Business plan for the development of a consulting firm. How to start a consulting firm

  • 23.09.2019

Having your own consulting agency is an opportunity. Many have heard of such a business, but not everyone understands its essence. But this is quite a promising and profitable business. Consulting services what it is - let's try to figure it out in this article.

Business features

Any, even the most promoted and productive company, periodically has to turn to professionals for help, that is, to real highly qualified specialists. Experienced employees of consulting companies provide clients on a paid basis consulting services that help the client to optimize his business.

First of all, they analyze the problem, after which they draw certain conclusions. Based on the data obtained, professionals draw up an action plan that will help to cope with difficult situation. Services consulting company are quite in demand in our time, so such a business can be safely called profitable and promising.

Benefits of consulting as a business

  • Small initial investment. To get the first profit from this type of activity, it is enough to have a phone and a computer with Internet access.
  • You can work in this business without special education. To get started, it is enough to learn how to compose commercial offers and conduct marketing analysis;
  • you will be able to grow professionally. Not every employment provides such an opportunity;

The consulting business will allow you to create an image successful person. Even if you ever change your direction of activity, you will still remain a professional in the eyes of customers.


  • Dealing with problem clients.
  • Main directions and types of consulting
  • A consulting company can provide different services. Among them, the most promising and demanded areas should be highlighted:

    Credit consulting

    It is difficult to find a company that has never been in business for all the time it has been in business. Even economically stable firms sometimes need such financial injections. To expand a business, you must have the means to do so. It is unprofitable to withdraw them from circulation, so many companies turn to competent consultants in the field of lending;

    Management consulting

    Any business cannot develop and make a profit without competent management. Rendering consulting services in this direction allows to solve many problems;

    Small Business Consulting

    Small companies that have limited financial resources often turn to competent specialists for help. It is too expensive to keep experienced consultants on staff, so consulting services for a business that is at the development stage, as a rule, are provided by third-party specialists. Thanks to their work, the profit of the enterprise begins to grow, so the work of professionals quickly pays off;

    In general, the sphere of consulting services includes many different areas.


    Before opening consulting firm, you need to collect the authorized capital in the amount of 100 minimum wages. This is a prerequisite, without which you will not be able to start working. In addition, you will need a bank account.

    After that, you should register a company in the Single Center and appoint CEO. It is also important to choose a unique name for the newly created business. You can check his identity in a special register.

    You will receive confirmation of registration within 10 days. After that, you can rent a legal address. It will cost 6-6.5 thousand rubles per year.

    To register a company, you need to collect the following documents

    • Memorandum of association;
    • company charter;
    • Applicant's signature (certified by a notary);
    • Receipt of payment of the state duty (2.1-2.5 thousand rubles);
    • Statement.

    If you seek the help of specialists, the organization of a consulting firm will not take you much time.

    Location and office

    You don't need a large office space to organize consulting services. Renting an expensive office is a waste of money.

    The room should be equipped with a separate room in which company employees will work with clients. In addition, you will need a place to store information and documents. Another room should be equipped as an office for the head. The presence of such premises will testify to the seriousness and solidity of your company.

    It is advisable to rent an office in the city center in some modern business center, where many large firms are concentrated.


    To work in the field of consulting, you do not have to buy special equipment. It is enough to purchase furniture, computers and office equipment.

    Since you will be working with clients in an office, this important point should not be overlooked. If you don't have the money to buy stylish furniture, you can rent it. It will cost you much less. But the purchase of computers will have to allocate their own funds.


    The choice of employees for the agency must be taken seriously and responsibly. You can expand this business different ways, but the most effective of them is competent qualified personnel who have experience in this area.

    You can select employees using advertisements in the media. But for this you will have to spend a lot of time. Many aspiring entrepreneurs turn to special agencies for help. They take small commissions for their work, but at the same time they show a fairly high-quality result.

    At the stage of formation, you should not promise employees a high salary. This can cause you to go bankrupt a few months after you open your business. Over time, if things go well, the salary can be added.

    Business promotion and level of competition

    There is a high level of competition in the consulting business. These days, offerings come to market much faster than consumers might need them. Therefore, in order for your business to develop, you need not only to develop a competent business plan for a consulting company, but also to create a website on the Internet. It needs to be posted on it. full information about your company, as well as a list of services.

    Do not forget to constantly promote the resource so that it is in the TOP 10 search queries. You can also use advantageous location office and advertising in the media.

    Business Profitability

    For a business to be successful, you need to develop a large customer base.

    There are several ways to do this:

    • Contracts with start-up companies;
    • High competence;
    • Providing additional services that are not offered by competitors;
    • Development of a certain market segment;
    • If you hire qualified employees and correctly build an advertising campaign, the initial investment will pay off in 3-4 months. The profitability of such a business is quite high.

    consulting business consulting business

    Financial investments

    Before you open a consulting company, you need to correctly calculate all the costs:

      • Authorized capital and registration - 15 thousand rubles;
      • Website development and promotion - 30 thousand rubles or more;
      • Logo, business cards, printing - from 10 thousand rubles;
      • Office furniture and computers - from 3 thousand dollars;
    • Renting premises and utility bills - from 20 thousand rubles or more, depending on the location;
    • Telephone and Internet - 5 thousand rubles.

    You will have to spend 6-7 thousand dollars to open a small company. Also, do not forget about the salaries of employees, it is not included in this amount.

    Consulting is a very promising type of business if you have unique knowledge, experience or technology and are ready to provide consulting services to those who need it. Representatives of the business class have long come to the conclusion that it is impossible to know and be able to do everything in the modern economy. Therefore, in order to use the services of professionals in highly specialized industries, expert help from outside is needed.

    Goals and risks of the enterprise

    Now consulting in the field is becoming quite popular. information technologies, so we bring to your attention an exemplary business plan for a consulting company that provides consulting services and technical assistance to organizations using computers.

    Since it is now difficult to find an enterprise that would not use computer equipment in its work, the widest opportunities open up for the activities of your company.

    The place of activity of the company is the regional center located not far from Moscow.

    The main goal of a consulting firm is to make a profit by providing services in the field of computer technology. The social mission of the company will be participation in the activities charitable foundations in order to enhance the reputation of the company and contribute to the development of society. To achieve these goals, the company will use modern technologies, as well as the work of competent specialists who make up its staff. Commercial risks that prevent the achievement of the stated goals are the limited funds used to open a company and high competition in the market.

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    Office and staff selection

    Starting a business is often associated with obtaining borrowed funds from credit organizations, but at the beginning of your company's work, it is quite possible to do without them. What will be the costs of setting up a firm? Registration of your company with obtaining the status of a legal entity and registration with state funds and the tax service will cost you 20-25 thousand rubles. But first of all, you need an office space. The office space is the face of your company. Of course, you can count on the fact that many clients will contact you using communication networks, but you should not refuse traditional communication with consumers of your services directly in the office.

    Best option for location office space firms are the business center of the city, and the size of the office should depend on the expected scale of activity. In any case, we are not talking about a cramped little room, so renting this room will cost you about 50 thousand rubles. Considering the option of locating the company in a microdistrict that is remote from the center is possible only if you are sure that this will help you attract organizations located there as clients.

    If the company's premises will stand old furniture and outdated computer equipment, this will naturally raise doubts about the level of the company and the competence of its employees. This means that you will have to spend money on office equipment and the purchase of the necessary stationery, which will cost in the region of 350 - 450 thousand rubles.

    The selection of qualified personnel is the key to the success of your company. After all, it is the employees who will work with customers and provide services in which the company specializes. For a successful start, you will need 2-3 specialists (it is best if you know them personally), and if necessary, additional employees in the person of a secretary, courier, cleaner, etc. This implies that you will take the position of director of the company, at the first stage of the company's activity it is better to abandon unnecessary management personnel.

    The maximum specified staffing will require monthly expenses for wages in the amount of about 150 thousand rubles. If you cannot afford such expenses at the beginning of the business, then you can limit yourself to recruiting temporary employees or choose other options for hiring staff.

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    Advertising campaign

    Due to the high competition in the market for these services, it is necessary to conduct a competent advertising campaign. Particular attention should be paid to the company's website. It should not only contain all the necessary information about your company, but also be high enough in the list of sites when you enter relevant queries, ideally it should be in the top ten of Yandex or other popular search engines. The services of organizations involved in SEO-promotion of sites will cost you 5-6 thousand rubles a month. If the qualifications of your employees allow, then you can achieve this on your own. Considering that more and more consumers find the goods and services they need via the Internet, this method of advertising should become one of your priorities.

    Do not forget about the traditional methods of advertising. Electronic media services and terrestrial advertising structures will be too expensive for you at the very beginning of your business, but print media should not be neglected. There are free newspapers in every regional center. advertisements, some of which have online versions. The most visual advertising material for you will be colored booklets that tell about the activities of your company. They can be ordered from organizations providing printing services, the cost of these products depends on the circulation you need. In addition to booklets, you can order stationery with your company logo - they can also be used as advertising.

    Be sure to use your business location. Many organizations will be happy to use your services if your office is located "around the corner". First of all, this applies to small and medium-sized businesses that widely use computer technology, but there are no special departments dealing with technical troubleshooting.

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    What services will your firm provide? Firstly, technical assistance and consulting support in case of emergency situations with computer equipment - from equipment malfunctions to protection against DDoS attacks, it all depends on the qualifications of your employees and the capabilities of the company. Secondly, constant maintenance of your clients' computer systems, and, if necessary, updating hardware and software, network administration. Thirdly, consulting services for the purchase of equipment, installation of software, restoration of computer equipment after serious failures. Fourthly, it is necessary to set ourselves the task of expanding the scope of services provided and starting work in such a market segment as the implementation of corporate projects to automate the activities of enterprises.

    Thus, we smoothly move on to market research. Before starting the work of the company, you must clearly understand what kind of competition you will have to withstand and what strategy of activity is better to choose. A feature of the IT services market is that it has a huge number of large companies, small firms and individual entrepreneurs occupying their specific niches. The competitive advantage of your company should be the competent use of the website and other advertising opportunities, the use of the company's location, loyalty to customers and an individual approach to solving their problems, as well as the high professionalism of employees, which will be manifested in satisfying all the needs of consumers of your services. But all this is not enough, you need to choose a market segment in which you will specialize.

    The main target market for your company will be small and, to some extent, medium-sized businesses. Your business plan should reflect the dynamics of the main indicators of this market segment. you must know the growth rate of entrepreneurial activity in your city or district, how many organizations that can potentially become your clients are located in the area of ​​​​the closest coverage of your company. Information about the structure of the economy of the regional center in which your company is located, about the percentage of small businesses among all economic entities, will not hurt you.

    If the economy of the regional center is stagnant, programs to support small and medium-sized businesses are curtailed or maintained at a minimal level, and business growth has slowed down or even turned negative, then it will be very difficult for you to find your niche in this market. If local authorities support the development of small businesses, business incubators are active, and the size of your target market is experiencing rapid growth, then you will easily find your customers.

    To begin with, let's take a look at what such consulting. First of all, it is a service. WITH in English, from where this word came to us, consulting means consulting. The service implies paid actions on your part in favor of the client, aimed at researching his activities, determining the ways of the company's development, introducing innovations, organizing management and other research. All this is being done to increase the productivity and profitability of the client firm.

    Simply put, a consulting agency for a fee helps to bring the business to new level . The objects of consulting are standardly commercial organizations and manufacturing firms.

    But also the clients of the consulting agency can be individuals who apply for the registration of enterprises. In general, consulting services may include assistance on any business issues.

    Consulting is of two types.

    - Internal consulting. When an employee acts within the firm advising others within the organization. In this case, he provides services free of charge, as he is employed and receives payments of wages established by the contract.

    - External consulting. When external organizations are hired as business process consultants. Such firms receive profit from the direct provision of services according to a pre-arranged agreement and price list. Standard services include the result of increasing profitability, reducing costs and the overall expansion of the firm in its niche market.

    Types of consulting agency services

    1. Business Diagnostics. This area of ​​client support includes audit of the company, performance evaluation, quality control, benchmarking and other processes.
    2. Recommendations for improving the firm. The conclusions that the consulting firm receives after analyzing the activities of the client form the basis of the recommendations received by the customer on reshaping the processes, activities and structure of his enterprise.
    3. The holding of trainings. These measures are also aimed at increasing efficiency.
    4. Creation of restructuring projects. Again, based on the analysis of the processes, the contractor creates a project to improve the structure of the client's firm. This also includes guidance on creating missing functions, activities and units that will later allow the organization to operate more efficiently.
    5. Preparation of the enterprise for inspections. In addition to the standard arrangement of all necessary documentation, the consulting agency can prepare the client's firm to obtain international certificates.
    6. Development of a business strategy.

    Cooperation between the customer and the client is organized in the format of presence in a company where consulting services are required, a specialist from the contractor.

    Today, large organizations and small enterprises that want to gain a foothold in the market of their goods and services use consulting services. And the sphere of consulting itself has many branches, each of which is aimed at working with various types organizations.

    There is also medical consulting, financial consulting associated with the reporting of organizations and attracting cash injections and mergers. It is also popular tax consulting, as well as management consulting and many other types.

    For example, management consulting includes:

    Development of processes for increasing the profit of the company

    Adjustment and creation of business plans

    Marketing research for effective investment

    SWOT analysis

    Development organizational structure firms

    Concerning HR consulting, then the entire personnel policy is evaluated:

    The staff is trained and each employee is tested according to professional suitability standards.

    The motivating component of the company is being developed

    Instructions for employees and rules of conduct within a particular company are adjusted (clothing, working hours)

    Conflict components are regulated, recommendations are given on the behavior of both the management staff and staff.

    Information technology consulting:

    The main technique is the introduction of so-called CIS - corporate information systems

    DBMS. These are database management systems. The consulting firm is engaged in their design, development and implementation in the client's process.

    Automation of production processes.

    Special offers that are developed exclusively individually, depending on the specifics of the company.

    Business planning consulting:

    Selection of organizations for logistics services

    Business process research

    Project management

    Development of interaction processes with a potential audience

    Inventory management analysis

    Reduce costs and increase efficiency


    A person who works with a client from a consulting firm. The job responsibilities of a mentor include many different tasks. First of all, providing working role model on those processes to which the services of a consulting agency are directed.

    Sometimes, the position of mentor becomes a permanent position with an assigned person. This usually happens in large organizations facing higher-order problems, or simply wanting to stabilize and unify their firm's processes. In this case, outside consulting is not addressed.

    But it is the search for a permanent mentor for the company that can also become the main task of the consulting firm. And often the search is carried out directly within the organization, where people who are already familiar with the specifics of a particular company and its business processes work.

    consulting agency clients

    Again, depending on the specifics of consulting and the scope of its focus, the potential audience varies.

    In strategic consulting it:

    Trading industry

    food industry

    Construction business

    mechanical engineering

    in operations management it:

    heavy industry

    food industry

    Trade area

    Finance sector

    Construction companies

    In consulting in the fieldIT:


    Development of oil and gas fields

    heavy industry


    Telecommunication niche

    Sphere of trade

    Consulting based on conducting trainings and recruitment of qualified specialists:

    Trading industry

    food industry

    Metalworking and engineering sector

    Oil and gas sector

    Transport companies

    Sphere of communication services and communications

    Financial niche

    Consulting today

    The very concept of consulting is no longer new even on Russian market. Companies that work in this field are involved in various areas - economic, legal, technological. Therefore, the market is developing and more and more companies are starting to apply for services. And opening your own consulting agency promises good prospects with a quality approach and professional service.

    Benefits own company in this area will uncomplicated forming process and development, as well as comparatively small investment at the start, which not every business can boast of. But, as with any project, a business plan for consulting is an integral part of the starting processes.

    AND main directions that should be detailed in the business plan are:

    1. Financial opportunities enterprises
    2. Regional features of the consulting market
    3. Project scope. Signed in the form of phased development planning.

    The image of the consulting agency

    Company reputation plays a huge role, especially in the consulting niche, where clients need upfront assurance of their successful communication with the customer. And the level of professionalism of the company's employees is put in the first place. Together with the financial literacy of the firm and high level responsibility of the company providing consulting services, a reputational component is built. And only she will be able to create a favorable background for receiving "delicious" and large orders.

    Company registration

    The first step in starting any business. It is necessary to resolve the issue of the organizational and legal form and registration of your future case with state bodies. For a consulting agency, the most appropriate form is opening a society limited liability . But in any case, it is better to find out in advance all the necessary information from special sources, access to which is not limited. Or contact a company that will help arrange everything required documents for a certain fee.

    Selected in parallel unique name your organization. Company name It should not only be memorable, which will further affect brand recognition, but also reflect the essence of your activity. In other words, the name of the company should be bright and simple at the same time.

    To start a business in the field of consulting, you do not need to obtain any licenses. And this is another plus in the piggy bank of this niche. However, if you plan to continue to provide services related to property valuation membership in an appraisal organization is required.


    For a successful start, you need to regional market analysis and the market in general assess the presence of competing firms and develop a development strategy. After identifying competitors, you can proceed to a private analysis of specific firms according to several factors:

    - skill level of employees

    - price policy

    - reputation

    - service options

    Premises for rent

    Office- a necessary factor for a consulting firm, since you will be interviewing potential clients on your territory. And therefore, the business districts of the city will become a suitable area for finding premises.

    With a successful start of the business, it will be possible to think about buying out the rented premises. Again, such factors that in another business will not significantly affect the activity, in the field of consulting have a positive effect on company reputation.

    The rental recommendations are such that the premises will require no less than 90 square meters. A spacious office will enhance presentability and will create comfortable conditions for both the work of employees and for communication with customers.


    The purchase of equipment and furniture should also be based on creation of comfortable conditions and presentability internal view. Each employee must be provided with all the necessary accessories, from a workplace to a personal computer with Internet access.

    In addition, consider what should be equipped place for meals by employees and a possible tea party with a client (to discuss cooperation in comfortable conditions). These zones do not have to overlap.


    As mentioned above, all the activities of the company will depend on qualified personnel. Therefore, in the business plan, the search for a suitable staff should be given a separate section.

    An employee hired for a position in your company must have not only professional skills, but also have broad-minded, knowledge in various fields, and especially in those related to business. At the same time, remember that he will have to decide not only highly specialized tasks but also interact with organizations in general.

    To start a small format consulting agency, it will be enough to first hire 2-3 employees, and expand after successful development. Coverage of initial staffing issues should focus on funding and management issues. An employee with a specialization in property valuation would also be helpful.

    Investments by business standards for the organization of a consulting enterprise small. According to statistics, this is an amount within 500,000 rubles, excluding the salary fund. Why without? Because the calculation of the requested salary for each hired employee is purely individual and will depend solely on professional qualities and experience. Major specialists are valuable in the consulting market, but at the same time they know how to value their services.

    In which you can succeed by creating your own business. Each branch of commerce has a purely individual characteristics and complexity. This time we will talk about the consulting business. Many have heard this term, but not everyone understands the essence of this type of entrepreneurial activity. Meanwhile, it means a very profitable and popular business.

    What is a consulting business

    No matter how well and productively any company works, from time to time
    time, she may still need the help of outside professionals. We are talking about highly qualified assistance of real experts in their field. The consulting company provides very specific services. Its employees help clients achieve the desired result in the implementation of their commercial activities.

    So what exactly does a consulting company do? Assistance consists not only in competent and professional advice from the company, but also in practical assistance in the work of the client.

    What is a consultant

    In fact, this is a specialist in a certain professional field. As a rule, the knowledge of an employee of such a company is quite narrow, but at the same time deep. Therefore, an experienced specialist of a consulting company will assist in any issue related to the activities of a particular legal entity, as well as give the right recommendations and solve every problem that the client has. Such an employee must have higher education, as well as positive experience in the required field.

    As a rule, we are talking about the knowledge of most of the intricacies of marketing, organizational development legal entities, managerial work. In addition, a worthy employee in this area simply must have a high degree of communication skills, be able to find mutual language with clients of all levels and areas of business, have the skills of a lecturer, as well as understand computers, securities and accounting.

    Consulting as a business today. Why such demand?

    Why is this particular area of ​​activity so rapidly gaining popularity? The fact is that in modern times there is a real boom in the development of all areas of business. Technologies change, markets undergo a process
    globalization, companies are being absorbed and merged.

    As a result, the need for competent consulting services has increased many times over. As a result - the rise in the cost of the help of highly qualified specialists and the extension of the terms of its implementation. Long-term and global projects came to the fore, the cost of which is quite significant for most clients.

    If even in the relatively recent past, consultants could be compared with guests who only briefly visited companies, then today specialists in this field are firmly entrenched in almost every company. Therefore, the considered type of commercial activity is one of the most dynamically developing and promising today.

    What is the main influence in this area?

    Firstly, general transition to outsourcing (this is exactly what a consulting company does for the most part). Today, an increasing number of services are provided to firms by third-party organizations on the basis of an agreement concluded between them. Of course, all this activity will not be free and disinterested for the customer.

    However, the creation of a special division in the company does not always pay off with the scale of production. Or the process of compensating the money spent is delayed for quite a long time. long time, which becomes a real problem for many representatives of commerce. The selection of competent personnel, the formation of a department, the creation of jobs, offices - all this also requires serious time costs. Consultants are ready to start their work immediately after signing the contract and take on even the most complex projects.

    Secondly, now all spheres of production and any other commercial activity are actively developing. Are being introduced the latest technology, large-scale and ubiquitous computerization is being carried out. If the head of the company does not want to lag behind the closest competitors and wants to maintain a leading position in the market, he needs to use consulting services. Help becomes especially valuable when the situation has already formed in the most unfavorable way.

    Consulting is a business aimed at saving other companies. Employees of such a company will not only give all the necessary information, but also suggest specific, quite real directions for overcoming a crisis situation. At the same time, all the necessary marketing research will be carried out, and the costs for the client will be minimized.

    Main directions and trends

    Consulting is a fairly versatile business. This company can provide services in different directions. However, today there are several most stable and promising areas. First, credit
    consulting. This is a very popular area for outside help.

    If you try to name at least one company that has never used a loan throughout the entire period of its existence and activity, it turns out that such financial injections are needed from time to time even by the largest and most economically stable legal entities.

    If only because the development and expansion require fairly large amounts, which are completely unprofitable to withdraw from circulation. And the successful implementation of the project will allow not only to recoup the interest on the loan, but also to receive a tangible income. That is why competent consulting services in the field of business lending are so in demand. And experts' forecasts indicate a positive development trend.

    Today, consulting is considered one of the most promising business areas in the niche of providing services. To organize his company in such a market segment, an entrepreneur must have knowledge in the field of consulting, as well as the ability to work with modern technologies.

    But even with the high profitability and profitability of such a business, no one is immune from risks, since competition in this segment is constantly high. Moreover, to implement such an idea, a lot of money of start-up capital will be required.

    Opening process

    We note right away that the right business plan should contain an analysis of the consulting services market segment in the place where you want to open. Thanks to the fact that information about your competitors will be collected, you will be able to:

    • understand what kind of experience one should get in this business;
    • avoid the collapse of the company initial stage and in the future;
    • collect the necessary connections for the development of your agency;
    • understand how the company's development process works and where it is best to look for your customers;
    • determine how the agency will grow in the future in terms of the direction of service delivery.

    Initially, you will have to deal with many processes on your own, for example, finding clients and processing applications. In order to be successful in this kind of work, it is important to constantly rely on the opinions of your customers, as well as on what they require. We also note that the form of registration of your agency will play a big role, it is best to look towards LLC.

    Proper organization of all processes

    Your regular customers will be entrepreneurs who manage small and medium business. In order to find clients, your business plan must provide market analysis information in the location where your office will be located. Only in this case, the analysis should be carried out in terms of the activity of entrepreneurs in all industries. In such an analysis, it is important to address the following questions:

    • economic analysis of market efficiency in the selected area or city;
    • the approximate number and list of organizations that may be potential clients at the initial stage;
    • distribution of entrepreneurs by industry to compile a general picture of competition in a particular market segment, which should also help in finding customers.

    Please note that if your area or city is currently in the process of freezing the economy, and there is no development, then it will be very difficult to keep your new agency afloat. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to such a question from the very beginning of the planning path. own business. Find out if there is support for small and medium-sized businesses, what indicators of economic growth and other nuances are important for understanding whether it is necessary to try to enter this market today or is it too early.


    For a consulting company, at the initial stage, a medium-sized office will be quite enough, since large areas will simply lead to large expenses, and there will be little sense from this.

    Regarding the arrangement of the premises, it should have everything necessary equipment to make it easy to work with clients. It is best to have several rooms in the office: for receiving people, for management, and so on. This will speak of the seriousness of the agency.

    It is best to consider finding offices for rent in the city center where the a large number of a variety of small and medium-sized companies that may become your customers sooner or later.

    Advertising agency services

    As you already understood, the consulting agency has a lot of competition, because today the number of services offered is greater than the need for them.

    But for many years, the right advertising campaign has helped to cope with competition. First, it is important to create a website for your company. It is important to place all the necessary information for potential customers about your services in it. And it is better to entrust the promotion of the site itself to SEO-specialists who are engaged in bringing sites to the TOP-10 in search engines. The cost of such pleasure per month is about 10,000 rubles.

    In addition to the site, it is important to use standard methods, including:

    • placement of information in the media;
    • excellent location of the agency itself in terms of placing a banner on the building.

    Niche entry cost

    It is best to consider this point based on the experience of competitive firms. small size who work in small towns. To register a company and make an authorized capital, you will need about 20,000 rubles.

    Approximately the same amount will need to be spent on the manufacture of a variety of promotional products, among which there will be signs, business cards and announcements. The purchase of software, computers, furniture will cost 100,000 rubles. Renting a room will depend on many factors, but we are considering a price of 20,000 rubles for this item.

    As for additional costs, we can include the following:

    • salary for one employee - in the region of 15,000 rubles;
    • the cost of Internet and telephony at the level of 5000 rubles;
    • taxes up to 50,000 rubles;
    • various unforeseen expenses up to 10,000 rubles.

    Thus, to start such a business, you should have at least 215,000 rubles at your disposal.

    Agency Profitability

    In addition, in order to attract potential customers, you must constantly develop your client base, which is done by several procedures:

    • provide a range of services that your competitors cannot offer;
    • try to conclude agreements with those enterprises that are just trying to open or have done so recently;
    • try to hire only professionals in their field to provide high quality services. This will help not only to overtake competitors, but also to spread information about your company through word of mouth thanks to your customers;
    • constant advertising of their services through various promotions, discounts and other things that can draw attention to your services.

    We also note that pricing also plays a big role in success. At the beginning of its journey, it is best for a consulting agency to make prices lower than those of competitors, and it is also possible to organize different variants payment:

    • per hour of work;
    • monthly payment;
    • for the project (development and implementation);
    • for the result, etc.

    Thanks to the right approach to organizing such a business, its payback can be less than 6 months.