The water jet pump is two-stage. well pump

  • 04.03.2020

Borehole pump "Vodomet" of the company "Dzhileks" proved to be the most adapted in comparison with similar units foreign production. No wonder. Any mechanism is designed to work in certain conditions. The same is true with pumps. Domestic "Vodomet" is designed to work with our water, which differs from foreign in many ways.

The line of pumps "Dzhileks"

The production of submersible borehole pumps "Vodomet" is one of the main activities of the company. As a result of painstaking work, new models of pumping units have been created.

A variety of submersible pumps "Vodomet"

They have very significant differences from similar models from other manufacturers:

  • high efficiency;
  • increased durability of work;
  • decreased sensitivity to dirty water;
  • lack of vibration;
  • the presence of a "washed" electric motor.

In addition to those listed, there are a number of other differences that are characteristic only for Vodomet products. Some will be discussed a little later.

efficiency (coefficient useful action). For "Water cannons" it is higher than for similar models. The increase was achieved due to the absence of reciprocating motion and the installation of "floating" injection wheels.

The durability of the unit is increased due to the absence of valves and pistons, which are characterized by rapid abrasion during operation.

Sensitivity to dirty water is significantly reduced due to the presence of a mesh filter and a special arrangement of through channels that have the ability to self-clean.

The absence of vibration is achieved by the presence of several impellers. All of them are balanced when the pump is assembled.

The "washed" electric motor is absolutely protected from overheating.

Interesting to know. Produced models of pumps "Vodomet" are constantly being improved. Created new system seals, eliminating the violation of the sealing of the rotating units of the unit.

Design features

The submersible pump "Vodomet" has significant differences in comparison with its foreign analogues. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the installation of reinforced bearings on rotating parts. This ensures their trouble-free operation in conditions of high water pollution with sand particles or sedimentary solids.

Submersible pump "Vodomet", scheme

The next not unimportant feature is the optimization of flow channels and impellers. The result is the elimination of the possibility of clogging the pump as a whole. Additionally, the self-cleaning system contributes to this.

The electric motor of the unit is located on top. This arrangement made it possible to significantly reduce the diameter of the entire case, and bring the power cord out from above. Due to this, the size of the water well has also decreased. And this is already a tangible reduction in investments for its installation.

Another feature that is unique to the "Vodomet" is "floating" impellers. Without going into technical aspects, suffice it to say that such an innovation leads to an increase in pump performance and pressure, as well as to a decrease in the electricity consumed by it.

By the way, the electric motor of the unit during its operation is cooled by water passing through a specially made annular slot inside the housing. Overheating of the engine is not terrible, the unit can be operated without turning off long time.

Important. The pump is released Russian manufacturer and adapted to work with our water.

Model range of pumps

For small wells equipped for country houses or cottages, the design bureau of the company has developed a number of borehole pumps of the Dzhileks series.

Water cannon pump

They are compact and at the same time have the power to lift water from a depth of several tens of meters. Most units allow you to pump out water in automatic mode. If necessary, they can work without automation.

A wide range of water pumping units will satisfy the taste of any consumer. This is evidenced by the technical characteristics of submersible pumps, presented in the table:

Main characteristics

Models that do not have an automatic mode of operation do not require a special mode of operation. They easily withstand 20 inclusions per hour. In this case, the possibility of engine overheating is completely eliminated.

The next popular group of Dzhileks submersible pump models are models capable of operating in automatic mode. These units do not require human intervention at all. They turn on independently when the water pressure in the system drops, or in the case when the water level in the tank drops more than allowed. And vice versa, they turn off at the moment of reaching the set pressure or its increase above the norm. Their characteristics do not differ from those without automatic control, although the range of models is somewhat expanded.

The principle of operation in automatic mode is the current position of the float switch or the pressure in the chamber of the pumping station.

Popular Models

To fill containers and irrigate plantings, a pumping unit of the Vodomet PROF 55-35 model is quite enough. It can be used in open water bodies with a partial depth of 10-15 cm. It is not recommended for automatic water supply.

Borehole pump "Dzhileks" "Vodomet Prof" 55-50 is one of the most popular models of the company. It supplies water to a height of 50 meters. One of the advantages is the possibility of lowering it to a depth of up to 30 m. It is absolutely silent and economical in operation. Maintenance free. Ideal for autonomous system water supply country house or cottage. A more advanced model "Vodomet" PROF 55-90 allows installation in wells up to 95 meters deep.

The downhole pump "Vodomet" PROF 40-50 has a capacity of 40 l / min, therefore it is used in wells with a low debit. Is one of the best options country house applications.

Submersible pump "Vodomet" 60-32 is an analogue of the considered model. After modernization, it is able to pump out water containing up to 2 kg of sand per 1 m³. As a result of using modern materials in rubbing parts and competent constructive solutions little wear. Able to lift water from a depth of 90 meters.

Other models of pumps "Vodomet" are structurally similar to those considered. They differ in technical characteristics - power, performance and others. Specific figures can be seen in the table and the “Pump Operating Instructions”. Detailed information must be given by the sales assistant when purchasing the unit.

Pump installation

The submersible pump for the well of the company "Dzhileks" is installed in the water supply system similarly to other downhole units. From the correct installation in the future will depend on the performance of the entire water supply system. Install the pump carefully, following all recommendations for its installation. The most unpleasant thing that can happen as a result of installation errors is drilling a new well and installing another pump.

To exclude the possibility of such a situation, it is necessary:

  1. Perform installation pumping equipment.
  2. Install check valve.
  3. Make sure the pump is assembled correctly.
  4. Lower the pump into the well.
  5. Fasten the cable to the head.

Installation of pumping equipment. It is carried out on the surface. A cable is attached to the pump, a cable is unwound, a pipeline is connected.

Check valve. Protects the entire water supply system from water hammer. Attached either directly to the pump housing or in the pipeline.

Correct assembly. All connections are checked, the insulation of the twisted wires, the fastening of the clamps.

Lowering the pump into the well performed smoothly, without jerks. After lowering to a predetermined depth, the safety cable is securely fixed to the head.

For more information on preparing for the installation of the pump, see the video at the end of the article.

Note. Holding the pump during the descent is carried out only by the rope.

The downhole pump "Vodomet" is gaining more and more popularity in the consumer market. The high quality of the product, ease of installation and reliability in operation make it indispensable in the autonomous water supply of private houses. The multi-vector design allows the use of Dzhileks products not only in wells, but also in wells and open water bodies.

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The Russian company "Dzhileks", located in the village of Klimovsk, Moscow Region, produces submersible multistage pumping units. Water cannon pumps are manufactured to provide independent water supply to a private house and garden watering. Moreover, the range of equipment of this brand is represented by a whole set of household appliances that have different power and dimensions. Thanks to such a large selection, the buyer can choose a model that provides the required amount of water.

All submersible pumping units of the Vodomet series are manufactured at domestic enterprises, therefore, even at the development stage, parameters are laid in them that allow the equipment to be adapted to work in the conditions of domestic water supply systems. This is especially important, since our waterways are not as clean as foreign ones.

Borehole pumps of this series are able to pump even dirty water with impurities up to 300 g per m³. For the production of guides and impellers, the manufacturer uses a special LEXAN polymer. And for the manufacture of thrust bearings, ceramics and graphite are used. Thanks to such innovative additions, the wear resistance of the units increases, their service life increases, and the likelihood of breakdowns is minimized.

At the same time, downhole units of the Dzhileks brand are practically not subject to clogging, since they have a self-cleaning function. It is not surprising that such pumps can only be heard about positive reviews, because in addition to domestic nodes, they use parts of American, French, Swedish, German and Italian production.

The performance and design of pumps of this brand are constantly being improved. For example, new models are distinguished by the fact that the electric motor in them is located above the pumping part. This made it possible to reduce the dimensions of the housing, as well as connect the electrical cable to the upper part of the unit.

Advantages of water jet pumps

Submersible pumps of this brand have whole line advantages over similar models from other manufacturers. Thanks to them, they have earned numerous positive reviews. Among the advantages of these units are the following:

  • The borehole and well pump of the Dzhileks brand works very quietly, which is important for country houses and summer cottages.
  • Compact dimensions allow you to choose a unit for any well size.
  • Unlike vibration models, submersible pumping units of the Vodomet series do not create turbulences in the water that raise silt and sand from the bottom.
  • Acceptable cost, since the pumps are of domestic production.
  • High performance and efficiency.
  • The units can work even in dirty water containing sand, silt or clay within 2-5 kg/m³.
  • Due to the washed motor (water circulates between the stator shell and the unit housing), the electric motor is effectively cooled.
  • Another significant advantage is the use of two separate sealing parts in the design. They not only protect the electric motor from high pressure, but also ensure its tightness and separate oil filling of the internal parts.
  • In models of the PROF series, the membrane and seal are protected (this function is not provided in other units).

Important to know: pumps must be lowered into the shaft of a hydraulic structure on steel cables. This is the only way to be sure of the reliability of fixation.


All pumps of the Vodomet series can be divided into two types:

  • well unit;
  • borehole pump.

Dzhileks brand well pumps are suitable for use in relatively shallow structures (8-10 m). They can also be used in open reservoirs and various water tanks.

The main condition for the operation of such a unit is sufficient dimensions of the tank, well or reservoir. The thing is that it is necessary to install not only the pumping unit there, but also the float switch.

Many reviews say that the Vodomet well pump differs from the downhole unit in a number of advantages:

  • The efficiency of such a device is much higher. Consequently, submersible pumps for wells with the same technical characteristics will give greater productivity than similar downhole equipment.
  • They are less sensitive to dirty, silty or sandy water than well pumps.
  • In such models, it is not necessary to use protection against operation in the absence of water, since there is a simple float switch.
  • The price of such units is in the range of $ 90-130, which is lower than the cost of pumping equipment for wells.


Submersible pumping units of the Vodomet series are produced in various modifications. All of them are different technical parameters and power. Usually the marking of pumps of this brand looks like this - 55/50A (there may be other combinations of numbers). The letter designation "A" indicates that the pumping equipment is equipped with a float switch that produces automatic shutdown in the absence of water. The numbers in the designation indicate such characteristics:

  • The first number is the flow rate of the pumping equipment at the outlet. It is measured in l/min. This value is determined with fully open taps, in conditions where there is no resistance to the movement of water.
  • The second number is the maximum head that can be reached with fully screwed taps. Measured in meters.

Based on the marking, we can draw the following conclusions about the operation of units of various modifications:

  1. Deep pumps 60/32 with a flow rate of 60 liters per minute will work more efficiently in water intake facilities with a small debit. At the same time, the performance of the hydraulic structure should not be lower than the performance of the pumping equipment. Otherwise, the pump can quickly pump all the water from the water intake and will work "dry". This can lead to failure of the unit.
  2. A device marked 60/52 can provide water consumption of 35-40 liters per minute (more than 2 m³ per hour). This is equal to four faucets open at the same time.
  3. A Gilex brand pump marked 60/72 with a similar water flow will provide a stronger pressure. Such units allow you to move water over longer distances, so they are suitable if the source is away from home.
  4. The 115 liters per minute borehole pump is suitable for use in medium to high capacity wells. In this case, the debit of a hydraulic structure can be about 4 m³ per hour. Submersible pumping equipment model range 115/115 is one of the most powerful devices. The power of such pumps reaches 2200 kW.
  5. For water supply of multi-storey buildings, it is better to use units with a flow rate of 150 l / min. They can only be installed in hydraulic structures with high performance. It is also better to use them when the water flow is more than 4 m³ per hour.

How to choose?

Of course, you can make a choice of a Water Jet pump model based on customer reviews, but still it’s worth doing a simple calculation yourself. To determine the required pressure of pumping equipment, it is necessary to take into account the required pressure in consumer taps. It is important not to forget about possible pressure losses in the pipeline, as well as the height difference between the consumer and the source.

  • if this value is less than 5 m, then you can use a pumping unit with a pressure not higher than 35 m. Submersible pumping equipment Vodomet 55/35 is suitable for this purpose;
  • if from the water mirror to the surface of the earth within 5-25 m, you can buy a pump with a pressure of 40-50 m, for example, a pumping unit Vodomet 60/52;
  • at a distance of 25-45 m, it is better to use a model with a pressure indicator in the range of 60-75 m. For these purposes, the Water Jet 60/72 submersible device is suitable;
  • if from the water surface to the top of the earth 45-60 m, it is better to choose more powerful units with a pressure of 90 to 150 m. The device of the 115/115 model range will cope well with this task.

Operation and possible breakdowns

Since pumping equipment is completely submerged in water, it works in extreme conditions. Despite constant improvement, the pump can fail. The most common causes of breakdowns can be such phenomena:

  • If the installation and use of the unit was carried out without following the recommendations and instructions of the manufacturer, then there is a high probability of a breakdown.
  • Voltage fluctuations in the network can lead to the failure of pumping equipment.
  • If the unit is constantly pumping very dirty water with a high content of sand particles, this will accelerate its wear and failure.

Important: a guarantee of a long service life deep pumpcorrect installation in a hydraulic structure. At the same time, the diameter casing pipe must be at least 100 mm. The unit must be completely submerged in water, but no more than 1.5 m from the bottom of the water intake.

To protect the well from foreign objects, the upper part of the casing string is closed with a special cap. To prevent freezing of water in winter period a caisson is constructed above the upper part of the casing pipe, and the pipeline is connected and laid to the house at a mark located below the freezing point of the soil.

Pumps of the Vodomet series are lowered into the well, suspended on a strong cable, to which it is attached on the sides power cable and a water hose. The cable is securely fixed at the top.

I think many will be interested to know more about the submersible pump Vodomet, I will give you this opportunity in the form of a question - answer. There is little experience in answering these questions, questions were asked by our customers and after that this article about Vodomet pumps was compiled.

Question: Where is the multistage submersible centrifugal pump Vodomet (hereinafter Vodomet) used?

Answer: The water jet pumps water from a well, a well, from open water sources and delivers water through pipes for further use. Suitable for organization automatic system water supply in country house and for irrigation.

Question: What is the design of the submersible multi-stage centrifugal pump Water cannon?

Answer: The water jet has a hydraulic part and an electric motor. The hydraulic part has impellers, diffusers and shafts, while the electric motor has a stator and a rotor. Water is taken from the bottom of the pump, water enters through small filter holes. The water cannon is completed with a special cable and plug for connecting to the mains.

Question: How minimal inside diameter should there be a supply line in submersible pumps Vodomet?

Answer: The value of hydraulic resistance depends on the diameter of the supply pipe, the smaller the diameter. the higher the resistance. Minimum Diameter supply pipe for all submersible pumps must be at least 1 '' - 25 mm. When the diameter is narrowed and the flow through the pump is less than 10 l.min. you risk overheating the pump and it will burn out.

Question: What is the minimum depth of the Water Cannon in the water?

Answer: The pump can be lowered to a minimum depth of 15-20 cm from the suction side of the pump.

Question: What does the buyer need to know about, which is not always discussed during the sale, if a submersible pump supplies heavily polluted water when pumping a well for the first time?

Answer: When the pump pumps heavily polluted water, it is forbidden to turn it off, otherwise its impellers can simply jam due to sand settling from the pressure pipe. He should be allowed to work. The pump can be turned off only after it goes out of the line pure water. In the process of pumping a well with a Vodomet pump, the pump pumps water with a high content of sand, sand can exceed the norm several times, which means that there is a high probability of wear of anti-friction washers. After pumping the well, I recommend to make Maintenance pump by contacting a specialized service center.

Question: What ensures a high throughput of impurities among domestic and even imported domestic submersible borehole pumps?

Answer: This is achieved by "floating" impellers and increased axial and radial clearances. It is due to this feature that the pump is able to pass through itself up to 2 kg of impurities per 1 m³ of water.

Question: How long can the water jet pump run continuously?

Answer: The pump can be operated in continuous mode, the pump is cooled by the flow of water pumped through itself.

Question: What is the maximum number of starts allowed per hour for the Vodomet pump?

Answer: The maximum number of inclusions is no more than 20 inclusions / hour.

Question: Is it possible to use the pump Vodomet 60/52 A in a well?

Answer: Submersible pumps Vodomet with index "A" are used only in wells, tanks or open water. It is not advisable to use it in a well, since the pump with the “A” index is equipped with a float electric valve to turn the pump on and off as water enters. A pump with a valve may simply not fit into the well.

Question: Where to locate and why do you need a mechanical check valve on the pump?

Answer: The non-return valve is installed no more than 7 meters from the pump or directly on the pump. I recommend installing an additional check valve at the accumulator to reduce water hammer in the water supply system.

Question: What should be the minimum allowable distance of the intake part of the pump to the bottom of the well or well?

Answer: The distance must be at least 1 meter.

Question: What is the minimum volume of a hydraulic accumulator to install an autonomous water supply system using a Vodomet pump?

Answer: The volume of the accumulator must be at least 50 liters. But the accumulator can be selected and accurately using the formula. Provided that you know the maximum volume of water that you will consume (Amax liters / min.), As well as the power submersible pump, knowing these parameters, you will be able to supply water, using the table, select the appropriate volume of the accumulator Vt. Or use the calculator -

Vt- this is the volume of the tank, liters;

A max– maximum volume of consumed water, liters/min.;

Pmin- the minimum pressure at which the pump starts;

P max- the maximum pressure at which the pump is switched off;

R pres- initial pressure in the tank;

TO- coefficient corresponding to P pump power.

The pressure values ​​in the table are expressed in bar.

Question: Do I need a stabilizer for the Waterjet pump to work? How to choose the right stabilizer?

Answer: The stabilizer equalizes the voltage in the mains to the nominal value of 220-230V. A voltage stabilizer is selected based on the power of the submersible pump. The pump power is multiplied by the factor "3", the power of the required stabilizer is obtained.

For example: The power of the submersible pump "Vodomet" 60/92 is 1100W * coefficient "3" = 3300 watts.

You will need a voltage stabilizer with a power of 3500 watts.

Question: I want to increase the length of the pump cable, will it be necessary to increase its cross section, why?

Answer: By increasing the length of the cable, it is also necessary to increase its cross section, because when you increase the length of the cable, the voltage drop on the pump itself also increases.

Selection table for electric cable section

open wiring Cable section, mm2 closed wiring
Copper Aluminum Copper Aluminum
Current, A power, kWt Current, A power, kWt Current, A power, kWt Current, A power, kWt
220 in 380 in 220 in 380 in 220 in 380 in 220 in 380 in
11 2,4 0,5
15 3,3 0,75
17 3,7 6,4 1,0 14 3,0 5,3
23 5,0 8,7 1,5 15 3,3 5,7
26 5,7 9,8 21 4,6 7,9 2,0 19 4,1 7,2 14 3,0 5,3
30 6,6 11 24 5,2 9,1 2,5 21 4,6 7,9 16 3,5 6,0
41 9,0 15 32 7,0 12 4,0 27 5,9 10 21 4,6 7,9
50 11 19 39 8,5 14 6,0 34 7,4 12 26 5,7 9,8
80 17 30 60 13 22 10 50 11 19 38 8,3 14
100 22 38 75 16 28 16 80 17 30 55 12 20
140 30 53 105 23 39 25 100 22 38 65 14 24
170 37 64 130 28 49 35 135 29 51 75 16 28

Question: How are centrifugal, vibrating and vortex pumps different?


  • Centrifugal pumps has a long service life, high throughput on impurities (sand) and high efficiency.
  • vibration pump reduces the life of the water supply source (well, well), it breaks aquifers, well walls, wells, has elevated level noise, short lifespan, and poor performance.
  • vortex pump combines the properties of centrifugal and volumetric machines, so the vortex pump provides high efficiency. Nevertheless, this type of pumps is characterized by a change in efficiency over time, because the hydraulic part of the pump has small axial and radial clearances. After the ingress of impurities (sand), the wear of its working surface reduces the flow-pressure characteristic.

Question: I'm going to cut the pump's plug, will the warranty still be valid?

Answer: If it is necessary to cut the electrical cable, for example, it is necessary to pass the electrical cable through the head or simply lengthen it, in this case the warranty remains valid. Be sure to use a heat shrink sleeve to connect the electrical cable.

Wiring diagram for a submersible multistage centrifugal pump Vodomet

Do you have a water pump? Everything suits me? Write in the comments about the experience of using this pump.

The pump "Vodomet" for a well is a multi-stage equipment with floating impellers washed by water. Water cooling is one of the important factors which prolongs the life of the device.


The design includes a built-in condenser, which is necessary for supplying water from the well. Its inner diameter can be equal to 100 millimeters or more. It is noteworthy that such a device is suitable for working in wells that contain an increased amount of sand. These pumps can be used with the level control of the tank or the level of liquid pumped out from the automatic pressure control system. Not only a well, but also an open reservoir, as well as a well can act as a source of water supply.

Feedback on the choice of model

If you decide to purchase a Vodomet pump for a well, you should be aware of the criteria by which this equipment is selected. According to users, it is important to pay attention to the numerical designation, the first digit indicates the maximum one minute output in the absence of flow resistance. Looking at the second number, you can understand what is the maximum head in meters developed by the equipment when working "to a dead end".

If you have a pump of the Vodomet 60/52 brand in front of you, then, according to buyers, this indicates that with a free spout, the equipment is capable of supplying 60 liters of water per minute. This volume is equivalent to 3.6 cubic meters per hour, while when the supply is cut off, the pressure will be 52 meters, that is, 5.2 atmospheres. This unit is almost never used in the limit mode, most often it is operated at the operating point.

The pump "Vodomet" for a well with a maximum flow rate of 115 liters per minute is used for wells and wells with an increased and average flow rate. If there is a need to select equipment for water sources with a high flow rate, then you should purchase an option with a maximum flow rate of 150 liters.

General characteristics of submersible type devices

The submersible pump "Vodomet" for a well has a high efficiency, it is ready to serve for a long time. This equipment has a powerful electric motor cooling system. The design of the pump has a cable that can be pulled through the top cover, which allows the equipment to be used in wells of even the smallest diameter

It is noteworthy that these submersible pumps can operate continuously for a long time, this became possible due to the presence of a built-in water "jacket". It provides water passage between the motor stator and the housing. "Water cannon" is capable of supplying liquid from shallow or great depths. The devices have good tightness and are equipped with a thermal protector, which is responsible for the temperature of the equipment.

Characteristics of the pump brand "Vodomet prof 60/32"

If you are interested in the products of the brand "Vodomet", the pump for the well "Prof 60/32" can be purchased by you. It belongs to the high performance series. Such equipment is suitable for water with a significant sand content. It can only be used in wells whose depth does not exceed 30 meters. The temperature of the liquid should not be more than 35 degrees.

Consumers who decide to purchase this equipment should be interested in the power of the submersible pump, which is 470 watts. In one minute, it will be able to produce 60 liters of liquid, the maximum amount of pumped sand will be equal to 2 kilograms per cubic meter of water. The products of the brand "Vodomet" have long become popular with Russian consumers, the pump for the well "Prof 60/32" is a confirmation of this. Its body is made of high quality stainless steel, which ensures a long service life of the device. However, when using the unit, you must remember that the pressure should not be higher than 3.2 bar.

Characteristics of the pump brand "Prof 55/50"

When you visit the store, you can find large assortment goods that are manufactured under the brand "Vodomet". The 55/50 well pump can be considered as an example. The depth of its immersion is 30 meters, the power is 680 watts. The equipment must be installed vertically. As practice shows, the engine runs silently, and it is capable of pumping out 3.3 cubic meters per hour. This equipment should not be used for dirty water, because in this case it may fail. The size of the particles to be filtered can be a maximum of 1.5 millimeters, and the length of the power cord is equivalent to 20 meters. This information will help you when installing the device.

Characteristics of the pump brand "Dzhileks Vodomet 115/115"

If you are interested in the Vodomet brand, you can purchase a pump for a well 115/115 for 14,300 rubles. This submersible equipment is designed to pump water from a well, while the liquid may be slightly contaminated. The maximum depth, as in the above case, is 30 meters. Productivity is 6900 liters per hour. The advantage is that the device can also be used for small wells. With it, you can water the garden or garden, among other things, it is suitable for water supply in homes. The weight of the unit is 22.6 kilograms, which makes it easy to install.

This pump "Dzhileks" for a well, the photo of which is presented in the article, has a fairly wide area of ​​​​use. It can be used in tanks, as well as open reservoirs. The equipment is perfectly adapted to difficult Russian conditions. To create it, the manufacturer uses durable and wear-resistant materials. For example, granite and ceramics are selected for. With regard to such important element, as impellers, a wear-resistant polymer is used for them.

We offer for sale submersible borehole pumps "Vodomet". Before you buy a pump, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its description and price.

Centrifugal multistage pump The “water cannon” with “floating” impellers, an electric motor “washed” by water and a built-in condenser is designed to supply water from wells with an internal diameter of 100 mm or more, as well as wells and open reservoirs for water supply to the house, watering the garden and vegetable garden. The pump can work in wells with high sand content.

Pumps "Vodomet" can be used: with control "by level" of filling storage capacity, with control "by level" of the pumped water (automatic pumps with the index "A") and with an automatic control system "by pressure" (pumps with the indices "DOM" and "Ch"). The source of water supply can be a well, a well or an open reservoir.


Parameter name










Maximum flow, l/min
Maximum head, m
Number of steps, pcs
Voltage, V
Consumed current, A
Power consumption, W
Capacitor capacity, uF
Cable length, m
Max. the size of the passed particles, mm
Maximum immersion depth, m

Flow characteristics

Pump WATERJET model

With pressure, m















Feed, l/min


Selecting a model of a submersible borehole pump Vodomet

Two numbers in its designation will help you choose the right pump model. The first number indicates the maximum flow rate in liters of water per minute at the outlet of the pump in the absence of resistance to water flow. The second number shows the maximum head in meters developed by the pump when working "to a standstill".

For example: the WATERJET 60/52 pump, with a free spout, delivers 60 liters of water per minute (3.6 cubic meters per hour), and when the supply is cut off, i.e. with closed water taps, it develops a pressure of 52 meters (5.2 atm.). In the limit mode, the pump is practically not used. It is most often operated at the so-called "working point", with a nominal (50% of maximum) flow at a nominal (50% of maximum) head. However, you can choose a pump according to the maximum parameters.

VODOJOT pumps with a maximum flow of 60, 115 and 150 liters of water per minute were developed on the basis of many years of analysis of average water consumption and the performance of water sources. VODOJOT pumps with a maximum flow rate of 60 liters of water per minute are designed for water supply sources (well, well, etc.) with a small and medium flow rate and with an expected moderate flow rate (2-3 cubic meters per hour or 35 - 40 l / min, t .e. 3-4 taps) with nominal water flow.

VODOJOT pumps with a maximum flow rate of 115 liters of water per minute are designed for water supply sources (well, well, etc.) with an average and increased flow rate and with an expected increased (3-4 cubic meters per hour or 50 - 65 l / min) nominal water consumption.

Pumps submersible water jet with a maximum flow rate of 150 liters of water per minute are intended for water supply sources (well, open reservoir, etc.) with a high flow rate and with an expected high (4-6 cubic meters per hour or 65 - 100 l / min) nominal water flow.

The maximum pump head should be selected depending on the vertical distance, from the ground surface to the static water level in the source:
- if this distance does not exceed 5 meters, you need a pump with a pressure of 30-32 meters;
- if this distance is up to 25 meters, you need a pump with a pressure of 45-52 meters;
- if this distance is from 25 to 45 meters, you need a pump with a pressure of 60-75 meters;
- if this distance is from 45 to 60 meters, you need a pump with a head of 92-115 meters.

Submersible borehole pumps Water cannon are not equipped with a built-in non-return valve, therefore, in some cases, it is recommended to install a non-return valve on the pump outlet. For example, when a pump is operating in an automatic water supply system for a pressure-controlled pump, a check valve maintains pressure in the system, preventing water from flowing out. Moreover, the check valve should be installed in the pressure line near the pump, since in this case it protects the system from hydraulic shocks, preventing the formation of voids in the pipeline.

A valve installed above 7 meters from the surface of the water in the source cannot prevent the formation of voids in the pipeline, and this leads to water hammer at the moment the pump is turned on. However, the installation of a check valve directly at the outlet of the pump, with a slight deepening of the pump under water, can lead to the formation air lock in the pump and the water will not reach the first impeller, which will lead to "dry run" pump. Therefore, with a slight (up to one meter) deepening of the pump, the check valve should be installed at a distance of 1 to 7 meters from the pump.

In the case of using the pump for filling containers or watering, when periodically removing the pump from the source, the check valve should not be installed, since the hose filled with water is not light in weight. However, care must be taken in this case, otherwise, after turning off the pump, water flows back through the pump and the hose works like a vacuum cleaner. Therefore, a hose lowered to the ground during a backflow can cause the pump to clog.

Water jet pump device

The pump consists of a pump part and a wetted electric motor, located in a single housing made of high quality stainless steel. The components are centered in the housing by means of front and rear covers, as well as an intermediate support. Pump motor oil-filled, sealed, asynchronous with squirrel-cage rotor on rolling bearings. A thermal protector is built into the stator winding to protect the motor from overheating. The motor seal is unloaded, as the pressure inside and outside the motor is equalized by the membrane, the maximum submersion depth of the pump under water is 30 meters. The pump motor is cooled by the pumped water, so the pump must not be allowed to run when there is no flow.

Design feature "floating" pump impellers "Water cannon" is their running-in. It is known that the gap between the rotating and stationary parts of the hydraulic part of the pump is the cause of internal leakage in the pump, which reduces its efficiency. Therefore, ensuring small gaps in a traditional pump is a difficult technological task. During operation, these gaps increase, which, accordingly, reduces the already low efficiency of the pumping stage of a traditional pump.

In the "VODOMET" pump, the impellers are "floating", as they have the ability to move in the axial direction, clinging, under the action of working pressure, to the rear surface of the guide vane (diffuser) of the previous stage. In this case, the contact occurs along one of the two pairs of rubbing surfaces. In the first hours of operation, the plastic shoulder of the impeller in the cover of the guide vane (diffuser) is intensively worn, while electricity consumption increases somewhat and the flow-pressure characteristic decreases. This wear and tear results in "lapping" collar, providing "zero" clearance. Then, unloading the first rubbing pair, the second pair of rubbing surfaces comes into contact. This is an anti-friction washer and a ceramic ring. Since the friction of these parts in water occurs without wear, and a "zero" gap has already formed in the zone of the sealing shoulder, the pump reaches the optimal operating mode. This mode is characterized by an increase in the flow-pressure characteristic and a decrease in electricity consumption.

All parts of the pump that come into contact with the pumped water are made of materials approved for contact with foodstuffs. In the rear cover of the pump with the outlet pipe, there are two lugs for fixing the cable. A water-resistant, hygienic cable of the required length exits from the rear cover of the pump, which reduces the risk of incorrect connection of the pump.

Pump with index "BK"- with cable length 1 m. Pump with index "A"(automatic) is equipped with a float switch that prevents the pump from running without water. Such a pump can be used in a well or other source that has enough space to use a float switch. An anti-friction sleeve is installed in the front cover of the pump, which serves as a support for the shaft of the pump part.
In the front cover of the submersible pump, there are suction windows 1.5 x 1.5 mm in size, which prevent the penetration of large particles into the pump.
In the front cover of the pump with an index "M"(main) a fitting is mounted, which allows the pump to be used as a surface pump built into the water supply line.
it is completed with a hydraulic accumulator, a control panel and the necessary shut-off valves that allow you to assemble.
Pump with index "H"(frequency converter) equipped with electronic system automatic control, which provides " smooth start» pump, protection against "dry running"(from the operation of the pump without water consumption) and the exact maintenance of the specified pressure in the water supply system, regardless of the flow rate.