Stages of growing momordica from seeds, caring for an exotic liana. Growing momordica from seeds is available to everyone Momordica planting and care at home

  • 17.06.2019

Vertical gardening of the site allows you to mask the ugly corners of the garden, and the main helpers in this are vines. Among plants of this type, momordica stands out favorably, the cultivation of which is no more difficult than the cultivation of cucumbers. An exotic guest is still rarely found in gardens, but some gardeners have already appreciated its high decorative qualities and unusual taste. useful fruits. We will talk about growing momordica by seedlings, cuttings, as well as caring for a tropical guest.

Description and varieties

Momordica is included in the Cucurbitaceae family, the genus includes about 20 species of tropical herbaceous vines. The people called her yellow cucumber, crazy melon or Indian pomegranate. The homeland of momordica is India and Southeast Asia, where the fruits and leaves are used in traditional medicine, preparing traditional dishes from them.

Two representatives of the genus are grown as vegetable and ornamental crops:

  • momordica charantia;
  • momordica cochin.

In our gardens, the first variety is more common - charantia. It forms long and thin shoots, reaching a length of over two meters. Simple stems have a pentahedral section, equipped with antennae. The shape of the leaf blades is kidney-shaped or rounded. The leaf is deeply dissected into 5–9 lobes. Leaflets reach a length of 10 cm and a width of 12 cm, arranged on the stem in the next order.

Simple yellow flowers, resembling cucumber, are located in the axils of the leaves. They sit on long pedicels, appear during the active growth of lashes. Flowers are divided into male and female. During flowering, the garden is filled with a delicate fragrance, similar to the aroma of jasmine. Pollinated by momordica insects.

When grown indoors, artificial pollination will be required to form fruits.

Elongated green fruits grow up to 15-40 cm long and 5-8 cm wide. The surface of the skin is covered with tubercles and papillae, reminiscent of crocodile skin. Vegetables are spindle-shaped, cylindrical or oval.

As it matures, the color of the crop changes to yellow-orange. A fully ripe fruit bursts from below, opening into three pointed fleshy lobes. Orange flesh and large ruby ​​seeds are exposed.

Growing momordica seedling method

settle tropical liana on your site or balcony is quite simple. Growing a crop from seeds will not cause difficulties even for beginners in gardening.

The term for sowing seeds for seedlings depends on the region where momordica is grown and the further conditions for its growth. It begins to bear fruit after 60 days from the first shoots. The seedling period lasts half of this period - 30 days. Momordica seeds for seedlings are sown in March.

Proper preparation seed- the key to rapid growth and healthy seedlings. The seed coat of momordica reliably protects the embryo; it is not easy to achieve germination without preliminary preparation.

Before sowing, the seeds need to be prepared, including the following steps.

  1. Scarification. The procedure serves to break the integrity of the seed coat and stimulate germination. Rub the seeds gently with sandpaper.
  2. Disinfection. Protect seedlings from fungal infection. The treatment is carried out by soaking in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes or a fungicide (according to instructions). After soaking, the seed is washed in clean water.
  3. Soaking in a growth stimulator. It will speed up the process of awakening the seed and the emergence of sprouts. Usually a solution of potassium humate is used.
  4. Germination. After carrying out the described manipulations, place the momordica seeds in a damp cloth and keep in a warm place at a temperature above 25 ° C. Sprouts will appear in 2 weeks.

Choose only mature seeds that are reddish brown in color.

Like other representatives of the Pumpkin family, momordica prefers loose and nutritious substrates rich in organic matter. For growing seedlings, a soil mixture based on humus, garden soil, sand and peat is suitable. The components must be taken in equal proportions, after steaming the garden soil.

Since momordica has an underdeveloped root system of the rod type, cultivation is carried out in individual containers to exclude the picking process. It is advisable to select peat pots or cups with a volume of about 300 ml (diameter - 9-10 cm).

Sowing momordica seeds for seedlings is carried out according to the following instructions.

  1. Fill the peat cups with soil mixture, not reaching the edge of 2 cm.
  2. Make a hole 2 cm deep in the center of each pot.
  3. Lay the germinated seeds with an edge, fill the hole with soil.
  4. Carefully pour the container, cover with foil or glass and place in the warmest place in the apartment. The optimum temperature for keeping is 22–26 ° C.

Shoots will look out only after 1-2 weeks, the first watering after sowing is carried out after 2-3 days. Before the appearance of seedlings, the shelter is wiped daily from droplets of condensate, the soil is kept moist.

Momordica seedlings during cultivation are protected from drafts and waterlogging. The temperature background for the harmonious development of seedlings should be at least 25 ° C.

Do not place pots close to glass. Leaflets from contact with a cold surface will lose their decorative effect, they can get sick with a fungus.

Keep the soil well moistened, but avoid standing water after watering. Momordica needs to be watered only with warm settled water. Seedling care necessarily includes a double feeding. Alternate the full mineral complex and organics (humates).

Disembarkation to a permanent place

The readiness of the seedlings of momordica for planting is indicated by the development of the bush to a height of 25 cm. It will reach such dimensions a month later from full germination.

Momordica transplant in open ground possible only after the retreat of the return frosts. The air should warm up to 20-22°C, and the soil at a depth of 10 cm - up to +15°C. In Central Russia, the event is held in the third decade of May. For Siberia and the Urals, the landing dates are shifted to June 5–10. In case of sudden bad weather, it is better to secure tender seedlings with temporary shelter. Momordica can be transplanted into the greenhouse 2 weeks earlier.

The plot for growing momordica is selected even and sunny, with a little shading in the midday heat. Low-lying areas are not suitable for cultivation. If you are going to plant a vine there, take care of good drainage, land on a "cushion" 30-40 cm high.

Momordica seedlings develop well on light loam enriched with organic matter. The area where potatoes, legumes, tomatoes, green manure used to grow is best suited.

10-14 days before planting, a plot for growing momordica should be prepared:

  1. dig up the soil;
  2. remove rhizomes of perennial weeds;
  3. add humus or compost at the rate of 3-5 kg ​​per square meter;
  4. add 20-30 g of potassium chloride, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate per square meter;
  5. during re-digging, add lime or dolomite flour and a little sand to improve air permeability.

The grown bushes are transplanted along with peat glasses into the holes of such depth that the container fits completely. Momordica is removed from plastic cups very carefully, trying not to violate the integrity of the earthy coma. Install the root system in the hole, add soil. Water gently after compaction. When disembarking, observe a step between bushes of 0.6–1 m.

Momordica care in the garden

Caring for momordica in the garden is very simple: the same agricultural rules apply to it as for growing other members of the pumpkin family.

  • Support installation

To ensure the harmonious development of momordica, immediately after planting, install a support next to the bushes. It is best to use a vertical trellis for growing, in which the lower crossbar is located at a height of 80-90 cm.

The support will not only protect the fragile stems of momordica from breaking, but also provide uniform illumination of the bush, ventilation. This will serve as protection against fungal diseases.

  • Bush formation

To ensure a good harvest, during cultivation, a momordica bush is shaped. Thickening will have a bad effect on the quality of the crop, so 2-3 stems are left, and the remaining lashes are removed. Provide good ventilation root zone, removing all leaves and stepchildren to a height of 50 cm.

Do this after the appearance of the first ovary. This period is associated with defense mechanism momordiki - all above-ground parts of the bush are covered with small burning hairs. During the first thinning, you should protect the skin from contact with stems and leaves, otherwise you will get a burn, like from nettles. By the time of fruiting, the protection is "turned off", the hairs fall off.

  • Irrigation mode, top dressing

Like cucumbers, momordica loves abundant watering. In the heat, irrigation is carried out daily, pouring a bucket of water under each bush. Rely on weather conditions, water the plantings as the topsoil dries.

During cultivation, a full mineral complex or mullein infusion is applied every two weeks. It is advisable to alternate organic and minerals. Suitable for momordica and folk recipes, which are applicable to cucumbers - watering with whey, garden infusion.

  • artificial pollination

In the open field, you will not have problems with the fruiting of momordica, but when grown in a greenhouse or on a balcony, you will have to work hard, turning into a bee. Use a cotton swab or soft brush to gently transfer the pollen from the male flowers to the pistil of the female flowers.

Artificial pollination is best done in the early morning, at this time the viability of pollen is maximum.

Disease and pest control

During cultivation, you may encounter some problems. Momordika is threatened by the same diseases as her pumpkin relatives:

  • bacteriosis;
  • powdery mildew;
  • septoria.

From lovers of juicy greenery, aphids can encroach on a bush. Fungal infections are treated by adjusting the irrigation regime. After removing the affected parts, momordica should be treated with a fungicide solution. You can get rid of aphids with an infusion of garlic or a systemic insecticide. The first option is preferable if you are growing a crop for harvesting fruits.

Harvesting and storage of crops, useful qualities of fruits

Harvesting begins 8-10 days after the formation of the ovary. The taste of momordica resembles something between a persimmon and a pumpkin. The pulp of the green "cucumber" is devoid of bitterness, appetizing crunches. Unripe fruits are eaten fresh, pickled, used for making snacks.

The bright yellow fruits of momordica are bitter, but the bitterness can be removed by soaking in salted water. The fruits are boiled or stewed. The bright pericarp of the seeds is also eaten; after ripening, it becomes sweet. In addition, flowers, leaves and stems of momordica are also eaten. They are suitable for making vitamin salads or seasoning green soups. Vegetables keep in the refrigerator for about three weeks.

Momordica is incredibly useful! It helps to produce insulin, lower blood sugar, eliminate cholesterol plaques. Substances contained in the vegetable stimulate the digestive tract. Scientists claim that the juice of this exotic is able to suppress cancer cells and even treat HIV. Momordica is rich in iron, potassium, "vitamins of youth", calcium, beta-carotene.

Reproduction of momordica cuttings

Momordica is fairly easy to propagate from cuttings. Cuttings can be harvested throughout the growing season. For cultivation, the top of the whip, at least 10 cm long, is rooted in water or a peat-sand mixture.

Cuttings before the formation of roots are covered with cut plastic bottles to maintain high humidity and temperature not lower than 23-25°C. After the formation of the root lobe, the stalk is planted in open ground. To speed up adaptation for the first time after disembarkation, shelter is kept.

Having become acquainted with momordica, you will probably want to grow such an unusual and useful decoration for your garden. A spectacular representative of the flora will please you with abundant fruiting if you properly care for it and pay due attention to growing seedlings.

Exotic momordica is a plant that is perfectly adapted for growing in the house, in the greenhouse or in the garden. The reward of a diligent florist is tasty and healthy fruits.

Momordica is one of the plants in which everything is beautiful: decorative foliage, delicate fragrant flowers and unusually useful outlandish fruits. And surprisingly, this exotic miracle can be successfully grown in our Russian latitudes in the garden, greenhouse and even on the windowsill.

Features of caring for momordica

As with all plants in the gourd family, it is recommended to avoid thickening the crown to get a good harvest of momordica. Up to a height of 50 cm, it is necessary to remove all side shoots; usually up to three main stems are left on the plant. Shoots above 50 - 70 cm are removed after the first fruit is tied.

For normal growth and fruiting, momordica needs support. Typically, the support is made in the form of a vertical trellis, which adequately provides the plant with access to sunlight. The flowering period of momordica coincides with the period of shoot formation. In order for the plant to bear fruit, it is necessary to ensure pollination of the flowers. When grown outdoors, this happens with the help of insects.

Fruiting momordica

To set fruits, momordica needs pollination, therefore, under room conditions, pollen can be transferred from male flowers to female flowers with a brush.

In the beds, the plant is pollinated with the help of insects and bees.

If momordica is used as ornamental plant or to obtain seeds, several fruits are left on the plant.

8-10-day-old green fruits can be eaten, as more mature ones are very bitter.

The more often you harvest, the more actively momordica will bear fruit. A large number of ripening fruits weakens the plant.

The fruits are stored for 2-3 weeks at a temperature of +11-13 C and high humidity. At higher temperatures, they ripen faster.

Useful properties of momordica

Surprisingly, not only the fruits of the plant are useful in momordica, but also the rest of its parts - leaves, stems and even roots.

So, for example, in the leaves of momordica there is a huge number of useful elements. Here you can find calcium and phosphorus, as well as sodium, iron. The fruits and shoots of momordica contain abundant amounts of potassium and silicon, selenium, zinc and, of course, vitamins:

- a group of vitamins "B";

- vitamins "A" and "E";

- vitamin "F" and "C".

Contraindications and harm of momordica

If you overdo it with consumption, you can earn allergic reaction. In some people, allergies manifest themselves quite aggressively, up to suffocation.

Momordica is toxic to the liver. The peel of the seeds should never be given to children.

When using preparations based on Indian pomegranate, side effects are possible:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach upset;
  • hypoglycemia.

Mormodica seedling care

Feed seedlings with weak solutions of potash and phosphorus fertilizers. In mid-May, start hardening by opening a window on warm days.

At the end of May at the beginning of June, plant the plants in the garden in sunny, wind-protected areas. Leave 1 m between bushes.

Momordica grows in shoots up to 3-4 m. A friend has only 1 plant braided the entire balcony.

Until the seedlings get stronger, cover it in the afternoon from the burning sun with newspapers. Immediately install the trellis, along which the shoots will crawl.

Mormodica planting dates

Momordica is grown from seeds, both in seedlings and in seedlings. Seeds are sown in a permanent place when the soil warms up well, but not earlier than mid-May. To grow seedlings begin in the second half of April. In open ground, grown seedlings are planted in late May - early June, after the end of return frosts.

Momordica Care

For an adult plant, you need good support. Perfect for a vertical trellis. With it, you can create proper lighting. The fruits are harvested 2 weeks after the appearance. With the harvest, it is better not to delay and remove it on time, since it is during this period that the fruits do not contain bitterness in taste. The plant can be fed.

The easiest way is to water the mullein infusion once every ten days.

Feed only if the soil is infertile. This will help momordica settle down and better adapt to other conditions. To do this, pots with seedlings after 2 weeks begin to take out into the open air.

Planting momordica on the site

Momordica seeds have very good germination, so often no preliminary preparation is carried out.

24 hours before planting, they are usually soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The seeds are lowered into the ground with an edge to a depth of 1.5 cm. Peat pots, traditional for growing cucumber seedlings (diameter 10 cm), are pre-filled with a fertile soil mixture.

Immediately after placing the seeds in the soil, they must be watered with warm water (temperature not lower than +28 degrees). The next watering is recommended only after three days.

Pests and diseases of momordica

Regardless of where you plan to grow momordica, keep in mind that it, like other cucurbits, is prone to disease and pest attack. Among the former, powdery mildew, downy mildew, white rot, bacteriosis and mosaic are the most dangerous, and among the latter - melon aphid and whitefly. We'll talk about this.

Powdery mildew is one of the most common diseases that affect cucurbits, both in open and protected ground.

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease, the causative agent of which colonizes plant debris and weeds. From this directly follow the measures to combat the disease:

Destruction of weeds on the site;

Disinfection of the greenhouse, maintaining the temperature and humidity conditions in it;

Compliance with crop rotation;

Treatment with a solution of colloidal sulfur (40 g per 10 liters of water for open ground and 20 g per 10 liters of water for greenhouses), etc.;

Spraying with fungicides.

Reproduction of momordica

REPRODUCTION BY SEEDS. Momordica is sown in late March early April. It is advisable to grow it in peat pots so that when planting seedlings do not damage the roots.

The seeds are soaked in a solution of 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. water, wrapped in a damp cloth and stirred for 10-12 days in a warm place, on wet sawdust, in a cup, spraying regularly. It is important to keep the soil moist and warm, and spray the seedlings in the evening.

Sometimes, for disinfection, seeds are soaked for 24 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate and, without waiting for germination, are planted. Before planting, indentations are made in the ground, the seed is planted on the edge at a depth of 1-1.5 cm, watered, sprinkled with soil and slightly compacted.

The next watering is done in 2 days. The temperature of the substrate must be at least +20-22 C.

Remember: seedlings are afraid of drafts and cold. Plants about 0.4 m high are transplanted into larger pots, and at the end of May they are planted in a permanent place, keeping the root ball.

Momordica planting technology

Indian cucumber requires fertile loamy soil with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction - where tomatoes, onions, potatoes or cabbage used to grow well.

Since autumn, fertilize the landing site with humus and fresh manure - 0.5 buckets per 1 sq. m, potassium chloride, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate - 30-35 g per 1 sq. m, add sand, if necessary, produce earth and dig well.

Harvesting momordica its use

Momordica, the cultivation and care of which is not so difficult, produces amazing fruits both in shape and color, and in taste.

In addition, it stimulates the further formation of ovaries. Too much fruit weakens the plant. harvested can be used at your discretion - boil, stew, marinate. Everyone has different taste preferences, but it is believed that an exotic vegetable resembles zucchini.

The fruits are especially widely used in Chinese-Tibetan folk medicine to treat a wide range of diseases: cardiovascular, burns, ulcers, diabetes, to lower cholesterol, etc.

"Bitter gourd", "Indian cucumber" or "pomegranate", "mad melon" - all these are the names of the same plant, officially referred to as momordica. The benefits and harms of this vine began to worry our fellow citizens with the appearance on the shelves of the seeds of an outlandish plant. Many began to grow it on garden plots for decorative purposes. What kind of plant is this, let's figure it out with you.

What kind of tribe

No wonder it is called the "bitter gourd" - the plant belongs to It is an evergreen liana that grows in Africa, Australia, India and other warm countries. Today it is grown in America and in the Crimea, even in the northern regions, gardeners manage to grow a heat-loving vine on a windowsill or balcony, and plant it in open ground for the summer. So, what is momordica, the benefits and harms of its bright fruits, what is their practical purpose - all this later.


The first benefit of this unusual creeper is its decorative properties. It resembles the tops of a cucumber, pumpkin, young grapes, willingly clings to a support with its antennae and quickly gains strength in the sun. She will easily braid a small gazebo in a short time, and you will be able to proudly show your friends that you are growing not just anything, but momordica. The benefits and harms of its fruits usually begin to interest a little later, when they begin to ripen and stand out brightly among the green shoots. In fact, the fruits of this vine contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals and are successfully used in cooking.


If cucumbers grew in your country house, then it will not be difficult to master the art of growing exotic creepers. She will willingly live in open ground, especially if you choose a shady place for her, without direct sunlight. She also masters greenhouses and greenhouses, and even window sills in apartments. Just imagine how you will show your fruit-bearing vine to your friends and proudly say that it is a momordica. The benefits and harms that its fruits can bear will be discussed below.

The plant propagates by seeds. Despite the presence of a hard shell, they do not require stratification and have almost 100% germination. Before planting in the soil, you need to soak them for a day in a pale pink solution of manganese. Don't wait until they hatch or the seeds will rot. Seedlings are easiest to grow in peat pots, into which light is poured, fertile soil. Momordica is demanding and responsive to the application of organic fertilizers.

One seed is placed edgewise in each pot to a depth of 1.5 cm. From above it needs to be covered with soil and watered. The next moisturizing should be done in 2-3 days. If the temperature is maintained at 20-22 degrees, then shoots will appear in 2 weeks. With cooler content, you will have to wait longer.

When transplanting seedlings to the main "place of residence", install vertical supports, plan the location of the plants so that they have enough light, the ovary will crumble in the shade or the fruits will be small.

Beneficial features

Momordica is a special fruit. More precisely, it is a vegetable. He changes his taste properties as it matures, but its benefits remain unchanged. Not only fruits are useful, but also shoots, as well as leaves. The plant is rich in calcium, which is necessary not only for the growth and development of teeth and bones, but also contributes to the normal contraction of the heart muscle. If there are problems with the cardiovascular system, then momordica is what the doctor ordered.

In addition to calcium, it is rich in selenium, which normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland; contains silicon, which is involved in the synthesis of bone and muscle tissues, it is especially necessary during the recovery period after injuries and fractures. Being a source of phosphorus, fruits help stimulate brain activity. The rich composition of vitamins regulates the metabolic processes of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, normalizing body weight. The antioxidant properties that momordica has are known. A fruit with the same composition still needs to be looked for.


Recent studies have shown another wonderful property - momordica in diabetes can significantly improve the patient's condition. Its active components reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, in addition, Indian pumpkin activates the production of insulin and the patient rarely has to resort to injections. Modern pharmacology also uses bitter gourd extracts. Based on them, preparations are made for the treatment of psoriasis, influenza and colds.

In folk medicine, momordica is also widely used. The benefits of treatment are amazing. The plant has analgesic properties, helps with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and even with leukemia. Persistent improvement in vision and eye condition was noted. Various infusions and decoctions work well in the treatment of prostatitis, urolithiasis, sclerosis. Among other things, they improve brain function and strengthen immunity.

Use in cooking

The pulp of the fruit is similar to a pumpkin, only with a noticeable bitterness. While the fruits are young and green, the bitterness is almost imperceptible, they taste like a cucumber. They can be fried in oil, added to salads. Fully ripened fruits hide red seeds inside, which taste like persimmon and pomegranate at the same time. They are quite tough, so you can boil them before use.

To remove bitterness from ripened fruits, they are pre-soaked in a saline solution. After that, they can also be fried and served as a side dish for meat. Craftsmen went even further, got the hang of pickling fruits in jars. It turns out a very original product, unlike anything else, its taste is very pleasant and refreshing. In addition, from the soaked fruits of this creeper, they cook very tasty and healthy jam, by which you can never tell that his parent is a bitter momordica. Reviews confirm its high taste, albeit with a certain degree of exoticism.

For daily use, you can use fresh leaves, just a couple of pieces can be put in a teapot in the morning, pour boiling water and enjoy an invigorating and healthy drink.

We have not yet mentioned the roots of the plant. They are used for infusions and decoctions, as they are stored for a long time when dried. In addition, it is the root that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is enough to cut off a fresh plate and attach, for example, to a diseased gum to relieve inflammation and achieve an analgesic effect.

Application in dietetics

If there is no individual intolerance, then you can include a small amount of a miracle vegetable in your daily diet. Due to the rich composition, these fruits normalize metabolic processes in the body, stimulate smooth weight loss and give a person a huge amount of energy. Eating the same amount of food, but feeling cheerful and full of energy, a person will do much more in a day. This means that the energy will be spent for good, and not "deposited" on the stomach and in other places.


So, today we told you about the amazing healthy vegetable called momordica. Instructions for use (if I may say so) recommends introducing it into food for almost all people. This is a real storehouse of useful substances. But we must remember that many elements in its composition are in an active state, and therefore an overdose can only harm. Treat momordica as an extremely useful additive, a condiment, the excess of which will only worsen the taste of the dish.

These are contraindicated exotic vegetables pregnant women, as they can provoke premature birth. If you suffer from food allergies, then introduce momordica into your diet very carefully.

"Momordica compositum"

Not in every city today you can buy the fruits or at least the seeds of this wonderful plant. That is why pharmacological companies have released a special preparation that contains an extract from vegetables and called it "Momordica compositum". It is an injectable solution that has astringent, analgesic, antispasmodic, antiemetic and sedative properties. It normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland, is used in the treatment of pancreatitis. This preparation is homeopathic as it contains nothing but extracts medicinal plant. However, before using it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Summing up

A truly wonderful gift of the rainforest - momordica - is wholesome. Its leaves, shoots, roots, fruits and berries are used. Today, research is being carried out on the ability of this plant to suppress and neutralize cancer cells. If they become successful, we will have a cure for the most terrible disease. But even today there is something to thank this unusual vegetable for. Its healing power is truly immeasurable.

In recent years, the cultivation of exotic crops on suburban area more and more interested in gardeners and gardeners, but not all of them know what momordica is and what kind of plant this unusual name bears. However, this culture is so unique that it deserves special attention.

Momordica is the common name for a whole genus of lianas of the Pumpkin family, growing in the tropics and subtropics of Asia, Australia and Africa.

Of the 20 plant species, only one is suitable for cultivation - the monoecious herbaceous liana Momordica Charantia, popularly referred to as Chinese pumpkin, balsamic pear, Indian cucumber, mad melon and crocodile cucumber.

The lobed, intricately carved leaf plates of the plant resemble leaves in shape. watermelon or grapes and look very attractive, making the momordica plant great for decorative landscaping. Yellow five-petalled liana flowers, located in the axils of the leaves, are fragrant with jasmine.

The fruits of momordica look no less aesthetically pleasing - rough, covered with thorns and warty growths, in the process of ripening they turn yellow, acquiring a rich fiery orange color. At the peak of maturity, the fruits burst, tearing from the inside and revealing seeds in a bright red fleshy shell.

In the countries of Southeast Asia, the fruits of momordica are eaten as a vegetable. They are pickled, stewed, boiled, and also eaten raw. For a long time, dishes from the fruits of this wonderful liana were considered an exquisite delicacy, the honor to taste them belonged only to members of the imperial family and representatives of high nobility.

In addition, seeds and fruits were used to treat many diseases. Today, exotic dishes from momordica are not uncommon. To prepare a snack worthy of an emperor, you can grow a culture yourself. It is unpretentious and successfully cultivated in a changeable climate. middle lane.

Features of growing momordica

Since momordica, albeit Indian, but still cucumber, the agricultural technology of its cultivation is very similar to cucumber. The most common way to grow exotic vines is the propagation of momordica seeds. By analogy with cucumbers, seeds are sown for seedlings in mid-April.

It is done like this:

  • Since momordica seeds have a very dense shell, they should be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate the day before sowing. When sowing dry seeds, the shell can be slightly filed using sandpaper or file.
  • Small pots or cups are filled with potting mix.
  • Sowing is carried out two seeds in each pot to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.
  • Water moderately warm water. In the next 2-3 days, seedlings do not need watering.
  • You can speed up the emergence of seedlings by covering the containers with crops with glass or polyethylene.

At an average temperature of + 20 ° C to + 25 ° C, friendly shoots of momordica appear already on the tenth day after sowing, and after 20-30 days, the strengthened seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground.

In addition to propagation by seeds, the cultivation of momordica can also be carried out by pinching. To do this, strong stepson shoots are taken from an adult vine and placed in a nutrient substrate for rooting, after which they are transferred to the chosen landing site.

Momordica plant care

Momordica is planted in open ground in the last days of May, when the flowering of apple trees ends. It thrives best on fertile loose soils. Legumes, potatoes and tomatoes are suitable as predecessor crops for an exotic beauty.

With the advent of side shoots, the stems of young momordica seedlings should be fixed on a vertical support, which can be a trellis, arch or pergola. Growing, the vine will independently fix itself, reaching a length of up to 2 m, and wrap around the supporting structure.

However, in order to get good harvest, a strong thickening of the crown should not be allowed, therefore, at the level of 9-10 internode, it is recommended to pinch the vine and save it from unnecessary side shoots. For the full development of culture, it will be quite enough to leave 2-3 main lashes.

During the flowering period, momordica, being a good honey plant, attracts a huge number of pollinating insects, thanks to which future fruits are tied. When grown in a greenhouse, the plant will need artificial pollination, since momordica flowers are dioecious.

The culture blooms simultaneously with the active development of shoots. It is recommended to water momordica as the soil dries out, at the rate of 10 liters of water for each adult plant.

It is important to remember that during the period of fruit ripening, momordica leaves are severely burned, so the access of children and pets to the plant at this time should be limited. After the first fruit ripens on it, this unpleasant property is lost.

Being a typical representative of its family, most often momordica is affected by diseases characteristic of its relatives: powdery mildew, white rot, bacteriosis.

Aphids are considered the most dangerous plant pest. At the first sign of a disease or pest attack, measures should be taken to save momordica, which can be used to treat any pumpkin crop.

Harvesting and healing properties of momordica

To continue the active fruiting of the crop, the crop should be harvested more often. However, it should be remembered that education is too a large number fruits can seriously weaken the plant.

The medicinal properties of momordica are due to the increased content of vitamins A, B, C, E, PP and F in it, and in terms of the number of micronutrients, momordica left far behind such recognized "champions" as broccoli and celery.

Due to this, momordica has a general strengthening and tonic effect on the human body. In addition, momordica has antiviral and bactericidal properties, helps regulate blood sugar levels and increase hemoglobin in it.

Also, momordica, actively participating in the processes of fat burning, helps to reduce bad cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Numerous recipes for decoctions and infusions, which include momordica, are designed to treat diseases such as psoriasis, furunculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, burns, prostatitis, and cancer.

Vitamin F present in the composition of the plant prevents premature aging, and with prolonged use promotes cell renewal in the human body. Also, momordica allows you to restore lost visual acuity and is successfully used to treat certain eye diseases.

In spite of beneficial features momordica, in some cases there are serious contraindications to its use. Taking momordica and drugs based on it during pregnancy can cause uterine bleeding and provoke a miscarriage.

Eating the seeds of the plant can cause poisoning and the development of anemia in children, as well as exacerbate ulcers and heartburn in people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

What names have not been given to momordica: Indian pomegranate, mad cucumber, balsam pear! This plant has caused and continues to cause many questions among those who encounter it for the first time: few people can believe that it is not only edible, but also useful. True, given the fact that it grows only in the tropics, not everyone will be able to personally get acquainted with momordica. However, little by little, gardeners of the middle lane are beginning to master the cultivation of momordica in their area.

What is a momordica plant?

This mysterious and sometimes even frightening appearance the plant came from Southeast Asia, where it is by no means just an ornamental bush: its orange, cucumber-like fruits are actively eaten. If you look at chemical composition pulp and its beneficial properties, we can safely say that momordica was not called Indian pomegranate by chance. In terms of its effect on the body, it is really similar to this fruit: blood purification, stimulation of the pancreas, antioxidant effect, and momordica is an excellent source of phytoncides. True, with its astringent, slightly bitter aftertaste, it is more reminiscent of persimmon, so the product is definitely not for everyone.

If you look at the true origin of the plant, then it is a relative of pumpkin, zucchini, and other representatives of this family, which not only in some way affects its taste and appearance, but also allows you to understand how to properly grow momordica from seeds. However, in the plots, the plant is not always planted only for the sake of its fruits.

Momordica can also be used as a decoration for gazebos or windows, as it is part of the group of climbing plants and easily clings to any support, growing quite quickly on it. Five- and seven-lobed leaves with a wavy edge, as well as small white flowers, not densely covered with long flexible stems - a good choice for decorating any vertical surface up to the balcony railing.

How to grow momordica from seeds?

Momordica seeds, as gardeners note, have a high degree of germination, so they do not need preliminary preparation using growth stimulants. However, you should carefully cut off their "spouts" to facilitate the germination process, since the shell on the seed is quite strong. After that, the seeds are placed in sawdust sprinkled with water and placed near the heater so that the air temperature is kept at 24-25 degrees. A reference point for further planting is the appearance of white "antennae" from the place that was cut down.

As soon as they are pulled out by 0.7-1 cm, the seeds must be removed from the sawdust and moved edge down into peat tablets one by one, deepening by 1.5 cm. Or you can use peat cups, which are filled with a standard earth mixture: humus, earth and peat in equal proportions, with a small addition of sand for looseness.

If the weather outside allows, you can immediately plant momordica in the same tablets or cups in open ground. In the case of a prolonged spring, it is better to keep the seedlings at home for some time, where it will be possible to regulate the temperature according to the needs of the plant. The optimal climate for young momordica seedlings is warm, sunny weather, air warmed up to 21-22 degrees. In the southern regions, this can be April, and beyond the Urals, most often you have to either endure 3-4 weeks of seedlings in an apartment, or shift the timing of sowing momordica. Most often, they begin to grow it in March: in 1.5-2 months from the moment of sowing, the plant will get stronger enough so that it can be transferred to the site.

Features of caring for momordica in the open field

Momordica should be planted in a well-warmed and lit place: at the peak of solar activity, it is enough just to lightly shade the plant, but the rest of the time it should be in the zone of direct light. If it is a veranda or loggia, it is better that it faces south or southeast: otherwise you will have to constantly illuminate the bushes.

The soil is selected in its composition is almost the same as it was kneaded for sowing momordica. And most gardeners simply plant the plant in areas where potatoes previously sat: momordica will appreciate this soil best. In any case, the hole dug for the seedling is first filled with organic fertilizer, which is usually compost, and only after that the bush is lowered there. The distance between several copies should be at least 50 cm, and if you grow momordica on the balcony, each plant will need separate pot with the same diameter.

If you want to see the fruits of momordica, you will have to personally contribute to this: the flowers need to be pollinated, for which they are manually connected to each other for a few seconds. At the same time, make sure that the flowers are of different sexes: females have a small green undeveloped fruit in the center. The ripening of a full-fledged fruit usually occurs 130-150 days after sowing: the peel cracks and the seeds fall out.

Growing momordica is almost exactly the same as growing pumpkins or squash. As their closest relative, momordica is also affected by powdery mildew and white aphids, from which preventive procedures must be carried out. But it grows more like cucumbers: it needs support and a garter, and side shoots (50 cm from the root) must be removed to prevent the bush from thickening. After the ovary of early fruits, the remaining side shoots are removed.