustle of the city, they do not find the right amount of time to maintain it. The complex of wellness procedures is unique and allows you to perfectly restore strength.
  4. On the territory of the sanatorium (boarding house) representatives of various companies can organize various seminars and meetings, organize offsite corporate events.

Basic prices for spa treatment and other services should not exceed the average prices for the region. It is economically advantageous to orient the work of the sanatorium for people with an average income level.

To finance the project, it is possible to attract investors, for example, large enterprises that will be able to send their employees to improve their health at affordable prices. The share of own capital must be at least 5%.

The following materials were used in the development of this business plan:

  • data from open sources;
  • industry publications;
  • industry expert publications;
  • surveys of the population through social networks;
  • researches of Russian and foreign branch institutes.

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The market of sanatorium and health services

The number of organizations that provide such services is really large. However, the majority of those who wish do not have the opportunity to purchase a voucher due to the workload of this industry, or, having once visited a sanatorium on the provided voucher, they are not satisfied with the quality and service of the services provided and are looking for health facilities outside the country. Most sanatoriums, with the ideal quality of the services provided, do not deal with the cultural and entertainment aspect of their activities. But people come not only for clean air and proper nutrition, but also behind the charge positive emotions and impressions. With an individual approach to each client, a person will return to the sanatorium again and again. According to statistics, most people prefer to spend their holidays in their favorite place, rather than indulge in dubious experiments in new places.

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Personnel required for the operation of the sanatorium (boarding house)

  1. Administration. The work will require one manager and his deputy, who will coordinate the work of all personnel, deal with the signing of contracts with suppliers, enterprises receiving services, etc.
  2. Accounting. It will be enough for one chief accountant and his assistant to keep records of wages, financial reports, payments, food consumption, etc.
  3. Marketing department. Here, the selection of competent specialists is especially important - it depends on them how all vouchers and additional services will be implemented. And from this the term is determined, how quickly this project will pay off.
  4. Security. To make your stay safe and comfortable, security is a must. It will be good if the guards work part-time as plumbers and carpenters when necessary.
  5. Medical staff. Doctors in sanatoriums usually work part-time (they come to the office for 3-4 hours to prescribe medical procedures and diagnostics). The number of nurses, massage therapists, etc. is calculated based on the number of treatments and vacationers.
  6. Maid and other staff of the sanatorium. The calculation of the need for service personnel is based on the fact that for every 15 rooms you will need one person who is engaged in washing, cleaning, ironing and maintaining order.
  7. Kitchen staff (cooks, cook assistants, waiters).
  8. Personnel for providing other types of services (for baths, cafes, hairdressers, etc.).

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Choosing a place to place a sanatorium (boarding house)

When choosing a location for a sanatorium (boarding house), it is necessary to pay attention not only to the availability of natural and other resources, but also to whether the area is a resort.

When drawing up a business plan for a sanatorium, all possible costs must be taken into account. At the same time, it is necessary to decide whether it is worth starting construction or is it better to buy or rent an already finished object. Real estate prices are dictated by the policy of the country and often not very stable exchange rate of the national currency. Location plays a major role: prices for sanatoriums in the Moscow region can be much higher than those in Sochi. The price level for these objects is currently dictated not by demand, but by supply.

Sanatoriums and boarding houses exist as a separate industry with its own laws and regulations.

Experts say that with a competent approach to this business all costs can be recouped in the first season. To do this, it is necessary to provide for all the moments that may arise in the work.

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Choosing the mode of operation of the sanatorium (boarding house)

It is necessary to determine and accurately calculate: is it profitable if the sanatorium will be year-round or work only in the warm season. The choice depends on many factors:

  • Does the resort have a swimming pool?
  • whether there is a reservoir, forest, etc. nearby;
  • what sightseeing tours are available in the city at different times of the year;
  • what methods of alternative recovery in winter can you offer.

As the experience of many owners shows, it is economically beneficial if the sanatorium has a wide activity profile and is open all year round. It is only necessary to correctly adjust the cultural and health program.

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Main costs and investments

  1. The premises for the sanatorium and the land adjacent to it. If you buy a building, then its cost will go into the costs, if you rent it, then the rent. Here we should not forget that other capital costs are very high and the payback period can be more than a year. Therefore, it is advisable to conclude a lease agreement for a long period.
  2. The cost of repair and arrangement of the territory. Given these costs, do not forget that for vacationers the most important thing is how comfortable their stay will be. For example, if the choice is before you, install a beautiful suspended ceiling or purchase air conditioners in the rooms, then it would be more correct to choose the second. Clients will never forget see-through windows, lack of hot water or Internet, even if a chic renovation is done - they will never come back here again.
  3. The cost of furnishing, design and other elements of the interior of the sanatorium. It is necessary to carefully plan the design, layout, furnishing of the premises in advance. Many owners of both large and small sanatoriums purchase furniture for rooms in one place (a large purchase is at wholesale prices).
  4. Expenses for equipment and supplies for rooms, medical offices, kitchens, dining rooms, cafes, showers, treatment rooms, rest rooms, hairdressers, etc. If the necessary funds for the creation of all facilities are not yet available, it is possible to provide premises for rent for those firms that provide services in these areas.

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Monthly expenses for the maintenance of the sanatorium (boarding house)

  1. Rent, land payment, utility bills.
  2. Employee wages.
  3. Taxes and other payments.
  4. Expenses for medications and other means for improving health, maintaining good health and beauty of vacationers.
  5. Food expenses.
  6. Expenses for cultural events.
  7. Advertising expenses.

It is necessary to clearly and competently describe all the services of the doctors that you will represent. All employees must be with certain merits and the necessary work experience. Diplomas and certificates hung on the walls form the client's sense of trust in the attending physician.

Popular in the health resort business are the services of an endocrinologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, surgeon, dentist and otolaryngologist. The cost of treatment for one visit (about 20-25 days) must be agreed with the specialists. The basic formula for calculating the service: the cost of medicines, depreciation of equipment, the cost of doctor's services, payment for diagnostics plus a percentage of profit. The most commonly used percentage is 10-15%.

It should be borne in mind that a recreation area can also act as a good trading platform for the sale of specialized services and goods ( souvenir products, juices and mineral waters, health teas, etc.). Many boarding houses also include a beach area, billiard rooms, a discos area (which can be visited not only by vacationers, but by all residents and guests of the city for a fee).

When recruiting, you should calculate optimal size wages, convenient work schedule, the percentage of cash rewards for the sale of additional goods and services. It is necessary to establish direct food supplies, choose the way food is served (set tables or a buffet), develop menus, therapeutic diets, etc.

With pleasure, vacationers will attend yoga, fitness or other sports training. It is possible to create circles of interest, where vacationers can learn to draw, sculpt from clay or salt dough, etc. The range of services that can be provided is truly inexhaustible. It remains only to find the right instructors and masters who can transfer their knowledge.