Hotel business from a to z. Creating a mini hotel from scratch

  • 23.09.2019

Good afternoon. My name is Vladimir Vinogradov, I'm from the Tver region. Five years ago, I decided to open a hotel that has been successfully operating to this day:

  • initial investment - from 5 million rubles;
  • 20 rooms: five of them have 3 rooms, six rooms - 2 rooms, nine rooms - one room. There are three offices, a chic entrance hall, a small cafe, a sauna and a swimming pool;
  • each room has a TV, refrigerator, shower and toilet;
  • number of staff - 10 people. Labor costs - from 200 thousand rubles;
  • the average cost of a room is 1500 rubles per day;
  • monthly income - from 400 thousand rubles.

What is good about a hotel as a business?

Before starting such a business, you must understand its essence. A hotel is a place for accommodating people in rooms with the provision of additional services.

At the same time, you must immediately decide on the finances and scale of the business. You can open a small hostel or a luxury hotel. It all depends on the capital that is on hand.

It was not in vain that I gave preference to this type of income - it is really promising. If you wisely draw up a hotel business plan and implement it step by step, then it is possible to recoup the costs in 1-2 years.

If your city is popular with tourists, is a business center, or has a lot of educational institutions then there will be no problems with customers.

The advantages of the business include low competition in this area (unless, of course, the hotel is located on the seashore or near a popular tourist site) and a one-time investment.

That is, you once invest in the arrangement of the building and start earning. This is especially true for small establishments such as hostels. All that is required is to maintain a given level, and, if possible, to develop the business further.

Provide a brief business plan for the hotel or inn.

To open your business, follow a few simple steps:

1. First, decide on the building (this is very important). Try to find a place with beautiful scenery and open space.

A former hostel is perfect for arranging a hotel or hotel business. A good option is to use several floors of a residential building. Recently, it has become popular to buy communal apartments and turn them into small hotels.

But there may be problems with the BTI. If you do not want problems, it is better to choose ordinary housing.

Of the two options (purchase or lease) the best option- purchase, budget - rent. If you decide to rent, then immediately conclude an agreement with the condition of future redemption.

Please note that apartments are often transferred from hand to hand, so main problem may be relocations.

In such a situation, it is not necessary to talk about income and stability.

The optimal location of the hotel is in a non-residential building.

At the same time, it must comply with the requirements of the SES and the fire inspection.

Important point– Carrying out cosmetic work, restoration of sewerage, electrical parts and water supply.

The cost of renting a room - from 100 thousand rubles per month, redecorating- from 600 thousand rubles.

If you decide to build a hotel, then the costs will be many times higher - from 5-7 million rubles and more.

2. The second stage is business registration. You can register as an LLC or sole proprietorship. The first option is more preferable if you are going to develop in the future. Of course, you will have to tinker with the collection of documents, but it's worth it.

3. Be sure to complete the documents. Conclude an agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological supervision. To work in the service sector, you can not do without it.

But if on its territory there is a cafeteria or a small bar where alcohol is sold, then a license is required. When providing additional services, a certificate is required, as well as the installation of a cash register.

If the business is located in a residential building, then it is important to comply with all repair, construction, sanitary and fire regulations. Without this, it will not be possible to obtain permission to start work.

How to open a mini-hotel?

Another issue is taxation. Here you can choose a simplified version. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to cheat and register the hotel in the documents as a small emergency.

The total cost of registration, as a rule, is from 20 thousand rubles. Much depends on the quality of the repair and compliance with all standards.

4. Purchase equipment. This item of expenditure depends on the number of rooms and the size of your business. Please note that each room should have a bed with a good mattress, a toilet, a shower, a table, two chairs, a chandelier, a mirror, a TV and a refrigerator.

It will not be superfluous to conduct the Internet, which will be distributed from several points.

For the kitchen, it is worth buying a coffee maker, refrigerator, microwave oven, washing machine, kitchen set. If you have a small cafe, you will need tables, chairs, an additional refrigerator for drinks, a beer dispenser, a bar counter and other equipment.

The total cost of arranging 30-40 rooms can be from 6 million rubles and more.

5. Staff is the face of your business. It is advisable to take people who are professionals and responsibly approach their work.

You will need one administrator who will receive guests and place them in the rooms. In addition, his tasks will include receiving calls and monitoring the condition of all premises.

You will also need a maid to clean all rooms (two people), an accountant (1 person), a bartender and a cook (if there is a cafeteria), a manager, a technician and a security guard.

Salary to employees - from 200 thousand rubles a month.

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Making a decision to buy a franchise is necessary with the professional recommendations of the section:

You can read about the latest news and trends in the franchise business

6. An important point is business promotion. The first thing to do is to create a quality website in several languages. Please note that today it is very fashionable to book rooms via the Internet, so contact numbers must be provided to contact the administrator.

It is not superfluous to set a general photo of the hotel, as well as photos of each room. A person must receive all the information about the institution where he will live. At the same time, put down the cost of the room and meals (if any).

Promote your establishment with contextual advertising, specialized services for booking rooms, creating high-quality business cards and placing ads in free newspapers.

If you take the issue of promotion seriously, get ready to shell out from 30 thousand rubles immediately, and then from 20 thousand rubles a month to maintain and promote the site, as well as pay for contextual advertising.

How to open a mini-hotel?

Today, mini-hotels are becoming more and more popular. Their difference from a regular hotel is a minimum number of rooms (up to 15 pieces). The advantage of such an institution is the possibility of registering an individual entrepreneur, choosing a small building for organizing a business and saving on staff.

Naturally, other costs are also reduced - for equipment, repairs and advertising.

This is a great option for people who do not have a large amount of money in their souls, but want to open something serious. If you don’t spend much, then when organizing a business, you can invest in an amount of 3 million rubles.

As for organizational issues, the differences from the arrangement of an ordinary hotel are insignificant.

Table: Hotels and similar accommodation

How to open a hostel-type hotel?

If money is very tight, then you can open an even more “compact” business - a hostel. At its core, this is a superior hostel with a shower room, a kitchen and a place to relax.

The advantage of such a "hotel" - quick payback. As a rule, it is possible to recoup the costs in 6-8 months after opening.

From the documents you will need a license, permission from the SES and the fire service. In addition, as in previous cases, you will have to register with the tax office.

As a hostel, you can choose any residential building, with corridors and a lobby. Often, communal apartments are converted into hostels.

When choosing a room, it is important to consider that one person should account for at least five "square" areas. The size of the bed should be standard - 190 * 80, and the distance between the beds should not be less than 70-75 cm.

Please note that one shower room is set for 15 people, and one toilet for twelve (no more).

You don't need many people from the staff - two administrators (they will work in shifts) and one cleaning lady are enough.

The total cost of starting a business is from 300 thousand rubles.

Table: Number of persons accommodated in hotels

How long will it take to open a mini-hotel from scratch?

Most of the time is spent on finding the premises, its arrangement and obtaining permits. It takes from 1-2 months to a year. If there is a shortage of funds for equipment or problems with obtaining permits, the opening may even be delayed.

So that there are no surprises in the future, be sure to draw up a business plan and take into account all expenses. This will avoid delays with the opening due to lack of funds.

People move from city to city every day, whether for business or leisure, it doesn't matter. All of them use the services of hotels and inns. Many people dream of having their own business in this area, but not everyone, even with investments, can create it profitable. We will talk about how to open your own hotel business in this article.

  • How to start organizing hotel business?
  • What is better to open?
  • About the benefits
  • Basic requirements and their standards
  • How much can you earn in the hotel business?
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • Which equipment to choose
  • What OKVED for opening a hotel business
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for opening a hotel business
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Technology of opening a hotel business

How to start organizing a hotel business?

At the very beginning, you should not run anywhere, draw up paperwork and find out the cost of hotel equipment. It all starts with a concept. It needs to come up with and write down a clear plan of action, starting from construction or reconstruction, and ending with a scheme and principles of work. The document must indicate the status of the future hotel or hotel, style, structure, marketing strategy And so on.

There are several ways to open a hotel business. For convenience, we present them in the form of a table.

Some businessmen are also considering the option of running a "shadow" business. He, of course, has the right to exist, but quite risky.

What is better to open?

Before opening a hotel business, you should decide on the format of the future institution. Small hotels are those in which the number of rooms does not exceed fifty. Even if a large scale is not planned, you still need to draw up a business plan for a mini hotel. It is calculated based on the following types of establishments:

Other hotels are divided according to the level of comfort into:

  1. low budget hostels;
  2. economy class establishments;
  3. comfortable hotels;
  4. apart-hotels (they are of medium level and "luxury").

About the benefits

The main advantage of the hotel business is the availability of real estate. The building, which is owned by the owner, is the main and most expensive asset. Real estate almost never falls in price, on the contrary, over the years it only rises in price. Opening a hotel complex or a small hostel is always a profitable investment.

Another advantage of such investments is the undeniable growth in demand for hotel services. According to experts, IP can hope for an annual increase in profits of 4%. This is a pretty good indicator. However, not only the economic situation should contribute to the profitability of the enterprise. The owner, together with the manager, must invest a lot of their own work. All successful hotel examples tend to share the same undeniable success factors:

As for the staff, its selection must be approached responsibly. It is desirable that employees have specialized education from European schools. Better yet, work experience abroad. If it is difficult to select everyone according to this principle, then you need to try to find at least one such employee. You need to pay attention to personal qualities. Sociability, complacency, helpfulness often "cost" much more than a prestigious education. These requirements apply to everyone, without exception, from porters and administrators to waiters and maids.

Basic requirements and their standards

In any country, a high level of service is established by a system of standards and norms enshrined in legislation. Individual entrepreneurs will have to study all of them on their own in order to be able to open a worthy enterprise. Sanitary standards, fire and gas safety - these are the criteria that must be observed. Without them, authorities will not issue permission to open the facility.

However, do not forget that in the first place hotels work for people. One of the main rules of such institutions is impeccable cleanliness. Daily cleaning, change of bed linen, towels - these are postulates that must be observed.

Room rates usually always include breakfast. It can be provided even by an institution that does not have a cafe or restaurant. It is better to open catering facilities as an additional business. Cooking and serving one breakfast for guests will be unprofitable. In order for a cafe or restaurant to make a profit, other customers will also be required. Despite this, a small kitchen will have to be equipped. If necessary, you can organize a small bar, then the entrepreneur will need to obtain a license to sell alcohol.

How much can you earn in the hotel business?

It should be noted right away that activities in this area involve quite significant investments. They are presented below. It is worth paying attention to the main revenue and its significance.

Moreover, experts do not advise betting on expensive services. Average price level, good advertising campaign, clear strategy. These factors are the way to the above indicators.

A large amount of money will be spent on registration of ownership of land plot or building. In addition, it is necessary to coordinate all technical documentation for the construction, refurbishment or reconstruction of the finished building. If you have patience and persistently go towards the goal, then any novice individual entrepreneur will definitely be able to open a profitable, profitable and very promising business.

How much money do you need to start a business

The cost of creating a mini-hotel pays off after 5-6 years from the start of work - this is a medium and long-term significant investment. Average cost of a small hotel in major city is about 8-12 million rubles (this is no more than 15 rooms of the housing stock). The main costs are associated with the repair and redevelopment of the premises, as well as the purchase of equipment and administrative expenses.

Which equipment to choose

You will need quite a lot of equipment:

  • safes;
  • mini bars and refrigerators;
  • televisions and telephones;
  • bedroom furniture;
  • bathroom accessories;
  • locks and doors;
  • catering equipment;
  • electric kettles and hair dryers.

What OKVED for opening a hotel business

To open a hotel from scratch, select code 55.1 "Activities of hotels and other places for temporary residence."

What documents are needed to open

Registration recommended legal entity, taking into account upcoming inspections by regulatory authorities and production volumes. For this purpose, we turn to the territorial division of the Federal Tax Service according to the legal address of the enterprise. You can submit documents remotely using the Internet portal of public services. It is necessary to prepare the charter, the founders' agreement, the registration application form P11001. The state duty is paid separately, the receipt spine must be attached to the package of documents.

What taxation system to choose for opening a hotel business

Recommend suitable for this business option - immediately choose a simplified taxation system. In this case, it is possible to save time and money. You can pay 15% in favor of the state from the difference between the total revenue and expenditure parts. All cash flows (incoming and outgoing parts) require strict documentary evidence.

Do I need permission to open

Most sanitary and fire regulations are not relevant in relation to the hotel business, and also to residential premises. If you register and work officially, you will also need to obtain permits for meals for guests and licenses to sell alcohol. Therefore, some small hotels operate unofficially.

Technology of opening a hotel business

In order for your hotel to take its share of the market, it is necessary to make it unique, to give a unique atmosphere. To do this, the interior is carefully selected so that it satisfies aesthetic preferences, as well as a set of services provided. It is necessary to create an atmosphere where the guest feels at home.

Most hotels formalize their business as a daily rental of real estate. individuals but not as a hotel activity. This is due to the difficulty of transferring the object from the housing stock to non-residential, and without this there is no way to call yourself a hotel and get stars. However, for 20-30 guests who will be accommodated in your rooms, this will not matter much.

The optimal composition of the staff for 10-15 rooms is as follows: a manager and a couple of administrators, an accountant and a couple of maids. It is desirable that administrators speak English.

It is no secret that many of our compatriots dream own business. This gives a certain independence, raises self-esteem and can bring, if successful, a good regular income.

    • How to start a hotel business
    • Market research
    • Preparation of a business plan
    • How to find a room
    • Additional points and beginner mistakes: what to avoid

Choosing the right direction for investing is another important step on the road to wealth. As practice shows, even those who did not imagine such a scenario yesterday can start a hotel business from scratch.

How to start a hotel business

The first question that should be of interest to a novice businessman is correct location of the hotel. It is optimal if he is a resident of a resort village or city.

It's good when the location is not too far away - after all, starting a hotel business from scratch means at first disappearing in it for days on end. In the future, you can attract an experienced manager, and move away from direct management yourself.

But even those who do not live in resort or southern regions have nothing to despair of. In any settlement there is a passenger flow of visitors: they include ordinary tourists, business travelers, and other categories of visitors.

Exists a large number of situations in which people have a need for a service such as "hotel business". Sometimes you need to spend the night in an unfamiliar village or even relax for a few hours while waiting for a train or plane.

It is necessary to evaluate the possibilities of the city in which it is planned to open a hotel from scratch. If we are not talking about a resort area, then the place should be one that attracts sufficient passenger traffic.

For example, a locality provides green tourism services or festivals and other public events are held in it. Well, for residents of megacities, the hotel business is always relevant.

It makes sense to start such a business even in towns with a population of 100 thousand or more. Surely competitors have already managed to open several hotel establishments in it. But you can easily win back your market share by providing lower prices, free additional services, or delighting visitors with quality service.

Market research

Therefore, before making your own investments, you need to conduct a thorough market analysis. In the course of such research, the following questions should be answered:

  • the number of existing hotels, hostels;
  • which customer segment should be targeted;
  • the number of guests in the season and in the "dead" period;
  • the presence of nearby attractions and more.

Those who are just planning to open a hotel business from scratch and cannot boast of experience in this segment, it makes sense to start with small investments. Taking into account the crisis phenomena in the global and domestic economy, it is possible to choice in favor of small hostels (dormitories). People are increasingly trying to minimize travel costs, which is why the issue of the cost of living is more important for them than ever.

At first glance, it may seem that such establishments lose in prestige. But they can be cost effective. In addition, it all depends on what level of service will be provided by the administration, and what category of visitors to count on.

And you can increase profits by increasing the number of guests. Moreover, it is necessary to evaluate the hotel services market in accordance with the city of residence, as well as the contingent of visitors.

Preparation of a business plan

The best solution after that, there will be a business plan - this is relevant for those who want to open a hotel business from scratch.

Optimally order its preparation professional companies with experience in such services.

Once it is prepared, it must be followed unswervingly. If you plan to deviate from the plan, then it would be useful to get a separate consultation on this matter. After all, a business plan is drawn up so that the development of a commercial undertaking in specific conditions is as successful as possible.

Especially an important factor which will directly affect the profitability of the project, can be called the location of the hotel. As you know, the most visited areas of any city are the railway station, the airport or the city center. Of interest may be areas where famous monuments or large entertainment and shopping centers are located.

How to find a room

The next step for those who expect to create a hotel business from scratch is search for a suitable building. The amount of necessary investments, as well as the payback period, will depend on this.

Ideal - to build a building on your own or buy an existing one with further refurbishment. There is a risk that such an investment will not pay off soon, so you can start with a long-term lease option (for example, with the possibility of a final buyout).

When purchasing an existing hotel business, the future owner should not be too lazy and study the reasons why it is being sold. Perhaps the territory for the hotel was chosen poorly. Who will sell a project that regularly brings good money and which obviously should not be abandoned?

Additional points and beginner mistakes: what to avoid

You will also need registration as a legal entity. You can create it from scratch, or you can buy a ready-made company, without debts and problems with regulatory authorities. Such services are offered in the market all the time.

The hotel business does not require the purchase of any special licenses. But, if a restaurant or bar will operate at the hotel, then you will need to get liquor license. The catering industry will require permission from the sanitary control authorities. If the hotel will be located not in a separate building, but in a residential area, then it is imperative to take into account fire safety regulations.

The provision of hotel services is not subject to tax exemptions. But for small hotels and hostels, it is advisable to register as a small business - this will reduce paperwork and accounting.

For a small hotel with 10-15 rooms, you need to select a staff of at least a few people. You will need an administrator (possibly combined with the position of manager), a maid and, of course, a technical worker who will maintain the efficiency of furniture and other equipment.

Key Mistakes that start-up entrepreneurs who decide to open a hotel business from scratch sin:

  • biased assessment of the market or one's own financial capabilities;
  • lack of a clear and competent business plan;
  • lack of understanding of the category of “your client” or an illiterate marketing strategy;
  • incorrect building layout;
  • savings at work professional designer, which can create a real miracle from the hotel with great competitive advantages;
  • selection of unqualified personnel - such a mistake can scare away many regular customers.

And finally: opening your own hotel requires significant investments, which can range from several tens of thousands of dollars to several million, depending on the region and location. But a properly organized project can give up to 30-40% profit.

Analysis of the state of the tourism industry in Russia demonstrates a stable and dynamic development. Every year the growth of internal and external tourist flow is growing rapidly. This explains the unprecedented growth in the construction of hotels. Modern Russia can offer a range of budget hotels in the most picturesque corners of the country, as well as luxurious five-star hotels in the heart of the capital.

The increase also affected the volume of investment proposals for the development of hotel complexes by domestic and foreign investors. Tellingly, the main proposals are aimed at developing business in the regions. The hosting of the 2014 Olympics made Sochi a center of cultural recreation and led to a long-term interest in the development of tourism infrastructure.

As of the beginning of 2015, more than 10 thousand hotels were officially registered in Russia. Taking into account the number of other objects for tourist accommodation (hostels, boarding houses, rest houses, etc.), the total number of real estate intended for recreation and tourism is more than 15 thousand.

In spite of big number such objects, experts agree that This segment of the market is only half filled. The state, in turn, strongly encourages the aspirations of young businessmen in the development of this area.

Legal Framework

The construction of a large hotel provides as a form of ownership. If the room stock of the establishment is less than 50 rooms, the object is classified as a mini-hotel or hostel, in which case the owner is limited.

When registering a hotel, you need to register the described type of activity with the tax authorities for:

  • hotel with catering - 55.11;
  • hotel without catering - 55.12.

Registration of the owner or parent company under the simplified taxation system will help to significantly reduce the tax burden.

Interesting information on how to open a successful hotel and how to invest money correctly is presented in the video:

Hotel location options

An important aspect of the system of providing hotel services is the location of the institution. Convenient location is directly proportional to the profitability of the project.

The choice includes 4 steps:

  1. Marketing strategy and target audience of the company. If the business is aimed at serving commercial travelers and middle-class guests traveling by car, the hotel should be located along the highway. If the hotel is planning to host tourists from other countries arriving by plane, the facility should be located in the city center or near a major shopping mall, transport interchange.
  2. Regional analysis including geographic market. The company must make sure that the region has a stable demand, which will ensure stable occupancy of the institution.
  3. Choice of territory within a region. It is necessary to analyze the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the area, assess its attractiveness for tourism, analyze competitors, and develop potential.
  4. Selecting a specific site. In this case, the owners should focus their efforts on finding potential sources of demand: airports, main office complexes, amalgamated retail, attractions, etc.

Selection of suitable premises or construction?

In the case of a hotel, the option of renting a room is rarely considered. The fact is that the organization of the hotel requires a large territory, besides, it will be located in those parts of the city where rent will be unreasonably expensive. Acquisition of premises or building land requires an impressive amount of capital.

The area of ​​a middle class hotel should be 300 square meters and more. Some owners resort to acquiring several apartments and transferring them to the status of non-residential stock.

As mentioned earlier, if the company has impressive capital, it is possible to organize the construction of a hotel from scratch. Of the advantages - the possibility of creating a room right size with original design and layout. Of the shortcomings - it is long and expensive, not all entrepreneurs are ready to build for several years.

Interior design, equipment selection

In many ways, interior design determines the level of the hotel. An establishment of a middle or economy class does not imply luxury and sophistication in design. Character traits such a hotel - simplicity, practicality, comfort. Finishing from natural wood or marble would be inappropriate not only for financial reasons, but also for the concept.

The visiting card of a fashionable hotel is a luxurious rich interior. As a rule, the guests of such hotels are wealthy people with above-average income. They prefer to live in the conditions to which they are accustomed.

Each room should be equipped with a certain set of furniture and equipment. A double room requires a double bed (or two separate single beds), two bedside tables, a wardrobe, a TV set, and chairs. Depending on the class of the hotel, a bathroom (shower, washbasin, toilet bowl, fittings) can be located in the room or on the floor.

For each room, several sets of curtains should be prepared - dark and light. Decor in the form of paintings, figurines on the shelves, flowers in pots will become an appropriate accent in each room.

Staff and work schedule

The right selection of employees is the key to success in the hotel industry. It depends on the quality of service whether the guest will return to you again. To service a middle-class hotel, the following personnel will be needed:

  • manager- Responsible for organizational and financial issues;
  • administrator- Responsible for the accommodation of clients, booking rooms, in addition, his duties include conducting settlements with clients, solving general issues;
  • housemaid– cleaning and preparing rooms for settlement, maintaining the cleanliness of the hall and other premises;
  • security guard- Ensuring the safety of guests;
  • technical worker- repair and maintenance of furniture and household appliances.

As a rule, hotels are open seven days a week, room reservations are made around the clock, so the owners of such establishments should consider the option of working in shifts for their staff.

Advertising and promotion

To attract customers, you need to carry out the following activities:

  • placement of advertisements in thematic magazines (business publications, tourist guides);
  • creation of an official website on the Internet;
  • placement of banners and advertising on billboards near railway stations and airports;
  • discount system for regular customers and various promotions.

Franchise option

It is believed that the system of contractual agreements in tourism is doomed to success. The fact is that it successfully combines the maneuverability and flexibility of a small company and the financial and technical power of a large enterprise.

An important point of the franchising contract agreement is the inclusion of the franchisee in the list of enterprises with a reservation system. The contract determines the number of rooms, as well as the list of additional services that will be offered.

The contract specifies the price of the franchise, payments for the operation of the property and royalties. The initial price is usually 5-40 thousand dollars. The duration of the contract ranges from 5 to 20 years.

The initial amount can be supplemented by the franchisee's periodic monthly deductions, the size of which is directly proportional to the volume of operations. On average, contributions are 2-5% of room stock income.

The franchise option is attractive for expensive business class hotels. The franchisee, in turn, becomes part of famous brand, which does not need advertising, which will directly affect the profit.

Estimated room rates

For an approximate calculation of costs and income, consider a hotel with 20 rooms, where:

  • single rooms - 9 pcs.;
  • double rooms - 6 pcs.;
  • superior comfort rooms (suites) - 5 pcs.

As additional services, the hotel offers billiards, laundry, leisure room, sauna and jacuzzi to its clients.

Depending on seasonality, the cost of daily accommodation in rooms will change:

High season (May to October):

  • room for one person - 2400 rubles per day;
  • room for two people - 3500 rubles per day;
  • superior comfort room - 5000 rubles per day.

Low season:

  • room for one person - 1700 rubles per day;
  • room for two people - 3000 rubles per day;
  • superior comfort room - 4400 rubles per day.

New Year and other holidays:

  • room for one person - 3000 rubles per day;
  • room for two people - 4200 rubles per day;
  • superior comfort room - 7200 rubles per day.

Cost of additional services:

  • use of the pool and sauna - 700 rubles per hour (400 rubles per hour for hotel guests).

The planned hotel occupancy is 70-75%.

Estimated costs

The fixed capital is 4.5 million rubles. Formation working capital(15.5 million rubles) is 50% satisfied at the expense of own funds. The second half (7 million rubles) - through a long-term loan for a period of 2 years at 15% per annum.

  • The pre-investment costs include market research, assessment of the main competitors, a feasibility study of the feasibility of working in this area - 200,000 rubles.
  • The capital costs of the project amounted to 18,000 rubles.
  • Repair of premises, purchase of furniture, plumbing, household appliances, equipment for a billiard room, leisure room, sauna, jacuzzi - 5,321 thousand rubles.

In total, the costs for the start of the hotel operation amounted to 5 539 000 rubles.

Monthly expenses to ensure the normal functioning of the institution:

  • Renting a room for a hotel in the city center (area 1460 sq. M.) - 600 rubles. for 1 sq. m. Monthly rental price - 876 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase Supplies, detergents etc. - 20,000 rubles / month.
  • Meals for guests (breakfast - delivered from a nearby restaurant) - 18,000 rubles at the rate of 70% of the hotel's occupancy.
  • General administrative expenses - 10,000 rubles.
  • Payment utilities, Internet - 25,000 rubles.
  • The cost of advertising, maintenance of the hotel website - 23,000 rubles.
  • Payroll fund (for 15 people), tax from wages employees - 323,612 rubles.
  • Depreciation - 30,542 rubles.
  • Payment for the loan - 112,500 rubles.

Total: 1 408 112 rubles.

Project profitability

Now you can estimate the income of the hotel for the first few years of operation. For example, revenue will be in different periods:

  • 1st month of the first year of work - 1,404 thousand rubles.
  • 6th month of the first year of work - 1,917 thousand rubles.
  • The total for the first year of operation is 18,329 thousand rubles.
  • 1st quarter of the second year of operation - 4,519 thousand rubles.
  • 1st quarter of the third year of operation - 5,026 thousand rubles.

And the net profit:

  • 1st quarter of the second year of operation - 141.2 thousand rubles.
  • 2nd quarter of the second year of operation - 1,991 thousand rubles.
  • 3rd quarter of the second year of operation - 2,506 thousand rubles.

The payback period of the hotel is 4 years. By all economic indicators, the conduct of such a business is very effective.

Every year in Russia the demand for hotels of different levels is increasing.

Construction and active development in general is underway. Recently, the small hotel business has become more and more popular. It's not hard to explain. The price for accommodation in a mini-hotel is several times lower than in large chain hotels. Design and atmosphere in small hotels is more cozy and homely. The number of rooms, as a rule, is not made to one standard. That allows guests to choose the room, the interior of which he will like. After all, most people would rather live in the friendly and comfortable atmosphere of a small hotel and feel really welcome than live in a soulless large chain hotel. Slightly more than 60% of tourists coming to the country stay in large hotels. The rest prefer small hotels. But this figure is largely related to the lack of rooms in general.

Many entrepreneurs often think about the question of how to open a hotel. After all, at successful management business will bring in considerable income. But there are many "buts". In order to open your hotel, you need a large start-up capital. Yes and collect everything Required documents and permissions are also not easy.

The official classification of what a mini-hotel is cannot be found in any document. No legislation or regulation has been written on this topic. The only definition of this can be found by referring to the comment federal agency on tourism of the Russian Federation, which is called "The system of classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities". It says that a mini-hotel is a hotel, the number of rooms of which does not exceed 50 rooms.

Small hotel business and stages of its opening

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Company registration and collection of necessary documents

To open your hotel, the most suitable organizational and legal form would be LLC (company with limited liability). To do this, the following documents will need to be submitted to the tax authority:

  • application in form 11001 for state registration of an LLC;
  • charter of LLC;
  • if there is only one founder, then the decision to establish an LLC. If there are several founders, then a protocol on the creation of a legal entity is provided;
  • paid receipt of the state duty (it costs 4 thousand rubles);
  • notarized photocopies of passports of all founders.

The term for consideration of the application by the tax authority will be one week.

In the event of a positive response to the application, tax office gives out:

  • LLC registration certificate;
  • registered charter of LLC;
  • certificate in the form 1-3-Accounting for registration with the tax authority;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • notice of registration pension fund Russia (PF);
  • certificate of registration in TFOMS;
  • notification of the assignment of statistics codes from Rosstat.

It will take a few more days to register with the FIU, the FSS and Rosstat. It will take two days to make the seal of the organization. Opening a bank account takes an average of three days. The authorized capital of an LLC must be at least 10 thousand rubles.

OKVED codes: 55, 55.11, 55.12

In order to open a private hotel, you do not need to obtain a license.

It will also be necessary to obtain permission from the SES, the fire inspectorate. The premises must fully meet all the strict requirements of these organizations. You should also enter into agreements with third parties.

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A plan for finding a suitable premises for opening a hotel

This point is perhaps the most difficult. The main criteria will be the following:

  • well-developed infrastructure of the area in which the hotel will be located;
  • the hotel must be located in the historical or business part of the city;
  • the hotel should be easy to get to. That is, next to it there should be a metro station or a public transport stop. Of course, the building should have a convenient access for motor transport.

There are three options for registering ownership of the premises to open a hotel:

  1. Purchase suitable premises. I would like to note right away that this option requires very large financial investments. But at the same time, it is the best option for opening a hotel. You can immediately buy non-residential premises, which will be suitable for the area. Or buy several residential apartments and then transfer them to a non-residential fund. But this option will be very difficult to implement.
  2. Long term rental of premises. For opening a hotel business, only long-term rentals should be considered. At least 10-15 years. This option will also require a significant investment of funds. After all, it will still be necessary to reschedule the rented premises for a hotel.
  3. Building your hotel from scratch. Perhaps this option will be the most serious in terms of the necessary financial costs. First you need to create a project, then find and purchase a land plot for its implementation, obtain all the necessary documents to start construction, and, of course, the construction of the hotel itself. This may take more than one year.

When choosing suitable option in resolving the issue with real estate, you need to remember that the payback period for mini-hotels is at least 5 years.

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Interior decoration and purchase of necessary equipment for the hotel

The main difference between a mini-hotel and a large chain hotel is that in no chain hotel a guest can ever feel as cozy and comfortable as in a small hotel. For this they are valued. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to this when designing a room. The number of rooms in the hotel by 80% should consist of single and double rooms. The remaining 20% ​​are rooms with a larger area, where, if necessary, one more extra bed can be added. All rooms will be standard category. Making luxury rooms in a mini-hotel is simply unprofitable. These hotels are most often middle-level hotels, so when choosing furniture and plumbing, it is better to give preference to domestic manufacturers. The most important condition in the decoration of the rooms is that they are bright and clean.

Necessary plumbing for the room (domestic production):

  • bath - 16 thousand rubles;
  • toilet - 3 thousand rubles;
  • washbasin - 3 thousand rubles;
  • accessories - 3 thousand rubles.

Total: equipping one room with plumbing costs about 25 thousand rubles. Therefore, when drawing up a plan, we take into account that the cost of the entire number of rooms (50 rooms) will cost 1 million 250 thousand rubles.

From the equipment for the interior of one room you will need:

  • 2 beds - 10 thousand rubles;
  • closet - 3 thousand rubles;
  • interior and decor elements - 5 thousand rubles;
  • TV - 7 thousand rubles.

Total: equipping the interior of one room costs 25 thousand rubles. 1 million 250 thousand rubles are needed to equip the entire number of rooms.

The total cost of equipping one room is 50 thousand rubles. Consequently, the cost of all rooms will amount to 2 million 500 thousand rubles.

When drawing up a plan, it turns out that the arrangement of a restaurant, kitchen, bar will cost at least 2 million rubles. This amount includes the purchase of furniture, household appliances, kitchen utensils, electrical equipment, bar equipment, etc.