Features of the Dutch technology of growing potatoes. Potato growing technology: methods and methods

  • 14.06.2019

The potato is the most widespread crop in the world, growing in the zone temperate climate. Suitable soil for planting tubers is sandy, peaty and medium loamy. If the site has heavy clay soil, podzolic or very wet, then such a place is not suitable for potatoes.

The most favorable crops after which the cultivation of potatoes will bring good harvest- these are pumpkins, legumes, corn, cabbage, beets, peas. It is undesirable to plant potatoes after tomatoes, sunflowers and other crops of the nightshade family. In addition, the cultivation of Dutch potatoes and other varieties at home is not recommended on the same site for more than one year.

Before planting potatoes, it is necessary to prepare the soil, for this all weeds, hemp are removed, the earth is dug up to a depth of 30 cm. It is advisable to enrich the soil with manure, complex fertilizers and nitrogen-containing top dressing. In spring, ridges about 13 cm high are formed on the ground, which will help the earth warm up faster, good access to moisture and air exchange are formed.

Foreign methods of growing potatoes on the site

There are so many ways to grow potatoes, but they all have one main principle- a certain distance between the bushes so that they can receive enough sunlight. Therefore, regardless of whether potatoes are grown in bags or in open field, this vegetable needs light. Just so it ground part and tubers will actively develop. Here are the most famous methods of growing potatoes that have come to us from abroad. Also see the article: What green manure can be grown after potatoes?

This technology was developed by Dr. Mitlider. He plants tubers in rows 50 cm wide. Between them there are quite wide passages, up to 1 meter wide. In order to keep moisture in the garden and there are no weeds, earthen rollers are placed around the perimeter of the entire area. If the garden has a sharp slope, then planting potatoes carried out in long boxes filled with fertile soil. According to the Mitlider method, regular watering and seasonal top dressing are performed, without hilling. Thanks to this method the planting area is significantly reduced, and the yield increases and amounts to 600 kg per hundred square meters.

Agricultural technology is next. Using this method, the landing area is divided into squares for each bush. The square has a roll of manure, which is mixed with soil. It is in it that potato tubers are planted with the top down. After the tuber sprouts and stretches, their lower part is sprinkled with earth, forming a small mound. However, the earth must be poured in such a way that each branch is in a reclining position. When young leaves form on the shoots, the soil is poured again, this procedure is performed several times. As a result, a potato bush with several tiers is formed. If it is provided with water and top dressing, then it gives huge harvest. On average, about 16 kg of potatoes are obtained from one bush.

Many Dutch potato growers, when breeding new varieties of this crop, pay special attention to soil aeration, that is, they use soil loosening and plant potatoes directly in bulk ridges. It is also very important, using this method, to follow the rules of cultivation. This includes: soil fertilization, crop rotation, haulm treatment with pesticides, selection of the best planting material. There should be a passage of about 70 cm between the ridges; potato bushes are planted 30 cm apart. In summer, the bed is watered three times. According to Dutch technology, about 2 kg of large potatoes are obtained from one bush, which has excellent taste and is stored for a long time in winter.

Potatoes are a healthy, tasty food that fills the body with vitamins and useful trace elements. The tubers of this vegetable contain as much potassium as many fish or meat products. Also, the composition of the vegetable contains a lot of starch, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

Even though there are various ways growing potatoes, their number is increasing every year. Since getting a good potato crop requires a lot of time and effort, many gardeners refuse to cultivate this crop. However, after the introduction scientific knowledge and practices, new varieties of vegetables and methods of growing it were bred, which facilitated the work of people.

If potatoes are planted using a walk-behind tractor, then two methods are used - a hiller and a potato planter. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, however, in any case, the distance between planting tubers should be at least 30 cm. planting material to a depth of 10-15 cm. In the first case, planting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor involves the use of a hiller, which is attached to it. Before work, the grip of the wings of the hiller must be increased so that the potatoes are correctly positioned in the furrows. For this, the Neva walk-behind tractor can be used, from which the wings and emphasis are removed, or Salute, which does not need such manipulations. Be sure to attach lugs to the walk-behind tractor, which will not cause problems during landing.

The track width is at least 60 cm, tubers are placed in the finished furrows at the same distance. When the work is completed, rubber wheels are put on the walk-behind tractor, but the track size remains the same. After that, the rows are backfilled with earth. If a large plot of land is planted, then a hinged potato planter can be used for work.
This design consists of a conveyor, a disk hiller, a furrower and a potato distributor. Therefore, in one pass on the ground, you can plant a large number of root crops.

Even before planting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor in the country, you can attach a plow to it. With it, fix the first furrow and continue planting. However, in this case, the potatoes must be immediately thrown into the rows, since at the end of the row the walk-behind tractor turns and makes a new furrow, covering the previous row with earth. Some gardeners do not know how to plant potatoes using this technique, but in practice this work is quite simple.

Potatoes that will be used for planting are selected and germinated in advance.
Next, the tubers are laid in rows directly on the ground and covered with straw on top. Its layer is no more than 70 cm. In order for potatoes under the straw to give large yields, additional measures can be used. For example, a handful of earth is mixed with fertilizers and sprinkled on top. Manure or ash is used as top dressing. This measure will help to avoid tubers of many diseases. It is also advisable to sprinkle straw on top with a thin layer of earth so that it does not fly away in strong winds.

Planting potatoes in straw has a lot of advantages, for example, the ground under it is a little damp, as it holds moisture perfectly. Straw also releases carbon dioxide, which potatoes need. After decomposition, various microorganisms and worms actively multiply in hay, which has a beneficial effect on the development of potato tubers. Another advantage of this planting is that the method is without weeding and hilling the bushes. On the surface of such soil there will be fewer Colorado beetles.

Today, the technology of growing potatoes with seeds is a novelty, but many gardeners are willing to use it. Before sowing the seeds, they are soaked in water for two days. It is also very useful to harden them.
For example, at night, a plate with soaked seeds should be placed in the refrigerator, and left in the room during the day. In general, growing potatoes from seeds involves sowing them in boxes. To do this, in March or April they are filled with a nutrient mixture, for its preparation you need: peat, earth and fertilizers. Germinated seeds are planted in rows of 5 cm between them and 10 cm between rows. A minimum layer of sand is poured into the box from above and compacted a little, watered well, you can just spray it.

Next, the boxes are covered with film or glass and put them in a warm place. If there is a greenhouse, then it will be the most ideal option. In just a week or two, the first shoots will appear. When they have 2-3 leaves, the seedlings dive into separate pots, which must have drainage hole. Potato seedlings should be regularly watered and fed with ammonium nitrate. After the threat of frost has passed, potato seedlings are planted in open ground. To do this, dig holes 10 cm deep and place a little humus in them, pour abundantly. Seedling stems are covered with earth in such a way that there are only three leaves on the surface. Many do not even know how to grow potatoes from seeds, but planting is very simple.

Planting potatoes in bags is considered the most interesting and unusual, because this method is a novelty for many. However, abroad, this method is known to many owners of large, suburban areas. But let's try to figure out how to grow potatoes in bags.

This method is very simple, easy and accessible to everyone. For planting, any bags are used, for example, food or ordinary polyethylene. The next stage is the preparation of the soil, for which they are used in equal amounts earth and humus. Everything is mixed and placed in bags, but they need to be filled by a quarter. For example, if there are 10 buckets in a bag, then two are enough for planting. Potato tubers are placed in a bag of earth and sprinkled with a thin layer of earth. Before growing potatoes in bags, root crops must be germinated and planted along with shoots.

After planting, the soil is watered, and the bags are placed in a sunny place. When the tubers sprout at least 7 cm, they are sprinkled with earth, leaving a little green part on the surface. After the sprouts grow a little, they are again sprinkled with earth. This continues until most of the bag is filled. Harvested in late August or early September.

When potatoes are grown in bags, a person not only saves his strength, but also receives excellent harvest. After all, it is used as a planting of potatoes without digging the earth, which is very profitable and simple. If you read online about growing potatoes in bags, the reviews say that you can harvest a bucket of crops from one bag. This method is most suitable for those who small plot and there is no free space for a potato plantation.

To get an early potato harvest, you no longer need to have open soil. After all, now we plant potatoes right in wooden boxes. Two layers of paper are laid out at its bottom and sprinkled with nutrient soil in a layer of no more than 7 cm. The planting mixture consists of sawdust and leaf humus. Next, the soil needs to be slightly moistened with a solution of ash and superphosphate. Tubers are laid on the finished earthen pillow, which should be checked in advance for rotting or damage.

So that growing potatoes in boxes gives big harvest, they must be placed in a sunny place, but should be covered from the sun. It is very important to regularly spray the tubers. warm water, perfect option- filtered water and even melted water. After the potatoes have sprouted, they can be transplanted into prepared furrows in the open field. Before planting planting material, the soil is fertilized with humus. After planting potatoes, they sprinkle it on top with a layer of earth and humus. Under such conditions, the tubers grow very quickly and yield ahead of schedule.

Some gardeners do not know how to process potatoes before planting, so each root crop is manually selected, so that after planting the tubers do not disappear, they are treated with a solution of manganese.

Phytophthora is a disease that reduces vegetable yields, destroys plants and is stored in the soil for a long time. The main signs of phytophthora are brown spots, which are first present on the leaves, and then move on to tubers and stems, quickly affecting the entire bush. The disease is visible to the naked eye, so processing potatoes from late blight becomes a necessity, especially after the first symptoms appear. If you dig up diseased potato tubers, it will become noticeable that its surface has acquired a lead-gray tint, it is slimy and soft to the touch, and a rusty tint appears inside the fruit. And if there is warm, humid or rainy weather, the disease develops even faster. To combat this disease, a whole range of measures is used.

There are several methods of dealing with late blight, but they all tend to use standard drugs. The question immediately arises, how to process potatoes before planting and how to determine the degree of damage? To prevent the disease, the tubers are treated with special sparing preparations even before planting. If the bushes are already infected, then stronger drugs are used that reduce the reproduction activity of the phytophthora fungus and completely destroy it. Lot useful information in the article: Siderates for potatoes: how to prepare the soil for planting this crop?

It is not for nothing that potatoes are called the second bread: this vegetable is used for cooking first and second courses, salads and pastries. It appeared in Russia thanks to Peter I and has been grown in almost all regions for several centuries. He believes that there are no difficulties and secrets in how to grow potatoes, however, agronomists regularly offer gardeners newer and more advanced technologies for its production. By putting into practice innovative techniques and remembering grandfather's recommendations, you can grow an excellent crop of large and surprisingly tasty potatoes.

There are certain rules for potato farming that apply regardless of how it is grown. Compliance with these rules increases Guarantees for a Great Harvest:

Seed material is taken in the process of harvesting the autumn harvest. They take seed tubers only from the strongest bushes, immediately sorting them by size. Medium potatoes are ideal for planting. Seed potatoes are not carried away from the field, they are left in the sun until they turn green.

In autumn, they prepare a plot for future planting of potatoes. It must be fertilized so that by spring the fertilizer is already overripe and begins to work.

Before planting, the nodules are germinated in a cool, bright place. To speed up germination, peat or sawdust is used, with which the tubers are sprinkled. When the tuber has sprouted about 1 cm, it can be planted in open ground.

Potatoes treated with a 1% solution before planting are well resistant to diseases. boric acid. In this solution, the roots are soaked for 20 minutes.

Potatoes are planted in the earth warmed up enough by the sun. Usually this is the end of April - the beginning of May. The distance between the rows is left taking into account the fact that you have to spud several times. Between the holes should be about 30 - 40 cm. Traditionally, a handful of furnace ash is poured into each hole, as a mineral supplement.

The lack of top dressing, as well as its excess, can be detrimental to the plant.

Before germination of potatoes, it is good to carry out surface loosening of the soil. Usually a rake is used for this. This allows you to achieve the emergence of earlier shoots and destroy weeds before they have yet entered into force.

Hilling is recommended to be done twice. No need to be afraid to pour the land during this operation. Many even completely fall asleep young shoots, protecting them from spring temperature changes. The first hilling is carried out when the green sprouts reach 15 cm in height. The second time this procedure is repeated just before the flowering of the bush.

Potato is practically the most common crop in many countries. It can provide the human body with important minerals and vitamins, is part of many dishes. In this article we will tell you what the potato cultivation technology looks like on own site how to properly grow it by various methods, including using the popular Dutch technology.

Best of all, your favorite crop grows in a temperate zone. You should choose sandy, medium loamy or peaty soil for planting. It is better not to use other types of soil, as well as too shaded areas. The acidity level of the earth should not exceed 5 - 5.5.

Good predecessors are considered crops such as pumpkin, legumes, cabbage, beets, cucumbers, peas, green manure. It is advised not to plan to plant potatoes after nightshade. In one area, it is better to grow a crop 1 time in 3 years. In autumn, the soil must be cleared of weeds and deep digging should be carried out. You can add complex, nitrogen-containing top dressings or manure to it. In spring, it is recommended to make ridges about 15 cm high. They allow the soil to warm up normally, provide access to moisture and air.

Video “Potato growing technology”

From the video you will learn about the effective technology of growing potatoes.

Growing technology

There are varieties of potatoes with early, mid-early, mid-season, mid-late and late deadline maturation. The ripening time of your favorite vegetable varies between 50 - 120 days. Experienced gardeners prefer to sow several varieties at the same time. Remember that early species do not store well. The technology of growing potatoes, which is known to experienced summer residents, must be observed. Landing is carried out in April in the ground, warmed up to at least + 8 degrees. She should have time to dry properly. Potatoes are planted at a depth of about 10 cm. The smaller the tubers, the smaller the depth.

In case of landing in clay soil the depth should be no more than 8 cm, in arid regions - up to 20 cm. Landing is carried out according to the standard scheme. A distance of 30 cm is left between plants, and about 60 cm between rows. It is permissible to plant early species somewhat thicker.

Dutch technology

Growing potatoes according to Dutch technology makes it possible to harvest a good harvest throughout the year. The main emphasis is on soil aeration, that is, frequent loosening. Leave enough space between rows when planting. Then it is realistic to collect up to 2 kg of selected potatoes from each bush, which will be perfectly stored and transported. You need to use only varietal potatoes.

Cereal crops are good predecessors. It is necessary to use fertile and nutritious land. For the prevention of diseases, it is advised to treat with herbicides and chemicals. Requires tillage in spring and autumn period.

Soil preparation involves autumn plowing. Next, organics, potassium salt, superphosphate, rotted manure are added to it. During spring plowing, nitrogen components must be introduced into the soil. Urea will do. It is advised to plow to a depth of up to 27 cm. It is best to use a disc cultivator. Before planting seeds, it is customary to cultivate the land with a milling cutter or a cultivator cutter. Such an event performs many functions at the same time. Allows loosening, crushing, digging and leveling the soil. It is possible to use forks with a tooth thickness of approx. 6 and a distance between them of approx. 30 mm.

For planting, it is necessary to select tubers of even shape with a diameter of about 50 mm. There should be no break between preparing the ground and planting the material. The readiness of the soil is easy to check. To do this, they clamp a little soil in their fist and throw it. If the lump crumbled, then you can start planting potatoes. A handful of wood ash should be placed in the holes. Experienced summer residents also add onion peel to repel pests.

Planting is carried out with a distance of 70 cm between crops. It is realistic to place from 500 to 1 thousand tubers on one hundred square meters. If selected early variety, on a plot the size of 1 weave will fit no more than 600 - 700 tubers.

When caring for plantings, when the Dutch technology of growing potatoes is used, a few weeks after planting, it is necessary to process the row spacing. Such cultivation of potatoes makes it possible to get rid of weeds, to enable tubers to grow and develop normally. For the purpose of processing in the fields, a milling cultivator is used. The first processing of crops on their site is carried out by the harrowing method. This should be done a few days after watering.

To form ridges, you need to use a shovel, hoe or hand hiller. If there are irregularities on the site, it is customary to level them out by means of a microrelief in the autumn. Plantings are recommended to be watered 3 times per season. This is done before flowering, during flowering after 10 days and after it ends. Spraying of culture is also required from Colorado beetles.

Tuber preparation

For planting, potatoes are selected without damage and signs of disease, having a size of egg. They are left in diffused light for 3 weeks at a temperature of 12 degrees Celsius. This is required for greening. Next, sorting is carried out again and the tubers are placed in storage. The temperature should be maintained at + 3 - 4 degrees.

A month before planting, the tubers are washed and then heated at a temperature of about + 24 degrees for 2 to 3 days. In order to disinfect, it is good to place them in a solution of boric acid. There are quite a few options for germination. The easiest is germination in the light. The temperature is normally 18 - 20 degrees Celsius in the first 10 days and somewhere + 15 in the next. The length of the processes in a month can be about 2 cm.

Growing methods

Methods for growing potatoes are quite diverse.

In the case of growing potatoes under straw, the tubers are usually slightly deepened into the soil and covered with a layer of this material, having a thickness of up to 20 cm. You can additionally cover it with a film. A layer of straw is laid again after emergence and the stems reach a height of 20 cm.

Dutch technology involves deepening the tuber by at least 5 cm. The distance between the ridges is usually up to 100 cm, and between the bushes - 30 cm. The method was discussed in more detail above.

Using the Gülich method, the site should be divided into squares measuring 1 by 1 meter. In each, a tuber is planted with eyes down. After the shoots germinate, soil should be brought into the center of the bush. When the first leaves appear, the soil is poured again, then again. To enable a strong and healthy bush to form. The yield with high-quality watering and loosening can be about 15 kg of potatoes from each specimen.

Not all novice gardeners are aware of the following method. The method of growing your favorite vegetable in barrels is not only interesting, but also provides an excellent opportunity to save space on your own plot. It is necessary to remove the bottom in the barrel, make holes on the side for air access and drainage. A layer of compost is placed on the bottom in combination with the earth. The thickness is normally about 10 cm. Tubers are laid on top, compost and soil are layered on them, and so on to the top of the barrel. The contents should be watered and complex top dressing should be applied. The degree of yield is about 1 bag of selected fruits from each design.

As the experience of many avid summer residents shows, it is possible to grow high-quality potatoes in bags. This method is somewhat reminiscent of the barrel method in its features. Drainage, tubers are introduced there, and after the appearance of shoots, compost with earth is added. The addition of land is carried out as the tops grow. But it also requires regular watering.

Video “Potato care”

From the video you will learn how to care for potatoes.

The increase in yield depends on the choice of high-quality planting material and the agricultural practices used. When growing potatoes according to the Dutch technology, the plant creates favorable conditions for the development of the root system, which means that the formation of tubers will be more intense than with traditional methods. This method is mainly used in farms with automated processing of fields. But the technology is universal, so gardeners are increasingly using it to form their beds.

Dutch technology: general principles of the technique, cultivation features, planting patterns

The main difference between Dutch technology and traditional methods of planting potatoes is the formation of ridges, not beds or holes. When planted to a depth of more than 10 cm, the tubers do not receive enough heat and oxygen, the water stagnates, which can lead to root rot. The Dutch came up with the idea of ​​laying tubers in shallow furrows and sprinkle with loose soil or humus on top. As the bush grows, the cushion of the earth is increased. Thus, air circulation does not stop and water stagnation does not occur.

To achieve the main result - a high yield, it is necessary to perform a certain set of agricultural practices at each stage of the growing season. The technology is based on soil aeration, proper crop rotation and a special arrangement of bushes on the site. The result of compliance with all recommendations will be a harvest of up to 2 kg of potatoes from one bush. The method consists of sequential actions:

  1. Selection of planting material.
  2. Soil preparation taking into account crop rotation.
  3. Planting tubers according to a certain scheme.
  4. Plant care: fertilizing, hilling, watering.

The Dutch technology was developed for the industrial cultivation of potatoes, but it can also be applied in small areas. The secret of success is to follow all the recommendations, because agricultural techniques complement each other and give the result in a complex.

Selection and preparation of planting material

In the Netherlands, special high-yielding varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests have been developed, suitable for growing using this technology: Sante, Cleopatra, Anosta, Asterix, Rezi and others. Seed potatoes should be purchased in specialized stores, where the quality is confirmed by a certificate. Before buying planting material, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics - some varieties are only suitable for growing in the fields, but there are universal ones that will yield crops in small beds. You should choose small tubers weighing up to 70 g from the category "elite" and "superelite".

Planting germinated tubers guarantees 100% germination

It is necessary to plant germinated tubers - this guarantees 100% germination. With mechanical planting, the sprouts should not be more than 5 mm, and with manual planting - about 2 cm.

Soil preparation

An important condition for obtaining a high yield is the choice of a place for beds and soil preparation. Potato rows should not be placed on a slope. This will disrupt the water regime, and the piled ridges will slide and crumble. The fertile layer should contain humus, if the soil is poor, then it should be fed.

You can not grow potatoes in the same area. This will lead to the defeat of the plantation with late blight, scab, and rot. It is necessary to observe crop rotation and not return potatoes to the same site earlier than three years later. Precursor crops should be cereals, such as winter crops.

autumn processing

Plow the soil to a depth of 25 cm or dig up a shovel on a bayonet, removing weeds. Apply semi-rotted manure at the rate of 5 kg per 10 m 2, you can replace it with mature compost. As a mineral top dressing, 0.5 kg of superphosphate and 0.2 kg of potash fertilizers are applied per 10 m 2.

spring processing

In the spring, before planting, treat the field with a cultivator cutter, and on garden plot - upper layer loosen with a fork to a depth of no more than 15 cm. This will keep the air chambers in the deep layers of the soil, through which air will circulate and water will flow to the roots.

In order for the soil to ripen faster, you can not close it, ram it. This will allow you to dry and warm the top layer faster. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers, such as urea, are applied.

Terms of planting potatoes according to Dutch technology

The only criterion for determining the start date field work- maturity of the soil. This means that the soil has dried out enough and falls away from the shovel. If a lump of earth thrown from a meter height crumbles, then the soil is ready - approximately this period begins in March. Early planting time contributes to the formation of roots, the green mass grows evenly, and new tubers grow faster. But we must not forget that the potato is a heat-loving plant, and it is impossible to plant it in unheated soil.

Prepare the soil immediately before planting. Otherwise, the land will dry out, the aeration and drainage regime will be disrupted, which will negatively affect the crop.

Landing pattern according to Dutch technology

  1. Potatoes are planted in rows, which are located along the north-south line. The distance between the ridges should be at least 65 cm, optimally 75 cm. The depth of the furrows for planting is from 4 to 8 cm. The tubers are laid out at a distance of 30 cm. This arrangement allows the bush to grow freely, and the root system receives enough heat and nutrition. When planting, sprinkle the tuber with a handful of compost, wood ash, and to protect against wireworms and slugs, pour onion peel on the bottom of the furrow.
  2. To close the beds, ridges up to 10 cm high and no more than 35 cm wide are poured. As the bush grows, it will be necessary to pour the earth.
  3. A month after the emergence of seedlings, the furrows are poured up to required sizes- height 25 cm and width 75 cm.
  4. Adult bushes need loosening, leveling of crumbling shafts and treatment with fungicides, insecticides and herbicides.

Gallery: Stages of Dutch Potato Cultivation

According to the Dutch technology, the tubers are laid out in furrows Young plants need to be spudded to improve oxygen access. After the second hilling, the furrows take on their final form. Mature bushes form neat ridges that are easy to handle.

plant care

The Dutch technology provides for a number of simple sequential steps when growing potatoes:

  1. Two weeks after planting, it is necessary to remove the weeds in the aisles and pour the ridges on the ridges with potatoes. As a result, loose soil does not prevent the growth of the bush, the penetration of air and the removal of excess moisture.
  2. Treat row spacing with herbicides to prevent further growth of weeds. Spray bushes with drugs against pests and diseases. The effect of the drugs wears off after two weeks. Therefore, during the growing season there should be 6 such treatments.
  3. Watering is carried out in strictly defined periods of growth of bushes. The first before flowering, the second 10 days after the flowers fall, after another three weeks, the last watering for the season is carried out.

Spraying with chemicals is possible only until the budding period. During flowering, poisoning is prohibited!

Planting treatments for weeds, pests and diseases

Herbicides that can be used to treat sprouted potato beds should be selective. This means that they inhibit the growth of weeds and do not affect the main plant. Such drugs are: "Titus", "Zellek Super", "Centurion", "Lazurit" and others. Do not exceed the concentration recommended by the manufacturer. Spraying is carried out using manual or automated sprayers. The effect of herbicides weakens after two weeks. Therefore, up to six treatments are carried out per season.

Herbicides are poisonous, therefore the preparation of the working solution and spraying must be carried out in protective clothing.

Potato plantations infect the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm - complex preparations should be used against them. Before planting, the drug "Taboo" is applied under the tuber, and after the appearance of the bushes, if necessary, spray with "Fitoverm", "Beetle Eater" or similar chemicals. From diseases, it is necessary to carry out treatment twice a month: preparations such as "Ordan", "Revus" are used. If potato beds are affected by both beetles and diseases, then it is not worth mixing various poisons, it is better to spray them with complex insect-fungal stimulants such as "Potato Rescuer". The kit includes three ampoules: an insecticide, a broad-spectrum fungicide and a growth regulator. Dissolve these ampoules in a bucket of water and spray at the rate of 10 liters of solution per hundred square meters.

Watering mode

Potatoes do not like stagnation of moisture at the roots. Therefore, it should not be watered often, but in accordance with the growing seasons. The first watering provides moisture for the formation of bushes and flowers, the second watering after flowering lays the tubers, and the third - after another three weeks, nourishes the growing root crops. The Dutch technology is based on the formation of high ridges, so direct watering can destroy them. If you decide to grow potatoes in strict accordance with the technology, you will have to run a drip irrigation system over the ridges. This will ensure uniform wetting of the soil and will not destroy the formed ridges. Watering is considered sufficient if the earth is wet to the height of the ridge, but does not drain from the piled ridges. An additional advantage of drip irrigation in economical water consumption is that moisture penetrates directly to the roots and does not spill into the aisles.

The timing of the collection depends on the purpose for which the potatoes are needed. Seed material is collected no later than the beginning of August. At this time, the bulk of the tubers grew to the required size and reached such a degree of maturity that would ensure germination in next year. The main crop can be harvested in a month.

Two weeks before digging up the tubers, it is necessary to carry out desiccation - spraying with preparations that dry the tops, for example, Reglon Super, Basta. As a result, the tubers ripen, the peel becomes denser, which increases the safety of the crop, reduces mechanical damage during collection and transportation.

When potatoes are infected with late blight, treatment with desiccants will save the crop due to fungicidal properties and a direct destructive effect on living tissue. The disease is destroyed along with the tops and does not pass to root crops.

Gallery: Harvest

You can mow tops in the garden manually Special units are used to automate labor Potatoes grown according to the Dutch method will delight you with a rich harvest

How to grow potatoes according to the Dutch experience in the country

It is possible to get a potato crop of 2 kg from one bush personal plot. To do this, it is necessary to adapt the Dutch technology. The main mistakes of gardeners:

  • Non-observance of crop rotation. The soil does not receive the necessary rest, the risk of disease damage increases.
  • Use of poor quality seeds. Incorrectly prepared tubers do not give high yields.
  • Reducing the distance between rows. As a result, the planting thickens, and the heating of the soil decreases.

It is important to remember that only compliance with all the nuances will ensure a good harvest. Disease-resistant varieties should be selected.

Adaptation of industrial methods of Dutch technology to summer conditions

Correction of the method when growing in the country should not concern the principles, but only the methods of processing. For example, instead of a cultivator, loosen the ground with a chopper, hoe or Fokin flat cutter, use manual hillers: frame or with wheels.

You can germinate tubers in any way, the permissible length of sprouts is up to 2 cm, since when hand landing they won't break. As soon as the bush begins to rise above the ground, it is necessary to fill the comb and hide the young plants, this will saturate the soil with oxygen and accelerate their development. Repeated hilling is carried out in another two weeks, while the final shaft is formed: the bush is covered with earth to a height of 30 cm, the width of the base of the ridge is 60 cm, and the top is 15 cm.

After the appearance of the first sprouts and after each rain, it is necessary to loosen the soil. It is better to do this with a rake so as not to damage the emerging sprouts. First, you need to process the top, and then with raking movements, collect the crumbling walls of the shaft, retaining its shape.

At home cultivation potatoes according to the Dutch method, it is not necessary to treat weed aisles with herbicides. A more environmentally friendly method is to remove the grass manually or with a flat cutter and leave it between the ridges as mulch. This will slow the growth of new weeds. The harvesting process can also be carried out without the use of desiccants. The tops need to be mowed, and after 10-12 days, dig up the potatoes.

Dutch technology creates conditions for the development of a bush, so it is universal: it is suitable for both large farms and amateur gardeners. Although strict adherence to all agricultural practices is required, the invested labor will pay off with a high yield of large potatoes.

The modern technology of growing potatoes is the organization of intensive production of crops, and a well-thought-out marketing policy allows you to quickly recoup the funds invested in potato growing. A rational combination of all the above components and a comprehensive technological solution for production processes from tillage to pre-sale preparation of tubers make it possible to ensure high profitability of potato growing.

Preplant soil preparation

The most important place in the technology of potato cultivation is occupied by pre-planting soil preparation. The quality of its implementation largely affects the conditions for the implementation of subsequent activities. Soil cultivation for potatoes should focus on creating favorable thermal and air conditions. For the development of plants, it is necessary to create a homogeneous soil structure, to contribute to the preservation of moisture in the layer of tubers with insufficient moisture, to prevent the danger of waterlogging in case of excessive precipitation, to help cleanse the arable layer from weeds and pests and pathogens.

Mechanized stone removal

The soil prepared for planting must meet the following requirements:

Deviation from the given depth should not exceed ±2 cm;

· the surface of the field should be leveled, the average height of the ridges should not exceed 5 cm;

the degree of crumbling (the content of lumps of size< 25 мм по наибольшему сечению) – не менее 95%;

· degree of destruction and cutting of weeds, application of fertilizers – not less than 96%.

Methods of tillage are selected taking into account the alternation of crops in the crop rotation, the mechanical composition and physical condition of the soil, weather conditions, types and prevalence of weeds. In this regard, it is advisable to consider preplant tillage in close connection with the main (autumn) tillage. Preparing the potato bed while picking up stones and clods reduces the number of work steps and shifts part of the autumn work into spring, while not failing to notice the following advantages:

Easy planting of potatoes

best growth in loose soil,

well-formed potato tubers of the same size,

less damage during cleaning,

Rooted harvesting with simple machines.

Ridge and ridge-belt cultivation technologies are more resistant to adverse environmental influences. In conditions of excessive moisture on the ridges, there is less risk of damage to tubers as a result of suffocation, since the nest is located above the bottom of the furrow, in addition, the ridges are less eroded by heavy rainfall.

In areas with a threat of spring drought, potatoes are planted along smooth surface using a marker. However, for most areas of cultivation, planting in pre-cut ridges (ridges) is recommended.

Comb cutting

Preplant cutting of ridges (marking the field), allows you to:

speed up the start of planting by two to five days due to faster heating of the soil;

· ensure group operation of planters and increase the productivity of planting units by 10-15%;

more accurately maintain the landing depth;

Apply mineral fertilizers locally;

Exclude preplant cultivation (on light soils);

Perform local cutting of slots to drain excess water from the area where the tubers are located.

Care includes:

destruction of weeds

formation of ridges with hilling,

Maintaining the condition of the soil of the ridges and row spacing in a conditioned state, up to harvesting.

Care technology depends on the type of soil and the tools used. The first treatment - loosening the row spacing with simultaneous pouring of soil on the ridges and harrowing - is carried out no later than five to seven days after planting, when the weeds have not sprouted and are in the soil in the "white thread" stage, and therefore they are easily destroyed.

Inter-row processing

The second treatment before germination is performed, if necessary, with the same set of working bodies. Hilling without harrowing is carried out on seedlings with the formation of full-profile ridges with pouring of loose soil over tubers of at least 18-20 cm. Further loosening of row-spacings with hilling is carried out in case of strong soil compaction in row-spacings and in ridges, for example, after heavy rains.

Systemic protection of potatoes from diseases and pests

The ecological basis of the potato protection system is an agrotechnological complex, which creates conditions for good growth and development of plants, helping to reduce damage to them by various harmful organisms.

Treatment with phytocides

The basics of general measures that ensure the phytosanitary well-being of potato fields:

Observance of the correct crop rotation and the return of potatoes to their original place not earlier than in 3-4 years, prevents damage to it by nematodes, certain viruses, as well as rhizoctoniosis and scab. A special requirement in the production of seed potatoes is the return to the old place no earlier than 4 years. This requires a soil analysis for the presence of potato nematodes, sufficient isolation from neighboring plantings, etc.;

the presence in the soil of the necessary humus content to increase its biological activity and antiphytopathogenic potential, to create loose soil and stabilize its structure, to address the issue of intensity of soil cultivation, increase moisture capacity and, most importantly, increase the digestibility of nutrients and microelements;

- balanced and timely application of fertilizers. Potatoes are very demanding on nutrients. To obtain high yields and good quality tubers, they must be available to plants on time, in the required quantity and in the desired form, while not only the main nutrients (NPK), but also Ca, Mg, S and trace elements. For better digestibility of nutrients, optimal acidity and humus content of the soil is needed. Potassium and phosphorus play an important role in increasing the resistance of potatoes to diseases. So, in areas of increased harmfulness of late blight, rhizoctoniosis, bacterial diseases, common scab, it is necessary to apply per 1 ha increased rates of potassium and phosphorus compared to nitrogen at the rate of I \ I: P: K 1: 1.2-1.5: 2;

· high-quality processing of the stubble of the predecessor, autumn and preplant tillage. From the point of view of plant protection, tillage should provide: a loose, finely cloddy, homogeneous soil structure before planting, elimination of compactions in the arable and subsoil layers of the soil, uniform distribution of organic residues of the predecessor and intermediate crops in the arable layer, awakening of weeds to germination for their destruction by mechanical means, formation optimal ridges for potato plant growth and mechanical harvesting of tubers without damage. Thus, the cultivation of potatoes with autumn cutting of ridges reduces the development of rhizoctoniosis by 2-4.9 times, common scab by 2.1-2.8 times compared with conventional tillage, and also prevents the development of tuber rot;

early, but soil- and weather-oriented planting of tubers at an optimal planting depth;

· creation of conditions for optimum density of standing and uniform distribution of plants across the field;

- selection of resistant or tolerant varieties to reduce the risk of viral diseases, potato cancer, late blight and nematodes;

Compliance with all the requirements of phytohygiene: timely destruction of intermediate hosts of potato pests and diseases, the remains of tubers and tops in the field, as well as the space during planting;

· Pre-sowing dressing of tubers against rhizoctoniosis and other fungal diseases transmitted through tubers, and currently also against such pests as wireworm, Colorado potato beetle, etc.

Cleaning and post-harvest handling

Harvesting is the most complex and time-consuming technological operation in the cultivation of potatoes. Depending on the purpose, conditions and time of sale of potatoes, harvesting can be carried out using three technologies. Harvesting begins with pre-harvest haulm removal 10-12 days before harvesting in order to improve the working conditions of harvesters and accelerate the maturation of tubers.

Harvesting potatoes with a combine

In-line harvesting - harvester (digger) - vehicle - sorting point - vehicle - storage or sending for sale. With this technology, the process turns out to be completely finished, potatoes are stored for storage without foreign impurities and calibrated into fractions.

Post-harvest sorting

Transshipment cleaning - harvester (digger) - vehicle - temporary storage for two to three weeks - sorting with bulkhead storage or sending for sale. Direct-flow cleaning - harvester (digger) - vehicle - storage. With this technology, the tubers are mechanically damaged much less compared to the production one, but unsorted potatoes with an admixture of soil and the remains of tops are stored for storage, as, for example, when harvesting with a combine.


Potato storage technology largely depends on the initial quality of tubers, which is determined by the input and current tuber analysis.

Technological stages of storage:

drying potatoes

The treatment period

cooling period,

the main period

spring period.

Pre-sales processing

Pre-sale commodity processing of potatoes is carried out mainly at storage enterprises. Conveyor lines are used

to identify non-standard products,

washing and drying

sizing and sorting,

packaging in consumer packaging.

Seed preparation

Currently, the in-line technology of tuber preparation using sorting points KSP-15 is widely used.

Potato sorting station KSP-15V

The technological process of preparing seed tubers for planting includes the following operations: unloading tubers from storage or piles, loading into vehicles, selection of tubers with defects on the sorting table, calibration by fractions, air-thermal heating on sites or in containers, after air-thermal heating, secondary selection of substandard tubers on the sorting table, accumulation in storage bins, loading of tubers into vehicles with simultaneous processing pesticides, transportation to the field, loading the planter into the bunker, planting.