How to drill a well for water. Determination of a place for a well

  • 14.06.2019

In this article, I want to tell you, without expensive, bulky equipment, quickly, in the place where you want, even in an already built house. If you need to arrange autonomous water supply country house, then after reading this article and watching my video, you will know how to drill a well by hand independently without resorting to the services of numerous expensive specialists. Or maybe, having mastered this original method, you will be able to drill wells for your acquaintances, friends, relatives, and perhaps in the future it will become for you source of additional income.

A large number of wells have been drilled using this method. The method is quite simple to implement and I have never met life anywhere. On the Internet, I also did not meet the description of this method. My friend came up with the idea of ​​drilling water wells in this way, he is a turner by profession.

For a comfortable stay in any house, you need to have running water. Your own well in the house, even if you have a central water supply, can be very useful. Firstly, you do not depend on utilities and interruptions in the supply of water do not threaten you. Secondly, you do not need to pay for water according to the meter, but when watering the garden or washing a lot of water machines are required. In the third, water from a well is often best quality than the water that is supplied to our homes through the plumbing. Also, water from a well is better than water from a well, since it does not come into contact with air and various debris from the surface of the earth does not enter the well like a well. A well can be arranged in a built house, and then there will be no danger that it will freeze in winter time year, and you will be left without water supply.

You need to start drilling with a simple drill, to the maximum possible depth. Then we insert a galvanized pipe into the drilled hole, to which a cone-shaped tip with a hole in the center is welded.

pipe tip

Rods with a tip

Then we lower the rod into the pipe, in which the tip is slightly larger in diameter than the hole in the pipe tip. And we begin to hammer the pipe into the ground with a barbell. In this case, blows are applied not to the pipe, but to the tip of the pipe (the photo of which is shown above), while the pipe and threads are not damaged. As the pipe sinks into the ground, we lengthen it and the rod by screwing additional extension elements. As soon as we reach the limestone (this will be understandable because the rod will start to bounce when hitting back up), we pull the rod out of the pipe and insert the drill into it (the drill is smaller than the size of the hole in the pipe tip). Now you need to drill a hole in the limestone, find an aquifer in it and hammer a pipe into the limestone. We check the presence of water in the well by pouring water from a watering can into the pipe. If the water does not leave the pipe, it means that you have not reached the aquifer. As soon as the water runs "fun" into the pipe, this indicates that all plumbing equipment will now work in your house. This is how the drilling process works for us. A pipe hammered into limestone works for many years and is not afraid of sand. After drilling a well, it must be thoroughly pumped to remove all the dirt that has accumulated in it during drilling. About,

Country houses are increasingly reminiscent of a completely independent system in the field of water supply and sewerage. After all, many happy owners of their own home want to live in comfort even where there are no centralized water supply and waste disposal systems. It is all the more pleasant to have your own source of clean water on the site. drinking water- well.

We're used to what's under well water understand artesian water. But in addition to the artesian well, there is also a sand well and the "Abyssinian well". Below is a description of each of these underground water sources in more detail.

This type of drinking spring has been known since ancient times. The depth of the Abyssinian well can be 8-12 m. The Abyssinian has a very simple design:


  1. Such a well can be made inside the house, which will allow it to be used even in winter period. If there are power outages in your area, you can install both an electric and a manual pump.
  2. Despite their small size, the Abyssinian well is an excellent source of drinking water for suburban area. Indeed, due to the simple design, the Abyssinian can be easily reproduced independently in just 10 hours.
  3. The Abyssinian is called the well conditionally. It is not subject to such an influence of perched water, surface runoff, therefore, often the water in the well has better performance than well water. Especially in microbiology.
  4. At the same time, in terms of mineral composition, the water in the Abyssinian well often outperforms the artesian one. This applies to inorganic iron and hardness salts.
  5. For the arrangement of this well, it is not required to obtain a license and enter it in the register.
  6. If necessary, all the components of the Abyssinian can be without special efforts dismantled and moved to another location.
  7. The arrangement of such a well will cost you less than other types of water wells.


But before you make an Abyssinian well on your site, you need to take into account a number of features.

  1. The aquifer must not pass below a depth of eight meters. This is due to the fact that the well is very narrow, so water-lifting equipment can only be installed to it from the outside.
  2. Even if all installation rules are followed, the water in the Abyssinian may undergo a change in composition due to the infiltration of pollutants through a relatively small soil layer. For this reason, potential contaminants should not be allowed near the well.
  3. It is impossible to drill an Abyssinian well in rocks, since a drill cannot cope with them. The best soil option is medium- and coarse-grained sand, in which the well is less prone to silting.

The aquifer of this well is in a sandy layer. Its arrangement is resorted to in the case when the water layer is located at more than a ten-meter depth, a maximum of 50 m.

This is another source of drinking water supply that can be equipped with your own efforts without significant material costs. The composition of the sand well includes the following elements:

  • bottom filter;
  • submersible pump;
  • casing and at the same time water supply pipe;
  • cap.

A well of this type can produce up to 20 cubic meters of water per day, which may well meet the needs of a small house.


But there are a number of nuances in the installation and operation of a well on sand that must be taken into account.

  1. Chemical composition water does not always match sanitary standards, therefore, for its use for drinking purposes, it is necessary to carry out cleaning.
  2. Maximum term The service life of a gerbil is 15 years. It all depends on the soil in which the filter is located: a large fraction is a protection against silting, extending the life operational period wells.
  3. In addition, the gerbil needs constant maintenance. Therefore, if it is not possible to pump it regularly, it is better to abandon this well.
  4. If your neighbors drilled a similar well at the same depth, then the debit of your water source will decrease significantly.
  5. The well filter needs to be washed annually. Sometimes flushing is required every six months.

The wells mentioned above are suitable for small houses. If you are the proud owner of a country house of impressive size, or for other reasons, the gerbil and Abyssinian do not suit you, then the only way out may be drilling and arranging an artesian well.

It is impossible to drill this source on your own; you need to hire professionals whose services are not cheap. But since the flow rate of the well is high, you can chip in on the services of drillers with neighbors.

Artesian water is extracted from a layer passing at a depth of 0.1 km or more. Here it is not subject to contamination by pathogenic microorganisms, oil products, copper, zinc and has a low content of organic matter.

But at the same time, artesian water is often characterized by excesses in hardness and the content of unoxidized inorganic iron and manganese. The water may also have a characteristic odor associated with the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the water. In this regard, artesian water often needs to be subjected to additional purification.

Another significant disadvantage of an artesian is the need to obtain a license for drilling and using a well, as well as strict adherence to sanitary protection belts. The standards for the radius of the latter are unlikely to allow equipping a well in a small area.

Therefore, the best option is to drill one well to serve several houses.

Abyssinian and gerbil do it yourself

Abyssinian well(well manual drilling)
Abyssinian well (hand-drilled well).

Despite its simplicity, the Abyssinian well is very popular among owners. country houses. Indeed, often its debit is higher than that of a gerbil, and it is much easier to drill and equip it. But if the aquifer is below the level from which an external pump can raise water, then a sand well can be equipped. Let us consider in more detail the installation of these two types of wells.

Driving an Abyssinian well

Before you start driving the Abyssinian, which is the name of the process of obtaining this source of water, it is necessary to prepare all the elements of this well. They are sold ready-made, but making them yourself is not particularly difficult.

Step 1. From a meter pipe, the diameter of which is an inch, the filter base is made. To do this, holes in the form of a slot are cut out in the walls of the pipe for 80 cm every 20 mm from each other.

Step 2. A wire is wound around the filter pipe and a network of filter weaving is pulled. The latter must be fixed with clamps every 100 mm.

Step 3. A steel cone is installed at the far end of the filter, the base diameter of which is greater than the diameter of the pipe, and the height is 100 mm. The tip can be ordered from a turner, and the cone can be securely fixed to the filter pipe with tin solder.

In the same way, the mesh is additionally fixed.

Step 4. For the body of the well, meter or one and a half meter inch pipes are prepared with threads at both ends for connection.

On the preparatory stage you can make a headstock - a tool for driving. To do this, a small piece of pipe with a thick wall is taken, a centimeter base is welded to one end of the tube, and handles are welded to the side. The headstock must weigh at least 30 kg.

After preparatory activities start slaughtering.

Step 1. In the place chosen for the well, they dig a pit with an area of ​​1 sq.m, and a depth of half a meter.

Step 2. In the pit, they begin to drill with a garden drill, the length of which is gradually increased with the help of half-inch pipes, connected to each other using couplings and bolts.

Step 3. From the moment the sand saturated with moisture appears, they go directly to driving. To do this, the prepared filter is connected with a thread to the first pipe. A sleeve is screwed onto the free end of the pipe with a termination that protects the pipe from impact. They string a grandmother and hit her sharply.

Driving can also be done with a sledgehammer, but in this case, the likelihood of bending the pipe is higher.

Important! Clogging must be combined with sprinkling the pipe with soil and compacting it.

Step 4 During driving, water is constantly poured into the well and tapped. This is necessary in order not to drill past the water layer. Listening is done as follows: every half a meter, the well pipe is turned clockwise and listen to what sound is made. Thus, rustling and rattle indicate the horizon of fine and coarse sand, respectively.

Step 5. As soon as noise appears, add more water and look at the speed at which it seeps into the ground:

  • if slowly, then deepen another half a meter;
  • quickly - you need to go deeper by 30 cm.

When the clogging is completed, proceed to install the pump.

How to make a filter well

The first thing to do before drilling a filter well is to ask nearby neighbors if they have a similar water source. The main thing is to find out from what depth they extract water. If you have to drill more than two dozen meters, you will have to hire a team of professionals or rent special equipment.

In the case of a layer with water at a shallower depth, you can get by with improvised tools.

Having chosen a convenient place, remote from heaps of garbage, cesspools and other pollutants, dig a hole 150x150x150 cm. It is recommended to strengthen its walls with sheets of wood or metal.

Now you need to build a tripod, on which the winch will subsequently be fixed. Below is an instruction on how to build this structure necessary to lift the drill.

Step 1. At the ends of three bars with a twenty-centimeter cross section, holes are cut out for a tube that will connect these tripod supports.

Step 2. The tripod is placed above the drilling site, fixing the supports to protect them from being buried in the ground during operation.

Step 3. Attach a winch to the tripod: electric on top, mechanical on the bottom.

Step 4. A drill is hooked to the winch.

You can start drilling, which is a cycle that repeats until an aquifer is reached, and includes the following steps:

As soon as clean water begins to flow, it is possible to proceed with the arrangement of the well, which includes backfilling the bottom filter, installing casing pipes, pumping equipment, cap and caisson.

Thus, you can drill a well in the sand or an Abyssinian well on your own, using improvised equipment. If you need a larger debit of water, you will have to allocate a significant amount of funds and hire an organization whose activities are related to the drilling of artesian wells.

When choosing drillers, it is better to choose a company that has several drilling rigs and does not offer plastic casing. In addition, this firm must have a hydrologist.

Video - Abyssinian well inside the house

Video - Drilling a well in the sand. Do-it-yourself water well

Any Vacation home should be provided with water that can be used not only for watering the site, but also for cooking, cleaning the house, washing. However, not everywhere it is possible to connect to a centralized water supply system, but this problem can be solved independently. Do-it-yourself water well from a to z, a 30 m video and how to drill it without using special equipment - those aspects that are discussed in detail in the article.

Do-it-yourself water well drilling, video

Drilling a well on the site is a grandiose and time-consuming process, too expensive and labor-intensive. Such a statement is erroneous. These works can be done by hand. This approach allows you to save on the rental of expensive equipment. The house will be provided with clean and cheap water around the clock thanks to a well.

Water well drilling kit

A sand well 30 meters deep is one of the most popular types and can last more than 10-13 years. The well needs to be periodically cleaned, which significantly extends the period of uninterrupted operation. The design of the sand well is a pipe that is lowered into the mine. A special coarse filter made of stainless steel is installed at the bottom. A well is drilled using auger. The level of water occurrence should be checked for the content of chemical and organic matter. Sometimes the aquifer may contain water that needs to be thoroughly cleaned before it can be drunk.

many owners country houses decide to use a gas drill when drilling. This device greatly facilitates manual labor and time costs are significantly reduced. An electric or gas drill, by rotation, reaches high speeds and quickly brings soil to the surface.

Do-it-yourself water well: principle of operation, scheme

Water wells of any diameter work according to general principles. After drilling with a gas drill or manually, a casing pipe is installed, which will restrain the soil masses from shedding, thereby protecting water from pollution. The pipe can be metal, plastic, asbestos. Its lower part must be perforated for unobstructed flow of water into the intake channel.

Summer cottage water supply scheme

For better filtration, a space is left at the very bottom of the channel, which will serve as a sump. All coarse, heavy particles will settle to the bottom rather than flow to the surface. For more better cleaning liquids from sand and silt, a coarse filter, which is a fine mesh, is installed in the perforated part of the pipe. It will cut off the suction of coarse particles by the pump.

To prevent the reverse flow of water through the channel when the engine is turned off, valves are additionally installed. The power of the electric pump is selected individually, depending on the distance of the house from the well and its depth. For greater convenience, it is better to fully automate the process of water supply. This is achieved by installing special equipment, sensors and pressure gauges to control the pressure in the system. At the final stage, the pipe system itself is insulated.

You can make a water well yourself at home or use the appropriate mechanisms for this. If you decide to do without special electrical or gasoline equipment, you need to prepare the following tools, namely:

  • metal drill of the required diameter;
  • collapsible drilling tower;
  • a sufficient number of rods;
  • mechanical or electric winch;
  • casing.

Drilling a well with a hand drill 30 meters deep is a rather tedious task that requires a sufficient amount of time. Using a drill and rods, the installation is assembled, and as it deepens, new sections are added. Drilling proceeds clockwise. Rotation of the drill is carried out manually by 2-3 assistants. Masters with experience pour water into the well to soften the soil. The drill needs to be taken out periodically to extract the soil masses. To do this without a drilling rig is problematic and difficult. Using a winch greatly simplifies this event.

The drilling cycle is repeated step by step. After reaching the aquifer, it must be completely passed until the drill rests on the aquifer. Such a well device is more preferable. Thanks to this scheme, water will flow faster into the water intake. The first portions of the liquid are always dirty, but after a long flush, clean water begins to flow. If this does not happen, experts recommend going deeper a couple of meters.

For pumping water, it is better to use equipped with filters. A hand pump can also extract water, but the depth of the well makes this process difficult. It is much easier to automate the supply of water to the surface. In this case, the well is connected to the water supply system for uninterrupted supply in the house. Some owners of suburban areas make water storage. It can be a plastic or metal container of the required volume. Water is supplied to the house directly from the settling tank. Water enters the tank itself automatically after lowering the level. If you equip the container with a float, then turning on the pump for collecting water can be automated.

Video on how to make a water well with your own hands by hand:

Do-it-yourself drilling of a water well from a to z, a 30 m video is of interest to many owners of country houses. Having a source of clean water, you can not only provide the site with irrigation, which will significantly increase productivity horticultural crops. Water from a well is the most inexpensive way to organize uninterrupted water supply to a summer house, which will increase the level of comfort during your vacation.

The desire to equip a water source on suburban area independently quite understandable from the point of view of reducing the cost of this event. However, before starting work or acquiring materials, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons of such a decision and make your own decision.

Fig.1. circuit diagram location of aquifers

  1. This is necessary operation, which makes it possible to roughly determine . You need to go around the neighborhood, look at all the wells for their depth to water, the presence of natural reservoirs.
  2. When communicating with local residents, it is necessary to find out the approximate debit of wells and wells, if any, nearby, which will make it possible to judge the thickness of aquifers.
  3. Determine influence climatic conditions areas on the liquid level in wells and reservoirs, since during drought years their complete drying is possible.
  4. Pay attention to the presence near the site country toilets, baths, cesspools, livestock farms, warehouses or production of mineral fertilizers and other polluting factors.
  5. Roughly estimate the need for water for your site, taking into account household consumption and for irrigation needs.
  6. Seek help from local hydrogeological organizations about the possible depth of artesian aquifers and the nature of the soil in the area.
  7. Conduct a primary search for nearby aquifers by observation and subject methods.

After analyzing the above factors, it will be possible to determine with great certainty what kind of well is needed - it will be enough for a top water from sand or you need to get to the depth of the calcareous aquifers with clean artesian water.

Well type selection

Considering all of the above factors, it is necessary to make a decision on further actions for water supply at the site. Possible options:

  • the construction of a well from the sand horizon closest to the surface, while its depth can vary between 5 - 15 meters, it can be pumped both with a pump and a column can be installed. The expected quality of the liquid will allow it to be used for irrigation and irrigation, but for domestic use it will have to be at least boiled, and in a good way - subjected to biological and chemical treatment, as well as iron removal;
  • drilling to the depth of the artesian aquifer, which will allow you to get clean tasty water, the only open question it remains to check it for iron content and decide on its additional processing. The debit of artesian wells is many times greater than that of sand wells;
  • the labor intensity is much higher than similar work on the sand, the material consumption is the same, but the life cycle is much longer.

Choice of shaft sinking method

Depending on the accepted type of well, a decision is made on the method of penetration during its construction. General construction work, the same for any method:

  1. Dig a pit measuring 1.5 x 1.5 x 2 meters (depth).
  2. Sheathe the walls with boards to prevent soil collapses from them.

Manual rotary tool drilling

To drill a well with your own hands, many methods are suitable, up to a garden drill, but special auger drills are usually used.

Fig.2. Drilling a well with an auger drill

From the center of the pit, the trunk of the future well is vertically drilled with a drill with a diameter of about 180 mm. At first, you need to carefully control the verticality. Excavation is carried out by raising the tool to the surface, the soil is immediately removed from the pit. Such cycles work continues until the appearance of wet soil. The drill rod is periodically increased in length in sections of approximately 1.5 meters. The appearance of wet sand means approaching the aquifer.

At this time, you need to start installation, otherwise the sand from the walls of the pit will not allow you to go deeper. The first section is equipped with a filter that allows liquid to pass through and retains sand. In addition, a “skirt” is arranged in the lower part with a diameter of 30–40 mm larger than the diameter of the pipe. The individual sections of casing are connected by threaded sockets or welding with straightness control. The casing pipe is lowered under its own weight, bringing down the sandy layer of the aquifer with a skirt, which is selected during further drilling. In addition, the skirt helps protect the screen from damage when the casing is lowered.

Upon reaching the water-resistant layer, as evidenced by the appearance of red or brown-red clays in the excavated soil, drilling should be stopped for some time.

After 1 - 3 hours, check the presence of water in the well and its level. When it is established, the value of the dynamic level will become clear. Now you need to install the pump and pump out water until the lower level is stabilized - the static level of the well. Knowing the performance of the pump, it is easy to calculate how much water is taken from the well for a real period of time, that is, to determine the debit of the well. For trunks with a depth of 5 - 15 meters, this figure is about 0.5 - 1.5 m 3 / hour, which is quite enough for a country economy. If the result achieved is less than 0.5, then the aquifer is weak and drilling should be repeated elsewhere.

When driving more than 5 meters above the pit, a tripod is installed, with the help of which the drill rod is removed, it becomes difficult to get it even with two people.

The gap between the wellbore and the casing pipe must be filled with a gravel mixture of fine and medium fractions.

Hammer drilling

To perform this work, you will need the following equipment:

  1. The drilling rig is a tripod made of medium-sized logs or pipes up to 6 meters high, equipped with a block at the junction of the racks.
  2. Striker - a pipe about 1.5 meters long with a built-in special metal valve that allows loosened soil to pass in one direction. From the rear end there is a wire loop made of wire 5 - 6 mm, one-piece. At the front end, it is advisable to cut the teeth and perform the wiring as on a saw.
  3. Casing pipes - several sections (sometimes up to 50 or more) 1.5 - 2.0 meters long with cut threads or trimmed ends for welding. A "skirt" is installed at the lower end of the first section. Its purpose is described in the previous chapter.
  4. Connecting couplings.
  5. Garden drill with a diameter of 30 - 40 mm larger than the diameter of the casing pipe.
  6. Manual or mechanized winch for working cable.

Work is performed in the following order:

  • in the center of the pit, it is necessary to “drill”, that is, with a garden drill, make a recess up to 1.5 meters in size;
  • install the tripod of the drilling rig, set it in such a way that the striker enters exactly in the center of the hole;
  • install the first section of the casing pipe, equipped with a bailer and a skirt, inside the prepared hole, set it strictly vertically and fix it with temporary wood devices;
  • attach the second section of the casing;
  • lower the striker inside the casing pipe, raise it with a cable by about a meter and release it into free fall, while part of the soil will be loosened. Beating successively several times will lead to filling the striker tube with loosened soil, since the bailer valve prevents it from pouring into the barrel;
  • when the striker is deepened by about half a meter, it must be removed from the barrel and the soil removed through the upper hole, then beat further.

As the hole deepens casing sags under its own weight, destroying the remaining soil with the sharp edge of the skirt, which is then removed by the striker.

Fig.3 Scheme of percussion drilling

When approaching the upper water layer, the excavated soil becomes wet, which requires taking precautions with respect to the casing pipe - after installing the next casing section, a locking device must be installed on its upper part. It will not allow the upper edge of the pipe to fall below the level of the wellbore inlet at the entrance to the "quicksand" - a sandy layer saturated with water, capable of freely passing the casing string. Extracting a failed column is always difficult, and often simply impossible.

After passing the first aquifer in the sand, you can continue to punch the hole in the same way.

The next layer is dense water-insulating clay, often with inclusions of scree stony rocks. Heavy soils can be passed using a striker with a tip in the form of a chisel, capable of destroying them. In this case, the speed of penetration is reduced.

The appearance of signs of limestone in the soil indicates the approach to the next aquifer - artesian. A good option- fractured limestone, abundantly saturated with water, which means the well will be with a high debit and tasty clean water. The occurrence of such layers can be expected from 35 meters. Ideally, you can get to clean water underground river or lake. Often, water from such trunks comes to the surface under considerable pressure and gushing. In this case, you need to have a special plug ready.

The casing pipe is lowered to the stop and the well is being equipped.

Pump drilling

The method consists in erosion of the soil inside the casing, as a result of which it sinks under its own weight. The skirt on the first section does not allow the flow of pulp to extend significantly beyond the barrel.

To complete the work you will need:

  • injection pump;
  • slurry pump, a specially designed device capable of pumping heavy and contaminated substances.
  • capacity for 2-3 cubic meters of water with a pressure pump;
  • hose with a diameter of 40 - 50 mm with a metal tip about 1 meter long.

Fig.4. Washout drilling with a pump

The order of work is as follows:

  1. After the casing pipe is installed in the drilled shaft, the pit is covered with a wooden shield with the possibility of access to the casing pipe from above.
  2. A “dirty” pump with a water intake hose is installed on the shield.
  3. Lower the hose with the tip into the casing and turn on the injection pump. The flow of liquid erodes the soil, and it rises through the casing pipe into the pit. In this case, the casing sags, plunging into the ground

Upon reaching the aquifer, flushing stops and then the well is equipped.


Familiarization with the above data allows you to understand that:

  1. You can do the work yourself, but you can hardly do it without help.
  2. It is necessary not only not to be shy to ask questions, but also to persistently collect any available information and experienced advice, they will certainly come in handy at all stages.

Now you know how to drill a well with your own hands, good luck to you!

Of course you can drill your own well. Just for starters, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow this is done and what kind of water you want to get in the end.

Some people think whether it is possible to make it in a well. Theoretically it is possible, but not necessary. It will just incur additional costs. It is better to install it near the well.

Let's go through the process of doing this work step by step. You will be offered instructions, you can also see everything from photos and videos and understand how it is done. After all, the price of the issue here is quite high, this is high-quality water in the house.

Types of wells

Drilling a well in the country is not so difficult. Its price will depend on the depth of the water. A sand well will be much cheaper from and this should also be taken into account.

Well on the sand Done to a great depth. Therefore, it is quite possible to do all the work with your own hands and this will significantly reduce the cost of your venture. Before starting work, you should find out what quality the water is at a shallow depth. To do this, it is best to take a sample from the neighbors and take it for examination and check the quality. We will give the parameters below.
Artesian well Suitable for the place where you live permanently. This water is of better quality. But the work will cost more. Here it would be better to hire a specialized organization. And immediately it will be necessary to provide for its cleaning. It is located in lime layers and therefore has a high iron content. Immediately provide for proper filtering.
Abyssinian well Abyssinian well or tubular, has a depth of about 8-12 meters. Its difference is that the water in it is much cleaner. Here the top water does not get in, just as dirt and dust cannot penetrate;

Attention: If you do not live permanently in the country and you only need water for irrigation, then you can safely make such a design.

Determining the quality of water

Water in a well or well is considered drinking water in the following cases:

  • When the water is clear thirty centimeters deep;
  • When nitrate impurities do not exceed 10 mg/l;
  • When one liter of water contains no more than 10 Escherichia coli;
  • When the taste and smell on a five-point scale, water is estimated at least three points.

To determine these indicators, water must be subjected to laboratory analysis in the sanitary and epidemic service.

How to drill a well

Let's analyze this process from a theoretical point of view:

  • Work begins with digging a hole, whose depth and diameter must be at least two meters, or a side of one and a half meters. This measure prevents further shedding of the soil of the upper layer.
  • The pit is strengthened with plank shields. Further, with the help of a column and a drilling rig, a well is drilled. The drill column is suspended on a tower at the central point of the future well.
  • The drill string consists of several rods, which, with the help of adapter sleeves, are lengthened during the drilling process. The drill head is mounted at the end of the column.
  • Installation of the tower is made of logs, steel pipes, channel or corner, which make up a tripod, at the top of which a winch is attached.

Attention: If the water is shallow, drilling can be done without a tower. In this case, special shortened rods one and a half meters long are used. If you cannot do without a tower during drilling, the length of the rods in this case should be at least three meters.

What to drill

The equipment and method of drilling is selected based on the type of soil. The tool used must be made of carbon steel.

Drilling is carried out using the following drill heads:

  • For drilling in clay soils a drill is used in the form of a spiral with a base of 45-85 mm and a blade 258-290 mm long.
  • In percussion drilling, a drill bit is used. The drill can have a flat, cruciform and other shapes.
  • Drilling in loam, sandy clay or clayey sand is carried out using a spoon drill made in the form of a spoon and having a spiral or longitudinal slot. This drill has a diameter of 70-200 mm and a length of 700 mm and deepens for a passage of 30-40 cm.
  • Extraction of loose soil is carried out with the help of a drill-bailer using the impact method. The bailers are made from a three-meter pipe and have a piston and ordinary appearance. Inside the bailer should have a diameter of 25-96 mm, outside 95-219 mm, its weight should be 89-225 kg.

Drilling is a cyclic process, periodically accompanied by cleaning of the drilling tool from the soil. Cleaning is carried out with the complete extraction of the drill from the soil. Accordingly, the difficulty of extracting them from the well depends on the length of the hose.

well drilling

A well in the area can be drilled using one of the drilling methods:

  • Shnekov.
  • Rotary.
  • Shock-rope.

Drilling technologies differ among themselves in the ways of destroying rocks inside the well and in the option of extracting soil from the wellbore. The use of different equipment affects the quality and cost of building devices.

What is auger drilling

The cheapest and simple method well device is considered. The technology of the work is that the classic Archimedean screw, called an auger, excavates the soil.

The process is reminiscent of ice fishing enthusiasts drilling a hole for fishing under the ice. This method is used to drill a well with a depth of not more than 10 meters. No drilling fluid or water is used to flush the structure.

The instruction indicates that this method can be used without problems in dry and soft soils. Rocky, hard rocks encountered in the drilling process and quicksand are not amenable to auger drilling.

Tip: When punching, the length of the hole in the ground must be clearly maintained so that it reaches the required aquifer and protects the aquifer from sewage and perched water.

How to make a drill from an auger from a combine harvester

For drilling a well under water, augers from old combines can be used as a drilling tool. After a little modernization, the auger from an agricultural machine turns into a fairly suitable drill.

You will also need pipe-rods with threading to increase the height of the drilling string.

Then you need:

  • Convert the lower tubular end into a kind of screw. To do this, at a distance of approximately 80 cm from the helical end, two knives are welded with an angle to the horizontal direction equal to 25º.
  • A threaded coupling is installed at the upper end of the drill. Weld it in order to be able to screw the rods.
  • A transverse handle is welded onto one of them. With the help of which the auger will be screwed into the ground. All subsequent rods are built up between this rod and the auger.

Tip: By increasing the length of the cross handle, which is welded to the guide rod, it is easier to turn it.

What is rotary drilling

To drill a deep well in a rotary way, a special drill pipe is used. In its cavity, a rotating shaft is immersed into the well, the end of which is equipped with a tip - a chisel.

A load is created on the bit by the action of a hydraulic installation. With this method, you can dive into water of any depth. Most of these structures are performed by rotary drilling.

Washing out of rock or soil from the well is carried out with a special drilling fluid that is fed into the pipe in one of two ways:

  • By pumping the pump into the drill pipe, and then the solution with the rock exiting by gravity to the outside through the annulus - direct flushing.
  • Getting into the annulus by gravity, and then pumping out the solution with the rock from the drill pipe - backwashing.

The washing out of the rock in the second case allows you to get a higher flow rate of the well. In this case, it is possible to better open the desired aquifer.

The disadvantage of this technology is the involvement of sophisticated equipment, which greatly increases the cost of work. With direct flushing, the construction of a well is cheaper, so the owners of private houses most often order it for the construction of a structure on their site.

Tip: An artesian well is performed using drilling machines owned by specialized companies.

What is percussion drilling method

The oldest, labor-intensive and very slow method of drilling is shock-rope (see). But, with its help, you can get a high-quality well, ready to last up to half a century.

The technology is as follows:

  • Rock or soil is broken under the action of a heavy projectile, which rises to a certain height, and then falls down with force.
  • With the help of a bailer, the destroyed rock is removed from the wellbore.

The advantage of the drilling method is that there is no need to use water or a special drilling fluid during operation, which allows you to more accurately open the aquifer, and thereby ensure the maximum well flow rate and increase its service life.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • Great labor intensity.
  • High cost of drilling.
  • To access the second and subsequent aquifers, isolation of the higher aquifers is needed. For this, additional casing strings are used, which increases the cost of purchasing pipes of a different larger diameter.
  • The amount of work that must be performed by specialists is also increasing.

Well buildup

The buildup is the process of cleaning the well from dirt. It requires the use of powerful centrifugal pump. It is also possible to use, but this type of pump will extend the process time.


  • For the speedy cleaning of the well with a vibration pump, it must be raised several times so that the water loosens up and the solid sediment does not have the opportunity to sink to the bottom.
  • Well sway will affect the shrinkage of gravel screenings between the well and the pipe, for this reason, gravel should be added periodically. Usually the buildup takes a lot of time and since this process releases a large number of water, it should be arranged in advance to drain it into a ditch.

After the pumping process is completed, the well can be equipped with a pump that is suitable for its everyday operation. Now you know if you can do this work yourself. The video in this article will help you not to miss the details of this work.

Making a bore hole

Of course, you need to refine your design. You can do this according to your idea.

There are several options for doing this job:

  • Build a small wooden house or other structure above the well, varnish it or paint it;
  • Around the well, you can lay out an unusual pattern of bricks, stones, pebbles, concrete, create an ornament or build something;
  • You can close the well with the help of planted plants, for example, plant a willow and build a flower garden near it.

What are the features of well operation

There are several rules for using wells, following which the price of its operation is reduced:

  • Regardless of the type of construction, cleaning should be carried out regularly.
  • Signs of contamination of the system are: presence air locks when opening the water; the presence of other impurities in the water.
  • If cleaning is not carried out in time, such contamination can cause breakdowns that cannot be repaired, which means that a complete replacement will be needed.
  • To restore the functionality of the system, it is enough to perform a purge.
  • A radical cleaning method is the use of acid or electricity. But this should be carried out only by highly qualified specialists.