What tree to plant near the house. Which trees can be planted near the house according to popular beliefs, and which cannot

  • 16.10.2019

In what trees can be planted near the house, the signs in which our grandmothers believed are always right. There are trees that can improve life in the house, and there are those that in no case should be planted near the house.
Magic and energy of trees

Hard to imagine private house no trees on the site. They not only provide a pleasant shade in summer and a fresh scent during flowering, but they also carry a certain energy. By planting certain trees on the site, you can not only make the site near a private house aesthetic and comfortable, but also live in harmony with nature, learn the magic of plants, be protected from troubles and attract happiness.

Not all trees and large shrubs can be planted near the house. There are some plants that have positive value, but you cannot plant them close to the house.

In the question of what trees can be planted near the house, signs are often logically explainable. For example, trees with a powerful root system that can damage the foundation are on the list of those that need to be planted away from home. Signs are also not advised to plant poisonous plants on the site.

What trees can be planted near the house: signs:

Good omen - plant a cherry near the house. This unpretentious plant, which needs the very minimum of care, while it blooms beautifully and smells good in spring. Cherry is considered a symbol of fertility and prosperity; this tree is especially revered in the East. It is believed that it is a good luck charm.

They say, that a bonfire under a cherry during its flowering period increases wealth. You can plant cherries in the place where you are going to cook kebabs and other summer dishes on the fire and grill. This is a good decision in terms of attracting material wealth.

In some countries, juniper branches marked the path from the house where the deceased was recently to the cemetery. In some regions, it is believed that it is impossible to plant junipers near the house for this reason. But they mark the path to the cemetery with flowers much more often than with juniper branches, while flowers of similar species have not harmed anyone yet.

Juniper - this is one of the most powerful plants that protect from the induction of love spells, damage and evil forces. If you plant it near your home, the plant will protect all members of your family. It is believed that it should be placed in front of the house, not in the backyard. The needles of this plant can be burned indoors from time to time to drive out of there. negative energy.

Rosehip looks beautiful at any time of the year. In addition, he protects the well-being of the family, near whose house he grows. It attracts love and strengthens family relationships. This is an extremely positive-minded plant that will not bring you anything bad. The main meanings of rose hips in magic are love, passion and strong, stable family ties.

Larch looks especially attractive in autumn. Its influence is necessary for those who constantly experience unreasonable doubts, fears and anxiety. Larch, if planted near the house, helps to cope with depression, melancholy and other psychological problems. It helps to look at life positively and restore mental strength.

Acacia has a positive effect on procreation. She treats infertility in both men and women. If you can't have a baby for a long time, try planting an acacia near your house. In addition, it relieves stress and improves mood.

Pear is a symbol of motherhood and love, stability and longevity. It can be planted near a residential building, because it also gives positive qualities- the ability to communicate and make friends.

It is believed that the spruce is an energy vampire, and you cannot plant this tree near the house. But it is not so. The spruce absorbs energy during the summer, and in the winter it shares it. She is shown to those who experience a winter lack of vitality. Spruce near the house protects the family from quarrels, helps to restrain emotions, cleans unpleasant sensation that things are not going as they should. But it is still not worth planting it near the house, since its roots can even bring down the house. Place conifers away from buildings.

In some regions, it is believed that spruce displaces men from the house. This refers to the birth of only daughters, widowhood and divorce. They were afraid to plant a fir tree near the house of the newlyweds, because this could deprive them of their heirs. But in regions where conifers are most common, they do not believe in such signs.

Kalina - a good option plants to plant near the house. It calms the nervous system and helps to heal in case of illness.

A maple tree near your home will help you remove negative energy, less quarrel with your family members. It brings longevity, love and material wealth to your home. The life of people living in a house near which a maple grows will be calm and measured. Maple brings calmness and confidence.

Rowan will save your home and family from black witchcraft, evil spirits and any negative energy. She develops psychic abilities, especially in children. Rowan teaches you to control your feelings and show only when it is beneficial. If you are thinking about whether it is possible to plant rowan near the house, there is no sign with a negative coloring about this tree.

For women over 40, mountain ash can give a second youth. She also brings the ability to enjoy the physical side of love and good luck in relationships with the opposite sex. It is best to plant rowan near windows.

An apple tree is a great option for planting near the windows of a young girl's bedroom. She gives beauty, charm, faith in herself, luck in love and happiness in family life. The apple tree is also associated with eternal youth and longevity.

A good tree for planting near the house is also all fruit trees eg peaches.

Can I plant fern near the house? There are many, both good and bad, on this matter. Fern destroys negative emotions and prevents quarrels. If in your house there are conflicts between husband and wife, parents and children, this plant will nullify them. In addition, the fern has always been considered to bring money and good luck, reliable protection from evil spirits.

At the same time, the fern is one of the most mysterious plants. Many legends are associated with it. Bad omens about this plant consider it to be an energetic vampire and a decoy for disease. From the point of view of logic, this is understandable. Fern often causes allergies, absorbs oxygen and is completely unsuitable for quality indoor plant... On the site, its shortcomings will not be noticeable.

What trees can not be planted on the site: signs

It is believed that planting an oak on the site is a very bad omen, which portends the death of the head of the family. In addition, the aura of this tree perceives only healthy and physically strong people. Oak favors warriors, war veterans, but like thuyu, even they are not recommended to plant it on their site.

Birch is very powerful protective agent... But it should grow outside the fence of your house, near the gate, and next to the birch you can put a bench to communicate with this tree. Then she will not let evil into your house. When asked whether it is possible to plant a birch near the house, the signs are answered by the fact that spirits live in its crowns, and they are far from always kind to people.

Walnuts can be planted on the site, but not near the house and outbuildings. It's not only about the signs, but also about its branched root system, which can damage the foundation.

It is believed that the one whoever plants a willow dies in the same year. Moreover, you cannot plant a willow in honor of the birth of a child. The same applies to aspen and willow. These trees are believed to bring death and grief. If signs play a decisive role in the question of whether it is possible to plant willow on the site, then it is better to choose other trees.

Poplar is also planted away from home. It perfectly removes negative energy, but being too close to housing can be harmful. It also has a root system that is harmful to buildings.

The pine tree can take away your crops and destroy all the plants that will be near it. But here it is not so much about magic, but about the fact that the pine tree has its own characteristics, and you need to place it wisely. The energy of this tree is quite positive.

Can thuja be planted in the yard? Signs say that girls who live in the house will not marry if thuja grows on the site. In many cultures, it is a tree of sorrow and sorrow, which is loved by the departed. Tuyu is often planted in cemeteries. On the other hand, it is believed that the smell of thuja drives away evil spirits.

Most of the signs that do not allow planting certain plants near the house are associated not with magic, but with practical experience ancestors. Most of the plants have a positive energy, with rare exceptions. But if a certain tree evokes negative associations in you, you should not plant it. It happens what they believe in, and if a spruce for you is a plant that is often planted near graves, then it is so, and, despite the positive energy of the tree, the spruce in the yard will not bring you good.

There is an opinion that some trees should never be planted near the house. There are many signs among the people, according to which, some plants, shrubs and trees bring failures, diseases and even death. Is it really?

Trees really affect a person's physical and emotional well-being. Like all living things, trees have their own, which can affect the mood, health and inner feelings of a person in different ways.

How does energy affect a person?

There are many sayings among the people that characterize the energy of a particular tree. Long ago our ancestors appropriated magical properties trees. It was not for nothing that they used to say: "in a birch forest - to have fun, in a pine forest - to pray, in a spruce forest - to strangle oneself." This popular saying says that the energy of trees really affects a person.

The impact on humans is explained by the fact that the tree not only absorbs carbon dioxide, instead releasing oxygen, but also transforms the human that it feels next to itself. People who study the energetic effects of trees divide them into donors and energy vampires.

Donor trees transform a person's negative energy into positive... Next to these natural healers, sadness and melancholy quickly disappear, mood improves, and physical pain disappears.

Trees-energy vampires take positive energy... Being around these trees can quickly feel tired. The vampire tree can negatively affect a person's physical condition. Headaches may occur near him.

What to plant on the plot and in front of the house?

It is recommended to plant those plants and shrubs near the house that take negative energy, transforming it into positive one. Such trees have long been endowed with magical and healing properties. Donor trees were not only planted near the house, but also made furniture and dishes from their wood.

What trees, according to the signs, can be planted near the house?

Folk signs: which trees should not be planted in the yard and why?

Not all energy trees are harmful to humans... It is not recommended to plant them near the house on your site. But, nevertheless, periodic communication with such trees is sometimes beneficial.

If you need to get rid of negative energy, relieve tension, then you can sit down for a while at the roots of such a tree - it will take away all the negative, but at the same time it will also take in the energy that you need.

  • Birch considered a symbol of innocence and purity. But you cannot plant it next to the house. By folk beliefs, at the root of the birch there are spirits that can harm a person. It is best to plant birch outside the fence of the site. In this case, she will protect the house from evil spirits.
  • The willow is a symbol of death and misfortune. Despite the fact that the willow branches are associated with Easter and the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem, this shrub negatively affects a person's aura. By convention, the one who plants the willow near the house will die within a year.
  • Pine and spruce are considered powerful energy vampires ... They take energy, and, according to legends, attract diseases into the house. But planting these trees next to the dwelling is not recommended for another reason - their roots can destroy the foundation of the house.
  • Thuja is a tree of sorrow and sorrow... Many peoples associate it with a cemetery and the dead. Tuyu should not be planted next to the house, especially if a young girl lives in it. It is believed that this tree scares away all suitors, attracting loneliness and melancholy.
  • From time immemorial, willow has been a tree of sadness and sadness... Its branches, dropping to the very roots, were associated with tears. People used to say about this tree: "Weeping willow under the window - a spade for the funeral is being prepared."
  • Aspen is the most famous vampire tree... It sucks out both positive and negative energy, weakens a person, attracts illness and weakness. Such a tree should not even be planted behind a fence. His place is in the forest. However, according to, aspen is able to fight evil spirits and can even relieve joint pain.

Donor trees and some vampire trees have healing properties. By planting a tree near the house that suits you in terms of energy, you can protect your home from misfortunes and constantly draw on the positive energy of natural forces.

People who are happy owners of suburban housing have an excellent opportunity to grow a luxurious garden next to the house, which will be a wonderful place for family vacation on a warm summer evening. At the same time, many homeowners are often faced with the question of which trees can be planted on the site and which cannot, because each plant needs its own specific conditions for growing, and the planting of some other species is even accompanied by various superstitions.

As for popular beliefs, it is undesirable to plant next to the home conifers(pine and spruce), as they are considered harbingers of trouble. There is an opinion that if such a tree grows higher than the house, trouble will soon overtake its owners. Inhabitants of the taiga regions, in turn, are not inclined to believe such statements. Conifers are found there in almost every home, bringing nothing but pleasant emotions to their owners.

What trees to plant near the house


If you consider yourself a nature lover, birch will simply become an irreplaceable decoration for your garden. This plant is very fond of the sun's rays and pleases with a noticeable growth rate.

Birch easily tolerates frosts, not very favorable soil conditions, but at the same time it categorically does not like transplants. In order for the tree to take root in a new place as successfully as possible, you should choose those seedlings whose age does not exceed 5-7 years. Early spring, when the buds have not yet blossomed, is an ideal time for planting birch trees. When planting a birch, it is worth considering the amount of water that it manages to absorb in one day (about 250 liters). Therefore, you will need to either equip a watering system for the tree or plant it away from other plants.

To decorate small gardens, it is best to choose low species, for example, Karelian birch. This tree goes well with willow, rowan, linden, beech, oak, bird cherry, maple and conifers.

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Spruce, which remains green all year round, can grow up to 50 meters in height and live up to 300 years. Thanks to its landing, you can get a magnificent, almost impassable hedge, which will be reliable protection against wind gusts.

spruce trees can be used to make an excellent hedge near the house

Single trees are planted, as a rule, next to a recreation area, a gate or front parts garden plot... Spruce is notable for the fact that its aroma contains phytoncid, which is a stimulant of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

If you use a tree that has grown in the forest for transplanting into the garden, then keep in mind that the plant will take root only on well-drained loamy, sandy loam or acidic soil. Long-term droughts and stagnant water have an extremely negative effect on the development of spruce. Spruce seedlings do not tolerate drying out of the roots, which can die on outdoors in just 15 minutes. To avoid this, wrap the spines with a damp cloth during transport, and then place them in a box or bucket of water.


Linden is considered one of the most shade-tolerant plants, which can only be compared with spruce, fir, hornbeam and oak. Feels great on soils with good drainage... One of the most common planting options is the alley method, but linden can look beautiful even as a single plant. This tree has one great quality - it can be molded, sheared or bent at any age, which makes it easy to get not only hedges, but also arches, balls, green gazebos, pyramids, etc.

Linden is one of those tree species that can significantly improve the condition of the soil. Its leaves contain huge amounts of potassium, calcium, sulfur and nitrogen. Thanks to this, deciduous humus is able to improve the physicochemical properties of the soil and increase its fertile qualities. As a rule, it begins to bloom in the 10th year of life. Linden gets along well next to rowan, oak, ash and maple.


Rowan is a tree that was once considered a symbol of fertility, prosperity and well-being, considered by Slavic peoples sacred. Thanks to bright fruits and crimson leaves, it does not lose its decorative effect even in winter time of the year. For its development, no special soil conditions are required, but the soil should not be swampy or too wet. Ideally, rowan is best planted in a small shade or sunny area. This tree is in good harmony with spruce, pine, fir and deciduous species, especially linden, black poplar, ash and white willow. Among the bushes, rose hips, barberry and honeysuckle will make an excellent pair with mountain ash. This tree is planted, as a rule, in September-October or early spring.

Private houses are always surrounded by many trees. Most often they are fruit, but many gardeners tend to plant others. In this case, it is worth exploring folk signs, which will tell you what trees should not be planted on the site. They can be trusted or considered outdated superstitions, but the experience gained over hundreds of years makes sense to take into account.

Energy of trees

Our ancestors believed that any plant has a certain energy that affects humans. Trees with negative energy, such as oak or willow, bring bad luck and impair health. They are called vampires because they draw positive energy from environment... As you might guess, they have no place on the site, even if they look beautiful.

Another category of plants is donors. They on external world have the opposite effect, it is not for nothing that they are considered natural healers. They attract good luck, dispel sadness, and provide good mood, improve health and even relieve pain. Of course, it is better to plant them near the house. It can be any fruit trees, acacia, larch and many others. There are even such flowers.

What trees are better to refuse

Signs will give a hint which plants can be grown in the yard and which cannot. It is not necessary to follow them, but it is worth remembering that they are based on certain experiences. Energy is difficult to test, but many of the trees that are best avoided have an extensive root system. It is often so powerful that it can destroy the foundation of a house. Poisonous shrubs and flowers are also called omens.

If the gardener wondered which plants should not be placed on the site, then the folk wisdom accumulated over the centuries will help him figure it out. One of the most unwanted trees in the yard is the oak tree. It is believed that he has a strong energy, it is not for nothing that he is a symbol of longevity. But those who cannot boast strong health, the oak weakens even more. It also draws out vitality from insufficiently strong people.

There is one more belief according to which it is not recommended to plant an oak tree in front of the house: it will bring a quick death to the head of the family. It is believed that he perceives warriors well. But for them the oak is dangerous too.

Is it possible to plant a birch tree in the yard? Surely this question is asked by many, because the Russian beauty, thanks to her white trunk, looks very elegant. Still, you shouldn't do this. According to the signs, spirits live in its crown. They can be kind, then problems are unlikely to arise. But it is likely that they will turn out to be evil. There is a belief that a woman, near whose house a birch tree grows, will suffer from diseases. female organs and even infertility.

If you really want to plant a graceful white-trunk tree in front of the house, then it is better to do it behind the fence, near the gate. The plant has protective properties and will protect housing from evil forces.

It can be assumed that such recommendations are associated with the peculiarities of birch: a strong root system and drawing moisture from the soil, which is why other plants near it do not take root.

A sane owner will abandon the idea of ​​planting a poplar near the house. And it's not even about its energy. From this point of view, it is rather beneficial, since it is believed that it draws out negative energy. But it refers precisely to trees with a strong root system, which has a destructive effect on the foundation of the house. So if you don't want to risk being homeless in a few years, then it is better to refuse this plant. Another feature of poplar is a hollow trunk. Because of this, he resists worse. strong wind and can easily break, causing an accident. It is also worth remembering about poplar fluff, which spreads around the neighborhood during the flowering period, causing irritation of the mucous membrane and provoking allergies.

Trees that have no place near the house include Walnut... This does not mean that it cannot be grown, depriving yourself of the chance to feast on delicious fruits. It just needs to be placed away from outbuildings, which its root system can harm.

WITH conifers folk signs are also associated. According to legends, spruce and pine trees bring failure, ruin crops and even bring death to the owners of the house. However, such a negative attitude towards these plants is found mainly in areas where they are not common. And there is an explanation for this: in Russia, the dead were covered with spruce branches, it is not surprising that the tree caused fear. In addition, spruce burns easily, which poses a danger to wooden houses.

If the oak, according to signs, is a danger primarily for the head of the family, then the thuja will bring misfortune to the girls. They will remain single forever, as they will not be able to get married. There is an opinion that only girls will be born in a family in front of whose house a thuja grows. Thuja also has a positive property - it scares away evil forces. Therefore, it makes sense to plant her behind a fence.

Willow is another tree that beliefs do not recommend planting near the house. She will bring grief to the house. No wonder they call her weeping. The point is not only in the sadly lowered branches, but also in the belief that those who planted it on their site will cry a lot.

TO useful plants fern belongs. He relieves negative emotions and helps to maintain peace in the family. But it often causes allergies.

The willow belongs to plants with a negative aura. It is believed that whoever decides to plant her will soon die. In no case should you plant it in honor of the birth of a child, as this will bring him misfortune.

Aspen also has negative energy. If a person stays with her for a long time, he will begin to experience fatigue and apathy.

What plants can be grown near the house

Trees such as oak or poplar should not grow near your home. Many folk signs can be explained scientifically. Fortunately, according to popular beliefs, there are many more plants with good energy. Therefore, on the site, if desired, you get a beautiful garden.

If you have a question about which plants are best to plant, then you should pay attention to the following types.

  • Juniper. Acts as a real amulet. If you plant it near the house, then it will protect you from evil forces.
  • Larch. Provides a good mood.
  • Acacia. This tree helps to get rid of infertility.
  • Rowan. Keeps youth, has a positive effect on hormones in men and women, helps to learn self-control, protects the home from dark entities. There is no doubt that this tree can be planted, it will not only decorate the yard, but also benefit the owners.
  • Maple. When choosing which tree to grow, you should pay attention to it. Maple will provide material wealth, strengthen the health of all family members, and help resolve any quarrel.

Interestingly, not only ornamental, but also fruit trees and shrubs can have a positive effect on people.

  • Pear helps spouses to achieve mutual understanding, enhances maternal feelings.
  • Cherry brings wealth, it is not for nothing that it is considered a symbol of fertility. Material wealth can be strengthened by the fire that was lit under it during the flowering period.
  • Rose hip. Provides peace in the family, helps relatives find mutual language, gets rid of the accumulated negative.
  • The apple tree brings good luck to young girls, only it should grow in front of the beauty's window.
  • Kalina. It has a positive effect on physical and emotional health.

You need to carefully choose which trees and flowers to plant in your garden. According to the signs that have come down to us from ancient times, some of them negatively affect the world and the human body (eg oak). Modern science is often able to explain why this happens.

But even if there is no obvious reason, you should think carefully before growing an oak or poplar in your yard. Bad energy, which they differ in, is able to draw strength from a person. Even if there is no complete trust in beliefs, it is hardly worth risking your well-being and the health of your household. This also applies to other trees that have the same properties as oak. It is recommended that you select plants and flowers that can be beneficial.

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The traditions of our ancestors
The Slavs living in the forests treated trees with great reverence, endowing almost every one with supernatural properties. Groves and forests were considered sacred places. The most revered and powerful were the old trees.
Patients crawled through their hollows in order to remove the ailment from themselves. The greatest worship was enjoyed by the oak - the Perunov tree. He is still mentioned in conspiracies: "On the sea on Okiyan, on the island of Buyan there is a mighty oak ..."

The Slavs predominantly refer to the oak tree about the World Tree, which embraces the earth with its roots and holds the heavenly vault with its branches. A legend has survived about oaks that existed even before the creation of the world. Even at a time when there was no earth, no sky, but only one blue sea (air ocean), in the middle of this sea there were two oaks, and two doves were sitting on the oaks; pigeons descended to the bottom of the sea, took out sand and stone, from which the earth, the sky and all the heavenly bodies were created.
Oak, as well as any other tree that was struck by lightning, received the same healing, life-giving properties that are attributed to spring rain and thunder arrow.
In order to have good horses (in the body), it is advised to put a piece of wood smashed by thunder in the stable. If, at the first spring thunder, you prop up a tree (or wooden wall), then the back will not hurt.

Children suffering from dryness are placed for a while in a forked tree, then three times nine times they walk around the tree with them and hang children's shirts on its branches.
Upon returning home, they are bathed in water taken from nine rivers or wells, and sprinkled with ash from seven ovens. From fever and other diseases, the peasants bathe in rivers, forest springs and wells, and after bathing they wipe themselves off with a clean cloth and hang it on a nearby tree or bush; instead of a rag, they also hang up a shirt
or a rag of their clothes and leave them until they are completely decayed.
The meaning of the ritual is as follows: washing and erasing the ailment from his body, the patient, as it were, removes it from himself and, together with a rag and a discarded shirt, transfers it to a bush or tree, as the earthly representatives of that heavenly, paradise tree that wears away living water that heals all diseases. How the left flap decays or
shirt, so the disease itself must disappear. Later, with the loss of a clear understanding of the ancient ideas, this rite acquired the character of a sacrificial offering to forest and water spirits.
The Slavs and the birch were sometimes considered the main, world tree, the support of the whole earth, as stated in old conspiracy: "On the sea on the Ocean, on Buyan Island, there is a white birch tree branches down, roots up ..."
One of the incarnations of the fullness of life and longevity is willow (willow, rakita). Its branches were stuck under the eaves to protect the house from lightning.
But the plants of love and weddings were known as hawthorn (they were used to decorate the bride at the wedding ceremony) and viburnum (the embodiment of girlhood, beauty and love).
To protect the newlyweds from the evil eye, rowan was used.
Much attention in legends and traditions is paid to the apple tree. A tree striking in its beauty, on which flowers are replaced by yellow and red fruits, could not fail to amaze the people's imagination.
A curious Russian tale about rejuvenating apples and living water, also known among the Druids.
In order to return the king to his youth and sight, the son of the prince must get living water, which heals blindness, and youthful golden apples, that is, cause spring with its blessed rains, golden lightning, radiant sun and with all the luxury
plant kingdom.

What tree or shrub is best to plant near the house

What kind of trees and shrubs to plant around the house depends on many factors. It is important to know what kind of soil and climate a particular plant prefers.

For example, conifers prefer sandy soil and bright spots. It is better to choose not mature trees, but seedlings. Then they will take root better. Their significant drawback is the presence of a powerful root system. Being sufficiently developed, it can easily harm communications or the foundation of a house. Of course, this must be taken into account when choosing a place for landing. It should not be less than 10 meters from the building. Perfect option- a spruce fence or a place along the fence.

Rowan, viburnum and other fruit trees will also decorate any yard. Bright colors of their foliage in autumn, red berries in winter - everything will please the eye. These unpretentious trees prefer shade and moisture. Therefore, it is better to choose shaded places for planting them. And at the same time, of course, do not forget to fertilize the soil.

But the nut will be delighted with wet and warm corners plot. It is better if you choose a place near your home. Windy areas on the site should be avoided. This can damage the crown of the tree. The choice of location must be taken responsibly. Frequent relocation can be detrimental to the tree. After all, its root system is rather weak.

If the climate permits, you can decorate the space around the house. fruit trees... Cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, peaches, pomegranates, plums - they all prefer fertilized soil. It is better to keep it wet as well. Depressions in the soil should not be more than 100 cm.

Derain is very popular among shrubs. It multiplies rapidly by dividing the bush. Therefore, even a small amount will end up with a lot of bushes. In late autumn, its leaves turn scarlet. It looks very nice, especially against the background of the first snow. Depending on the species, it can be either a shrub or a tree.

In addition to sod, the viburnum-leaved vesicle (meadowsweet, spirea) is often planted. This shrub begins to bloom from the end of June and is distinguished by bright red or yellow foliage. However, this effect can be achieved only if the spirea is planted in a sunny place. Otherwise, its leaves will not acquire brightness and lose their decorative effect.

Both shrubs grow very quickly. For this reason, you need to be prepared to devote a lot of time to constant pruning of branches. The undeniable advantage is that the branches can be given a variety of shapes and, as a result, create a beautiful hedge.

What to look for when planting trees near your home

Before landscaping a site, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its plan. Misunderstandings with neighbors may arise. Therefore, it is better to immediately discuss with them all the nuances of future plantings. After all, there is no guarantee that the crowns of trees will not shade the site.

Each tree must be planted so that it does not further create inconvenience to existing mature trees and shrubs. It is also important to know exactly where to plant trees at all is not worth it. For example, close to the fence. Tree roots should not touch communications: plumbing pipes, wires, irrigation system of the site.

Between the trees themselves, it is better to maintain a distance of about 2 meters. In this case, their roots or branches will not intertwine. Trees such as poplar, walnut or birch grow quite quickly. For several years, they can grow up to 20 m. The branches of trees that have been planted close to the fence can either damage themselves (about the fence) or damage the foundation or roof.

Energy of trees
It should be noted that trees have positive and negative bioenergy. So, with a plus sign: birch, oak, pine, chestnut, maple, ash, linden, willow - they seem to feed us with their healthy vital energy.

With a minus sign: aspen, poplar, spruce, sycamore, bird cherry, alder. These trees take energy, but they also heal, relieve pain, remove painful energy.

The biological clock of tree activity

Birch. Rest from 3 to 4 hours. Activity from 5 to 9 o'clock. The energy of the birch is soft, soothing. Cuddle up, cry out tears, and stress will escape - and the person will calm down.

Oak. Rest from 15 to 17 hours. Activity from 21 to 3 hours. The energy is powerful, domineering. You cannot approach an oak tree in any condition. In an excited, agitated mood, it is better not to approach. First you need to get rid of the bad state of the aspen or alder, and then go to the oak.

Pine. Like all conifers, her activity is constant. But the energy of the pine is powerful: it relieves depression, takes the psycho-emotional blow of a person upon itself.

Maple. Rest from 4 to 5 hours. Activity from 7 am to 10 am. The energy is soft, relaxing, harmonizes the energy shell of a person. The best way to remove the evil eye is under a maple tree.

Ash. The energy is pure, subtle. It cleans well the energy field of a person, aligns the psyche. Ash is good at meditating: there is a strong concentration of attention. Ash activity 11 - 13 hours. It is easy to recognize it by its “helicopter seeds”.

Linden. Rest from 6 to 7 hours. Activity from 14 to 20. The energy is soft. There is a feeling of warmth and peace: it is no coincidence that in China the linden is called the “tree of oblivion”.

Willow. Rest from 2 to 3 hours, activity 18 - 21 hours. The energy is soft, soothing, revitalizing. Anger and fatigue pass. The energy of the willow relieves headache, brings the whole organism to harmony.

Poplar. Rest 4-5 hours, activity 15-18 hours. The energy is even, clear, moderate, promotes the mobilization of forces in the right direction, mental correction. Hug the poplar for a few minutes - fatigue will go away. But you should not stand for a long time: you should be dizzy, that is, energy will be pumped out.

Salvation from ailments
Japanese naturopathic scientists believe that in order to be healthy, a person needs to spend 250 hours in the forest annually. However, walking in the forest, one should remember that some trees give energy to a person, while others, on the contrary, take it away. But this does not mean at all that some of them are good and others are bad. There is nothing accidental or superfluous in nature. According to the researchers, for 45-50% of people the "charging" tree is oak, for 25-30% - birch, for the rest - other trees. The energy is sucked out mainly by aspen, alder, poplar. Both types of trees are needed to heal the body. First, you should touch the suction rocks for a couple of minutes to get rid of the polluted, diseased energy. Then stand for 5 minutes to the nourishing tree. In either case, it is best to use healthy, strong, flawless trees with straight trunks.
There are also certain positions of the human body that allow you to enter into effective energetic contact with the tree. For example, sitting on your heels and pressing your back tightly against the trunk so that the spine is in full contact with the bark of the tree, while your hands lie freely on your knees. This posture is used for treatment and recovery. nervous system, radiculitis, kidney disease, brain disease, hypertension.
Another way: while standing, press against the tree with your chest and stomach, hug the trunk with your hands, spread your legs wide apart in half a meter from the base of the trunk. This pose helps with diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, intestines, genitals, raises the general tone of the body.
In addition, you should be well aware of what to expect from each tree. Today, living in city life, we have completely lost this knowledge. And meanwhile, from ancient times it has been known from which breed that can be obtained.

Oak is a tree of vitality, longevity, a donor tree. Direct contact with him is useful for those who often suffer from causeless fatigue, internal apathy, which is based on a lack vitality... Oak is a strong, but harsh tree, it does not accept whiners, does not tolerate the desperate. Oak prefers fighters, he heals the wounds of the warriors, heals their souls. It is the veterans, the elderly who will benefit from communicating with this tree.

Pine is a tree of tranquility, it heals nervous disorders and all stress-related diseases. For people with heart disease, long walks in the pine forest are useful, but not in hot weather, when the volatiles released by the pine tree can have an unnecessarily stimulating effect. Pine is a merciful tree, it can not only cleanse a person's aura, but also partially remove damage.

Maple is a tree of finding balance. When in contact with him, a person becomes calm, since it takes over the excess energy that overwhelms a person, calms down rage, anger, makes us balanced and self-possessed. Instead of tears, anxiety and despondency, this tree will give you peace of mind, self-confidence.

Birch is a gentle, compassionate tree with a very soft, affectionate, yet strong influence. It is to the birch that sick, weakened and recovering people should be addressed. It will alleviate suffering, help to endure the disease more easily. For a person with upset nerves, birch is simply irreplaceable. This tender tree will relieve you of fear of the future, fruitless troubles, and unnecessary worries. A birch tree growing next to a house has a wonderful property to ward off nightmares.
Healer trees

Spruce treatment. 50 g of chopped young cones ate, pour 1 liter of water, cook in a sealed container over low heat until 1/3 of the liquid has boiled away, drain. Take, sweetened to taste with honey or sugar, warm, in small sips, 1 glass 3-4 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals with a strong chronic cough, the initial stage of pulmonary tuberculosis, colds infectious diseases respiratory organs.

Infusions of spring shoots of young needles are drunk for colds, coughs. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l of crushed raw materials pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist, wrapped for 4-6 hours, drain. Drink warm during the day in small sips.

With sore throat, it is very useful to chew fresh eaten resin (bitterly). But angina goes away in a day.

Pine is a tree of spiritual illumination. This tree has a blue-violet aura, the power of which promotes spiritual illumination and creative take-off.

If a serious moment has come in your life, if your fate is being decided, and you want to cope with everyday problems, you need a pine tree.

With direct contact, the power of the pine will take away all that irritation, annoyance that, like scale, leaves on us everyday, which so interfere with the clarity of thought and spirit. Pine helps in the treatment of all those diseases that are directly related to stress. Virtually no neurosis can resist her influence. For people with heart disease, there is a purely medical recommendation: long walks in the pine forest are not recommended, since the volatile substances of the pine can have an unnecessarily stimulating effect.

Pine is able to cleanse a person's aura from outside influences, partially remove damage. This compassionate tree will help an open-minded person.

Pine branches, placed under the bed or on the bed, protect from diseases, help to recover.

Hang pine twigs over front door so that joy, happiness, love and prosperity always reign in the house.

A bouquet of pine pine legs will protect the house from evil force, will protect you from illness, help you recover faster. Burning pine legs in an apartment expels evil spirits.

Birch. Birch sap alone is worth something. Birch sap destroys urinary stones, is effective in the treatment of stomach ulcers, liver, gall bladder, headache, scurvy, bronchitis, cough, rheumatism and arthritis. It cleanses the blood, stimulates metabolism.