The entrance metal door is sweating. Why the front door sweats - causes and remedies The front door fogs up in a private house

  • 23.06.2020

Causes of condensation on front door and ways of elimination.

Residents apartment buildings nothing is known about why the front door might fog up. This is due to the fact that the air in the entrance is slightly warmer than outside, so the difference between the temperature inside the house and in the entrance is not so big.

Accordingly, condensation does not form on the entrance doors of the apartments. But the owners country houses in almost half of the cases, they pay attention to the condensate that collects on the surface of the metal front door. In this article, we will talk about the causes of condensation and how to deal with it.

Why does condensation collect on the front metal door in a private, country house from the inside: reasons

There can be many reasons. The fact is that when choosing a front door, most home owners pay attention to the anti-burglary characteristics of the product. But at the same time, little attention is paid to atmospheric coatings, as well as thermal insulation. If there are voids inside the metal door, then in almost all cases condensation will form on its surface.

Causes of condensation:

  • Lack of door insulation. Most often, doors are a box, which inside may or may not be filled with heat-insulating material. It all depends on which door manufacturer you choose.
  • Availability air cushion between door frame and wall.
  • Lock. It is through the keyhole that can penetrate cold air. Because of what the door is strongly cooled and a dew point appears on its surface, condensation forms.

The difference between the temperature in the house and outside is quite significant, and therefore the dew point is on the surface of the front door. Because of this, condensation forms on it. The fact is that condensate not only interferes, but also causes the formation of fungus on the walls in the house near the entrance. But it can also cause a violation of the integrity of the doors and their rapid failure. Therefore, the reason why the door sweats must be eliminated.

How to get rid of condensation on the front metal door in winter: tips

Initially, before choosing the front door, you need to take care of the insulation. Be sure to ask the manufacturer what material is used. To do this, it is necessary that the entire cavity inside the product be filled with heat-insulating material. It could be mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, polyfoam. In addition, there are modern, more expensive thermal insulation materials. This will significantly affect the cost of doors.

Tips on how to get rid of condensation on the door:

  1. You can sheathe the door on the outside with foam. Next, you should cover the surface with a coat of primer and weatherproof paint, or some other coating.
  2. Be sure to take care of the insulation of the slopes. That is, the areas that are between the box and the wall. If the box is a pipe, you will need to drill some holes in it and fill them in. mounting foam. This will provide better thermal insulation.
  3. Refuse to install a peephole in the front metal door. It is this area that is the bridge of cold through which the cold penetrates into the house and the door is additionally cooled. This is what causes condensation.
  4. Place a gasket on the keyhole. This is a kind of eye that moves. The keyhole is a bridge of cold, it must be eliminated.
  5. Quite often, condensation forms due to insufficient and leaky fit of the door to door frame. In this case, the problem is solved quite simply. It is necessary to glue a rubber seal, which will ensure a tight fit of the door surface to the frame. Most often, the companies that installed the door can take care of such a function. Be sure to check the presence of this seal.
  6. You can use by special means which prevent the door from fogging up. Keep in mind that if you cover the outside and inside of the door with this solution, the inside of the structure may fog up. This won't fix the problem. In this case, condensate will accumulate inside the door, which will lead to its failure.

Means against fogging of street metal doors: names, method of application

You can deal with condensation on the surface of the front door with the help of goods for motorists. Suitable means that prevent the formation of condensate on windshield car.

Funds overview:

  1. Anti-fog Very Lube. This is a bottle that contains 200 ml of solution. The product is applied once a month on a dry, clean surface of the door. Please note that the surface must be absolutely dry. Wash, dry it and only then apply the product.
  2. Novax. This is also a tool that prevents the formation of condensate on the surface. Applied to inner part entrance door. After applying the agent, the surface is wiped with microfiber for glasses or smooth surfaces.
  3. Shell Antifog. Anti-fogging agent that prevents the formation of condensation. It also removes fingerprints and cleans the surface. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the product for the first time in order to clean the door, and then shake the bottle again and apply a thin layer, evenly distributing it with microfiber.
  4. Athas Rocks. A good anti-fog agent, in a bottle of 200 ml. It is sprayed onto the surface at a distance of 20 cm from it and spread with a soft cloth. Apply once a week.
  5. Mathil Blackline. Anti-fogging agent, prevents the formation of condensate. In order to prevent the accumulation of water, it is necessary to apply the product both outside and inside the front door, evenly distributing it with a clean sponge or napkin.

Remember, these products do not eliminate the cause of condensation, but only form a special film on the surface of the door that changes the surface tension. Because of this, condensation still forms, but only rolls off the surface and forms a puddle of water under the door. This method will not save you from the appearance of a fungus or a violation of the integrity of the door. Before using such means, it is necessary to solve the problem with insufficient insulation and thermal insulation of the door.

The formation of condensation on the surface of the front door is a common problem faced by residents of private homes. In order to deal with this problem, you can equip a vestibule. If this is not possible, take care of the insulation of the doors, and also insulate the cold bridges.

VIDEO: The front door is sweating

The first reason for the formation of condensation on the front door is based on high humidity air when the rate exceeds 55%. Then the collection of condensate occurs on the surface, where the temperature is slightly below the "dew point". AT winter period such a surface is precisely the front door.

It is important to adhere to indoor air humidity of about 45% for the health of residents. The humidity of the indoor climate is affected by both ventilation devices and the temperature of the heated air in the room.

The second reason for condensation is hidden in low thermal insulation - to a large number condensation is more prone to the door due to poor sealing between the metal sheet and the frame. In a typical embodiment, there is not enough air outflow for those purposes, so that vapors come out, but it is quite enough for their deposition on the surface.

Peculiar "cold bridges" with an increased thermal conductivity on the front door are concentrated mainly on door handle, peephole, feigned part. Vulnerable freezing points especially concern metal doors, which have increased.

Increased humidity in the room is associated with supply and exhaust ventilation in the room

Furnishing a metal home plastic windows and anti-vandal metal entrances, do not always pay due attention supply and exhaust ventilation. An improperly equipped system or a complete lack of ventilation in the room leads to an increase in the humidity indicator inside.

There is no particular need to think about the flow of air, since old door from wood was able to provide natural ventilation, passing dry air from the outside. A humidity of only 65% ​​can lead to a number of negative consequences and the formation of condensate.

Ways to eliminate condensation on the front doors

The method consists in ensuring the inflow of dry fresh air from the outside and the outflow of vapors from the room. It is possible to install a “warm curtain”, which will heat the door with heated air. The surface temperature of the door leaf will rise and the dew point will shift.

Insulating the door leaf will not eradicate condensation problems. Condensing moisture settles due to the large temperature difference between outside and inside. It is recommended in this embodiment to equip an unheated vestibule at the entrance.

Not superfluous above the entrance will be the equipment of a visor that protects the door from direct exposure to the rays of the sun and precipitation. It is recommended to open the metal sheet of the front door with special powder polymers. It is better to fill all hollow elements in a metal door with foam in order to exclude the manifestations of cold bridges.

From the article you will learn:

Quite often in residential buildings you can observe such a picture as a foggy metal door. This is especially true of the entrance doors that close the living quarters from the street. The misted canvas not only looks unaesthetic, but also threatens to develop in the future. big trouble for the input structure, if the source of the problem is not eliminated in a timely manner.

Having understood the reasons for this phenomenon, it will be possible to determine the list of measures necessary for carrying out aimed at eliminating the consequences of moisture settling on the door leaf.

The main reason for the fogging of the iron door

The process of fogging doors is the formation of condensate, the reason is a pronounced temperature difference between air flows and the iron sheet, which contributes to a change in the state of aggregation of water. When water hits a hot iron piece, it evaporates. With the formation of condensate on the door, the situation is similar, only in the opposite direction - the water does not evaporate, but freezes. When condensation forms, water collected from the air masses collects on the door.

Thus, a sweating door is a consequence of the accumulation of water released from the air, since the surface of a metal door leaf is much colder than air.

The reason for this situation lies in defects, or its complete absence. When steel door the street was not insulated at all, the problem is solved by filling the inside with insulation.

When the door is already insulated, and the condensate still appears, then the quality of the measures taken leaves much to be desired. Enough solve the problem with high-quality laying of insulation so that the door stops collecting condensate. In other cases, sweating can be observed in the area where the lock part is located, as well as at the joints of the door and the door frame. It is possible that the box itself is also subject to fogging.

How to prevent condensation

In order to choose the right sequence of actions to solve the problem, you need to accurately determine the source that causes condensation to appear. Thus, the solution to the problem, to begin with, lies in the search the exact location where the air passes and cools down.

  1. The reason lies in the lack of insulation or insufficient heat insulation of the docking points. where the canvas is adjacent to the box. Air masses penetrating through the cracks in these places contribute to a strong cooling of the metal, causing the release of water from the air and condensation on the metal surface. There is only one way out in the fight against this phenomenon - laying a seal around the entire perimeter of the door. The seal is made of rubber, with an adhesive base on one side. Since self-fixation of the sealing material is assumed, it will be quite easy to install it. You will need to open the door, stick the sealant tape around the entire perimeter, then proceed to applying the tape to the box structure. As a result of such actions, the problem is easily eliminated, and the door is reliably protected from the penetration of cold from the street and the formation of condensate.
  2. If the problem lies in the keyhole and the cold penetrating through it, the struggle will be difficult. The only one reliable way– complete filling of the hole with sealed material, however this method not suitable if the door is frequently used and active opening and closing of the lock is required. The only possible way out is to provide the keyhole with a special lining, which moves away only at the moment the key is inserted into the lock. Thus, there is no complete elimination of this problem, but the presence of an overlay will significantly reduce the scope of the problem.
  3. The junction of the box and the opening is poorly sealed. If the problem persists after processing the canvas and the box with sealing tape, then the assembly seam is not sealed well enough. This omission should be blamed on the workers who installed the doors. When there is no frost, there are no problems with water condensation. The problem becomes more obvious as the cold gets stronger. There are two solutions to this problem: resealing the seam with foam or performing slopes with insulation. If you perform both options, successful disposal of condensate is almost guaranteed. It is recommended to assemble the slopes and perform a thorough one, using a polyurethane and foam sealant.

With the help of such actions, any prudent owner will not only get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon on the doors, but also block the access of cold air into the room, keeping the house warm, saving the corridors from drafts.

Another option that will reliably protect against the appearance of ice and water condensation on metal is the manufacture of a heated box.

Several ways to prevent sweating

To be absolutely sure that the sweating of the front metal door will not happen again, and also, in order to get rid of any drafts, additional preventive measures can be taken:

  • If there door slopes from the side of the street, they need to be insulated. If there are no slopes, it is recommended to make them. It will be optimal to make slopes from polystyrene foam as part of the general work on warming the house, if the procedure is carried out separately, first of all, the front door is insulated, leaving the rest of the insulation work until a more suitable time. It is recommended to clog the seam from the outside, which lies between the door opening and the box, to foam the door block.
  • Second input wooden door , installed additionally, will finally prevent any cold from entering, creating an additional layer separating the street from the house. Thus, there is a complete separation of air masses from the street and the warm air of the house. Neither drafts nor condensate will appear in the area of ​​the metal door anymore.

There is another unique way to get rid of fogging, the issue is solved by using a special paint that contributes to energy saving. This material is also called liquid insulation, and is used, most often, to protect pipelines. A layer of such paint will prevent air from entering the cold metal surface. As a result, there will be nowhere for water to accumulate, which means that the metal door will stop sweating.

Winter becomes a serious test for all communications and residential structures, including entrance doors. Alas, not all doors can withstand harsh continental winters.

No wonder - the door is metal, and the metal cools down a lot and becomes a conductor of cold. Those who are especially vulnerable entrance groups, which go out into an unheated entrance, or straight into the yard. Sometimes condensation on the front door falls, almost all winter. And homeowners have a quite reasonable question - why does the door, for which a lot of money has been paid, not cope with its duties?

In this article, we will consider possible reasons the appearance of condensation and freezing of the door, as well as techniques and methods by which you can get rid of it.

The main winter problem for the owners of houses and apartments is the preservation of heat in housing. The energy costs that are applied in this case are truly enormous, because in middle lane, the temperature difference in the apartment and outside it can reach 60 degrees or more. In such conditions, windows and doors become the most vulnerable in terms of heat retention, which causes condensation to fall on them, and sometimes freezing.

The main causes of door fogging:

  1. Large range of temperatures indoors and outdoors.
  2. Humidity is above normal.
The key point is the dew point, below which the temperature on the inner door leaf drops. The room air contains water vapor. When the dew point is reached, the steam turns into water and condenses on the door leaf. How stronger frost, the more the front door flows. Sometimes there is so much condensate that it simply flows down the vertical surface of the door, and at the same time the door leaf can even freeze to the box or seal.

However, sometimes the frosts may not be too great, but the door still sweats. In some cases, she begins to sweat already in the fall. The reason is the high humidity in the room, above 45-60% - an indicator of comfortable humidity parameters for human health. And a humidity index of 65% is often the limit for most modern doors.

The dew point, at comfortable humidity and t 20°C, fluctuates between 7.5 and 9°C. And this indicator falls, with an increase in humidity and a decrease in temperature: the cooled air no longer holds water vapor. And if the temperature of any object is lower general temperature indoors by only 1 ° C, then at high humidity, close to 100%, condensation begins to form on this object.

What causes high humidity? A common reason is the household activities of the homeowners themselves: cooking, drying clothes, wet cleaning rooms and the lack of proper ventilation of the apartment. All this provokes fogging of the door. In a damp room, condensation falls faster and lasts longer.

Additional causes of condensation:

  1. Poor door installation.
  2. Poor quality seals or their complete wear.
  3. Violation of sealing during installation of the door.
How to get rid of condensation?

Water runs down the door in streams. What to do? How to resolve this issue depends on the cause of the issue.

  • If the reason is dampness and humidity, try, for starters, just ventilate the room well, which is very important for apartments with plastic windows that hermetically seal all natural ventilation passages.
  • If this is not enough, try to debug the ventilation system to normalize air exchange.
  • Damaged slopes on the door form the so-called cold bridges, due to which moisture condensation occurs. Eliminating such damage, you get rid of the problem of "sweating" the door. At the same time, the use plastic panels- not the most the best way. Mold will form underneath. A more acceptable way is to level the slopes with a sand-cement mixture such as Bolars, Ceresit with finishing gypsum putty for wallpapering or painting.
  • If the door is not insulated from the inside, sometimes it is enough to fill it with a layer of insulation, for which mineral wool is usually used. If this is not possible for technical reasons, you can fill the voids in the door with mounting foam.
  • Another reason is the failure of the rubber sealing tape. Just replace it with a new one - the drafts will immediately disappear, and perhaps there will be no freezing.
  • It has been observed that when using gas heating or simply gas stove, the amount of condensate increases.
  • Interestingly, even a poorly insulated door does not accumulate moisture if a heating battery is installed nearby. Perhaps for some this will be the only way get rid of the condensation.
And finally, I would like to note that good convection, in itself, can prevent condensation on the door. Moreover, the air does not have to be warm: good ventilation of the entrance zone provides a translational-circular movement of cold air in the vestibule, which is necessary for the rapid evaporation of moisture.

If the condensate appears in a small amount, it can be considered as natural process and take no action. If the door is lined with chipboard or MDF, such a coating can warp even from a little moisture, and measures should be taken immediately, otherwise the facade or the door itself will have to be changed. In any case, if you notice freezing of the entrance a href="/"> metal doors, you should identify the cause and, if possible, get rid of it.

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Sometimes there are drops of moisture on the door, as if it were crying or sweating. Why is this happening, is it bad for the door and how to deal with this phenomenon? Let's figure it out.

Why does the front metal door sweat?

Why does the front door sweat in a private house and almost never in apartments of multi-storey buildings?

The front door has a much lower resistance to heat transfer than the walls of the building, so it serves as a kind of cold bridge at the "street-house" border. When the temperature difference becomes significant - 30 degrees or more (depending on the humidity of the air, this value may be lower), the temperature on the door surface reaches the so-called "dew point" - a mark at which the air is saturated with water vapor, and dew drops form on the surface . There are special tables where it is calculated under what conditions moisture will appear on the surface of the door. So, for example, at an indoor temperature of 25 degrees and a relative humidity of 50%, the dew point is reached at 13.9 degrees. This means that if the surface of a wall or door cools to 13.9 degrees, condensation will form on it.

Thus, in most regions of Russia, in the autumn-winter period, condensation (the same dew) will form on the front door, and the reason for this is in the physical and natural phenomena that do not depend on the person.

How is condensate harmful to an entrance metal door?

First of all, it suffers from the resulting moisture interior decoration doors. In addition, water penetrates into the web, which can lead to corrosion of the metal. And in high-quality doors for everything metal parts, even invisible to the layman's eye, a special anti-corrosion coating is applied. But cheap doors have a much higher probability of metal corroding by corrosion (in other words, rust).

Condensation also adversely affects the thermal insulation characteristics of the door. When the front door sweats, moisture enters the pores of the insulation, significantly worsening its insulating properties.

The entrance metal door sweats: what to do?

Enhance the effect of "sweating" of the door "cold bridges" - all the metal parts that the door is equipped with and that pass through the canvas through (stiffening ribs, box, lock, etc.). What to do so that the front door does not sweat? There are several options:

  • Buy quality door, intended for use at the border "street-house". Such doors have specially designed insulation, including insulated and metal elements. Thanks to this, there are no cold bridges.
  • If your entrance metal door is sweating, but you do not plan to purchase a new one, you can insulate it yourself or by contacting specialized companies.
  • Change temperature inner surface doors. To do this, in some cases, special fans are installed that blow warm air towards the front door.

It often happens that the front door frame sweats. The reason for this may be cracks in the walls - accordingly, to eliminate condensate, the cracks must be sealed. But most often this happens because the box is not insulated. It also needs to be insulated.

By the way, you can buy doors that have electric box heating.

The most effective, but also time-consuming solution is the “insulation” of the space in front of the door from the outside. For this, an unheated vestibule is separated. Due to the soft temperature transition, the dew point on the surface of the door is not reached, which means that condensation does not form.

In some cases, when it is not possible to make a vestibule, a canopy can replace it. It provides protection to the door from the effects of precipitation, ultraviolet radiation and high humidity. Such a canopy should be large enough to protect the front metal door from rain and direct sunlight, not only when it is closed, but also when it is opened.