Installation of a storage tank for sewage in the country. Plastic sewage tanks

  • 03.03.2020

For each house for a comfortable stay, it is required to supply water and equip a sewer to drain it. The most convenient option is to connect a household outdoor sewerage to the central system, which is not always possible to do. In this case, sewage tanks are used to collect and treat wastewater.

The storage tank for sewage is a large tank equipped with two holes:

  • entrance for connecting a sewer pipeline;
  • hole for cleaning the container.

In most cases, such a unit is installed below ground level. This allows you to save the aesthetic appearance of the site and space for other purposes.

Types of containers

Storage tanks are used to equip water flow in a modern external sewer system. Installing the device does not require certain skills, but the tank needs timely cleaning, which is carried out.

Depending on the material used for the production, sewer tanks are divided into:

  • metal;
  • concrete.

plastic containers

Tanks made from various kinds plastic, are the most popular.

Plastic containers for sewage have a number of advantages over units made from other materials:

  • have relatively no big weight, which is important when installing equipment;
  • the most hermetic. This factor is achieved due to the absence of welds;
  • durable, as the material is resistant to corrosion and the negative effects of aggressive substances contained in wastewater;
  • relatively low cost of the device.

metal containers

The second place in use after plastic is occupied by metal containers for sewage.

Such equipment is heavier than plastic. To install it, you need to use crane. It is not possible to install a metal container on your own.

Before installation, in order to prevent sewage from entering the ground, it is necessary to carefully treat all connecting seams with a sealant.

To protect the equipment from possible corrosion as much as possible, the tank is covered both inside and outside with a protective anti-corrosion material, which significantly extends the service life of the tank. Resistant paint, for example, XB-785 enamel, can be used as such a material.

Concrete tanks

Currently, they are rarely used for sewerage. First of all, this is due to the property of the material used.

Concrete quickly collapses from strong and constant humidity. Accordingly, sewer containers made of concrete last a short time. But the cost of installing such a unit is a lot. Due to the large weight, the tank cannot be installed without the use of special equipment.

Thus, for small private networks, it is advisable to use plastic containers for sewage.

To install a sewer tank yourself, you need:

  • calculate the appropriate amount of equipment and decide on its material;
  • choose the best place for installation;
  • install and test the system.

Calculation of the volume of the sewer tank

Before installing the entire external sewer system, it is necessary to determine the volume of the sewer tank.

Volume necessary equipment depends:

  • on the number of people living in the house (it is especially important if the capacity calculation is carried out for country cottage in which people live permanently);
  • on the amount of wastewater (on average, one person consumes about 200 liters of liquid per day);
  • from the expected period of cleaning work.

Specialists have developed a universal formula for calculating the volume of a sewer tank:

V=n*x*Vday, where

  • n is the period between cleaning works, measured in days;
  • x is the number of people permanently residing in the house;
  • Vday - the estimated volume of wastewater per person per day.

For example, 3 people live permanently in a house. It is assumed that the sewage tank will be cleaned every 30 days.

V \u003d 30 days * 3 people * 200 liters per day \u003d 18000 liters, that is, the tank must have a volume of at least 18 m³.

The calculation of the volume of the sewer tank is quite simple. But neglecting this procedure will lead to negative consequences.

Choosing a place to install a sewer tank

At the next stage of the equipment of the sewer system, it is necessary to determine the place where the container for sewage will be located. When choosing a location, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • so that the liquid can flow by gravity into the tank, the latter is located in the very lowest point personal plot;
  • for the convenience of cleaning the structure, roads are needed along which specialized equipment can drive;
  • it is desirable that the pipeline leading the effluents to the tank be straight. This will save you from installing additional equipment, for example, rotary wells;
  • it is not recommended to install a sewage tank near the house, as unpleasant odors may occur. Too much distance between the house and the sewer tank will lead to the need to lay a long pipeline.

The most optimal distance from the house to the unit is 6 meters.

Installation of a sewer tank

To independently install a sewer tank, you must:

  • Dig a hole for equipment. The dimensions of the pit should be approximately 50 cm on each side larger than the dimensions of the container.
  • Put a layer of sand on the bottom, creating the basis for the container. If in the area where it is planned to install a sewage tank, clay soils are predominantly present and groundwater is close to the surface, it is more advisable to make a solid concrete foundation under the tank. This will avoid tilting the equipment, in the formation of which the device will quickly fail.

  • Install tank. Plastic containers for sewage must be installed strictly horizontally. If you cannot install the unit yourself, then you need to resort to the help of lifting equipment.
  • Connect sewer line.

  • Check all joints for tightness. To do this, you need to put into the system a large number of water under pressure.
  • Fill the container with sand on all sides.
  • Close the lid provided for the design of the tank.
  • Bury, leaving a hole on the surface for cleaning the tank.

Properly selected and installed capacity for sewage will serve long time.

The sewage storage tank is simple solution for household systems. Installing the tank yourself is not difficult and does not require special skills.

The problem of waste disposal in a private house is easily solved by installing a sewer tank. One-piece tanks are produced on an industrial scale at various polymer industries and serve to accumulate and prevent wastewater from entering the soil. The main difference between such containers and the usual ones is the need to pump out as they fill up, since the waste water does not go anywhere.

The most common of the solutions for creating sewers:

The old version of the installation of sewerage - concrete rings . They are used quite often, but it is almost impossible to achieve complete sealing of the sewer when using rings;
Steel tanks - as an option. They can provide complete sealing of wastewater from the ground, however, the service life is not long, the tanks are subject to corrosion and destruction of walls and joints;
Plastic tanks. To date, this the best way for sewerage. The plastic tank for the sewerage is not exposed to corrosion, serves long and does not need leaving.

When choosing a container for sewage, special attention should be paid to its volume. A large tank will rarely have to be pumped out, but this factor is also affected by the number of residents and the duration of use of the sewer. The cost increases in proportion to the listed factors. You also need to keep in mind that a larger capacity will take up more space.

The calculation of the required volume is quite simple, it must be assumed that the capacity is usually pumped out once a month in the case of permanent residence. It is generally accepted that 1 person consumes 20-50 liters of sewage water per day. If the family consists of 3 people, then the flow rate into the tank per month will be: 3 people x 50 liters per day x 30 days = 4500 liters. Therefore, the storage capacity must exceed the volume of the result obtained.

Also, when choosing a container, it is advisable to clarify what volume the sewage truck serving your area has. It is desirable that the volume of the container does not exceed the volume of the tank of the car, so as not to overpay for the trips of a specialized car of a larger volume. If the volume of the storage tank that you installed is insufficient, then over time it is better to install another one nearby, and you can overflow from the first to the second using a pipe segment.

A number of requirements are imposed on the place where it is allowed to install a container for sewerage:

The container should not be located closer than 3 m from the foundation of the house;
the tank should be located at the lowest point of the site, which will minimize the amount of earthwork;
it is imperative to equip the access routes for the sewage truck, otherwise it will not be possible to pump out the sewer;
if possible, it is necessary to place the container as far as possible from the wells of water intake stations, wells.

Storage tanks for sewerage are installed underground. All work includes several steps:

Excavation. At this stage, a pit is being dug under the container, and the pit must exceed the size of the container;
lead to the pit sewer pipes;
the bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of gravel about 20 cm thick, carefully rammed. This layer is necessary so that groundwater can bypass the sewer tank;
lay a layer of waterproofing;
pour a pillow of gravel with a layer of concrete, which prevents the container from sinking as it is filled. When subsidence, sewer pipes can be deformed and the tightness can be broken. Concrete also serves as a reliable base for fixing the container, avoiding the possibility of the container floating in the spring;
after the concrete has completely dried, the container is installed in the pit;
connect the container with sewer pipes and fix it with nylon slings on a concrete slab;
if necessary, connect a level sensor, which helps to monitor the filling of the container;
check the tightness of all joints, perform a test drain;
fill the voids along the edges of the container with soil;
closing the hatch, pour the container from above.

Some companies offer turnkey installation of tanks, while the company itself prepares the pit. If you need to save a little, you can prepare the pit yourself, and control the layer-by-layer backfilling of the container and the connection of the sewer pipe. Remember that this will allow you to be confident in the correctness and reliability of the work! Due to absence electrical equipment does not require a plastic sewer tank in the service tank.

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Products described in this article:

  • Sewage tank С2000

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    Free shipping across Moscow and Mos. region!
    Plastic container for a septic tank for domestic wastewater for 2000 liters.Dimensions 1330 mm x 2270 mm. Height 1550 mm. Weight 80 kg.

To make your stay in the house comfortable and cozy, sewerage equipment is mandatory. It is most convenient to connect to the central sewerage system of the city, then you will avoid various problems and worries. But this is not always possible to implement. Therefore, the owners of private houses or summer cottages are forced to equip special cesspools on their plots. This may solve the problem, however, there are some nuances. If it is done technologically correctly, such a hole will cost you dearly, and the labor costs will be large. Moreover, it is almost impossible to ensure perfect tightness in cement-brick structures. On the territory of Russia, in middle lane, groundwater is located quite high, so all the contents will be constantly on the surface of the site, polluting it and spreading unpleasant odors. That's why to replace the usual cesspools came special containers that are designed to collect and store waste. These tanks are large tanks and cisterns in which the waste is sealed until the tank is cleaned. From this article you can learn how to install a sewer tank on your site yourself.

Varieties of containers for waste storage

If we talk about the types of such tanks, then there are two of them:

A septic tank is not just a tank in which sewage is collected and stored, it partially filters it. When sewage enters the septic tank, it enters the first treatment chamber through a pipe, where it breaks up into various separate fractions. Large solid particles settle to the bottom, and small elements with water move to another chamber, where they are "attacked" by bacteria. Fermentation processes take place in these chambers, as a result of which methane is released. In the third compartment, this water is partially filtered and enters the ground. That is why in some areas it is forbidden to install septic tanks.

The storage tanks are simply completely sealed and resemble a large cistern or barrel for storing something, and infiltration of waste from the sewer into the ground in this case is excluded. It turns out that you can use such containers in any area. TO hallmarks such reservoirs can be attributed to their shape and size. They are made both vertical and horizontal, and also have a rectangular or cylindrical design. If we talk about their capacity, then finished products can contain a fairly large volume - from 1 to 150 m 3 of liquid. These designs are equipped with two holes:

  • the first hole is the entrance to which the sewer pipeline is connected;
  • the second hole is revision, for cleaning the tank when it is full.

Most often, such a product is installed below ground level, after digging a special pit, where the unit is placed. Thanks to this, you can save general form plot and a precious place that can be used for other purposes.

It is worth noting that before buying a tank, you need to decide what material to buy the product from. After all, a lot depends on it. To help you with this, let's look at what these materials are and what is the advantage of each of them.

What are sewer tanks made of?

Depending on the material that is used, all sewer containers can be divided into the following types:

  1. Plastic tanks.
  2. Metal tanks.
  3. concrete tanks.

Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will now discuss.

Plastic products

The most common containers can be called. They have a large number of advantages, which we will talk about later, and thanks to them they are so popular. In addition to the volume, they have no restrictions on the collection of effluents. All that is required of you is to complete the installation, after which the unit is ready to perform its tasks. The good news is that the installation is very easy, this does not require special heavy artillery, it is enough to use strong man's hands. What are the advantages of such models:

  1. light weight, which facilitates the installation itself, allowing you to do everything yourself without any problems.
  2. The highest tightness, which is achieved even during manufacture, because the product does not have any welds. Therefore, you do not need to be afraid that not very pleasant content will leak out.
  3. Durability. As everyone knows, plastic does not corrode and is resistant to various negative effects of aggressive substances that are contained in sewage. The service life of such a product is 30 or even 50 years, which is quite good.
  4. Good strength. Despite the fact that it is plastic, it is not inferior to metal products and can withstand various mechanical stresses and loads.
  5. Relatively low cost. If we talk about the other two types, then they will cost you more, and transportation will also be expensive.

Metal products

Such containers occupy an honorable second place in terms of use for the collection and storage of sewage waste. Although earlier such designs were used more often, since many industrial enterprises fell apart, and it was very easy to get such barrels. The peculiarity of their installation is due to the fact that the tanks are very heavy, so you will need to hire a crane to install them. If you want to do everything with your own hands, this will not work for you. Take this into account when calculating, as you will have to pay for the rental of heavy equipment. Moreover, some costs should be allocated for sealing agents, since immediately before installation, all welds must be treated with them. Thanks to this, a good seal can be achieved, and sewage must not enter the ground.

The main advantage of metal tanks is that they are durable and reliable. They are difficult to damage: they tolerate mechanical stress and stress well. But there are still many more cons:

  1. The metal is subject to corrosion. That is why before installation the tank needs an additional anti-corrosion coating both inside and outside. This can significantly extend the life of the product, however, does not completely solve the problem. Over time, it will simply rot.
  2. A significant part of the tanks are made from thin sheets metal, which, under the influence of aggressive substances, will not last long.
  3. The high cost of the product.
  4. Large weight, which complicates the installation process itself and makes it more expensive. Not only is the product itself more expensive, but you also have to pay extra for transportation services, hiring a crane, buying sealant and other installation services.
  5. Limited volume. As a standard, barrels of 200-250 liters are used for storage and collection of wastewater. This results in you having to check out content very often, especially if you have a large family. Everything would be fine, you can do the work yourself (although it is inconvenient and you need to use special equipment), but where to put the waste then? Therefore, it is necessary to resort to the services of sewers, which is not entirely advisable for 200-250 liters.

Concrete products

Very rarely, concrete containers are used to collect and store waste. If earlier it would have been expedient, then today, when we have other materials that have excellent properties and are better suited for this purpose, concrete is much inferior. And this is mainly associated with the properties of the material itself. Concrete is simply helpless against moisture and water, which simply destroys it. That is why such a tank will not serve you for a long time. At the same time, you will spend a significant amount of money and effort on its equipment. Just as in the case with metal products, for the installation of concrete structures will require special equipment. It is not worth talking separately about some pros and cons, since everything is clear with this. Today concrete structures are practically not used.

What material for waste storage to choose is a purely personal matter. You can compare the pros and cons of one type or another and pick out the best one. But to be honest, plastic designs are the most profitable. All you need is to calculate the required volume, buy the unit and install it, that's all! Easy, simple and reliable! Such tanks will serve you faithfully for many years, and they do not require constant care. Let's look at how to choose the right plastic tank so that it is convenient and lasts a long time.

Rules for choosing plastic barrels

So, having decided to use a plastic tank for storing waste, the first thing you need to do is go to a specialized store and purchase such a unit. But how to choose the best option? What are the selection criteria? Let's find out.

Considering all the recommendations, you can buy a container that fully meets your needs and that would serve for a long time and reliably. Now that everything is ready, you can proceed with the installation work, which you can do yourself.

Preparatory work for installing a sewer tank

The whole point of the job is that you need to dig a large hole under the tank and bury it. It all comes down to earthworks, for which you need to stock up on such tools:

  • shovel, depending on the number of assistants;
  • shovel;
  • buckets;
  • scrap, for working with soil in which there are a lot of stones;
  • a plumb line to adjust the verticality of the pit;
  • level;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • pegs and rope to mark.

Having everything the right tools, you can go to preparatory stages. They are often divided into 3 categories:

  1. Preparing tools.
  2. Calculation of the required tank volume.
  3. Choosing the best location.

We have already dealt with the tools. As for the volume of the tank, as mentioned above, there is a special formula, thanks to which you can determine how much volume is needed. This formula looks like this:

V=n×x×V days,

  • V is the desired volume;
  • n - the daily period after which you want to carry out cleaning work;
  • x - the number of residents who live in the house;
  • V days - the volume of wastewater that is expected per 1 person per day.

For example, to understand, let's imagine a family that consists of 3 members. Approximately 150 liters of wastewater is consumed per person per day. You want your tank to be cleaned every two months, that is, once every 60 days. Now it turns out:

Using the calculator, you can immediately determine that your desired volume is 27,000 liters. It turns out that a tank of no less than 27 m 3 is suitable for your needs, which you will have to clean every two months. You just have to substitute your numbers and draw certain conclusions.

Note! Calculating the volume of a tank is quite simple. Although neglecting this point, it can lead to negative consequences.

Now you need to choose a suitable place on your site. Simply pointing your finger at any area you like is the wrong tactic. There are special tank placement requirements that must be followed:

  1. In order for sewage to flow freely and by gravity into the tank, it must be installed at the lowest point of your site. Then the pipes will be located at an angle, and blockages will not form in them.
  2. To make it convenient to clean the container, it is important to provide an entrance to the place so that the sewer machine can easily get there. Moreover, this must be done despite the fact that you plan to clean the tank with your own hands.
  3. It is recommended that the sewer pipes through which effluent enters the tank be straight. Thanks to this, you do not have to install additional equipment, such as, for example, rotary wells.
  4. In order not to "enjoy" unpleasant odors from the container, you should not place it too close to the house. But even if the tank is located far away, this will lead to additional waste, since the length of the pipeline will be longer. The most optimal distance from the tank to the house is 6 m.

All that remains for you immediately before work is to choose a place and proceed with the installation. This is what we will do now!

Installing a plastic tank

One of the important advantages of plastic products is ease of installation. Even if you do not have the proper experience in construction work and plumbing, you can do everything with your own hands. All you need is the right tools, following the instructions, some help from a friend or relative, and, in fact, a desire! Let's divide all the work into several stages, so that it is more convenient and understandable for you:

On this, all work is completed, and your tank is ready for operation. If everything is properly selected and installed properly, the container will serve you for many years, making your stay in your home comfortable and enjoyable.

And so that you can know when it's time to clean the container, you can use a signal float. Some products include such an element, but if you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter. It can be made by hand. To bring the idea to life, take a steel bar, a bright Styrofoam ball, an aquarium suction cup and liquid nails glue. So, first put a marking scale on the bar. Better - if it is luminescent paint. Place a suction cup on the end of the steel bar to be glued to the bottom. So the rod is securely fixed and does not damage the bottom. Well, in the end, you need to put a bright ball on the rod, which will move freely along your scale. Place the float so that when you open the lid, you can immediately see where your ball is located. It will indicate the amount of content.

As you can see, equipping a container for collecting sewage waste is not so difficult. All work can be easily done on your own without the help of professionals, who, by the way, would charge you decent money for this service. The use of such a plastic tank is advisable, the material has a large number of advantages, and this design will serve you for a long time. This, one might say, is an intermediate solution between a cesspool and a septic tank, and it is justified from an environmental point of view.


The following video demonstrates the installation of a plastic sewer tank:

Within a large settlement, problems with connecting to a centralized sewer usually do not arise, which cannot be said about remote areas of private sectors, villages and towns. In order not to breathe fetid odors and not spoil health and environment, you can solve the problem of removing liquid waste by installing an autonomous sewer system. When selecting a capacitive tank for sewage, one must proceed not only from the final cost of the tank and the complexity of installation, but also from the material from which the tank is made.

In order for household waste not to cause harm to the surrounding flora and fauna, it is necessary to provide a place for draining the LRW with subsequent disposal in time.

Metal tanks: characteristics of tanks

Metal is the most popular material used in the manufacture of tanks, barrels, septic tanks, cesspools and other structures for storage and use in households and factories. But what are the real advantages and disadvantages of steel sewage tanks?

Advantages of steel tanks

Metal containers for sewage are highly durable and do not deform during installation and subsequent use (even if the tank is dropped during transportation or carelessly lowered into a pit dug under a septic tank). Yes, and there are no special problems in installing the tank - no winches or special equipment will be needed in order to simply lower the sewage tank into the pit.

If we compare metal sewage storage tanks with brick or concrete drain tanks:

  1. Metal sewage tanks have a significantly lower mass, which automatically attributes such a device to the simplest and fastest installation methods;
  2. The lightness of the tank. Steel tanks are easy to install on your own, using 1-2 people as assistants;
  3. Low cost and wide selection. If you do not want to buy a vat in a specialized store, you can look into the scrap metal collection point. As a rule, there are plenty of used tanks for several cubes at the metal base.

Disadvantages of steel sewer tanks

Despite the advantages of steel structures, a steel sewer tank has a number of significant disadvantages:

  1. Perhaps one of the significant drawbacks of metal containers, regardless of the specific place of use, is a high level of susceptibility to corrosion. In view of the large presence in household waste of various impurities and chemicals ( washing powders, detergents, etc.), the inside of the tank begins to rust. Closer to 1.5-2 years of active operation, the tank will no longer be airtight: the chemical components of the chemicals drained into the water supply will “eat through” holes in the tank;

  1. Regardless of the volume of the steel structure, for the sewer system to work correctly, you will need to cut several holes for connecting the water supply:
  • for input of household waste;
  • for water purification in a septic tank (several holes for several autonomous treatment stations may be required).

In view of the short service life, although the steel model was popular among owners of private houses earlier, now more and more people prefer sewer tanks made of other material.

Sewer containers made of plastic


Plastic structures are gaining a new round of popularity, all thanks to a large list of advantages of this material:

  1. Light weight. Unlike a metal counterpart, a storage tank for sewage in a country house made of plastic weighs significantly less, which makes installation work on its installation much easier;
  2. To install the tank, no special equipment is required, because. all that is needed is simply to lower the plastic tank into a prepared hole;
  3. In view of the low weight of the structure, fewer hands will also be needed to transport and lower the tank into the pit;
  4. Absolute resistance to corrosion. Therefore, the need to replace the equipment arises after several decades, depending on the activity of using the tank and the amount of liquid waste drained with harmful chemical components in the composition;
  5. No problems with connecting to a septic tank in order to bring groundwater for treatment, sewer pipelines and other equipment. Hole right size in a certain place you can either burn it out or cut it out. Plastic is a very malleable material; it takes much less time to prepare it for installation than steel tanks.

Disadvantages of plastic tanks

Despite the weighty list positive qualities plastic structures, these tanks are not without disadvantages:

  • the cost of a plastic tank by 3 cubic meters exceeds the cost of a steel one by 1.5-2 times;
  • in view of the lightness and lower strength of the material, installation work must be carried out with special care so as not to deform the structure when lowered into the pit.

Helpful information. Due to the fact that the plastic tank is quite light, with high level ground water underground flows can push it out of the pit. In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take care of additional outlets or make a concrete weighting agent that will not allow the structure to float.

Fiberglass sewers


Unlike plastic tanks, glass plastic containers for a private house they have a higher operational life. On average, with the active use of the tank by 2-3 users, the service life is estimated at 4-5 decades, while the service life of plastic tanks is 5-10 years shorter.

Among other things, it should be noted:

  1. high strength fiberglass construction;
  2. light tank weight;
  3. installation of a fiberglass tank underground is not necessary - you can limit yourself to placing it on the surface;
  4. in view of the possibility of installation not only underground, but also on the surface, the problems of placing groundwater flows cease to worry;
  5. unlike other analogues, fiberglass containers calmly tolerate sub-zero temperatures (which is especially important for the northern regions);
  6. complete tightness and seamlessness of the structure automatically excludes the passage of liquid household waste outside the structure.

Disadvantages of fiberglass sewerage

Installing fiberglass sewer systems in a private house implies its disadvantages:

  • when transporting and installing fiberglass sewers, care must be taken, because. the material is very fragile;
  • unlike plastic, fiberglass containers are more expensive at a price;
  • fiberglass drives are made only in large volumes;
  • require systematic maintenance by special sewage equipment (ilosom);
  • for underground installation, it is necessary to make a concrete weight, otherwise the ground flows will push the drive out.

Reinforced concrete storage

Sewerage from reinforced concrete rings is installed in a pre-prepared well. The second and less expensive option is to make the sewer yourself. By financial costs it will come out significantly less, but there will be more worries, tk. it is necessary not only to dig a hole, but to make a formwork, pour concrete mortar in several stages and wait for complete solidification. Thus, it is possible to obtain sewage according to an individual scheme, and this is a unique size and depth of the sewer system, you do not have to bother with transportation and installation.

The option of purchasing ready-made reinforced concrete rings implies the cost of:

  • production of rings (the cost of one reinforced concrete block is equal to 1.5-2 thousand rubles and only grows in the "plus", depending on the parameters of the ring);
  • transportation (in view of the large load, most manufacturers prescribe a certain monetary unit for 1 km, on average 20-25 rubles / km).

Despite a significant drawback: the large weight of each ring separately, which implies the delivery and installation of reinforced concrete structures exclusively with the help of special equipment, such autonomous sewerage there are a number of advantages:

  1. high structural strength;
  2. in view of the large mass, the sewerage system will not float under the pressure of ground flows (as can happen with a plastic or fiberglass structure);
  3. does not require additional anti-corrosion treatment, as is the case with metal sewers;
  4. if the possibility of a driveway for special equipment to the location of the sewer pit allows, it is better to install a reinforced concrete sewer;
  5. high service life.

When choosing a tank for autonomous sewage, it is necessary to proceed not only from financial possibilities, but also from the geographical and geological features of the location of the site, the possibility of access for special equipment and the depth of underground rivers.


In contact with

In some cases, the house cannot be connected to a centralized sewerage system, for example, if the cottage is located far from the city. In this case, experts advise using plastic storage tanks for sewage (photo below). Plastic tanks for sewerage are produced in compliance with strict requirements, because. designed to collect contaminated water and store it. Plastic containers for sewage are considered the best for these purposes.

Most of the storage systems for sewage and plastic containers are located underground. For this reason, special requirements are imposed on containers in terms of strength characteristics so that plastic sewer tanks can withstand the weight of the soil. Also, containers must be resistant to aggressive chemicals.

Compliance with all requirements will allow a storage tank made of plastic for sewage to serve in a country house or a suburban area for quite a long time. It is for this reason that plastic sewer tanks are considered the best in collecting polluted water from a private house.

The main purpose

Sewage tanks are used to collect polluted water from summer cottages and country houses. Also, plastic containers can be used as accumulative for storing chemical waste with their further disposal. Installation of the tank allows you to increase the volume of the central sewer system.

Reasons why it is necessary to use containers for sewage or septic tanks in a country house:

  1. Keeping the environment clean.
  2. Ease of operation of the storage system for sewerage and tanks in the country house.
  3. The ability to purify water from the sewer (applies to septic tanks) and bring it into the ground (see photo). The best specimens allow you to purify water from the sewer from suspensions and impurities up to 65%.
  4. shallow groundwater.
  5. A large number of springs in the suburban area.
  6. The location of underground streams close to the surface.

The latter causes are a hindrance to the construction drain pit in the country, because groundwater will periodically raise sewage to the surface.

Therefore, plastic containers for sewerage or septic tanks for sewerage are better suited. The containers will ideal option for outdoor installation. In addition, the best containers have increased strength and tightness.

The use of plastic containers for sewerage or septic tanks for sewerage allows you to equip a toilet in the country not on the street, but in the house. Tanks improve the performance of the entire sewerage system.

The use of several containers for sewerage or septic tanks in a country house allows you to create a complete and the best system sewers for sewage filtering. Water purified in a septic tank for sewage with the participation of anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms is discharged into the ground (see photo below).

Allocate plastic and fiberglass storage tanks for sewers and septic tanks. Both options are the best and are durable, light weight compared to metal sewage tanks. Tanks are able to provide complete sealing, excluding the ingress of sewage from the sewer into the soil.

Periodically, such containers for sewerage in a country house require cleaning using sewage trucks. The cost of the services of such companies is quite high, so it is economically beneficial to use storage tanks for sewerage in a country house and suburban areas, where the volume of wastewater per day is not very large.

Plastic wells for sewerage are also produced (see photo), which, unlike metal ones, are characterized by a longer service life, are not subject to corrosion and the negative effects of soil and precipitation. Those. They are the best. True, the price for them is slightly higher.

There are several main types of wells for sewage:

  1. Viewing type (photo below). Tanks are used for revision purposes in the process of using sewerage.
  2. Swivel type (photo below). Tanks are used at the corners, at the junction of sewer pipes. They can serve as lookouts.
  3. Differential type (photo below). The tanks are designed for installation in summer cottages, where there is a difference in the depth of the soil, the intersection of communications and structures underground, too much slope. In the latter case, sewage wells of this type make it possible to slow down the flow rate of wastewater.
  4. Filter type (photo below). Tanks are used to treat sewage and sewage from sewers.
  5. Cumulative type (photo below). Tanks are used in country houses as an alternative to cesspools.

Plastic wells for sewerage and containers allow you to inspect and visually control the condition of pipes and the entire sewerage network. It is recommended to install special floats in them to monitor the excess of the permissible level of wastewater in the tank.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plastic storage tanks for sewage have a number of advantages:

  1. The tightness of the plastic tank for sewage, which allows to ensure the safety of the environment.
  2. Strength characteristics of the container. The plastic sewer tank is resistant to corrosion, caustic solutions, cracking, and leaks.
  3. High service life of a plastic tank for sewage. The manufacturer guarantees uninterrupted operation of plastic containers for at least 50 years.
  4. Ease of transportation and installation of plastic containers. Light weight allows you to transport and install storage tanks for sewers in a short time. The video below shows that even large containers can be easily transported on one machine.
  5. The installation of plastic containers for sewage in the country does not require the approval of the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  6. Installation of a plastic tank for sewage can be done on any type of soil.
  7. Relatively low price plastic tank for sewage.
  8. Availability of sewer tanks made of plastic.

Among the disadvantages of plastic containers are:

  1. Relatively small volume of plastic containers. Therefore, the containers fill up very quickly. It is required to pump out sewage from the tank about once a year, if 2 people permanently live in the country house. For some, this moment is fundamental, because. The cost of sewerage pumping is quite high.
  2. Plastic containers require periodic cleaning.

Plastic septic tanks for private sewers have the following advantages:

  1. Do not require power supply, connection of additional pumping stations, filtering systems.
  2. The tightness of a plastic septic tank for sewerage, i.e. safety for the environment.
  3. The mechanical strength of the septic tank for sewerage, i.e. resistance to corrosion processes, the influence of solvents, cracking.
  4. In a septic tank for sewage, wastewater is treated with the help of anaerobic microorganisms, as a result of which a clean liquid is discharged into the ground. The best specimens are designed to purify water from sewerage from suspended particles and impurities up to 65%.
  5. The long service life of a septic tank for sewage is about 50 years.
  6. Convenience of transporting a septic tank for sewerage to the house on country cottage area and assemblies. The video below shows that even large containers can be easily transported on one machine.
  7. Due to the volume of the tank, they do not require such a frequency of pumping wastewater from the sewer, which significantly reduces the price of septic tank maintenance.

The disadvantages of septic tanks for sewerage are:

  1. Limited installation options - septic tanks cannot be mounted in the country on some types of soil - clays, loams, oily soils.
  2. The cost of a septic tank is slightly higher than that of storage tanks for sewage.
  3. For the installation and installation of a septic tank for sewerage in a country house, prior approval from the sanitary and epidemiological station is required, which increases the price of installation.
  4. Additional costs for the installation of a septic tank for sewerage and accessories - pouring concrete formwork, installing storage tank clamps for sewerage, etc.
  5. Septic tanks for sewerage require a large adjacent area for installation.

Tank sizes

Plastic is a fairly perfect material, which makes it possible to produce a wide range and size range of sewage containers. Manufacturers offer various options color scheme, composition, strength characteristics, water resistance, resistance to sudden changes in temperature, etc. Some plastic containers are made for installation right in the house.

For example, the Anion company produces plastic septic tanks for sewers of the following size range.

Septic tank model and volume, l The code Tank height, mm Tank diameter, mm
Septic tank 1700 C1700 1700 1330
Septic tank 3000 S3000 1750 1820
Septic tank 4000 J4002 2125 1520
Septic tank 4000 J4001 2110 1510
Septic tank 5000 J5000 2340 1690

In a country house and suburban areas where about two people live permanently, it is recommended to use plastic storage tanks for sewage with a volume of no more than 1500 liters (see photo). Plastic containers have the following main characteristics:

  • container weight 60 kg,
  • tank width 1.32 m,
  • tank depth 1.62 m,
  • tank height 1.55 m,
  • container walls with a thickness of 9 - 11 mm.

It is recommended to operate storage tanks for sewerage at temperatures from -40 to +40 degrees. A plastic sewer tank of this volume needs to be cleaned about once every six months or a year and a half. It depends on the rate of accumulation of wastewater in the tank.

When living in a house for more than two people, it is recommended to use large storage tanks for sewage over 2000 liters or septic tanks. The video shows what size the containers are.

Plastic septic tanks for sewerage are produced in the form of series-connected containers. In containers, sewage that has been treated with anaerobic microorganisms is poured.

bacteria handle dirty water, as a result of which the purified liquid is poured into an adjacent container, and the sludge settles. Further, the water passes into a perforated pipe and flows into the soil.

The level of water purification in a septic tank depends on the number of tanks and chambers connected in series, the performance of anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms, and the sludge content. Top Models tanks have the ability to purify wastewater from various kinds of dirt up to 65%.

A 4000 liter septic tank needs to be desilted after about 1 to 2 years, which depends on the amount of wastewater and also affects the cost of maintenance.

According to the shape of the sewage tank, several types are produced:

  • Capacities of rounded vertical type (see photo).
  • Capacities of rounded horizontal type (see photo).
  • Square containers.
  • Rectangular containers.
  • Rounded at the top and tapering at the bottom for stability.

Criteria for the right choice

When choosing a container for sewage, the following points should be analyzed:

  1. Estimated volume of wastewater. The estimated daily amount according to the standard is 200 liters of water per person. At the same time, it should be taken into account that water consumption is three times the volume of the storage tank for sewage. Those. 200 liters must be multiplied by the number of people in the house and by three.
  2. Availability of additional components to ensure uninterrupted operation, for example, alarm floats. It is recommended to buy such sensors that will report a special signal when the plastic tank is full.
  3. The thickness of the walls of the container. Plastic storage tanks may have thin walls. Barrels for private system sewers must be at least 9 mm thick.
  4. Analyze soil composition. Plastic septic tanks are not recommended for installation on clay soils, because they do not pass water well. For such important soils, it is better to use storage plastic containers. Plastic septic tanks on clays and loams can only be installed if equipped around the drain pit drainage system from a sand and gravel pillow.

Installation and installation

Installation storage tank carried out in several main stages:

  1. An analysis of the area is being carried out for the location of the storage sewer system and capacity (see photo):
  • the access road to the house and the pumping place for the sewer truck should be well equipped,
  • the distance from the house to the private storage sewerage system is about 10 - 12 m,
  • the degree of freezing of the soil layer. Plastic capacity for sewerage is able to withstand temperatures down to -40 degrees. However, the liquid can freeze in it.
  1. Preparatory. Need to buy everything necessary materials. Then, a hole is excavated in the area next to the house, the dimensions of which exceed the plastic container by 30-40 cm from all sides (see photo). This gap is necessary to create a layer of sand and gravel. From the resulting recess, you must carefully remove all sharp objects - stone fragments, fragments of reinforcement, construction debris. Those. anything that can pierce plastic.
  2. A concrete mortar with a height of about 20 cm is poured at the bottom of the pit (see photo). This will be the basis of the future storage structure and will not allow the system to deform. It will also keep the sewer tank from spontaneous ascent due to its low weight.
  3. The storage tank is attached to concrete screed through special hooks and metal loops.
  4. If there is groundwater in the soil, it is recommended to sheathe the storage tank for sewage with geotextile, then with a layer of crushed stone and sand. This will create conditions when the water will wash the plastic tank, and not stagnate around it.
  5. The cover and supply pipes are fixed. The storage plastic tank is buried in the ground (see photo).
  6. To reduce the degree of soil pressure on the plastic sewer storage tank, you can line the pit with bricks. As a result, a gap of 30 cm is formed between the walls of the plastic tank and the brick. If it is not possible to fix the plastic container under the sewer on a concrete screed, then metal rails are fixed at the top of the pit, which limit its ascent (see photo).

Prices for sewerage tanks

The price of plastic containers for sewerage depends on the manufacturer, material, volume, size, number of storage sections and chambers in the system. Today, you can choose the best and buy any plastic storage tank that meets all the requirements for installation in a particular area - with any type of soil, with any volume, etc.

tank manufacturer tank material Tank volume, l Tank overall dimensions, mm Number of departments price, rub.
Length, mm Width, mm Height, mm
Anion Polymer composition 1700 1340(d) 1730 1 10974
3000 1590 1770 1820 1 17936
4000 2320 1510 2110 1 25488
5200 2340 1690 2300 1 33394
Germes-Plast-OC Plastic


3000 1700 1550 1800 1 77300
4000 2300 1578 1800 1 87800
5000 2850 1624 1800 1 97500
6000 3400 1624 1800 1 107100
8000 4550 1624 1800 1 129900
UPONOR Polymer composition 1500 1200 1750 2100 2 36000
2000 1200 1750 2800 3 51000
3000 1200 1750 3900 3 66000
4000 1200 1750 5200 3 81000
LIGA-B Polymer composition 5300 1860 1600 1800 1 22000
ELGAD POLYMER Polymer composition 1400 1600 1360 1525 1 11000
2000 1600 1360 2270 1 14000
3000 1600 1360 3100 1 19000
NVR-BIO Polymer composition 2000 1000(d) 2300 2 26000
CALONA-PURFLO Polymer composition 2000 1450(d) 1670 1 18000
3000 1450(d) 2400 1 26000
4000 1800(d) 2080 1 36000
LABKO Polymer composition 2000 1000(d) 2900 1 40000
TOPHOUSE fiberglass 3000 1200(d) 2900 3 53000
4000 1200(d) 3750 3 70000

As you can see, manufacturers offer a huge selection of containers for sewage equipment. Everyone can choose a model that will meet the requirements, circumstances of residence, the climate of the region and the state of the soil on the ground.


For the convenience of using a plastic container, it is recommended to additionally buy and install a special signal float (see photo). The level sensor installed in the sewer system will notify the owner of the degree of filling of the tank and the need to pump it out.

The use of anaerobic or aerobic microorganisms makes it possible to turn water into sludge, and it is much easier to pump it out.